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Thursday, 07 December


We've added another 10 new text tools "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Team Browserling keeps shipping!

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Thursday, 23 November

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Friday, 26 May


Kurze Durchsage der Schweizer Funkamateure: Bei 144 ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Kurze Durchsage der Schweizer Funkamateure: Bei 144 MHz gibt es zunehmend Strungen durch Wasservitalisierer.

Was ist ein Wasservitalisierer, fragt ihr? Nun,...

Wasservitalisierer sind Gerte aus dem esoterischen Bereich, welche im hheren vierstelligen Betrag zu kaufen sind und die Benutzer zur Bestrahlung von Krper, Getrnken und Gegenstnden verwenden. Die Behandlungen dauern 10-15 Minuten und z.T. auch lnger. In Deutschland sind ca. 2500 Gerte, in der Schweiz ca. 250 Gerte im Einsatz. Sie sind in der Funkersprache Sender (TRX) im 2m Band im Frequenzbereich von 144.010 bis 144.040 MHz zu finden und haben keine CE Zulassung. Sie strahlen je nach Gert auf leicht unterschiedlichen Frequenzen (nicht ganz stabil) mit ca. 20W aus und stren so den UHF Bereich. In Deutschland sind sie verboten, in der Schweiz noch nicht, resp. sie werden idR, wenn man sie gefunden hat, vom BAKOM beschlagnahmt. Wenn diese Wasservitalisierer in ca. 3-4 km Entfernung sind, kann deren Signalstrke S9+60 dB sein. Sind diese Wasservitalisierer etwas weiter weg, nimmt natrlich der Empfangspegel ab (Power of Arrival, POA) ab.
Falls euch mal wieder jemand erzhlen will, dass die Eso-Spinner ja harmlos seien.

Update: Ein paar mehr Details aus deutscher Sicht. Wenn das die anderen Esos mitkriegen, dass der Elektrosmog gar nicht von den berlandleitungen kam sondern von dem Wasservitalisierer der Nachbarin!1!!

Gute Nachrichten! Nein, diesmal wirklich! Alternativlos ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Gute Nachrichten! Nein, diesmal wirklich! Alternativlos 51 ist fertig!

Eine der hufigsten Zuschauer-Anfragen an uns ist seit Jahren, nochmal zum Wendelstein 7-X zu fahren. Das haben wir jetzt endlich gemacht, und das Ergebnis sind knapp zweieinhalb Stunden.

Die Gesprchspartner waren sogar dieselben wie bei Sendung 36 damals.

In dem Zimmer, in dem wir aufnahmen, lief eine Klimaanlage, die leider nicht nur ein konstantes Spektrum zugemllt hat, sondern deren Jamming sich im Spektrum hoch- und runterbewegte. Frank hat in einer heroischen mehrtgigen Aktion das Audio gefiltert. Man hrt daher im Endprodukt kaum was davon. Aber ihr knnt uns glauben, dass das viel Arbeit war.

Es gibt noch eine winzige technische Neuerung: Ich habe Vorbis rausgeschmissen. Jeder, der Vorbis kann, kann jetzt auch Opus.

Und dann gibt es noch eine grere technische Neuerung: Ich habe mich mal reingearbeitet, wie man bei HTML5-Audio-Elementen herumspringen kann, damit ich eine Timeline mit Links haben kann. Das ist leider nur per Javascript verfgbar, jedenfalls soweit ich wei. Wer wei, wie man das ohne Javascript macht: Bitte bei mir melden.

Inhaltlich wollten wir natrlich vor allem drei Fragen klren: Wo bleibt das Fusionskraftwerk, das uns alle retten wird? Was dauert denn da so lange? Wie teuer wird es?

Die Frage nach dem Geld erscheint in Zeiten, in denen Habeck ohne Baugenehmigung ein LNG-Terminal bauen lsst, eher zweitrangig, aber das will wahrscheinlich der eine oder andere trotzdem wissen.

Hier sind die Antworten:

  1. Das msste mal jemand bauen, das Fusionskraftwerk.
  2. Die Risiken sind rein wirtschaftlicher Natur.
  3. Man knnte morgen anfangen, wenn man wollte, und in 5 Jahren fertig sein.
  4. Eine realistische Kostenschtzung wre so um die 20 Milliarden Euro.

Frank findet ja, solche Projekte sollte man nicht in Euro sondern in F-35 abrechnen, weil Fuballfelder nicht passen. Kanada zahlt pro F-35 umgerechnet 300 Mio Euro, d.h. wir wren bei 66 F-35 fr ein Fusionskraftwerk. Und das wre der Prototyp, die Nachfolger wren billiger. Der Markt regelt das leider nicht, weil der Markt an Profitmaximierung interessiert ist, und daher erst einsteigt, wenn der Steuerzahler das Risiko bernommen hat. Daher ist hier die eigentliche inhaltliche Botschaft: Wenn wir JETZT 20 Milliarden in die Hand nehmen, und das richtig mit Verve angehen, ist das erste Kraftwerk noch in diesem Jahrzehnt fertig. Allerdings, auch wichtig: Das wird uns nicht retten. Retten wird uns, dass wir die ganze Zeit auch die Erneuerbaren ausbauen und hoffentlich auch mal jemand in Energiespeicher investiert.

Falls aber zufllig einer von euch Bill Gat...

EPA accused of failing to regulate use of toxic herbicides despite court order "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

The US Environmental Protection Agency has in effect ignored a 2020 federal court order prohibiting the use of Monsanto and other producers' toxic dicamba-based herbicides that are destroying millions of acres of cropland, harming endangered species and increasing cancer risks for farmers, new fillings in the lawsuit charge. Instead of permanently yanking the products from the market after the 2020 order, the EPA only required industry to add further application instructions to the herbicides' labels before reapproving the products. A late 2021 EPA investigation found the same problems persist even with new directions added to the label, but the agency still allows Monsanto, BASF and other producers to continue using dicamba. The EPA's pesticide office is included in allegations that career managers are influenced by or have colluded with industry, and in some cases falsified science to make dangerous substances appear less toxic. About one-third of the pesticide office's funding comes from industry fees. The agency in 2016 approved the dicamba-based herbicide developed by Monsanto, which was to be used on genetically modified soybean and cotton crops. The herbicide can damage or kill neighboring crops and plants that are not engineered to be dicamba-resistant. The results are "devastating" and destroying millions of acres as "as never before seen in the history of US agriculture", the plaintiffs said. In some cases, direct dicamba exposure can kill insects, mammals and other animals.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corruption in government and in the food system from reliable major media sources.

Less Than a Third of Heavily Advertised Drugs have 'High Therapeutic Value': Study as reported by US News and World Report "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Television ads for drugs are filled with glowing images of people living their best lives, all thanks to that new med they've been prescribed. But drugs being touted on TV often have little to no benefit compared to other treatments, a new study published online Jan. 13 in JAMA Network Open finds. Fewer than one-third of drugs commonly advertised in the United States are highly rated first-line therapies, based on regulatory reviews from three different health agencies, the researchers said. Further, medications categorized as "low benefit" accounted for nearly $16 billion of the $22 billion in TV ad spending during the six-year study period, the results showed. "Proponents of direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising often argue that these ads have high public health value by encouraging uptake of the most therapeutically beneficial therapies. Our study pushes back against this argument," said lead researcher Neeraj Patel. "The U.S. is one of only two high-income countries in the world that widely permits direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs," Patel said. "And there's been a ton of empirical research over the past two decades that has suggested that this type of advertising can be misleading, lead to inappropriate prescribing, and inflate health care costs." In the meantime, people should have frank discussions with their doctor about any drug that's caught their eye on TV, focusing on the real risks and benefits, Patel said.

Note: This profoundly eye-opening interview of a top cardiologist reveals without doubt how big Pharma has corrupted science and greatly damaged public health. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on big Pharma corruption from reliable major media sources.

The pharmaceutical industry finances about 75 percent of the [FDA]'s drug division "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Every five years, top officials of the Food and Drug Administration go behind closed doors to negotiate the terms of its core budget about $3 billion this year. But the F.D.A. is not at the table with members of Congress or with White House officials. Instead, it's in dozens of meetings with representatives of the giant pharmaceutical companies whose products the agency regulates. The negotiations are a piece of the "user fee" program in which drug, device and biotech companies make payments to the agency partly to seek product approvals. The fees ... make up nearly half of the F.D.A.'s budget, financing 6,500 jobs at the agency. The pharmaceutical industry funding alone has become so dominant that last year it accounted for three-quarters or $1.1 billion of the agency's drug division budget. Advocates for patients and doctors say the agreements have enabled the industry to weaken the approval process meant to ensure that drugs are safe and effective. "It's kind of like a devil's bargain," said Dr. Joseph Ross, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine who has studied F.D.A. policies, "that I think is not in the best interest of the agency, because it turns this every-five-year cycle into the F.D.A. essentially asking industry, 'What can we do to secure this money?'" Senator Bernie Sanders ... suggested that the pharmaceutical companies' tendency to charge "outrageous" prices was related to their significant role in funding and advancing policy goals of the F.D.A.'s drug division.

Note: This profoundly eye-opening interview of a top cardiologist reveals without doubt how big Pharma has corrupted science and greatly damaged public health. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on big Pharma corruption from reliable major media sources.

Does Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Directly Harm Patients? "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University recently published an article in JAMA that highlights rising concern around the effects of direct-to-consumer advertising (DTC) on health care. Their work shows that DTC advertising might have direct harm on patients. They studied drug characteristics and total advertising expenditures for the 150 top-selling branded prescription drugs in the United States, finding that total promotional spending by the manufacturer was associated with a significantly lower added clinical benefit for the drug. In fact, companies spent nearly 15% more on DTC advertising for drugs that had demonstrated lower added benefit. Even more troubling, each 1.5% increase in spending was associated with a 10% increase in sales. Simply put, pharmaceutical companies spent more money on DTC advertising when medical research found that the drug was less effective, and this spending directly led to more sales for those inferior drugs. The U.S. is one of only two countries in the world that still allows direct-to-consumer advertising. Aside from increased pressure on providers to prescribe particular drugs which may not be the best option, there are other downsides to DTC. The data show that DTC advertising leads to increased drug costs overall, adding to the already skyrocketing costs of medical care in America. Additionally, DTC advertising tends to reduce use of generic medications, which are often equally effective but significantly cheaper for patients.

Note: This profoundly eye-opening interview of a top cardiologist reveals without doubt how big Pharma has corrupted science and greatly damaged public health. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on big Pharma corruption from reliable major media sources.

Fighting giants: eco-activist Vandana Shiva on her battle against GM multinationals "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

For almost five decades, [Dr. Vandana] Shiva has been deeply engaged in the fight for environmental justice in India. Regarded as one of the world's most formidable environmentalists, she has worked to save forests, shut down polluting mines, exposed the dangers of pesticides, spurred on the global campaign for organic farming, championed ecofeminism and gone up against powerful giant chemical corporations. Her battle to protect the world's seeds in their natural form rather than genetically altered and commercially controlled versions continues to be her life's work. "I couldn't understand why were we told that new technology brings progress, but everywhere I looked, local people were getting poorer and landscapes were being devastated as soon as this development or new technology came in," she says. "No one was stopping to ask: what will be the impact on the environment? What will this cost the farmers? They only wanted to win the race and control all the world's seeds." Currently more than 60% of the world's' commercial seeds are sold by just four companies, which have led the push to patent seeds, orchestrated a global monopoly of certain [genetically modified] crops such as cotton and soya and sued hundreds of small-scale farmers for saving seeds from commercial crops. Shiva considers her most important work to be her travels through India's villages, collecting and saving seeds ... setting up more than 100 seed banks, and helping farmers return to organic methods.

Note: The Seeds of Vandana Shiva is an excellent documentary that reveals the remarkable life story of Dr. Shiva, her significant influence in creating an international food justice movement, and how she stood up to the big players of industrial agriculture. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on GMOs and food system corruption from reliable major media sources.


Nguyn Th Thanh Mai "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Split between two venues of the Nguyen Art Foundation, Nguyn Th Thanh Mais latest exhibition, No More, Not Yet, brokers a meeting between the artists personal and collective practices. The works


Ruger Hawkeye Guide Review! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Here is my Long awaited ( and Long Winded) Review of the Ruger Hawkeye Guide Rifle in .30/06 Sprg.
First, my Mission Criteria, I demand a lightning fast handling and shooting bolt action in the hard hitting calibers, and I want certain high end features as well as FACTORY irons. Think Scout Rifle, only in a much more powerful caliber but without the stupid and impractical scout scope, of which there are very few options! Lastly, I demand a rifle with exceptional accuracy in all field...

Ruger Hawkeye Guide Review!


Trump trolls Rob DeSanctimonious, warns him about Marxist lunatics "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Fox & Friends co-hosts discussed their reaction to DeSantis official 2024 White House launch and how other candidates have reacted to the major announcement. #FoxNews

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McCarthy pressed on debt limit: Unsure if well have a deal today "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., joined Americas Newsroom to discuss the current state of negotiations on the debt ceiling with President Biden. #FoxNews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Failure to launch: DeSantis lost a big opportunity, pollster says "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Pollster Lee Carter reacts to Ron DeSantis polling against Trump in the presidential Republican field after announcing his candidacy. #FoxNews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Trump attorneys request meeting with Merrick Garland over DOJ probe | Wake Up America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Thursdays Wake Up America, constitutional law attorney Ameer Benno and NEWSMAX contributor Kelly Sadler discuss Trumps legal team asking for a meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland.

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DeSantis announcement was a DISASTER | Rob Finnerty | Wake Up America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Thursdays Wake Up America, Pollster Jim McLaughlin and NEWSMAX contributor Kelly Sadler react to DeSantis Twitter launch disaster with Elon Musk.

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The Best Decision Is To Buy Bitcoin (BTC), Robert Kiyosaki Urges "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Renowned financial guru, entrepreneur, and bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, has once again made headlines with his latest Twitter remarks on the importance of Bitcoin in the face of growing US debt.

As the US economy continues to deteriorate and the countrys debt ceiling discussions take center stage, Kiyosaki emphasizes the urgency of securing ones financial future by investing in alternative assets, including the top cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

The State Of The US Economy 

Robert Kiyosaki begins by shedding light on the deteriorating state of the US economy, expressing concern over the growing national debt. With Congress currently discussing raising the US debt ceiling to $31.4 trillion to avoid blemish, Kiyosaki dismisses it as nothing more than kabuki theater.

Drawing attention to the dire financial situation, he asserts that the US is already bankrupt, citing unfunded liabilities, such as Social Security, which surpass $250 trillion.

Furthermore, Kiyosaki highlights the size of the financial markets derivative assets, amounting to thousands of trillions of dollars. Against this backdrop, he presents his solution: investing in tangible assets like gold, silver, and digital gold Bitcoin.

The Bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad noted:

Politicians debating raising $30 trillion US debt limit bad comedy, kabuki theater. Facts are: US [is] bankrupt. Unfunded liabilities [such] as Social Security are over $250 trillion. Financial market derivative assets [are] measured in quadrillionsthousands of trillions. WTF. Buy G,S, BC.

Robert Kiyosaki has since been a vocal advocate for Bitcoin, emphasizing the top crypto value for several years. During the onset of the pandemic in 2020, as the US government printed trillions of dollars to stimulate the economy, Kiyosaki voiced his concerns regarding the lack of backing and the inflationary risks associated with fiat currency.

He famously referred to these newly printed dollars as fake money, warning of the consequences of such actions. With over $6 trillion already printed in 2020 alone, Kiyosaki anticipates that the...


Investigation Claims Henry Kissinger Is Responsible For 3 Million Civilian Deaths "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In a newly released report on an investigation by The Intercept, there are claims that Henry Kissinger is responsible for 3 million civilian (slave class) deaths. The former United States diplomats actions have left a trail of dead people behind him.

Kissinger is no friend to humanity. He is one of the masters desperately trying to keep the slaves from figuring out whats really going on so he can maintain power and control. He infamously said:  If you control the food, you control a nation. If you control the energy, you control a region. If you control the money, you control the world.

Kissinger, who was the foreign policy eminence grise who has advised half a dozen U.S. presidents, has caused the deaths of over 3 million people, according to an Intercept report published Tuesday to mark the realpolitik strategists 100th birthday, according to a report by RT. In all likelihood, he is probably responsible for far more deaths than that. The ruling class doesnt care at all about the slave class and it has become overly apparent.

While critics of the Nixon-era secretary of state and national security adviser often accurately describe him as a war criminal for his pivotal role in numerous U.S.-backed genocides and coups, the report argues Kissingers body count has been widely underestimated, particularly regarding the secretive, highly illegal expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia in the 1970s.

Between the genocides he sponsored in East Timor and Bangladesh, continent-wide terrorism, coups, and death squads in Latin America (known as Operation Condor), the fomenting of civil wars in Southern Africa, and the carpet-bombing of Cambodia and Laos under the guise of chasing the Vietnamese, Kissinger is believed to be responsible for over 3 million civilian deaths more if one counts the casualties that have resulted from advice he gave the private sector. -RT


This Portable Loom Lets You Weave on The Go "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This Portable Loom Lets You Weave on The Go

If theres anything the modern day maker needs, it is the ability to pop out some weaving when they have a spare few minutes. Imagine youre taking the subway for your hour long morning commute and you reach into your bag and pull out a fully functional weaving loom. Well, thats totally possible. This 4 []

The post This Portable Loom Lets You Weave on The Go appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


Relive the 80s With This 2,651-Piece LEGO Set of a Pac-Man Arcade "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Relive the 80s With This 2,651-Piece LEGO Set of a Pac-Man Arcade

Pac-Man LEGO Set

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Fans of old-fashioned arcade games can relive the experience with LEGO's newest set. Inspired by the 1980s game of Pac-Man, this 2,651-piece set helps you recreate the iconic game. Not only does it feature figurines of the titular character and the ghost villains Blinky and Clyde, but it also includes the necessary parts to activate a mechanical chase.

The box set is modeled after an arcade cabinet. So as you put together the thousands of pieces, you will also be adding a four-way joystick and a coin slot that lights upsimilar to what you would find in a real arcade. While there is no need for quarters and the joystick does not actually move the pieces, LEGO does include a method to enjoy the Pac-Man game. To the side of the cabinet is a mechanical crank and as you turn it, you will be able to move the pieces inside the screen.

We wanted to recreate the experience of the eighties and the joy that people got from the arcade games of that time, says LEGO designer Sven Franic. While this is the first collaboration of this kind between these two companies, the unveiling of the game came with a fun fact about Pac-Man's distinct yellow color. As it turns out, the game's creator Toru Iwatani, was inspired by the hue of the LEGO brick. Not knowing that Pac-Man was inspired by LEGO bricks was quite a funny situation, as we spent a lot of time wondering what shade of yellow to go for, Franic adds. Due to the complexity of this set, it is recommended for people aged 18 and over.

You can purchase the Pac-Man Arcade set for $269.99 via LEGO's website starti...


OpenAI warns European officials over upcoming AI regulations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, spoke with European officials in Brussels warning over the ramifications of over-regulation of the AI industry.


May Missives: What You Need to Know About Meals, Music, Memory, and More! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A smorgasbord of natural health stories.

From Ronald Hoffman, MD.

Poor food choices drive diabetes pandemic: A new study links poor diet to 14 million cases of type 2 diabetes worldwidein 2018 alone. (In my opinion a gross underestimate if you add in the high percentage of new cases of diabetes that remain undiagnosed, as well as innumerable individuals who fall short of the formal requirements for diabetes, but whose borderline elevated blood sugar is a hallmark of metabolic syndrome, a sure pathway to heart disease, stroke, neurodegenerative disease, and even many cancers).

In sum, researchers estimate that 7 out of 10 new cases of diabetes worldwide in 2018 were linked to poor food choices.

Key factors among 11 dietary risk factors considered were insufficient intake of whole (but not refined) grains; excesses of refined rice and wheat; and overconsumption of processed meat. A consistent trend was over-reliance on refined carbohydrates, including sugary soft drinks, pastry, and candy.

Regionally, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia, especially Poland and Russia, had the largest number of type 2 diabetes linked to diet; prosperity has enabled formerly food-challenged nationalities to consume more processed foods. But Sub-Saharan Africa, Mexico, and Latin America, where food-related diabetes used to be relatively uncommon, are rapidly playing catch-up.

Im curious as to why the U.S., which leads developed countries in obesity, was not singled out for being in the vanguard of the worldwide type 2 diabetes pandemic.

Beverages and diabetes: A corollary to the above study is a recent investigation of the relationship between consumption of various beverages and the risk of death or heart disease among adults with type 2 diabetes.

It was found that a high intake of sugar-sweetened beverages increased risk by 20%; regular intake of coffee, tea and plain water significantly reduced the risk of dying.

Read the full story.

The post May Missives: What You Need to Know About Meals, Music, Memory, and More! first appeared on Alliance for Natural Health USA - Protecting Natural Health.


Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Twin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

The cape cost three dollars, but it's an investment.

Today's News:


Airport Camera Captures Huge Meteor Explosion "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Meteor exploding over Cairns airport

An airport camera perfectly captured a meteor exploding on Saturday ngiht, with the brilliant light illuminating the night sky for miles around.

[Read More]


Bitcoin Hangs At $26,200: Why This Is A Crucial Support Level "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p>Bitcoin has plunged during the last 24 hours and now finds itself at the $26,200 level. Heres why this level is important for the asset.</p> <h2>Bitcoin 200 WMA & 111 DMA Are Both At $26,200 Right Now

In a new tweet, the analytics firm Glassnode has talked about how the different technical pricing models for Bitcoin may be interacting with the assets price currently.</p> <p>There are four relevant technical pricing models here, and each of them is based on different <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank">moving averages</a> (MAs) for the cryptocurrency.</p> <p>An MA is a tool that finds the average of any given quantity over a specified region, and as its name implies, it moves with time and changes its value according to changes in said quantity.</p> <p>MAs, when taken over long ranges, can smooth out the curve of the quantity and remove short-term fluctuations from the data. This has made them useful analytical tools since they can make studying long-term trends easier.</p> <p>In the context of the current topic, the relevant MAs for Bitcoin are 111-day MA, 200-week MA, 365-day MA, and 200-day MA. The first of these, the 111-day MA, is called the Pi Cycle indicator, and it generally finds useful in identifying short to mid-term momentum in the assets value.</p> <p>The 200-week MA is used for finding the baseline momentum of a BTC cycle as 200 weeks are equal to almost 4 years, which is about what the length of BTC cycles in the popular sense is.</p> <p>Here is a chart that shows the trend in these different Bitcoin technical pricing models over the past year:</p> <p><img alt="Bitcoin Technical Pricing Models" class= "alignnone aligncenter" height="2353" src= "" width="4085"></p> <p>As shown in the above graph, these different Bitcoin pricing models have taken turns in providing support and resistance to the price during different periods of the cycle.</p> <p>For example, the 111-day MA turned into support recently, as the price rebounded off this level back during the <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank">plunge in March of this year</a>, as can be seen in the chart.</p> <p>The 111-day and 200-week MAs have recently come into phase, as both their values stand at $26,200 right now. This is the level that Bitcoin has been finding support at in recent days, so it would appear that the base formed by these lines may be helping the price currently.</p> <p>Glassnode notes that if a bre...

Thursday, 25 May


The Calm Before Another COVID Storm? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A renowned virologist issues a warning to those who believe weve seen the end of COVID, and how mass vaccination campaigns perpetuate the pandemic.

March 2021 saw vaccinologist, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, take to social media to broadcast a warning about the dangers of a mass vaccination campaign during a pandemic. Yet his warnings to the World Health Organization and global health authorities fell on (deliberately) deaf ears.

Dr. Vanden Bossche, who has now published a book that explains how mass vaccination during a pandemic drives extreme selection pressure, recently joined Rob Verkerk PhD for an interview in which Dr. Vanden Bossche argues that while the WHO has announced the end of the COVID emergency, the virus is circulating and generating variants in ways that dont make it a normal endemic infection. He describes is as the calm before the storm and provides a chilling reminder that its just a matter of time before a more virulent variant re-emerges.

The key insight that Dr. Vanden Bossche brings to the fore, and describes in the interview in great detail, is the idea that mass vaccination has driven the evolution of more transmissible and dangerous viral variants. The COVID vaccines delivered only partial immunity to the virus in that they did not block infection or transmissionthe main idea was that they prevented you from getting really sick. But this non-sterilizing immunity allows the virus to hang around and replicate in the body to adapt to its environment, creating viral variants that can evade vaccine-induced immunity.

Weve learned similar lessons from the scourge of antibiotic resistance. When you put a microorganism in a hostile environmentbut not one hostile enough to kill itit will evolve and mutate in ways capable of overcoming this hostile environment. Dr. Vanden Bossche is suggesting that a new variant could very well be on the way that evades vaccine-induced immunity and could cause another massive wave of infections.

Another key insight from the interview is the fundamental error in relying on novel technologythe mRNA COVID vaccinesto deal with a virus that causes an acute, self-limiting infection (as opposed to something like HIV/AIDS). Dr. Vanden Bossche compellingly argues that, for diseases like COVID, vaccines generally cant beat natural, innate immunity, and that our creation of COVID vaccines ignored the laws of biology and immunology. He likened this id...


Wave of mRNA Vaccines Coming "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We debated GMOs for years, why arent we debating the latest bioengineering tech: mRNA? Action Alert!

Are you ready for the total transformation of our food supply? There are dozens of veterinary vaccines (and human vaccines, for that matter) in production utilizing the new mRNA technology that underpinned the COVID vaccines. This new technology is entering our food supply under the cover of darknessgranted by censorship imposed during the COVID era that power brokers seem intent on keeping in place.  

Whats often not appreciated is how fundamentally different these vaccines are from previous vaccines. They rely on synthetic biology, essentially blurring the line between biology and technology. This blurring is one of the characteristics World Economic Forum founder and chairman, Klaus Schwab, relates to his dystopian concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which includes gene-edited humans or designer beings.

There are major questions about the long-term consequences of using mRNA technology given its novelty, both for food animals and for humans. Yet there isnt even a semblance of a public debate about how to move forward or the need for transparency of supply chains including foodstuffs derived from animals treated with mRNA vaccines. This needs to change, especially as mRNA vaccines may well become a mainstay in human and veterinary medicine.

The coming use of mRNA vaccines in livestock presents a massive issue pertaining to our right to know what is in our food. The use of mRNA vaccines in humans is of course another massive public health issue that weve written about a number of times over the last three years, such as here and here. It was with a similar sense of humility and caution in the face of this new vaccine technology that we issued a joint call with our colleagues at the Alliance for Natural Health International to ...


This very British concern about a first class toilet on a 747 has the perfect payoff "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Were grateful to @KatyMontgomerie for sharing this rather fabulous diary story on Twitter, the story of a British Airways passenger who had a particular concern about the first class toilets on Boeings redesigned 747 (no, weve never flown anything other than economy either).

And just in case thats tricky to read in full.


Source Twitter @KatyMontgomerie Image Unsplash Isaac Struna

The post This very British concern about a first class toilet on a 747 has the perfect payoff appeared first on The Poke.


30 Birthday Gifts for a Boyfriend To Make His Big Day a Special One "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

30 Birthday Gifts for a Boyfriend To Make His Big Day a Special One

Birthday Gifts for Boyfriend

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase, My Modern Met may earn an affiliate commission. Please read our disclosure for more info.

Buying presents for close loved ones can be tricky. It seems like the better you know someone, the harder it is to buy for them. Birthday gifts are one of those occasions. You want a present that is thoughtful but also makes them go wow! upon opening it. Were here to help with birthday gifts for a boyfriend.

What does a boyfriend want? While its different for everyone, some jumping-off points are things in tech, decor, the outdoors, and kitchenware. Once youve determined what type of gift, consider the tone of the gift. Is it sentimental? Are you trying to make him laugh? Determining those two things will make it easier to find the perfect-for-him present.

Scroll down for birthday gifts for a boyfriend.

Need a birthday gift for a boyfriend? Let us help with our pick of creative products.

Home Decor

Whether it's an entire place or simply a room in his house, there is ample opportunity for decorating with these gifts. You'd be surprised how a special object or clever poster can give a space the refresh it was looking for. The Deskspace Solar System with a Sun Lamp, for instance, adds statement-making flair to a drab desk while the City Neighborhood Map is a poster that commemorates a special place he's lived, with metropolises featured across the U.S.


Deskspace Solar System with Sun Lamp



This guy asked AI to write a Shakespearean response to his nitpicking neighbours and its fabulous "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres a lot of fear and anxiety over the use and implications of AI, and rightly so, but every now and again a ray of light breaks through the gloom and this is surely one of them.

Its twin dad and proud American @EZebroni who received a particularly nitpicking response from their neighbours about weeds growing in their drive.

Heres the letter.

And the AI-generated response.

Now in full!

To the Honorable Members of the [Redacted] Homeowners Association

Fair greetings unto you, noble stewards of our beloved community. With a heavy heart and humble disposition, I pen this missive to beseech your gracious forgiveness for an errant circumstance that hath befallen my humble abode.

Alas, it is with profound regret that I must confess the presence of unwelcome intruders amidst the threshold of my abode....


Join Our LIVE Launch Party To Talk With Authors From Our Latest Issue "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Join Our LIVE Launch Party To Talk With Authors From Our Latest Issue

Make: Volume 85 is your gateway to the burgeoning DIY music scene! From soldering together your first synth, to modular SDIY, to simple software solutions, join our editorial staff and a modicum of maker musicians to learn how to craft everything from speakers and squeakers to the next club banger. Well also be talking R/C []

The post Join Our LIVE Launch Party To Talk With Authors From Our Latest Issue appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


Conner Griffith Animates the World of Objects Through Historical Engravings in Still Life "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Still Life, a short animation by Los Angeles-based filmmaker Conner Griffith, opens with a classic game of guess which hand. As the illustrated hands open and close, a tiny ball morphs into a series of tools and other household objects, and we are whisked off on a journey through more than 1,000 historic engravings. Collecting images from sources like the Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature, and Art and Grays Anatomyboth published in the 1850s and now in the public domainGriffith examines how items and materials help to define lifestyles, attitudes, and consciousness of the world around us. The film explores the idea that we live in a world of objects and a world of objects lives within us, he says.

Find more of Griffiths work on his website and on Vimeo.


All images Conner Griffith



In the US, targeted crypto legislation could start the ball rolling "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Is the EUs crypto regulatory framework a useful model for U.S. legislators? Can a security token really morph into a utility token?


Getting a home loan using crypto collateral: Insane or just risky? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You can use crypto as collateral to get a home loan but as one Bitcoin OG found out, its super risky and you can lose the lot.

23:18 and Binance Present the 3rd Binance Meetup in Romania, Happening in Timisoara "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Get ready for an exhilarating partnership as and Binance come together to bring you the highly anticipated third Binance Meetup in Timisoara, Romania. Mark your calendars for the thrilling event taking place on May 30, 2023, at the prestigious Galla Events venue located at 96 Dorobantilor Street in Timisoara.

Join us for this remarkable gathering where youll have the exclusive chance to gain firsthand knowledge about Binance Romania and, esteemed partners and collaborators of this meetup. Dont let this one-of-a-kind experience slip away make sure youre a part of it!

Immerse yourself in a world of interactive activities, captivating contests with enticing prizes, and a plethora of delightful surprises.

Join us for an unforgettable experience at the third Binance Meetup in Romania, where participants will have the chance to win exciting Binance promotional items like caps, T-shirts, and more.


Quench your thirst with complimentary beverages and capture memorable moments alongside the Binance team through photography.

Check out the event agenda below:

  • 18:00 19:00: Check-in with ID/passport. Networking
  • 19:00 19:10: Binance Romania introduction
  • 19:10 19:20: Federation of Emerging Technologies presentation
  • 19:20 19:30: learn more about
  • 19:30 19:40: VD Law presentation
  • 19:40 19:50: Binance NFT presentation
  • 19:50 20:00: Binance VIP presentation
  • 20:00 21:00: Photos. Contests. Networking
REZERVE YOUR TICKET NOW The event is free to attend, but dont forget to register. For live updates from the event on May 30, follow on Twitter.



This sleepy dog trying to stay awake on the sofa is very funny and totally relatable "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This is basically us at 10pm on the sofa most nights. Truth be told, more like 9pm these days.

Its a video of a dog valiantly trying not to fall asleep on the sofa and its very funny and totally relatable.

Sleepy dog tries to fight nap
by u/Reddit_Survivor9 in aww

Next day hell have no idea of which episode he watched or whether he finished it.

Literally me when I get home from work and Im tired but I wanna do stuff.

Hes clearly just resting his eyes.

Why doesnt he just go to sleep though, its not like he has work to hand in before a deadline or something .

When he tilts his head back .


Source Reddit u/Reddit_Survivor9

The post This sleepy dog trying to stay awake on the sofa is very funny and totally relatable appeared first on The Poke.



AZ Officers Catch Human Traffickers Taking Untraditional Route to Evade Detection "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Arizona officers caught human traffickers taking an untraditional route to evade detection from local authorities, as seen in a video posted on Tuesday by the Pinal County Sheriffs Office.


Unhinged Rant Against Transgender Protesters At Female High School Track Meet "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Unhinged Rant Against Transgender Protesters At Female High School Track Meet
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Ingraham: There is a lust for battle between these two "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News host Laura Ingraham gives her take on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis 2024 presidential announcement and what issues he should prioritize on The Ingraham Angle. #foxnews #fox #ingrahamangle

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Nvidia AI chip value skyrockets amid AI development boom "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The chip developer released its second-quarter revenue forecast, which was 50% higher than market estimates, followed by a 28% increase in company shares.


Sam Altmans Crypto Project Worldcoin Raises $115M Led By Blockchain Capital "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Worldcoin co-founders Alex Blania and Sam Altman (Marc Olivier/Worldcoin)


Hands-On With the Leica Q3: Is This the Perfect Street Camera? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

leica q3

Ask nine out of 10 influencers, and the Leica Q2 will still be on their favorites list even though it's three years old. Its timeless styling made it an instant classic, but credit goes to the venerable 28mm f/1.7 Summilux for delivering the goods. Now Leica has released its latest version, the Q3, and we got our hands on a

[Read More]


Circle launches euro-based stablecoin on Avalanche blockchain "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Circle launched EUROC last year as a regulated stablecoin, which means that each token is fully backed by euro reserves held at United States-regulated financial institutions.


The New Leica Q3: 60MP Photos, 8K Video, and Much-Improved Autofocus "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Leica Q3

Leica has announced the Q3, the third-generation of the Q series cameras that pairs a fixed-lens Summilux 28mm f/1.7 ASPH with a 60-megapixel backside illuminated (BSI) sensor equipped with phase detect autofocus.

[Read More]


Discover Your Political Alter Ego: Which Former U.S. President Are You? [Quiz] "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Discover Your Political Alter Ego: Which Former U.S. President Are You? [Quiz]

President Personality Quiz

This quiz was generated with the help of ChatGPT. Content was then revised and fact-checked by My Modern Met.

Being the president of the United States is no easy task. And this week, we're back with a fun personality quiz to see what kind of leader you'd be. Just answer this quick 10-question quiz to see which former American president has a leadership style that mirrors your own.

As always, if you also choose to enter your email address, you'll get results delivered to your inbox, as well as more interesting information about U.S. presidents. So what are you waiting for? This presidential personality quiz just takes a few minutes.


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READ: Discover Your Political Alter Ego: Which Former U.S. President Are You? [Quiz]


EU watchdog warns about the risk of a bank run on stablecoins "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The European Systemic Risk Board suggests more disclosures and monitoring to fight the risks of the crypto market.


How this shop assistant deals with a bigoted right-wing troll is simply magnificent "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We have to confess we hadnt previously come across Ethan Schmidt, a right wing agitator and anti-vaxxer who feels threatened to bits by Pride, equality and the concept of being allowed to be who you want to be.

We only mention him because of the grim news from America that retail giant Target was removing certain items from its stores and making other changes to LGBTQ+-themed merchandise ahead of Pride month. Their decision comes after a backlash from a minority of customers leading to occasional violent confrontations with shop workers.

And if there was ever a way to deal with these idiots then its surely this, a video of Schmidt doing his repellant thing that went wildly viral in response.

Amen to that.


Yellen Not Prepping For Default Despite Debt Ceiling Impasse "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

(Update: 1055ET): Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Wednesday that signs of market stress are beginning to emerge as the X-date draws closer, however, the Biden administration is not preparing for a default, and is instead focusing on completing a debt-limit deal.

We are committed to not having missed payments and raising the debt ceiling, Yellen said at a video conference event in London. Were not involved in planning for what happens if theres a default, she said when asked if Treasury was engaged with major banks to map out a default scenario, Bloomberg reports.

Its highly likely that we would run out of resources to meet all the governments obligations in early June and possibly as early as June 1, she told the conference. We no longer see very much likelihood that our resources will enable us to get to the middle or end of June.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will provide an update on negotiations at 11:45 am ET.

*  *  *

With (arguably) just eight days to go before the US government enters potential default territory on more than $31 trillion in debt, the status of negotiations between the White House and members of the House GOPs negotiating team Reps. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) and Garret Graves (R-LA) are telling allies on Capitol Hill that talks have oscillated between positive and totally crumbling.



Account abstraction could change how institutions interact with Ethereum Safe co-founder "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In episode 21 of Hashing It Out, Lukas Schor, co-founder of Safe, explains that account abstraction could change how instructions and DAOs interact with the Ethereum blockchain.


Why is Bitcoin price down today? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin price is down today as investors' focus shifts toward the U.S. dollar, which has surged to a two-month high.


Is She Wrong for Sending Her Brother a List of the Things His Son Ruined at Her House? People Responded. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Lets go through this item by item, shall we?

Uh ohthat doesnt sound too good, does it?

No it does not!

But we dont have all the details here, now do we?

So what do you say we get the whole story below and THEN we can see if this woman acted like an a**hole?

Sound good?

Get started now!

AITA for sending my brother a list of every item of ours that my nephew ruined?

For the context, I (25F) have a niece (Bella 7F) and a nephew (Michael 10M). Theyre my brother Alexs kids. I love them both but I have a much closer relationship with Bella.

Michael is a good kid, but he is a ticking time bomb. He is absolutely uncontrollable. Im his aunt and I love him but I really cant have him around for long. The last time he was in our house he poured my nailpolish collection onto my wifes favourite silk Persian carpet. And that isnt even 1% of the damage he has done.

My wife (27F) and I recently bought a villa out of town. It has a game room, pool, and many things Bella adores. So we offered to give her a tour of the place and let her check out the rose garden there, if Alex and his wife agreed.

Alex said either both Michael and Bella were to be included or none of them were going. My wife and I both insisted to only take Bella but he was not having it so we said we would just go by ourselves.

Alex got really mad at us and said it was disgusting that we favored Bella because she was a girl and that we were both hypocritical and unfair to Michael, and never included him in our plans.

I told my brother that Michael was an uncontrollable kid. He had the audacity to ask what Michael had done. I told him Id let him know (Ive told him the items over the years as it happened but he always said it was an accident and that Michaels a boy a...


Germanys recession triggers responses from the crypto community "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

One community member thinks that, in this case, all speculative markets, including crypto, will lose ground.


Mallow: Natures Digestive Miracle for Instant Relief "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Also known as Malva sylvestris, mallow offers a wide range of health benefits through its edible leaves and flowers.

Rich in vital vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, mallow boasts antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that make it an exceptional natural remedy for various ailments.

But the wonders of mallow syrup dont stop at constipation relief. Its soothing properties make it an excellent option for alleviating other ailments like sore throat, cough, and respiratory infections.


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Trans Woman On Sports Illustrated "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Trans Woman Showcased on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover

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Trans Woman Showcased on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover hodgetwins conservativetwins patriottwins our response and reaction Trans Woman Showcased on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover


Introducing The Rolling-Block Method: A New Way To Forecast Bitcoin Mining Difficulty "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Since Bitcoins inception, network difficulty has grown from 1 to as much as 48.71 trillion hashes that a miner would theoretically need to generate to find the winning one. This means it is 48.71 trillion times harder to mine a Bitcoin block today than when mining first began in 2009 a compound increase of 20.64% per month.

At the time of this writing, Bitcoins difficulty is at an all-time high, which means that miners on a BTC basis are making less in rewards per unit of hash rate than ever before. Next to bitcoins price, Bitcoins difficulty is a primary factor that influences hash price (mining revenue per unit of hash rate), so miners are interested in projecting Bitcoins hash rate growth and difficulty trends for business planning.

To this end, miners and Bitcoiners devised the constant-block-time method for estimating upcoming adjustments, but this method typically over or under estimates difficulty changes at the beginning of each difficulty epoch.

Source: Hashrate Index

To improve on this, the team at Luxor Technologies developed a new method called the rolling-block method, which we describe in more detail in a recent report on forecasting Bitcoin mining difficulty.

Its our hope that the rolling-block method for forecasting Bitcoin difficulty could provide miners, investors and hash rate traders a better tool to plan for difficulty changes

Luxor's Rolling Block Method For Forecasting Difficulty Adjustments

For this report, we developed a new time series forecasting method for upcoming difficulty adjustments, which improves accuracy at the beginning of the epoch compared to the constant block time method. We call this the succinctly-named rolling-2,015-block, square-root-weighted, epoch-adjusted block time method (or just rolling-block method, adjusted-block-time method, or dual-epoch method).

This new method improves upon the constant-block-time method early in the epoch by including block times from the previous 2,015 blocks, instead of just the blocks from the current epoch, which can skew forecasts early in the epoch for lack of data points. To account for the change in network difficulty between epochs, block times in...


Thinking Thursday: R.C. Buck "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Quotation from R.C. Buck is an excerpt from The Great Quotations Bundle: 104 Ways to Get Students Writing about Education and Life, available as a digital printable activity guide at my bookstore. Read more about my playful math books here.

Do you want your children to develop the ability to reason creatively and figure out things on their own?

Help kids practice slowing down and taking the time to fully comprehend a math topic or problem-solving situation with these classic tools of learning: See. Wonder. Create.

See: Look carefully at the details of the numbers, shapes, or patterns you see. What are their attributes? How do they relate to each other? Also notice the details of your own mathematical thinking. How do you respond to a tough problem? Which responses are most helpful? Where did you get confused, or what makes you feel discouraged?

Wonder: Ask the journalists questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how? Who might need to know about this topic? Where might we see it in the real world? When would things happen this way? What other way might they happen? Why? What if we changed the situation? How might we change it? What would happen then? How might we figure it out?

Create: Create a desc...


South Korea passes bill to make officials disclose Bitcoin holdings "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Kim Nam-guk Prevention Law comes in response to a scandal involving some National Assembly members moving large amounts of crypto.


Chinese state media removes video on crypto after Binance CEO calls it big deal "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Although China has maintained a hostile stance against crypto, the recent developments in Hong Kong have many speculating about its impact on China.


Should BONE Holders Worry About Shibariums Delayed L2 Launch? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BONE holders, eagerly anticipating the launch of Shibarium as a promising Layer 2 (L2) scaling solution by Shiba Inu (SHIB), may find themselves grappling with a pressing question: should they be concerned about the delay in Shibariums release? 

As Shiba Inu strives to address criticisms regarding the practicality of meme coins, the delayed launch of Shibarium raises uncertainties about its impact on the overall utility and value proposition of the token Bone ShibaSwap.

ShibaSwap Ecosystem: BONE Tokens Role And Shibarium L2 Integration

ShibaSwap, a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol launched in July 2021, offers a range of passive income-generating services such as staking, liquidity pools, and yield farming. Its primary aim is to enhance the utility and capabilities of the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

Within the ShibaSwap ecosystem, the BONE token functions as a governance token, granting BONE holders the ability to propose and vote on protocol changes through the Shiba Inu Doggy DAO. This empowers the community to actively participate in shaping the future of ShibaSwap.

Furthermore, BONE has an additional crucial role as the gas token for Shibarium, the upcoming L2 blockchain. Currently in its test Beta phase, Shibarium promises to bring improved scalability and efficiency to the Shiba Inu ecosystem. 

Meanwhile, the L2 scaling solution of Shibarium will likely be released in July or the third quarter of this year, according to recent statements made by the projects principal developer:


Binance Pay sees growing interest in Africa, Eurasia and Eastern Europe "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Major markets are adopting Binance Pay to introduce cryptocurrency-based payments for everyday goods and services.


This unappealing Tinder message had everybody swiping left "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A Reddit user named u/Glittering_Finger_63 took to r/Tinder to share this example of why dating apps can be a nightmare.

They gave it the title Bullet Dodged and we have to say, that kind of nails it.

Reddit users had some pretty strong opinions on the persons attitude and these comments have it covered.

Looking like a damn job interview. hard pass

She needs a reference letter from your last employer and your last girlfriend. Respect!

Thought this was a LinkedIn message until I rechecked the sub it was in.

A job interview where the hiring manager tells you that its going to be terrible place to work.

Girl thinks shes on the Bachelorette.

I think that a good way to go with this is turn the table back on them. Ask them what do they bring to table and make them justify themselves. Either you still dodged a bullet if they unmatch or you get sth interesting in the response

I once went on a date that felt like that. It was the first and last time I saw her.

Hi, Im a fucking nightmare. Why would you like to date me?

Coming up next: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself as the senior boyfriend, team lead over the other bfs.

Considering past relationships, how do you think you can improve on that?

ChicagoChurro gave them a little benefit of the doubt.

Theyre acting like you have to win them over before even getting to know them. They may not be a shitty person for that but it certainly does make them look stuck up and conceited, and thats unattractive.


This Tinder chats unexpected 11th hour handbrake turn is a proper body blow



This exchange with an electrician took an unintended twist and its very funny and all too relatable "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its always a cause of mild anxiety when someone comes to your house to fix something or install something.

Aside from offering them a tea or coffee thats a given were never quite sure how much to bother them, whether youre doing too much/too little small talk. Basically making yourself look like an idiot.

And if theres one exchange which perfectly captures our fear of what can go wrong, its surely this. Its a tweet that went wildly viral after it was posted by @cestnepa5 because, well, look.

Just in case thats tricky to read in full, here it is again.



A fossil of a 50-foot saltwater crocodile was discovered in Australia after a storm "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Now imagine the power of this newly discovered 50-foot fossil, it could easily swallow a great white shark.


May 13 Webinar Highlights Orbs, Space Arks, Motherships "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Highlights from the Orbs, Space Arks & Motherships: Why the Deep State Fears Them webinar completed on May 13. Webinar presents and analyzes newly released information from a wide range of sources on Space Arks, ET Motherships and their connection to the many orbs that are increasingly being sighted around the world. Some of the []


This TikTokers deep dive into a cassette of the Cocktail soundtrack will make you feel a thousand years old "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Just in case you werent feeling old enough already today, get a load of this.

Its TikToker stick with us, please caitconquers taking a deep dive into a cassette of the soundtrack to Tom Cruise movie, Cocktail.

And its a very funny and totally enervating watch.

@caitconquers Trying vintage music I was excited to find these at the theift store, now lets see if it works! #thrifted #thriftedfinds #vintage original sound Cait

Just in case thats tricky to watch, here it is again, shared on Twitter.

And no matter how serious were supposed to take it, its still a proper oof. Mostly because its true.


7 ChatGPT plugins to enhance productivity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Boost your productivity with ChatGPT plugins and streamline your workflow right from the chat interface.


Best Online Slots Real Money Sites In 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We have explored numerous online slots real money sites to bring you an in-depth analysis of the most thrilling and rewarding experiences available in 2023.

In this article, we will cover various aspects of online slots, including getting started, choosing real money slot sites, welcome bonuses, game selection, security and fairness, and mobile casino options. So, lets dive in!


Gary Lineker on climate change protestors went wildly viral and he absolutely nails it "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its been a bit of a year for Gary Lineker already, what with his suspension from Match of the Day, his subsequent reinstatement, and that moment this week when he owned Richard Madeley all the way into next season.

Not everyone appreciates Linekers work, either on-screen or off, but weve got an awful lot of time for him and this moment from Channel 4 News is another reason why.

Its the Match of the Day man talking about climate change specifically, climate change protestors after the latest protests in London and at the Chelsea Flower Show this week and its two minutes very well spent.

Back of the net, Gary.


Bitcoin holds $20K realized price as analyst eyes 'big moves coming' "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin "panic" is unwarranted, Philip Swift suggests, with BTC price action conforming to expectations on longer timeframes.


Danny Dyers NSFW verdict on David Cameron is still one of the top 10 political TV moments or any TV moments "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Back in 2018, Danny Dyer was a guest on a late-night edtion of Good Morning Britain Good Evening Britain, and he had this relatable rant about David Camerons part in Brexit.

Whats happened to that twat David Cameron who brought it on? Lets be fair

How comes he can scuttle off, he called all this on where is he?

Hes in Europe, in Nice, with his trotters up.

Where is the geezer? He should be held accountable for it. He should be held accountable.


The clip has cropped up again on Twitter, and people love it just as much as they did five years ago if not more.


How John Keats Writes a Poem: A Line-by-Line Breakdown of Ode on a Grecian Urn "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Greek term ekphrasis sounds rather exotic if you seldom come across it, but it refers to an act in which weve all engaged at one time or another: that is, describing a work of art. The best ekphrases make that description as vivid as possible, to the point where it becomes a work of art in itself. The English language offers no better-known example of ekphrastic poetry than John Keats Ode on a Grecian Urn, from 1819, which pulls off the neat trick of taking both its subject and its genre from the same ancient culture among other virtues, of course, several of which are explained by Evan Puschak, better known as the Nerdwriter, in his new video above, How John Keats Writes a Poem.

Puschak calls Ode on a Grecian Urn arguably the best poem from arguably the best romantic poet, then launches into a line-by-line exegesis, identifying the techniques Keats employs in its construction. The speaker craves the ideal, everlasting love depicted on and symbolized by the urn, he says. But the way he expresses himself well, its almost embarrassing, even hysterical, feverish.

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"IndyWatch Feed Craft" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The sleeve patterns for the Scroop + Virgils Fine Goods Amalia, Angelica and Aidah patterns all give the option to cut the sleeves on the vertical or horizontal grainline.  This might not be obvious in  most fabrics, but it makes a huge difference when youre working with stripes.

Aidah Angelica Amalia patterns


Why do we include both options? Because the 1770s-90s are a time of experimentation and transition in cutting and patternmaking techniques.  In the first 3/4 of the 18th century womens sleeves are almost always cut so stripes run horizontally across the sleeves.  However, in the last quarter of the 18th c both grainlines are used, so stripes can run either way.

Lets take a look at striped sleeves in 1770s-1790s dresses and jackets, and see how they are used:

Note: for all of these Ive relied on the museums dating.  Ive indicated where I think a more precise, or alternative, dating is more likely.


For most of the 1770s, sleeves are cut so that the stripes run around the arm, and up and down the skirts and body:



New cartoonist: Wolfgang Ammer "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Our section of Austrian cartoonists is expanding with the addition of Wolfgang Ammer. Since 1981, he has worked for the Wiener Zeitung. He is also a contributor to NRC Handelsblad, Die Welt and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.


Whats Popular That You Refuse to Get Into? Heres What People Said. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Okay, Ill admit it: I just cant get into online betting.

I have some friends who seem to be totally obsessed with it and theyre constantly texting each other to get tips and trade info.

But I just cant seem to get interested

Whats popular that you refuse to get into?

Heres how AskReddit users responded.


Im a new mom and theres soooo many stupid mom trends right now.

But one of them is the like natural looking toys with really bland colors that are more aesthetic.

Theyre toys.

Freaky stuff.

These AI things.

It kind of freaks me out talking to a robot or asking a robot to make something. I really dont like the new AI person on snapchat.

I wish i could delete the person but im about to just stop using the app.

No, thanks.


Not sure how to use it and I would rather waste time with Instagram, thank you very much.

Dont need it.

Paying to see nudity.

Im not against por**graphy but seems crazy to me to give my money away for it.

A bad habit.

Sports betting.

Ive seen friends lose a lot and go into debt because of it.

Zero interest.

Comic book hero movies.

I dont h**e them or actively dislike them.

I just have absolutely zero interest.

Doesnt sound like a good idea.


I have OCD. I know I would lose years of my life to the cubes.

I just know itd be like he**in to me, so I wont eve...


AiDoge Coin Goes Viral, Rakes In $13 Million In Funding Amid Meme Coin Craze "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AiDoge ($AI) is emerging high on the horizon as the bearish strains around Dogecoin show no signs of abating. AiDoge is a new meme coin that fuses artificial intelligence with the viral appeal of meme culture, offering a unique and captivating blend.

In the realm of its presale phase, AiDoge remains concealed from the public market, patiently awaiting its grand unveiling. Surprisingly, this clandestine state fails to dampen the fervor of investors, who eagerly seek to obtain the native $AI tokens, showcasing an unwavering enthusiasm for the project.

The overwhelming response from investors has led to an impressive fundraising milestone of $12.9 million, and the numbers continue to rise steadily.

AiDoges Unique Use Cases, Meme-Style Design Spur Community Growth

AiDoge has generated considerable excitement due to its distinctive use cases, which align seamlessly with its meme-inspired design. According to the details presented in AiDoges whitepaper, the primary use cases will revolve around its groundbreaking meme generator, which will operate on the Ethereum blockchain. 

With the help of its meme generator, anyone can create and share image macro with text overlay. This online haven not only serves as a platform for the production and dissemination of such original works, but also as a vast repository of user-created visual marvels.

To ensure the memes created are ready to go viral, AiDoges meme generator will undergo training with extensive datasets and employ advanced artificial intelligence algorithms.

The projects recent achievement in reaching a significant fundraising milestone serves as a testament to the immense potential of AiDoge. Additionally, it highlights the rapid expansion of the projects community, exemplified by the substantial growth in the number of people joining the official Telegram channel, which now exceeds 18,000 members.


Do Kwon's Detention in Montenegro Extended After High Court Decision to Revoke Bail "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Terra Community AMA with Do Kwon (April 2021) (Terra, modified by CoinDesk)


Fahrenheit wins bid to acquire assets of crypto lender Celsius "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The consortium, which includes Arrington Capital, outbid NovaWulf to acquire Celsius Networks assets, while the Blockchain Recovery Investment Consortium serves as a backup bid.


Benjamin Fulford Report: G7 nations trying to surrender despite bluster May 22, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The G7 group of Khazarian mafia slave countries just finished their love fest in Japan with a false show of confidence. In reality, they are trying to surrender, Asian secret society sources say. To understand why the G7 has to surrender, let us look at their reality: When the G7 started in 1976 they controlled 70% of world GDP. They also represented democracy, human rights, the rule of law etc. Now they just control 27% of GDP and are under the most horrific form of Babylonian totalitarianism. The leader of the once free world is a dead pedophile human trafficker by the name of Joe Biden who was placed in power by a stolen election and is now represented by an actor. The president of France, Emanuelle Macron, was a teenage male prostitute who married his older male client. He is a Rothschild family servant who was also placed in power via a stolen election. Then we have Justin Castrudeau of Canada who almost certainly murdered his brother and was also placed in power via election fraud. His father Pierre Trudeau -who was cuckolded by Fidel Castro- handed over control of the Bank of Canada to the KM. Next, we have Olaf Scholz of Germany who has been described as the worst leader in 1000 years of German history by German expert Colonel Douglas MacGregor. Scholz has devastated German industry by shutting down nuclear power plants and raising energy prices by 45% in order to serve his Rockefeller masters. Then we have the World Economic Forum slave Rishi Sunak of the UK who...


Watch Ralf Littles thrilled reaction after fans come to the rescue with some British groceries "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p>Death in Paradise star <em>Ralf Little</em> is currently filming the new series in Guadeloupe, and while wed all love work conditions a little more like his, it hasnt all been plain sailing. Hes had trouble laying his hands on British staples and not the kind that hold your papers together.</p> <blockquote cite= "" class="tiktok-embed"> <section><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="@ralflittle">@ralflittle</a> I am left with no choice I'm sorry.#<a href= "" rel= "noopener" target="_blank" title= "deathinparadise">deathinparadise</a> #<a href= "" rel="noopener" target= "_blank" title="bbc">bbc</a> #<a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="bbcone">bbcone</a> #<a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="bbciplayer">bbciplayer</a> #<a href= "" rel= "noopener" target="_blank" title= "deathinparadiseedit">deathinparadiseedit</a> #<a href= "" rel= "noopener" target="_blank" title="nevilleparker">nevilleparker</a> #<a href="" rel= "noopener" target="_blank" title="beans">beans</a> #<a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="tragedy">tragedy</a> #<a href= "" rel= "noopener" target="_blank" title= "specialannouncement">specialannouncement</a> #<a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="plottwist">plottwist</a> #<a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="discover">discover</a> <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title= " Sound Of Silence - Nick & Simon"> Sound Of Silence Nick & Simon

He was lucky enough to get some beans, courtesy of the shows hair stylist, <em>Dionne</em>.</h4> <blockquote cite= "" class="tiktok-embed"> <section><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="@ralflittle">@ralflittle</a> Finally Glad to announce that im able to stay on <a href= "" rel= "noopener" target="_blank" title= "deathinparadise">#deathinpa...</a></secti...</h4>


German banks slowly adopt crypto, mostly for institutional investors "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Doubts regarding crypto remain among German banks, but there is a growing concern about missing out on a potentially game-changing development.


Senate Colleagues Mortified as Dianne Feinstein Defends Graves Era Misfits "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WASHINGTON Ailing Senator Dianne Feinstein worried Senate colleagues when she made shocking remarks defending Michale Graves tenure fronting the Misfits, horrified Washington insiders have reported.

While Senator Feinstein is one of our most distinguished members of Congress, we do understand the concerns about her ability to lead due to her illnesses. We can confirm that yesterday the Senator made comments that the Misfits were better off with toxic shitbag Michale Graves as their frontman, said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. I do want to assure her constituents that her nuanced view comes from her love of horror movie monsters and not due to her mind deteriorating so badly she is defending a pop-punk white supremacist. She is still fit to lead.

Senate aides indicated that the situation is much more dire than leaders want to admit, and bipartisan support for her removal growing louder.

Ive been on the Senators staff for over a decade, and it kills me to see her like this. Surely this cant be the same woman whod hype herself up with Demonomania before every Intelligence Committee meeting. But there is no denying shes gone off the rails. I cant imagine that shed want to end her legacy with this, but this is the wrong kind of ghoulish spectacle we want to endure, said aide Brittany Willows. And this is just what shes said in public! The other day she made some offhand comment about the Cramps being overrated, I just sat in the bathroom and cried. This is the end of America.

Pundits are questioning how many days the Senator has left before shes removed from her seat.

This is a huge blow to the Democrats, and it just highlights their dysfunction. Her inability to vote for any of President Bidens judicial picks was already having serious ramifications, but allowing her to retain her seat after praising Graves as cleaner sounding and less violent shows how out of touch they are with the voters, said CNN host Walter Sherman. The silver lining is that her views have created a rare truce between progressives and the far right, and leaders will soon be bringing forth an emergency resolution condemning Famous Monsters and recognizing Danzig as the only true Misfits frontman.

As of press time, Senator Feinstein stated her favorite Black Flag singer is Mike Vallely.

The post Senate Colleagues Mortified as Dianne Feinstein Defends Graves Era Misfits appeared first on The Hard Times.


We Revisit Woodstock 99 Because Our Uncle Who Peaked Then is Visiting "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We werent alive during Woodstock 99, but we know a lot about it, all of which we have learned against our will. In fact, between the documentary that came out in 2021, and having an uncle who attended staying in our parents spare bedroom for an undetermined amount of time, were basically experts on the subject.

They say that history is written by the winners, and if our youd think that everyone had fun; so much fun, that its all they talk about over twenty years later. Sure, thousands of people were essentially stuck there for days without guaranteed access to basic human necessities, but its ok because Korn played, and their set was apparently awesome on ecstasy.

Having this guy stay at our house has us feeling just as trapped as the people stuck at Woodstock 99, only we have water and dont have to listen to Buckcherry. While we are tired of hearing about it, a part of us feels bad. Its kinda dark knowing that a forty-three-year-old man had the best weekend of his life while covered in literal shit over twenty years ago. But then hell come out of the bathroom and say something like careful, its like a Woodstock 99 port-o-potty in there, and we dont feel bad anymore.

People died at Woodstock 99. We know this because our uncle allegedly saw a guy die there, which he has brought up at the dinner table almost every night hes been here. There was also a fire at Woodstock 99, which our uncle allegedly ran naked around. Fortunately, there is no known evidence of this.

He also loves to bring up the epic journey of getting to the former air force base that held the infamous event. He talks about it like it was some sort of pilgrimage, but he lived in Utica, which is like 20 minutes away, and our grandma brought him. She picked him and his co-worker up from their jobs at the gas station and dropped them off. They got high before she showed up and kept it a secret from her, which we supposed is an epic thing to do if youre an annoying nineteen-year-old.

If you attended Woodstock 99, wed like to formally apologize to you on the off-chance you ran into him there. Thankfully, that weekend of debauchery will probably never be recreated. Were confident in this because our uncle recently came back from Sick New World Fest, which he was disappointed to report was tame and well-organized and nothing like his favorite weekend.

The post We Revisit Woodstock 99 Because Our Uncle Who Peaked Then is Visiting appeared first on The Hard Times.


Teen With ADHD Bouncing Legs at Table Has Killer Double Bass Drum Potential "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WICHITA, Kan. Local teenager Denise Draymonds uncontrollable leg bouncing and foot tapping is catching the attention of multiple people who see potential in her as a talented metal drummer, confirmed multiple somewhat annoyed, but optimistic sources.

I wasnt always a loser public school teacher. I used to play guitar in a tech metal band called Infinite Source Generation back in the early 2000s that was getting pretty big but we always had trouble finding a drummer that could keep up, said geometry teacher Kevin Seiswick. One day I was explaining how to calculate the radius of a circle and I heard Denise laying down syncopated rhythms with her feet showing little to no effort, she was just sitting there zoning out and I thought to myself this kid is a once-in-a-generational talent, just not in a classroom. She fucking sucks at math.

Draymond wishes that Seiswick had more enthusiasm in helping her with the math course she is taking in her freshman year.

Mr. Seiswick is nice, but the guy barely gave me any tips after I bombed the last test. Got a 58 and he didnt say shit. He just handed me a Cryptopsy CD and talked about this guy named Flo or something. I guess I could play the CD on my Playstation, but Id rather just play Call of Duty, said Draymond as she tapped out a rhythm with her pencils that could fly in a Meshuggah audition. But I still think Im on his good side. I catch him headbanging a little whenever I get a little jumpy. Seems like I gotta take my ProCentra right after this class.

Psychologist Kristen Miller, who diagnosed Draymond with ADHD two years ago, is not surprised by Seiswicks revelation.

Kids with learning disabilities can easily thrive in unique settings, in the musical world in particular, Miller revealed. Those on the Autism Spectrum, for example, make for the most organized roadies youve ever seen in your fucking life. They will coil a cable like you wouldnt believe. And it wouldnt surprise me if Mike Patton had Tourettes, that guy is off the wall. Denise may go far if she can focus enough for a few drum lessons.

At press time, Seiswick was overheard offering Draymond a B+ for the entire semester if she was willing to meet up in his garage and jam once a week.

The post Teen With ADHD Bouncing Legs at Table Has Killer Double Bass Drum Potential appeared first on The Hard Times.


Crypto industry leveled in 2022 BitMEX CEO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BitMEX CEO Stephan Lutz reflected on a tumultuous 2022 for the cryptocurrency industry, the effects of the FTX fallout and other recent major events.


Fahrenheit Wins Bid to Acquire Assets of Insolvent Crypto Lender Celsius "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fahrenheit won the auction for bankrupt crypto lender Celsius (Pixabay)


Government Asks PWC To Conduct An Audit Of Governments Relationship With PWC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT The Federal Government has today moved to deal with the fallout from the PWC scandal. Facing allegations of abuses of power and misuse of confidential information stemming from the relationships between consultancy firms and the government, the powers at be have called for an audit. We have asked PWC to conduct an audit []

The post Government Asks PWC To Conduct An Audit Of Governments Relationship With PWC appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Local Womans Lash Extensions At The Spiders Legs Stage "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact A Betoota Heights woman has today come to the conclusion many lash extension lovers come to eventually, which is that they only really ever look good for the first couple of days before going to complete and utter shit. Billie Rhodes [25] tells The Advocate shed been committed to going to her lash []

The post Local Womans Lash Extensions At The Spiders Legs Stage appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Heres What People Are Doing in Venezuela to Get Through Hard Times "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The pandemic has undoubtedly caused financial stress for people all over the world. Very few countries have escaped. However, we had already a crisis of our own. The pandemics just added poison to the wounds. With the global economy taking a hit, many people losing their jobs, and businesses forced to shut down, the scenario in the next few years seems grim. In such a situation, its essential to learn from those who have coped well with the financial stress and made it to the other side, at least covering basic needs during hard times. 

This is something we should deliberate on a little bit. 

What exactly are necessities?

If someone works his backside off for a decade or more, to get a high-end education and feels he/she needs and deserves a yacht, a one-million-dollar McMansion, and a Maserati with custom paint, so be it. For the remaining 95 %ers, our necessities are surely much more humble and achievable. We would prefer function over form, for starters. 

Ive seen this a lot. I witnessed very close this case: a hard-working, but uneducated laborer who works in a kitchen cabinet manufacturing company and whose largest aspirations are a Chinese 150cc motorcycle and an iPhone. But his two kids dont even go to school.

Sadly, this article is not universal. Maybe city dwellers probably wont find it as useful as those already owning a patch of land to grow some stuff if things go South. But keep reading nevertheless: the information should encourage you to keep pursuing a patch of productive land to suit your needs.

However, if you are in a city, it means you have (or should have) a much better salary than those in small towns or the countryside. Use that advantage to your favor: put some money aside to get a few acres even if you have to drive 4 hours to the middle of nowhere. 

Highly advisable if you have to do that to arrive there, if you ask me. 

Of course that some sacrifices shall be made. But Id rather drive a 15-year-old car for the next 3-4 years than get in debt to buy a newer one and have nowhere to go if anything happens in the cities.

What are the people around me doing differently?

I recently h...


Saodat Ismailova "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Saodat Ismailovas first major solo institutional exhibition, 18,000 Worlds, surveys more than a decade of films, sculptures, and research work. Carrying across the artists mystical and visually


Natasha Devons sarcastic response to an out-of-touch Brexiter was as good as it gets "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LBCs Natasha Devon displayed levels of restraint that should earn her some sort of radio host award, when a caller named Jason explained why he didnt think thered been adverse effects from Brexit.

Im sat here drinking a French bottle of wine Ive ordered a new BMW to arrive in nine weeks time.

Just been away to Europe. Why is it so bad?

Have you been looking at the headlines about the record number of people using foodbanks, including in-work people?

To drink a nice bottle of wine, to order a new BMW creates work and effort to make money to do that. And most of us do that in the real world when we trade between Europe and, as Nigel Lawson said, 92% of the rest of the world are not in Europe.

If youre one of the nurses that has to use a foodbank, or one of the teachers that is striking or, indeed, a member of the RMT union or anybody who has fallen on difficult times and cant afford the kind of lifestyle that Jason describes just bear in mind its because youre not working hard enough and you didnt believe in Brexit enough.

Wed love to have had a camera on Jason as Natasha destroyed his argument with next-level sarcasm. Tweeters had this to say




Ron DeSantis vows to protect Bitcoin during presidential campaign launch "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Florida's current governor announced his bid for the 2024 U.S. presidency during a Twitter Space with Elon Musk and rounded off with remarks on the cryptocurrency.


Shared decision making "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I really take issue with the use of the term shared decision-making in medical circles.

I have long talked about how evidence and decisions are two different things, and how we need to take care when we discuss these.

Heres why, with the help of a couple of articles that have helped clarify my own thinking about this over the years.

Evidence and decisions two different things

I was already uncomfortable with the term shared decision making when I read a short but fascinating rapid response to a British Medical Journal article.

It was written in response to an ongoing discussion about evidence, guidelines and decision-making.

Michael H Stone pointed out that the role of evidence is to help clinicians to describe outcomes and make the guidelines which we know are sometimes necessary to steer service provision.

In a culture which prioritises evidence, health professionals are required to then present that evidence to people making decisions about their health.

But, as Stone points out, the people making decisions do not have to accept the treatment which is offered or recommended.

They are at liberty to incorporate personal and non-clinical factors into their decision-making, so EBM can never prescribe the decision-making of any particular patient (sic).


Evidence and decisions: two different things.



Coinbase-backed motion makes 4 key arguments to lift Tornado Cash sanctions "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to the filing, the Treasury lacks the authority to prohibit Tornado Cash and transactions associated with it.


HEARTBREAKING: Caulfield Grammar Forced to Mothball New Polo Field Due to Vic Governments Private School Tax "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In what parents have described as a devastating blow to their childrens future wellbeing, Melbournes Caulfield Grammar says it has been left with no choice but to temporarily halt plans for a fourth polo field, after the Victorian Government announced that private schools will no longer be exempt from payroll tax.

This is absolutely shattering. Its going to significantly hamper our students chances to win the inter-collegiate polo championships in Oxfordshire next year, the schools principal said.

The polo field, which was due to be built in empty land between the schools lacrosse stadium and 7,000 seat theatre complex, will now lay dormant for at least the next 12 months. We might use it as a boutique vineyard or install a floating wetlands wellbeing landscape as a stopgap in the short term. But as far as polo is concerned, well need to squeeze into fields 1, 2 and 3 for now. Its hard to overstate what a setback this is.

Other private schools in Victoria said they would also be affected. Melbourne Grammar has suggested its yoga and pilates studios may now need to be combined into one facility, and Geelong Grammar confirmed this morning that it will now review plans to install all four grand-slam surfaces in its tennis complex. Its heartbreaking to think that our kids may now miss the opportunity to get a feel for what its like to play on Roland Garros. Theyll have to wait the tennis camp to Paris later in the year, a spokesperson for the school said. She reassured parents the schools Space Program would still go ahead as planned.

The post HEARTBREAKING: Caulfield Grammar Forced to Mothball New Polo Field Due to Vic Governments Private School Tax appeared first on The Shovel.


A Walmart Shopper Said Theres a $4 Price Difference for GarlicDepending on What Department You Buy It In "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Blank 3 Grids Collage 13 A Walmart Shopper Said Theres a $4 Price Difference for Garlic...Depending on What Department You Buy It In

The shopping wars continue!

And this time its all about the garlic, baby!

A TikTok user named Shawn shared a video where he claims that Walmart is selling the same product in different parts of the storeand one costs more money than the other.

Just what the heck is going on here?!?!

Shawn starts the video by saying that he has a hack for shopping for garlic at Walmart and he shows viewers a jar of minced garlic that sells for $8.36.

Screen Shot 2023 05 02 at 5.04.38 PM A Walmart Shopper Said Theres a $4 Price Difference for Garlic...Depending on What Department You Buy It In

Photo Credit: TikTok

But then Shawn went to another part of the store and found garlic that he claimed was the same as the first kind.

The cost of the second garlic that was in the can section?

Only $4.98.

The clip went viral and got a lot of people talking about whether Walm...


Real Fake News...... AI generated content "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The other day, an AI generated picture of a supposed explosion at the Pentagon made the markets drop, it was quickly cleared up but with the divide in the USA what happens when not if the Chinese, Russians, Iranians or ??? Plant a fake/AI picture that can't be cleared?
The bad guys will learn from this and do it better when needed.

Fake Pentagon...

Real Fake News...... AI generated content


ATF Pistol Brace Regulation given Injunction from implimentation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas just issued a Ruling Enjoining the ATF from enforcing the new Pistol Brace Regulation, for the Plaintives, until the case can be adjudicated on its merits, by the District Court.. There is also another case before this same Circuit Court, for a wider Injunction on the same ATF Regulation


Bloke With A Cocaine Addiction Has Obviously Never Sat On A Verandah And Watched The Rain "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact A bloke whos rich enough to have a crippling cocaine addiction has obviously never sat on a verandah and watched a thunderstorm, if thats what spikes his serotonin levels, its reported. According to a study conducted that looked into the most natural forms of serotonin, conducted Betoota Polytechnic University, sitting on a porch []

The post Bloke With A Cocaine Addiction Has Obviously Never Sat On A Verandah And Watched The Rain appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


SOL Price Prediction: Solana Turns Sell On Rallies As It Breaks $20 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Solana gained bearish momentum and traded below $20 against the US Dollar. SOL price might now struggle to recover above the $20 and $21 resistance levels.

  • SOL price is showing bearish signs below the $20.50 resistance against the US Dollar.
  • The price is now trading below $19.80 and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours).
  • There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $19.90 on the 4-hour chart of the SOL/USD pair (data source from Kraken).
  • The pair could recover but upsides might be limited above $20.

Solana Price Extends Losses

This past week, Solanas price started a fresh decline from well above $21. SOL gained bearish momentum and was able to trade below the $20.50 support.

The bears gained strength and pushed the price below the $20 support. The price is now showing bearish signs below $20, similar to Bitcoin and Ethereum. A low is formed near $18.70 and the price is now consolidating losses.

SOL is now trading below $19.80 and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours). There is also a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $19.90 on the 4-hour chart of the SOL/USD pair. On the upside, immediate resistance is near the $19.80 level and the trend line.

The next major resistance is near the $20 zone or the 50% Fib retracement level of the downward move from the $21.51 swing high to the $18.70 low. The main resistance is now forming near the $20.50 level and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours).

SOL Price Prediction

Source: SOLUSD on

The 61.8% Fib retracement level of the downward move from the $21.51 swing high to the $18.70 low is also near $20.50. A close above the $20.50 level could resend the price toward the $21.50 resistance zone. Any more gains might send the price toward the $22...


DeSantis: Bitcoin Represents a Threat to the Current Regime "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis explains state's CBDC "ban." (CoinDesk screen grab from governor's office video)


Ethereum Price Plunges Again: Start of Another Decline Or Buying Opportunity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum price started a fresh decline below the $1,820 support against the US Dollar. ETH is showing bearish signs and might decline further toward $1,700.

  • Ethereum is currently moving lower below the $1,820 support zone.
  • The price is trading below $1,800 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average.
  • There are two bearish trend lines forming with resistance near $1,790 and $1,820 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD (data feed via Kraken).
  • The pair could continue lower toward the $1,720 and $1,700 levels.

Ethereum Price Extends Losses

Ethereums price failed to recover above the $1,850 resistance zone. ETH started a fresh decline and traded below the $1,820 support zone, similar to Bitcoin.

The decline gained pace below the $1,800 level. The price tested the $1,760 zone. A low is formed near $1,761 and the price is now consolidating losses. Ether is trading below $1,800 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average. There are also two bearish trend lines forming with resistance near $1,790 and $1,820 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD.

Immediate resistance is near the $1,785 zone and the first trend line. It is close to the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the downward move from the $1,873 swing high to the $1,761 low.

The first major resistance is near the $1,820 level and second the trend line. It is close to the 50% Fib retracement level of the downward move from the $1,873 swing high to the $1,761 low. A close above the $1,820 resistance could send Ether toward $1,850.

Ethereum Price

Source: ETHUSD on

The next resistance sits near $1,880, above which Ethereum could rise toward $1,920. Any more gains above the $1,920 resistance zone could start a steady increase toward the $2,000 resistance.

More Losses...


Tas Premier Reminds Stadium Naysayers That It Will Have A Roof So People Could Hypothetically Live There If Thats What They Want "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact The embattled Tasmanian Premier has the political fight of his life ahead, trying to wrangle his minor government towards a positive outcome for all parties with regard to the states proposed new stadium. Premier Hairy Gutwein is facing massive opposition from locals and parliamentary colleagues alike over his governments []

The post Tas Premier Reminds Stadium Naysayers That It Will Have A Roof So People Could Hypothetically Live There If Thats What They Want appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Gaming is the largest scale opportunity for crypto Polygon co-founder "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal says that speculation has been both the boon and bane of crypto, but genuine use cases will eventually rise to the surface.


Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.63 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00004 BTC


Hell Pay For His Daughters Wedding but Not His Sons. Is He Wrong? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I got you covered.


Not so much

Uh ohthis sounds like its gonna cause some serious problems

But is this guy acting like an a**hole or is he justified in what hes doing?

Check out his story below and see what you think.

AITA for paying for my daughters wedding but not my sons?

Too make a long story short my son was a teen dad. His girlfriend at the time got pregnant right after they graduated high school and I practically raised their baby girl up until they both graduated college and got jobs.

During this time I had my full focus on my grandchild which caused me to very stupidly not pay enough attention to my daughter. Weve made up since and Ive been making up for lost time with her.

The issue is Im paying for her wedding but I never paid anything for my sons. I felt like Id already done and spent more than enough for their family that there was no reason for me to. I got them a good gift and a chunk of change and deemed it enough. Hes been causing issues with me and his sister about this and has been slandering us on facebook saying its unfair how Im paying for her wedding but not his.

I understand feeling a bit bitter but Ive spent way more money keeping his family and him afloat than I have on my daughters wedding. Honestly paying for her wedding doesnt even seem enough for what I did. I dont know how to feel right now and I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could give me feedback on this.

Lets see how Reddit users reacted.

One person said hes NTA and offered up some advice.



Shaquille ONeal hit with FTX and Astral NFT suits during NBA game "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Process servers claim they were able to reach and serve the former basketball star during an NBA playoff game at the Miami sports stadium formerly known as FTX Arena.


Bitcoin Bears Aim Big After Recent Breakdown Below $26,500 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin price is declining from the $27,500 resistance. BTC traded below $26,500 and now remains at risk of a drop toward the $25,500 support zone.

  • Bitcoin is moving lower from the $27,400 and $27,500 resistance levels.
  • The price is trading below $26,500 and the 100 hourly Simple moving average.
  • There is a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $26,650 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair (data feed from Kraken).
  • The pair could recover but upsides might be limited above the $26,500 resistance.

Bitcoin Price Extends Decline

Bitcoin price started another decline from the $27,500 resistance zone. BTC failed to stay in a positive zone above the $26,850 support zone and extended its decline.

The bears were able to push the price below the key $26,550 support zone. The price even spiked below the $26,000 level. A low is formed near $25,865 and the price is now consolidating losses. Bitcoin price is trading below $26,500 and the 100 hourly Simple moving average.

There is also a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $26,650 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair. Immediate resistance on the upside is near the $26,250 level or the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $27,511 swing high to the $25,865 low.

The next major resistance is near the $26,400 level. The main resistance is now near $26,550 and the trend line. It is close to the 50% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $27,511 swing high to the $25,865 low. A close above the $26,550 resistance zone might send the price toward the $27,200 resistance zone.

Bitcoin Price

Source: BTCUSD on

The next key resistance is near $27,500, above which the price might gain bullish momentum toward th...


BTC-e founder seeks prisoner swap deal for detained WSJ journalist: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The detention of a United States journalist in Russia has sparked a renewed push from Alexander Vinnik, the co-founder of BTC-e, for a possible prisoner swap deal.


Uncle Evans: A Modern Political Dystopian Novella Update 5/17/2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Wake up. Its happening. Now. Just like we talked about.

Kyle woke to see his Uncle Evans looking down at him. His uncle had that deathly serious look. The small bedside lamp was on but otherwise, the room was dark. No light came in through the windows. The windows were open though, and the cool, early autumn air came in, bringing with it the nighttime sounds of the Texas Hill Country.

What time is it? Kyle asked. Uncle Evans didnt answer that question....

Uncle Evans: A Modern Political Dystopian Novella Update 5/17/2023


Binance helped US authorities freeze $4.4M linked to North Korean cybercrime orgs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Following lawfully served warrants, Binance worked to flag the accounts and tie up the funds.


Falling Off the COVID Cliff The Collapse of Big Pharma Has Begun as 30% of Rural Hospitals in America Facing Closure "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy, The Big Pharma financial bubble that was created in 2020 during the Trump Administration, which pumped $trillions into Big Pharma for COVID, has burst. It is being referred to in the corporate media as falling off of the COVID Cliff. Those falling the deepest are the ones who greatly benefited from the COVID scam, as reflected in the 2023 first quarter financial reports of drug makers. Leading the collapse are the COVID mRNA vaccine makers, as sales for BioNTech decreased 80%, Moderna sales decreased 69%, and Pfizer sales decreased 29% during the first 3 months of 2023.
Pfizer, Moderna among many biopharma giants to post Q1 sales declines Biopharma companies know well the pain of a patent cliff. But how about a COVID cliff? With demand for vaccines and other COVID-19 products plummeting, drugmakers who thrived during the pandemic have seen their sales decline significantly lately. The effects of the COVID cliff were apparent over the last few weeks as companies reported their first-quarter results. Of 20 leading biopharma companies, just six saw their revenues increase in the first quarter of 2023 compared with the same period last year. Taking the biggest hits in the quarter were the three companies that emerged with the most successful COVID vaccines. BioNTech and Moderna posted whopping revenue decreases of 80% and 69%, respectively, while Pfizer chalked up a sales decline of 29%. (Full article.)
In addition to the pharmaceutical drug cartel, 646 rural hospitals are at risk of closure due to financial issues, comprising around 30 percent of all rural hospitals in the U.S., according to the ...


Nations Primary School Kids Pay Touching Tribute To Tina Turner "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact As news spreads of the passing of Tina Turner,  the nation has quickly started preparing to honour the Queen of Rock N Roll, the best way they know how a stunning rendition of the Nutbush dance. Australians have long since had a special place in their heart for Turner, who experienced a []

The post Nations Primary School Kids Pay Touching Tribute To Tina Turner appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Baking soda can remove pesticides from fruit and vegetables, new research finds "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Every year, the unveiling of the Environmental Working Groups Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen lists provides valuable guidance for health-conscious shoppers seeking the cleanest possible produce.

The latest release continued the usual trend, except for a couple of common crops showing less than one percent detectable pesticides, even in non-organic forms.

Yet, the pesticide conundrum remains unsolved in the United States, especially with Bayers imminent acquisition of Monsanto. Despite increasing levels of glyphosate and other harmful chemicals in our environment, the silver lining is the resurgence of organic food and a multitude of strategies to limit your exposure to detrimental pesticides.

One effective strategy involves utilizing the highest quality DIY produce wash for your fruits and vegetables. A recent study from the University of Massachusetts discovered an unexpected winner that is inexpensive, simple, and efficient.

Study Insights: Baking Soda Outperforms Chlorine in Washing Produce

The research, issued in October 2017 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry by a team of six scientists, evaluated three primary cleaning agents for produce: pure water, a bleach solution containing chlorine, and a solution of water and baking soda.

The research team used Organic Gala apples coated with the fungicide thiabendazole or the pesticide phosmet for testing purposes. The apples were then washed using one of the three solutions.

According to lead researcher Dr. Lili He, the study aimed to verify if the factory level (of washing) is already effective in removing these chemicals.

Baking soda emerged as the undisputed champion due to its superior ability to expedite the degradation of pesticides compared to the other solutions.

The Remarkable Efficiency of Baking Soda in Cleaning Produce (And How to Utilize It)

The University of Wisconsin suggests that sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) has been recognized in the U.S. pharmacopoeia since 1848 as a safe and effective cleaning and healing substance. Its 99% purity, coupled with its natural chemical and physical properties, make it suitable for numerous household applications.

For effective removal of harmful toxins from your produce, a simple mixture of 1 tablespoon baking soda and 1.5 liters of water is all you need. This method outperforms both pure water and bleach solution.

To fully harness the benefits, the study advises soaking your Gala apples in the baking soda solution for at least eight minutes. This duration yielded significantly reduced pesticide residue on the surface, according to the r...


NRL Remembers Tina Turner: The First Woman To Ever Imply That Rugby League Players Were Rootable "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT With heavy hearts, the NRL are today paying tribute to the one person solely responsible for generating female interest in their game. Nicknamed The Queen Of Rock N Roll American songstress Tina Turner has passed away today at age 83, and is remembered in Australia as the unlikely face of rugby []

The post NRL Remembers Tina Turner: The First Woman To Ever Imply That Rugby League Players Were Rootable appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


After backlash, publisher to retract article that surveyed parents of children with gender dysphoria, says co-author "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Michael Bailey

Springer Nature will retract an article that reported results of a survey of parents who thought their childrens gender dysphoria resulted from social contagion. The move is due to concerns about lack of informed consent, according to tweets by one of the papers authors. 

The article, Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases, was published in March in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. It has not been cited in the scientific literature, according to Clarivates Web of Science, but Altmetric, which tracks the online attention papers receive, ranks the article in the top 1% of all articles of a similar age. 

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) is, the article stated, a controversial theory that common cultural beliefs, values, and preoccupations cause some adolescents (especially female adolescents) to attribute their social problems, feelings, and mental health issues to gender dysphoria, and that youth with ROGD falsely believe that they are transgender, in part due to social influences. 

Michael Bailey, a psychology professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., and the papers corresponding author, tweeted: 

Bailey told Retraction Watch that he would respond when [he] can to our request for comment, following new developments on our end. Neither Springer Nature nor Kenneth Zucker, editor in chief of Archives of Sexual Behavior, has responded to similar requests. 

The paper reporte...


Elon Musks AI sex doll rampage leaves manufacturer struggling to make ends meet "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

INTERNET Joseph Thorenson, CEO of Lifelike Creations, LLC, the worlds leading manufacturer of robotic sex dolls, came forward with shocking revelations Wednesday after a business dispute and falling out with his biggest client, billionaire Elon Musk brought his company to the brink of bankruptcy.

We gave Elon the rock star treatment. A totally bespoke doll modeled after his ex-wife, Grimes. For the first time ever we installed a ChatGPT interface, AI voice synthesis, robotic articulation, self-lubricating, self-cleaning, state of the art automatic vagina. At first glance, the doll might have even fooled me, Thorenson said. And initially, he was an incredibly happy customer.

But the billionaires appetite for more and more features drew the company into a quagmire of innovations that stretched the cutting edge of technology beyond what was currently possible, Thorenson complained.

Mr. Musk was unhappy with the context window of ChatGPT, and he didnt feel that we had trained his ex-wifes voice properly. But uh, the thing was, we were putting new vaginas into her as many as ten times per month.

Each time Musk wore out the sex doll, he came up with a new complaint. At first, he wanted her personality to be more feisty, so we turned up the temperature on the language model. Then he wanted more articulations in her fingers. Then he wanted more life-like breasts. It was never enough.

In the depths of his sex doll frenzy, Musk reportedly damaged parts of the Grimes replica beyond repair. We had to cast a whole new head after he caved it in, and then we replace all the joints. God only knows what kind of rage fucking he was doing to that doll, to be shearing half-inch stainless steel pins like that.

After seeing the tremendous bill for the replacement head, the CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter left Lifelike Creations hanging. We sent him an invoice for the repairs, which totalled just over $10 million, but he left us hanging and wont return our calls. Now were stuck with this super-sophisticated Grimes doll, and well, maybe someone out there will want to buy it. Could be good for a music video, or something.

Following Musks sex doll rampage, Thorenson has had to look at all options, including bankruptcy. Its actually pretty dire situation right now, as we didnt consider one of the worlds wealthiest men could turn out to be such a deadbeat. The whole company is in jeopardy.

Internet Chronicle reporters reached Grimes, who commented, The fuckdoll stuff, its not really a vibe. Its part of why we divorced, along with the carbs. In spite of all this I think AI is still the best shortcut to full communism.

The post...


Birthday Notification On Facebook Friendly Reminder A Good Cull Is Long Overdue "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

KEITH T. DENNETT | New South | CONTACT A Brisbane man is praising the wonders of Facebook today for sending him a timely reminder that he needs to take a slasher through his friends list. Whilst waiting to pick up a strong cappuccino from a cafe on Queen Street, former Betoota man Scott Tinto (27) was pinged by a []

The post Birthday Notification On Facebook Friendly Reminder A Good Cull Is Long Overdue appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


A Good Cartoon "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"



*Points to Umberto Ecos 14 ways of identifying fascism*



Stenciled wooden bar stools for unique outdoor side tables "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

stenciled wooden bar stools retro star styleNeed some cute outdoor side tables? Heres how to instantly revamp a couple of plain wooden bar stools using coordinating retro star patterns for a fabulous and unique side table twist! Anyone else love to collect stools of all kinds? I sure do! Because they are all too much fun to make over and use []

The post Stenciled wooden bar stools for unique outdoor side tables appeared first on Funky Junk Interiors.

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