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Friday, 21 July


Die EU-Kommission lsst sich jetzt in Wettbewerbsfragen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Die EU-Kommission lsst sich jetzt in Wettbewerbsfragen bezglich US-Tech-Konzernen von einer US-Amerikanerin beraten, die vorher Lobbyarbeit fr *unterlagenbltter* US-Tech-Konzerne gemacht hat.

Ihren Posten als "Chefkonomin" in der Generaldirektion Wettbewerb soll sie am 1. September antreten. Scott Morton war von Mai 2011 bis Dezember 2012 leitende Wirtschaftsanalystin in der Kartellabteilung des US-Justizministeriums, spter arbeitete sie als Beraterin fr groe Tech-Konzerne wie Apple und Microsoft. Brssel hat in den vergangenen Jahren Rekordstrafen gegen einige Konzerne verhngt.
Damit ist dann jetzt wohl Schluss, denke ich.

Keine Ahnung, wieso der Sonneborn noch auf Twitter publiziert, aber er hat sich dazu dort umfangreich geuert und das ist auch ohne Twitter-Account lesbar. Verstehe einer die Regeln dort. Wie immer bei Sonneborn alles eine Reihe von Money Quotes. Ich will hier mal eines herausgreifen:

In den Unterlagen zum letzten Treffen des Kollegiums am 11. Juli war die Neubesetzung (wohlweislich) im Anhang eines am Vortag per Email bersandten Dokumentenstapels versteckt, am Ende langer Litaneien zu anderen Themen und einer Reihe anderer, vllig unspektakulrer Neubesetzungen.

Der Hauptteil der 26-seitigen Passage zum Posten des Chefkonomen war den zehn abgelehnten Kandidaten gewidmet, unter ihnen etwa der Spanier Juan Jos Ganuza Fernndez. Und die Darstellung von Mortons Vita schlielich kaprizierte sich auf die zu erwartende Muttersprache (Englisch), whrend die dazugehrige Nationalitt (USA) einfach gnzlich unterschlagen wurde. Es gab keinen Hinweis darauf, dass sie Amerikanerin war. Wir dachten alle, sie sei Irin, berichtet ein Hoher Beamter der franzsischen Libration und versichert, niemand habe eine Ahnung gehabt, worber da eigentlich abgestimmt wurde. Wir haben erst auf Twitter herausgefunden, dass wir etwas Inakzeptables akzeptiert hatten.

Das finde ich eine passende Zusammenfassung des Parlamentarismus in der EU, auch in Deutschland. Niemand wei, was da eigentlich gerade abgestimmt wird. Die eigentlichen Dinge sind schon im Vorfeld "geklrt" worden. Und wir erzhlen dann Saudi Arabien was von Demokratie und China was von Menschenrechten. Prost!

Die Klage eines VW-Mitarbeiters gegen Audis Sprach-Gender-Vorgaben ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Die Klage eines VW-Mitarbeiters gegen Audis Sprach-Gender-Vorgaben ist final gescheitert.

Die Zivilkammer betonte, es gebe kein Recht fr Gegner von Gendersprache, "in Ruhe gelassen zu werden".
Warum eigentlich nicht?

Weil diese Vorgabe nicht progressive Politik war sondern Ass Covering. Ein Sesselfurzer wollte in 10 Jahren sagen knnen, er habe etwas getan. Daher wollte er heute dabei gesehen werden, wie er etwas tat. Daher musste die Manahme auch mglichst strend sein, damit den Leuten das auffllt.

Und irgendwann werden sie feststellen, dass man gendergerechte Sprache nicht essen kann.

glibc kriegt jetzt strlcpy und strlcat, zwei Erfindungen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

glibc kriegt jetzt strlcpy und strlcat, zwei Erfindungen von OpenBSD.

Normalerweise kopiert man in C Strings mit strcpy, aber das wei nicht, wie lang der Buffer ist, und kann daher nichts prfen. Wenn man einen zu langen String kopiert, kann ein Angreifer damit die Anwendung bernehmen und Ransomware installieren.

C hat auch noch eine andere Funktion zum String-Kopieren, strncpy. Dem gibt man eine Lnge, aber das erffnet direkt die nchste Lcke. Wenn man einen zu langen String kopiert, berschreibt der zwar nichts hinter dem Bufferende, aber er fgt auch kein terminierendes Nullbyte ein. Das fhrt dann bei der nchsten Verwendung des Buffers zu Fehlern, wenn auch erstmal "nur" Lesefehlern. Kann aber immer noch die Anwendung crashen.

strlcpy ist hnlich strncpy, aber garantiert ein Nullbyte. Ausnahme: Wenn man eine Bufferlnge 0 bergibt.

Ist damit jetzt alles gut? Nein. Abgeschnittene Strings sind vielleicht keine Speicherkorruption, aber knnen ebenfalls ein Sicherheitsproblem darstellen. Z.B. wenn ein Angreifer es schafft, in einer Logzeile am Anfang lauter Mll einzufgen, und damit am Ende seine IP abzuschneiden, die dann nicht im Log steht.

Und es bleibt die Frage, was man tun soll, wenn jemand strlcpy mit Lnge 0 aufruft. Oder strlcat und es ist kein 0-Terminator im Zielpuffer.

Am Ende kommt man mit solchen Quick Fixes vielleicht dem Ziel etwas nher, aber es nimmt einem doch nicht die Pflicht, ordentlichen Code zu schreiben, und alle Eventualitten zu beachten.

Dennoch. Die Funktionen sind aus dem letzten Jahrtausend, und glibc war die letzte groe Unix-Implementation, die das nicht hatte. Das war schon irgendwie ein bisschen peinlich, weil es halt eher nach einer Trotzreaktion als nach einem inhaltlichen Argument aussah.

Wir hatten lange keinen Klassenkampf-Content mehr im ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Wir hatten lange keinen Klassenkampf-Content mehr im Blog! Hier ist welcher!

Wie beeinflussen Superreiche das Klima?
Hier ist der "Blick" zum Thema (Schweizer "Bild"-Analog):
Laut einem Bericht der Zeit stsst in Deutschland ein Durchschnittsbrger elf Tonnen CO aus. Sogenannte Superreiche, die mehr als 100 Millionen Dollar auf dem Konto haben, kommen hingegen auf bis zu 2000 Tonnen CO, manchmal auch mehr. Die Schweizer Zahlen bewegen sich in einem hnlichen Bereich.
Der "Zeit"-Artikel, den sie hier zitieren, ist zwei Jahre alt.

Money Quote aus dem Youtube-Video:

Mehr als die Hlfte der Privatjetflge von deutschen Flughfen sind weniger als 300 Kilometer lang.


Artist Transforms the Tips of Pencils Into Miniature Masterpieces "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Artist Transforms the Tips of Pencils Into Miniature Masterpieces

Miniature Pencil Sculptures by Daya Micro Art

Usually, pencils are a tool to create art. However, Daya (also known as Daya Micro Art) transforms these utensils into masterpieces themselves. The Sri Lankan artist carefully carves the graphite tips of wooden pencils into amazingly detailed sculptures that deserve a close-up look.

Each piece is smaller than a human fingertip, yet Daya utilizes no special tools to bring his art to life. Instead, he relies on a craft knife, a microscope, and a magnifying glass to meticulously chip away at the graphite until he renders the desired subject. Using this dedicated method, he has made everything from planes and motorcycles to people, objects, and architecture.

While the level of detail is awe-inspiring, it is equally impressive to see how Daya manages to create his sculptures while keeping them attached to the rest of the graphite of the pencil. It surely requires a great deal of patience and care to ensure that the art does not break away from the body of the utensil.

You can follow Daya on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with his latest work.

Daya Micro Art transforms the tips of pencils into miniature masterpieces.

Micro art pencil tip sculpture by Dara...


Generator power Question. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I have a generator that it say it can produce 7000 watts of continuous power.
I am moving off to the new property soon, How much power is that really?
Can it run a full kitchen and air conditioner in an RV.

I realize it would be a guess but, I am looking to see if I am close or not even in the ballpark.



Hello from Oklahoma "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I am about to embark on the RV off grid living. Figuring a few thing out.

I am trying to get the idea of whats first on the list, second, third... and so on.


This fabulous old teenage diary entry has gone viral again for reasons which will become obvious (wait for it ) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The rather fabulous Twitter account called @diariesofnote contains, as you might imagine, lots of interesting and very entertaining diary entries from the famous (and not so famous).

And this particular diary entry on this day (20 July) many years ago has just gone viral for reasons which will become obvious.


And because we were talking diaries, it got us thinking about Michael Palin and the finest diary entry ever written.

More @diariesofnote on Twitter here!

Source Twitter @diariesofnote

The post This fabulous old teenage diary entry has gone viral again for reasons which will become obvious (wait for it ) appeared first on The Poke.


LIVE: The Glenn Beck Program | Hour One | 7/20/23 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Becks quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America.

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LIVE: The Glenn Beck Program | Hour One | 7/20/23 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Becks quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America.

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Live: RFK Jr. testifies on Biden admins alleged censorship during House hearing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

2024 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. testifies before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on alleged censorship. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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House Republicans hold press conference on UFOs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

House Republicans call for government transparency on unexplained aerial phenomena. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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DeSantis on Jason Aldean backlash: We need to restore sanity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In an exclusive Fox & Friends interview, 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis and his wife Casey speak out on the controversy surrounding a Jason Aldean music video and discusses the state of his White House run. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Sen. Marsha Blackburn: How can this happen? We have to secure our borders "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Thursdays Wake Up America, Sen. Marsha Blackburn discusses her part in a letter sent to Tennessee lawmakers about a local Tennessee soccer coach who was in the U.S. illegally and charged with raping and drugging kids.

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Keeping Miners Safe With Arduino "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

a person with a mining helmet on. the helmet is covered in circuits and wires

Note: Jhansi and this innovative helmet will be at Maker Faire Rome October 20-22 in Rome, Italy. Be sure to get your tickets as soon as possible! The mining industry, often hailed as the backbone of the Indian economy, plays a crucial role in the production of raw materials that fuel various sectors. However, this []

The post Keeping Miners Safe With Arduino appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


US law protects institutions and exposes retail investors Rep. Torres "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

New York Representative Ritchie Torres had an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph to discuss why retail investors are still at risk following the XRP court ruling.


A Smorgasbord Blab about Postpartum Hemorrhage "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I did a new thing this past week, which is I recorded this podcast live on Youtube. Youll hear other peoples questions, and some more thoughts and pondering on how to label postpartum hemorrhage, the rates of hemorrhage in my own practice (hint; its super duper low) and other ideas to consider when excess bleeding []


Arkansas Senator Calls For Reversal Of Controversial New Crypto Mining Law "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In April 2023, Arkansas made history by becoming the first state to pass the Right to Mine Bitcoin bill in both the House and Senate. However, the Right to Mine law in Arkansas is encountering increasing opposition as it relaxes regulations on commercial crypto mining.

Reports have suggested that loosening restrictions on commercial cryptocurrency mining has raised concerns. This is because after enacting the new law, large electricity-intensive crypto mines entered Arkansas.

The legislation has sparked controversy by limiting the authority of city governments to regulate crypto mines. This has effectively stripped them of their ability to enforce local ordinances concerning such operations.

During the 2023 legislative session, Arkansas Senator Bryan King (R) from District 28 expressed criticism of the bills introduction. And Senator King is reportedly planning to introduce another bill aimed at repealing the controversial Right to Mine law.

Related Reading: Solana (SOL) Continues To Shine With Over 20% Surge Whats Next?

Reports indicate that residents have raised numerous concerns, including excessive noise, substantial power grid usage, and the fact that Green Digital LLC., the company behind the proposed crypto mines in their cities, is a subsidiary partially owned by the Chinese Communist Party.

Some Towns Have Rejected Proposed Crypto-Mining Facilities

Arkansas Senator Bryan King has taken proactive steps by drafting a bill aimed at repealing the controversial law related to crypto-mining. One of the major worries is the strain on the local power grid caused by the electricity-intensive nature of crypto-mining operations.

Reports have surfaced that some areas are already facing warnings of potential brownouts or blackouts. This is because of the increased energy consumption from these facilities.

As of the current moment, local reports indicate that Arkansas is home to approximately 10 crypto mines. Vilonia and Harrison, two towns in Arkansas, have prevented attempts to establish proposed crypto-mining facilities within their respective city limits.

Senator Bryan King has further contended that crypto mines do not serve as economic boons to the communities where they establish their operations.

He specifically highlighted that facili...


Liquid staking claims top spot in DeFi: Binance report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A Binance spokesperson highlighted that there are things to be wary of when liquid staking, including smart contract vulnerabilities, slashing risks and price fluctuations.

Thursday, 20 July


23 totally accurate (and very funny) giveaways that someone is American "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Over on Reddit people were busy sharing the obvious signs that someone is American after Redditor Ermland2 asked you guessed it this.

Whats an obvious sign someones American?

And a very enlightening and entertaining read it was too. These 23 are surely nailed on giveaways.


According to the CIA when training to be a spy you have to unlearn how to lean. Americans tend to lean on things when standing still.


Walked in to a bar, in Australia. Ordered a beer and then the bartender noticed Im American. I asked, Was it the accent or my choice of Budweiser beer? He said, Because ur the fattest f*ck I have ever seen in my life mate


When I lived in Europe, people said only Americans eat while walking. Id be eating a bagel or something on the way to work or class and multiple people asked if I was American lol.


An Italian told me that Americans walk confidently in the wrong direction.


Hows your day going? or how are you doing? in completely random circumstances.


If someone asks how far away something is, an American will tell how you long it takes to get there as opposed to a physical distance.




When they say Europe and it could mean anything from Venice to Doncaster.


From what Ive been told by European friends and travellers, our complete and utter lack of an indoor voice.


The gentle grins you give to strangers if you make eye contact with them as you pass by, at least in the Midwest. was not well received in Germany.


Retail worker here, not living in the US. I can generally spot an American because they greet me with hey how are you? and since I usually have the standard tired from life retail worker expression at first I thought they were mocking me so i didnt know how to react.

Took me a while to realize they werent really expecting an answer lmao. Mind you, might just be my personal experience but its happened too many times for it to be a coincidence.


An inordinate amount of small talk (unprompted).



Stunning Photos Capture Multiple Hours of the Day and Night Within a Single Image "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Stunning Photos Capture Multiple Hours of the Day and Night Within a Single Image

Landscape Photography by Stephen Wilkes

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A place can change dramatically depending on whether the sun has risen or already set. Photographer Stephen Wilkes challenged himself to capture all of these variations in his series Day to Night: From Africa to Nantucket. These landscape photos seamlessly combine numerous images taken at different times of the day into one immersive shot.

Wilkes' photography transports viewers to locations across the globe, including Brant Point Lighthouse in Nantucket and Chilo Lake in British Columbia, Canada. On one end of each image is a depiction of the day, and as your eyes move across the composition, you travel through the hours until it is nighttime in the same location. To create such a seamless display, Wilkes had to merge hundreds of exposures, requiring meticulous editing and blending to achieve the final result.

Each image showcases a breathtaking view of a single spot, though the passage of time is more strikingly apparent in some places than others. For instance, in the image of Manitoba, Canada, which is located very far north, the day and night are virtually identical. Whereas, in the shot of Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, we see a much clearer transition from the darker tones of the evening to the pure sunlight of the day.

You can purchase Wilke's book Day to Night, which includes more stunning photos in the series, via Bookshop.

Photographer Stephen Wilkes captures different locations at different times of the day.



Wolf Of All Streets worries about a world where Bitcoin hits $1M: Hall of Flame "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Former globe-trotting DJ Scott Melker The Wolf Of All Streets worries about the circumstances leading to Bitcoin topping $1 million.


Zero Barriers ahead! Zero knowledge and AI combine to redefine the future "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The fourth episode sees StarkWare president Eli Ben-Sasson and Giza co-founder Cem Dagdelen explore the role of AI in smart contracts.


Bitcoin options tantalizing bears to push BTC price below $30K before Fridays expiry "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin bears are closing in on a rare win, as they have the advantage in this weeks $600 million BTC options expiry.


Jason Aldeans New Song Sparks Outrage "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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People cant stop wondering why Brendan Gleeson keeps saying sarcastic in Lake Placid and its gone wildly viral "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its been a while since weve seen Lake Placid, the 1999 comedy horror movie starring Bill Pullman, Bridget Fonda, Brendan Gleeson and many others, and now we really, really want to watch it again.

We mention it because this particular scene three scenes, actually have been going viral on Twitter after @TheWolfman pointed out this.

A mistake, a deliberate mistake, or not a mistake at all?

Casey DeSantis hits back at Walmart Melania criticism: Will not back down "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., and his wife Casey spoke with Fox & Friends co-host Ainsley Earhardt for an exclusive sit-down interview. #FoxNews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Live: RFK Jr. speaks about the Biden admins alleged censorship during House hearing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

2024 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. testifies before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on alleged censorship. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Comer: If I could give him a dunce hat to wear Id do it "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Thursdays Wake Up America, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer discusses Thursdays IRS whistleblower hearings and the antics of Maryland Representative Jamie Raskin.

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GASLIGHTING 101: The Lefts Demented Strategy to Make You Doubt Your Own Sanity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Tyler O'Neil Hate is on the rise! Not only are hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan in every state in America, but antigovernment groups lurk in plain sight, spreading baseless conspiracy theories and plotting to stage another Jan. 6. These radicals may claim they are advocating parental rights, religious freedom, or border security, but theyre motivated by hatred, exclusion, and racism, this narrative goes. Whatever they say can and should be dismissed as misinformation or disinformation, because it contradicts the Lefts official narrative. Dont you dare express your own doubts about the Lefts narrative, or you, too, will qualify as an extremist. You may be a card-carrying Democrat who checks all the right boxes, but if you think porn doesnt belong in school libraries, none of that matters. You may fully support gay marriage, but dont you dare wonder out loud if kids on experimental gender drugs may grow to regret altering their own bodies. You may serve refugees, but youd better watch yourself if you think the mass of humanity crossing the southern border may be just a bit problematic.
Welcome to Gaslighting 101. You see, some on the Left are hard at work manufacturing their own villains. The strategy goes something like this: Take over Americas institutions and weaponize them against the very values that helped establish them in the first place. When people complain, brand them as the e...


Bitcoin Near Crucial Retest: Which Of These Historical Patterns Will Repeat? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On-chain data shows a Bitcoin indicator is near a crucial retest currently that may decide where the cryptocurrency will go next from here.

Which Pattern Will Bitcoin Follow Next: 2016 Or 2019?

As pointed out by an analyst in a CryptoQuant post, the BTC SOPR for short-term holders is approaching the baseline. The Spent Output Profit Ratio (SOPR) is an indicator that tells us whether Bitcoin investors are selling/moving their coins at a profit or at a loss right now.

When the value of this metric is greater than 1, it means that the average holder in the market is realizing some amount of profit with their selling currently. On the other hand, values below this threshold suggest loss taking is the dominant force in the market at the moment.

Naturally, the SOPR being exactly equal to the 1 baseline implies the total amount of profits being realized are exactly canceling out the amount of losses as the market as a whole is neutral.

This SOPR is for the entire Bitcoin market, but in the context the one for just a single segment of the market: the short-term holders (STHs).

The STH group includes all the investors who purchased their coins less than 155 days ago. This cohort generally includes the weak hands of the market, who may easily react to fluctuations in the market.

Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in the 90-day and 365-day moving averages (MAs) of the Bitcoin STH SOPR over the last few years:

Bitcoin STH SOPR

As displayed in the above graph, the 90-day MA of the Bitcoin STH SOPR (colored in yellow) broke out above the 1 baseline back when this rally first started around the beginning of the year.

This breakout suggested a shift towards profit selling for these investors, something that has historically been observed in all previous major rallies in the cryptocurrency.

With the latest leg in the Bitcoin rally above the $30,000 mark, the 365-day MA of the indicator (highlighted in blue) has also managed to climb up above this mark.

While this has been happening, though,...


DeFi liquidity protocol adds ConsenSys-developed zkEVM rollup Linea "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The co-founder of the liquidity protocol said the ZK-rollup-based scaling solution could potentially solve the scalability dilemma put forward by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin.


Which Decade Are You Really From? Travel Back in Time and Take the Quiz "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Which Decade Are You Really From? Travel Back in Time and Take the Quiz

Which decade do you really belong in?

This quiz was generated with the help of ChatGPT. Content was then revised and fact-checked by My Modern Met.

Sometimes the decade we grew up in doesn't actually match how we feel. Maybe you love vintage clothing, or perhaps new technology is a passion. Whether you are an old soul or young at heart, the generation you technically belong to doesn't always define you.

Discover which decade you really belong in when you take our fun personality quiz. After answering 12 short questions, you'll find out whether you're a 1920s flapper, a 1960s activist, a 1970s disco diva, a 1980s counterculture punk, a 1990s hip-hop child, or a 2000s tech junkie.

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The Lies We Were Told "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

How long does it take to conclude some authority is lying? We dont know this answer yet apparently many years.

Nurse who recently started her own Substack newsletter must feel like a character in this satirical - and maddening - classic novel.
I recently discovered an excellent Substack Newsletter authored by a registered nurse (Dee Dee) who has treated many (alleged) Covid patients. This nurse finally had enough and decided to share her stories and thoughts via her own Substack, which she started May 25th. From reading a couple of her pithy posts, my take-away is Nurse Dee must feel like the main character in Joseph Hellers classic novel Catch 22.  In that novel, the experiences and observations of a fictional WW II bombardier tell readers the guidance and logic used by his superiors is utter madness. Dees observations prompted my own questio...


Creating a World of Distrust "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I remember a time when people were left to their own devices when determining what to pay attention to and what to ignore.

Remember Bat Boy? A strange Weekly World News (sister tabloid to the National Enquirer) creation set to terrorize and dismay. Did anyone really believe this? I doubt if many did. Some did, Im sure, but what can ya do? I remember wondering about it. I was still young and impressionable (actually, I still wonder about it, I guess I am old and impressionable now). The operative word here is wonder. No government agency told me I was not allowed to wonder if something was true or not. I figured that out on my own. Why is this good? Well, for one thing, you would have to be a nutcase to allow the government, or any authoritative power, to tell you what you were allowed to wonder about. Secondly, wondering is healthy. It hones your senses; you figure stuff out on your own. There is nothing more powerful than having to figure something out on your own. It takes something called thinkingwhich seems to be in low supply these days. I just saw a meme with two heads speaking to one another. One head is visibly angry and is saying something like, look at this!!! holding up a cell phone. The other head says, oh yeah, let me tell you what I think of that. The angry head says, shut up idiot!! You are not an expert!! Theres more to it than that, but thats enough to make my point. Expert? Since when do you have to be an expert to have an opinion? Sure, if you were in an operating room witnessing a brain surgery and the surgeon moves a scalpel in a certain way and you yell out, excuse me, Dr. Surgeon, uh, I think you might want to cut THAT instead. And the surgeon says, shut up, idiot!! You are not an expert!! MAYBE that would be okbutwho knows? I have a real life experience similar to that little story. When my first wife was dying of cancer, something went horribly wrong with her Port-A...


The War In Ukraine Is Not Going Very Well For The Biden Administration "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The End of the American Dream. 

Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that the U.S. is going to be involved in the war in Ukraine for as long as it takes, and our leaders just keep pouring billions upon billions of dollars into the conflict.  But the truth is that the war is not going very well for Ukraine.

After sending them lots of shiny new vehicles and enormous mountains of military equipment in recent months, U.S. officials pressured the Ukrainians to launch an ill-advised counter-offensive so that the public could see that some progress was being made.  Unfortunately for the Ukrainians, the Russian defensive positions are extremely well prepared at this stage, and thousands upon thousands of young Ukrainians have been needlessly slaughtered.  An Irish volunteer that recently returned home told Sky News what life is really like on the front lines at this point

Sky News international correspondent John Sparks spoke to an Irish volunteer, Rhys Byrne, who has been fighting on the frontline in the east of Ukraine for 17 months and is now leaving Ukraine due to witnessing atrocities, Sparks reports. Byrne called the fighting he witnessed horrific.

On Zero Line its horror. Its horror. There is just a genocide. Its slaughter, says Rhys Byrne, codename Rambo, a 28-year-old from Dublin. Byrne fought for the 59th brigade in the Ukrainian territorial army, where he operated a heavy machine gun, Sparks reports.

There are dead people everywhere. Russians dead. Ukrainian people dead. the biggest problem we get when were going into trenches is stepping over all the dead bodies that are already there from the last people [who] went in that kind of stuff really haunts you.

Try to imagine what it would be like to be there.

How would you feel if there were dead bodies all around you for as far as the eye could see?

Sadly, our military leaders dont seem to care much about all of the Ukrainians that are dying.

They are more than happy to fight this war to the last Ukrainian as long as U.S. troops dont have to die.

If the Americ...


How Trump deals with this curveball question is a masterclass in his very special brand of BS "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Donald Trump has been on the campaign trail in Iowa no, stick with us, please and one question (and answer) in particular went viral.

Its not an issue wed heard about and by the looks of it its not one that Trump was aware of either.

And the way he deals with it or attempts to deal with it in a masterclass in his very special brand of BS.

Nailed it, Mr Former President!

And just a few of the many things people said about it


Thinking Thursday: Binary Numbers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Binary Numbers is an excerpt from Task Cards Book #3, available as a digital printable activity guide at my bookstore. Read more about my playful math books here.

Do you want your children to develop the ability to reason creatively and figure out things on their own?

Help kids practice slowing down and taking the time to fully comprehend a math topic or problem-solving situation with these classic tools of learning: See. Wonder. Create.

See: Look carefully at the details of the numbers, shapes, or patterns you see. What are their attributes? How do they relate to each other? Also notice the details of your own mathematical thinking. How do you respond to a tough problem? Which responses are most helpful? Where did you get confused, or what makes you feel discouraged?

Wonder: Ask the journalists questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how? Who might need to know about this topic? Where might we see it in the real world? When would things happen this way? What other way might they happen? Why? What if we changed the situation? How might we change it? What would happen then? How might we figure it out?

Create: Create a description, summary, or explanation of what you learned....


Florida university fires criminology professor blemished by retractions "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Florida State University last week terminated a criminology professor accused of research misconduct, Retraction Watch has learned, capping a years-long, highly publicized saga the school says has caused almost catastrophic damage to its standing.

In a termination letter obtained by Retraction Watch, the university accused the former professor, Eric A. Stewart, of extreme negligence and incompetence. It also asserted that, due to Stewarts actions, decades of research once believed to be at the forefront of criminology has been shown to contain numerous erroneous and false narratives.

The details of problematic data management, false results, and the numerous publication retractions have negatively affected the discipline on a national level, FSU Provost James J. Clark wrote in the letter, dated July 13. 

Clark added that the debacle had also affected recruitment of faculty and students and caused the universitys researchers to worry about their chances of...


Reddit engineer shares strategy behind NFT onboarding at EthCC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Spasova emphasized that the primary motivation behind running Collectible Avatars on-chain is to empower users with freedom of use.


Stellar Makes Surprise 70% Rally Start Of Something Big For XLM? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Stellar (XLM) has registered a surprise surge, catapulting itself into the forefront of the crypto market frenzy. Beginning July 18, this surge has taken the digital asset on a solid price rally, propelling its value to new heights.

Currently, XLM is trading at $0.1617, representing a 22.1% increase over the past 24 hours. Even more remarkable is its exceptional performance over the previous week, which has soared by 68.8%, and dominating the top 100 roster of cryptocurrencies.

Now, the question on everyones mind is: What is driving this surge?

XLM Makes Waves: Catalysts For Price Surge

XLMs remarkable ascent is primarily attributed to a significant development in the crypto space Ripple Labss legal victory against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the solid performance of XRP, which has likewise registered an impressive 72.3% climb at the time of writing.

A judge ruled that Ripple did not violate securities regulations when it sold its XRP token on public exchanges. This verdict sent XRP prices soaring and created a ripple effect (no pun intended), propelling other altcoins, including XLM and even Bitcoin (BTC), to surge in value.

Meanwhile, crypto exchange Coinbase has fully embraced the Stellar network, enabling seamless deposits and withdrawals of USD Coin (USDC). This integration bolstered Stellars status and expanded its reach, attracting more interest and investment to the platform.



Chainlink (LINK) Bulls Reclaim Dominance With 16% Rally, Heres Why "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Chainlink (LINK) is currently on an uptrend, with the bulls showing much dominance in todays market. According to data from CoinMarketCap, LINK is up by 16.94% in the last 24 hours, emerging as one of the biggest daily gainers in the crypto market.

Whats Driving LINKs Price Today?

According to the on-chain analytics platform Lookonchain, LINKs price gain appears to have been triggered by some recent whale activity. 

Lookonchain reports that two whale addresses, 0xc212 and 0x86bd, which they suspect belong to the same person, purchased $6 million worth of LINK in the early hours of Thursday.


The transaction was made by both whale addresses swapping a total of 3,074 stETH, valued at $5.87 million, and 71 ETH, valued at $136,000, for 788,877 LINK tokens.

Lookonchain noted that this whale movement immediately boosted LINKs price by 6.5%, and the token appears to have been on an uptrend since then.

Interestingly, Lookonchain has also reported two more whale transactions on the Chainlink network in the last hour.  The analytics platform notes that the whales with the wallet address 0x0fAC and 0x67c8 have just purchased a total of 227,281 LINK tokens valued at $1.82 million.


Ouattara Watts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Born in Cte dIvoire in 1957, Ouattara Watts moved to Paris in 1977, where he studied and lived until 1988, when, at the insistence of his friend Jean-Michel Basquiat, he relocated to New York. With


Adam Kay had the very best response to Grant Shapps billing Keir Starmer over the Just Stop Oil protests "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You might have seen earlier this week the department for energy security and net zero was targeted by Just Stop Oil protesters.

The pressure group sprayed the building with its trademark orange paint in protest at the governments fossil fuel policies.

We mention it because it stirred energy secretary Grant Shapps into action. Nothing to do with cutting our reliance on fossil fuels, obviously, but writing a letter to Kier Starmer.

Specifically, invoicing him to pay for the cost of clearing up all that orange paint because, er, Labour is apparently the political wing of Just Stop Oil.

Just in case thats tricky to see in full

And it prompted all sorts of totally on-point responses


UK government rejects lawmakers call to treat crypto like gambling "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The government added that it is already working on regulating the crypto market, and proposed legislation was put before parliament and debated last month.



Lighthouse usaNote: We do not endorse candidates. Our readers are international, and come from all walks of life and political persuasions.  Below is a press release from American Values 2024.

Thank you.


New Substack will Provide Daily Headlines of all Kennedy Media, Combat Censorship, Misinformation and Boost Candidates Positive Vision for America

Will Feature Expert Guest Authors Including Jeffrey Sachs, David Talbot, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, John Leake

NEW YORK, NY World-leading economist Jeffrey Sachs, bestselling author and historian David Talbot and Ukraine war critic Colonel Douglas Macgregor are among the expert guest authors to be featured in The Kennedy Beacon, a new Substack launched today to support the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The publication comes courtesy of American Values 2024, the pro-Robert F. Kennedy superPAC. It will combat censorship while highlighting Kennedys positive vision for America. In addition, The Kennedy Beacon will feature guest columns, regular columnists, and a staff of writers covering issues about which Kennedy most cares: censorship, peace, homelessness, federal government corruption, mass incarceration, drug addiction, and the environment.

The SuperPAC American Values 2024 raised more than $10 million to dat...


Andreessen Horowitz exec sees promising paths for Web3 social platforms EthCC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sriram Krishnan said that the world of social media is stuck in a different era, and things need to change.


Grayscale Bitcoin Trust among ARKs top ETF performers in Q2 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

GBTCs share in total ARKWs holdings accounted for around 7.5%, roughly the same amount as Tesla, in Q2 2023, while Coinbase was the biggest allocated asset, accounting for nearly 9%.


2.4 Trillion SHIB Moved To Unknown Wallet: Bullish Wave Ahead For Shiba Inu? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Earlier today, a massive trove of SHIB tokens was relocated from Binance.US, the American subsidiary of the worlds largest crypto exchange, Binance. These tokens, amounting to roughly 2.4 trillion according to WhaleAlert, have been transferred to an unknown wallet.

This movement of SHIB tokens is particularly noteworthy as this comes amid the anticipation which is running high as Shytoshi Kusama, the lead developer of Shiba Inu, hinted at the upcoming release of Shibarium mainnet and Worldpaper in August.

Whale Alert Triggers Market Speculation

According to Whale Alert, the blockchain tracking and analytics provider, the wallet transfer from Binance.US to an unknown wallet comprised approximately 2,416,836,656,676 SHIB tokens, which, at the time of transfer, were worth around $18.77 million.

Though this transaction could be interpreted as a positive sign, suggesting that whales, or large-scale investors, are acquiring and hoarding SHIB tokens by moving their SHIB asset to an unknown, privately-held wallet, signaling their intent to hold for an extended period.

However, a deep dive into Etherscan data also shows that Binance.US has since been shuffling tokens to a fresh wallet address identified as 0x058A over the past couple of days. This wallet, interestingly, now holds a mix of 69 different tokens collectively valu...


Journal editors resign, strike in dispute with Wiley over business model that maximises profit "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The editor in chief of a Wiley journal has resigned, saying the publisher recently has seemed to emphasize cost-cutting and margins over good editorial practice. 

Most of the journals associate editors are in the midst of a work stoppage protesting the same issues. After Wiley responded to the associate editors in a way they found troubling, the editors replied with a list of 12 demands, and a deputy editor in chief tendered her resignation. 

Editorial boards of at least three other journals have recently resigned en masse, or threatened to resign, amid similar disputes. 

Michael Dawson, editor in chief of the Journal of Biogeography, published a blog post announcing his resignation on June 21. In it, he wrote: 

It is becoming increasingly hard to stave off the undesirable consequences of the primary motivations of the the for-profit scientific publishing industry.

He listed several concerns from his resignation letter, including proposed growth targets, equity issues in adopting an open access model in which authors pay fees to publish their work, and compensation for the editors. He wrote: 

In trying to initiate discussions with Wiley about these issues, and being rebuffed multiple times, I came to the conclusion that the opportunities for improvement at the journal that appeared available until late-2022, had receded. What Wiley has failed to understand is that our interests are their interests. These issues seemed symptomatic of larger problems with the for-profit scientific publishing industry. I concluded I could do more by leaving than by staying.

In mid-Octob...


This influencers classic rant about having to wait two minutes for cookies really takes the biscuit "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A clip from a few years ago has started attracting attention again after being posted on Reddits r/ImTheMainCharacter forum.

Vlogger Brandy Wooten really didnt want to wait two minutes for her fresh cookies at McDonalds and she gave the stores new manager an earful all on camera for her own vlog.

Influencer and full-time blogger has meltdown at McDonalds drive-thru over cookies
by u/Fair-Creme-2205 in ImTheMainCharacter

After going wildly viral and being called out for her behaviour, she posted on her YouTube account

I didnt hurt no one i didnt do nothing wrong.. #CookiEMonster i just kussed they ass out . sorry not sorry if i wanted to bake my own i would have but i love McDonalds cookies i just hate they store can never have shit together for the sake of the cookie lovers.[sic]

Despite its age, the clip was new to a lot of people and nobody was impressed by her temper.

What a horrible person. I hated being taught manners as a kid but if people end up like this when they arent taught, it was a small price to pay.

Ew, the way she was looking at the camera the entire time

This is the second worst person in history.

The level of disrespect is gross. The lady was trying so hard to be diplomatic too.

Its like an episode of Black Mirror. Eventually these people wont ever interact normally with other human beings, they will only know how to do it through a screen.

Im a real blogger

what a time to be alive.

Who she talking to? Im confused its like she think she represents the internet or something?



This managers response to a low-paid employee went viral and its the boss we all want "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Weve featured no end of outrageous bosses on these pages over the last year or so, cancelling employees holiday, refusing to accept their resignation or just being plain awful.

In an effort to redress the balance just a little bit, heres one employer cut from an entirely different cloth, after they found out a staff member had been taken on for rather less than they deserved.

What managers can become, said Inner-Comment3279 who shared it over on Reddit.

Cut it out and stick it on the staff noticeboard next time youre in the workplace. Maybe just dont sign it.

It prompted lots of comments, including this from another manager who did something similar.

I took over a manager role about 3 years ago and the first thing I did was review the teams salary and set to work making it right.

Then last year I took over as manager for 3 other teams, and did the same thing.

I battled for additional budget, and got it.

Now my teams are the most productive, most profitable and have the least turnover in the company. They get relevant training courses as often as I can line it up, and while other areas of the business are struggling, we are consistently outperforming other departments and exceeding goals.

If I get the opportunity, I will continue doing this with every team I get the privilege of leading. These are my people.

It feels good to be able to give back. Some people just dont have the confidence or the understanding of their value to be able to negotiate the best rate for them, and thats why Im here. I get the most out of them, and the most FOR them, and EVERYONE is better off.

I get the privilege of leading.

BOOM! Headshot. Thats the proper attitude to be a competent, respected leader right there. Leadership is service. If you dont look at it that way, which you clearly do, you arent a good leader.

This is exactly what managers are supposed to be.

Your job is to manage the resources, the employees, in your care. You get them what they need, you remove barriers for them, and get them performing the best they can be....


Shared Web3 user base could power new social app integrations Aave CEO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Web3 social layer Lens Protocol aims to power seamless connectivity of applications across blockchain and non-blockchain platforms.


The payoff to this bricklayer moaning about migrants will have you facepalming into next year "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Were not saying this person is representative of everyone who phones into Jeremy Vines Channel 5 show, obviously.

Just most of them.

Its a bricklayer who reckons Polish migrants are to blame for decimating his industry. People going to work in other countries, eh? Outrageous!

Extraordinary scenes.

And here are just a few of the things people said about it.


JP Update 4th Mission to Atlantic Space Ark "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In his 4th mission to the Atlantic Space Ark submerged in the Bermuda Triangle region, JP describes how he and a team of covert operatives were tasked to find and bring back an important crystal jewel from the Ark. When JPs team found the crystal which looked like a purplish black jewel with white stripes, []


Bitcoin traders say get ready as BTC price preps 2023 bull market "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BTC price action is giving two traders no doubt about the Bitcoin bull market due to begin this year.


FedNow Service has no relation with CBDCs, Federal Reserve clarifies "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Federal Reserve certified the FedNow Service as ready after it onboarded 41 financial institutions, 15 service providers and the U.S. Department of the Treasury to test the system before its launch by the end of July 2023.


Solana (SOL) Continues To Shine With Over 20% Surge Whats Next? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Solana (SOL) offered an attractive chance for buyers to seize a favorable risk-reward ratio as it retraced to test a previous resistance area. At the same time, the market remained under the bulls control.

Furthermore, the on-chain metrics displayed promising performance. Notably, the number of active users experienced a gradual uptick, and an extraordinary surge in smart contract deployment on the platform was also observed.

Could this impressive on-chain performance indicate even more significant potential for Solana in the future?

Analyzing SOLs Performance

According to data from Coingecko, the current trading price of SOL has reached $26.58, marking a 1.0% increase in the past 24 hours. Even more striking is the remarkable seven-day rally, where SOL has surged by an impressive 21.7%.

These metrics indicate a positive sentiment surrounding the cryptocurrency and suggest potential opportunities for investors and traders.

While a slight loss of bullish momentum may have been observed in the lower timeframes, the 1-day chart revealed substantial bullish potential for SOL. A SOL price report suggests that despite minor fluctuations in shorter periods, the overall outlook for SOL remains optimistic, especially considering the strong performance of the bulls throughout July.

Strength In Bullish Momentum And Demand

Two critical indicators, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the On-Balance Volume (OBV), further support the bullish outlook for SOL. The RSI showcased robust bullish momentum, indicating that the buying pressure has been significant during the recent price surge.

Additionally, the uptrend in the OBV signaled a considerable increase in demand for SOL, fueling the impressive rally in its price.

With SOLs price showing strength and resilience, investors may consider this a positive sign for the cryptocurren...


Benjamin Fulford Report: World War II ends as Nazi faction finally defeated July 17, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The big NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania last week marked the real end of World War II and the final defeat of the Nazis, according to British MI6, Russian FSB and Mossad sources. This means the Khazarian Mafia, also known as Sabbatean-Frankist Jews, have been defeated in their plan to kill 90% of humanity. However, the KM faction that wants to turn this planet into a giant animal farm ruled by a good shepherd, remains to be defeated. As the saying goes, the sheep spends his life in fear of the wolf but it is the shepherd who kills him. This means that while the genocide has been called off, the battle against digital slavery continues. From a bloodline perspective, this battle has been between the British faction headed by Queen Elizabeth II and the German Nazi faction related to Adolf Hitler. Hitlers relatives include former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller and Barack Obama. As with the official end of World War II in 1945, we have to thank the Russians. Their total victory over the Nazi regime in the Ukraine ended the centuries-old plan KM to restore the ancient Satanic kingdom of Khazaria and rule the world from there. People in the West know this too. A Twitter poll of British politician David Courten showed 77.5% of voters would prefer to be led by Putin. Note that Biden cant get even 5%, but somehow got 80 million votes in 2020?...


FTX Seeks to Recover $71M From Its Philanthropic and Life Science Arms "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

FTX, Alameda want to recover $71 million from the defunct exchange's philanthropic arm (Pixabay)


Bad day? This golden retriever with a mouth full of cherry tomatoes will put a smile on your face "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

What could be more uplifting than a golden retriever with what looks like a Guinness World Record-breaking amount of cherry tomatoes in its mouth?

Okay, plenty of things but we dont have those things right now. We do have the dog.

Watch to the end.

We probably wouldnt eat a salad in their house, but it did lift our spirits and those of plenty of tweeters.


A video has emerged from a Chinese airline where man shouted that he was stuck in a time loop "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A man shouted that he was stuck in a time loop and that this was his 6th cycle. In the cycle he claims that the plane crashed, everyone died and then he returned to this point. He also said the flight attendant wasnt human and was a robot who was changing her battery.


Polygon 2.0 begins groundwork for decentralized governance "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The expansion will encompass all blockchains and applications running on the Polygon network, democratizing the upgrade process and fostering community participation.


Bitboy Predicts XRP Will Soar To $35 On Heels Of Ripple IPO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In a recent tweet, Ben BitBoy Armstrong, a controversial figure in the crypto community, stirred discussions with a noteworthy projection for the future price of XRP. The excitement began when Evan Luthra, an angel investor and Forbes 30 under 30 award winner, tweeted, XRP just surpassed BTC trading volume. Its now the highest trading crypto asset. Whats your price target for Ripple?

Will XRP Rise to $35?

BitBoys response can be classified as very bold when he said $15 is reasonable, I think over 18 months or so. If they IPO and time it right, could be up to $35 imo. At the heart of Armstrongs projection is his belief in the long-term growth potential of XRP, with the projected price of $15 signifying a whopping 1,720% increase from its current price.

This optimism may be bolstered by the recent legal victory by Ripple which has provided some clarity for XRP. Remarkably, BitBoys enthusiasm didnt stop at $15, as he suggested that XRPs price could potentially reach $35 if Ripple proceeds with an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and times it strategically. Achieving this target would necessitate a staggering surge of 4,200%.

The rumors about an upcoming IPO of Ripple are not new. CEO Brad Garlinghouse hinted at the possibility already before the SEC lawsuit. Its likely the agency threw a wrench in the companys plans.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to approach such forecasts with caution, as BitBoy himself acknowledged the inherent unpredictability of the crypto market. Cryptocurrencies are renowned for their price volatility and susceptibility to various external factors, making accurate predictions a challenging task. BityBoy added:

Make no mistake it may not go that high but XRP IS breaking an all time high this cycle save some sort of pointless, vindictive SEC appeal. (Low chance)

Also, the influencers optimistic outlook on XRPs potential is not entirely new. In April, he had already identified XRP as his top altcoin pick for the next bull run, contingent on a favorable outcome in the SEC lawsuit. A positive resolution would provide the asset with much-needed legal and regulatory clarity, potentially acting as a further catalyst for growth.

In another tweet the influencer reacted to a Twitter user who stated Everything is breaking ATH this cycle. Armstrong answered that he doesnt think so, revealing his picks for such altcoins, Solana, Dogecoin, Shiba all potentially on that list. Previous top 10 coins that didnt make new aths last cycle: NEM, NEO, Dash, BCH, XRP (for good reason) etc. Dont fall into the same trap I did last cycle. Everything doesnt perform.

Armstrong Is Not Without Controversy...


Making a Homestead Evacuation Plan "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By the author of Be Ready for Anything and the online course Bloom Where Youre Planted

With wildfire season approaching in California, my thoughts are with my many friends there who have small farms. Even if you dont live in a wildfire zone, if you raise livestock, you need to have a homestead evacuation plan.  Any place can have a barn fire, a chemical spill, a flood, or other environmental emergencies.

Ive written quite a lot about evacuations since my family and I were right on the verge of it during the King Fire. Fires can approach shockingly fast, and being ready before there is ever a hint of smoke in the air is the best way to get out quickly when the time is short.

But things change dramatically when you add a farm or homestead to the mix. Suddenly, you have more living creatures in your charge than you do space in the vehicle. You absolutely must have a plan in place before a disaster occurs because if you wait for the evacuation order, youve waited too long.

Create a homestead evacuation plan.

Here are some of the things that I learned about homestead evacuation. Use this to create your own plan because disasters can strike anywhere and we all have different resources, livestock, and circumstances.

Be aware of whats happening nearby.  When I lived in California, I haunted the local boards that discussed fires and other events. I had friends who were former firefighters and subscribed to phone notifications from the local sheriffs department. If there was a fire or mudslide nearby, I knew about it while it was still miles from me. That way, I could assess my plan and see if action needed to be taken immediately or if I just needed to stay on top of the situation.



I told him we would make it up to him He Wont Let His Son Go on a Graduation Because He Needs to Watch His Siblings. Is He Wrong? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AITASonRoadTrip 1 I told him we would make it up to him... He Wont Let His Son Go on a Graduation Because He Needs to Watch His Siblings. Is He Wrong?

Ahhh, here we go again

Its a tale as old as time itself: parents telling the oldest kid in the family that they cant do something because they have to watch their younger siblings.

So is this dad an a**hole for not letting his son go on a graduation road trip because he needs to watch the youngsters?

Check out his story and see what you think.

AITA for having my son miss his graduating road trip to watch his sibling?

My son just graduated high-school and we were paying so he could go on a road trip with his friends.

He was supposed to go Wednesday, my wifes mother and father got in a car accident. They live in another state so we had to drive about 4 hours. My wife was a wreck and wasnt in the position to drive since we her dad was critical. He pulled through luckily.

We have two other kids 11 and 7. We cant leave them at home alone and we couldnt find a sitter to watch them on such short notice, we even tried our neighbors but he couldnt do it. So that left our 18 year old. He was pissed to put it mildly but did it. I told him we would make it up to him, and if he could ask if his friend could move it back a week. They couldnt sadly.

We were gone for two days, he pulled though. My wife stayed and I headed back, I payed him for watching the...


El Salvador's Bonds Surge 62% Amid Bitcoin's ETF-Driven Rally "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele (Handout/ Getty Images)


Terraform Labs appoints new CEO from existing team: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Chris Amani, a Terra employee since 2021, has reportedly been serving as the companys CEO for months.


Does Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity Suggest That There Is an Afterlife?: A Theoretical Physicist Explains "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Lets talk about the physics of dead grandmothers. Thus does theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder start off the Big Think video above, which soon gets into Einsteins theory of special relativity. The question of how Hossenfelder manages to connect the former to the latter should raise in anyone curiosity enough to give these ten minutes a watch, but she also addresses a certain common category of misconception. It all began, she says, when a young man posed to her the following question: A shaman told me that my grandmother is still alive because of quantum mechanics. Is this right?

Upon reflection, Hossenfelder arrived at the conclusion that its not entirely wrong. For decades now, quantum mechanics has been hauled out over and over again to provide vague support to a range of beliefs all along the spectrum of plausibility. But in the dead-grandmother case, at least, its not the applicable area of physics. Its actually got something to do with Einsteins theory of special relativity, she says. With that particular achievement, Einstein changed the way we think about space and time, proving that everything that you experience, everything that you see, you see as it was a tiny, little amount of time in the past. So how do you know that anything exists right now?

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Take a High Def, Guided Tour of Pompeii "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If you want to understand ancient Rome, its architecture, its history, the sprawl of the Roman Empire, youve got to go Rome. So says archaeologist Darius Arya in the video above, making a fair, if obvious, point. But you also have to go to the Vesuvian cities: that is, the settlements located near the volcano Mount Vesuvius on the Gulf of Naples. You have to go to Herculaneum. You must go to Pompeii. Not just because theyre famous, but because of the level of preservation. This preservation was a side effect of the explosion of Vesuvius in 79 AD, which destroyed all life in Herculaneum and Pompeii, but also kept the basic structures of both cities intact; visiting either one today allows us to get immersed in the world of the Romans.

It is in Pompeii that the videos creator Manuel Bravo (previously featured here on Open Culture for his explanations of the Great Pyramids of Giza and Filippo Brunelleschis dome in Florence) immerses not just himself but also us in that world.

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The Tories have selected Susan Hall as their candidate for Mayor of London 18 favourite reactions "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

London Assembly member Susan Hall has been announced as the Tory candidate to challenge Sadiq Khan in next years London mayoral elections.

Her reputation preceded her.

The Evening Standard chose an interesting image for their article.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Conservative Party, Nickie Aiken, took great exception to their picture.



Cardano (ADA) Price Action Points To Potential Trend Reversal "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cardano (ADA) is recently showing signs of a potential trend reversal. But after staging an impressive 48% rally from its low in June, the ADA price faces crucial hurdles to solidify its bullish stance.

Cardano (ADA) Price Analysis

Cardano enthusiasts have had their patience tested as the ADA price navigated through a series of ups and downs. Following a dip to $0.221 in June, Cardano embarked on an impressive 48% rally, fueled in part by positive sentiment stemming from the Ripple legal dispute with the SEC. During this period, the price surged to the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level, sparking excitement among the bulls.

However, enthusiasm soon waned as the buy side struggled to stabilize above the 200-day EMA (blue). ADA subsequently corrected back to the crucial breakout level at $0.30, where the bulls regained their footing and lifted the price above the EMA50 (orange).

Cardano ADA price

Bullish ADA Price Targets

For the short-term outlook to brighten further, ADA needs to overcome some important hurdles. The first key resistance is at the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement level, sitting at $0.328. A successful push beyond this level could open the path for an attack towards the $0.355 mark, where the 200-day EMA poses its most significant challenge.

However, an impulse from the broader crypto market, Bitcoin or also more positive news from the Ripple legal battle with the SEC is probably required for this. Only when the buy side can recapture the 200-day EMA on the daily closing price, the probability for a near-term trend reversal increases significantly.

A sustained break of the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement level at $0.38 is essential for a true bullish trend reversal. This milestone would increase the probability of revisiting the previous weeks high. For this, a breakout above the critical zone between $0.361 and $0.38 would be a trend reversal for the bulls.

If successful, the ADA...


Kuwait bans crypto and virtual asset transactions "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Kuwaits Capital Markets Authority has officially confirmed the commitment to absolute prohibition of virtually all crypto operations in the country.


Oh, Youre a Metalhead? Name Three Metal Bands You Fucking Hate With Every Ounce of Your Being "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ha, I remember when I wore my first band shirt. I bet you just love Venom and think theyre the greatest NWOBHM band to come out of the movement. Must be a pretty big metal fan. You really know your stuff, huh poser?

I remember when I was 13 years old, and still liked bands..but then I grew up.

Listen, when youve been in the metal scene as long as I have, you learn true metalheads dont give a shit about the bands you like. The true metalhead judges based on what bands in the genre you have a strong, irrational hatred for. Theres no place for liking things in our scene.

Oh, so you only listen to bands demos and first albums? That is soooo kvlt of you, will you please sign my battle vest, right next to the Possessed demo logo patch? Pretty please?

Wait, you say you actually do like bands albums past the 80s debut? La-di-dah Mr. I Liked to Hear Everything in the Mix. Youre so enlightened, so open-minded!

Its comical to think about it. Picturing someone picking up an Iron Maiden record for the first time, listening to all the riffs, lyrical content and melodies, then having it completely change their life from that first spin. You think that is the ah-ha moment, the moment you realize youre going to be a life-long hesher? Nope. It hits when you realize how much your negative opinions on the East Bay thrash metal bands affect other metalheads.

Have you ever seen those metal fans who like, seem to genuinely enjoy the genre, even listening to different bands from different subgenres? They never tell you how much they love death metal, but hate Cannibal Corpse. They never say how much they love Manowar, just because they know it annoys people. Theyre pleasant to be around, and its fucking weird.

True metalheads have a duty to keep posers who have a passion for metal out of our scene. Save that energy you burn liking bands for the next time you see someone way younger than you wearing a Slipknot shirt. When you make him feel bad for it, hell grow up to hate 98% of the genre, yet be a legend in the metal community, and hell thank you for it.

The post Oh, Youre a Metalhead? Name Three Metal Bands You Fucking Hate With Every Ounce of Your Being appeared first on The Hard Times.


Company With Job Posting Looking For Rock Stars Didnt Expect Bret Michaels To Show Up "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NEW YORK Employees of boutique consulting firm PayIt were shocked today when Bret Michaels showed up demanding an interview in response to their job posting for office rockstars, confirmed multiple star struck sources.

He was dressed really professionally. Well, except for the bandana, said PayIt HR manager Jean Port. When I initially wrote the listing I was just hoping to delude some people into thinking this low-paying data entry job was similar to a rock n roll lifestyle, but then Bret Michaels shows up and throws a chair through our window while belting out the chorus to Talk Dirty to Me. It was pretty sick to witness, but his Excel skills leave a lot to desire.

Despite initial awkwardness in the interview, Michaels proved more than ready to jump headfirst into the company.

I dominated that interview, said the Poison frontman as he began searching Bumble for women aged 18-25. They asked me if there was any time I faced adversity and had to overcome it. Shit man, all the time. This one time Tommy Lee and I were Eiffel Towering this groupie when suddenly he throws up all over her back. I acted quickly and got some paper towels before she could even notice. The interviewer loved that story. Said it was just like what they do here every day. Frankly Im excited that my rock star experience is finally going to get me a job, because they wouldnt take me at Quiznos.

PayIt leadership expressed excitement at the prospect of bringing the Rock of Love alumnus to their team.

Bret is an absolute dynamo and will be a great addition to the team, said COO Rachel Dyth. When you get Bret you get a guy who works hard for what hes got. Hes shown a willingness to work, learn, and improve that we just wouldnt see from someone like Jon Bon Jovi. You bring Bon Jovi in here and he spends his days browsing the internet and commenting on NextDoor. Bret Michaels puts his nose to the grindstone each and every day in a way that David Lee Roth would never even consider. He also brings some pretty great hookers in.

At press time, Michaels was seen housing a handle of Evan Williams while watching a YouTube tutorial on VLookups.

The post Company With Job Posting Looking For Rock Stars Didnt Expect Bret Michaels To Show Up appeared first on The Hard Times.


Problematic Punk Exiled to Suburban Scene "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PHILADELPHIA Problematic punk Tom Bigfoot LaTucci was officially exiled from the local scene by the Punk Elder Tribunal this morning and banished to the suburbs, sources removing him from their phone contacts report.

I have no choice but to accept the ruling of the tribunal, and hereby and forthwith renounce any and all claims to veteran status, up to and including the right to contact bookers directly rather than going through their public-facing process, said LaTucci in an official statement. I leave now for the hostile and unknown world beyond the city walls, where my cousin will provide me aid and comfort, provided I pay half the utilities and dont bother him on Sundays during football season. I pledge to never return, unless someone really big is playing at the stadium or something.

A member of LaTuccis band Rancid Ounces agreed that a prolonged suburban sentence was the only proper course of action, but warned of a coming power vacuum in the scene.

Perhaps Tommy will reconsider the error of his ways, make amends with those he hurt and begin the long process of paying me back for the thousands of cigarettes he bummed off of me, said Omar Hernandez. Unfortunately, his departure will come as a shock to the crusties in Center City and the lesser esoteric poly cults in West Philly who saw him as a beacon of morality for some strange reason. Whether chaos or justice reigns remains to be seen.

An anonymous Gen X punk currently serving his own banishment offered words of wisdom to any punk facing the grim reality of a cul-de-sac imprisonment.

I was also cast out, abandoned and betrayed. I found myself living in the suburbs of Washington D.C, studying for my real estate license while my so-called friends toured the country in shitty vans, said the unnamed former punk. Im now a millionaire with four children and I take piano lessons on the weekends. I also coach soccer and volunteer at the library. Its hell, but one can survive it with a proper commitment to alcoholism.

As of press time, leaders in the scene were considering letting LaTucci back because he had a really sweet practice space.

The post Problematic Punk Exiled to Suburban Scene appeared first on The Hard Times.


Myanmars shadow government backs launch of crypto-based bank "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Spring Development Bank is Myanmars first financial institution to run entirely on crypto and blockchain.


My Rates Pay Your Wages Says Old Boy To Council Employee Whos Never Ever Heard That Before "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

RORY SALAZAR | Finance | Contact A worthless and lazy local government employee has finally been put in their place for the 6th time today during a heated exchange with an irate, elderly ratepayer. The irate ratepayer, Mr John Brazier (85), a man known to Council for his incessant verbal assaults on staff, daily visits to the customer service []

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XRP Maintains Bullish Run With Nearly 80% Rally Is $1 Within Reach? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

XRP has undergone a remarkable price upsurge, surging to more than $0.80 and witnessing an impressive 77% increase over the past seven days in trading activity. This surge was predominantly triggered by Ripples partial victory against the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

In the court ruling, a judge acknowledged that Ripples institutional sales could be considered securities. However, its important to note that not all other sales were classified similarly. This ruling is widely perceived as a significant victory for Ripple Labs and its digital token.

Currently, XRP is edging closer to a crucial resistance level at $0.85, signaling a solid buying pressure prevailing in the market. This optimistic trend bodes well for Ripples medium-term prospects, suggesting favorable times for the digital token.

XRP Price Surge And Market Cap Inflow Post-Ripple Vs. SEC

Data from crypto market tracker CoinMarketCap shows that XRP is trading at $0.8368, with an impressive 5% increase observed within the last 24 hours. Over the past seven days, the crypto has experienced a substantial surge of a little over 77%. 

This remarkable growth has coincided with an inflow of more than $16 billion to XRPs market capitalization. Notably, the market cap has risen from $25 billion on July 12 to its current value of $44 billion, with a significant portion of this increase occurring shortly after the outcome of the Ripple-SEC court case.

Despite the remarkable surge, XRP faces a formidable resistance zone at $0.85. This region is characterized by high selling pressure and increased supply, making it challenging for the digital currency to breach this level.

Nevertheless, the market sentiment among traders remains bullish, which enhances the probability of XRP breaking through the resistance region.



Choose the after security option. A Traveler Got Around the 3.4-Ounce Liquid Rule by Placing Their Order to the Store at the Airport "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

TikTokAirportBoots Choose the after security option. A Traveler Got Around the 3.4 Ounce Liquid Rule by Placing Their Order to the Store at the Airport

If youre a frequent traveler, we think you should pay attention to this video because it might just help you out the next time you go to the airport.

As you probably know, in a lot of countries, youre only allowed to bring 3.4 fl oz or 100 ml of liquid onto a plane in your carry-on bags.

But it seems like the woman who posted this video on TikTok has figured out a way around that rule.

Screen Shot 2023 07 09 at 6.36.40 PM Choose the after security option. A Traveler Got Around the 3.4 Ounce Liquid Rule by Placing Their Order to the Store at the Airport

Photo Credit: TikTok

In text overlay on her video, she...


Were impressed by this Mission Impossible theme fact but not as much as Simon Pegg was "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Despite being stars of the franchise, this piece of Mission Impossible trivia was news to Simon Pegg and Rebecca Ferguson but also to us.

Did you know this?

@todayfm Did you know the original Mission Impossible song was based off Morse Code? Dave blew Simon Pegg & Rebecca Fergusons minds so much that they had to RETELL his fact in their next interview with NME #MissionImpossible7 #missionimpossible #simonpegg #rebeccaferguson #dermotanddave #todayfm #morsecode #funfacts #laloschifrin #missionimpossibledeadreckoning #missionimpossiblethemesong original sound Today FM

Very clever stuff, and top marks to Today FMs Dave Moore for knowing that.


Dropping da knowledge bombs internationally ...


Scientists Are Building Organoid Intelligence Biocomputers Using Brains Grown In A Lab To Rival Artificial Intelligence "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Brain Organoid Supercomputer Scientists Are Building Organoid Intelligence Biocomputers Using Brains Grown In A Lab To Rival Artificial Intelligence

You might be wary or weary of headlines that begin with scientists are trying to build, because most of them really dont seem to watch enough science fiction movies.

In this case, though, I dont think theres cause for alarm.

This team of scientists, which is intent on linking their minibrains up at some point, is calling their field of study organoid intelligence (OI), according to their paper.

This is meant to establish OI as a form of genuine biological computing that harnesses brain organoids using scientific and bioengineering advances in an ethically responsible manner.



Chinas digital yuan nears $250B transaction volume: Central bank governor "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While the adoption and use cases of Chinas central bank digital currency are expanding, the digital yuan still only represents 0.16% of Chinas monetary supply.


ADA Price Holds Strong At $0.30: Indicators Suggest Fresh Rally To $0.38 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cardanos price is holding the key support at $0.30. ADA could start a steady increase if there is a clear move above the $0.340 resistance.

  • ADA price is showing positive signs above the $0.30 level against the US dollar.
  • The price is trading above $0.300 and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours).
  • There is a major bullish trend line forming with support near $0.295 on the 4-hour chart of the ADA/USD pair (data source from Kraken).
  • The pair could gain bullish momentum if there is a close above the $0.340 resistance.

Cardanos ADA Price Signals Fresh Increase

This past week, Cardanos price started a downside correction from the $0.379 high. The price traded below the $0.365 and $0.340 support levels to move into a short-term bearish zone, similar to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

However, the bulls were active above the $0.30 level. A low is formed near $0.3001 and the price is now rising. There was a break above the $0.320 resistance. The price climbed above the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the downward move from the $0.379 swing high to the $0.300 low.

ADA price is now trading above $0.300 and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours). There is also a major bullish trend line forming with support near $0.295 on the 4-hour chart of the ADA/USD pair.

On the upside, immediate resistance is near the $0.340 zone. It is close to the 50% Fib retracement level of the downward move from the $0.379 swing high to the $0.300 low.

Cardanos ADA Price

Source: ADAUSD on

The first major resistance is forming near the $0.350 zone. The next key resistance might be $0.365. If there is a close above the $0.365 resistance, the price could start a decent increase. In the stated case, the price could ris...


Woman Asks if Shes Wrong for Wanting to Live With Her Parents and Not Her Husbands "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AITAParentsMovingIn Woman Asks if Shes Wrong for Wanting to Live With Her Parents and Not Her Husbands

Marriage is a tricky thing when it comes to the in-laws

And things can get pretty testy!

So is this woman an a**hole for wanting to move her parents and to put her husbands folks into a nursing home?

Get all the details below and see what you think.

AITA for wanting to move in my parents and not my husbands, and suggesting putting them in a nursing home?

I (35f) have owned our home since before marriage, and we have a prenup. In day to day life we refer to it as our home, but my husband (37m) has never paid anything towards it and has no legal rights to it.

All of our parents are still alive, but my husband and I were both the youngest children, and our parents are all much older.

His mom has some dementia, and his dad has some major mobility issues. They can no longer stay in their home. Due to mil wandering the street recently, adult social services have been involved. He has two siblings, one is an addict and is in prison. The other has four kids and lives in a two bedroom apartment. Neither of his siblings can take them in, so its us or a nursing home.

Both of my parents are older, and have recently retired. They live in a major city, but cant afford to live there on just retirement. They need to move. My older brother is dead so its just me that my parents can rely on.

I want to move my parents in with us. Theyre both easy going people and my husband gets alo...


This Canadian airport spokesperson was telling one story while the camera told another "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The CEO of Toronto Airport Authority, Deborah Flint, was giving the press an update on the state of the service, when a camera operator added some context.

Watch what happened.

Well, thats a bit awkward or hilarious, depending on your point of view. These people went with option two.






Why Do You Have More Than Three Kids? People Shared Their Stories. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ARALotOfKids Why Do You Have More Than Three Kids? People Shared Their Stories.

Times have changed and you dont see a ton of families out there these days with a lot of kids.

Heck, I grew up in a family with five kids and I rarely ever hear of families that big anymore.

But they gotta be out there somewhere!

And these AskReddit users talked about why they have more than three kids.

Check out what they had to say!

Full house.

My wife and I have two kids together. My sister has two kids.

She decided shed rather not take care of them. So Ive had them for the last 10 years.

Ive been raising 4 kids for the last 10 years even though I only have 2 with my wife.


My husband had a son when I met him. I had a daughter. We lived happily together as a family of 4 for 9 years.

Then my brother and his girlfriend had a baby. We took in the baby and I somehow got pregnant. We have his, hers, not ours, and now ours on the way.



Mum Really Doesnt Understand Why You Need One Gatorade To Begin With "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT A local mum proved just how out of touch she is with todays youth by denying her son a second Gatorade during weekend sport.  Invented by Americans so they wouldnt die while their weird footy while wearing a suit of armour in a swamp, Gatorade is a flavoured drink that is meant to []

The post Mum Really Doesnt Understand Why You Need One Gatorade To Begin With appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.98 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00003 BTC


ChatGPTs capabilities are getting worse with age, new study claims "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Some of ChatGPT's responses have shown the model's accuracy deteriorated over the last few months and researchers can't figure out why.


Bloke Caught Changing Spotify Track Behind Wheel Forced To Beg For Carpool To Div 12 Ressies "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet |CONTACT A Bendigo man is today facing the shame of having to ask one of the youngest blokes on his team for a massive favour.  Derrick Diddly from the jewel of Victorias goldfields has had to stump up and ask one of the young fellas for a lift to their game this week.  Normally []

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Its Perfect For Hiking, Says Woman Whos Never Worn Puffer Jacket Outside The Inner City "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet |CONTACT A Brunswick woman is today lapping up the Antarctic temperatures sweeping across Melbourne.  With Australias most European city currently being battered by some mild autumn European chills, the inner city resident says shes making the most of the winter cold.  Its always good to have an excuse to bust out the winter wear, []

The post Its Perfect For Hiking, Says Woman Whos Never Worn Puffer Jacket Outside The Inner City appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


He Wont Let His Sister-In-Law Hold His Baby. Is He a Jerk? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AITA Hold That Baby Law He Wont Let His Sister In Law Hold His Baby. Is He a Jerk?

You want to hold this baby?


Forget about it!

Uh ohthose sound like fightin words to me.

And this guy wants to know if hes an a**hole for saying that to his sister-in-law.

Read his story below and see if you think he was out of line.

AITA for not letting my sister in law hold our baby?

My wife and I just brought home our beautiful baby.

When we got home, I wanted my older son to hold the baby (he is fourteen), but my wife said no. She said she wasnt comfortable with anyone but us holding the baby yet. I wasnt happy about this, but I respect that, as a mom, shes anxious about how vulnerable our baby is. So I let it go.

Yesterday her sister came over and wanted to hold the baby. I said no, that my wife and I arent comfortable with anyone but us holding him yet. My wife then said it was fine, that her sister was a special case. I said no, that I wasnt comfortable with it. Her sister was offended and left.

My wife is angry with me and says I was an a**hole to her sister. I think I am just being consistent. Was I an a**hole to my sister in law?

Heres what Reddit users had to say about this.

One person said hes NTA and he was only standing up for his son.



Fragile 44 Driver Demands Thanks From Pedestrians For Obeying Law "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

HENRY PARNELL | Motoring |CONTACT Betoota Heights real estate agent and Audi Q8 owner, Mitchell Finely has today reached his limit with pedestrians using zebra crossings and not thanking him for the favour he is so kindly doing them by stopping. Speaking shortly after a twenty-something clutching a flat white, sporting activewear and leading a comically small labra-cocker-pug-a-poo []

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Spontaneous remission of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Cureus. 2022 Dec ;14(12):e32505. Epub 2022 Dec 14. PMID: 36654621 Abstract Title:  Spontaneous Remission of Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: Coley's Toxin Revisited? Abstract:  Metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) is an incurable disease associated with poor survival outcomes. Immunotherapy was first pioneered by William Coley in the early 20th century with the injection of live and heat-killed bacteria. Despite the recent emergence of cancer immunotherapy, mCRPC remains an elusive immune target. Spontaneous remission of mCRPC following microbial infection has not been described in the literature to date. We present evidence of spontaneous biochemical and radiologic regression in a patient with mCRPC following multiple episodes of sepsis.

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Neonatal exposure to bisphenol analogues disrupts genital development in male mice. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Environ Pollut. 2023 Aug 1 ;330:121783. Epub 2023 May 8. PMID: 37164221 Abstract Title:  Neonatal exposure to bisphenol analogues disrupts genital development in male mice. Abstract:  The public concern and governmental regulations on bisphenol A (BPA) have stimulated the development and production of alternative analogues to replace BPA in a myriad of applications. Given the endocrine disrupting activities of BPA and potentially other analogues, the present study investigated and compared the effects of neonatal exposure to BPA, BPB, BPE, BPF, and BPS on the genital development in male mice. Pups were injected subcutaneously on the right shoulder in the mornings of postnatal days P0.5, P2, P4, and P6, resulting in a low dose of 0.05 g/g body weight (bw)/day and a high dose of 10 g/g bw/day. Mice were sacrificed at predetermined time and evaluated for gene expression levels (3 days after birth or P3), steroid hormone levels (P5), and morphological changes (P21). The results demonstrated that BPA, BPB, BPE, or BPF significantly shortened glans penis length and anogenital distance, while BPS didn't. Testis weight and anogenital distance were also significantly affected by BPA, BPE or BPF. The results also revealed that bisphenol analogues exposure significantly reduced testosterone levels, and altered the expression levels of developmental genes networks in developing penis of mice. Our data demonstrate that selected bisphenol analogues may possess similar endocrine disrupting effects compared to BPA, and exposure to these analogues could affect reproductive development of male mice. This raises the concern on the environmental and health safety of bisphenol analogues applied as industrial BPA replacements.

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Prenatal bisphenol S exposure induces hepatic lipid deposition in male mice offspring. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  J Hazard Mater. 2023 Jul 5 ;453:131410. Epub 2023 Apr 12. PMID: 37088024 Abstract Title:  Prenatal bisphenol S exposure induces hepatic lipid deposition in male mice offspring through downregulation of adipose-derived exosomal miR-29a-3p. Abstract:  The increased usage of bisphenol S (BPS) results in wide distribution in pregnant women. In this study, pregnant mice were given multiple-dose BPS during gestation. Results showed that prenatal BPS exposure (50 g/kg/day) induced increased weight gain, dyslipidemia, higher liver triglyceride (TG), adipocyte hypertrophy, and hepatic lipid deposition in male offspring. Exosomes play important roles in regulating lipid metabolism. Here, serum exosomes and adipose miRNA sequencing of male offspring indicated a remarkable decrease in miR-29a-3p expression. To clarify whether adipocyte-derived exosomes mediate hepatic lipid deposition, exosomes were extracted from BPS-treated adipocytes and co-cultured with hepatocytes. These exosomes could be taken up by hepatocytes and promoted lipid deposition, and notably, exosomal miR-29a-3p was downregulated. Furthermore, miR-29a-3p knockdown in adipocyte-derived exosomes promoted hepatocyte lipid deposition, whereas overexpression led to the opposite effect. Also, the role of miR-29a-3p was demonstrated in hepatocytes by overexpressing or knocking it down. Subsequent studies have shown that miR-29a-3p can promote lipid deposition by directly targeting Col4a1. Taken together, prenatal BPS exposure could lead to lower miR-29a-3p yield in adipocyte-derived exosomes and decrease miR-29a-3p content transported to hepatocytes, which further negatively regulate Col4a1 and promote hepatic lipid deposition. Our findings provided clues to maternal environmental exposure-induced liver metabolic diseases.

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I dont know what this key does. A HOA Told a Woman She Had to Clean Out Her Storage Unit But She Didnt Know She Had One "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

TikTokUnknownStorageSpace I dont know what this key does. A HOA Told a Woman She Had to Clean Out Her Storage Unit... But She Didnt Know She Had One

Nothing like a little monkey wrench to turn your day in a new direction, right?

And a woman was quite surprised to learn that she had a storage unit that she had no idea even existedand she only found out about it when her homeowners association let her know that the unit needed to be cleaned out.

Screen Shot 2023 07 09 at 4.12.30 PM I dont know what this key does. A HOA Told a Woman She Had to Clean Out Her Storage Unit... But She Didnt Know She Had One

Photo Credit: TikTok

In her TikTok video, the woman said, This morning, I got a really weird email from my HOA that said I had to clea...


ZK-proofs could change the internet, not just Web3 Aleo exec "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ZK-proofs could help online privacy by only revealing relevant user information, solving the internets biggest problem, says Brennen Schlueter.


Is He Wrong for Leaving His Sisters Wedding Because His Husband Was Left Out of the Pictures? Heres What People Said. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AITALeftOutWedding Is He Wrong for Leaving His Sisters Wedding Because His Husband Was Left Out of the Pictures? Heres What People Said.

Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Ill tell you!

Its another story from Reddits Am I the A**hole? page about some major family drama!

And this one is a doozy

So go ahead and get started now and see what you think!

AITA for leaving my sisters wedding early because she kept my husband out of pictures?

My (31M) sister Anne (34F) got married on Saturday. My husband of 7 years, Mark (32M), was there with me and up until one point, is was an amazing evening.

After the ceremony, Anne wanted a picture with all of our siblings (theres five of us) and their respective partners so we started lining up.

When Anne saw that my husband was standing next to me, she shook her head and said something about him ruining the aesthetic. Apparently, her plan was to put one man and one woman next to each other alternately.

My youngest sister (18F), who doesnt have a partner and was standing on the very side, offered to stand between the two of us, so we could be close and Annes wish would still be respected.

I thought that was a great solution, but Anne disagreed and told Mark to get out of the picture. Hes quite introverted and tries to avoid confrontation under all circumstances, so he simply compiled and told me not to get angry, but it w...


Mate Who Doesnt Own a Printer Just Stopping By To Say Hi "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT A delightful little visit unfolded in Betoota today as an individual who doesnt own a printer just stopped by their printer owning mates place to say hi, thats all. Known as a central piece of machinery in the Great Ink Scam (1998 present), desktop printers allow computer things to become real life, []

The post Mate Who Doesnt Own a Printer Just Stopping By To Say Hi appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Information Starved Millennial Transitions From Getting News From K-Zone To TikTok "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT As all Millennials can agree, there is a shortage of information in todays society which has meant many young people have become terminally online in the neverending search for real journalism. One such seeker of the truth is Betootan Abigail Spencestein (32) who began her life as a consumer of news way back []

The post Information Starved Millennial Transitions From Getting News From K-Zone To TikTok appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


What Do Old People Love That You Dont Understand? Heres What People Said. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ARLoveOldPeople What Do Old People Love That You Dont Understand? Heres What People Said.

Old people can be weird, huh?

They like weird stuff, they do weird things, and it confuses us younger folks, you know?

And, now that weve established that old people are weird, lets hear from younger folks about what old people love that really makes them shake their heads.

Get started now!

Out on the porch.

In my country (Brazil), old people sit in front of their houses and do absolutely nothing for hours, just watching people and cars go by.

This is more common for lower social class, for instance my grandma and her friends gather everyday at someones door and just sit there until the night comes (they are retired).

Doesnt make sense, does it?

Voting for politicians and policies that will negatively harm the younger generations while having zero positive or even neutral effects on their own lives.

It almost feels intentionally spiteful but I tell myself its blind naivety and party loyalty.


TV evangelists.

My mother is 72 and is obsessed with the good Godly man Joel Osteen.

She flips back and forth between televangelist channels and Fox.

The bearer of bad news.

Im a window cleaner and have a lot of elderly customers.

Over the years Ive found they LOVE to be the first one to tell me one of the neighbours has d**d.



Matildas Physio Begs Sam Kerr To Go Easy On The Backflips Until We Win This Thing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet |CONTACT As the nation prepares for the kick off the FIFA Womens World Cup, the talisman of the Australian team has been given a talking too. The head physiotherapist for the Matildas has politely asked Sam Kerr to take it a little bit easy for the next couple of weeks. Not in the way []

The post Matildas Physio Begs Sam Kerr To Go Easy On The Backflips Until We Win This Thing appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Teslas diamond hands: EV maker's Bitcoin holdings see no change in Q2 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

After purchasing $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin in 2021, Tesla sold 75% of it in 2022 and is now hanging onto its remaining $184 million Bitcoin stash.


Occurrence of multiple bisphenol S analogues in children from Shantou, China. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Environ Int. 2023 Apr ;174:107926. Epub 2023 Apr 10. PMID: 37075580 Abstract Title:  Occurrence of multiple bisphenol S analogues in children from Shantou, China. Abstract:  Emerging bisphenol S analogues (BPSs) have gained their application perspectives to replace bisphenol A (BPA) and BPA analogues (BPAs). However, the extent of human exposure and potential health risk from BPSs is rarely known yet. We hypothesized that children living in Shantou, China, a well-known e-waste recycling city, may expose to emerging BPSs together with BPA and BPAs. In this study, BPA, six commonly used BPAs and 11 emerging BPSs were determined simultaneously in 240 urine samples collected from children residing in Shantou. BPA, BPS, bisphenol F, bisphenol AF and three BPSs of 2,4'-bis(hydroxyphenyl)sulfone, 4-((4-(allyloxy)phenyl)sulfonyl)phenol and diphenylsulfone (DPS) were the urinary predominant bisphenols with detection frequencies of 67-100% in the children. BPA was found at the highest median concentration (3.36 g/g creatinine) followed by BPS (0.313) and DPS (0.187). It is interesting to find that the girls and children in the younger group (2  age 

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Vegemite and Pine O Cleen Team Up to Release Limited-Edition Vegemite Flavoured Disinfectant Wipes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Australian households will soon be able to enjoy the refreshing smell of yeast-extract throughout their homes, after cleaning brand Pine O Cleen announced an exciting new collaboration with Australias favourite spread.

A spokesperson for Pine O Cleen said the special wipes will leave a slight black residue on kitchen benchtops, tables and bathrooms to give that Vegemite touch to your kitchen, bathroom room and household surfaces. Nothing says clean like Vegemite, she said. You can even use it to clean your car.

She recommended a light touch when using the wipes. When we tested the wipes with Americans they covered their benchtops with a thick layer of black paste, which was pretty fucking gross. But Australians will know what to do.


Headline by David at The Berran Extra 

The post Vegemite and Pine O Cleen Team Up to Release Limited-Edition Vegemite Flavoured Disinfectant Wipes appeared first on The Shovel.


Local Bloke Waves At Sightseeing Bus Because Thats What He Hopes Theyd Do For Him "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT A harmless bit of fun was had by all in Potts Point today as Sydney bloke Aiden Tonner (33) waved at the passengers on a sightseeing bus because why the fuck not. Just like the universal plastic smell of a two dollar shop, open roofed double decker buses appear consistently around the world []

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He Said His Wife Couldnt Be a Bridesmaid. Is He a Jerk? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AITAWifeBridesmaid He Said His Wife Couldnt Be a Bridesmaid. Is He a Jerk?

Family drama alert!

Yeah, thats right, its another installment of Reddits Am I the A**hole? and let me tell you, friends, the drama is BIG with this one!

So is this guy an a**hole for saying his wife isnt going to be a bridesmaid?

Check out his story and see what you think.

AITA for saying no to my wife to be a bridesmaid?

I (am or was) going to be the best man at my brothers wedding next year. My wife was invited to be a bridesmaid and she Initially said yes.

It turns out that the bride is now expecting my wife to get a whole new wardrobe for the bridal showers, bachelorette party, rehearsal, and reception dinner on top of her bridesmaids dress. The only color shes allowed to wear to all of these events is the same lavender color as her bridesmaid dress. She was even given a few swatches of that material to take shopping with her. The shoes and makeup have to match for photos. Even pajamas have to match.

The bachelorette party is a week getaway plus all of the other events its like an additional 10 days of clothes that my wife will never wear again. She normally wears black or dark color clothes.

I bring this up to my brother after he brings hands me the swatches of fabric. I told him this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. He said thats why they giving me almost a year to get all of the items together for the bachelorette and weddings. Im thinking of my wifes reaction because shes already not great friends with the brid...


Participation thread - Things that were right from the start. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Some things don't need improvement. There's lots of talk about making a better mouse trap. It's about the same as John Moses Browning's 1911. People alter them and change them, but are they better?

I'll start the list of things that have worked right from the start. They work today, they'll work 100 years from now.

Mouse trap - Patented by William C. Hooker in 1874.

Schrader valve - Patented 1893. Chances are you have one holding the air in every tire on your car. So does...

Participation thread - Things that were right from the start.


Report: Lets Go Girls (Shania Twain Voice) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet |CONTACT After years and years of build up, the FIFA Womens World Cup has finally arrived on Australian soil. The global sporting event is set to kick off this evening, with the excitable nation eagerly awaiting confirmation that it is indeed Tilly Time. The tournament kicks of in New Zealand at 5pm, before the []

The post Report: Lets Go Girls (Shania Twain Voice) appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


This and That "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sometimes I have trouble trying to find a relevant thread to post something. I don't want to start a separate thread for every little tidbit or single story. So I thought, with the elections coming up, I'd start this one for anything election related.


If you don't have a portable genset, best get it soon - while you can "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

12ft | Not Just Gas Stoves: Biden Admin Rule Would Outlaw Nearly All Portable Gas Generators

Your FedGov is now openly at war with the citizens under the guise of "Climate Change:".

Wanna cleanup the climate?? - stop importing stuff of China and India.


Vitamin C protects retinal ganglion cells via SPP1 in glaucoma and after optic nerve damage. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Life Sci Alliance. 2023 Aug ;6(8). Epub 2023 May 9. PMID: 37160307 Abstract Title:  Vitamin C protects retinal ganglion cells via SPP1 in glaucoma and after optic nerve damage. Abstract:  Glaucoma is a common neurodegenerative disorder characterized by retinal ganglion cell death, astrocyte reactivity in the optic nerve, and vision loss. Currently, lowering the intraocular pressure (IOP) is the first-line treatment, but adjuvant neuroprotective approaches would be welcome. Vitamin C possesses neuroprotective activities that are thought to be related to its properties as a co-factor of enzymes and its antioxidant effects. Here, we show that vitamin C promotes a neuroprotective phenotype and increases gene expression related to neurotropic factors, phagocytosis, and mitochondrial ATP production. This effect is dependent on the up-regulation of secreted phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1) in reactive astrocytes via the transcription factor E2F1. SPP1astrocytes in turn promote retinal ganglion cell survival in a mouse model of glaucoma. In addition, oral administration of vitamin C lowers the IOP in mice. This study identifies an additional neuroprotective pathway for vitamin C and suggests a potential therapeutic role of vitamin C in neurodegenerative diseases such as glaucoma.

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The neuroprotective effect of ascorbic acid against imidacloprid-induced neurotoxicity. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Front Neurol. 2023 ;14:1130575. Epub 2023 Apr 20. PMID: 37153653 Abstract Title:  The neuroprotective effect of ascorbic acid against imidacloprid-induced neurotoxicity and the role of HO-1 in mice. Abstract:  Imidacloprid (IMI) is not only a neurotoxic agricultural pesticide but also a possible food contaminant. The aims of this study were to (1) explore the relationship between recurrent IMI administration and neuronal toxicity in mice and (2) evaluate the potential neuroprotective effect of ascorbic acid (AA), a substance with significant free radical scavenger and having property to block the inflammatory pathways. Mice were categorized as nave controls (administered vehicles for 28 days); the IMI-treatment animal group (administered po 45-mg/kg body weight of IMI per day for 28 days); and the IMI + AA treatment animal group (administered the same IMI dose + 200 mg/kg of AA orally for 28 days). On day 28, memory losses were assessed using the Y-maze and novel target identification behavioral tests. Mice were sacrificed 24 h after the final IMI treatments, as well as hippocampus tissues, were utilized to determine histological assessments, oxidative stress biomarkers, and Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) gene expression levels. The findings demonstrated that IMI-treated mice had substantial impairment of spatial and non-spatial memory functions, as well as reduced antioxidant enzyme and acetylcholinesterase activity. The AA neuroprotective action was achieved through the suppression of the HO-1 expression as well as the stimulation of Nrf2 expression in hippocampal tissues. In summary, recurrent IMI exposure causes oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in mice, and the administration of AA significantly reduces the IMI toxicity possibly by the activation of the HO-1/Nrf2 pathway.

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A pro-oxidant property of vitamin C to overcome the burden of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2023 ;13:1152269. Epub 2023 Apr 19. PMID: 37153159 Abstract Title:  A pro-oxidant property of vitamin C to overcome the burden of latentinfection: A cross-talk review with Fenton reaction. Abstract:  Tuberculosis (TB), caused by the bacillus, is one of the deadliest infectious illnesses of our day, along with HIV and malaria.Chemotherapy, the cornerstone of TB control efforts, is jeopardized by the advent ofstrains resistant to many, if not all, of the existing medications.Isoniazid (INH), rifampicin (RIF), pyrazinamide, and ethambutol are used to treat drug-susceptible TB for two months, followed by four months of INH and RIF, but chemotherapy with potentially harmful side effects is sometimes needed to treat multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB for up to two years. Chemotherapy might be greatly shortened by drugs that killmore quickly while simultaneously limiting the emergence of drug resistance.Regardless of their intended target, bactericidal medicines commonly kill pathogenic bacteria (gram-negative and gram-positive) by producing hydroxyl radicalsthe Fenton reaction.Researchers have concentrated on vitamins with bactericidal properties to address the rising cases globally and have discovered that these vitamins are effective when given along with first-line drugs. The presence of elevated iron content, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, and DNA damage all contributed to VC's sterilizing action on. Moreover, it has a pleiotropic effect on a variety of biological processes such as detoxification, protein folding - chaperons, cell wall processes, information pathways, regulatory, virulence, metabolism etc.In this review report, the authors extensively discussed the effects of VC on, such as the generation of free radicals and bactericidal mechanisms with existing treatments, and their further drug development based on ROS production.

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Panicked Elites Try to SABOTAGE Sound of Freedom! BACKFIRES Bigtime!!!



104 Year-Old Veteran Says Jack Daniels, Jim Beam Secret To Long Life "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Arthur Walters Jr., a veteran who recently marked his 104th birthday, has a unique secret to his long life his faithful companions, Jim Beam and Jack Daniels. Walters, who has lived over a century without the aid of any medication, attributes his longevity to these two renowned whiskey brands.

In his early twenties, Walters obtained his pilots license and joined the Air Force. Today, he stands as the sole surviving member of his squadron, a testament to his resilience and strength.

Walters is known for his vibrant sense of humor and his unique perspective on life. When asked about the secret to his long life, he jovially credits his two good friends, Jim Beam and Jack Daniels. This statement, while humorous, also hints at Walters approach to life one filled with joy, laughter, and a touch of the unexpected.

Despite his age, Walters remains active and engaged, offering pearls of wisdom to younger generations. His advice is simple yet profound: if you desire something, you must be prepared to work for it. And if you stumble along the way, dust yourself off and get back on track.

Now, lets delve deeper into the topic of longevity and the factors that contribute to it. While Walters secret to a long life is certainly unique, its worth noting that longevity is a complex interplay of various factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and environment.

Genetics plays a significant role in determining how long we live. Some people, like Walters, may have a genetic predisposition to longevity. However, genes alone dont guarantee a long life. Lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, and habits like smoking or drinking, can significantly impact our lifespan.

Interestingly, moderate alcohol consumption, particularly of red wine, has been linked to a longer lifespan. This is primarily due to the presence of resveratrol, a compound found in grapes and other fruits, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. However, its important to note that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to numerous health problems and shorten lifespan....


Sky News Calls On Their Viewers, All 6 Of Them, To Protest Commonwealth Games Cancellation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Low rating Australian news and opinion channel Sky News Australia has called for its viewers, all 6 of them, to get out and protest Dan Andrews cancellation of the Commonwealth games.

We need the troops to rally, not only for King but country, cried Sky News spear chucker Andrew Bolt. How dare Dan Andrews deny Victorians the opportunity to pay to have King Charles stay in our humble little town.

I expect Anthony Albanese will offer the King a Knighthood as consolation.

When asked why the channel was so pro-commonwealth games, given that the vast majority of Victorians were in favour of their cancellation, Mr Bolt said: Since when do we listen to what the majority thinks, have you not seen our ratings.

We are the squeaky wheels that demand the grease.

Now, if youll excuse me, I need to be off, Im working on a little musical at the moment based on the songs of John Farnham. Its called youre not the voice.

Mark Williamson


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RFK Jr. Announces Bold Plan To Back Dollar With Bitcoin, End Bitcoin Taxes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Speaking at a Heal-the-Divide PAC event, Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. outlined specific Bitcoin-focused policies that he would enact as president, including gradually backing the U.S. dollar with bitcoin and making bitcoin profits exempt from capital gains taxes.

My plan would be to start very, very small, perhaps 1% of issued T-bills would be backed by hard currency, by gold, silver platinum or bitcoin, Kennedy said, describing his vision for returning to a hard currency standard in the U.S.

He added that, depending on the outcome of that initial step, he would increase that allocation annually.

This potential policy reimagines the financial system, pointing to a future where bitcoin's absolute scarcity and sound monetary principles reinforce the U.S. dollars eroding position as the world reserve currency.

"Backing dollars and U.S. debt obligations with hard assets could help restore strength back to the dollar, rein in inflation and usher in a new era of American financial stability, peace and prosperity," he declared.

In addition, Kennedy announced his administration will gains taxes.

"The benefits include facilitating innovation and spurring investment, ensuring citizen privacy, incentivizing ventures to grow their business and tech jobs in the United States rather than in Singapore, Switzerland, Germany and Portugal, he added. Non-taxable events are unreportable and that means it will be more difficult for governments to weaponize currency against free speech, which as many of you know, is one of my principal objectives."

During his announcement, Kennedy reiterated the slew of commitments he made to foster Bitcoin adoption during a speech at the Bitcoin 2023 conference in May, which included defending the right of self custody of bitcoin, upholding the right to run a node at home and defending industry-neutral regulation of energy.

Kennedy framed his commitments to Bitcoin as integral to the ideals of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, and his own vision for governing a free and equitable country.

My uncle, President Kennedy, when he was in office, understood the importance of hard currency and the dangers of having pure fiat currency with no other option, Kennedy said. He understood the relationship between fiat currency and war, fiat currency and very, very destructive environmental projects and also these giant aggregations of wealth and the unbalance, the disparities in wealth that are the ultimate yield of every fiat currency.

Reflecting on the history of fiat currencies, Kennedy didnt mince words, citing the frequent use of unbacked paper currency to fund wars without the need for specific government taxation or citizens approval.



Mystery Abounds in Lee Madgwicks Uncanny Paintings of Derelict Buildings "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Grass appears to be growing upwards onto a small brick house in the middle of a field

The Veil. All images Lee Madgwick, shared with permission

A sense of unease surrounds the buildings in Lee Madgwicks paintings, their sides crumbling or coated in thick vegetation as they stand alone in fields or swamps. The neglected structures appear lifted from cities and towns and dropped directly into rural landscapes, where nature slowly envelops their brick facades or sprouts trees from their eaves. Im forever drawn to places of abandonment and isolation, Madgwick tells Colossal. Im compelled to explore these enigmatic wonders. Theres a poignancy and an unwavering silence and fragility that hangs in the air.

Containing only remnants of human life, the scenes prompt questions about the buildings origins and caretakers. Some pieces, like The Veil, depict a home long-deserted by inhabitants as thick vines cover the lower windows, while others like Fen View suggest that people remain, as a small window is neatly trimmed out of an overgrown hedge.

Working in what he terms imagined realism, the artist uses a mix of water-mixable oil and acrylic paints layered during the course of several weeks. The skies are painted with the palms of my hands and fingertips. Its the most expressive part of the process, he shares. Together with a brooding sky and concentrated light a sense of drama is formed and a narrative is set in motion.

Madgwick has a solo show slated for October at Brian Sinfield Gallery in Burford, Oxfordshire. Until then, find his work on Instagram and shop limited-edition prints on his site. (via...


Is the end of the dollar as an international currency about to end "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Saudis just announced they are cutting oil production by million barrels other OPEC/ Russia will be cutting an equal amount to drive the price up. Saudis at one time would only take dollars now they will take any currency. Argentina and Brazil are looking into getting away from dollars and India will stop buying oil in dollars as Russia will accept other currency. Kenyan President advised its citizens to get out of the dollar-- Many other countries are looking to dump the dollar. It's not...

Is the end of the dollar as an international currency about to end


South Korean central bank charts out future course of payment systems, CBDC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The BOK 2022 Payment and Settlement Systems Report is a forward-looking document with ambitious plans for financial technology in the country.


3 reasons why Bitcoin traders anticipate BTC price to briefly sweep the $27.5K level "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Overhead resistance levels continue to constrict Bitcoin price expansion, leading some analysts to forecast a brief sweep of the $27,500 level.


No impact from Ripple ruling? SEC chair cites risks from crypto in budget request "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Gary Gensler cited the Wild West of the crypto markets that was rife with noncompliance in requesting more than $2.4 billion for the commissions 2024 fiscal budget.


What are you listening to? (ongoing participation thread) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A forum isn't complete without a listening thread. I'll start.

D-A-D - Jihad


Canadian Art Institutions Weigh Facebook Ads Amid Government Ban "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Canadas move to halt advertising on Facebook and Instagram amid tense negotiations with tech giants Meta and Alphabet could impact the reach of national arts and cultural institutions. Last month, the Canadian government passed the C-18 Online News Act, to be implemented at the end of the year. The law will require the parent companies of Facebook and Google to share a portion of adver...


Ghanaian Parliament seeks to criminalize witchcraft accusations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ghanaian Parliament seeks to criminalize witchcraft accusations

The Parliament of Ghana is considering a bill to prohibit the practices of witch doctors and witchfinders as well as preventing the naming or labeling of another person as a witch.

Continue reading Ghanaian Parliament seeks to criminalize witchcraft accusations at The Wild Hunt.


Hypnotic Hyperlapse Shows Nearly 150km of Hiking, Took a Year to Make "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dave Fanner hyperlapse video

Hyperlapse creator Dave Fanner has spent the past year making an epic hyperlapse video that he tells PetaPixel must be "one of the longest hyperlapses out there."

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After Restoration, NYCs Astor Place Cube Spins Again "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Last spring, the city stopped the iconic Alamo (1967) sculpture the 1,800-pound cube in Astor Place that can perform a slow-motion pirouette when the Department of Transportation (DOT) locked down the steel block with a metal support frame. The strangely hypnotic artwork at the boundary of Noho and the East Village had been broken for a while, and in 2021, the city surrounded the block with a makeshift...


Adam Lindemann Arrested in Montauk after Kerfuffle with Rival Dealer "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Adam Lindemann, the founder of New York gallery Venus Over Manhattan, was apprehended by East Hampton police in Montauk on July 5 after allegedly entering The Ranch, the horse farmcumart gallery owned


Bitcoins bullish hype fades, but analyst says PlanBs stock-to-flow model is still relevant "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A popular Bitcoin price model returns to center stage as BTCs next halving approaches.


Bitcoin ETPs Witness Record-Breaking Monthly Inflows: K33 Research "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CDCROP: Huge Pipes running through forest (Muhammad Iswahyudi/Pixabay)


Van Gogh Museum Releases Sustainable Sneakers Based on the Iconic Artists Masterpieces "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Van Gogh Museum Releases Sustainable Sneakers Based on the Iconic Artists Masterpieces

Sustainable Van Gogh Shoes by Cariuma

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As one of the world's most beloved artists, Vincent van Goghs art has been reimagined in many forms. Not only have we seen his paintings as candles, but we've also seen them printed onto apparel. The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is adding to this evergrowing catalog with some new artsy shoes, made in collaboration with sustainable sneaker brand Cariuma.

All of the footwear from this special collection is based on paintings by the Dutch Post-Impressionist. Four options are available for men and women. Two of these feature Van Gogh's distinct sunflower paintings, one is decorated with some of the other blooms he rendered, and the other pair of shoes features Wheatfields with Crows. The latter of which is one of the last paintings Van Gogh created during his lifetime. There is even the addition of his distinct Vincent signature placed somewhere on the shoes.

All of Cariuma's sneakers are made from sustainable materials, like organic cotton, recycled nylon rubber, bamboo, sugarcane, cork, and castor oil. Plus, which each purchase, the brand commits to planting two trees in Brazil, where the company is based. So, in addition to being stylish and creative, fashionistas can feel good about giving back to the environment too.

You can purchase these Van Gogh shoes via Cariuma's website.

Van Gogh M...


Saturns Rings Are Disappearing: Photograph Them While You Can "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Astrophotographers are going to want to photograph Saturn's rings sooner rather than later since they're going to disappear in more ways than one after this summer.

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War Planning: U.S. Nuclear Submarine Visits South Korea As Rulers Talk War "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The ruling classes of the United States and South Korea are talking about war. While these talks were going on, Washington brought a nuclear missile submarine along.

For the first time since the 1980s, a U.S. nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) visited South Korea on Tuesday, as the allies launched talks to coordinate their responses in the event of a nuclear war with North Korea, according to a report by Reuters. White House Indo-Pacific coordinator Kurt Campbell confirmed the rare visit.

Campbell did not identify the submarine that visited with the warmongers but said its visit is a manifestation of American commitment to South Koreas defense.

As we speak, an American nuclear submarine is making port in Busan today. Thats the first visit of (an) American nuclear submarine in decades, Campbell told reporters at a briefing in Seoul, where he was attending the first Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) discussion with South Korean officials. The group, aimed at better coordinating an allied nuclear response in the event of a war with North Korea, was also announced during the April summit amid growing calls in South Korea for its own nuclear weapons, a step Washington opposes.

U.S. Warns North Korea Over Spy Satellite

The United States has pledged to deploy more strategic assets such as aircraft carriers, submarines and long-range bombers to South Korea to deter North Korea, which has developed increasingly powerful missiles that can hit targets as far away as the United States. Reuters...


Scientists warn the quantum revolution may stagnate economic growth "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There are traps lying in wait for innovators at the vanguard of fintech and quantum computing, according to researchers.


Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Needed "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Sometimes I draw hands so poorly I worry I'll be accused of being an AI.

Today's News:

THANK YOU! We are just over a day in and past 250% of our goal. WOOHOO! If you check out the page, you'll see we now have Phil Plait as an audiobook reader, which means I can now add a line to the book about how Phil Plait sucks and Phil Plait will have to read it.


Price analysis 7/19: BTC, ETH, XRP, BNB, ADA, SOL, DOGE, MATIC, LTC, DOT "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoins failure to rebound off strong support levels increases the risk of a deeper correction that could also negatively impact altcoins.


Flight Attendant Makes Announcement for 6-Year-Old Who Beat Cancer and the Plane Erupts in Cheers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Flight Attendant Makes Announcement for 6-Year-Old Who Beat Cancer and the Plane Erupts in Cheers

Screenshots of video showing a girl standing on plane hallway as flight attendant makes announcement that she has beat cancer while the passengers cheer

Photo: Screenshot from TikTok

You may never know the stories of the people you cross paths with, but some deserve being told out loud and shared widely. On a recent Southwest flight, the crew introduced a very special guest to the passengers. On board was Jessa, a 6-year-old girl flying back home from her Make-a-Wish foundation trip to Disney World. Sheare y'all ready for thishas just beaten cancer and is now cancer-free, the flight attendant announces. How do you like that?

In a clip posted by Jessa's mom, the passengers can be seen clapping for the little warrior. All the while, the flight attendant praises her bravery. Yes, that is an amazing accomplishment, he adds in response to the cheers. We want to welcome you home, we want to wish you a very healthy, happy, prosperous, and long life ahead. Keep fighting, takes a fighter, doesn't it? I'm glad you're here with us.

Jessa's road to health has not been an easy one. In August 2022, her mom posted a video depicting her battle with cancer. 762 days, 61 chemo infusions, and hundreds of pills. She is done. It is done, she captioned the clip. In it, little Jessa can be seen taking all the countless pills she needed for her treatment, and keeping her spirits up throughout the ordeal.

The little girl's story has since gone viral, raking in over 2 million views on TikTok. Now, on top of a plane full of well-wishing passengers, Jessa has the whole world rooting for her. Thank you all for lovin...


Multiple spot crypto ETF applications go to Federal Register in step toward SEC approval "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Publishing the ETF applications in the official journal of the U.S. government gives the SEC up to 240 days until March 2024 for final approval or denial.


Google Play Store officially allows NFT games, but no gambling: Nifty Newsletter, July 1218 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An on-chain tile-sliding game has been causing a massive spike in daily transactions on the Sui Network.


Photographer Captures Majestic Owl Bringing Food Delivery to its Babies "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Betsy Carmona Wildlife Photography

There are so many talented photographers, and sometimes they pop up in unexpected ways. When scouring a Nikon Z8 Facebook group while writing the story about the Nikon Z8 strap lug issue, an incredible image of a Great Gray Owl carrying its prey through the air popped up.

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Home made anvil "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You know you want one, but you don't have one, or maybe one isn't enough?
A real steel anvil is expensive. A real steel anvil weighs 250lb. Most of the expense is in the shipping for a new one and even used local ones demand around $1/lb.
Sure you can buy a cheap cast iron one that was made in china.
Problem is these are made from cast iron can be kind of soft or kind of brittle. That means you hammer dents into it as you use it or even worse you can small break chunks of sharp cast iron off...

Home made anvil


New U.S. Senate Bill Wants to Regulate DeFi Like a Bank "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I) is sponsoring the bill (Photo by Patrick Semansky-Pool/Getty Images)



Man Straps Insta360 to His Farm Cat After Wondering What He Gets Up To "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cat cam

A man who wanted to find out what his farmyard cat gets up to during the day strapped the new Insta360 Go 3 to see where he goes.

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JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Japan Society is proud to present the 16th annual JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film, the largest festival of its kind. From major blockbusters to indie darlings, films at this years JAPAN CUTS span narratives, documentaries, experimental and short films, and anime. This summer marks the festivals long-awaited return to in-person viewing, the first time since 2019.

Kicking off JAPAN CUTS is the East Coast premiere of The First Slam Dunk. The number one movie at the Japanese box office this year, it is the first new feature-length film from the Slam Dunk franchise in over 33 years, as well as manga creator Takehiko Inoues directorial debut.

JAPAN CUTS will present acclaimed actor Yuya Yagira with this years CUT ABOVE Award for Outstanding Achievement in Film for his lead role in the festivals centerpiece film, Under the Turquoise Sky by director KENTARO. Yagira was the...

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