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Sunday, 19 March


Vielleicht sollte ich anstatt ber Schlangenl zu ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Vielleicht sollte ich anstatt ber Schlangenl zu meckern lieber schlechte Ideen verffentlichen.

Prior Art 1: Mit einer "KI" erkennen, welche Teile einer Konfigurationsdatei Keywords und welche variable Werte sind. Dann Konfigurations-Fuzzing!

Prior Art 2: In Echtzeit Konfigurationen unternehmensweit durchrotieren, so dass die Funktionalitt bestehen bleibt, aber stndig andere Parameter ntig sind fr die Inanspruchnahme von Diensten. So reduziert sich die Angriffsoberflche automatisiert und man belstigt Exploiter!1!!

Prior Art 3: Auf Mobiltelefonen haben Apps einen serialisierten State, den sie dem System sagen, und anhand dessen sie in genau denselben Zustand wiederhergestellt werden knnen. So kann man eine App killen und spter neustarten, ohne dass fr den Benutzer erkennbar ist, dass die App in der Mitte weg war. Das knnte man auch auf Servern machen! Dann in der Mitte des Unternehmens einen Orchestrator haben, der stndig Dienste killt und neu startet mit dem State, vorher meinetwegen dafr sorgt, dass die solange aus dem Load Balancer genommen werden. So verhindert man, dass irgendwo ein Angreifer Schadcode injected hat.

Prior Art 4: Antivirus / Firewall / AI based anomaly detection fr den hinterlegten State. Observability. Einmal das ganze Programm!!1!

Prior Art 5: Serviceangebot: Wir fahren Angriffe auf Ihr Unternehmen, aber nicht um Schwachstellen zu finden, sondern damit Ihre "KI" Anomalien zum Trainieren hat!1!!

Hat noch jemand brillante Ideen, bei der man den Patentanwlten mal in den Pool pinkeln msste?

Update: Ein paar Kumpels meinen, Prior Art 3 werde jetzt schon so gemacht. Man nenne das "Rejuvination". Einer meinte gar, das sei bei der Mondlandung so gemacht worden.

Update: Aus Prior Art 1 knnte man auch noch eine Firewall und Anomaly Detection "erfinden".

Update: Prior Art 6: Bei der Passwortrcksetzung knnte man einen KI-Chatbot haben, der vorher schon mit dir gechattet hat, und dich dann wiedererkennt anhand frherer Konversationsthemen und -Meinungen. Quasi sowas wie Schrittmustererkennung, nur halt fr Textchat!

Prior Art 7: Eine KI benutzt das ber dich vorhandene Wissen aus dem Netz, um Kandidaten fr die Sicherheitsfrage zu bewerten (abzulehnen) bei der Accountregistrierung.

Hier kam gerade noch die Frage auf, wieso eigentlich ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Hier kam gerade noch die Frage auf, wieso eigentlich diesen Leuten nicht der Antivirus geholfen hat. Oder das SIEM. Oder die Endpoint Security. Die cloudbasierte Echtzeit-KI? Die Threat Intelligence? Das Attack Path Management?

Wir sind uns ja wohl alle einig, dass die betroffenen Institutionen alle smtliche verfgbaren Schichten an Bullshit-Schlangenl ausgerollt hatten. Das ist ja heutzutage eine Compliance-Frage!

Hand aufs Herz. Habt ihr irgendwo (auer hier, natrlich) jemanden darber nachdenken sehen, ob das vielleicht alles nutzloser Tand ist?

Ein paar Leser weisen darauf hin, dass man auch als ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ein paar Leser weisen darauf hin, dass man auch als Student eine Steuererklrung machen sollte, weil man einen Verlustvortrag geltend machen kann spter, wenn man dann erstmalig was verdient.

Wenn ihr euch angesichts des Feuerns der Chefredaktion ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Wenn ihr euch angesichts des Feuerns der Chefredaktion der "Bild" gefragt habt, ob man die nicht einfach komplett durch GPT-4 ersetzen knntet seid ihr nicht alleine. Frank hat mal GPT-4 nach einem Bild-Style-Artikel ber Migration aus der Ukraine gefragt und das Ergebnis ist berzeugend.

Reicht euch noch nicht? Wie wre es mit einem "Bild"-"KI"-Artikel ber Risiken der Elektromobilitt?

Also ich an deren Stelle wrde mir ja schon mal diskret einen neuen Job suchen.

Wenn ihr mal raten msstet, was der Chief Administrative ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Wenn ihr mal raten msstet, was der Chief Administrative Officer von SVB Securities vorher gemacht hat

Gute Nachrichten! Die Beantragung der #Einmalzahlung200 ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Gute Nachrichten! Die Beantragung der #Einmalzahlung200 hat nur exakt 4 Minuten gedauert!1!!!

Und nebenbei hat er jetzt auch noch eine "ntzliche" BundID!

So geht Digitalisierung, wenn man die FDP machen lsst! Unseris, unprofessionell, unehrlich.

Zu dem 200-Ding gibt es gerade teilweise wunderschnen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Zu dem 200-Ding gibt es gerade teilweise wunderschnen Internethumor.

Hier ist beispielsweise die Bewerbung zum Bundes-CIO von Lilith Wittmann.

Und der hier hat mir auch sehr gut gefallen.

Die Hollnder haben eine Tradition, bei ihren Wahlen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Die Hollnder haben eine Tradition, bei ihren Wahlen der Regierung massiv in die Eier zu treten, wenn sie mit deren Arbeit unzufrieden sind. Wenn eine neue Partei antritt, kriegt die gerne mal aus dem Stand viele Stimmen. So lief es damals mit Geert Wilders und seiner "Freiheitspartei", bei der letzten Wahl mit dem "Forum fr Demokratie" (auch Rechtspopulisten) und dieses Mal konnte die 2019 aus den Bauernprotesten gegen Umweltauflagen hervorgegangene Bauernpartei BBB aus dem Stand die meisten Stimmen abrumen.

Die Regierungskoalition hat nur noch ein Drittel der Sitze nach aktuellen Hochrechnungen, d.h. die werden da kein einziges Gesetz mehr durch kriegen, auer es gefllt den neuen Mehrheiten. Mit Klimawandel und Umweltschutz ist es dann wahrscheinlich erstmal vorbei.

Haupt-Wahlkampfansage der Bauernpartei war, dass sie gegen die Stickstoff-Emissions-Halbierungsplne sind, die die Regierungskoalition eingebracht hatten. Die Regierung hatte vorgeschlagen, den Viehbestand zu halbieren.

Ich vermute mal, dass das auch was mit Dnger-Reduktion zu tun hatte wegen Wasserqualitt.

Gute Nachrichten: Die Credit Suisse war wirklich strukturell ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Gute Nachrichten: Die Credit Suisse war wirklich strukturell integer und stabil. Sie mussten nur 50 Milliarden Franken Sofortkredit von der Zentralbank abheben.

Aber keine Sorgen, ist alles im Griff.

Bundesfinanzminister Lindner betont, das deutsche Kreditwesen sei "stabil".
Hey, wenn so in der Schweiz die stabilen Banken aussehen, dann fragt man sich ja schon, wie deren instabile Banken aussehen!

OK, also pass uff, Atze, wir verschenken jetzt 200 ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

OK, also pass uff, Atze, wir verschenken jetzt 200 an alle Stundenten.

Alles, was die brauchen, ist eine "Bund ID".

Ja und wo gibt's die? Na da musst du entweder ein Elster-Zertifikat haben (wieso wrden typische Stundenten das haben!?), oder du benutzt halt die Online-Funktion von dem verkackten Personalausweis.

Nein, wirklich! Ohne Schei jetzt!

Die wollen gerade alle Studenten in diesen nPA-Dreck reinntigen, nach dem keiner gefragt hat und den keiner haben wollte und den jetzt aber trotzdem alle bezahlen mussten, weil die arme Bundesdruckerei Industriefrderung brauchte und die Behrden simulieren wollten, dass wir in diesem Lande ja auch sowas wie Digitalisierung haben.

Ein Riesenskandal, wenn ihr mich fragt.

Aber, weil ich ja hier auch einen Bildungsauftrag habe: Wenn ihr das Kleingedruckte lest, gibt es noch einen dritten Weg. Man kann sich von der Uni eine PIN ausstellen lassen.

Wer heute noch nicht dazu gekommen ist, muss sich keine Sorgen machen. Ich hab die Inbox voll mit "Passierschein A38"-Mems von Leuten, die da stundenlang in Warteschleifen hingen, um dann an Serverfehlern zu zerschellen.

Einer hing erst in der einen, dann in der anderen Warteschleife, und dann schmiss ihn das System raus, weil er zu lange fr seinen Vorgang brauchte.

Digitalisierung Marke FDP. Man muss wahrscheinlich froh sein, dass da keine Blockchain beteiligt zu sein scheint. Was fr elende Totalversager.

Oh, und, frs nchste Mal. Der Staat sollte fr solche Aktionen keine luschtigen Bullshit-Domains anmelden, sondern das sollte eine Webseite unter einer wohlbekannten Ministeriums-Domain sein, oder oder so. Was ist DAS denn schon wieder fr eine unprofessionelle Elendsdreckpfuschkackscheie alles ey!

Die Gtterdmmerung im Bankensektor geht weiter.Erstens:ZURICH, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Die Gtterdmmerung im Bankensektor geht weiter.


ZURICH, March 15 (Reuters) - Credit Suisse shares slumped by as much as 30% on Wednesday after its largest shareholder said it could not provide further support, prompting the Swiss bank's CEO to make new assurances on its financial strength.

Saudi National Bank (SNB) (1180.SE), which holds 9.88% of Credit Suisse (CSGN.S), said it would not buy more shares on regulatory grounds.

Ach. Ach was. der grte Anteilseigner der Credit Suisse sind die Saudis? Das riecht ja auch mal wieder hocharomatisch! Aber keine Sorge, die Schweizer Notenbank hat schonmal unauffllig die Hand auf den Geldhahn gelegt.
Die Credit Suisse erfllt die an systemrelevante Banken gestellten Anforderungen an Kapital und Liquiditt. Die SNB wird im Bedarfsfall der CS Liquiditt zur Verfgung stellen.
Wir sagen das nur der Vollstndigkeit an. Das ist wie in Wien! Alles kein Grund zur Beunruhigung. Gehen Sie weiter, gibt nichts zu sehen hier!


Neben Crdit Suisse gehren die franzsischen Socit Gnrale, BNP Paribas, die italienischev Monte dei Paschi und UniCredit zu den Banken, deren Aktien der Pan-European Stoxx-Index an diesem Mittwoch inmitten einer massiven Verkaufswelle aussetzte.

An der Brse in Paris waren Socit Gnrale und BNP Parisbas um acht Prozent eingebrochen und wurden dann vom Handel ausgesetzt. Dabei steht der franzsische Finanzminister Bruno Le Maire in der Kritik, der gerade erklrt hatte, die Banken in Frankreich seien sicher.

Mit den Banken ist das wie mit der Kernkraft, msst ihr wissen. Bei UNS ist die SICHER!

Benutzt ihr eigentlich Exchange? Ich frage ja schon ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Benutzt ihr eigentlich Exchange? Ich frage ja schon gar nicht mehr nach dem warum. Dumme Leute werden dumme Dinge tun.

Aber an der Stelle knnt ihr ja mal freundlich euren neuen Untermietern aus Moskau zur Begrung die Hand schtteln.

Microsoft has patched an Outlook zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2023-23397) exploited by a hacking group linked to Russia's military intelligence service GRU to target European organizations.

The security vulnerability was exploited in attacks to target and breach the networks of fewer than 15 government, military, energy, and transportation organizations between mid-April and December 2022.

Sag blo! Exchange ist unsicher?! Also DAMIT konnte ja wohl NIEMAND rechnen! Dabei haben wir doch extra auch Outlook und Active Directory auf unserem Windows im Einsatz!!1!

Ich hab hier die Inbox voll mit Leuten, die daran scheitern, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ich hab hier die Inbox voll mit Leuten, die daran scheitern, sich die 200 abzuholen, die gerade pauschal unter Studenten und Azubis (?) verteilt werden, wegen der hohen Energiepreise.

Dafr haben sie offenbar eine Webseite eingerichtet, die sofort unter dem Ansturm zusammengebrochen ist.

Alle Einsendungen eint die Gewissheit, dass es sich um ein Softwareproblem handelt und man da nichts machen knne.

Lacher des Tages! Jemand hat im Microsoft Store einen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Lacher des Tages! Jemand hat im Microsoft Store einen Windows 10 Pro Key gekauft, und der lsst sich nicht aktivieren. Also schaltet er den offiziellen Support von Microsoft ein.

Die knnen nicht helfen. Also eskaliert er das zum 2nd Level Support. Einer von denen loggt sich ber Quick Assist bei ihm ein und installiert einen Aktivierungs-Crack aus einem schattigen Internetforum!

Er hat Screenshots gemacht und konnte seinen Augen nicht trauen, geht also selber zu diesem Forum und fragt die Leute da. Die so:

It's not official and not legal.

Kennt ihr das, wenn jemand einen Zusammenhang herstellt ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Kennt ihr das, wenn jemand einen Zusammenhang herstellt zwischen Dingen, die ihr bisher nicht im Zusammenhang betrachtet habt, und pltzlich rast euer Hirn los und bewertet Dinge neu?

So ging mir das gerade bei der Lektre von diesem Jonathan Haidt-Artikel. Jonathan Haidt hatte ich hier schon ein paar Mal verlinkt, der hat die Heterodox Academy mitgegrndet. Da geht es darum, dass unter College-Professoren die politischen Positionen sehr einseitig verteilt sind und das am Ende dem jeweiligen Feld schadet, wenn da nur noch gegenseitiges Schulterklopfen statt kritischer Auseinandersetzung gemacht wird. Ihm ging es um Psychologie und Geisteswissenschaften, er ist auch selber Psychologieprofessor. In der Forschung ist sein Gebiet vor allem Moralfragen.

Haidt wurde berhmt mit einem Buch namens "The Coddling of the American Mind", auf das sich natrlich die ganzen Konservativen gestrzt haben, weil sie glaubten, es sttze ihre Position.

Aber betrachtet den Artikel mal unabhngig von dem ganzen geschichtlichen Ballast. Das Buch geht zurck auf eine Kooperation mit einem Freund, der unter Depressionen leidet, und dafr im Krankenhaus in Behandlung war, wo man ihm CBT beigebracht hat, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Sie haben ihm gezeigt, worauf er achten kann, in seinem eigenen Verhalten, um zuknftige Depressions-Episoden abzumildern oder ganz zu vermeiden. Anders ausgedrckt:

Thinking in these ways causes depression, as well as being a symptom of depression. Breaking out of these painful distortions is a cure for depression.
So und die These von dem Papier ist jetzt, dass viele dieser Verhaltensmuster heute (ihm geht es vor allem um Universitten, aber das lsst sich auch auf Schulen und Bibliotheken verallgemeinern) angewendet werden, nicht um absichtlich die Schler krank zu machen, aber dass das eben der Effekt ist.

Naja, knnte man denken, dann zeig uns doch mal die Zahlen, dass die Uni-Studenten alle psychisch krank werden. Jetzt liegen da ein paar Zahlen vor. Besonders heftig betroffen sind junge linksliberale weie Frauen.

Ich hatte noch nie von CBT gehrt und daher ist die ganze Herangehensweise seines Kollegen absolut neu und faszinierend. Vielleicht geht euch das ja auch so.


Trump claims he will be arrested Tuesday "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett reacts to Donald Trump claiming he will be arrested on Tuesday and unpacks the case surrounding the former president. #foxnews

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Left will not take out Trump: Ken Paxton | Wake Up America Weekend "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Saturdays Wake Up America Weekend, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sounds off on the political nature of the investigations of former President Donald Trump.

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Massive Woodcut Prints Are Dense Scenes Telling Dreamy Stories "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Massive Woodcut Prints Are Dense Scenes Telling Dreamy Stories

Woodcuts by Tugboat Printshop

Woodcuts stand out for their unique and striking aesthetic. As one of the oldest forms of printmaking, it has been used across different countries and even influenced the art of painters like Van Gogh and Monet. Tugboat Printshop carries on the tactile beauty of this medium by producing exquisitely detailed woodblock prints. Founded by artist Valerie Leuth, the Pittsburgh-based studio specializes in complex designs full of dreamy narratives.

Tugboat Printshop has been producing prints since 2006. The subject matter varies from dense landscapes to botanical designs and even architecture. Leuth finds inspiration for her art from many different aspects of life. Sometimes inspiration comes from a breeze, a vantage, a flower, a scientific realization, she explains to My Modern Met. Sometimes it is a dream, or a story, a song, a rhythm, a pattern. Often it is the sky. I hunt for context, for joy, for meaning, for application in all I encounter. The visual language I have developed in the making of my prints serves to join and share the sentiments I cull from experiencing.

Creating woodblocks is a time-consuming and meticulous process. But, this is part of the appeal to Leuth. After drawing the initial design, the next step is to carve it onto a block of wood; a procedure that can take a lot of time. Though the process of making woodblock prints is lengthy, it suits my approach, Leuth continues. Each step requires its own complete skillset and a different action of the handdrawing, carving, printing. When I am done drawing, I am ready for the action of carving. When done carving, I am eager to stand and roll ink, tear paper, to bustle around the press and shop.

When it is time to transfer the carving onto paper, Leuth must prepare by applying ink to the woodblock in layers. H...


Jan 6 Exposed by Tucker Carlson "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jan 6 Exposed By Tucker Carlson on FOX NEWS

#conservativetwins #hodgetwins #patriottwins

Jan 6 Exposed by Tucker Carlson


Entrepreneur tells Tucker only 1% of people are willing to do this one thing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Entrepreneur Ken Rusk sits down with Tucker Carlson Today host Tucker Carlson to discuss how young people should think about their lives.
#foxnews #fox #tucker

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BREAKING: Trump claims he may be arrested on Tuesday | Wake Up America Weekend "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Saturdays Wake Up America Weekend, Rep. Rich McCormick comments on former President Donald Trump claiming that he will be arrested on Tuesday.

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Saturday, 18 March


9-Year-Old Boy Becomes the Second Youngest Person to Ever Graduate High School "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

9-Year-Old Boy Becomes the Second Youngest Person to Ever Graduate High School

Impressive Nine-Year-Old Boy Graduates High School

Photo: VADIMVASENIM/Depositphotos

From the Big Bang Theory to Goodwill Hunting, young geniuses hold a certain cultural fascination. But for real-life brilliant children, their studies can be just one part of childhood. Nine-year-old David Balogun recently made history as one of the youngest people ever to graduate high school. The genius student wants to be an astrophysicist, but he's also a normal kid pursuing his black belt in martial arts.

Balogun, who is a member of Mensa, graduated from Reach Cyber Charter School in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (The youngster attended classes remotely rather than with the big kids.) He loves science and computer programming. I want to be an astrophysicist, and I want to study black holes and supernovas, he told a local news station.

Balogun credits his favorite teachers for advocating for him despite his young age. They didnt bog me down, he said. Theyadvocated for me, saying, He can do this. He can do that.' His teachers were obviously impressed. Cody Derr, his science teacher, noted, David was an inspirational kid, definitely one who changes the way you think about teaching.

For Balogun's parents, both of whom have advanced degrees, raising a 9-year-old genius has its challenges. I had to get outside of the box, his mother, Ronya, said. Playing pillow fights when youre not supposed to, throwing the balls in the house. Hes a 9-year-old with the brain that has the capacity to understand and comprehend a lot of concepts beyond his years and sometimes beyond my understanding.

Like other kids his age, Balogun does martial arts and plays piano. He also enjoys sports. Since graduating high school, Balogun has spent a semester studying at a local community college. Now, his parents are searchin...


A Woman Caught a Target Customer Walking Out of the Store With $1,000 Worth of Lego Pieces "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In case you havent been paying attention to the news lately, shoplifters have become pretty brazen lately, with no regard for laws or security.

There have been countless incidents of people (and groups of people) grabbing handfuls of merchandise and simply walking out of stores.

And a woman shared yet another instance of this in a video she posted on TikTok where a man pushed a cart filled with $1,000 worth of Lego out of a store without paying for it.

posted a video zooming in on the customers back as he quickly pushes his shopping cart out of the store. She laughs as she runs closer to get a better viewer, saying to someone off-screen, I told you, I told you, I told you.

Take a look at her video.

@myerrrrrrrrrrr crazy bro #target #theft #legos original sound ye

TikTokkers sounded off.

One person asked her,

Why u snitching bro?

Another v...


Say Goodbye to Heartburn Forever with These 2 Surprising Fruits "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Are you experiencing hyperacidity?

In this video, we will share with you two fruits that can help you combat this condition.

Hyperacidity causes a burning sensation in the chest, bloating, indigestion, bad breath, constipation, nausea, belching, and vomiting. Causes of hyperacidity include overeating, eating at odd times, drinking too much coffee, cold drinks, spicy, and fatty foods.

Bananas and papayas are two fruits that can help neutralize acid and relieve heartburn. Additionally, we provide lifestyle tips such as staying active, eating smaller meals, chewing food well, and avoiding certain foods such as tea, coffee, alcohol, and highly spiced and fatty foods.

Try incorporating these fruits and lifestyle changes to help alleviate hyperacidity. Dont forget to share this tip with your friends and family!


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Will Cain: We found a real-life Forest Gump "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tommy Pasquale, who walked across America to raise money for the National Coalition of Homeless Veterans, says having homeless vets in America doesnt sit right with him on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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Crochet Your Next Big Catch with Free Patterns from the National Park Service "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A photo of a hand holding a crocheted halibut

Halibut. All images courtesy of Burley and the National Park Service

If angling isnt your strong suit, the National Park Service has a solution to reeling in your next big catch. Swap your fishing line for yarn and crochet a halibut or walleye with simple patterns courtesy of ranger Hailey Burley. Referencing the aquatic inhabitants of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve and Voyageurs National Park, the DIY projects to offer a playful way to engage with the environment and the creatures living in these regions.

The two freshwater fish are part of a growing collection of patterns designed by rangers, including a round, ridged pillow to mimic the lava flow of El Malpais National Monument and another to stitch the crustacean known as Triops.

Burley tells Colossal that shes working in Glacier Bay National Park this summer and hopes to release additional patterns reflective of the Alaskan environment. Keep an eye on the services site for updates.




RGB And Taro, Both Putting Tokens On Bitcoin, Take Two Different Approaches To Development "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

RGB and Taro, two protocols capable of putting tokens like stablecoins on Bitcoin, have taken different approaches to solving similar problems.

This is an opinion editorial by Kishin Kato, the founder of Trustless Services K.K., a Japanese Lightning Network research and development company.

Demand for stablecoins on Bitcoin is returning as the Lightning Network offers massive scalability advantages. Currently, users in emerging markets who want to transact and save in USD will settle for stablecoins on other chains, according to proponents. Putting my personal feelings about these other blockchains aside, I must acknowledge that bitcoin received in cheap, cross-border remittances cannot easily be sold for dollars while they reside in non-custodial Lightning channels.

RGB and Taro are two new protocols that enable token issuance on Bitcoin, and are therefore expected to bring stablecoin transactions on Lightning. I studied these protocols and the client-side validation paradigm that they employ and published a report on my findings called Emergence Of Token Layers On Bitcoin through Diamond Hands, a major Japanese Lightning Network user and developer community and Bitcoin-focused solution provider.

During this research, I noticed subtle differences in how these seemingly-similar protocols were being developed, and became interested in how these differences may affect their trajectories. In this article, I would like to share my impressions of these projects and how they may affect Lightning as we know it.


Priorities And Mindset, Revealed Through Protocol Development

Protocol development is not easy, and often takes years. Deciding what features to prioritize and compromise on is critical, and one of the primary differentiators between RGB and Taro is the decisions they have made in that regard.

RGB, with its ambitions as a smart-contracting layer on top of Bitcoin (i.e., not just for tokens), has a robust on-chain protocol to execute off-chain...


The WEF agenda with Noor Bin Ladin The FreedomCast Ep. 1 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Peter Sweden Podcast: My first special guest is, Noor Bin Ladin. She was at Davos this year for the WEF meeting and has been working to expose the globalist agenda for years. You can also "" rel="">Rumble channel! In this interview we talk about globalism, the World Economic Forum and how they are planning to control your lives with ever increasing tyranny and surveillance. Just imagine a future where you are forced to have a digital ID tied to a digital wallet with central bank digital currencies. And add a carbon credit score on top of that. Noor also tells us about the WHO pandemic treaty and how they are planning on taking away the sovereignty of nation states and handing it over to a group of unelected elites. Watch Here:


Inside the CRAZY Final Hours of SVBs Bank Run "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Wayne Hu: In this video, I'll take you inside the dramatic final hours of the SVB Silicon Valley Bank run. Silicon Valley Bank was the most important financial institution for the biggest innovation hub in the world, and its failing was an extinction level threat. I'll give going to give a real-time narration of what the bank run was like in the middle of it as a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley, trying to triage and work through it with dozens of startups. The government later stepped in (taxpayer-free, thankfully, as crazy as that sounds) to guarantee deposits.


A Gigantic Alien Spacecraft captured by James Webb Space Telescope "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

But the James Webb Space Telescope has not only captured a remarkable image of the star WR 124, as the same image also shows a mysterious luminous object in space at a considerable distance of the star WR 124. 


Gutfeld! debunks a professors theory that pantries are racist "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Gutfeld! co-hosts react to a Loyola University marketing professors argument that organized pantries are bigoted.
#foxnews #fox #gutfeld

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Sam Bankman-Fried to propose revised bail package by next week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The move comes after a judge expressed displeasure about SBFs use of encrypted-messaging apps and virtual private network services while on bail.


3 Lessons Web3 Founders Can Take From ChatGPTs Success "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AI Artwork Robot writing typing writer (DALL-E/CoinDesk)


Christopher's Writing Thread "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Amazon (and publishers) insist that I can't leave other copies of my work on the net if I want to sell them, so I'm going to use this thread to mention new books, promotions, etc. Please feel free to watch and comment. . Or ask for a cameo ...

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Kayleigh McEnany: These major bombshells are a problem for Biden "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News Kayleigh McEnany breaks down major bombshells involving the alleged Biden family peddling and business scheming on The Ingraham Angle.
#foxnews #fox #theingrahamangle

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Mad/Cripistemologies of Pandemic Parenting: Insights for Our Post-COVID-19 Present "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed structural inequality impacting the mental health of expectant and new parents worldwide. My ongoing ethnographic research since March 2020 explores how pregnant and postpartum people navigate mental health challenges under the threat of COVID-19. While there is evidence that disturbances in maternal mental health are triggered by hormonal changes and physiological stressors imposed on the body throughout pregnancy and childbirth, my work highlights the social component of psychological distress and disablement this population experiences.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, mothers and birthing people struggled with insufficient social support and the burden of full responsibility for their own health and safety and that of their children. They contended with constraints that negatively impacted maternal mental health both before and during the pandemic: insufficient postpartum medical attention to ensure the mother is healing, lack of screening and treatment for symptoms of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs), insufficient health insurance coverage in the postpartum period to cover medical and mental health expenses, income insecurity, lack of adequate maternity leave, social isolation, inadequate support with childcare as well as difficulty with feeding the baby, such as trouble with breastfeeding and formula shortages. Furthermore, numerous parents mourned the loss of their prior support systems from their extended families and communities as well as childcare provided by schools and other institutions for their other children.

The pandemic ensued shortly after I gave birth to my first child in 2020, giving me the opportunity to learn from my own lived experience of mental health challenges during my postpartum period, as well as from the experiences of other mothers forming a part of my new online community. My familiarity with mental health challenges throughout my pregnancy and postpartum period afforded me an immersion into the virtual world of global maternal mental health amidst widespread adoption of digital mental health platforms, including online therapy, psychiatry, medication management, and support groups forming a cyber village for mothers isolated from their families and communities due to quarantines and lockdowns.

Though my sample is global, for specificity this article focuses on virtual interviews primarily conducted with participants throughout the US who shed light on the state of maternal or perinatal mental health in this country. Shared themes across all my interviews with mothers demonstrate the presence of disabling social conditions in their postpartum experiences. In particular, these respondents described the grief and rage associated with being socially isolated while healing from childbirth and caring for a newborn, in some cases, entirely on their own.

While not all of the pregnant and postpartum participa...


Bidets for Preppers: An Alternative To TP "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Okay.  So, frequent followers of TOP know I usually post articles about marksmanship or other related items, air rifles, OPSEC in a big city, and water use.

But today, lets talk about something we all do, and that is poo.  

Do you recall the great toilet paper panic grab of 2021 when the COVID lockdowns were first enacted?  A woman at a big box store purchasing an entire pallet of TP? Even fights breaking out over a four-pack of TP? If it were not for the fact it was actually happening, you would have thought it was toilet humor or an odd episode of The Twilight Zone.

But have you ever actually considered how much TP you use on a daily basis for that basic bodily function?  

Pre-COVID lockdowns, my parents were enjoying retirement by traveling the world.  While in Europe, they stayed at a hotel that had something rather unique by American terms, a bidet.  Without going into gross details, they were sold.  So much they installed two in their own home.  

I went to visit them last year and, after some trial and error (more trial than error, thankfully) I, too, was sold.

What are the advantages of a bidet, you ask?

Well, a real reduction in TP usage.  Depending on the type of bidet you get, you could actually eliminate the need for TP at all.  No kidding, some have warm air driers.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, 

1stMarineJarHead, what if the grid fails?

From my research, most bidets basic function of nozzle spray is dependent on water pressure.  Other features will cease to function as they are dependent on the grid.

The one I have currently installed is non-dependent on the grid.  Just water pressure.  If you get your water from a well, you can still get water pressure from your well with a few water checks and PVC or PEX pipe (YouTube has a number of videos on the topic).  



Euler Finance hacker starts returning stolen Ether "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Chances that the hacker will return the entire loot of $197 million remain slim, as no more outbound transactions other than the 3,000 ETH were recorded at the time of writing.


Jesse Watters gives spring break advice | Guy Benson Show "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jesse Watters gives spring break advice | Guy Benson Show
#foxnews #guybenson #jessewatters

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13 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks of the week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Everyone enjoys a good takedown and here are 13 of the best that have gone viral over the last seven days.

1. Two flies with one stone


2. Columnist questions credentials, gets owned


3. Shut down


4. Hoist with their own petard


5. Experts vs Twitter randos


6. Pro-lifers are hypocrities



17 of the funniest pictures that went viral on Reddit this week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its that time of the week when isnt it that time of the week? when we round up 17 of the funniest pictures that went viral on Reddit over the last seven days.

1. People falling in to the water because they think this is a gravel road


2. Couldnt figure out why my music kept pausing


3. My hometown just unveiled a 9/11 memorial at the firemans museum. Think they could have used another set of eyes on this one


4. Artist rendering of how much space my wife leaves me in bed. Approx 5000 square inches of a possible 6080. Shes the Ghengis Khan of the king mattress


5. My fathers 6th attempt to outsmart his geriatric cat into taking her bp meds



Bitcoin market cap grows 60% in 2023 as top Wall Street banks lose $100B "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin has decoupled from stocks and continues to rise 10 years after the Cyprus banking crisis coincided with a BTC price boom.


45 Minute Presentation About the Dangers of Wokeness to Open For Upcoming Disturbed Tour "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CHICAGO Long-running nu-metal band Disturbed surprised fans by announcing that the opener for their upcoming North America tour will be a 45 minute presentation about the dangers of wokeness, disheartened but unsurprised sources report.

Our agent really wanted us to have a band open, but this is way more important, said frontman David Draiman. A lot of people threw their name in the hat to be our speaker, but none of their beliefs align 100% with mine, so Ill be giving the presentation myself every night. Im a freethinker who isnt influenced by talking heads on the right or left. That being said, while I think both sides are bad, the woke left is most critical of things that I like, and I cannot keep quiet about the imminent danger they pose. I think the fans will get a lot out of it.

Disturbeds fanbase expressed mixed feelings about the announcement, and some have pointed out that this isnt the first time Draiman has attempted to launch a speaking career during a live performance.

He did basically the same thing when I saw them in 2018, said fan Mark Carver while scrolling through his camera roll for video evidence. Diesel Shot was supposed to open, but they were sick or something, so when I saw David come out on stage I was hoping Disturbed was going to play an extra long set. Then he just started talking about how much he loves the free market and hates Roger Waters, but then at one point he also said that hes more liberal than conservative? It really killed my buzz. I always try to come early and support the opener, but Ill be rolling up to this tour late.

Former Trapt frontman Chris Taylor Brown was disappointed in the lineup change for different reasons.

Ive known the Disturbed guys for years, so when I heard they were going on tour I asked them if there was anything I could do, cuz Ive been out of work for a long time, said Brown. They said no, which, ok, fine, but then I found out that David is giving this little speech every night and its like, come on, I would have been perfect for that. Music didnt work out for me, and he knows that Ive been trying to launch my speaking career since Cameo ran dry. You find out who your true friends are, I guess.

At press time, Draiman was aggressively emailing all thirty-nine news outlets he spoke to an unwanted advance copy of the presentation.

The post 45 Minute Presentation About the Dangers of Wokeness to Open For Upcoming Disturbed Tour appeared first on The Hard Times.


Weird: Two Baconators and Seven Beers Not Sitting Right "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

RICHMOND, Va. House party attendee Davey Singleton cant quite put his finger on why the two Wendys Baconators and seven beers he consumed in under fifteen minutes werent sitting right, recently cropdusted sources confirmed.

Ueeegggghh FUCCKKKKK. For some weird reason my stomach feels like its about to explode. Normally this much carbonated liquid and low-grade meat dont fuck me up this bad, said Singleton. The sixth beer did taste a little skunked, and the seventh was a Bud Ice someone stashed in the back of the crisper drawer in the 90s. Also, the Wendys drive-thru might have screwed with my food because I paid in all pennies. Either way, I really hope no ones in the bathroom right now because Im about to fire a rocket from the crypt.

Acquaintance Rebekah Pope shared additional details of Singletons gastric episode.

Theres a full bath on the second floor and then a much less private Pittsburgh potty in the basement where the band was playing. Maybe Davey had an emergency, or was worried that bounding up the stairs would release the Kraken, because he decided to drop a nuclear deuce basically in the middle of the venue. Gotta be really disheartening for a band to hear a man fighting for his life between songs, said Pope. No surprise this happened though. The guy eats like shit. I dont think hes had a vegetable since the Obama administration. I tried sneaking some bok choy into his cheesy gordita once but he spit it out like a dog finding a pill in peanut butter.

Unorthodox and unlicensed nutritionist Marina Pruitt claimed there may be some benefits to Singletons diet.

Most so-called doctors will tell you to avoid booze and any sandwich with a suffix such as ator, mania, or supreme. But believe it or not, you can get all the nutritional value you need from beer alone, explained Pruitt. Think about it, youve got grains for carbs, water to keep you hydrated, and yeast, which contains essential amino acids. Then if you switch up your High Lifes for a fruity beer like Blue Moon, you get all kinds of vitamin C and shit. Sure, those beers are a little more expensive, but remember, your body is a temple.

At press time, Singleton is currently recuperating after suffering from severe dehydration and explosive diarrhea, which he believes was caused by preservatives and chemtrails or whatever.

The post Weird: Two Baconators and Seven Beers Not Sitting Right appeared first on The Hard Times.


How to Spot an Off-Duty Cop at a Metallica Concert by Closing Your Eyes and Just Randomly Pointing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Metallica is one of those super heavy bands that just hits differently when youre having a rough day and everything is just pissing you off, man. Maybe your court-appointed counselor or therapist isnt around to help you with your pent-up rage and anger issues, so you feel like you just gotta get out and rage among some like-minded hotheads. And I say, what better way to blow off some steam among your red-faced, veiny-foreheaded brothers than catching Metallica live and in person? And who perfectly represents those fellow Ill-tempered Metallica fans I speak of? None other than the boys in blue.

More like Metallicop, am I right?

When it comes to rage-fueled cop types at concerts, I think we all know the deal. White Male, maybe has a buzz cut, usually stumbling around while triple-fisting draft beers. So basically, aside from a few nostalgic metalheads from the 1980s, thats about 90% of the crowd at any Metallica concert or county fair beer tent.

Undoubtedly, youll hear them scream, SAD BUT TRUUEE! Or, PLAY SANDMAN! drunkenly into your ear. Sometimes when theyre feeling really jacked up, or maybe feeling particularly insecure, they demand something truly heavy. GIVE ME FUEEEL, theyll scream, hoping James and the boys hear their cries for attention.

Sounds like hell on earth, doesnt it? Maybe you want to get away from the insanity just to gather your thoughts. Youre just there trying to enjoy your favorite band from childhood after all.

But you quickly realize, there is no escape.

You try to make a run for the concession stand for a pop, only to find a gaggle of jar-headed white dudes wearing thin blue line shirts and flip-flops bickering about the Dallas Cowboys even though youre in Vermont.

As the fear sets in, you begin to panic. You finally decide, enough is enough. Then, as you pack up and leave the hall, and head to the parking lot, you hear the sounds of Master of Puppets off in the distance as the blitzkrieg of Punisher stickers and diesel smoke envelops your entire being.

Your fandom of a once cutting-edge thrash metal has been overshadowed by the fact that any time you decide to see this band, youll become one with the off-duty police officer. Your inability to dive deeper into metal music beyond bands your grandmother is also familiar with will be ever-present. Youll think, If I just sign up, Ill definitely be one of the good ones. And I should know, this pro-cop I got your six tattoo wasnt on my forearm before I saw Metallic for the first time. Good luck.

The post How to Spot an Off-Duty Cop at a Metallica Concert by Closing Your Eyes and J...


This is Not My Beautiful House and 6 Other Warning Signs of Early Onset Dementia "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While occasional moments of confusion are common and could be totally innocuous, it is worth exploring whether they could be signs of the early stages of cognitive decline. If you relate to three or more of the following scenarios, it might be time to speak with a neurologist.

You may tell yourself, This is not my beautiful house.

Does your house seem different, or is it the same as it ever was? Have a look around. Do you recognize the people in the photos? If the answer is yes, then it probably is your house. If not, it might be time to apologize to the family that does live there and make a hasty exit.

You may find yourself in another part of the world.

They say travel is good for the soulhowever, it can be frightening if you have no idea where you are or how you got there. Being in such a predicament could be an early indicator of dementia. That being said, if your head hurts and your wallet is missing, youve probably just been bludgeoned and robbed.

You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile.

If you suddenly realize youre barreling down the highway in a car you dont recognize, slowly pull off the road. Compare the name on the registration to your drivers license. Are they the same? Goodthough that means you may be experiencing dementia-related confusion. If not, its likely you stole the car while drunk and should probably ditch it and flee on foot.

You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack.

If you live in certain parts of the southern United States, living in the type of narrow, rectangular residence called a shotgun house would be no cause for alarm, as they are quite common. But if youre unsure if youve ever lived in one before, perform a quick check: Do you have a Southern accent? Are you hungry for jambalaya? Do you know what chitlins are?

You may tell yourself, This is not my beautiful wife.

Prosopagnosia, which is the inability to recognize the faces of familiar peo...


Woman Wants to Know if Shes a Jerk for Yelling at Her Dad After He Snooped in Her Apartment "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><div><a href= ""> <img alt="" class= "attachment-sifter-rss size-sifter-rss wp-post-image" height="307" src= "" width="586"></a></div> <p>If youre snooping in someone elses stuff and you find something that offends you, thats all on you</p> <p>And you should probably just keep your <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank">mouth shut because</a> you shouldnt have been there in the first place.</p> <p>So is this woman wrong for yelling at her stepdad after he snooped?</p> <p>Take a look and see what you think</p> <blockquote> <h1>AITA for yelling at my stepdad for snooping in my apartment after he was upset about what he found?</h1> <p>So about a week ago I (22f) asked my parents (47m & 40f) if they could stop by my apartment just to check on my dog who had been sick while I was at work.

My mom agreed and everything seemed fine, they went over gave my dog his medicine and took him for a walk. Today though I went to my parents place for dinner and my Step Dad refused to speak to me or even look at me. Eventually I finally asked what the problem was and he went off.

Apparently he had been going through my things, and when he went into my bedside drawer found my toys and contraceptives. He yelled at me and told me that I was a disappointment and foul for having those things and that he didnt raise me for 17 years for me to become a deviant wh**e.</p> <p>I stood there absolutely shocked and bright red from embarrassment as my younger brothers and grandparents where in the next room and could hear him. I yelled at him for invading my privacy, telling him that I am an adult woman and that he had no right to go through my things in an apartment I pay the bills in.</p> <p>I have banned him from my home and have now blocked him. My mom says that Im being dramatic and that it just caught him off guard to see those things but my brothers think Im right to be angry.</p> <p>So AITA?</p> </blockquote> <p>Now check out what Reddit users h...</p></p>


Frances First Lady Loses Transgender Lawsuit "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Brigitte Macron, the First Lady of France, filed a complaint last year against two women who uploaded a YouTube video titled "Brigitte Macron is a man." The video alleged that Brigitte had a gender reassignment at 18.On Wednesday, the French newspaper Le Point reported that Brigitte's complaint against the two women was "voided" by a Paris Judge.
In its decision, consulted by AFP, the court declared void the summons issued by Brigitte Macron for invasion of privacy and image rights, considering that the facts she denounced should have been qualified of public defamation. Brigitte Macron, her brother, and the three children of the First Lady had assigned two women on February 15, 2022, one presenting herself as a "medium," the other as an "independent journalist." They asked the court to condemn these two women to pay them damages for having broadcast on the YouTube channel of the "medium", on December 10, 2021, "a perfectly eccentric thesis" according to which Brigitte Macron, born Trogneux, does not would never have existed, but that his brother would have taken on this identity after changing sex.
"It is hard to imagine that the First Lady of France, accompanied by the best lawyers, erred in qualifying her complaint as defamation rather than an invasion of privacy. Unless she tries to drop the case as soon as possible and not go any further," French media outlet Le Mdia en 4-4-2 wrote....


We were wrong: Transgender clinic founder regrets her role in the mutilation of children "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Matt Lamb,
Dr. Susan BradleyDr. Debra Soh / YouTube A gender clinic founder and former professor at the University of Toronto recently said that she regrets helping kids transition, and acknowledges that most gender-confused kids will grow out of their dysphoria by adulthood. Dr. Susan Bradley came out against the popular model of affirming childrens transgender identities and putting them on puberty blockers, according to an interview published by the Daily Caller. She is the latest medical professional to confirm that transgender drugs and surgeries are dangerous, although she maintains the false idea that someone can switch genders.
She created the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry Child Youth and Family Gender Identity Clinic and led the University of Torontos Division of Child Psychiatry.
Bradley, who is now in her early eighties, expressed regret that the clinic had participated in the administration of puberty blockers for gender dysphoria, which she now believes can cement a childs sense of confusion out of w...


Diversified set of guardians required for safe self-custody: Vitalik Buterin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In a Reddit post, Buterin emphasized that having too much of a concentrated grasp on your self-custody wallets can be a bad thing if you get hacked, coerced, or incapacitated or die.


More than 186 US banks well-positioned for collapse, SVB analysis reveals "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Rising interest rates, which brought down the U.S. banking systems asset market value by $2 trillion, combined with a large share of uninsured deposits at some U.S. banks, threaten banks stability.


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.10 AUD

Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.74 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00004 BTC


repeating crossbow full plans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

repeating crossbow full plans - repeating crossbow, multi-shot (5)

Read more about this resource...


Tarot: Las Lgrimas de La Llorona "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tarot: Las Lgrimas de La Llorona

Alan D. D. comparte sus experiencias recientes con ataques de pnico y la tirada de tarot que cre para trabajar junto con la terapia para superarlos.

Continue reading Tarot: Las Lgrimas de La Llorona at The Wild Hunt.


carpentry circa 1919 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

carpentry circa 1919 - the many aspects of carpentry

Read more about this resource...


New Upcycle Ideas 670 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

faux ironstone broody eggsVisit 20+ NEW Upcycle Ideas to Make 670 Faux ironstone eggs, moss boot planter, pom pom mushrooms, plus more repurposed projects, all leading to original tutorials! New Upcycle Ideas 670   Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific Greetings! This past week I did do up a quick and easy project, however []

The post New Upcycle Ideas 670 appeared first on Funky Junk Interiors.


Woman Claims an Instacart Shopper Used Her $200 Order to Buy Groceries for Themselves "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If you havent used the Instacart app yet, its pretty darn convenient.

Yes, you are entrusting someone else to go get your groceries for you, but lets face it: these apps have revolutionized how we live our lives and its just normal now to think it will all go smoothly.

Well, not so fast.

A woman shared a video on TikTok where she claimed that an Instacart shopper used the $200 she paid for her order to shop for themself. The woman said the shopper marked the order as done in the app but bought things that werent on her list, including candy and chips.

Take a look at what she had to say on TikTok.

@hairandhay At least they got whats important. Dum dums #instacart #instacartscam #instacarthaul #groceryhaul #greenscreen...


Microsoft reportedly testing Edge browser Web3 wallet integration "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The supposed screenshots show a noncustodial crypto and NFT-friendly Microsoft Web3 wallet embedded into Edge.


Pulling teeth at home... "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ol wisdom tooths been haslin me last week or so, got a dentist appointmet coming up in a few weeks. Tried yanking er out but only managed to break a chunk or two off. Anyone succesfully yanked a molar out at home?


Medicine Betrayed: A Conversation With Whistleblowers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Recently, I had a chance to interview three courageous whistleblowers at the Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas. What they had to say was a mind-blowing condemnation of the state of our healthcare system.

We talked about the COVID vaccine mandates that Houston Methodist Hospital spearheaded in the U.S. back in 2021, about vaccinated and boosted nurses getting COVID anyway and being forced to come in to work at the ICU while sick with fevers and about the tremendous fear that the doctors felt over speaking out.

We also talked about a top executive at Houston Methodist allegedly offering the physicians in his inner circle an opportunity to fake the vaccine while publicly touting COVID injections as a necessary and life-saving measure.

Now, philosophically speaking, it is not that shocking to me as a Soviet expat. That is how things were universally done in my old homeland public and private policy, so to speak but seeing such blatant, time-warped signs of all-permeating corruption and censorship-driven behavior in America, as if I were back in the USSR, is bizarre. But first things first. Let me introduce the Houston Methodist whistleblowers.

Dr. Mary Crow

Dr. Mary Crow is a well-respected oncologist and hematologist in Texas. She received her medical training at Baylor College of Medicine and has been practicing for over 30 years. In the 1990s, Dr. Crow was a Chief Oncology Fellow at the MD Anderson Cancer Center.

She is a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the American Society of Hematology (ASH), the Harris County Medical Society (HCMS) and the Texas Medical Association (TMA).

Dr. Crow has been very outspoken about the not-so-scientific nature of the COVID response from the get-go. When Houston Methodist introduced the mandates for physicians, she applied for a religious exemption. As a result, she was not granted an exemption, and she lost he medical privileges at Houston Methodist.

(To clarify, the term medical privileges stands for the right of a physician to work at a hospital. In Texas, physicians are not considered hospital employees but independent professionals who work with hospitals where they have privileges.)

Dr. Venu Julapalli

Dr. Venu Julapalli is a gastroenterologist in Houston, TX. He received his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine in in Houston, TX, and has been practicing for more than 20 years. In 2005, he founded a groundbreaking gastroenterology private practice in Houston, TX.

Together with his cardiologist brother, Dr. Vinay Julapalli, Dr. Venu is on a quest to bring the heart back to modern medici...

Epidemic of Sudden Adult Deaths Finally Made News "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Former BlackRock analyst and fund manager Edward Dowd is one of the brave few who have been trying to get the word out about dangers of COVID-19 shots. While I've interviewed him twice once about the mathematical certainty of a financial collapse and a second time about his book, "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022," his information is finally getting mainstream media attention.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, he explains that media outlets like Yahoo have picked up on the undeniable increase in deaths among young, healthy adults. However, they're quick to state that such deaths are not due to COVID-19 shots.1 But Dowd isn't deterred. As A Midwestern Doctor noted on Substack:2

"Ed Dowd has focused on utilizing a narrower set of evidence and tying it to one of the most persuasive arguments currently available for shifting the narrative. A statistically impossible spike in sudden deaths has occurred in the healthiest segment of the population and has happened in tandem with a spike in disability (this is why we are now having labor shortages)."

Dowd is intent on bringing global attention to this surge in deaths and disability that has occurred since the COVID-19 shot campaign rolled out, and he's not willing to let anyone, or any entity, stop him. "We have the data. We have the evidence," he says, "and there's a large global murder scene that just occurred."3

Insurance Company Data Reveal 40% Death Surge

"Cause Unknown" details data showing the shots are a crime against humanity. Some of that data comes from private insurance companies, which love to sell group life insurance policies to large Fortune 500 corporations and mid-sized companies because they hardly ever have to pay out on a claim.

Workers at these corporations tend to be in good health, with industry data suggesting the group life policyholders have one-third the mortality rate of the general U.S. population. The death rates have historically been highly predictable among this group until 2021. A report released by the Society of Actuaries4 found mortality spikes of 40% or more that year.

Insurance companies had sizeable increases in payouts for death and disability. Dowd tweeted...

Magnesium An Important Nutrient for Heart Health "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Editors Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published February 19, 2018.

Magnesium deficiency is extremely common, and recent research shows even subclinical deficiency can jeopardize your heart health. Magnesium is also important for brain health, detoxification, cellular health and function, and the optimization of your mitochondria. In short, magnesium has enormous potential to influence your health and general well-being, especially the prevention of heart disease and cancer, but also for general energy and athletic performance.

Why You Need Magnesium

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body and is involved in more than 600 different biochemical reactions. For example, magnesium plays an important role in:


Creation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of your body1,2

Metabolism of calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorous, iron, sodium, hydrochloric acid, acetylcholine and nitric oxide, as well as 300 enzymes and the activation of thiamine.3

Magnesium is also required for DNA, RNA and protein synthesis and integrity,4 and plays a role in the creation of chromosomes5

Mitochondrial function and health. Magnesium is required both for increasing the number of mitochondria in your cells and for increasing mitochondrial efficiency

Regulation of blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, which is important for the prevention of Type 2 diabetes6,7,8,9 (In one study,10 prediabetics with the highest magnesium intake reduced their risk for blood sugar and metabolic problems by 71%)

Relaxation of blood vessels and normalizing blood pressure

Detoxification, including the synthesis of glutathione, considered by many to be your body's most powerful antioxidant

Muscle and nerve function, including the action of your heart muscle


Checking This Forum Out! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I'm not on that many forums or social media. I'm a prepper that lives in Illinois. We have 3+ months of food here, some prepper goods, a huge library of escrima/arnis/kali martial arts DVDs, and a huge library of survivalist/prepper books. Always looking for more information about prepping and survivalism.

Social media that I am on are knife related, Twitter, Gab, Truth, Rumble, and Odysee. I'm online all day, pretty much retired.

Was a paid contributor at Survivalist Forums for years...

Checking This Forum Out!


Bailout Failure! Bank Runs Drain $550 Billion In Deposits In One Week Are we Looking at an Infrastructure Collapse that will be Blamed on Cyber Attacks? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

After a brief reprieve of declining bank evaluations yesterday (Thursday March 16, 2023) due to some of Americas largest banks stepping forward to provide an infusion of $30 billion for San Franciscos troubled First Republic Bank, considered the next FDIC bank about to collapse, the financial system took another hit today in the Stock Market as it lost confidence in the ability of the larger banks to step forward and bail out smaller banks.

If anything, it appears more likely that the criminal banking cartel is about to consolidate their power by driving the smaller banks out of business.

And in the midst of bank runs and declining bank valuations this week, the Corporate Media published reports about possible cyber attacks being launched by Russia, according to a research report published by Microsoft.

Big Tech, which we previously reported is now controlling the countrys infrastructure in Ukraine, is also mostly running the operations for the U.S. military today.

So when you discuss private companies who receive $billions from the U.S. Government in defense contracts today, you need to add Microsoft,, Google, and Elon Musks Starlink, and other tech companies to the list of traditional private defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop, etc.

If the U.S. Government cannot stop the bank runs and the collapse of the banking system, will they just turn to Big Tech to shut down the entire system, either by taking down the Internet or the electrical power grids, or both, and then blame it on Russia and use it as an excuse to start the World Economic Forums Great Reset agenda?

Are the Banking Cartel Wars Upon Us?

Yesterday, a group of Americas largest banks which included Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of New York Mellon, PNC Bank, State Street, Truist, and U.S. Bank, stepped forward to try and restore public confidence in the banking syste...


Bailout Failure! Bank Runs Drain $550 Billion In Deposits In One Week Are we Looking at an Infrastructure Collapse that will be Blamed on Cyber Attacks? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

After a brief reprieve of declining bank evaluations yesterday (Thursday March 16, 2023) due to some of Americas largest banks stepping forward to provide an infusion of $30 billion for San Franciscos troubled First Republic Bank, considered the next FDIC bank about to collapse, the financial system took another hit today in the Stock Market as it lost confidence in the ability of the larger banks to step forward and bail out smaller banks.

If anything, it appears more likely that the criminal banking cartel is about to consolidate their power by driving the smaller banks out of business.

And in the midst of bank runs and declining bank valuations this week, the Corporate Media published reports about possible cyber attacks being launched by Russia, according to a research report published by Microsoft.

Big Tech, which we previously reported is now controlling the countrys infrastructure in Ukraine, is also mostly running the operations for the U.S. military today.

So when you discuss private companies who receive $billions from the U.S. Government in defense contracts today, you need to add Microsoft,, Google, and Elon Musks Starlink, and other tech companies to the list of traditional private defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop, etc.

If the U.S. Government cannot stop the bank runs and the collapse of the banking system, will they just turn to Big Tech to shut down the entire system, either by taking down the Internet or the electrical power grids, or both, and then blame it on Russia and use it as an excuse to start the World Economic Forums Great Reset agenda?

Are the Banking Cartel Wars Upon Us?

Yesterday, a group of Americas largest banks which included Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of New York Mellon, PNC Bank, State Street, Truist, and U.S. Bank, stepped forward to try and restore public confidence in the banking syste...


Coinbase, Hut 8 and Other Crypto Stocks Rise as Bitcoin Surpasses $27.6K "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Shares of crypto companies were rising on Friday. (Jay Radhakrishnan)


Real-world assets tokenization lacks infrastructure, not just regulation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Assets tokenization has been held back by lack of infrastructure and regulatory standards worldwide.


Bailout Failure! Bank Runs Drain $550 Billion In Deposits In One Week Are we Looking at an Infrastructure Collapse that will be Blamed on Cyber Attacks? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

After a brief reprieve of declining bank evaluations yesterday (Thursday March 16, 2023) due to some of Americas largest banks stepping forward to provide an infusion of $30 billion for San Franciscos troubled First Republic Bank, considered the next FDIC bank about to collapse, the financial system took another hit today in the Stock Market as it lost confidence in the ability of the larger banks to step forward and bail out smaller banks.

If anything, it appears more likely that the criminal banking cartel is about to consolidate their power by driving the smaller banks out of business.

And in the midst of bank runs and declining bank valuations this week, the Corporate Media published reports about possible cyber attacks being launched by Russia, according to a research report published by Microsoft.

Big Tech, which we previously reported is now controlling the countrys infrastructure in Ukraine, is also mostly running the operations for the U.S. military today.

So when you discuss private companies who receive $billions from the U.S. Government in defense contracts today, you need to add Microsoft,, Google, and Elon Musks Starlink, and other tech companies to the list of traditional private defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop, etc.

If the U.S. Government cannot stop the bank runs and the collapse of the banking system, will they just turn to Big Tech to shut down the entire system, either by taking down the Internet or the electrical power grids, or both, and then blame it on Russia and use it as an excuse to start the World Economic Forums Great Reset agenda?

Are the Banking Cartel Wars Upon Us?



The Tears of La Llorona a tarot spread for mental health "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Tears of La Llorona a tarot spread for mental health

Alan D.D. shares his recent experiences with panic attacks and the tarot spread he created to work alongside therapy to work through them.

Continue reading The Tears of La Llorona a tarot spread for mental health at The Wild Hunt.


Credit Suisse Bank Admits Material Weakness As Shares Plunge and Investors Panic "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News under the title: Is Credit Suisse About to Collapse? Bank Admits Material Weakness as Shares Plunge and Investors Panic

The latest bank on the chopping block appears to be Credit Suisse, a Swiss bank whose shares plunged this week after the company announced a material weakness problem with its operations.

Shares in Credit Suisse fell to an all-time low this week following the announcement, which came just days after Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Signature Bank, First Republic, and Pac West entered a financial death spiral from the contagion.

Switzerlands second-largest bank, Credit Suisse confirmed some $8 billion in losses in 2022 because of material weakness. Now, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is warning the bank that it is in jeopardy of providing a misstatement over the accounting of cash flows in 2019 and 2020, which is why it delayed its annual report until this week.

According to Credit Suisse, the weakness in its books stems from a failure to design and maintain an effective risk assessment process to identify and analyze the risk of material misstatements. In other words, Credit Suisse is a poorly run bank that likely committed all kinds of fraud that were ignored or overlooked because had it been exposed, the company would have gone kaput a long time ago.

U.S. dollar losing its hegemony, says expert who correctly predicted 2008 financial crisis hyperinflation soon to come

CEO Ulrich Koerner says the trouble his bank faces are completely unrelated to the collapse of SVB do you believe him? explaining to the corporate-controlled media in a recent statement that SVB credit exposure is not material.

Its a very different situation, Koerner went on to state. We are following materially different and higher standards when it comes to capital funding, liquidity, and so on.

Despite this hollow reassurance, many are deeply concerned that Credit Suisse will be the next shoe to drop in the inevitable banking collapse that, quite frankly, has been a long time coming.

It looks increasingly like a possible general meltdown of banks, commented Irish macroeconomist Philip Pilkington about the ma...


Protegos conditional national bank status expired without approval: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In a week when the crypto industry and the rest of the world was beset by bad news about banking, one more banking setback has come to light.


Saypes Monumental New Land Art Looks Toward the Future of Sustainable Energy Production "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

an aerial photo of a solar farm with an artwork of a child lighting a light bulb

All images Saype, shared with permission

One of the largest solar energy plants in the scorching deserts of Ibri is also the site of burgeoning childhood curiosity thanks to the French-Swiss artist known as Saype (previously). A commission from the Swiss Embassy in Oman to celebrate the countries 50-year partnership, the massive piece of land art spreads across 11,250 square meters of sand. Created with eco-friendly paint in shades of gray, the public work titled Towards Good Ideas? depicts a child kneeling at a lightbulb, connecting two switches to rows of solar panels.

Best viewed aerially, the piece took about one year of planning and five days to execute. Saype shares that given the increasingly urgent calls to divest in fossil fuels and find alternatives, he wanted to highlight one area offering a potential solution. He said:

Energy management is certainly one of the major challenges of our overaccelerating worldBeing aware that the solution centers around a complex energy mix and in a form of sobriety, I chose to paint this child playing with the magic of solar energy. Looking towards the horizon, he symbolizes the renewal of a civilization that must now reinvent itself without destroying the planet.

At the end of March, Saype will show some of his smaller works with Magda Danysz Gallery at Art Paris. Find more of his monumental projects on his site and Instagram. (via Street Art News)




Congress announces March 29 hearing into failures of SVB and Signature Bank "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to the House Financial Services Committee, it expects to hold multiple hearings on getting to the bottom of the banks failures.


FTX Firms Had $6.8B Hole in Balance Sheet at Time of Bankruptcy "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)



FTX debtors report $11.6B in claims, $4.8B in assets, with many crypto holdings undetermined "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The presentation reported $25 million in donations political and otherwise from three of the FTX silos, but added limited information was available on crypto donations.


MTVs The Exhibit Needs a Cutthroat Judge "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Were halfway through the Hirshhorn and MTVs The Exhibit: Finding the Next Great Artist, and while the latest episode, airing tonight at 10pm EST, was more tolerable, the formula is tired and bogged down even further by the syrupy sweet competitors and the benign critique sessions. Unlike what we see in Americas Next Top Model, it seems like everyone came here to make friends which, while cute, doesnt really make for good television. (Warning: Some spoilers below!)

In episode three, Hirshhorn Director Melissa Chiu and show host Dometi Pongo tasked the artists with developing a commission (what they call the artwork made for each competition lol) responding to the coronavirus pandemic, specifically how you survive, or maybe even thrive, in this moment in time. But not before Chiu pressed multiple hot buttons on the keyboard of relevant virtue-signalling by speaking about an exhibition she co-curated during the early pandemic and shoehorning in a Shirin Neshat reference.



antenna battery charger "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

antenna battery charger - charge 12 volt batteries with radio waves

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En 0053 Carpentry-3 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

En 0053 Carpentry-3 - army engineer training part 3

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En 5156 Carpentry-2 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

En 5156 Carpentry-2 - army engineer training part 2

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En 5155 Carpentry-1 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

En 5155 Carpentry-1 - army engineer training part 1

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DeFi sees its biggest hack in 2023 as Euler loses $197M: Finance Redefined "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DeFi suffered its biggest attack this year with a flash loan attack on crypto lending platform Euler Finance and the hackers are belived to be same that exploited a BSC based protocol in February.


Vitamin D Supplements May Help Reduce Risk of Suicide Among Veterans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Vitamin D Supplements May Help Reduce Risk of Suicide Among Veterans

Vitamin D Supplements May Help Reduce Risk of Suicide Among Veterans

Photo: BRIANAJACKSON/Depositphotos

Many experts say to go outside and take in some sunshine (with appropriate sunscreen) for your health. This advice is likely founded in a concern for vitamin D levels. Humans get this necessary nutrient from exposing their skin to the sun, and then our skin produces vitamin D. A deficiency of vitamin D can damage bone health and may even impact mental health. A new retrospective study in PLOS ONE focusing on vitamin D supplement use among veterans suggests a possible link between supplement use and lower risk of suicide.

Vitamin D is primarily generated through sun exposure; however, certain foods also contain or are enriched with it. Supplements can help ensure people get enough of this vital nutrient, although it is advisable to check with a doctor before altering your vitamin D intake, as too much can have adverse health effects. The recent study examined the suicide and self-harm risk reported for veterans prescribed supplements through the VA. The researchers scanned the data of hundreds of thousands of people who between 2010 and 2018 were seen at the VA at least once.

The team compared veterans who received supplements through the VA with those who did not to see if there was a link between this and suicide risk. The control (no known supplement) population had a suicide and self-harm rate of 0.36%. That fell to 0.2% in the treated groups. Vitamin D2 supplements were associated with a 48.8% reduction, while D3 supplements were associated with a 44.8% reduction. Among Black veterans, there was a 60% decline, while those with vitamin D deficiencies say a 64% decline.

There are limits to this study. Causation is not possible to infer from the data. It is also possible that control-group members were accessing vitamin D i...


USDC depeg will hinder stablecoins growth, increase regulatory scrutiny Moodys "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Financial institutions may reconsider adopting stablecoins to settle agreements involving tokenized securities out of concern over the coins potential volatility, Moodys said.


Are AI Photographers or Synthographers a Thing Now? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


A new term has popped up recently: "Synthographer." It's a mishmash of the word synthesis and photographer and describes artists creating digital media from AI image generators.

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Bitcoin Is a Clear Winner of the U.S. Banking Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

(Tuomas A. Lehtinen/Getty Images, modified by CoinDesk)


Binance replaces BUSD in SAFU fund with TUSD and USDT "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Binance assured users that the change would not impact them in any way and that their funds would continue to be held in publicly verifiable addresses.

Who is Violating US Air Space With Bizarre Configured Crafts that Defy Our Laws of Physics? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to Dr. Stephen Greer of the Disclosure Project the US already has black project ARV's (alien Reproduction Vehicles) so what did US Navy aviators carrier launched off the coast of San Diego run into in the skies over the Pacific? Are these also top secret projects or someone from another dimension? Whoever they are our technology must be child's play to them! the F-18 Hornet is no match for these UFO's.

Image result for F-18 Horney pilot who chased a tik tok


Massive Flower Arrangement Is Encased in Layers of Ice "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Massive Flower Arrangement Is Encased in Layers of Ice

Frozen Flower Installation by Azuma Makoto

The frozen landscape of Hokkaido in Japan was adorned once again by one of Azuma Makotos surreal installations. Using a colorful assortment of bouquets and plenty of water, the Japanese botanical artist created a towering frozen sculpture. All of the flowers and plants remain trapped in this striking form, still vibrant and in bloom, for as long as the layers of ice remain.

This is the second time Makoto produced Frozen Flowers; and just like the 2021 version, he traveled to the Notsuke peninsula in Hokkaido to set up the installation when winter was at its coldest point. So, he brought dozens of botanicals to a snowy clearing and assembled them atop a steel pole structure. After weaving the flowers into a cohesive formall during the night and early hours of the morninghe poured water on top. Due to the freezing temperature, the water quickly froze over, preserving the plants and creating dozens of icicles hanging off each bloom and leaf.

When Makoto poses next to his work, we are able to get an understanding of the sheer scale of the structure, which looms tall in the barren landscape. He intentionally chose this empty area to install the multicolored sculpture, demonstrating the visual power of flowers in such extreme conditions. Their lives are dependent on the ice, and as soon as that melts, the flowers will eventually wilt with time.

You can watch a video of Azuma's process via his website. Scroll down to see more images of this amazing piece, and follow the artist on Instagram to keep up to date with his latest projects.

Artist Azuma Makoto returned to Hokkaido in 2023 to construct a new magical flower sculpture.



Coinbase Potentially Looking At Launching An Overseas Exchange: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States may be looking at opening operations elsewhere.

Coinbase has reportedly been in talks with institutional investors about opening up an overseas cryptocurrency exchange.

According to sources cited by Bloomberg, talks with market makers and investment firms touched on the possibility of establishing an alternative venue away from the main Coinbase marketplace for global clients. The sources continued to explain that the company has not yet decided the location the platform might base itself out of.

Recent regulatory actions have led to a turnaround in sentiment in regards to the advancement of the bitcoin and cryptocurrency industry in the United States. Major exchanges have faced regulatory headaches, with Kraken settling for $30 million in fines in an SEC lawsuit, and Coinbase owing $100 million to the state of New York after regulators alleged Coinbase violated anti-money-laundering laws by allowing users to open accounts without conducting sufficient background checks.

In addition, the current administration has been paying close attention to the development of digital assets in the U.S., with the White House releasing a Roadmap to Mitigate Cryptocurrencies Risks, in January 2023. On top of that, the U.S. Treasury has begun its research on how it can potentially implement or adopt a CBDC, which may take the form of a privatized currency (like a stablecoin), or, more likely, an adaption of the current system, in the form of FedNow.

The path that the American federal government continually demonstrates it wants to take is that of a regulated government currency, either the dollar or similar, and not that of bitcoin. But state governments have shown their support for sovereign usage of bitcoin, including Arizona and Wyoming. It demonstrates that there are varying opinions on the best path forward for U.S. monetary decisions.

Serious attention, however, should be paid to the curr......


Crypto market cap reclaims $1T, and derivatives point to further upside "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoins performance has outpaced Warren Buffetts Berkshire Hathaway over the past six months, with crypto markets appearing to have turned a corner.


What are buy and sell walls in crypto, and how can one identify them? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Whales can manipulate buy and sell orders because they can deploy excessive capital into the market.


He Told His Mom and Sister They Need to Pay His Bills. Did He Go Too Far? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If you think its such a great idea, why dont you pay the bills?!?!

Not so interested anymore, are you?

Well, thats the way it usually goes

Check out this story and see if you think this guy is wrong for what he said to his mom and his sister.

AITA for telling my mom and sister to pay our bills if they agree my wife should be able to be a stay at home?

My (28M) wife (31F) has recently started to express interest in being a SAHW to prep for being a SAHM.

We dont have kids and havent been trying, and before getting married, we talked about kids and work/home arrangement and we agreed that wed both work prior to and once we had kids, and agreed wed take turns with the stay at home portion for the first year or two after potential kids were born then both back to work.

Now she wants to do away with that and wants to be a stay-at-home wife until we have kids and then be a stay-at-home mom. I dont want that, I never wanted that, and I made that clear from the start when we got serious. I enjoy my job a lot but my salary cant sustain a family and I dont want to go back to school and change careers like she wants me to to make it happen.

I dont want to take up a second job either knowing Id still be doing half the housework and childcare (not that thats a bad thing) whereas both my mom and her parents are local shed have plenty of help during the day and able to get downtime.

We had dinner at my mothers a couple days ago with my sister and her kids. While we were there my wife goes:

Your sons being mean, he wont let me be a stay-at-home mom.

First my family took this as shes pregnant and got excited so I had to...


Online Event: Join Us for a Chat About Makers and Ham Radio "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Online Event: Join Us for a Chat About Makers and Ham Radio

Please join us next Wednesday March 23 at 7pm ET / 4pm PT for an online conversation about "Makers and Hams." We will talk about the joys of making and amateur radio, how both attract enthusiasts and the commonalities of their communities.

The post Online Event: Join Us for a Chat About Makers and Ham Radio appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


DHS Secretary Mayorkas Exposed as Government Disinformation Specialist for Woke Corporations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Whenever I hear Democrats go on and on over how stupid someone is or how unqualified they are for their office it's usually the exact opposite and they're eating the Democrat's lunch because they are exposing the worst political party in American history, and Senator Josh Hawley shows us just exactly why as he cross interrogates DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for unleashing the open borders crisis at our southern border with Mexico acting as though a secured border is the exact opposite definition. It is useful idiots like this that Yuri Bezmenov labeled as the useful idiots who would betray their own government and save the Soviet Union time and trouble. Mayorkas is a criminal who should have been prosecuted a long time ago!  

Image result for Josh Hawley


First Aerial Images of Earths Biggest Icebergs That are On The Run "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

iceberg on the run

The first-ever aerial images of the Earth's two biggest icebergs that broke off from Antarctica's Ice Shelf have been published. Each could take decades to melt.

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How Effective Altruism Power Brokers Helped Make Sam Bankman-Fried "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sam Bankman-Fried leaving court on Feb. 16, 2023 (Liz Napolitano/CoinDesk)


Coinbase is planning to set up crypto trading platform outside US: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The reported move came amid many U.S. lawmakers and regulators taking aim at crypto firms for their perceived role in the failure of three major banks.


Cauleen Smiths Drylongso Depicts a Bygone Oakland "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

To the pulsing beat of Masauko Chipemberes Beautiful People, a montage of Oakland flashes between zine-like, stop-motion opening credits: the Fox Theatres Art Deco facade, waggy-tailed dogs behind chain-link fences, women swaying their hips in sync on the pier. Welcome to Cauleen Smiths 1998 Drylongso, a film as joyful as it is sobering, an homage to both the West Oakland district in which it was shot and the Black-American idiom for which it was named. 

Recently restored by Janus Films, Drylongso exudes the DIY charm of a low-budget, first-time feature (it was Smiths MFA thesis for UCLA), while keenly depicting the complexities of both race- and gender-related inequalities. West Oakland is decidedly not a hotbed of destitution and despair, but rather home to a close-knit working- and middle-class community a place of candy-colored houses with echoing staircases, sun-splotched sidewalks, and Black-owned bookstores. Drylongsos heroine, Pica Sullivan (Toby Smith), is a photography student who stashes extra cash in a refrigerated Sanka can, and who hangs her Bob Marley poster over a small trampoline that functions as a nightstand for her college textbooks and landline phone. 

A friendly (if feisty) neighborhood flaneuse, Pica comes to the rescue of Tobi (April Barnett), whose abusive...


66 North is a Black-and-White Photo Series from Icelands Far Reaches "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

66 degrees north tim nevell

The 66th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 66 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane, about 61 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle. It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, Europe, Asia and North America.

[Read More]


A Minnesota Facility Admits To A Radioactive Leak "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Mac Slavo A nuclear plant in Minnesota has admitted that there is a radioactive leak from the facility. The admission came on Thursday, that a nuclear power plant near Minneapolis had suffered a radioactive water spill amounting to over 1.5 million liters. Xcel Energy,...

Continue reading...


Catholic Group Spent Millions to Out Priests As Gay Using Dating Apps "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A conservative, Colorado-based Catholic group reportedly spent millions of dollars to gather information and identify priests who use gay dating apps and share those data with bishops nationwide.

The Washington Post and the Guardian first reported that the Catholic Laity and Clergy conducted the project for Renewal, a conservative Catholic non-profit group based in Colorado. According to their website, the group is dedicated to offering resources to Church leaders so they can better care for their priests and faithful.

In addition, the mission of the project, according to tax records the Washington Post obtained, is to empower the church to carry out its mission and give bishops evidence-based resources to help further identify weaknesses in training.

The group has reportedly spent at least $4 million on the project and shared the information they gathered with several bishops across the United States.

Although the projects data on priests remains unclear, an anonymous source told the Washington Post that the information gathered by the Renewal project might push some clergy members to go on early retirement or not receive any promotions.

Some of the projects participants were allegedly instrumental in publicly outing a prominent Catholic clergy member, Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill. In July 2021, he was forced to resign as secretary-general of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) after a Catholic news site, Pillar, used commercial...


School of the Art Institute of Chicago Offers Summer Art and Design Courses Online and On-Campus "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) is thrilled to offer over 50 art and design classes to students from across the globe this summer! Both emerging and established artists are invited to join SAIC faculty and fellow thinkers and makers for an exciting and immersive art-making experience in SAICs non-credit Adult Continuing Education program. Courses are available in a wide variety of studio and making areas from Fashion Design to Painting to Creative Writing as well as skill-based professional advancement courses in Interior Design, digital design programs including Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, Color Theory, and more.

On-campus and online courses will be offered in multi-week summer sessions and one-week intensives starting in May, June, July, and August.

Course offerings include:


Saudi Arabia Imposes Controversial Restrictions on Ramadan "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Saudi Arabia has released a new controversial set of rules and restrictions for Ramadan in the Kingdom this year, sparking backlash across the Muslim world.

The countrys Minister of Islamic Affairs, Abdul Latif Al-Sheikh, published and shared a document on March 3rd containing regulations for the Islamic holy month of Ramadan that everyone in the Kingdom must follow.

Some new rules state that "imams and muezzins are not absent except for extreme necessity. Other rules decree that Tarawih or evening prayers shouldnt be prolonged and the "completion of the tahajjud prayer in the last ten days of Ramadan, before the dawn call to prayer, with a sufficient time, so as not to be difficult for the worshipers."

The new regulations also include "not using cameras in mosques to photograph the imam and worshippers during the performance of the prayers, and not transmitting the prayers or broadcasting them in the media of all kinds, and obliging "the imam's responsibility for authorizing the i'tikaf [seclusion in the mosque during last ten days] and knowing their data."

The Ministry also prohibited mosques from collecting donations for organizing meals to break the fast and instructed them to prepare and hold meals in designated areas in mosque courtyards rather than inside the mosque itself, to be conducted under the responsibility of the mosques imam and muezzin.

Other controversial rules from the Ministry include limiting the amount and volume of loudspeakers announcing the call to prayer (a continuation of the same rule from last year and earlier this year), altogether banning them from saying prayers and recitations, and prohibiting parents from bringing their children to the mosque for prayers.



Every Devo Album Ranked "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I genuinely dont think Im being hyperbolic when I say: if you disagree that Devo is one of the greatest rock bands ever to grace this planet then I hope you get run over by a cement mixer. Heres a ranking of all their studio albums, but make sure to check out their live ones, early Hardcore demo releases, the self-parody EZ Listening Disc where they re-recorded their hits as Muzakoh, and, what the hey, their cover of Witch Doctor in the Rugrats Movie. Youre due for a rewatch.

9: Total Devo (1988)

Devos 7th studio album was their first without drummer Alan the human metronome Myers, and folks, he dodged a bullet. The spud boys tried to get butts out to the dance floor with this bland techno-pop, but frankly Id rather sign mine up to test rat traps on. Musically, this proves their de-evolution theory, though! Maybe that was the point?

Play it Again: Plain Truth
Skip it: (Hank Hill mortified voice) Sexi Luv



8: Smooth Noodle Maps (1990)

The last album they released before calling it quits for the majority of the 90s. And, it was a well-earned respite, because these guys sound tired. One big redeeming aspect of this one was the Devo uniform for this era was straight-up leisure suits, and cmon, thats pretty funny.

Play it Again: Post Post-Modern Man is darn catchy.
Skip it: Devo Has Feelings Too




7: Shout (1984)



Crypto Biz: SVB collapses, USDC depegs, Bitcoin still up "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Turmoil in traditional finance spilled over into Bitcoin and crypto markets, forcing federal regulators to step in.


Olympic Athlete Captures Impressive Photo of Northern Lights from Airplane "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

northern lights

An Olympic-winning athlete and photography enthusiast ingeniously worked out how to shoot the northern lights mid-air whilst he was on a flight to Paris.

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UK Islamic Charity Under Fire for Urging Followers to Pray Against LGBT "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An Islamic charity in the UK was criticized for sharing a post on social media against the LGBTQIA+ community, urging followers to pray for protection against them.

In a now-deleted post, the Facebook page of the Abu Bakr Trust condemned the LGBTQIA+ community, claiming they conduct evil deeds. The trusts Facebook page also urged followers to pray for protection against LGBTQ and argued that homosexuality is part of a fallen culture.

My Lord, save me and my family from what LGBTQ+ people do, the trusts post said.

This incident comes after the Office for Standards in Education in the UK, also called Ofsted, recently inspected the charity-run schools. The Abu Bakr Trust operated three schools and a nursery in the West Midlands region. 

Although the trusts schools are independent, they also receive funding from the government. One of the trusts schools was deemed inadequate, but Ofsted praised a second one, saying it clearly shows that fundamental British values are being actively promoted.

A report from the Telegraph claimed the charitys staff used its social media pages to spread anti-LGBTQIA+ posts, raising major concerns and prompting the Charity Commission to launch a compliance case to investigate any failures of the trust to follow...


Australian Art Museum Rebrands to Focus Entirely on Local Photography "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


The Monash Gallery of Art in Melbourne, Australia is rebranding as the Museum of Australian Photography (MAPh) to solely concentrate on the art form.

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BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Describes Digital Assets Advancement In Annual Shareholder Letter "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Billionaire Larry Fink has been keeping an eye on the advancement of digital assets, according to his recent shareholder letter.

In an annual shareholder letter sent by BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, Fink described how the digital assets industry has witnessed very interesting developments.

Specifically, Fink highlights the growth of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency usage in India, Brazil and parts of Africa. He describes how dramatic advances in digital payments are bringing down costs and advancing financial inclusion.

Bitcoin Magazine has closely followed these advancements in Bitcoin adoption, such as the growth in bitcoin transactions in India, the Bitcoin Beach Brazil project, Bitcoin Ekasi in South Africa and many more, all clear examples of increasing usage in countries where sovereign digital money is needed most.

Fink goes on to note that developed markets like the United States are lagging behind in comparison, leaving the cost of payments higher, in what may be a reflection on the United States own recent actions of cracking down on large exchanges. In addition, the collapse of the banks which provided financial services to these exchanges has further stifled the industry.

In particular, the tokenization of asset classes offers the prospect of driving efficiencies in capital markets, shortening value chains, and improving cost and access for investors, Fink writes. At BlackRock we continue to explore the digital assets ecosystem, especially areas most relevant to our clients such as permissioned blockchains and tokenization of stocks and bonds. Although he is discussing the tokenization of existing assets, it is curious to consider whether BlackRock and similarly large financial institutions will see through the veil of the...


Conservatives not really that worried "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Although they will probably face a bit of a thrashing at the local elections in May, the Conservative party have revealed that they are not really that worried. Conservative candidate Michael Madeup said 'After the mess we have made of things for


Did regulators intentionally cause a run on banks? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Silicon Valley Bank and Silvergate Bank were crucial to many in the cryptocurrency industry, and its fueling theories that regulators encouraged their downfall.


Winners of Mobile Photography Awards Showcase the Creative Possibilities of Smartphones "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Winners of Mobile Photography Awards Showcase the Creative Possibilities of Smartphones

Ibis Standing on a Wall

Eyeing Ibis by Glenn Homann (Australia). MPA Photographer of the Year.

Over the course of 12 years, the annual Mobile Photography Awards have proved the staying power of taking photos with your phone. According to the contest, they received a record number of entries this year, with talented smartphone photographers submitting their work across 12 categories. In the end, it was Australian photographer Glenn Homann who wowed the judges with an exceptional portfolio of imagery that spans landscapes, portraits, and architecture.

Homann's incredible work shows his versatility, as well as his ability to use vivid color, dramatic lighting, and compelling compositions across many genres of photography.

We were thrilled to see such incredible work from Glenn and all of the photographers who submitted to this year's MPA, says Daniel Berman, the founder of the Mobile Photography Awards. Glenn's work truly captures the essence of what mobile photography is all aboutthe ability to create stunning images anytime, anywhere, using only a smartphone.

With thousands of entries from mobile photographers in 80 countries, the expert judging panel had the arduous task of narrowing down the field to a list of winners. The final result is a strong group of creative photographers who are pushing the boundaries of what is possible with a smartphone and proving that they aren't limited by the equipment they carry around in their pockets.

The Mobile Photography Awards continues to develop and evolve along with technology. This is clearly evident with the introduction of a special category for AI images. By honoring t...


A Minnesota Facility Admits To A Radioactive Leak "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A nuclear plant in Minnesota has admitted that there is a radioactive leak from the facility. The admission came on Thursday, that a nuclear power plant near Minneapolis had suffered a radioactive water spill amounting to over 1.5 million liters.

Xcel Energy, which owns the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, is working to clean up the spill and insists there is no danger to the general public. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) said that around 400,000 gallons of tritiated water leaked from a broken pipe at the facility. The leak was first discovered on November 22, and its source was found on December 19 and patched soon after, according to a report by RT. 

Tritium is a mildly radioactive isotope of hydrogen, often found in water used to cool nuclear reactors. The only way it can affect people is if they breathe it in or drink tritiated water, said Daniel Huff, an assistant commissioner at the Minnesota Department of Health, adding that the publics exposure from a nuclear power plant should be zero. -RT

The authorities decided to keep the public in the dark about the incident, while Xcel Energy and the state were actively managing the situation to prevent the underground plume of irradiated water from spreading to the nearby Mississippi River, MPCA assistant commissioner Kirk Koudelka told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

Even though there was an attempt to hide this leak from the public, those authorities say theres no risk to humans.  Now that we have all the information about where the leak occurred, how much was released into groundwater, and that contaminated groundwater had moved beyond the original location, we are sharing this information, MPCA spokesman Michael Rafferty added on Thursday.

This does not present a public health or drinking water issue, Christopher Clark, Xcels president for Minnesota, said. He admitted the tritiated water is well above the 20,000 picocuries standard mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), being in the millions directly below the plant.

Viktoria Mitlyng, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), said the leak was well below the NRC safety threshold and that the plan is not in violation of regulations. Tritium leaks are not uncommon for nuclear plants, she added.

The city of Monticello issued a statement, saying its drinking water supply was not affected...



Disability as a Creative Practice "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Do I begin this essay with pen on paper, for the feel of cursive curves in my body, and the visceral contact of my left hand dragging over ink? Or do I tap it out on the computer keyboard with its seductive delete key? These questions of medium and form direct my writing process. When Id begun writing PSYCH MURDERS, a book of hybrid memoir poems about my experiences of shock treatment, memory loss, psych hospitalizations, and bipolar extreme mind states, I wasnt sure about the form the work would take.

Photo of Stephanie Heit, image still from videopoem Mad Flora & Fauna shot by Charli Brissey

For me, usually content comes before form. I write by hand in an unlined journal and later days, months, sometimes years, or not at all I transfer the words to the computer and then revise. The next step is to listen to the material and figure out the form on the page. What shape or feeling does the poem wish to take? Where on the page? How does it breathe? What are its edges? Soft parts? Textures? What are its movement qualities?

  Like tides, patients roll in and out. Series 
      of birthdates. Names. Little gender 
     variance. Keep with history. Not much 
     space. An inlet appears protected but 
                  steep cliff, 
         unstable rocks. Not permanent. 
         Psychiatry rents out this room 
   (technically three walls and flimsy hardly 
    private curtain) for their morning high 
   tide. Five days a week. Full moon pull. The 
          waters in our bodies vibrate. 
          Landslide. Brain fried. Next.



Palmitoylethanolamide dampens neuroinflammation and anxiety-like behavior in obese mice. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

n/a PMID:  Brain Behav Immun. 2022 May ;102:110-123. Epub 2022 Feb 14. PMID: 35176443 Abstract Title:  Palmitoylethanolamide dampens neuroinflammation and anxiety-like behavior in obese mice. Abstract:  High-fat diet (HFD) consumption leads to obesity and a chronic state of low-grade inflammation, named metainflammation. Notably, metainflammation contributes to neuroinflammation due to the increased levels of circulating free fatty acids and cytokines. It indicates a strict interplay between peripheral and central counterparts in the pathogenic mechanisms of obesity-related mood disorders. In this context, the impairment of internal hypothalamic circuitry runs in tandem with the alteration of other brain areas associated with emotional processing (i.e., hippocampus and amygdala). Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), an endogenous lipid mediator belonging to the N-acylethanolamines family, has been extensively studied for its pleiotropic effects both at central and peripheral level. Our study aimed to elucidate PEA capability in limiting obesity-induced anxiety-like behavior and neuroinflammation-related features in an experimental model of HFD-fed obese mice. PEA treatment promoted an improvement in anxiety-like behavior of obese mice and the systemic inflammation, reducing serum pro-inflammatory mediators (i.e., TNF-, IL-1, MCP-1, LPS). In the amygdala, PEA increased dopamine turnover, as well as GABA levels. PEA also counteracted the overactivation of HPA axis, reducing the expression of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone and its type 1 receptor. Moreover, PEA attenuated the immunoreactivity of Iba-1 and GFAP and reduced pro-inflammatory pathways and cytokine production in both the hypothalamus and hippocampus. This finding, together with the reduced transcription of mast cell markers (chymase 1 and tryptase2) in the hippocampus, indicated the weakening of immune cell activation underlying the neuroprotective effect of PEA. Obesity-driven neuroinflammation was also associated with the disruption of blood-brain barrier (BBB) in the hippocampus. PEA limited the albumin extravasation and restored tight junction transcription modified by HFD. To gain mechanistic insight, we designed an in vitro model of metabolic injury using human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells insulted by a mix of glucosamine and glucose. Here, PEA directly counteracted inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction in a PPAR--dependent manner since the pharmacological blockade of the receptor reverted its effects. Our results strengthen the therapeutic potential of PEA in obesity-related neuropsychiatric comorbidities, controlling neuroinflammation, BBB disruption, and neurotransmitter imbalance involved in behavioral dysfunctions.


Photographer Captures Amazing Shot of Snake Hidden in the Sand "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Snake hidden in the snad

A photographer traveled to Namibia to capture well-camouflaged snakes that exclusively live in the sub-Saharan African country.

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Neuroprotective effect of combined treatment with epigallocatechin 3-gallate and melatonin on familial Alzheimer's disease. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  J Alzheimers Dis. 2023 Feb 24. Epub 2023 Feb 24. PMID: 36846998 Abstract Title:  Neuroprotective Effect of Combined Treatment with Epigallocatechin 3-Gallate and Melatonin on Familial Alzheimer's Disease PSEN1 E280A Cerebral Spheroids Derived from Menstrual Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) is caused by mutations in one or more of 3 genes known as APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2. There are currently no effective therapies for FAD. Hence, novel therapeutics are needed.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of treatment with a combination of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, aMT) in a cerebral spheroid (CS) 3D in vitro model of PSEN 1 E280A FAD.METHODS: We developed a CS in vitro model based on menstrual stromal cells derived from wild-type (WT) and mutant PSEN1 E280A menstrual blood cultured in Fast-N-Spheres V2 medium.RESULTS: Beta-tubulin III, choline acetyltransferase, and GFAP in both WT and mutant CSs spontaneously expressed neuronal and astroglia markers when grown in Fast-N-Spheres V2 medium for 4 or 11 days. Mutant PSEN1 CSs had significantly increased levels of intracellular APP fragment peptides and concomitant appearance of oxidized DJ-1 as early as 4 days, and phosphorylated tau, decreasedm, and increased caspase-3 activity were observed on Day 11. Moreover, mutant CSs were unresponsive to acetylcholine. Treatment with a combination of EGCG and aMT decreased the levels of all typical pathological markers of FAD more efficiently than did EGCG or aMT alone, but aMT failed to restore Ca2 + influx in mutant CSs and decreased the beneficial effect of EGCG on Ca2 + influx in mutant CSs.CONCLUSION: Treatment with a combination of EGCG and aMT can be of high therapeutic value due to the high antioxidant capacity and anti-amyloidogenic effect of both compounds.

read more


Price analysis 3/17: BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, ADA, DOGE, MATIC, SOL, DOT, SHIB "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin has risen above $25,000, and if bulls flip this level into support during the next pullback, it will signal the start of a new up-move to $32,000.


Banking crisis: What does it mean for crypto? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cointelegraph breaks down the main events that led to the collapse of Silvergate, SVB and Signature Bank and explains what this all could mean for crypto.

Like a Dying Bear "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Image result for a dying bear

Like a Dying Bear


This forbidden place I've gotten to

So far from the morning dew

A few pieces of my soul left to chew

What I wouldn't give for an untainted view,

 Image result for delusions of the world

What about them leaving you behind

Those rare moments that were so divine

Before stepping on that land mine

What were you able to find?

Image result for delusions of the world 

Since youve managed to grow older

Doesnt the world seem a bit colder?

Watch out for those rogue boulders

Did she leave a claw marks on your shoulders?

Image result for ghost ships 

Such a rare event when you smile

It liberates me from my exile

Like I ended up on the Green Mile

Theres a ghost ship offshore of the isle,



Let First Republic and Credit Suisse burn "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank set off a cascade among banks that havent been handling their finances responsibly. Let them face the consequences.


How To Treat And Heal Wounds With Sugar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Charl M. on

Being outdoors is a great way to get in touch with nature and experience all the beauty of the natural world.

However, it is essential to remember that there are potential risks associated with outdoor activities, including the possibility of injuries.

Whether it is a minor scrape or cut or a more severe wound, it is essential to be prepared to treat any damages that may occur.

For preppers and outdoors enthusiasts, having the right supplies and knowledge to treat wounds is integral to being prepared for any situation.

Treating Injuries

In a post-SHTF world, having the skills and supplies to care for yourself and your loved ones medical needs becomes an absolute necessity.

Without access to medical resources, the ability to treat wounds quickly and effectively will mean the difference between life and death.

Basic first-aid knowledge is essential; knowing how to properly clean, dress, and treat injuries can save lives.

A well-stocked first-aid kit should be part of every preppers survival strategy. To prepare for worst-case scenarios, you should consider stockpiling a variety of medical supplies that can handle everything from minor cuts to serious injuries.

Learn more here about the 10 medical supplies you need to stockpile before its too late. W...

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