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Sunday, 04 June


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Friday, 17 March


Der Ukraine-Liveticker heute hat ein paar bemerkenswerte ... "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Der Ukraine-Liveticker heute hat ein paar bemerkenswerte Meldungen im Kleingedruckten. Liest das eigentlich berhaupt jemand, diese Liveticker? Ich berspringe die immer, aber diesmal wies ein Leser auf diese Meldung hier hin:

In Bulgarien haben Getreideproduzenten einen Importstopp fr ukrainischen Weizen gefordert. Die um gut 30 Prozent billigere, zollfreie Einfuhr aus der Ukraine mache die heimische Weizenproduktion nicht mehr konkurrenzfhig [] hnliche Probleme gebe es auch infolge des Imports von preisgnstigeren Sonnenblumenkernen aus der Ukraine.
Jetzt macht der Putin auch noch unsere Bauern kaputt!!1!

Aber die Meldungen drumherum haben auch ein paar Klopper. Den hier z.B. finde ich super:

Die Grnen fordern raschere Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine.
Man vergleiche das mal mit den Wahlkampfplakaten vor dem Krieg. Aber es stellt sich auch noch eine andere Frage. Von wem fordern sie das konkret? Ich dachte die sind in der Regierung?

Oder wie wre es mit dem hier:

Russland hat im vergangenen Jahr dank hoher lpreise einen Handelsberschuss von 332,4 Milliarden US-Dollar (gut 311 Milliarden Euro) erzielt. Das Exportvolumen sei um 19,9 Prozent auf 591,5 Milliarden Dollar gestiegen, der Import im gleichen Zeitraum um 11,7 Prozent auf 259,1 Milliarden Dollar geschrumpft, teilte die Zollbehrde mit. Gegenber 2021 ist der Handelsberschuss Russlands damit um 68 Prozent gewachsen.
Die Sanktionen wirken!! Nur nicht in die Richtung, in die sie gedacht waren. Der lpreis wre ohne die Sanktionen nie so hoch gegangen.

Auf der anderen Seite muss man natrlich immer vorsichtig mit solchen Angaben sein, denn sie kommen von der Landesregierung. Die hat ein Interesse daran, dass die Zahlen so aussehen, wie sie aussehen. Da knnte es ein paar Flle von kreativer Buchfhrung auf dem Weg gegeben haben, wie bei uns mit der Arbeitslosenstatistik z.B.

Auerdem gab es noch die Meldung, dass die Russen die CIA-Story nicht glauben, dass der Nord-Stream-Angriff von einem verwirrten Einzeltter aus der Ukraine gekommen sei, denn die Ukraine habe ja dadurch nichts zu gewinnen gehabt.

Aber die Topp-Meldung in der Liste ist ganz am Ende:

vergangenes Jahr stieg die Ukraine durch die Militrhilfen aus den USA und Europa jedoch zum drittgrten Rstungsimporteur auf.
Wer importiert denn gerade bitte noch mehr Waffen als die Ukraine?!? Dafr muss man zur Prim...

Lass uns unsere Payroll-Daten in einem Spreadsheet ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Lass uns unsere Payroll-Daten in einem Spreadsheet in der Cloud verwalten! Was kann da schon schiefgehen?

When the accounting lead for PeopleDAO accidentally shared an editable accounting spreadsheet link in a public Discord channel, an enterprising member of the Discord decided to take advantage. They inserted a row with their own wallet address for a 76 ETH (~$120,000) payment, then hid the row so it wouldn't display to the other viewers.
Was als nchstes passierte, knnte die Bevlkerung verunsichern.

Ich wei gar nicht, was ich lustiger finde: Dass Facebook ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ich wei gar nicht, was ich lustiger finde: Dass Facebook den NFT-Schei einstellt, oder dass sie ihre Produktabkndigungen auf Twitter machen statt auf ihrer eigenen Plattform.

Randnotiz zu "KI":Microsoft laid off its entire ethics ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Randnotiz zu "KI":

Microsoft laid off its entire ethics and society team within the artificial intelligence organization as part of recent layoffs that affected 10,000 employees across the company
Ethik und gesellschaftliche Folgeabschtzungen sind ja auch blo im Weg fr sich schnell bewegende Innovatoren wie Microsoft!

Bei Digitalisierungsfragen erscheint offensichtlich, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Bei Digitalisierungsfragen erscheint offensichtlich, dass die FDP mit ihrem Blockchain-Bullshit die schlechteste Wahl ist, aber man darf nicht die CDU aus den Augen verlieren, die ernsthaft eine Microsoft-Lobbyisten fr sich in die Koalitionsverhandlungen schicken.

So tief muss man erst mal sinken!

Und sie merken erst, dass das vielleicht ein bisschen zu streng riecht, als sie von der Presse ins Gesicht darauf angesprochen werden.

Die absolut allerletzten in Sachen Digitalisierung. Da ist mir ja die FDP lieber! Die haben wenigstens eine eigene Position, auch wenn die absolut indiskutabel ist.

Immer dran denken: Dass die CDU berhaupt eine Stimme einfahren konnte, liegt an der Performance von Franziska "Clankriminalitt" Giffey und der SPD.

Benutzt hier jemand ipmitool?Nee, diesmal keine Sicherheitslcke ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Benutzt hier jemand ipmitool?

Nee, diesmal keine Sicherheitslcke im Code, sondern im Kopf. Github hat den Maintainer rausgeschmissen und die Repositories zu Waisen gemacht.

Eine Begrndung gab es keine.

Aber schaut mal, ob ihr vielleicht selbst drauf kommt, wenn ich euch sage, dass der Typ "Alexander Amelkin" heit und in Moskau wohnt.


US energy industry fading Chinese energy expanding "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Biden administration is deliberately weakening the US energy industries. Biden has pumped out half our strategic petroleum reserve while china has increased their strategic petroleum reserve to over a billion barrels which is way more than ours ever held.
There is no excuse other than sabotage.


How Theyll Use the Banking Crisis to Control YOU | Glenn TV | Ep 260 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A few days ago the White House tweeted: Our economy is moving in the right direction under President Bidens leadership. Does it feel that way to you? Or does it feel like the administration is moving it in a direction that ENSLAVES people like you and me? Glenn heads to the chalkboard to show the ACTUAL state of our economy and asks: Were the collapses of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and Silvergate Capital fluke closures, or were they part of a much larger, systemic problem? And will the Biden admin use the banking crisis to move us closer to nationalization and a central bank digital currency? Forbes magazine editor in chief Steve Forbes tells Glenn that central banks must NOT have digital currencies. It will be the ULTIMATE oppression and the end of privacy and freedom as we know it. He also slams the Feds moves to create money out of thin air, warns the audience of other economic problems yet to come, and reveals the REAL way to fight inflation.

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Are AMERICAN ELITES hurting the Ukrainian people as much as Putin? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Are Biden and the Democrats just ignoring Ukraines history of corruption, or is that the exact reason theyre funneling endless amounts of money into Ukraine without oversight? Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer joins Glenn to argue that the Ukrainian people have been victims not only of Vladimir Putin, but of the aggressive financial actions of the elites in the United States as well, from Hillary Clinton to Hunter and Joe Biden and the corruption didnt end when Zelenskyy became president. Plus, Schweizer hints that theres a reason Putin chose to invade Ukraine when he did

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"IndyWatch Feed Survival" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In typical Joe Biden fashion, the president refused to answer reporters questions about the Silicon Valley Bank closure and about our potentially imminent banking crisis after his speech on Tuesday. But he DID blab about something elsewatch this clip to find out what Joe said that he probably shouldve kept to himself

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How Theyll Use the Banking Crisis to Control YOU | Glenn TV | Ep 260 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A few days ago the White House tweeted: Our economy is moving in the right direction under President Bidens leadership. Does it feel that way to you? Or does it feel like the administration is moving it in a direction that ENSLAVES people like you and me? Glenn heads to the chalkboard to show the ACTUAL state of our economy and asks: Were the collapses of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and Silvergate Capital fluke closures, or were they part of a much larger, systemic problem? And will the Biden admin use the banking crisis to move us closer to nationalization and a central bank digital currency? Forbes magazine editor in chief Steve Forbes tells Glenn that central banks must NOT have digital currencies. It will be the ULTIMATE oppression and the end of privacy and freedom as we know it. He also slams the Feds moves to create money out of thin air, warns the audience of other economic problems yet to come, and reveals the REAL way to fight inflation.

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#GlennBeck #SVB #SiliconValleyBank #BankingCrisis #GlennTV #Banking #Banks #Politics #News #BlazeTV


Are AMERICAN ELITES hurting the Ukrainian people as much as Putin? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Are Biden and the Democrats just ignoring Ukraines history of corruption, or is that the exact reason theyre funneling endless amounts of money into Ukraine without oversight? Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer joins Glenn to argue that the Ukrainian people have been victims not only of Vladimir Putin, but of the aggressive financial actions of the elites in the United States as well, from Hillary Clinton to Hunter and Joe Biden and the corruption didnt end when Zelenskyy became president. Plus, Schweizer hints that theres a reason Putin chose to invade Ukraine when he did

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"IndyWatch Feed Survival" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In typical Joe Biden fashion, the president refused to answer reporters questions about the Silicon Valley Bank closure and about our potentially imminent banking crisis after his speech on Tuesday. But he DID blab about something elsewatch this clip to find out what Joe said that he probably shouldve kept to himself

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Live: Biden Treasury secretary to face Senate after SVB collapse "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Senate Finance Committee holds a hearing on President Bidens proposed budget request for fiscal year 2024. #foxnews

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Kevin OLeary: Janet Yellen is facing a moral crisis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Investor and Shark Tank star Kevin OLeary explains his belief that the American banking system will transition following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. #FoxNews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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9 key metrics to analyze the health of a bank "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Discover nine crucial metrics to analyze bank health: equity, ROA, ROE, NPLs, CAR and more.


How DAOs could cause the death of the CV "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

With the rise of remote work and a shift in attitudes towards work, DAOs provide an alternative approach to finding and participating in work opportunities.


Cointelegraph Markets Pro VORTECS Report Summary 179% gains from 4 alerts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cointelegraph Markets Pros VORTECS Score, NewsQuakes, Tweet Volume and Most Active On-Chain indicators helped subscribers identify four profitable trades.


Developed markets lagging behind in digital payments: BlackRock CEO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In a letter to investors, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink highlighted the benefits of digital assets and said developing nations like the U.S. are lagging behind in innovation.


22 Winners and Finalists of the 2023 Sony World Photography Awards Open Competition "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

22 Winners and Finalists of the 2023 Sony World Photography Awards Open Competition

Cowgirl at a barrel racing competition

Slam on the Brakes Zhenhuan Zhou, China Mainland, Winner, Open Competition, Motion, 2023 Sony World Photography Awards
Barrel racing is a competition where cowgirls ride quickly around barrels; the one that does this in the shortest time wins. Every time a horse reaches a barrel it needs to brake sharply, turn around the barrel and then race to the next one. The whole race is exciting, especially at the turns.

The World Photography Organisation has announced the category winners and shortlist of the Sony World Photography Awards Open Competition. These images were culled from over 200,000 photos that were submitted to the Open Competition. This part of the contest is open to all photographersboth professional and amateurand is designed to reward the best single images of 2022.

The 10 categories, which include Motion, Street Photography, Landscape, and Travel, are devised to give photographers ample opportunity to share their creativity. Photographers from seven different countries took home the top slot, while up to 15 others were named as part of the shortlist for each category.

Standout imagery includes Zhenhuan Zhou's dynamic photograph of a cowgirl and her horse during a barrel racing competition, which topped the Motion category. The horse's hooves jut out into the foreground as it brakes sharply. It's a wonderful example of how movement can be conveyed in a still image.

Isabel Bielderman's crisp, minimalist photograph of a ski jump hovering above snow-covered trees in Finland demonstrates that even the shortlist contains powerful imagery. Her photograph was one of several placed on the Landscape category shortlist. The Dutch photographer's stunning photo, where the white snow po...


European Parliament votes to form final law on EU digital wallet "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Introduced in 2021, the European Digital Identity framework aims to enable and protect digital identity of EU citizens.


Exploring the possibilities of Web3 with super apps "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Because Web3 applications are decentralized and often owned by their users, who retain full control of the information they share, they could be fertile ground for the next super apps. 


This scene from Dr Dolittle cinemas greatest minute has been going viral again and it just gets better and better "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Our thanks to the fabulous Shaun Keaveny who shared this moment from Dr Dolittle on Twitter and improved our day immeasurably.

The films from a while back and so is the original tweet (not that far back though) and if youve never seen the 1967 Rex Harrison film or even if you have youll probably want to spend the next minute or so watching this.

So many emotions in so little time!

And Shaun find him on Community Garden Radio (among many other places) here had the perfect payoff.

Source Twitter @shaunwkeaveny

The post This scene from Dr Dolittle cinemas greatest minute has been going viral again and it just gets better and better appeared first on The Poke.


Launchpads and launch pools: two roads to Web3 adoption "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Both launchpads and launch pools are important tools for growing the Web3 ecosystem.

Crypto winter can take a toll on hodlers mental health "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From the epic highs of the top of the bull market, many in the crypto space are now facing tough times that can take a toll on mental health.


12 People Who Are Having Really Bad Days "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Think youre having a bad day?

Just wait until you see what these folks are up against!

Because it aint pretty, my friends

Check out the hardships that these people are going through and say a special prayer for them.

1. Oh no!

That is terrible.

Screen Shot 2023 03 01 at 4.37.01 PM 12 People Who Are Having Really Bad Days

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Cant live that one down.

And just think of how many people have seen it

Screen Shot 2023 03 01 at 4.37.34 PM 12 People Who Are Having Really Bad Days

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. I guess youll be ordering in tonight

Bad kitty!



The metaverse strikes back "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Even the harshest critics cannot deny the exponential growth opportunity for Metaverse tokens.


Wolf Bitcoin And Lightning Accelerator Announces First Cohort, Investors And Mentors "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The New York-based Lightning accelerator has announced its first set of companies and projects.

In Wolf's Clothing, the first-ever startup accelerator dedicated to Lightning, announced its selection of eight teams for its inaugural cohort, Wolfpack 1. 

According to the press release sent to Bitcoin Magazine, the program received more than 100 applications from teams representing 36 countries. Wolf's accelerator program is designed to help early-stage startups achieve product-market fit, develop their brand, secure critical early-stage funding and grow businesses that fuel the global adoption of Bitcoin.

The selected companies are working on topics such as decentralized trading via discreet log contracts, a WeChat-style "super app" for Nostr and Lightning, automated Lightning node management, instant payments and remittances in MENA markets and more.

In addition to this announcement, as Wolf heads towards the start of its first cohort in April, the company announced a list of committed investors and mentors. Industry heavyweights such as Allen Farrington, Ego Death Capital, Fulgur Ventures, Hivemind Ventures, Kingsway Capital, NYDIG, Stone Ridge Holdings Group, and Urim Capital are involved.

Kelly Brewster, CEO of Wolf, said, "The volume and quality of applications to Wolf has been simply incredible. From true 'decentralized finance,' to infrastructure, social media, payments and more, the teams joining Wolf are moving Bitcoin forward across a wide variety of frontiers."

Applications for Wolf's second cohort, Wolfpack 2, are open and will be accepted through April 7, 2023. Wolf is a subsidiary of Stone Ridge Holdings Group, founded in 2012, which has five operating subsidiaries: Stone Ridge Asset Management, NYDIG, Longtail Re, Proof, and Wolf.

The announcement coincides with tremendous growth on the Lightning Network, with the Network's capacity at an all-time high, up 63% since the beginning of 2022. Also in focus, according to the announcement, "the explosive growth of Nostr continues with more than 2 million pubkeys writing events." The Lightning accelerator may very well end up playing a crucial role in the global adoption of Bitcoin, fueling innovative ideas and providing critical funding to early-stage startups.


Is crypto a commodity or a security? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This case goes beyond the survival of Ripple and XRP. It actually lays the predicate for the SEC to charge many of the other cryptos as securities.

Arbitrum to Airdrop New Token and Transition to DAO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Arbitrum will airdrop its ARB token on Thursday, Mar. 23 (Dall-e/CoinDesk)

Thursday, 16 March


Test Your Art Knowledge: How Much Do You Know About Impressionism? [Quiz] "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Test Your Art Knowledge: How Much Do You Know About Impressionism? [Quiz]

Test Your Knowledge of Impressionism

This quiz was generated with the help of ChatGPT. Content was then revised and fact-checked by My Modern Met.

We're back with a new quiz to test your knowledge. Do you love Impressionism? You aren't alone. This iconic art movement continues to be a favorite of art lovers. Maybe you are an art history buff who spends your weekend at the museum or perhaps you are a casual art lover who likes a good Monet. In either case, this short, 15-question quiz will help you discover how much you truly know about this important art movement.

So what are you waiting for? The quiz just takes a few minutes, and if you decide to enter your email address at the end, not only will we deliver the results to your inbox, but we'll also give you more information about Impressionism, as well as all the answers to the questions. (Don't worry, entering your email isn't mandatory and you'll still be able to see the results anyway.)


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The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall Very Rapidly Now Could These Banks Be Next? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News host Tucker Carlson takes a closer look at the roots of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'Subscribe to Fox News! https://...


First Mover Americas: Investors Pull Coins From Bitcoin Funds "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Investors have been pulling coins from bitcoin funds. (ByteTree Asset Management)


FTX fiasco set back the approval of Bitcoin spot ETFs: Valkyrie investment chief "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The chief investment officer at Valkyrie Investments, Steven McClurg, explains how firms are working around a challenging regulatory environment to bring Bitcoin spot ETFs to the U.S. market.


Grand Galactic Convergence: Lessons of La Palma Stargate "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Here in the Openhand community, we've recently completed a magical retreat on the volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands - a key planetary stargate, with seven islands that have strong Pleiadian alignment. How might the energy of this magical Isla Bonita speak into the planetary earth shift right now? What might the complexities of the field there reveal to energy and lightworkers about how to focus attention as we sail into the Grand Galactic Convergence? From what we experienced, it's clear to say, that Isla Bonita really is the Canary in the coal mine!

Overcoming Planetary Inertia in the Shift

I'd say the biggest reflection is that of inertia in the field, and in people's lives, where karmic convolutions and Opposing Consciousness still get into the various inner layers, that require determination and commitment to keep peeling back. This will be no quick sprint to the finishing line, but rather a marathon of dedicated inner work. I know that could sound a degree off-putting to some, BUT, to others you'll see the golden opportunity for growth of the soul.
In the same breath, I am simply bowled over by the humble, but tremendously wise and journied, Star Souls who are now being drawn to this Openhand work. You have the capacity to feel the various intervention layers that limit here, but then resonate and communicate realignment  into them. What the shift movement needs to realise is the power of expressed truth to unravel karmic density and intervention in the field. This is what causes the unravelling mechanism to accelerate - because literally EVERYTHING is shaped from the underlying quantum field. Speak coherently into it, in an aligned way, with truth, and the whole intervention dynamic comes apart at the seams.

The Labour Pains of Isla Bonita

Thus we were able to connect through the intervention and into Isla Bonita, the soul of the Island. Just like Gaia, s...


Michle Pagel "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its a well-worn truism that art can be whatevers on the pedestal. Following this cue, Michle Pagel takes a broad approach. Her bulky cast-concrete caryatids, resembling archaeological finds, hold up


Thinking Thursday: Pixel Graphics "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Prompt #65 Pixel Graphics is an excerpt from 312 Things To Do with a Math Journal, available as an ebook at my bookstore (Thank you for cutting out the middleman!) and in ebook or paperback through many online retailers. Read more about my playful math books here.

Do you want your children to develop the ability to reason creatively and figure out things on their own?

Help kids practice slowing down and taking the time to fully comprehend a math topic or problem-solving situation with these classic tools of learning: See. Wonder. Create.

See: Look carefully at the details of the numbers, shapes, or patterns you see. What are their attributes? How do they relate to each other? Also notice the details of your own mathematical thinking. How do you respond to a tough problem? Which responses are most helpful? Where did you get confused, or what makes you feel discouraged?

Wonder: Ask the journalists questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how? Who might need to know about this topic? Where might we see it in the real world? When would things happen this way? What other way might they happen? Why? What if we changed the situation? How might we change it? What would happen then? How might we figure it out?

Create: Create a description,...


Coinbase expects high demand for ETH unstaking with Shanghai upgrade "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Coinbase announces that unstaking requests may take weeks or months to process as they are not in charge of Ethereums unstaking process.


Surely the saddest (and funniest) journey youll watch as your plane is about to take off "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Well heres something you dont see every time your plane is about to take off (and thank goodness for that).

Its a very funny watch (unless it belongs to you, obviously) and has just gone viral in the corner of Reddit called well that sucks for reasons that will become obvious.

Someones gonna be mad when they get to their destination, said Cmdr_Nemo

Someones gonna be mad when they get to their destination.
by u/Cmdr_Nemo in Wellthatsucks

Its the little ooooh! that they make when the bag finally topples over that makes it for us (like it was somehow going to find its way back or something).

Screw you guys Im going home.

I must go, my people need me

I just want to know what brand of bag this is. Damn wheels are legit!

Husband: Have you seen my suitcase? It has our passports, travelers checks, return tickets and heart medication.

Wife: Im sure it is there, it not going to just wander off somewhere.

Source Reddit u/Cmdr_Nemo

The post Surely the saddest (and funniest) journey youll watch as your plane is about to take off appeared first on The Poke.


What are fan tokens, and how do they work? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fan tokens represent a new revenue stream for clubs and a reward system for fans. Find out here what fan tokens are and how they work.


Avatar project aims for human immortality by 2045 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Thanks to Devon for submitting:
Russian media magnate Dmitry Itskov is heading "Avatar," a tremendously ambitious and far-reaching multidisciplinary research project that aims to achieve immortality in humans within the next three decades. He plans to do it by housing human brains in progressively more disembodied vehicles, first transplanting them into robots and then, by the year 2045, by reverse-engineering the human brain and effectively "downloading" human consciousness onto a computer chip.

Fact or fiction?

When speculating on seemingly unobtainable goals such as this, one must be careful not to believe that improbable technological advances automatically become more likely simply by looking further away in the future. This is the cognitive trap that, for instance, has seen many leading IT experts predict the development of a human-level artificial intelligence at roughly twenty years in the future for at least the past five decades.

Looking at Avatar's proposed timeline, Itskov's project seems to suffer from the same fallacy. Certainly, if we borrow Carl Sagan's rule that "extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof," the project comes up short for the time being; it does, however, have the merit of basing most of its steps on technology that is either in the works or of general interest. And with the rate of technological change continuing to accelerate, the project's goals may be within reach, although not necessarily within the project's aggressive timeline.

The roadmap to immortality

The first...


Bitcoin returns to $25K as Credit Suisse bailout precedes EU rate hike move "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A day of important macroeconomic news in the U.S. and Europe sees BTC price action circling the all-important $25,000 zone.


This American classroom has a whiteboard that turns into a bulletproof safe room only 9 responses you need "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In todays edition of The State Were In Now or rather, The State Americas In Now comes this news report

Heres what Alabama reporter Gillian Brooks said about the new rapid deploy safe room system.

A little bit more info because, well, the more you read the lower your jaw will drop.

And this is the heart of it, the video in action.

And these are surely the only 9 responses you need.




Hugh Grant hilariously shares why the Sound of Music is one of his favourite things "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p><em>Hugh Grant</em> has been in the news for possibly the wrong reasons after <a href= ""> an awkward Oscars interview</a> with <em>Ashley Graham</em>, though the jurys out on whether he was being rude or just British.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="zxx"><a href= ""></a></p> <p> No Context Brits (@NoContextBrits) <a href= ""> March 14, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <p>Hes been doing the interview circuit, promoting his upcoming film, <em>Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, and one stop was at Wired, where Hugh and co-stars Chris Pine and Michelle Rodriguez were answering questions about themselves from the internet.

One was about Hugh Grants favourite film and we werent ready for this answer.</p> <blockquote cite= "" class= "tiktok-embed"> <section><a href="" rel= "noopener" target="_blank" title="@wired">@wired</a> <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="hughgrant">#hughgrant</a> has strong feelings about <a href= "" rel= "noopener" target="_blank" title= "thesoundofmusic">#thesoundofmusic</a> <a href= "" rel= "noopener" target="_blank" title= "dungeonsanddragons">#dungeonsanddragons</a> <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title= "dungeonsanddragonsmovie">#dungeonsanddragonsmovie</a> <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title= "wiredautocompleteinterview">#wiredautocompleteinterview</a> <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title= "michellerodriguez">#michellerodriguez</a> <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="chrispine">#chrispine</a> @dungeonsanddragonsmovie <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title= " original sound - WIRED.COM"> original sound WIRED.COM</a></section> </blockquote> <p>TikTok users loved his honesty.</p> <blockquote> <p><em>Im enjoying the Unhinged Era of Hugh Grant.</em><br> <strong>Hayley</stro...


Missing Persons and the UFO Connection Interview with David Paulides "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dave Paulides spent twenty years in law enforcement and held senior executive positions in the technology sector before becoming interested in missing persons cases in national parks and wilderness areas. He subsequently wrote 11 books on missing persons and produced several documentary films. In his 2022 documentary Missing 411: The UFO Connection he explores missing []


Scam alert: $300K stolen by fake Blur airdrop websites "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Unsuspecting users looking to claim Blur token airdrops have had funds stolen by a number of fake websites.


Bitcoin Holds Steady; Dogecoin Leads Slide in Major Cryptocurrencies as Traders Lock In Gains "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Majors tokens slid amid profit taking after the past few days' uptick. (Unsplash, Kanchanara)


Comeback of the day "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Latest in an occasional series, comeback of the day is surely this, shared by PTAwesome over on Reddit.


Self-victimization is all the rage these days.

Why is that pro-gunners have this terrible fetish about how much they can brag to kill somebody? Why do they always talk about these hypotheticals that is conveniently making them feel like they actually have a personality?

Tiberius: Come fight me!

Brandy: Sorry, busy working, punch yourself.

Source Reddit u/PTAwesome

The post Comeback of the day appeared first on The Poke.


A Student Writes a Rejection Letter Rejecting Harvards Rejection Letter (1981): Hear It Read by Actor Himesh Patel "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The documentary filmmaker and sports editor Paul Devlin has won five Emmy awards, but he may well be better known for not getting into Harvard or rather, for not getting into Harvard, then rejecting Harvards rejection. I noticed that the rejection letter I received from Harvard had a grammatical error, Devlin writes. So, I wrote a letter back, rejecting their rejection letter. His mother then sent a copy of this letter to the New York Times and it was published in the New Jersey section on May 31, 1981. In 1996, when the New York Times Magazine published a cover story about the trauma students were experiencing getting rejected from colleges, she seized the opportunity to send her sons rejection-rejection letter to the Paper of Record.

It turned out that Devlins letter had already run there, having long since gone the pre-social-media equivalent of viral. The New York Times accused me of plagiarism. When they discovered that I was the original author and they had unwittingly re-printed themselves, they were none too happy. But my mom insists that it was important to reprint the article because the issue was clearly still relevant.

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its todays most adorable thing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Leading contender for most adorable (and satisfying) thing of the day is surely this, a dog with a paw that looks uncannily like

The picture has just gone viral on Reddit after it was shared by Boojibs who said: Doggs matching paw.

And in close-up!

Its a match!

Please, let me and my son nap.

Hes got his own paw-pet.

It looks like the dog has a puppet of himself on its left paw and now it wishes it would have a real friend.

I think this wins my Internet for the day. Mini me looks like a cheery version.

Source Reddit u/Boojibs

The post This dogs paw looks uncannily like a thing appeared first on The Poke.


This hilarious comeback has sailed into viral waters again and it will never not be funny "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The two year anniversary of this magnificent exchange on Twitter has just sent it viral all over again and it will never not be funny.

If you havent seen it before or even if you have its never less than worth a look.

Here it is again in full, just in case



The responses to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservations logo woes are much more than OK "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation is very much a does what it says on the tin sort of thing but their logo is a lot less obvious.

Now, its not too bad close up, but when you see the small Twitter version, it could definitely be mistaken for something else.


Trannys "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

What's the name of the hospital where they go?
St. Dude


Intricate Sculptures by Zheng Lu Suspend Splashes of Water in Stainless Steel "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Water in Dripping Group of Warblers (2022), stainless steel, 102 3/8 x 68 7/8 x 122 inches. All images Zheng Lu, shared with permission courtesy of HOFA Gallery

Harnessing the energy of water in motion, Zheng Lus metallic sculptures appear frozen in time. The Beijing-based artist defies utilitarian or industrial associations with steel, creating tension between the material and the fluid forms. Challenging our expectations and understanding of physics, smooth, chrome-like surfaces reflect the surroundings and change in the light as the viewer moves around them, further adding to the perception that the sculpture itself is in motion. In some of the works, Zheng composes surfaces of thousands of Chinese characters derived from historical texts and poems, nodding to early Chinese philosophers who studied physical principles of the natural world to better understand cosmological mysteries.

Zhengs exhibition Liquid Narratives runs March 16 to 29 at HOFA Gallery in London, marking the artists first show in the U.K., and you can find more of his work on his website.




When it takes two university-federal agency letters and five years for a journal to retract a paper "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Rajivir Dahiya

In June of 2020, officials from the Veterans Affairs Medical Center of San Francisco and the University of California, San Francisco, sent a letter to the journal Oncogene with the findings of an investigation of scientific misconduct: A paper the journal had published in 2007 contained falsified data, and the officials recommended the journal assess this paper for retraction.

The 2020 letter which we obtained through a public records request was the second time the institutions had alerted the journal. As the officials stated, a previous  investigation had found issues in the 2007 paper, and UCSF-VA had communicated earlier evidence that this same paper had data fabrication and/or falsification constituting research misconduct to the journal in 2017

Even though the journal has been notified after the last investigation and not taken action, the 2020 letter stated, they should be notified again because additional research misconduct has been found. 

In fact, a journal staffer was in the midst of discussing the issues in the article with Rajivir Dahiya, the corresponding author and then director of UCSFs Urology Research Center with an appointment at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, according to emails seen by Retraction Watch. 

As weve reported previously, Dahiya, who retired in 2020 and is now a professor emeritus of urology, has had four papers retracted after UCSF and the VA sent letters to journal editors saying that an investigation had found fabrication or falsification of data in the articles. 

The 2020 letter from UCSF-VA officials confirms that the institutions conducted two investigations that found research misconduct, although neither inquiry could determine who was responsible for the faked data. 

Judging from Dahiyas correspondence with Oncogene, the letter also appears to have been a decisive factor for the journals editors. After rece...


Whats the most out-of-date cultural reference youve heard recently? 19 nostalgic replies "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The wonderful @NickMotown asked his Twitter followers a question about which out-of-date cultural references they had heard recently, and the responses took us on a trip down memory lane whilst demonstrating the lasting influence that certain adverts and celebrities can have on our collective consciousness.

Heres his initial question

And some of the marvellously outdated responses






FTX Paid Around $2.2B to Sam Bankman-Fried, New Management Says "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sam Bankman-Fried leaving court in February, 2023 . (Liz Napolitano/CoinDesk)


Photo from the Project Blue Book shows cylindrical mothership releasing small UFOs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Photo from the Project Blue Book files shows a cylindrical UFO believed to hover over New York City on March 20, 1950. Source:


Binance-Voyager deal to proceed without holdings, NY judge rules "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to Judge Michael Wiles, any protractions with the deal will harm the interests of Voyagers former clients, who are waiting for the return of their funds.


Important Equinox Message Regarding Ascension Portal Readiness "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The upcoming equinox is an ascension portal Heres how to be prepared and why its so crucial

By Gerry Gomez This is going to be a long post with a bunch of critical information in it thats been given to me and a small team from source and our guides. Please review it all as a lightworker. There are instructions included within that are needed at this time. Weve been made aware that it is our job to get ready and help our family members to start waking up. Because of our reach, we can get this information to a lot of lightworkers and the general population.
At the end of last year, some of us at Prepare for Change where I am a Council member, noticed that there was a shifting of energies compelling some of us to:
  1. Deal with deep trauma healing
  2. Move on from current situations or organizations
  3. Focus in specific areas of our missions
  4. Learn some specifics about the ascension shift
This manifested in people moving from our organization to others, or to go on to personal projects. This has been a regular occurrence with PFC over the years, where people come to the organization, learn what they need to learn to awaken and then move on to do their light work and missions. It has been a blessing to see many succeed and an honor to help early awakening people go through the process of learning, healing, then leading. I am now being guided to broaden the message. I am creating regular posts on and invite you to check out more ascension info there. Ill circulate important posts on PFC (with their blessing) also when theres a vital bit of information to share. However, what Im covering here has been provided by higher planes work, guides, and source through myself and a few friends.

Important Guidance

The messages and opportunities Ive...


FDIC asked Signature buyers to stop all crypto business: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The FDIC regulators have reportedly required any buyer of Signature to agree to give up all cryptocurrency business at the bank.


Revolutionizing the Crypto World: The Power and Potential of Stablecoins Explained "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If youre interested in cryptocurrency, chances are youve heard of stablecoins. These coins have been gaining popularity in recent years due to their unique characteristics and potential to revolutionize the crypto world. In this article, well explain what stablecoins are, how they work, the advantages they offer, the types of stablecoins available, their role in the crypto market, the future of stablecoins, how to invest in them, the risks associated with investments, and regulations surrounding their use.

Introduction to Stablecoins

Stablecoins are a type of cryptocurrency that are designed to maintain a stable value. Unlike other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which have a volatile value and can fluctuate wildly in price, stablecoins are pegged to a specific asset or basket of assets, such as the US dollar, gold, or other cryptocurrencies. The goal of stablecoins is to offer the benefits of cryptocurrency, such as decentralization and security, while minimizing the risk associated with price volatility.

What are Stablecoins and How Do They Work?

Stablecoins work by pegging their value to a specific asset or basket of assets. This allows them to maintain a stable value, regardless of market conditions. For example, if a stablecoin is pegged to the US dollar, then one unit of the stablecoin will always be worth one US dollar. This stability is achieved through a variety of methods, including collateralization, algorithmic stabilization, and reserve backing.

Collateralized stablecoins are backed by assets held in reserve, such as fiat currency, gold, or other cryptocurrencies. These assets are held in a secure location, such as a bank, and are used to guarantee the value of the stablecoin. Algorithmic stablecoins, on the other hand, use an algorithm to adjust the supply of the coin based on market demand, in order to maintain a stable value. Finally, reserve-backed stablecoins are backed by an actual reserve of assets, such as a reserve of US dollars, which are held in a secure location and used to guarantee the value of the stablecoin.

The Advantages of Stablecoins

The main advantage of stablecoins is their stability. This makes them an attractive option for individuals and businesses that want to use cryptocurrency for transactions, but are wary of the price volatility associated with other cryptocurrencies. Stablecoins also offer fast and secure transactions, as well as the benefits of decentralization and anonymity that come with using cryptocurrency.

Another advantage of stablecoins is their potential to facilitate cross-border transactions. Because stablecoins are not tied to a specific country or currency, they can be used to facilitate transactions between individuals and businesses in different countries, without the need for a traditional financial institution. This can reduce transaction fees and increase the speed of transactions, making it easier for...


Crypto acted as safe haven amid SVB and Signature bank run: Cathie Wood "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cathie Wood said the ongoing banking crisis is a total Fed policy failure and could have been averted with cryptos decentralized solutions.


27+ favourite things people said about the budget "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jeremy Hunts first normally scheduled budget or Spring Statement has happened, after his emergency Autumn Statement undid some of the harm from Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwartengs economy-ruining mini budget.

He referenced that bit of firefighting, without qualification.

Ahead of the Commons statement, we knew much of what to expect due to leaks of things like keeping the energy price guarantee for three more months and expanding eligibility for childcare.

Hunt introduced his four Es Enterprise, Employment, Education and Everywhere, with everywhere presumably having been bunged on the end because its a lot trickier to say three Es.



Artificial Intelligence, Art & the Future of Creativity: Watch the Final Chapter of the Everything is a Remix Series "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From 2010 to 2012, filmmaker Kirby Ferguson released Everything is a Remix, a four-part series (watch here) that explored art and creativity, and particularly how artists inevitably borrow from one another, drawing on past ideas and conventions, and then turn these materials into something beautiful and new. In the initial series, Ferguson focused on musicians, filmmakers, writers and even video game makers. Now, a little more than a decade later, Ferguson has resurfaced and released a fifth and final chapter in his series, with this episode focusing on a different kind of artist: artificial intelligence. Responding to the rise of AI-generated art, Ferguson delves into the ethics of art generated by machines, particularly when theyre trained with human-created art. Is AI-generated art a form of piracy? Or is it another kind of creative remix? And what does AI mean for the future of art and creativity? These are just some of the weighty questions Ferguson tackles in his final installment. Watch it above.

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Related Content 

Everything is a Remix: A Video Series Exploring the Sources of Creativity



Voyager-Binance.US Pause Denied by Bankruptcy Judge "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Voyager-Binance.US deal should go ahead despite government objections, a court ruled Wednesday. (Witthaya Prasongsin/Getty Images)


What You Should Know About How to Help After a Disaster "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By the author of Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City and The Ultimate Survival Gear Handbook

When I wrote about the train derailment in Ohio a few weeks ago, I had no idea Id be involved in another ugly catastrophe, this time a natural disaster near my hometown.

On February 20th, heavy summer storms caused massive landslides in several north shore cities in my state. Its a region famous for white beaches flanked by exuberant green slopes and mountains, with many nice hotels and fancy condominiums. Over 60 people died (including 18 children), and several are still missing. 

In the coastal town of So Sebastio, 627mm (24 inches) of rain fell in 24 hours, twice the expected amount for the month. Dozens of people are missing, and while the number of dead is expected to rise, rescue workers hope to pull some of those trapped in flooded homes out of the mud alive. The video showed neighborhoods under water, inundated motorways, and debris left after houses were swept away. [source

A disaster like this requires the help of many volunteers for recovery. However, there are things you should know so that you are a help after a disaster instead of a hindrance.

An SHTF in the middle of Carnival

Disaster can be capricious. Its summer here, and the beaches were packed with tourists enjoying the holiday. Thousands are dislocated and cant return to their homes tens of houses got swiped by the mudslide or washed away by the waterfalls and rivers that formed from the massive downpour. 

Armed forces joined the search and rescue efforts, aggravated by poor access to many areas after landslides blocked the snaking roads in the regions highlands and floods washed away chunks of pavement in low-lying and oceanfront areas. [...


Benjamin Fulford Report: March madness begins as Rockefeller/Biden horror show implodes March 13, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dont be fooled by the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) sideshow, what is really happening is the Rockefeller/Biden horror show is imploding. Lets be clear, so-called President Joe Biden, Janet Yellen, the Rockefellers etc. are all criminals who are about to face justice. To see what a joke this regime is, watch the so-called leader of the free world say they had to take the top of my head off a couple of times to see if I had a brain. [video width="484" height="270" mp4=""][/video] No wonder Russian dementia care facilities are using Biden on their posters Do you think these guys are going to stay in control by bailing themselves out with their own money? No, they are all going to be bankrupted and sent to jail. Just watch and see. What happened with the $209 billion SVB is insiders withdrew all their money from the bank only to have Janet Yellen step in to replenish their funds. Canadian Intelligence sources say it was just a massive bribery operation that will not fool anybody. Ponder this: The CFO of SVB bank is none other than the former CFO of Lehman Brothers....


She Left a Restaurant Because She Was Asked to Pay For Everyones Meals. Is She Wrong? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Lets have dinner tonight

And, oh, by the way, youre payingfor everyone

That sounds like a great proposition, doesnt it?

Im being sarcastic, in case youre wondering

Check out this story from Reddits Am I the A**hole? page and let us know if you think this woman was out of line for what she did to her boyfriend.

AITA for leaving the restaurant before my boyfriends family arrived after I was told that I was going to pay for their meals?

I (f29) have been dating my boyfriend (m35) Ricky for 5 months. Hes divorced but h**es this word and goes with the word divorcee instead since the first one makes it sound like he was dumped when it was him who initiated it.

Anyways, He always go on long rants about his exes and say stuff like I hope you dont have this awful habit my ex has or hope you like XYZ cause my ex didnt and the list goes on.

I found a 2nd job recently and hes been having me pay every time we go out. When I protest hed say hes going through a rough patch and is seeing how much help I cam offer.

Last night he invited his family to join us for dinner. We got to the restaurant first. He asked me if I brought enough momey, I said why and he told me that he told his parents that Id pay for their meals. I said why would I and he went on about his parents going through a rough patch just like him.

I said Im sorry this cant be a coincidence! he asked what I meant and I told him that I would not be paying. He insisted, I refused and said no. He then leaned back and said well, youre here, so n...


Out of Shape Punk Switches to Weighted Cigarettes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PROVIDENCE 38-year-old punk Richard Locke is trying to improve his physical fitness by switching to a brand of cigarettes heavy enough to double as a form of resistance training, skeptical sources report.

I just feel like garbage, man, said Locke, standing outside a bar while demonstrating his new workout routine. I know Im getting older, but Im really falling apart. My skin looks terrible; my teeth and gums are going to shit. I cant walk up a flight of stairs without hacking up a lung. I figured the only free time I have is my smoke breaks, so Ive decided to make a change and use that time to get healthier. Ive definitely added a little muscle, but my cardio still sucks for some reason.

Certified personal trainer Al Joseph says that he has worked with dozens of punks, including Locke, to design fitness routines that fit their lifestyles.

People in this scene, they dont always thrive in a typical gym environment, said Joseph, who says he bases his methods on evolutionary psychology. But once you get to know them, its just a matter of having a conversation and figuring out whatll work. The trickiest part is the details. For Rich, the cigs were an obvious choice for building upper body strength, but we had to get creative for leg day. Eventually, we realized that he could put the pack in his cargoes instead of his jacket pocket to make sure he was targeting all muscle groups evenly.

Tobacco industry representatives reported that business has increased substantially thanks to poster boys like Michaels.

The new branding has been very successful for us, said Guy Meldrum, CEO of Reynolds American, Inc., who launched their Natural American Spi-Ripped weighted line last spring. The active lifestyle trend has traditionally hurt us, so its a relief to see that people are finally following the science and turning to cigarettes to improve their health. Plus, I dont mind targeting anti-corporate punks as a broad demographic. By a complete coincidence, their mortality rates have skyrocketed since we introduced this product. Im not saying that I want them dead, but, welllets just say our political and economic interests do not align.

At press time, Locke confirmed that he had expanded his training regimen by switching from tallboys to full forties.

The post Out of Shape Punk Switches to Weighted Cigarettes appeared first on The Hard Times.


Pulling teeth at home... "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ol wisdom tooths been haslin me last week or so, got a dentist appointmet coming up in a few weeks. Tried yanking er out but only managed to break a chunk or two off. Anyone succesfully yanked a molar out at home?


Horror Movie About Isolated Cabin Ruined by Verizons Unrivaled Cell Coverage "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOS ANGELES Netflix horror Under the Floorboards features a fully accurate depiction of Verizons industry-leading cell service, totally undercutting any suspense the film may have had, disappointed sources confirmed.

My career is totally screwed, admitted director Preston Evans while texting his agent. I warned the studio, but they said Verizon was paying for strategic embedded synergistic utilization, whatever the hell that means. The test screenings showed people were pissed off that the college kids were able to FaceTime with the Airbnb owner every time something scary happened. And audiences really, really hated that the rest of the run time was devoted to the kids using TikTok, downloading podcasts, and searching on UberEats for a Wendys that would deliver to a haunted cabin in the woods.

The film, a highly anticipated adaptation of some notes a coked-up Stephen King scribbled on a napkin in 1982, received swift scorn from critics and fans alike.

It started off well enough with the teens driving through the woods at night and showing up to the decrepit old cabin, explained Variety critic Anna Ramos. I tensed up when the girl went to check on the otherworldly moaning coming from the basement. And I jumped out of my seat when she found the inbred freak chained to the radiator! But then went live on Instagram to show off the horrible freak and the picture quality held up the entire time. Honestly, it was hard to be scared of the monster after he parlayed his social media buzz into an appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden.

Despite outcry over the film, Verizon plans to continue partnering with Netflix on the production of new films.

Netflix is the perfect platform for Verizon to showcase our award-winning service. We are especially excited about our involvement with horror movies, noted Verizon spokesperson Kim Chen. They have such a passionate, extremely vocal fanbase! Im sure theyll be thrilled to hear we have a remake of The Shining in the works. But this time,Wendy and Danny start trending on Twitter for outing Jacks abusive gaslighting. Fortunately, hes able to use the BetterHelp app to get matched easily with a licensed, board-accredited therapist.

As of press time, Netflix also announced that their upcoming reboot of Taxi Driver will be co-produced by Lyft.

The post Horror Movie About Isolated Cabin Ruined by Verizons Unrivaled Cell Coverage appeared first on The Hard Times.

Nicole Kidman Video About Importance of Scene Unity to Run Before Hardcore Shows "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PENSACOLA, Fla. A group of show promoters commissioned Nicole Kidman to appear in a video similar to her infamous AMC ad to spread a positive message about scene unity, confirmed enraptured sources at the videos Pensacola Sons of Italy premiere.

Im actually a bit of a punk fan myself, said Kidman while bottle-feeding a baby wallaby. Weve got a grand history of punk and hardcore in Australia, from The Saints to Speed. So it was a no-brainer for me to cut this ad promoting solidarity and positive mental attitude in the hardcore scene. In the video, I talk about how things just seem magical at these loud, raucous shows. I really believe it when I say, Somehow, getting your ribs broken and your nose kicked in feels good in a place like this.

DIY show promoter Gregg Bronner said that having a movie star deliver the message up front spares the audience from having to listen to long-winded speeches from singers mid-set.

Hardcore singers will often interrupt the flow of a show with speeches about strength, perseverance, and thinking for yourself, said Bronner as he set up a projector. A lot of fans complain that the speeches can grind a shows momentum to a halt. We figured we could save a lot of time by having someone with real gravitas deliver a concise, powerful message at the beginning of the night, leaving the rest of the time for the music. Yes, some of those speeches are about important topics, but lets be honestmost of these guys arent exactly Winston Churchill.

Emerson Colleges Department of Communication Studies assistant director Candace McMorrow said that many subcultures are embracing the model of the Kidman spot.

Celebrity endorsements arent just for watches, perfume, and liquor anymore, said McMorrow. Were seeing a marked rise in the use of celebrities to deliver genre-specific messaging. For instance, Morgan Freeman recently recorded a voice-over for an emotionally-charged video celebrating the rich history of cybergoth dance. Theres also a popular PSA featuring Jennifer Coolidge on how to safely smash fluorescent tubes, which is aimed at the backyard wrestling community.

At press time, Kidman had wrapped production on an inspiring piece about crust punks which highlights the enduring, uniquely American traditions of train-hopping and panhandling.

The post Nicole Kidman Video About Importance of Scene Unity to Run Before Hardcore Shows appeared first on The Hard Times.


We Sat Down With the Remaining Members of Poison, Which Turns Out Is All of Them "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Whether its Talk Dirty to Me, Every Rose Has Its Thorn, or Nothin But a Good Time, chances are youre familiar with iconic glam rockers, Poison. The Hard Times was lucky enough to score an exclusive interview with these legends. Well, the ones who are still with us, of course.

The Hard Times: Wow, its amazing to even be in the same room as you guys. How are you all holding up?
Bret Michaels: Thanks so much for having us. Im doing great. Ive been on the reality TV circuit and I try to relax whenever I can.
Rikki Rockett: Im hanging in there as always. Drumming at my age really takes it out of you.

I bet. I know it must be hard sitting here, especially after what happened to Bobby Dall.
Bobby Dall: Im right here.

Oh, shit, sorry. I, uh, thought you, um, couldnt make it in today. You okay?
Bobby Dall: I mean, yeah? I had back surgery but that was like 24 years ago.

Of course, yeah, thats what I meant. I must have forgotten it was so long ago. Time flies. Anyway, you lot have had some infamous altercations over the years, including fights on stage and near-breakups. I wanted to ask. Are there any arguments with past members you regret?
C.C. DeVille: Ha! Yeah, most of those were my fault.
Bret Michaels: He was a real handful back in the day.

Right, absolutely. I actually meant something along the lines of things you may have said to some other members that you cant take back or tell them youre sorry now.
Rikki Rockett: Oh, were still in touch with Matt Smith and Richie Kotzen. Theyre good guys.

And, um, theyre in good health?
Bret Michaels: Yes?

Oh. What about the other guitarist?
C.C. DeVille: You mean Blues? Yeah man, hes fine. He left on good terms. Apparently, hes super into yoga and stuff now.
Rikki Rockett: I think hes vegan, too.

Thats thats good news. Moving on! Do you think youll all ever be able to do another tour like you did in 2022, especially after whats happened?
Bret Michaels: Whats happened?
C.C. DeVille: Did someone die?
Bobby Dall: I think theyre still stuck on my surgery.

Okay, look, I definitely was under the impression that at least one of you guys had kicked the bucket. Its statistically likely. You are a hair metal band from the sunset strip after all.
Bret Michaels: Were actually from Mechanicsburg, PA.

But werent you guys ripping lines of cocaine and driving drunk throughout the glory days of your career?
Poison: Yep.

After several minutes of silence, C.C. DeVille told me to go fuck myself...


Euler hacker seemingly taking their chances, sends funds to crypto mixer "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Before the move, the hacker apparently refunded at least one victim, leading to a slew of on-chain messages from other purported victims.


Brendan Fraser Says The Whale Will Change Lives Like He Didnt Already Do That With Bedazzled "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ALISON SCHENK | Entertainment | Contact After taking home his first Oscar in the Year of the Underdog, Brendan Fraser has once again cemented himself back into the minds of the public as just a really great bloke hey.  Speaking at a press junket about his new movie which won him the Best Actor statue at the 2023 Academy []

The post Brendan Fraser Says The Whale Will Change Lives Like He Didnt Already Do That With Bedazzled appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Coinbase met with Australian banking regulators over local crypto regulations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Coinbases vice president of international policy told Cointelegraph the meetings took place in Canberra and Sydney and touched on the governments token mapping efforts.


SBFs inner circle received $3.2B, mainly from Alameda: Court filings "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Billions worth of loans and payments flowed from FTX entities to Sam Bankman-Fried and five other former executives of FTX and Alameda Research.


A compilation of Hacker T. Dog and Lauren Layfield shows they were so much more than just innocent men "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If youre familiar with CBBC the BBCs channel for school-age children youll have encountered Hacker T. Dog, the puppet with the gruff northern voice and the abiity to make watching kids TV a lot more entertaining for parents.

The world (Okay, then the internet.) may never recover from the wildly viral clip of Hacker or Phil Fletcher, if you want to get technical and presenter Lauren Layfield that went wildly viral last year.

Here it is, in all its comedic glory.

A compilation of Lauren trying to cope with Hackers ad libs has surfaced and its another masterpiece.

We dont know how Lauren ever kept a straight face at all, to be honest.

Tweeters loved the pairs chaotic interactions.



Payments Processor Stripe Secures $6.5B in Funding at $50B Valuation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

John Collison, Co-founder and President of Stripe (Christophe Morin/IP3/Getty Images)


The Rhombus of Michaelis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Midwives often talk about how we can re-collect the kinds of knowledge which were held by our predecessors who attended births before they were taken over by medicalisation and moved out of the home environment.  Occasionally, somebody discovers knowledge which is both old and new, recognises its implications, and this becomes their passion.

Such was the case with Jean Sutton and the rhombus of Michaelis, an area of the lower back which plays a key role in physiological birth. Much of this article is based on a discussion / interview with Jean which took place during August 2002; her words are in italics. It is still just as relevant today.

Before we get into the finer details of what Jean affectionately calls the rhombus, I should add that part of the point in writing about this is that this is the kind of knowledge that some midwives will see as very obvious; they will have read about it before (e.g. Sutton 2000), heard Jean speak, or be independently aware of this feature of birthing bodies. They might be surprised that anyone feels the need to write about it again. Yet others will not have heard of the rhombus of Michaelis or of the difference that their knowing about this can make to the women they attend. Such has been my experience in talking to midwives about this kind of experiential / physiological knowledge or, as Jean calls it, womens wisdom.  What seems obvious to one midwife will be news to another.

I also want to acknowledge that, since this article was published, a number of debates about language have occurred, and we might use different terms now. Jeans words still carry an immense amount of wisdom, so please read them with an understanding of the context and time in which she spoke.


So where is this rhombus, and what does it do?

In Jeans words,...


Atheist Republic News Summary: Popular Streamer Destiny Demolishes Islam "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

  • Popular Streamer Destiny Demolishes Islam

Get ready to grab your popcorn and witness the Twitter battle of the century! Atheist Republic brings you the juicy details of the feud between the Islamic community and the notorious streamer, "Destiny." It all started when Destiny made some controversial comments about the Muslim community's reaction to blasphemy and even made a joke about the Prophet Muhammad being a pedophile. The fallout was intense, with people trying to reveal Destiny's home address and incite violence against him. But that's not all - Destiny's open marriage was used as a weapon against him, but he refused to let it get the best of him. Watch the full video to learn all about this fiery Twitter feud!

  • Malaysia to "Fight Islamophobia" with $2 Million Quran Distribution Plan

Location: Malaysia

The Malaysian government has announced a new initiative to "combat Islamophobia" by globally distributing translated copies of the Quran. They have set aside more than $2 million in their 2023 budget. Twenty thousand copies produced under the project would be sent to Sweden, where a far-right Swedish-Danish activist Rasmus Paludan lit the Quran on fire while staging protests. Some Malaysians are skeptical of the plan, and believe it would be better to spend that money on social welfare programs to improve living standards for Malaysians. Sweden's ambassador to Malaysia welcomed the plan, while a hardline Malaysian Islamist group expressed skepticism, insisting on harsher measures and boycotts against Sweden.

  • Jerusalem's Chief Rabbi Blames LGBT Rights for Earthquake Aftershocks

Location: Israel

During a weekly sermon, Jerusalem's Sephardic chief rabbi, Shlomo Amar, said that the recent earthquake aftershocks in Israel were caused by the c...


Short Man Breaks The Mould By Being Extremely Well Mannered And Un-Argumentative "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | Contact An extremely unusual character has been unearthed in Betootas Old City District this afternoon. In what is being described by local anthropologists as the first of a kind, a short local man has revealed himself to be a perfectly well adjusted human being who has no issues with the world at large. Known []

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Working Aussie Families Actually Excited For A Chinese Invasion And Some Decent Housing Policies "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Diplomatic and factional tensions are high in Canberra this week, as Albanese faces foreign and internal backlash for his decision to go through with Scott Morrisons rushed AUKUS nuclear submarine deal. This comes nearly two years after Australia was forced to pay $500 million to rip up its multi-billion dollar submarine contract with []

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US credit crunch means its time to buy gold and Bitcoin: Novogratz "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Galaxy Digital CEO predicts tough times ahead for the United States economy but continues to be bullish on crypto.


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 3.70 AUD

Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.47 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00004 BTC


Fm 5-428 concrete and masonry "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Fm 5-428 concrete and masonry - all phases of concrete/masonry work

Read more about this resource...


Indigenous Voices from the Frontlines of Climate Change "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Indigenous Voices from the Frontlines of Climate Change agnes Wed, 03/15/2023 - 23:41

CSQ Issue

47-1 We Are the Voice of Nature

March 2023
47-1 We Are the Voice of Nature

The following are excerpts from interviews with Indigenous delegates at COP27 conducted by our Indigenous Rights Radio producers. Listen to over 40 interviews in full at


Our Cultures Are Tied to Our Environment

imgLisa Qiluqqi Koperqualuk (Inuit)
President, Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada

In the Arctic, we are a people who have created our culture based around the whole Arctic environment. We live in the tundra and we rely on the marine...


Tm 9-1575 Watches and Clocks "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Tm 9-1575 Watches and Clocks - shows operation/maintenance of various watches etc.


Tm 9-1575 Watches and Clocks


Fm 3-05-213 spec ops pack animals "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Fm 3-05-213 spec ops pack animals - use, care of pack animals in rough terrain.


Fm 3-05-213 spec ops pack animals


Federal Reserve confirms July launch for FedNow instant payment service "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The FedNow service aims to reduce the gap in payment time between United States financial institutions.


Fm 5-426 Carpentry "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Fm 5-426 Carpentry - a pdf on carpentry, all phases cutting, nailing, tools, measuring, etc., and different techniques.

Fm 5-426 Carpentry


Tm 5-232 Surveying "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Tm 5-232 Surveying - surveying property, building sites, etc.


Tm 5-232 Surveying


Formfunction to shutter marketplace amid Solana NFT slump "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The platform didnt disclose the reason for its closure, but Solana NFTs havent been having the best run lately.


Supposedly Evolved Species Puts Leafy Greens On A Toastie "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT All the hard work that our species has done since our fishy forebears crawled out of the water has been undone as our supposedly evolved species has made a habit of putting leafy greens on a toastie. Cheese toasties are a hot cheesy snack enjoyed by people from all parts of society as []

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woodworking pdf "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

woodworking pdf - info on wood and laminates/plywood, a few examples.

Read more about this resource...


Circle clears substantially all minting and redemption backlog for USDC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The stablecoin issuer says that from March 13 and March 15, it redeemed $3.8 billion USDC and minted $0.8 billion USDC.


It is all falling apart. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Pretty sure everyone with even a couple of functional brain cells can see that everything is falling apart. Whether by design or coincidence can be debated, personally I believe it is a mix of by design and unintended consequences thrown in for good measure. Inflation, Crime, Random acts of violence, a failed public education system, supply chain malfunctions, work force participation, illegal immigration, food shortages, sheer Government incompetence, Polarization and Deep Divisions, A...

It is all falling apart.


13 People Whove Worked for Ultra Rich People Talk About Their Experiences "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its gotta be pretty crazy working for people who are super rich, dont you think?

Because, lets face it, they aint like the majority of usnot even close.

And today were gonna get the straight dope about what its really like!

Lets get started!

1. Tales from the bank.

I was a bank teller and have two stories here.

The first: A person my age, about 20, came in. He was a delight and came in once a year to take his trust, which was $100 million, and take the interest out, about $48,000. Once a year thats all he lived off. He was content and modest. I loved it.

The second: A girl came in with her mom. She actively whined at me for 10 minutes about how unfair it was that her mom had all this money in her account and was making her live in poverty with all her university fees paid, her rent and car covered as she was only getting a tiny payment of $5,000 a month. She couldnt fathom surviving off it. Th

e mother turns to me and says, Well, I dont know. I thought that would be enough to live off? Should I give her more? I meekly said, Thats $60,000 a year. I make $20,000 a year, am going to college full time, and have a baby on the way They both got really quiet and left. Never saw either of them again.

2. Living like a prince.

I briefly worked with one of the top Saudi Arabian crown princes in the 80s.

He would buy out the top three floors of the best hotels (Four Seasons, etc.); two floors were for maids/help/security, and the top floor was for the royal f...


Game Of Are They On A First Date Or A Couple Quickly Evolves Into Brutal Character Assessments "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact Though it can be harder and harder to align schedules as you bridge from early to late twenties, Betoota Heights besties, Laura Mescal [29] and Brie Tully [31] will always find time for another having agreed that while theyre without any responsibilities, a once a week catchup is a MUST. Despite already []

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The Big, Messy Democracy and Freedom of Speech "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

FreedomTell us you don't ADORE Katie Wright?  We will never shy away from shouting our truth. We have readers from across the political "spectrum" (Mama mia....) and as we head into 2024, we will not shy away from speaking OUR KIDS TRUTH.  Big, messy and loud.

By Katie Wright

Ask ten Americans to use one word to describe what they like about the United States. I bet nine out of ten say, freedom. We place enormous value on the freedom to say what we want to say. The right to free expression is the FIRST amendment of the Constitution for a reason.  Americans detest the idea that the government would censor our opinions and ideas.

America is a big, messy democracy. Americans must accept that others can and will disagree with them. The government must accept that citizens will criticize politicians and policies and the government cannot silence people in return.

We learned in the Twitter hearing that the FBI illegally worked hand in hand with Twitter to censor ideas and opinions the Biden White House did not like, based on political ideology, cronyism and spurious scientific claims. It is a crime for the government to act in this way. The FBI will say that the vast censorship operation was necessary to protect national security! Please, it seems like 99% of censored tweets were about a persons adverse vaccines reaction, anger about vaccine mandates or menstrual problems! Absolutely, almost NO national security issues at stake.

Congress recently held a hearing on illegal and politically motivated censorship at twitter. The four twitter censors in chief were subpoenaed and each read opening statements. I wonder if a bigger bunch of sanctimonious, self pitying whiners have testified before Congress before? I doubt it.

Annika Navoroli was Twitters attorney for Trust and Safety. Wow was she insufferable! Navoroli droned on about how twitter was drowning in a deluge of hate speech. Virtually anything Twitter censors disagreed with was labelled hate speech. Opinions like I think Fauci is a liar! would have been labelled misinformation or hate speech, for example. Along with hate speech violence was consuming twitter whole! Navoroli was asked to do the impossible! including preventing World War 3!! The men and women on the front line in Ukraine did not have it as tough as Ms. Navoroli! Then about ten more predictable comments about dog whistles and blood on our hands! Oh the drama! Annika!!!! The woman who saved...


Flaws and Features, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

F&F cover.

The Wedding-Guest sat on a stone:
He cannot chuse but hear;
And thus spake on that ancient man,
The bright-eyed Mariner.

Story started by a friend. Finished by me.

For Richard Matheson, James Cameron, Stephen King...

...and Will Smith too I suppose.

Chapter One: 8,000,000,000

Its just another manic Monday. mutters the young woman. Too young to actually know where that favored phrase of hers comes from.

In and of itself, theres...

Flaws and Features, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction


Hi! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Just another neurotic in the backwoods of Appalachia. I was honestly attracted to this place when I noticed that Chris Nuttal posts here. I'm a big fan of his.


Study: Exercise Should Be First Treatment for Depression "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I've been a long-term advocate for exercise as a primary treatment option for depression, and now, an overview of systematic reviews1,2,3 shows just how well-reasoned this advice has been.

Exercise Is 1.5x More Effective Than Best Antidepressants

In all, 97 systematic reviews with meta-analyses of controlled trials assessing the effects of exercise on adult depression, anxiety and psychological distress were included (amounting to a total of 1,039 trials involving 128,119 participants).

Populations included healthy adults, people with mental health disorders and people with chronic diseases. It's the most comprehensive review of research to date, and clearly demonstrates that exercise can rapidly alleviate mild to moderate symptoms of depression, anxiety and other forms of psychological distress. As reported by the University of South Australia, which performed the umbrella review:4

"University of South Australia researchers are calling for exercise to be a mainstay approach for managing depression as a new study shows that physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than counselling or the leading medications

[The study] shows that physical activity is extremely beneficial for improving symptoms of depression, anxiety, and distress. Specifically, the review showed that exercise interventions that were 12 weeks or shorter were the most effective at reducing mental health symptoms, highlighting the speed at which physical activity can make a change.

The largest benefits were seen among people with depression, pregnant and postpartum women, healthy individuals, and people diagnosed with HIV or kidney disease Lead UniSA researcher, Dr Ben Singh, says physical activity must be prioritized to better manage the growing cases of mental health conditions.

'Physical activity is known to help improve mental health. Yet despite the evidence, it has not been widely adopted as a first-choice treatment. Our review shows that physical activity interventions can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in all clinical populations, with some groups showing even greater signs of improvement.

Higher intensity exercise ha...

Surprising Health Benefits of Using a Sleep Mask "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sleep masks provide an economical, DIY solution to get the darkness your body requires for optimal sleep, and just by wearing one nightly your memory and alertness may improve. The finding came from research published in the journal Sleep,1 which underscored that sometimes the simplest interventions have the most powerful effects on health.

This certainly seems to be the case for sleep masks. Blocking out ambient light at night is essential to a good nights sleep and all of its related benefits but it can be difficult to make your bedroom pitch black. Sleep masks provide a different means to the same end a dark environment thats conducive to restful, restorative sleep.

Wear a Sleep Mask to Boost Memory and Alertness

In the first experiment of a two-part study, 89 adults aged 18 to 35 wore an eye mask while sleeping at night for seven days, followed by a period of not wearing an eye mask during sleep and then wearing an eye mask with holes in it, which allowed light to pass through.2 The participants slept with the eye mask for five nights to get used to it before researchers conducted cognitive tests on the sixth and seventh days.

Superior episodic encoding and an improvement on alertness3 was noted when the participants wore the light-blocking sleep mask. They performed better on a word-pair association test, which measures the ability to recall events and experiences, as well as a test to measure reaction times.4

For the second part of the study, 33 people aged 18 to 35 slept with an eye mask one night followed by an eye mask with holes the next night. They also wore a headband to measure brain activity and used a device to measure light upon waking. The cycle was then repeated, with researchers again conducting cognitive tests.

Not only did the light-blocking sleep mask enhance participants ability to learn new information and form memories, but it was associated with more slow-wave sleep (SWS), which may be beneficial for memory.5 The researchers explained:6

The synaptic homeostasis hypothesis posits that SWA [slow-wave activity] (0.54 Hz), a hallmark of SWS, promotes the global down-scaling of synapses that have become saturated during preceding periods of wakefulness and thus restores capacity for the encoding of new information.

After a night of wearing the eye mask, the participants received higher scores on the Psychomotor Vigilance T...

Quercetin A Far Better Flu Remedy Than Tamiflu "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Editors Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published February 26, 2018.

Your immune system is your first-line defense against all types of infections, be they bacterial or viral, so the most effective way to prevent infectious illness including influenza is a robust immune system. Your diet and other lifestyle factors are foundational for good immune function, but certain supplements can also be quite helpful.

One such supplement is quercetin,1 an antioxidant flavonol found naturally in apples, plums, red grapes, green tea, elder flower and onions, just to name a few. For a more exhaustive list, see Superfoodly's ranking of the top 100 quercetin-packed foods.2

Quercetin has been shown to combat inflammation and acts as a natural antihistamine. Elder flower extract, which is rich in quercetin, has been traditionally used as a tonic to boost immunity. It is also widely known to promote lung and bronchial tract health.

Quercetin is also available in supplement form and has been used to ameliorate obesity,3 Type 2 diabetes,4 circulatory dysfunction, chronic inflammation, hay fever and mood disorders.5 A number of studies have also highlighted quercetin's ability to prevent and treat both the common cold6 and influenza.7

Quercetin Significantly Lowers Your Risk for Viral Illness

Research8 from Appalachian State University in North Carolina published in 2007 found quercetin reduces viral illness and boosts mental performance following extreme physical stress, which might otherwise undermine your immune function and render you more susceptible to infections. The research in question was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense.

To investigate the effects of quercetin on viral illness, 40 cyclists were divided into two groups; half of them received a daily dose of 1,000 mg of quercetin in combination with vitamin C (which enhances plasma quercetin levels9,10) and niacin (to improve absorption) for five weeks while the other half received a placebo.

Three weeks into the trial, the athletes rode a bicycle for three hours a day, three days i...


surprised... "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I'm surprised with the amount of intelligent people on this planet, that we haven't put together some sort of formalized resistance against the globalists who are trying to exterminate us.

We've known that they are trying to do this for a very long time. All of the James Bond movies were about this very theme. George Orwell wrote 1984 warning us about this issue.

How come there isn't a single organization that has banded together to create resistance to this existential threat?


Art Trading Platform LiveArt Announces NFT Membership Card Linked to Exclusive Drops "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Digital artist FEWOCiOUS auctions his NFT art at Christie's. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images)


1 year after $11M LUNC bets: Do Kwon wanted, funds paid, hedge stuck on FTX "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Terra Luna former co-founder Do Kwon, who lost $11 million in two bets, is currently wanted by Interpol and is reportedly hiding in Serbia.


Entitled International Student Comes Here And Expects That They Wont Be Ripped Off "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact In a shocking turn of events, an international student has arrived at South Betoota Polytechnic and is demanding basic respect and value for their degree. The student, who has asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, says that they are tired of being treated like a cash cow []

The post Entitled International Student Comes Here And Expects That They Wont Be Ripped Off appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Foremans Foul Mood Directly Linked To NRL 360 Being Back On TV "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The subbies, apprentices and day 1 veterans of Betootas premiere construction company, BuildZone, have been walking on egg shells these past month. The erratic temper and venomous tongue of foreman Bob Shayler (53) has thrown a spanner into the workplace culture, as even the most stone cold Serbian gyprockers are getting a spray []

The post Foremans Foul Mood Directly Linked To NRL 360 Being Back On TV appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Blame traditional finance for the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Silicon Valley Banks downfall was a product of traditional finance critics shouldnt conflate the issue with cryptocurrency.


Albo admits he got talked into buying extras package on new subs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The PM says the base price for eight new submarines was $16 billion but ballooned to $386 billion after he added on heated leather seats, roof-racks, sports styling, Parking Assist and a range of other dealer extras.

I got a bit excited in the show room, Albanese admitted in an interview today. Joe said hed throw in the floor mats and window tinting for free, but I didnt realise there would be an extra cost for the keyless entry, or the reversing camera. Or the extended dealer warrantee if Im honest. Turns out it all adds up quite a bit.

The PM said some of the extras were worth the money.  We never had roof-racks growing up, so that was an obvious one, as were the extra cup holders. And the leather-appointed seating seemed like good value. But Ill admit the Bose surround sound speakers was a little splurge on my part. But then an extra $10 billion isnt that much for listening to The Pogues in surround sound when you average the cost over thirty years.

Asked why he also chose to add on alloy wheels for all eight submarines, Albanese said it seemed like a good idea at the time. Joe was just so convincing. I can see now that having wheels on an underwater vessel might seem silly, but if you were there in the showroom with me, you wouldve got swept up in the whole thing too.

I will admit that the childproof rear door locks probably werent necessary. And the Find My Sub feature that I added on might not be great for security, so well probably need to disable that one. But the Blind Spot Monitor will be appreciated by the sailors when theyre in heavy traffic, and at just an extra $9.6 billion that seemed like a no-brainer.


OpenAI co-founders World ID project launches, along with SDK waitlist "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The new IDs will allow users to prove they are unique humans without revealing personal information on websites.


U.S. Federal Reserves Real-Time Payments System Coming In July "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Federal Reserve building in Washington D.C. (Helene Braun/CoinDesk)


Gensler suggests staking token operators should seek to come into compliance "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The SEC head was speaking impromptu to reporters after a commission meeting when he was asked about a statement made by the CFTC chair.


Biden Assures Albo That Second-Hand Subs Will Hold Their Value Better Than A 300-Series LandCruiser "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact US President Joe Biden has hosed down concerns that Australians are getting a raw deal with the submarines, telling media in the US that the first three second-hand boats that our Navy are getting will hold their value like a 300-series LandCruiser. The President said on Tuesday that the []

The post Biden Assures Albo That Second-Hand Subs Will Hold Their Value Better Than A 300-Series LandCruiser appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


The Toxic World of GM Crops "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Expos.

The biotech industry promised genetically engineered foods would reduce pesticide use, increase the nutritional content of food, boost farmers profits, and feed the world by increasing yields.

In reality, GM crops have turned glyphosate into one of the most widely and recklessly used herbicides in history and monoculture has led to a loss of biodiversity.

GM crops have also failed to live up to expected increases in crop yields and, nutritionally, GMOs primarily provide cheap, unhealthy ingredients for ultra-processed ready meals, pre-packaged foods, and fast-food restaurants.

More than 40,000 people in the US have filed lawsuits alleging exposure to Roundup is the cause of their cancer. Once a rare cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma is now the seventh most common cancer in US men and women.

The agricultural biotech industry continues to advance with a new suite of genetic engineering technologies known as gene editing, which includes techniques such as CRISPR as well as synthetic biology and gene drives.

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, originally published on 3 March 2020

Promises, promises, promises. The toxic world of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and industrial agriculture is built on false promises. For nearly 30 years we have been listening to the propaganda of big biotech companies like Monsanto/Bayer, Syngenta, DuPont/Pioneer, BASF, and others about how genetic engineering will transform farming and food production.

Weve heard how it will reduce the environmental impact of farming by lowering pesticide use. Weve been promised that it will increase the nutritional content of food. Weve been told how it will boost farmers profits by increasing yields, and that those increased yields will help feed the world.

As the problem of man-made climate change has moved to the top of the global agenda, new promises have emerged about how GMOs will fight climate change and how genetic engineering will make plants more resilient to drought and flooding. The huckster promises keep on coming, but what has the biotech industry delivered over nearly three decades?

Increasing Pesticide Use...


The Artist Helping Resolve Detroits Housing Problems "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Artists are fundamentally problem solvers. They are generally understood to be solving problems of a personal-expressive nature, or perhaps ones related to community, and occasionally political or environmental problems. They are not often considered the front line for solving, say, problems of city infrastructure. But maybe they should be.

If youd asked Oren Goldenberg what he does ten years ago, he might have said filmmaker or producer, or he might have narrowed his eyes and asked: Who wants to know? These days, however, the answer is a little more complicated. At some point in the last decade, Goldenberg stopped making films as a document, and stepped through the frame to build the world-as-document. It isnt the first time hes been tempted to do so. ...


Pompidou Will Open New Museum in Saudi Arabia "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Laurent Le Bon, president of Pariss Centre Pompidou, on March 14 signed an agreement with the Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) to establish a massive branch of the contemporary art museum in the


The Case for an Artificial Moon? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Image result for the Moon


The moon as we know it has incredibly distinguishing characteristics compared to the moons orbiting other planets within our solar system. Add to that the bizarre observations made upon the moon surface of excavations, wheel marks, instrumental debris that doesnt belong to the Apollo manned missions, and the very size of the moon, and one has to wonder. Since the sighting by one astronomer of what he described through his telescope as a twelve mile long bridge and sketches made off 100 thousand Apollo mission photos of anomalies on the lunar surface by George Leonard Someone Else is on the Moon circa 1972, there have been intense studies.

Image result for robot head on the moon

Mysterious debris

One particularly interesting photo is called Robot Head lying there on the moons surface. Definitely not the Ranger Space Craft launched to crash into the moon in the 1960s to achieve close photos and not Apollo Mission artifacts either. It is known that NASA even paid to air brush photographic artists to cover up things in these lunar photos that the government did not want the people to know about, but get to some very distinctive information on what makes the moon so unique.

Curiously unusual orbit

Unlike the moons of other planets in the solar system the moons orbit around the earth is almost perfectly concentric which is unusual for any natural satellite. The moons orbits of other planets are elliptical. The moon is 1/6 the size of earth and the largest moon in the solar system. This is another feature that distinguishes the moon as also being the largest in relationship to the size the pf planet it revolves around.  The moon serves as an actual asteroid shield that has probably taken quite a few big hits that would have devastated the earth. Because of the strong gravitational attraction between the moon and earth we have a very necessary tide that rises and falls cyclically throughout the worlds oceans. The moon has a dark side that never faces the earth due to a tidal lock caused by earths pull on the axis of the moon restricting its revolution on its own axis. This is unique compared to any moon in the constellations of Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, or Uranus. Mars has 2 moons and one of them is the only moon in the solar system that orbits in a retrograde directio...


Museum Director Reviled by Chinatown Activists Heads to Smithsonian "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Nancy Yao, president of the Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) in New Yorks Chinatown, has been named the inaugural director of the Smithsonian Institutions forthcoming American Womens History Museum. Critics have side-eyed the appointment, citing allegations of Yaos complacency toward gentrification, class discrimination, and the carceral state through a variety of controversial decisions in the last few years of her presidency at MOCA.

While MOCA gets to see the returns of the $35 million in jail funding that Nancy helped secure, we are happy to say so long to their disastrous president, said Youth Against Displacement, an anti-displacement and anti-gentrification activism group in New York City, in a statement to Hyperalle...


U.S. GOP Senator Calls for Shooting Down Russian Planes as War with Russia Escalates "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As the world stands on the brink of a total financial meltdown, the U.S. corporate media was controlling the narrative in a different direction today focusing on the downing of a U.S. drone over the Black Sea that they claim was shot down by Russians.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on Fox News to state that the U.S. should now start shooting down Russian planes, because thats what Ronald Reagan would do, and of course, this is all Bidens fault.

Heres Russias take on the situation as published in the English News publication Sputnik.

The US MQ-9 Reaper drone fell in the Black Sea after engaging in a sharp maneuvering as Russian fighter jets were scrambled to identify the aircraft flying in the direction of Crimea with its transponders turned off.

The US European Command raised the alarm, apparently forgetting how the US Air Forces unleashed a war on balloons last month.

The United States and NATO have created an already intolerable situation around Russian borders, especially in the Black Sea region. They are present there in different capacities. There are [US/NATO] reconnaissance aircraft and drones [in the region], Ivan Konovalov, a military expert and political analyst, told Sputnik.

The US MQ-9 Reaper drone that fell into the Black Sea on Tuesday morning was a sophisticated and very powerful aircraft of a strategic class, the Russian military expert stressed.

Russia Had Good Reasons for Trying to Intercept Reaper

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the airspace control of the Russian Aerospace Forces had recorded the flight of US unmanned aerial vehicle MQ-9 over the Black Sea in the region of the Crimean peninsula on the morning of March 14. The drone was flying with its transponders turned off i...


U.S. GOP Senator Calls for Shooting Down Russian Planes as War with Russia Escalates "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As the world stands on the brink of a total financial meltdown, the U.S. corporate media was controlling the narrative in a different direction today focusing on the downing of a U.S. drone over the Black Sea that they claim was shot down by Russians.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on Fox News to state that the U.S. should now start shooting down Russian planes, because thats what Ronald Reagan would do, and of course, this is all Bidens fault.

Heres Russias take on the situation as published in the English News publication Sputnik.

The US MQ-9 Reaper drone fell in the Black Sea after engaging in a sharp maneuvering as Russian fighter jets were scrambled to identify the aircraft flying in the direction of Crimea with its transponders turned off.

The US European Command raised the alarm, apparently forgetting how the US Air Forces unleashed a war on balloons last month.

The United States and NATO have created an already intolerable situation around Russian borders, especially in the Black Sea region. They are present there in different capacities. There are [US/NATO] reconnaissance aircraft and drones [in the region], Ivan Konovalov, a military expert and political analyst, told Sputnik.

The US MQ-9 Reaper drone that fell into the Black Sea on Tuesday morning was a sophisticated and very powerful aircraft of a strategic class, the Russian military expert stressed.

Russia Had Good Reasons for Trying to Intercept Reaper

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the airspace control of the Russian Aerospace Forces had recorded the flight of US unmanned aerial vehicle MQ-9 over the Black Sea in the region of the Crimean peninsula on the morning of March 14. The drone was flying with its transponders turned off i...


Crypto firms may turn to shadow banks following major collapses Molly White "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Speaking at the SXSW conference in Austin, Molly White compared crypto companies' current predicament to those in 2017 and 2018, when they had trouble accessing banking.


Protests in Greece Following Assault of Archeologist "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Protesters took to the streets in Athens, Greece, on Tuesday, March 14 to decry an assault of state-employed archeologist Manolis Psarros. Some believe the attack was connected to Psarross regulatory work preserving cultural antiquities on the island of Mykonos and ongoing pressures from the tourism industry. 

Last week, an unidentified man and his accomplice struck the 53-year-old archaeologist as he entered his car, causing Psarros to lose consciousness, collapse, and bleed. Psarross partner told the Greek newspaper Protothema that the archaeologist received punches to the face, head, and sternum. An employee of the Cyclades Antiquities Authority, a Ministry of Culture and Sports department, Psarros was taken to the hospital and is now recovering at home after suffering broken ribs and widespread bruises. 

Culture Ministry employees ceased working for five hours in response to what protesters are calling a mafia-style attack. Despina Koutsoumba, who leads the protesting archaeologist association, alleges the assault is potentially connected to recent cases of the Cyclades Antiquities Authority blocking real estate development in Mykonos, according to reporting by the Greek magazine ...


Banking Crisis Worsens: Swiss Bank is First Too Big to Fail Bank to be Bailed Out as Saudis Withdraw Support "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Switzerlands second largest bank, Credit Suisse, which has been experiencing bank runs and plummeting stock valuations since the end of 2022, became the first SIFI (systemically important financial institution), or too big to fail bank, to crash today forcing regulators to step in and ensure a bailout.

The Saudis almost single-handedly crashed the U.S. Stock Market (and stock markets around the world) this morning when they announced that they were not going to put any more money into the failed Swiss bank.

Problems at Switzerlands second-biggest lender are causing stocks around the world to falterand reigniting fears for the banking sector.

On Wednesday, Credit Suisse s top shareholder said in a Bloomberg interview that it wouldnt invest additional money in the Swiss bank. Saudi National Bank Chairman Ammar Al Khudairy told the media outlet that taking a stake of more than 10% in Credit Suisse would trigger regulatory complications.

That pushed shares of Credit Suisse to a new low on Wednesday. The stock closed down 24% in Zurich and its American depositary receipts (CS) were down 25% in U.S. trading. (Full article.)

While the U.S. Stock Market did end lower today, it most assuredly would have been a blood bath if Swiss Regulators had not stepped in to ensure the world that it was going to bail out their troubled bank. This was after European markets had closed, however, and European banks stock values lost 7% at end of trading in Europe today.

Swiss National Bank Issues Statement: Will Provide Liquidity If Necessary


  • Saudis fold refuse to throw any more money at Credit Suisse
  • Credit Suisse stock hits record low
  • Credit Suisse 1Y CDS explodes as counterparty risk hedging soars
  • Credit Suisse execs urged a show of confidence from the Swiss National Bank
  • ECB quantifying exposures to Credit Suisse
  • US Treasury monitoring situation, talking with other regulators
  • Fed working with UST to quantify exposures
  • One major govt is pressuring Swiss to intervene
  • Syste...


Banking Crisis Worsens: Swiss Bank is First Too Big to Fail Bank to be Bailed Out as Saudis Withdraw Support "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Switzerlands second largest bank, Credit Suisse, which has been experiencing bank runs and plummeting stock valuations since the end of 2022, became the first SIFI (systemically important financial institution), or too big to fail bank, to crash today forcing regulators to step in and ensure a bailout.

The Saudis almost single-handedly crashed the U.S. Stock Market (and stock markets around the world) this morning when they announced that they were not going to put any more money into the failed Swiss bank.

Problems at Switzerlands second-biggest lender are causing stocks around the world to falterand reigniting fears for the banking sector.

On Wednesday, Credit Suisse s top shareholder said in a Bloomberg interview that it wouldnt invest additional money in the Swiss bank. Saudi National Bank Chairman Ammar Al Khudairy told the media outlet that taking a stake of more than 10% in Credit Suisse would trigger regulatory complications.

That pushed shares of Credit Suisse to a new low on Wednesday. The stock closed down 24% in Zurich and its American depositary receipts (CS) were down 25% in U.S. trading. (Full article.)

While the U.S. Stock Market did end lower today, it most assuredly would have been a blood bath if Swiss Regulators had not stepped in to ensure the world that it was going to bail out their troubled bank. This was after European markets had closed, however, and European banks stock values lost 7% at end of trading in Europe today.

Swiss National Bank Issues Statement: Will Provide Liquidity If Necessary


  • Saudis fold refuse to throw any more money at Credit Suisse
  • Credit Suisse stock hits record low
  • Credit Suisse 1Y CDS explodes as counterparty risk hedging soars
  • Credit Suisse execs urged a show of confidence from the Swiss National Bank
  • ECB quantifying exposures to Credit Suisse
  • US Treasury monitoring situation, talking with other regulators
  • Fed working with UST to quantify exposures
  • One major govt is pressuring Swiss to intervene
  • Syste...


Ginseng Provides Natural Help for Hair Loss "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The two FDA-approved medications for hair loss come with a risk of significant side effects. Ginseng provides a powerful natural alternative


Ginseng Provides Natural Help for Hair Loss "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The two FDA-approved medications for hair loss come with a risk of significant side effects. Ginseng provides a powerful natural alternative

read more


Inaugural Benin Pavilion to Debut at 2024 Venice Biennale "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Republic of Benin will stage a national pavilion for the first time at the Sixtieth Venice Biennale, to take place April 20November 24, 2024. The West African countrys government revealed that


The Gorgeous Winners of the 12th Annual Mobile Photography Awards "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Mobile Photography Awards

The Mobile Photography Awards (MPA) has announced the winners of its 12th annual photo contest. Founded in 2011, the MPA celebrates the best mobile photographers and showcases beautiful photos captured by smartphones.

[Read More]


Starknet DAO Heads Toward First Governance Vote "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

StarkWare co-founders CEO Uri Kolodny (left) and President Eli Ben-Sasson (Natalie Schor/StarkWare)


Diggin' Up Bones (animal activists might not like this) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I have trapped many things before, but I think this one felt like a big deal because it was the 1st time that I trapped a wild boar in my snare. This particular guy, was destroying the neighborhood gardens, stealing the neighbor's duck eggs, and had charged at my neighbors the day before he got trapped.

Lavinia is curious...

Diggin' Up Bones (animal activists might not like this)


U.S. GOP Senator Calls for Shooting Down Russian Planes as War with Russia Escalates "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As the world stands on the brink of a total financial meltdown, the U.S. corporate media was controlling the narrative in a different direction today focusing on the downing of a U.S. drone over the Black Sea that they claim was shot down by Russians.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on Fox News to state that the U.S. should now start shooting down Russian planes, because thats what Ronald Reagan would do, and of course, this is all Bidens fault.

Heres Russias take on the situation as published in the English News publication Sputnik.

The US MQ-9 Reaper drone fell in the Black Sea after engaging in a sharp maneuvering as Russian fighter jets were scrambled to identify the aircraft flying in the direction of Crimea with its transponders turned off.

The US European Command raised the alarm, apparently forgetting how the US Air Forces unleashed a war on balloons last month.

The United States and NATO have created an already intolerable situation around Russian borders, especially in the Black Sea region. They are present there in different capacities. There are [US/NATO] reconnaissance aircraft and drones [in the region], Ivan Konovalov, a military expert and political analyst, told Sputnik.

The US MQ-9 Reaper drone that fell into the Black Sea on Tuesday morning was a sophisticated and very powerful aircraft of a strategic class,...


Fitzsimons Soothes Tearful SMH Journos Following Their Encounter With Keating "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The SMHs pompous blowhard at large Peter Fitzsimons has rushed to the Heralds office to soothe and calm the papers journalists following their encounter with former Prime Minister Paul Keating.

Was good of Pete to come in as Bevan really was not up to the task, said an SMH employee. The poor journos, can you believe that Keating actually spoke back to them?

Doesnt he know that his role is to answer our questions and speak to us like the walking Gods that we are.

When asked why the paper was so upset at being questioned by a former PM, the SMH employee said: Because for years no politician has dared talk back to us.

Malcolm tried and look where that got him.

Keating needs to realise that sure, he was PM, but Fitzsimons has written hundreds of books and yes, no one actually reads or cares about them, but you just try going in to a Vinnies or Salvos store without seeing one of them.

Now, if youll excuse me, Im off to write a think piece on how people called Paul are inherently evil.

Mark Williamson


You can follow The (un)Australian on twitter @TheUnOz or like us on Facebook ...


Banking Crisis Worsens: Swiss Bank is First Too Big to Fail Bank to be Bailed Out as Saudis Withdraw Support "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Switzerlands second largest bank, Credit Suisse, which has been experiencing bank runs and plummeting stock valuations since the end of 2022, became the first SIFI (systemically important financial institution), or too big to fail bank, to crash today forcing regulators to step in and ensure a bailout.

The Saudis almost single-handedly crashed the U.S. Stock Market (and stock markets around the world) this morning when they announced that they were not going to put any more money into the failed Swiss bank.

Problems at Switzerlands second-biggest lender are causing stocks around the world to falterand reigniting fears for the banking sector.

On Wednesday, Credit Suisse s top shareholder said in a Bloomberg interview that it wouldnt invest additional money in the Swiss bank. Saudi National Bank Chairman Ammar Al Khudairy told the media outlet that taking a stake of more than 10% in Credit Suisse would trigger regulatory complications.

That pushed shares of Credit Suisse to a new low on Wednesday. The stock closed down 24% in Zurich and its American depositary receipts (CS) were down 25% in U.S. trading. (Full article.)

While the U.S. Stock Market did end lower today, it most assuredly would have been a blood bath if Swiss Regulators had not stepped in to ensure the world that it was going to bail out t...


SEC Chairman Gensler Suggests Again That Proof-of-Stake Tokens Are Securities: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SEC Chair Gary Gensler (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images, modified by CoinDesk)

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