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Sunday, 04 June


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Saturday, 18 March


Gute Nachrichten! Die Sozen machen eine Demokratie-Reform! ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Gute Nachrichten! Die Sozen machen eine Demokratie-Reform! Unter dem Vorwand, die ausufernden Abgeordnetenmassen im Parlament zu reduzieren (warum eigentlich?!), haben sich SPD, Grne und FDP zusammengetan, um alle anderen nachhaltig zu benachteiligen. Wenn das so durchkommt, sind CSU und Linke drauen aus dem Bundestag.

Ja aber gibt das keinen Widerstand von den Betroffenen? Keinen Aufschrei? Doch klar, daher haben sie das in Hinterzimmern besprochen und in letzter Minute als nderungsantrag drangepappt.

Fehlt nur noch, dass sie das im Fischereiausschuss besprechen.

Tja und so stehen die Linken mit heruntergelassenen Hosen da und haben nur ein paar Hail-Mary-Antrge im Kcher, von wegen Whlen ab 16 statt ab 18 und Auslnderwahlrecht. Das war es dann wohl mit den Linken. Tja, so ist das halt in Deutschland. Man stimmt lieber fr die Neoliberalen. Niemand whlt die eine Partei, die wenigstens in ihrem Programm fr die groe Mehrheit der Whler eintritt. Das ist bestimmt Schuld von dieser Wagenknecht!1!!

Siehe auch hier zum Verhalten der CDU in der Sache. Fr die initiale Irrefhrung siehe hier. Das Verfassungsblog ist auch eher unzufrieden mit der Gesamtsituation. Money Quote:

In einem im jetzigen Gesetzgebungsverfahren in aller Eile formulierten Beschlussantrag der CDU/CSU-Fraktion fand sich dazu der Vorschlag, die Zahl der Grundmandate, die fr den Einzug in den Bundestag ausreichen, von drei auf fnf zu erhhen. Damit htte man die Linkspartei aus dem nchsten Bundestag herausgekickt und so per Wahlrechtsnderung womglich ein fr allemal erledigt, die CSU hingegen bliebe mit ihren ber 40 bayerischen Direktmandaten auf der sicheren Seite
Was fr ekelhafte Stinkmorcheln. Ich nehme das mal zum Anlass, die CSU endgltig unter 5% zu schicken, und die Linkspartei zu whlen. Eine bodenlose Frechheit und ein illegitimer Angriff auf die Demokratie.

Bei diesem Amoklauf bei den Zeugen Jehovas gab es ja, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Bei diesem Amoklauf bei den Zeugen Jehovas gab es ja, habt ihr sicher gelesen, vorher eine Warnung bei der Polizei. Jemand hat die Polizei gewarnt, dass der Typ psychisch erkrankt ist und ein Buch geschrieben hat, das Massenmord als legitim darstellt.

Die Polizei hat den spteren Tter dann unangemeldet besucht. Immerhin. Um zu gucken, ob er die Waffen ordnungsgem aufbewahrt.

Ja aber was ist mit dem Buch, fragt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht? Nun, ... das wurde brutalstmglich aufgeklrt!

Im anonymen Hinweisschreiben war seinen Angaben zufolge auf das Buch hingewiesen worden. Die Beamten htten bei der Internetrecherche den Namen des Tters und "Buch" eingegeben - und dabei kein Ergebnis erhalten.
Die Moral von der Geschicht: Immer schn SEO machen, damit die Polizei euer Buch nicht findet. Viel Arbeit ist dafr nicht notwendig.
Die Homepage des mutmalichen Tters sei nicht ausgewertet worden, deshalb sei die Behrde nicht auf das Buch von Philipp F. gestoen.
Frher htte man Kriminellen geraten, keine Beweise zu hinterlassen. Heute reicht es, wenn die Beweise nicht bei der Suchmaschine auf der ersten Seite sind.

Update: Das ehemalige Nachrichtenmagazin behauptet unverlinkbar hinter der Paywall, dass sie statt

"Vorname Nachname" Buch


Vorname Nachname Buch

gesucht haben.

Ich habe ja ein paar Mal berlegt, ob ich nicht als ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ich habe ja ein paar Mal berlegt, ob ich nicht als Scherz einen Docker-Container mit gatling publizieren sollte.

Wieso Scherz? Weil da nur eine Datei dringewesen wre. Das gatling-Binary. Das ist ja gerade der Grund fr dietlibc und co, dass da self-contained binaries rausfallen.

Das wre also ein winziges Image gewesen, und ohne Dependencies. Sozusagen die Antithese zu den ganzen unmaintainten Bloat-Dependencyhllen da drauen.

Hab ich aber nie gemacht, weil das halt ne Firma ist. Ich sehe prinzipiell nicht ein, meine Lebenszeit unbezahlt fr die Profitmaximierung irgendwelcher Firmen zu investieren.

Jetzt stellt sich raus: Docker aussitzen war die richtige Entscheidung.

Terrorpanik in Wien:"Polizistinnen und Polizisten sind ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Terrorpanik in Wien:

"Polizistinnen und Polizisten sind mit schusssicherem Helm und schusssicherer Weste und einem Sturmgewehr ausgestattet. Sie werden berwachungsttigkeiten durchfhren und auch im Straenverkehr Kontrollen durchfhren", zitierte der sterreichische Rundfunk ORF einen Polizeisprecher.
Oje, denkt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht. Das ist ja bedenklich! Da muss man sich Sorgen machen!

Aber nein, da kann ich Entwarnung geben.

Der Sprecher betonte jedoch, dass es keinen Grund zur Panik und keine akute Gefahr gebe.
Seht ihr? Keine Gefahr fr die Anwohner!1!! Deshalb haben wir auch Polizisten in kugelsicheren Westen und mit Sturmgewehren hingestellt. Weil keine akute Gefahr vorliegt.

Dusch-Gedanke: KI-Nutzer sind wie Nichtwhler.Nichtwhler ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Dusch-Gedanke: KI-Nutzer sind wie Nichtwhler.

Nichtwhler tragen nichts zur Gestaltung der Zukunft bei und mssen am Ende mit dem Mist leben, den die anderen abgestimmt haben.

KI-Nutzer tragen nichts zur Gestaltung der Zukunft bei und mssen am Ende mit dem Mist leben, mit dem die anderen die "KI" trainiert haben.

Ladies and Gentlemen, wir haben einen Gewinner. Fr ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ladies and Gentlemen, wir haben einen Gewinner. Fr den schlechtesten Support einer Firma. Gewonnen hat Electronic Arts.

Ich spiele gelegentlich gerne mal eine Runde Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer. Seit dem letzten Hardwarewechsel meint das Spiel pltzlich, ich bruchte einen "Online Pass". Es gibt keinen Online-Pass fr die PC-Variante. Da ist irgendein Flag im Account falsch gesetzt, offensichtlich.

Der EA Support textbausteint mich jetzt seit ber einem Monat voll, wollte im selben Ticket gerade die vierte Verifikation der E-Mail-Adresse haben, und erschpft sich inhaltlich mit "installiere das Spiel neu" und "update deine Konsole" (ich habe keine Konsole und das Spiel ist frisch installiert).

Hhepunkt war, als sie behaupteten, sie htten das Problem gefixt (hatten sie nicht) und dann meinten, ich knne es ja mal mit dem Livechat probieren (den gibt es nicht mehr).

Wieso existiert diese Firma noch? Sollte sowas nicht der Markt regeln?

Die Amerikaner sind schockiert und emprt ber die ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Die Amerikaner sind schockiert und emprt ber die Unprofessionalitt, mit der die Russen eine ihrer Abhrdrohnen ber dem schwarzen Meer runtergeholt haben.

Der ganze Artikel ist voll von Meinungen von Amerikanern, was das fr eine unprofessionelle Aktion war, als die Russen ihre Drohne zum Absturz zwangen. Da flogen zwei Abfangjger zur Drohne, begleiteten sie eine Weile, und dann kollidierte einer von ihnen mit der Drohne, woraufhin die runter musste.

Das Money Quote des Artikels ist ganz am Ende. Ich zitiere das hier mal in Gnze, weil das so groartig ist:

Mary Ellen OConnell, a Notre Dame Law School professor and expert on international law and the use of force, noted that by dumping fuel and downing the drone, the Russian pilot was further polluting the fragile Black Sea, but she noted the US had not called the interception unlawful.

In all likelihood the Reaper was conducting surveillance for Ukraine. Under the laws of armed conflict Russia may disrupt such assistance, OConnell said.

Ach. Ach was. Na sowas.

Gaby Weber bemht sich ja seit einiger Zeit darum, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Gaby Weber bemht sich ja seit einiger Zeit darum, Einblick in die Kohl-Akten zu bekommen. Die Akten mssen eigentlich dem Bundesarchiv bergeben werden, wo Gaby dann reingucken knnte, aber das ist nicht geschehen, und das Gesetz sieht offenbar keine Sanktionierung fr den Fall vor.

Bisher wollten die Gerichte Gaby auch nicht klagen lassen. Erst hie es, nur das Bundesarchiv knne die Akten fordern. Dann fing das Bundesarchiv an, die Akten zu fordern. Dann hie es, die Akten seien gar nicht in Oggersheim bei der Kohl-Witwe. Bis dann der offizielle Kohl-Biograph mehrfach ffentlich ansagte, er habe dort Einblick in die Akten erhalten.

Die ganze Nummer erklrt Gaby hier in aller Ruhe, und das ist ja so eine dermaene Schande fr unser Land, dass ihr das alle gelesen haben solltet.

Aber deshalb blogge ich das nicht. Ich blogge das, weil das Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig berraschend einen viel frheren Termin veranschlagt hat als blich und als Gaby dachte: Den 29. Mrz um 11 Uhr. Die Verhandlung ist ffentlich, falls da jemand hingehen mchte.

Gaby sieht das als Zeichen dafr, dass diese Rechtsbeugung jetzt beendet wird. Sie hofft, dass die deutsche Justiz von den Vorgngen in den USA um Donald Trump energetisiert wurde, und die deutsche Justiz jetzt spontan damit anfangen will, ihren Job zu machen.

Deutsche Medien haben ausfhrlich ber die Durchsuchungen des FBI berichtet und, unterwrfig wie immer, auf die Frage verzichtet, ob das deutsche Bundesarchiv irgendwann mal das Bundeskriminalamt nach Oggersheim und St. Augustin schicken wird.
Die Frage stelle ich dann hier in Vertretung fr den Rest der Medien. Man muss verstndnis fr die haben. Wenn man den Kopf so tief in den Arsch gesteckt hat, ist es halt dunkel.

Man darf auch der Justiz nicht so bse sein. Die hat schlielich die Hnde damit voll, Tapeten zu verfolgen, das beA zwar den Anwlten aufzuzwingen aber selber dann die Sachen auszudrucken und per Briefpost zu antworten, und DNS-Provider zur Zensur zu zwingen.

Ich bewundere Gaby fr ihren Optimismus.

Update: Der Termin ist am 29., nicht wie ich hier versehentlich erst schrieb am 31.!

Old and busted: GPT-3.New hotness: GPT-4!So und jetzt ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Old and busted: GPT-3.

New hotness: GPT-4!

So und jetzt guckt mal, was deren Metrik ist fr das Training von dem Modell. Lauter Kompetenztests fr Menschen!

Bar Exam ist sowas wie bei uns das Jura-Staatsexamen. LSAT ist der Eignungstest frs Jurastudium. SAT ist der Scholastic Aptitude Test, damit testen Unis ihre Bewerber. USABO ist ein Wettbewerb in der Biologie.

AP steht fr Advanced Placement, das ist ein College-Level-Test. Dann haben sie da drei Schwierigkeitsstufen eines Sommelier-Tests (Weinexperten) und eines Coding-Tests.

Mit anderen Worten: Microsoft richtet ihr Sprachmodell absichtlich darauf aus, dass es mglich gut in Prfungen beim Bescheien helfen kann.

Ich fnde das ja super, wenn sich jetzt die ganzen "ich habe mich mit GPT-4 durch die Prfung gemogelt"-Flachpfeifen bei Microsoft bewerben. Am besten sollten die nur noch solche Leute kriegen. Das wre eine gerechte Strafe fr so eine gesellschaftliche Sabotage.

Aber vielleicht sollte ich nicht berrascht sein, denn das ist das erste GPT-Release, seitdem Microsoft das KI-Ethikteam komplett gefeuert hat:

Yannis Varoufakis ist verprgelt worden. In einem ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Yannis Varoufakis ist verprgelt worden. In einem Restaurant. Von schlecht informierten Idioten, die ihm vorwarfen, er habe Griechenland an die Troika verkauft.

Das ist ja als wrde man die CDU verprgeln, weil sie zu stark gegen Korruption vorgegangen ist! Oder die Grnen, weil sie zu pazifistisch sind.

Tja. So sieht erfolgreiche Agitationspropaganda aus. Gute Arbeit, liebe Medien.

Infrastrukturapokalypse: Schulsystem.In Stdten wie ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Infrastrukturapokalypse: Schulsystem.

In Stdten wie Kln fehlen Pltze an den weiterfhrenden Schulen. Die wenigen, die es gibt, werden im Losverfahren vergeben. Wer Pech hat, muss Schulwege von bis zu drei Stunden hinnehmen.
Tja, so ist das halt mit unvorhersehbaren Schicksalsfragen wie wieviel Schulpltze man brauchen wird. Wenn man das nur irgendwie voraussagen knnte!1!!

Update: Es muss mal dringend jemand bei Firefox handgreiflich werden, finde ich. Der zeigt dir die URL als markiert an aber fgt dann eine andere ein. Absolute Vollpfosten da in der UI-Abteilung.


Why the Anti-Woke Crusader Is Running for President | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 177 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

America is suffering from a national identity crisis, and Vivek Ramaswamy has ideas about how to save it. He recently announced his bid for the 2024 presidential election as a Republican, which left many asking why the Anti-Woke Crusader decided its time to run for the nations top office. But hes no stranger to the job of CEO, and he tells Glenn thats exactly how hed run the country. Americans are hungry for meaning, faith, and an identity to be proud of. So, Vivek keeps his ideas based on truths: family, God, and citizenship. Vivek sits down to discuss some of the biggest challenges to truth that America is facing, including China, Big Tech, and AI. He wants to replace the World Economic Forums stakeholder capitalism with excellence capitalism. And he believes the best way to accomplish all this is to break from the elites to speak directly to the people. This episode of The Glenn Beck Podcast is part of a series leading up to the 2024 election. These interviews come with no agenda. The point is to ask all of the candidates all the questions that people need to ask.

EdenPURE is having its famous BOGO deal on Thunderstorm air purifiers. BOGO is BACK, so when you buy one Thunderstorm, you get one FREE. No matter how many you buy, you get an equal amount free. Buy two and you get two free. Buy five, you get FIVE free! Just go to and enter discount code GLENN.

Good Ranchers is the sure way to get 100% American, USDA prime and upper-choice cuts of beef, chicken, and seafood. You can subscribe any day this month and get free bacon for a year added to your order. Head on over to https://GOODRANCHERS.COM/GLENN and use discount code GLENN at checkout for an additional $20 off your first order.

If youre one of the millions of Americans who suffer every day from pain, there is hope, and it comes in the form of Relief Factor. If you want a drug-free and natural way to get your life back, go to or call 1-800-4-RELIEF to get the $19.95 three-week quick start.

Home Title Lock. Home title fraud is growing 2.5x faster than credit card fraud. You could be a victim and not even know it. Visit and use the promo code BECK for 30 free days of protection.

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Why the Anti-Woke Crusader Is Running for President | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 177 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

America is suffering from a national identity crisis, and Vivek Ramaswamy has ideas about how to save it. He recently announced his bid for the 2024 presidential election as a Republican, which left many asking why the Anti-Woke Crusader decided its time to run for the nations top office. But hes no stranger to the job of CEO, and he tells Glenn thats exactly how hed run the country. Americans are hungry for meaning, faith, and an identity to be proud of. So, Vivek keeps his ideas based on truths: family, God, and citizenship. Vivek sits down to discuss some of the biggest challenges to truth that America is facing, including China, Big Tech, and AI. He wants to replace the World Economic Forums stakeholder capitalism with excellence capitalism. And he believes the best way to accomplish all this is to break from the elites to speak directly to the people. This episode of The Glenn Beck Podcast is part of a series leading up to the 2024 election. These interviews come with no agenda. The point is to ask all of the candidates all the questions that people need to ask.

EdenPURE is having its famous BOGO deal on Thunderstorm air purifiers. BOGO is BACK, so when you buy one Thunderstorm, you get one FREE. No matter how many you buy, you get an equal amount free. Buy two and you get two free. Buy five, you get FIVE free! Just go to and enter discount code GLENN.

Good Ranchers is the sure way to get 100% American, USDA prime and upper-choice cuts of beef, chicken, and seafood. You can subscribe any day this month and get free bacon for a year added to your order. Head on over to https://GOODRANCHERS.COM/GLENN and use discount code GLENN at checkout for an additional $20 off your first order.

If youre one of the millions of Americans who suffer every day from pain, there is hope, and it comes in the form of Relief Factor. If you want a drug-free and natural way to get your life back, go to or call 1-800-4-RELIEF to get the $19.95 three-week quick start.

Home Title Lock. Home title fraud is growing 2.5x faster than credit card fraud. You could be a victim and not even know it. Visit and use the promo code BECK for 30 free days of protection.

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Fox & Friends on new Hunter Biden bombshell: Its all coming together "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News Mark Meredith provides details on the Biden familys financial ties to a Chinese firm. Fox & Friends co-hosts provide reaction and analysis. #FoxNews

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Brothers paid by Jussie Smollett share new details about the hate hoax "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The two brothers who were paid by Empire actor Jussie Smollett to instigate a fake hate crime in 2019 speak out about the incident on Hannity. #foxnews #fox #hannity

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China is the biggest winner in the Ukraine war: Rebecca Koffler and Blaine Holt | Wake Up America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Fridays Wake Up America, former DIA Intelligence Officer Rebecca Koffler and Brigadier Gen. Blaine Holt (Ret.) react to Chinese President Xi Jinpings announced meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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University students reveal new Web3 solutions at ETHDenver 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Students showcased new Web3 solutions focused on enabling better user experience, privacy and security at ETHDenver 2023.

Friday, 17 March


This ghost job sounds like a dream and it turns out its more common than you think "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Weve had plenty of jobs, obviously, and weve also seen a ghost well, it might have been, but thats another story but weve never had a ghost job.

And we didnt even really know it was a thing until we read this fabulous tale shared by jerichomega over on Reddit of a job which wasnt really a job.

Not in the sense that it wasnt paid it pays very well, it turns out but it doesnt involve any work. Like, literally, no work at all.

And if you think that sounds too good to be true, over to jerichomega to tell you more.

Where we can we apply? And it turns out its more common than we thought. Here are our favourite things people said about it.

I saw a documentary on ghost employees once. Wild stuff. This sort of thing happens more than youd think. One company did an audit and found an employee who was paid but hadnt been to work in years. They fired him. Dude had the balls to show up the next pay day and complain that he wasnt paid.

If I were you Id be taking online classes while simultaneously keeping my head down. Ride that wave!

As long as you are contacting Dave. Keep a record o...


Heres how ChatGPT-4 spends $100 in crypto trading "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

on March 14, and is said to be much more powerful than the previous version.


Jigger Fishing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its a hoot! I've done this before for bass, You had better be hanging on!


This song made entirely of artists singing yeah is todays funniest (and most positive) listen "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Heres a proper treat to end your week on, a song made entirely of singers (and bands) singing yeah couresty of dustin1776 over on Reddit.

And a fabulously funny listen (and very clever!) it is too.

I made a song entirely of artists singing yeah
by u/dustin1776 in funny

No? Yeah!

NEIN! (That was my favorite part).

I like the spotlight you gave Alanis.

Also I think we can all agree that no one says YEAH like Lil Jon.

I like the inclusion of a Michael Scott NOOOOOOO at the end.

That was my favorite part. Great way to end the song.

Can we get a clip of just the no section on youtube?

Gonna need to lean on that for all future email correspondence.


And talking of songs with lots of yeahs in, as we were

Source Reddit u/dustin1776

The post This song made entirely of artists singing yeah is todays funniest (and most positive) listen appeared first on The Poke.


Banks Are Hiding At Least $620 Billion In Losses, Creating a Ticking Time Bomb Of Financial Disaster "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News. 

The failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is just the tip of the iceberg as more than $620 billion in losses across the entire banking sector looms as a financial ticking time bomb.

According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the banking sector is currently sitting on unrealized losses of well over half a trillion dollars that at some point will have to be realized but when?

The answer right now is nobody knows, but one thing is for sure: the FDIC, the Federal Reserve, and the Treasury Department are doing everything in their power to plug all the leaks on this financial Titanic to avoid a contagion event at least for now.

We are told that the reason for this predicament has to do with the loads of bonds and treasuries that banks bought up during times of low-interest rates. Those bonds and treasuries are now deeply underwater as Jerome Powell continues to hike interest rates in a failed attempt to quell skyrocketing inflation.

This is because higher interest rates mean that new bonds accrue higher rates of returns for investors, writes Ryan King for The Washington Examiner. As a result, older bonds have comparatively lower rates of return, rendering them less desirable for investors and therefore triggering a plunge in the value of older assets.

A consequence of the $620 billion unrealized potential loss phenomenon is that banks may quickly find themselves with less cash on hand than their books might have suggested.

If the Fed decides to start dropping interest rates once again in order to save the banks, then you can expect to pay $100 for a loaf of bread once hyperinflation inevitably kicks in. If the Fed keeps raising rates to save the dollar, then the corrupt banking system and all of its financial tentacles will collapse.

It is a conundrum without a solution, hence why a crash and collapse are inevitable. It is a matter of when, not if, this financial Armageddon takes shape in such a way that it is no longer deniable in everyday life.

(Related: The collapse of the American financial system is accelerating  watch as Andy Schectman explains.)

Will the average American still be able to afford food in 2024 assuming food is still readily available?

We are already seeing the damage of all this financial J...


Breaking: SVB Financial Group files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SVB Financial Group, the former umbrella entity of Silicon Valley Bank, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York to "preserve value."


US Bank collapse Was crypto being targeted? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The latest episode of Decentralize with Cointelegraph unpacks whether U.S. regulators are targeting the crypto ecosystem through closure of SVB and Signature Bank.


repeating crossbow full plans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

repeating crossbow full plans - repeating crossbow, multi-shot (5)

Read more about this resource...


HPV and Purity Culture "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Hannah P. As an eleven or twelve-year-old preteen in the mid-2000s, I attended a routine physical with my mother at our local pediatricians office. I was receiving all the updated, normal vaccines for my age, such as the MenACWY and Tdap vaccines. The doctor asked if I would be vaccinated against HPV, which protects against HPV strains that cause several types of cancer. My mother...



An old clip of Ian Wright meeting a teacher from his past is doing the rounds again, and it may make you shed a tear "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Arsenal legend and BBC football pundit, Ian Wright, has been in the headlines recently for boycotting Match of the Day in solidarity with Gary Lineker.

With Ian Wright back on the front pages and trending on social media, columnist and author @IanDunt shared an old clip of the football star being reunited with an inspirational teacher who first taught him to kick a ball.

It packs an emotional punch for reasons which will become only too clear when you watch the video.

If you have tears, prepare to shed them now

If thats tricky to see, heres the bigger picture:

Were not crying, youre crying

Other users had similar responses.





Off to work we go? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jeremy Hunts budget is unlikely to get many more people into the labour market. Most of the newspaper headlines have focussed on the child care reforms particularly providing up to 30 hours for very young children (from 9 months to 2 years) but, as child care sector representatives have been quick to point out, Continue reading Off to work we go?


Ingraham: Our country is facing a serious crisis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News host Laura Ingraham gives her take on why the establishment is targeting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on The Ingraham Angle. #foxnews #fox #ingrahamangle

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Andrew Schulz Says That Jonah Hill and Lauren Londons You People Kiss Was Faked With CGI "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Have you seen the Netflix film You People yet?

It has quite a cast, including Jonah Hill, David Duchovny, Eddie Murphy, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Nia Long, and Lauren London.

The film generated a lot of buzz after its release and a new revelation from one of the actors got people talking a little bit more.

Screen Shot 2023 03 01 at 10.49.44 AM Andrew Schulz Says That Jonah Hill and Lauren Londons You People Kiss Was Faked With CGI

Photo Credit: Netflix

Andrew Schulz stars as Cousin Avi in the film and he recently said that the kiss between Jonah Hill and Lauren London in the movie didnt even kiss and the smooch was faked by CGI.

Schulz said on his podcast The Brilliant Idiots, Theres a hilarious thing I dont even know if I should share this s, but the final scene, they dont even kiss. Its CGI. Swear to God.



A Christian singer said women dressed like prostitutes in the gym and the comebacks were magnificent "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We have to admit we hadnt come across @BigNik before but as far as we can tell hes a singer and a Christian (possibly not in that order) and hes not a fan of the way women dress when they go to the gym.

We know this because he said this on Twitter.

And this seems like an entirely reasonable (and overly polite) response.

So @BigNik, to no-ones great surprise anywhere, probably, hit the button marked double down.

Its all about @BigNik, of course it is!

And the reason we mention it is because of one reply in particular which went wildly viral and prompted a whole fantastic thread of its own, and we hope @BigNik appreciated it.



QAnon Shaman from Capitol riot could pose danger to others, denied release from jail "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An almost neutral position from

Jacob Chansley, better known as the QAnon Shaman who stormed the U.S. Capitol while wearing face paint and a furry horned and feathered hat while baring his tattooed chest will remain in jail while his case proceeds, a federal judge decided Monday.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth ruled that there was no combination of conditions under which he could release Chansley that would ensure his appearance in court and the safety of the community.

Lamberth said in a 32-page decision that if Chansley were released, "he would have the opportunity to again attempt to disrupt the United States government or harm members of Congress."

"Moreover, defendant's release would allow him to plan with others who might be willing to engage in these acts," the decision said. "Given the nature of this risk, the Court finds that ordering defendant to remain on confinement would not sufficiently protect the public."

This past week, Chansley was interviewed by "60 Minutes+," an appearance which Judge Lamberth did not approve of.

Chansley's attorney, Albert Watkins, argued that one reason Chansley should be released was that the difficulties of communicating with a jailed client was impeding work on his defense. Lamberth's opinion called that argument so frivolous as to insult the Courts intelligence, citing the "60 Minutes+" interview as proof that Watkins has no trouble reaching Chansley in jail.

In a statement to NBC News on Tuesday, Watkins conceded: "The Courts Order was well written and reasoned."

Chansley, who also goes by Jake Angeli, instantly became one of the most recognizable figures in the Jan. 6 riot when he was photographed in the Capitol wearing his shaman costume and carrying a 6-foot spear, which he denies was a weapon.

Lamberth disagreed, saying, "The court finds his blatant disregard for the law on Jan. 6 to be a telling indicator of how defendant would act if released pe...


A Guide to the Best Survival Vest "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Trying to find the best survival vest for your money? Check out our buyers guide and in-depth reviews before you spend your hard earned.

The post A Guide to the Best Survival Vest appeared first on Primal Survivor.


Consumer grade ballistic concrete testing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I have some left over concrete I figure making concrete blocks and shooting them might be fun.
The difference between screwing off and science is taking notes.
So I need to select a testing size and concrete to water ratio and cure time to be consistent. The cure time needs to be the same on all samples and at least a month long.
Do basic tests to figure out which type of admixes with cheap consumer concrete resists the negative effects bullets tend to have on concrete. Compare the the...

Consumer grade ballistic concrete testing


Americas COVID Response Was Based on Lies | Opinion "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From  hmmm. Almost all of America's leaders have gradually pulled back their COVID mandates, requirements, and closureseven in states like California, which had imposed the most stringent and longest-lasting restrictions on the public. At the same time, the media has been gradually acknowledging the ongoing release of studies that totally refute the purported reasons behind those restrictions. This overt reversal is falsely portrayed as "learned" or "new evidence." Little acknowledgement of error is to be found. We have seen no public apology for promulgating false information, or for the vilification and delegitimization of policy experts and medical scientists like myself who spoke out correctly about data, standard knowledge about viral infections and pandemics, and fundamental biology. The historical record is critical. We have seen a macabre Orwellian attempt to rewrite history and to blame the failure of widespread lockdowns on the lockdowns' critics, alongside absurd denials of officials' own incessant demands for them. In the Trump administration, Dr. Deborah Birx was formally in charge of the medical side of the White House's coronavirus task force during the pandemic's first year. In that capacity, she authored all written federal policy recommendations to governors and states and personally advised each state's public health officials during official visits, often with Vice President Mike Pence, who oversaw the entire task force. Upon the inauguration of President Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci became chief medical a...


Pulling teeth at home... "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ol wisdom tooths been haslin me last week or so, got a dentist appointmet coming up in a few weeks. Tried yanking er out but only managed to break a chunk or two off. Anyone succesfully yanked a molar out at home?


How to Get Rid of Rats on Your Boat "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Mice--or worse, rats--can do a lot of damage on your boat. Here's how to get rid of them. Before they do too much harm. [More] How to Get Rid of Rats on Your Boat


Former Belgian Finance Minister Calls for Crypto Ban in Wake of Banking Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The European Parliament's Johan Van Overtveldt (Thierry Tronnel/Corbis/Getty Images)


Trannys "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

What's the name of the hospital where they go?
St. Dude


Dubai to Abu Dhabi: How NFTs are used in the UAE "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cointelegraph went to an electronic dance music concert and spoke to projects at the recent AIBC Dubai event to see how nonfungible tokens are used in the United Arab Emirates.


Why Men Should Eat Pumpkin Seeds More Often "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This video discusses the benefits of pumpkin seeds for mens health. Pumpkin seeds are rich in antioxidants, boost the immune system, and can help eliminate intestinal parasites.

With todays fast-paced lifestyle and technological advances, men often experience health complaints such as cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, and reduction in sexual potency. Adequate nutrition and exercise are usually enough to restore strength, but pumpkin seeds can also help.

Studies show that pumpkin seeds are beneficial for prostate health and reducing the risk of prostate enlargement. They can also lower cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease, contribute to treating irritable bowel syndrome, aid in the treatment of arthritis, and fight hair loss.

Pumpkin seed oil can be added to recipes or taken as a supplement capsule, and it has no side effects. The oil should be cold-pressed to ensure maximum benefits.

Share this video with the men in your life to help them achieve better health.


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Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.


This is a ridiculous claim from Hunter Bidens lawyers: Miranda Devine "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Laptop from Hell author Miranda Devine provides insight on new revelations about the Biden familys business dealings on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Gutfeld: Introducing Americas new favorite dog breed "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Gutfeld! panelists react to the French Bulldog overtaking the Labrador Retriever as Americas new favorite dog breed.
#foxnews #gutfeld

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Science-Based Satire: Florida Authorities Report First Case of Mosquito-Borne Fentanyl Overdose "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Can a mosquito bite result in a fentanyl overdose? Will police soon be fitted with wearable naloxone pumps? Can fentanyl be detected by a handheld electronic device? The no. This is merely more nonsense cooked up in the mind of someone who probably should stick to his day job.

The post Science-Based Satire: Florida Authorities Report First Case of Mosquito-Borne Fentanyl Overdose first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


Behold the Fantastical, Uncannily Lifelike Puppets of Barnaby Dixon "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Barnaby Dixons incredible two-piece creations redefine the notion of hand puppets, by moving and responding in highly nuanced, realistic ways.

The pinkie and index finger of one hand slip into the creatures arms, leaving the thumb free to operate the tiny controls that tilt head and mouth movements.

The pinkie and index finger of one hand slip into the creatures legs, an attribute few hand puppets can claim.

A waistline magnet joins the puppets top half to its bottom.

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The insurgent humanism of Lorraine Hansberrys last play "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A CRAMPED LIVING ROOM appears like a diorama of 1960s Greenwich Village bohemia, afloat in the engulfing expanse of the Harvey Theaters stage. It contains all the warmth and ire and humanity that


Checking This Forum Out! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I'm not on that many forums or social media. I'm a prepper that lives in Illinois. We have 3+ months of food here, some prepper goods, a huge library of escrima/arnis/kali martial arts DVDs, and a huge library of survivalist/prepper books. Always looking for more information about prepping and survivalism.

Social media that I am on are knife related, Twitter, Gab, Truth, Rumble, and Odysee. I'm online all day, pretty much retired.

Was a paid contributor at Survivalist Forums for years...

Checking This Forum Out!


Our 25 Favourite Funny Tweets of the Week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Welcome to our regular round-up of the jokes that made us laugh the most over the past seven days. We recommend you read this without interruption and not out loud, because theyre not all safe for work or the commute.








Why is the crypto market up today? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The crypto market is up today as Bitcoin and altcoins react to $300 billion liquidity from the Federal Reserve move being labeled new quantitative easing (QE).


When journals dont meet their ethical guidelines, will anyone hold them accountable? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Janine McCarthy

Public attention to the use of animals in research is on the rise, and with good reason. As scientists, we have a responsibility to avoid using animals in our work whenever possible. Not only does this prevent needless suffering and waste of resources, it also leads to better science, because findings from animal experiments often fail to hold up in humans. If studies can be conducted ethically with human subjects, tissues, or organs, they should not use animals. 

On paper, some journals appear to clear this bar. In reality, however, they fall short of carrying out their ethical responsibility: We see many examples, especially in journals in the nutrition field, of published research that was conducted in animals but could have been carried out in humans or using human-relevant methods. 

For example, a recent study fed monkeys Western- and Mediterranean-style diets to produce information about the diets effects on human mood and behavior. Another experiment used pigs to evaluate how diets rich in fruits and vegetables can improve human microbiome health. 

This should give pause to the National Library of Medicine (NLM). When deciding if a journal merits inclusion in MEDLINE, the leading bibliographic database for life sciences, NLM may look at whether the journals ethical policies align with best practices and how well individual articles adhere to those policies. 

Consider the journal Nutrients, which published the studies cited above. In our view, it has a particularly bad record of accepting studies with egregious violations of ethical norms when it comes to experiments on animals. Nutrients own guidelines require the replacement of animals by alternatives wherever possible....


Genesis Requests Timetable for Sale, Creditor Claims "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Genesis filed for bankruptcy in January. (Javier Zayas Photography/Getty Images)


Bitcoin Is Benefiting From Cryptos Flight to Quality: Matrixport "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Instability in the financial system is benefiting bitcoin. (Shutterstock)


Crypto Speculators Betting on No Airdrop for Arbitrum Lose 95% of Capital "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Traders betting on an Arbitrum token no-show have lost 95% of their capital. (Jason Briscoe/Unsplash)


Post-Merge Ethereum: Grayscale extends review of ETHPoW decision "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Grayscale will take 180 days at max to decide whether, when and in what manner to sell ETHPoW on behalf of the record date shareholders.


Crypto assets to become a separate category in UK tax forms "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The recent national budget, published by His Majestys Treasury, announces the amendment of the self-assessment forms for crypto assets.


Theres been a sea change in the classroom and people are relating hard "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Teacher and author, Timothy Paramour, shared a new twist on an old scenario that every education worker will recognise.

That really is a sign of the times. Tweeters had their own stories on how technology has affected the next generation and more.







What is quantum cloud computing, and how does it work? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Quantum cloud computing is a nascent technology with profound implications, and it may soon be widely available thanks to cloud technology.


Signum Digital scores approval to offer security tokens in Hong Kong "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hong Kongs Security and Futures Commission greenlights Signum Digital to offer security tokens in the city after inviting applications for virtual asset trading licenses.


What is China Preparing For? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By the author of The Preppers Guide to Post-Disaster Communications and The Faithful Prepper

In January of this year, General Anthony Cotton of US Strategic Command wrote a memo stating that American lawmakers needed be forewarned about the current number of ICBM launchers in China. Why? Because the number had surpassed that of the United States.

We still have more ICBMs, many of which are very old and the staff are being fired from working at, but China has more land-based fixed and mobile ICBM launchers. Granted, a lot of those silos China has are empty, but China did just approve a $225 billion military budget, a lot of which is predicted to go toward nuclear weaponry. Its presumed that within the next ten years, those silos will be filled.

This comes right about the same time that Xi Jinping has been upping the rhetoric against the United States, saying that America is working on a policy of containment, encirclement, and suppression, sounding very similar to German discussions for more Lebensraum in the 1930s.

While its important to pay attention to the banking crisis, Russia, Ukraine, and the blatant disregard for freedom and justice in our own government, dont take your eye off China.

Not just nukes

As they do with any world conflict, China has been studying the Ukrainian conflict extensively. Theyve published several studies over the course of the past year looking at the use of weaponry and tactics throughout Ukraine and have come to several conclusions as a result.

For starters, they now want to develop the...


When it comes to inventive phrases and insults it seems that Hungarians top the global leaderboard "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We admit that we dont know many words in Hungarian. OK, we dont know any words in Hungarian. But after reading this wonderful list of Hungarian phrases, shared by @AdamCSharp on Twitter, were seriously considering learning the language before starting a new life in Hungary.

Obviously, its NSFW. Very NSFW.







Woman Asks if Shes Wrong for Telling Her Sister She Hopes She Never Has Kids "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The truth can hurt sometimes

Especially when it comes to sensitive subjects like having children.

And thats why this woman asked the fine folks on Reddits Am I the A**hole? page if she was out of line for telling her sister that she hopes she never has kids.

Take a look at what happened and let us know what you think in the comments.

AITA for telling my sister I hope she never has kids?

Im 22f. I have 3yo twin boys and I had a baby girl not even two days ago. My sister, Jodie, is 34 and has been suffering with infertility for the past 10 years, as well as repeated miscarriages.

I used to feel really bad for her and also a bit guilty as I got pregnant twice while being on contraception. It caused some tension between us when I was pregnant with my twins because she was jealous, and I was already feeling intense guilt. This time around, she wasnt as jealous but I still felt it was unfair.

As my husband and I have decided we are done having kids, I offered to be a surrogate for my sister as soon as Im cleared after this baby and she seemed like she was absolutely over the moon with that. In turn, she offered to watch the twins while I was in labour with my new baby, which was a relief on my part.

I went into labour on Thursday morning, and Jodie came over to watch the kids while my husband and I went to the hospital. She seemed like she was in a great mood, and promptly rushed us out the door.

Everything seemed fine, until we got home this morning to find thousands worth of destruction to pretty much every baby item weve purchased. Even the crib mattress was torn open. Everything was ruined. Jodie tried to pin it on the twins but theyre 3, and this level of destruction had to have been done...


A Visit to the Worlds Oldest Hotel, Japans Nisiyama Onsen Keiunkan, Established in 705 AD "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan, a hot-spring hotel in the mountains of Japans Yamanashi Prefecture, has been in business for over 1,300 years, more than five times as long as the United States has existed. Nevertheless, it feels considerably more modern than the average American motel, to say nothing of the longer-established lodgings of England. I assumed that Id be staying in something like a living museum here, says Youtuber Tom Scott, vlogging from his very own room at Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan, because thats what Ive come to expect from the sort of historical attractions youll find in Britain, where preservation ideology holds that everything must be held at a certain point in time, funded by tourists who want to visit the old thing and see history.

Not so in Japan, whose notions of new and old have never quite aligned with those of the West. Theres still tradition here, Scott hastens to add. Its not a Western-style hotel. You sleep on futons; dinner is served at a low Japanese-style table. But the actual complex in which guests now stay has only been a hotel in the English sense for a few decades. Before that, it was just a place to stay and take the waters. Now theres very fast wi-fi and, of course, a gift shop.

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Cardboard Passover Pyramid Craft "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hoping to make a bunch of cardboard and recycled cardboard pyramids this year, but for now, reposting this from the archives to give you a head start! With Passover arriving this coming Saturday night, now is the time to fit...


Is this the most unhinged audition tape ever? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Actor and director Dave Ebert, like others in his inddustry, sometimes has to send off self-tapes to try and secure work. On his very popular TikTok, he shared one such tape or so he claims. We cant confirm he isnt just doing a bit.

Either way, its very weird, quite unique and really funny. Oh, and a tad NSFW.

@electronicbert I don't actually think it was that unhinged #audition #acting #movie #film #cinema original sound Dave Ebert

The audition has 5.6 million views at the time of writing and almost 15,000 comments. Here are some we thought youd enjoy.

Dennis Reynolds vibes right off the bat.
Zapp Brannigan

If Jack from Lost and Ryan Reynolds had a son, it would be you.
jazzmin (taylors version)

Im so glad I was already on the toilet when this came up.
Jake Jasome Weinerh

Can I use this monologue for my audition in a few weeks?
Aron Winter

This is the self-tape of a man that has nothing to lose, and goes scorched earth on the entire industry. And I love it!
Brian Hathaway

I watched this on the toilet and it worked.
Im going to run this, on a loop, in the bathrooms at my business to shorten bathroom breaks.




Intern for Gensler? SECs college traineeships start at $15 an hour "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The SEC is recruiting for college traineeships starting at $15.09 an hour, which is less than the minimum wage in Washington D.C., where the regulator is headquartered.


Bitcoin Breakout Has Put $28K in Cross Hairs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin's daily chart shows a bullish breakout. (Matrixport)


Aging Millennial Just Going to Have Quiet St. Patricks Day Getting Shitfaced at Home "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NEWTON, Mass. Local man Jim Conelly announced today that due to aging out of the St. Patricks Day bar scene, he would be spending a quiet evening getting utterly shitfaced in his home, confirmed multiple half-in-the-bag sources.

Im 38, Im single, and I have a bad back so the last thing I want to do is stand shoulder to shoulder with a bunch of screaming 23-year-olds well past my bedtime. This year I figured it was time to accept the fact that Im at a point in my life where there is a quiet dignity in facing an entire bottle of Jameson in the comfort of my apartment while I watch a Dropkick Murphys DVD at a reasonable volume, said Conelly. Not only am I saving money by dying beer green myself, but I can pass out face first in a toilet Im familiar with and not pay for anything I break. I feel like Ive turned a corner.

Conellys roommate and longtime friend Declan Moore was uneasy about the decision to spend the holiday at home, as their relationship was already strained.

His benders have been bad since the divorce, so I was relieved when Jim said he wasnt going out tonight. I thought wed have a nice corn beef and cabbage dinner, then knock back a Guinness or two while watching Boondock Saints. But the second he burst out of his room in the Fuck Me Im Irish shirt I kissed our security deposit goodbye, said Moore. Hes spent the last two hours ripping car bombs on the kitchen counter and screaming at Alexa to play bagpipe music. Twenty years ago this would be epic, but now Im just hoping he crashes by 8 p.m. before he rips the pantry door off its hinges.

Millennial engagement of St. Patricks Day festivities has declined rapidly, which bar owners say will have a significant impact on the industry.

Gen Z doesnt seem to have much of an interest in bar crawling, and millennials either have no tolerance left, are too tired, or havent budgeted for $3 rail whiskey shots. It used to be that the revenue we made from St. Pattys would last us through the year, and now were lucky to make it to Cinco de Mayo, said bar manager Syd Wallace. The thirty-somethings that do come through only make it three beers in before they cash out and have to take their kids to karate in the morning. At this rate, it would be more viable to strap a keg to a bike and sell beer door to door if they wont come to us.

As of press time, neighbors witnessed Collins being thrown out of his apartment after instinctively trying to start a fight with his roommate over the validity of his 1/8th Irish heritage.

The post Aging Millennial Just Going to Have Quiet St. Patricks Day Getting Shitfaced at Home appeared first on The Hard Times.


Irish Pub Doesnt Have Dropkick Murphys, Wonders If Flogging Molly Is Okay "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BOSTON Local pub OKeeffes is reportedly asking patrons if they are ok with consuming Flogging Molly after they lost their ability to provide Dropkick Murphys, disappointed sources confirmed.

We know everyone in this town has grown up on Dropkick Murphys. For years we were able to provide them to our customers along side our wide variety of beers and trademark corned beef and cabbage, said Billy OKeeffe, the pubs longtime owner. Unfortunately the Dropkicks distributor changed and we lost the rights. I tried to find a band I think our regulars might still like. Its really almost the same, I promise. Most people can barely tell the difference. Flogging Molly even comes with a good variety of opening bands like The Real McKenzies and The Young Dubliners.

OKeeffes regular Justin Connelly admits he is a bit disappointed by the pubs musical selection for the most important holiday on the calendar.

I showed up on the big day and asked when Dropkick Murphys go on and Billy hit me with this big friggin sigh and pointed to some weird ass band setting up, and asked, is Flogging Molly okay? He spent the next 25 minutes apologizing, Im a Dropkick Murphys guy through and through, anything else hitting my ears just feels wrong said Connelly, mimicking an Irish accent. They arent the worst thing in the world, and I guess they got the job done. If I shut my eyes and just listened, it was kinda similar, but my music taste is pretty refined, so I can still tell the difference. But hey, Im sure there are folks out there that might even like the Flailing Marys better.

Dave King, a founding member and singer of Floggy Molly, says they always have this sort of trouble in Boston.

Im sick of it. Im not some Departed character. Im actually from Dublin, all the Dropkick Murphys guys are from fucking Quincy, which is a town you couldnt pay me to visit. On top of that, I started the band before the Dropkick Murphys even existed! These drunk pricks have no idea how lucky they are to see us, exclaimed King. Is this how the Hydrox cookie feels? Not only does Oreo come to take your lunch money, they then manage to convince the world they came first. If we werent in Boston, Id consider calling the police about identity theft!

At press time, Connelly was seen at a nearby McDonalds placing an order for his favorite authentic Irish staple the Shamrock Shake which will eventually be thrown up in the back of an Uber.

The post Irish Pub Doesnt Have Dropkick Murphys, Wonders If Flogging Molly Is Okay appeared first on The Hard Times.


I Dont Have a St. Patricks Day Problem, I Can Stop Celebrating Whenever I Want "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It seems my friends and family have gathered here to take part in some sort of intervention due to my so-called clover-loving behavior. But like Ive been saying, I dont have a St. Patricks Day problem. I can stop celebrating whenever I want. Or whenever I pass out from celebrating too hard. Whichever comes first.

I know its not a good look that I hide Kiss Me, Im Irish t-shirts from my loved ones. I also wear them when Im by myself. But thats not a sign that Im addicted to the stereotyping of Irish culture.

Im more than willing to just be a social celebrator. But sometimes after a long day of work, you want to kick back and enjoy a Leprechaun movie marathon while eating Lucky Charms straight from the box with a kegs worth of Guinness by your side. You know, something low key.

And just because I have decorative shamrock decals on my windows all year round doesnt mean I have a problem. Its just that they go nice with the 10-foot-tall pot of gold and accompanying rainbow I display in my front yard at all times. Blame Home Depot for that impulse buy.

Sure, it looks pretty bad that my wife left me and took the kids because, according to her, Im a celebraholic. I assure you though thats not me. I mean, I like Irish bars exclusively as much as the next guy, but I only go four to five times a week tops, and its only for the ambiance. You get it, right?

Its not like I celebrate in the morning or anything. That would definitely be a red flag. I hear some people even need to drink beer containing green food coloring just to function. Not me though. But it would be nice if bars did that green ink booze thing during the summer months too, now that I think about it.

Long story short, I dont need to celebrate St. Patricks Day to have a good time. Its just a harmless vice.

The post I Dont Have a St. Patricks Day Problem, I Can Stop Celebrating Whenever I Want appeared first on The Hard Times.

Opinion: I Choose To Celebrate My Irish Heritage on St. Patricks Day by Being Incredibly Depressed "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

St. Patricks day is the day everyone is Irish, and that means its just an excuse to get shit-house wasted or maybe see a Pogues cover band or something. But me being sober, and knowing those cover bands wont play any Spider Stacy vocals-era Pogues songs, I choose to celebrate my ancestry by doing the second-best thing the Irish are good at: being deressed! And so can you!

You can sulk about how life has been so unfair since your cat died 8 years ago while everyones out doing car bombs. Or you could sit and think about how much of a disappointment to yourself youve become while watching Father Ted reruns. The choices are endless!

Maybe St. Paddys day is a family affair for you? Maybe you enjoy gathering at the table with your loved ones to eat the most visually depressing meal ever, corn beef and cabbage? Perfect! That just gives you and your Irish family the opportunity to out-depress one another! It can be a fun family bonding experience, and you get to learn a bit about each other.

Careful though, dont open up too much or mom might start to worry.

And much like boozing it up, celebrating holidays by being depressed doesnt have to end on St. Patricks day! Invited to a big Halloween shindig? Stay at home and watch a Vincent Price marathon while devouring candy in complete solitude, ignoring all attempts to get ahold of you!
Fourth of July too fun for your Irish tastes? Sign up for overtime and work that day! Holiday pay at your soul-crushing cesspool of anguish and depression day job instead of partying and enjoying things? Sign me up!

If you think about it, embracing the melancholic nature of my Irish DNA without the pain-numbing effects of alcohol might be more Irish than all the green beer on the planet! I believe that without alcohol, the stereotypical jolly ol leprechaun wouldnt be singing and dancing around foolishly. Hed be laying in his little bed until 2 PM, too sad and hurt inside to give a shit about gold or much of anything at all. The true luck of the Irish is actually perpetual crippling bleakness!

The post Opinion: I Choose To Celebrate My Irish Heritage on St. Patricks Day by Being Incredibly Depressed appeared first on The Hard Times.


Lightning Labs and Tari agree to convert restraining order in trademark suit "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tari Labs, who brought the suit against the project, has faced backlash from the crypto community, with some suggesting the lawsuit was frivolous.


Crypto Twitter Thinks the Fed's $297B Balance Sheet Expansion Is 'QE', But It's Not "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fed's balance sheet size increases to highest since November (



Euler Finance hacked despite 10 audits in 2 years, says CEO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Euler Labs CEO Michael Bentley stated he would never forgive the hacker as the exploit caused him to lose time with his newborn son.


Bitcoin is beating Warren Buffetts 'crypto bet' in 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin's rebound in 2023 has also seen Coinbase stock gaining over 100% year-to-date, boosting Cathie Wood's ARK portfolio.


Wallet Tied to Euler Exploit Sends 100 Ether to Lazarus Group "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Flags fly in Pyongyang, North Korea (Micha Brandli/Unsplash)


Stop panicking, everyone John Redwood has solved the UKs water shortage "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We dont know where the country would be without the problem-solving skills of Tory MP John Redwood.

When the country faced a shortage of HGV drivers he was there.

Similarly, he had the answer to the NHS bed crisis.

Now, hes got the answer to concerns about ever-increasing water shortages in the UK.

Its such a relief to know that the big brains are working to solve these problems. Tweeters werent convinced.





Bank Confirms Closure Of Its Regional Branches Due To Country Folks Being Super Poor And Weird "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DR CHET SPEVENS | Finance Expert | CONTACT Tanbarrar may be a quaint regional village set amongst gorgeous desert landscapes but its residents are finding it difficult to meet their basic modern day banking needs. Take local sausage dog Reiki Healer and K9 Makeup Artist Dominque Pork, who has lived and worked in the village her whole []

The post Bank Confirms Closure Of Its Regional Branches Due To Country Folks Being Super Poor And Weird appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Coogee Experiences Major Sewerage Breakdown After Systems Infiltrated By Rare Black Anaconda "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT County Coogee is today bursting at the seams, after an extraordinarily large Friday night. With St Patricks Day Celebrations still continuing for some, others have been greeted by overflowing toilets and floor wastes after a serious breakdown in the regions sewerage system. Its believed that the sewer lines across Little Ireland in Sydney []

The post Coogee Experiences Major Sewerage Breakdown After Systems Infiltrated By Rare Black Anaconda appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


SVB collapse chilled NFT trading volumes: DappRadar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Just 11,440 NFT traders were active on March 11, which was the lowest figure recorded since November 2021.


Nifty News: Doodles 'no longer an NFT project,' Playboy bares all on NFT earnings and more "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The NFT project doodles is looking to go beyond being an NFT project, with plans to become a "leading media franchise."


Gerard Whateley Considers Performing Badly This Season To Give Robbo A Chance At The Alf Brown Award "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

JASON BARRY | Victorian Leg Tennis | Contact AFL 360 is back baby and if you are wondering where that blinding light is coming from, its shining right out of AFL media legend Gerard Whateleys backside. Universally loved, Whateleys won every award you can win as a sports journalist. Including the highly coveted Australian Football Media Associations Alf Brown []

The post Gerard Whateley Considers Performing Badly This Season To Give Robbo A Chance At The Alf Brown Award  appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Bloke That Doesnt Own A Car Assumes Bag Of Snakes Is Fair Trade For Jumping In On Interstate Road Trip "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

KEITH T. DENNETT | New South | CONTACT At 27 years of age, the fact that local man Zach Kenworth doesnt have a car or even a valid drivers licence is a little embarrassing. Despite having parents who were always willing and available to teach him, or fund some lessons, Zach is one of those people whos just happy []

The post Bloke That Doesnt Own A Car Assumes Bag Of Snakes Is Fair Trade For Jumping In On Interstate Road Trip appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.00 AUD

Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.67 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00004 BTC


Albos India Trip Pays Off After Modi Agrees To Stronger Economic Ties And Better Cricket Pitches "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

RORY SALAZAR | Finance | Contact There have been positive developments for the strategic interests of Australia after Albos recent trip to the subcontinent, it has been said. The leaders of the two countries met recently and talked up massive strengthening of security and economic ties that will no doubt see our two great lands share many fond memories []

The post Albos India Trip Pays Off After Modi Agrees To Stronger Economic Ties And Better Cricket Pitches appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Riot Police Called To Suburban Park After Second Pinata Sends 5th Birthday Party Spiralling "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLYDE ROYAL |Western News| Contact This Sunday morning two Riot vehicles were dispatched to Betoota Parks most in demand public barbecue area. Sources say the party was quite a pleasant affair until the Pinata was revealed. I dont know what happened, the energy in the air changed, said Jenny Graham(39), a mother of one of the party []

The post Riot Police Called To Suburban Park After Second Pinata Sends 5th Birthday Party Spiralling appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Wouldnt Happen If Justin Langer Was Still Coaching Says Perth Bricklayer On War In Ukraine "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLYDE ROYAL |Western News| Contact The war in Ukraine has been a hot topic at a Perth local this week after one of the boys suggested that all this turmoil began when JL was dropped as coach of Australia.  Now I dont normally get into politics, but it is pretty convenient that as soon as the Aussies []

The post Wouldnt Happen If Justin Langer Was Still Coaching Says Perth Bricklayer On War In Ukraine appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Advice Column | Strategies To Ignore The Guilt Of Unnecessarily Raising Your Investment Propertys Rent Again "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DR CHET SPEVENS | Finance Expert | CONTACT Last night, I attended the 32nd Annual Landlords Property Gala held in Betootas Old City Convention Centre, rubbing shoulders with the whos who of the regions property investment industry. I spoke with many landlords that had of course capitalised recently on the so called rental crisis by hiking their []

The post Advice Column | Strategies To Ignore The Guilt Of Unnecessarily Raising Your Investment Propertys Rent Again appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Advice Column | Time To Refinance Your Mortgage Or Just Stick Your Head In An Oven And Press Start? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DR CHET SPEVENS | Finance Expert | CONTACT As Australias only finance guru who knows what its like to be broke and unable to save more than $500 at any given time, this years upcoming fixed rate mortgage cliff is going to hurt like Hemorrhoids. Soon more than $400b worth of fixed rate home loans are going []

The post Advice Column | Time To Refinance Your Mortgage Or Just Stick Your Head In An Oven And Press Start? appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Bloke Whose Crusts Look Like This Told To Just Microwave A Bowl Of Cheese And Eat That Instead "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact A fully grown man last night revealed he has the eating habits of a child, much to the shock (and delight) of his friends who love nothing more than being having more shit to tease him about. Corey Zammit [28] is alleged to have had a catchup with some of his mates at []

The post Bloke Whose Crusts Look Like This Told To Just Microwave A Bowl Of Cheese And Eat That Instead appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Crypto users turned to DEXs, loaded up on USDC after Silicon Valley Bank crash "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The collapse of FTX led to a similar exodus from centralized exchanges, as users worried they may lose access to funds during crises.


How Zionism helped the Nazis perpetrate the Holocaust "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Asa Winstanley, Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State and Nation by Tony Greenstein, self-published (2022) Tony Greensteins new book opens on a personal note: from an early age, I had my doubts about Zionism. The son of an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, Greenstein has for decades been a tireless Palestine solidarity activist and an uncompromising anti-Zionist. Greenstein explains cogently how he came to reject the ideology on which Israel was founded. I found it difficult to reconcile Marxism, a universalist political ideology that believes in the unity of the oppressed and the working class, with Zionism, an exclusivist ideology. In a school debate he played devils advocate and in the process became convinced of the case against Zionism. He has never looked back since. His early doubts were shored up after learning that American Zionist leaders had opposed the entry of Jewish refugees from Europe during World War II. So began a life-long project: researching the Zionist movements collaboration with fascism. Greenstein has been writing about this topic for years on his valuable and prolific blog. Hes also an occasional contributor to The Electronic Intifada and we had him on our podcast not long ago. It speaks volumes about the sorry state of British publishing that Greenstein has had to resort to self-publishing. Back in the 1980s, Lenni Brenners important book on the same topic, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, was put into print by independently minded Scottish publisher...


Japan Records Highest Excess Deaths since WWII, Officials Demand Truth "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Frank Bergman, Officials in Japan are demanding that the government comes clean after the nation has just recorded a staggering 210,000 excess deaths the highest number since World War II. The Japanese government is coming under mounting pressure to tell the truth about the number of vaccine injuries and related deaths. A growing number of experts believe the countrys vaccine mandates and the rollout of mRNA Covid shots are directly linked to the soaring excess deaths. Japanese lawmaker Mr. Yanagase Hirofumi accused the Japanese government of covering up COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injuries and deaths. Hirofumi is a high-profile Japanese politician who serves as a member of the House of Councillors of Japan. During an explosive speech before Japans parliament, the National Diet, Hirofumi revealed the shocking number of excess deaths the country has recorded. After revealing the bombshell numbers, Hirofumi asserted that Covid didnt cause so many more deaths. He then continued to explain that investigations have determined that the excess deaths are suspected to be caused by adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine. WATCH:
Below is the transcript of Mr. Hirofumis speech:


LinksDAO wins bid to buy its first golf course, says CEO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The successful bid comes a month after 88.6% of LinksDAO token holders voted in favor of putting in a compelling offer for the golf course in its governance vote.


11 Dating App Screenshots That Will Make You Shake Your Head "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Love is in the air!

Or, at least people are kind of trying to fall in love but theyre dealing with the ups and downs of dating apps

And you know how those things go

Check out 11 screenshots from dating apps that might make you never want to get on one ever again.

1. About your brother

Hes hot!

Screen Shot 2023 03 01 at 4.49.20 PM 11 Dating App Screenshots That Will Make You Shake Your Head

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. Twenty long days ago

Well, better late than never

Screen Shot 2023 03 01 at 4.49.37 PM 11 Dating App Screenshots That Will Make You Shake Your Head

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Theres no way this worked

I mean, right?



Stunning 200-Year-Old French Illustrations of Exotic, Endangered, and Extinct Birds "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From peacocks to penguins, a winged menagerie of wonder.

How can the bird that is born for joy sit in a cage and sing? wrote William Blake, who lived in the golden age of the cage as entertainment. Zoos were new and exciting, and people readily overlooked their cruelty to slake their curiosity about creatures from faraway lands. But even so, zoos held only a tiny fraction of the dazzling variousness of the animal kingdom in the age before photography, before easy global travel, the average person encountered the wondrous strangeness of animals not in the cage but on the page.

In the 1820s, a French natural history encyclopedia titled La Galerie de Oiseaux set out to bring to European eyes the most exquisite birds of North America, many of them now endangered, some extinct. Radiating from the consummate illustrations is the quiet dignity of these bright emissaries of our planets evolutionary history feathered inheritors of the dinosaurs, winged with a kaleidoscope of joy.

Available as a print and as stationery cards.


COVID-19 Drug Remdesivir Estimated to have Killed 100,000 Americans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Expos 

John Beaudoin is calling for a criminal investigation into remdesivir citing data that it may have killed 100,000 people in America.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorised the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir, brand name Veklury, for emergency use against covid-19 in May 2020. By October 2020, it had received full approval. It remains a primary treatment for covid-19 in hospitals, despite research showing it lacks effectiveness and can cause high rates of organ failure.

In mid-February, Beaudoin called for a criminal investigation into the drug, citing data for Massachusetts he estimates remdesivir may have killed 100,000 people in the US. They know, he tweeted, or they wilfully refuse to know. Either way, its homicide.

Using a Freedom of Information Act (FOI) request, Beaudoin received all the death certificates in Massachusetts, USA, from 2015 to 2022.  He produced graphs from the information he received and found 1,840 excess deaths from acute renal failure from 1 January 2021 to 30 November 2022, which he believes may be due to remdesivir.

Beaudoin also revealed an increase in deaths from acute renal failure (ARF) in every age group over 15 years old, from 2015 to 2022. Thousands dead in Massachusetts ARF likely due to remdesivir. This requires CRIMINAL investigation, he tweeted attaching the graph below.



COVID-19 Drug Remdesivir Estimated to have Killed 100,000 Americans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Expos 

John Beaudoin is calling for a criminal investigation into remdesivir citing data that it may have killed 100,000 people in America.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorised the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir, brand name Veklury, for emergency use against covid-19 in May 2020. By October 2020, it had received full approval. It remains a primary treatment for covid-19 in hospitals, despite research showing it lacks effectiveness and can cause high rates of organ failure.

In mid-February, Beaudoin called for a criminal investigation into the drug, citing data for Massachusetts he estimates remdesivir may have killed 100,000 people in the US. They know, he tweeted, or they wilfully refuse to know. Either way, its homicide.

Using a Freedom of Information Act (FOI) request, Beaudoin received all the death certificates in Massachusetts, USA, from 2015 to 2022.  He produced graphs from the information he received and found 1,840 excess deaths from acute renal failure from 1 January 2021 to 30 November 2022, which he believes may be due to remdesivir.

Beaudoin also revealed an increase in deaths from acute renal failure (ARF) in every age group over 15 years old, from 2015 to 2022. Thousands dead in Massachusetts ARF likely due to remdesivir. This requires CRIMINAL investigation, he tweeted attaching the graph below.



Flaws and Features, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

F&F cover.

The Wedding-Guest sat on a stone:
He cannot chuse but hear;
And thus spake on that ancient man,
The bright-eyed Mariner.

Story started by a friend. Finished by me.

For Richard Matheson, James Cameron, Stephen King...

...and Will Smith too I suppose.

Chapter One: 8,000,000,000

Its just another manic Monday. mutters the young woman. Too young to actually know where that favored phrase of hers comes from.

In and of itself, theres...

Flaws and Features, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction


The Shirk Report Volume 727 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Definition of Shirk Report The Shirk Report Volume 727

Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Digg, Kottke, WITI, Facebook, Twitter, and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to



The devils balls
Entire script of Princess Bride
Road after earthquake in Turkey
Red sky at night, sailors delight
Putting the power in power wash
Why do they call this a cat toy?


US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluorides Impact on Childhood IQ "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Derrick Broze The U.S. government has been forced to release a controversial draft review that confirms previous studies which found exposure to fluoride at high levels can reduce IQ in children. The U.S. National Toxicology Program has released a long-delayed controversial review of the...

Continue reading...


nima Correa "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The bottom of the sea, once viewed as an impenetrable mystery, has become what many now describe as the final frontier of an overpopulated world increasingly reliant on electronics. Even as hundreds of


COVID-19 Drug Remdesivir Estimated to have Killed 100,000 Americans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Expos 

John Beaudoin is calling for a criminal investigation into remdesivir citing data that it may have killed 100,000 people in America.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorised the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir, brand name Veklury, for emergency use against covid-19 in May 2020. By October 2020, it had received full approval. It remains a primary treatment for covid-19 in hospitals, despite research showing it lacks effectiveness and can cause high rates of organ failure.

In mid-February, Beaudoin called for a criminal investigation into the drug, citing data for Massachusetts he estimates remdesivir may have killed 100,000 people in the US. They know, he tweeted, or they wilfully refuse to know. Either way, its homicide.

Using a Freedom of Information Act (FOI) request, Beaudoin received all the death certificates in Massachusetts, USA, from 2015 to 2022.  He produced graphs from the information he received and found 1,840 excess deaths from acute renal failure from 1 January 2021 to 30 November 2022, which he believes may be due to remdesivir.

Beaudoin also revealed an increase in deaths from acute renal failure (ARF) in every age group over 15 years old, from 2015 to 2022. Thousands dead in Massachusetts ARF likely due to rem...


Joe Rogan and Russell Brand on Censorship, Control and Media "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Has the apocalypse already happened? Are we hurdling toward a post-AI reality where it's impossible to know what's real and what's fake? Podcast host Joe Rogan interviewed comedian and activist Russell Brand, delving into these questions and more, including the overarching agenda of control that's accelerated since the pandemic.

Regarding the apocalypse, Brand likened it to homeless people living their lives in tents on the street, essentially "living a hunter-gatherer lifestyle in contemporary America, or living a post-apocalyptic lifestyle in contemporary America."1

"You know, when you're in comfortable spaces, you feel like everything's OK, the end of the world is impossible. And it just seems like entertainment when you hear about nuclear treaties being torn up, that it can't actually happen. But, of course it can. It's so temporal," Brand says.2

The pandemic brought to light how quickly reality can move from that safe space where "everything's OK" to one that's Orwellian, with rampant censorship and smear campaigns against any and all dissent.

With Each New Reality, You Become More 'Porous'

What most people see and hear online is a carefully orchestrated narrative one that globalists weren't expecting people like Rogan and Brand to disrupt. "What our obligation is, as people that participate in this conversation, is to ensure that there is a distinction made between the empirical facts that are discussed and the sort of joy of speculation," Brand says.3

But many ideas that sound far-fetched like a social credit system have already been implemented in other countries, like China. Rogan explains he was warned, "They're going to try to implement a social credit score system, and your money is going to be tied to decentralized digital currency."4

"And your money will be tied to your social credit score system and you step out of line, you won't be able to buy things, you won't be able to travel, you won't be able to do anything. They're going to try to keep you within a 15-minute radius of your home. And they're starting to do that in places. Yeah, all of it's real."5

So, too, is the fact that "centralized systems of corruption that bypass democracy" exist, while the military-industrial complex "through their overt and covert connections to government" is able to "dictate [or] at least influence, foreign po...

Questionable Tactics Used in Vaccine Safety Testing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Editors Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published June 12, 2018.

In December 2017, Slate magazine published an astonishing article about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil, revealing how the safety trials for this controversial vaccine actually "weren't designed to properly assess safety."1 Gardasil is supposed to prevent infection by certain strains of HPV virus, which in rare cases may cause cervical cancer if left untreated.

However, trial data from Merck shows that Gardasil vaccinations may actually increase your risk of cervical cancer by 44.6% if you have been exposed to HPV strains 16 or 18 prior to vaccination.2

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has made this document inaccessible, but we've saved a copy of it. In his Slate article, investigative journalist Frederik Joelving recounts the story of Kesia Lyng, a 30-year-old Danish woman who, at the age of 19, participated in a clinical trial for Merck's Gardasil vaccine.

"Lyng's grandmother had died of cervical cancer the year before, so when a letter arrived offering her $500 to take part in a crucial international test of Gardasil, the decision was easy," Joelving writes. "She got her first shot of the vaccine at Hvidovre Hospital in Copenhagen on September 19, 2002. The symptoms snuck up on her shortly after her second shot on November 14.

They never abated. It wasn't until 2016 that she received her diagnosis chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) ... In recent years, Lyng has become suspicious that there is a connection between her disease and her Gardasil immunization. Her ailments evoke descriptions found in hundreds of news stories from women who also received the vaccine, as well as several medical case reports from around the world."

HPV Vaccine Linked to Serious Side Effects, Including Death

Reported side effects of Gardasil vaccination include immune-based inflammatory neurodegenerative disorders, suggesting something is causing the immune system to overreact in a detrimental way, sometimes fatally.3,4

The dangers of high immunogenicity was addressed in my 2015 interview with Lucija Tomljenovic, Ph.D., a research scientist at the University of British Columbia. In it, she explains that by triggering an exaggerated inflammatory immune response, vaccine adjuvants end up affecting brain function.

In collaboration with a team led by professor Yehuda Shoenfeld, a world expert in autoimmune diseases who heads the Zabludowicz Autoimmunity Research...

A Chemical Accident Is Happening Every Two Days on Average "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hearing news of toxic chemical accidents like the February 2023 Ohio train derailment is shocking. Whats alarming, however, is that many assume such disasters are rare occurrences when, in fact, theyre incredibly common.

During the first seven weeks of 2023, the Coalition to Prevent Chemical Disasters (CPCD) reported 30 chemical accidents in the U.S., or one every 1.5 days. On average, one estimate suggests accidental chemical releases due to train derailments, leaks from industrial plants, truck accidents and pipeline ruptures, occur every two days.1

Dangerous Chemical Accidents Occur Regularly

Its a myth that chemical accidents are unusual in the U.S. CPCD maintains a list of such incidents, detailing at least 224 since January 1, 2022.2 Among them:3

  • February 25, 2023, a fire at Schulz Xtruded Products in Hernando, Mississippi, caused a container of hydrofluoric acid to leak into Mussacuna Creek.
  • February 18, 2023, a fire broke out at Clean Harbors storage facility in Braintree, Massachusetts. Clean Harbors collects, transports and processes hazardous waste, and the trailers that caught fire were full of paints, epoxy, oil filters and solvents. Residents in the area were advised to shelter in place with their windows closed.
  • February 16, 2023, a fire took place at Nursery Supplies in Kissimmee, Florida, which produces flower pots made from recycled plastics. Two acres of planters were burned, and residents were ordered to shelter in place.
  • February 14, 2023, a tanker truck overturned in Tucson, Arizona, spilling explosive nitric acid and causing a fire that shut down parts of Interstate 10. The truck driver was killed and area residents were ordered to either evacuate or shelter in place.
  • January 28, 2023, two train cars carrying propionic acid and acetic anhydride derailed, causing the chemicals to leak. About 130 people were evacuated as a result.

In 2013, after an explosion at a fertilizer facility in Texas killed 15 people, an executive order was issued, directing the EPA to provide new rules to help prevent disasters at chemical facilities. New rules were issued in 2017, but they were suspended and overturned soon after. According to CPCD:4

On August 19, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed the Safer Communities by Chemical Accident Prevention (SCCAP) rule, which made long-awaited revisions to the Risk Management Program (RMP), intended to prevent chemical disasters and regulate facilities that use or store highly hazardous chemicals.



Is Ether a Security? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

(Alexander Spatari/GettyImages)


Fm 5-428 concrete and masonry "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Fm 5-428 concrete and masonry - all phases of concrete/masonry work

Read more about this resource...


Sign our petition to stop TikTok taking your data "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As concerns over the data policies of TikTok increase, were calling on the government to ban the app. Please add your name (and address, phone number, drivers licence and marital status) to this important cause.


Chinese billionaires $1B fraud charges, Kwons $11M bet, Zhu Su and Islam: Asia Express "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Chinese billionaire using crypto to fight communism charged over $1 billion fraud, Do Kwons $11M bet comes due, Zhu Su bonds with Islam.


Tm 5-232 Surveying "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Tm 5-232 Surveying - surveying property, building sites, etc.


Tm 5-232 Surveying


Fm 3-05-213 spec ops pack animals "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Fm 3-05-213 spec ops pack animals - use, care of pack animals in rough terrain.


Fm 3-05-213 spec ops pack animals


Collapse of Silvergate and Silicon Valley Bank represent a challenge for crypto "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The fire lit by Silvergate Bank and Silicon Valley Bank will make it harder for crypto to find financial partners.


A Too Big To Fail Bank In Europe Is Literally On The Brink Of Collapse "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog. 

Do you remember when wealthy people all over the world would stash their money in Swiss banks because there were so strong and so private?  Well, the second-largest bank in Switzerland is literally on the brink of collapse.

As I discussed yesterday, Credit Suisse is a prime candidate to be one of the next dominoes to fall.  It has been on very shaky ground for a long time, and now the global banking panic has greatly accelerated the outflow of assets from the bank.  So why should you care if it fails?  Unlike Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, Credit Suisse is so critical to the worldwide banking system that it has officially been designated as being systemically important by the international Financial Stability Board

Credit Suisse is one of just 30 global financial institutions designated as being systemically important by the international Financial Stability Board. In other words, its too big to fail.

A too big to fail bank has not collapsed in more than a decade.

If Credit Suisse does go under, the shockwaves will reverberate all over the planet.  Even though Credit Suisse is now smaller than it once was, it is still vastly larger than SVB

Credit Suisse had total assets of $574 billion at the end of 2022 down 37% from $912 billion at the end of 2020. Its asset-management arm supervises another $1.7 trillion in assets. Those numbers dwarf anything seen at Silicon Valley Bank, which had total assets of $212 billion.

So let us hope that Credit Suisse can be stabilized because the alternative would be a complete and total nightmare.

Just like SVB, one of the reasons why Credit Suisse is in so much trouble is because it loaded up on government bonds that have now gone down in price dramatically

The balance-sheet problems that took down SVB are probably even bigger at Credit Suisse. While SVB bought mortgage b...


Australias Gas Shortage To Be Solved By Mining Sky News After Dark Crew "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Albanese Government has come up with the novel solution of solving Australias gas shortage by selling the mining rights to niche news network Sky News After Dark

The gas reserves coming out of Paul Murrays show alone is enough to fuel the entire eastern seaboard for the next 20 years, said Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen. Then if we tap old mate Andrew Bolt we are set.

If only we could find a way to harness the energy of them jumping to conclusions wed be a World leader in energy exporting.

When asked how they got the Sky News crew to agree to this proposal, Minister Bowen said: Well, theyre pro-gas and pro-mining, how could they say no?

Admittedly, their host Cory Bernardi did kick up a fuss but when it was pointed out that his show was the lowest rating of them all he was put back in his box.

Now, if youll excuse me, Im off to try and talk Alan Jones out of retirement to see if he can come back till at least the 20132 Olympics are over.

Mark Williamson


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Mark Lathams divorced-dad energy to power NSW grid "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The NSW Greens have unveiled their cornerstone policy for the upcoming state election, saying they will harness Mark Lathams huge divorced-guy energy to power the state completely by 2025.

It is 100% renewable, a spokesperson for the party said. Just when you think its running out, a whole new well of pent-up emotion will emerge. Mark will post a picture of himself in Paul Murrays Sky News man-cave and well have enough to keep us going for another 50 years.

Analysts praised the policy, saying it was a cheap way to access unlimited energy. Yes, the emission are toxic, but it never runs out and new sources are being discovered all the time. Its only a matter of time before Mark posts a Facebook photo of a sad microwave dinner or announces plans to launch his own space program, one energy expert said.

Latham angrily dismissed the policy as lefty bullshit and another example of the woke world gone mad!!!, generating another 243 billion kilowatt hours of energy.


US lawmaker suggests Signatures collapse was tied to instability of crypto "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Senator Michael Bennet said crypto was not even as stable as the marijuana industry, questioning Signature Banks ability to service digital asset firms but not dispensaries.


Happy Hour with Pastor Spaulding Part 2 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

03-16-2023 This four-week series is a deep dive into the book of Revelation, focusing on the ecclesias (churches), and the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Pastor Mike Spaulding will discuss []


How Is Population Growth Related to Climate Change? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While at first glance these two issues may appear unrelated, the truth is that they are inextricably linked.


MakerDAO passes proposal for $750M increase in US Treasury investments "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The emergency proposal increases MakerDAOs holdings of United States bonds by 150%, aiming to diversify the Dai stablecoins collateral exposure.


Doodles Is 'No Longer an NFT Project,' Co-Founder Says "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Screenshot from Official Doodles 2 NFT trailer (Doodles)


Swiss Bankers Association proposes deposit tokens to develop digital economy "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A deposit token is a concept that came out of Singapores Project Guardian last year, and it has already been touted by JPMorgan.



Bitcoin bears could face $440M loss in Fridays options expiry "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The bailout of Silicon Valley Bank provided a significant advantage to BTC bulls on the weekly $1.2 billion BTC options expiry.


New museum of magic opens in Edinburgh "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

New museum of magic opens in Edinburgh

The Museum of Magic, Fortune-telling & Witchcraft recently opened in Edinburgh and has a focus on raising "awareness of Scotlands rich heritage of magic."

Continue reading New museum of magic opens in Edinburgh at The Wild Hunt.


Take Ai Weiweis Middle Finger Anywhere in the World "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From triggering tattletales on the schoolyard playground to confronting oppressive and deadly institutions, the middle finger is a built-in feature of resistance and self-advocacy. Since 1995, artist Ai Weiwei has been flipping the bird to a myriad of global landmarks steeped in oppression, censorship, and overreaching control as a means of reminding the people to question the status quo and represent their own personal values.

Now, you can take Ais middle finger to virtually any place in the world (or at least anywhere thats on Google Maps) through a new collaboration between the artist and the online art platform Avant Arte. The project, Middle Finger, uses the recognizable image of Ais hand overlaid on Google Maps street views so that users around the world can exercise the power of reinserting individuality anywhere they want.

We often forget that we have a middle finger, Ai said about this project and his longstanding Study of Perspective photograph series. Or even if we know we have a middle finger, we misuse it. I think its good to remember that this part of your body can point to something  an institution, or someone that resembles a power to let them know, and let yourself know, that you exist.

After my petty moment of sliding past my high school and my exs house on Google Maps equipped with Weiweis left hand middle finger, I had to zoom out beyond my own perspective and consider which bastions of wide-scale oppression needed the one-finger salute. So without further ado, I present five places that d...


Vaccine safety and effectiveness are settled science "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Skeptical Raptor, stalking pseudoscience in the internet jungle.

Anti-vaccine activists always want a "debate" about vaccine safety and effectiveness, but it is already settled science based on evidence.

Skeptical Raptor


Restoring an Two Centuries Old Stone House "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Iain Ruadh MacMaster arrived on Cape Breton Island from Scotland in 1801. He climbed the slope of his land grantapproximately 200 acres from the shoreline up and over the riseand built his house on the hillside. Legend has it that a driving rainstorm washed that first house down the hill. So he set to building a small stone house, with walls two feet thick, a kitchen and a parlor below, and lofts for sleeping above. Iain named it Moidart, for the place hed left behind. Here, in this new country, above the waves of St. Georges Bay, he and his wife raised 12 children.

Its been two centuries since Iain vowed that his house would withstand Creignishs fierce winds, and it has. Perhaps more surprisingly, it has also found its way back into the hands of one of his direct descendants. After the property passed out of the family in the 1930s, Iains great-great-great-granddaughter, Lorrie MacKinnon, purchased the cottage in 2012. In the years since, she and some talented local craftspeople have worked to restore the stone building to something close to its original beauty. Lorrie and her craftspeople peeled back two centuries of improvements from her cottages structure. The stone walls of the kitchen and the wooden-beamed ceiling had been covered with drywall, the ceiling height reduced to under seven feet. The wooden floors of the kitchen had been hidden with then-fashionable linoleum sometime in the mid-20th century; the parlor floor and stairs upgraded with orange shag carpet, and in places underneath, the spruce wood had been painted brown, no doubt an...


Required Reading "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ross, who describes herself as a craftivist, made a handful of paper snowflakes for Trump, cheating the lewd ones behind seemingly innocuous designs. Over the years, shes made similar snowflakes for politicians including former presidential candidate and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) each...


Orca DEX to block US users from trading with its interface "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The company said U.S. traders would still be able to make swaps by directly interacting with Orcas smart contracts, however.


FDA Continues Infanticide-by-Vaccine Program Giving Emergency Use Authorization for 4th COVID Vaccine for Babies and Toddlers Under Age 5 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Page from a pediatrician manual on how to give multiple doses of vaccines to babies in a single office visit.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

With the financial system on the brink of collapse and the war in Ukraine intensifying and capturing the publics attention this week, the FDA quietly gave a new emergency use authorization (EUA) for a 4th COVID vaccine booster for babies and toddlers under the age of 5.

For Immediate Release:

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent to provide for a single booster dose of the vaccine in children 6 months through 4 years of age at least 2 months after completion of primary vaccination with three doses of the monovalent (single strain) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. (Source.)

With the EUA COVID shots now being added to the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule, a baby born in the United States can now have 42 doses of vaccines injected into them before the age of 5. (Source.)

And if a child misses a few vaccines, or misses their well-child appointment with their pediatrician, no problem! As you can see from the image at the top of this article, pediatricians are trained to inject multiple doses into babies and toddlers during a single office visit, even though there are ZERO studies on the effects of injecting multiple doses of vaccines at the same time into babies and toddlers.

If the baby or toddler dies after these injections, it will be classified as SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome.

This is infanticide by vaccines, and a way of reducing the population, and it is already happening.

Here are a couple of records from the U.S. Governments own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database where youn...


FDA Continues Infanticide-by-Vaccine Program Giving Emergency Use Authorization for 4th COVID Vaccine for Babies and Toddlers Under Age 5 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Page from a pediatrician manual on how to give multiple doses of vaccines to babies in a single office visit.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

With the financial system on the brink of collapse and the war in Ukraine intensifying and capturing the publics attention this week, the FDA quietly gave a new emergency use authorization (EUA) for a 4th COVID vaccine booster for babies and toddlers under the age of 5.

For Immediate Release:

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent to provide for a single booster dose of the vaccine in children 6 months through 4 years of age at least 2 months after completion of primary vaccination with three doses of the monovalent (single strain) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. (Source.)

With the EUA COVID shots now being added to the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule, a baby born in the United States can now have 42 doses of vaccines injected into them before the age of 5. (Source.)

And if a child misses a few vaccines, or misses their well-child appointment with their pediatrician, no problem! As you can see from the image at the top of this article, pediatricians are trained to inject multiple doses into babies and toddlers during a single office visit, even though there are ZERO studies on the effects of injecting multiple doses of vaccines at the same time into babies and toddlers.

If the baby or toddler dies after these injections, it will be classified as SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome.

This is infanticide by vaccines, and a way of reducing the population, and it is already happening.

Here are a couple of records from the U.S. Governments own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) database where youn...


A View From the Easel "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Welcome to the 209th installment of A View From the Easel, a series in which artists reflect on their workspace. Want to take part? Check out our submission guidelines and share a bit about your studio with us! All mediums and workspaces are welcome.

Ashley Chew, New York City



French Bulldogs Are Now the Most Popular Dog Breed in the U.S. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

French Bulldogs Are Now the Most Popular Dog Breed in the U.S.

French Bulldogs are the Most Popular Dog Breed in the US


There is a new top dog in town, and it's not the Golden retriever or German shepherd. The small but mighty French bulldog has just been named the most popular dog breed in the U.S., surpassing the Labrador retriever, which has held the position for 31 impressive years.

The results were announced by the American Kennel Club, which releases data on registered purebred dogs each year. In their recent statement, they noted that the Frenchie shot up in popularity over the past decade by a whopping 1,000%. By 2021, they achieved the No. 2 spot, and finally, in the summary of 2022, they reached the coveted No. 1 ranking. Breaking the Labs top-dog status of over three decades is no small feat, the AKC writes. The Frenchie is a smart, compact breed, and they can fit into various different lifestyles, perfect for people all across the country. The rest of the top five is rounded out by the Lab, Golden retriever, German shepherd, and the poodle.

To some, the popularity of the French bulldog is not as much of a surprise. Their diminutive size and low-exercise requirements make them an easier companion for smaller living spaces and cities, where there is less space for large breeds. I think COVID kind of helped increase the popularity of smaller breeds that are good for apartments, Luis Sosa, a French bulldog breeder in Louisiana, comments. However, because these pups are purebred, they tend to cost a pretty penny. In fact, the average price for a Frenchie ranges between $1,500 and $4,500, but can also reach much higher depending on the color of the coat and eyes,...


The Story of Incarceration That Inspired a Nature Painter "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ASPEN, Colorado Foad Satterfields paintings convey the confidence that comes from many years of building trust with his materials, process, and intuition. His hazy landscapes consist of layer upon layer of brushstrokes that culminate in compositions that oscillate between representation and abstraction. I let the painting take me where it wants to go, he says, every piece demands a different kind of sensitivity.

Born in 1945 in Orange, Texas, and raised in both rural Texas and Lake Charles, Louisiana, he was highly influenced by the topography of the region. The aesthetic of those untamed marshlands and lush swamps still suffuses his work. Growing up in the Jim Crow south, Satterfield used nature and walks in the woods to escape the harsh realities of the way he and other Black people he knew were often treated. An example of the racism that so permeated the region in his childhood occurred when he won first place in an artwork competition held for area schools. Segregation was still practiced in Louisiana and when the judges discovered he was from a school for Black children his first-place award was taken away and replaced with third place. ...


The Art of Home in Times of Isolation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

When photos from Bernie Kaminiskis solo show filled my Instagram feed last fall, I almost swiped past them, mistaking the TV-producer-turned-artists papier-mch re-creations of quotidian objects as the real deal. Though these to-scale sculptures of junk drawer miscellany (ketchup packets, ballpoint pens, orange-handled scissors) and other household items (spice jars, cookbooks, a potted plant) closely mimic their real-life counterparts with exquisite detail, a longer look revealed the texture of the paint and paper and the endearing human quirks of hand-drawn typography. Making these objects started as a quarantine project for Kaminiski, while his typical television projects were on hold. 

As pandemic lockdowns...


FDA Continues Infanticide-by-Vaccine Program Giving Emergency Use Authorization for 4th COVID Vaccine for Babies and Toddlers Under Age 5 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Page from a pediatrician manual on how to give multiple doses of vaccines to babies in a single office visit.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

With the financial system on the brink of collapse and the war in Ukraine intensifying and capturing the publics attention this week, the FDA quietly gave a new emergency use authorization (EUA) for a 4th COVID vaccine booster for babies and toddlers under the age of 5.

For Immediate Release:

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent to provide for a single booster dose of the vaccine in children 6 months through 4 years of age at least 2 months after completion of primary vaccination with three doses of the monovalent (single strain) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. (Source.)

With the EUA COVID shots now being added to the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule, a baby born in the United States can now have 42 doses of vaccines injected into them before the age of 5. (Source.)

And if a child misses a few vaccines, or misses their well-child appointment with their pediatrician, no problem! As you can see from the image at the top of this article, pediatricians are trained to inject multiple doses into babies and toddlers during a single office visit, even though there are ZERO studies on the effects of injecting multiple doses of vaccines at the same time into babies and toddlers.

If the baby or toddler dies after these injections, it will be classified as SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome.



WEF Admits CBDC Is Inevitable "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p>The World Economic Forum has admitted that central bank digital currency (CBDC) is inevitable. That means the ruling class is going to make sure the slaves stay enslaved forever, and they want you to know they have all the power, and you have none.</p> <p>We have known for a long time that those who want power need to ultimately control and see every single transaction made by every single human being alive. For that, they need a CBDC, and that is the endgame.</p> <p><a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank">The Endgame: Central Bank Digital Currency</a></p> <blockquote> <p>The question is no longer if digital cash will arrive but when and how. Today, <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank">90% of central banks</a> are developing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and 62% are experimenting at the proof-of-concept stage the share of countries developing a CBDC or running a pilot doubled from 14% to 26% between 2020 and 2021. <a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank"><em>World Economic Forum</em></a></p> </blockquote> <p>A CBDC is the ultimate means to control the public.</p> <p><a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank">A Cashless Society Is Here. Next Comes The CBDC & Totalitarian Control

The World Economic Forum sees a decline in the use of cash is already starting to occur in some economies. For example, currency in circulation fell from 10.4% of the GDP in the United States in 2021 to 8.6% in 2022; for the Eurozone, it fell from 10.1% of GDP in 2021 to 9.8% in 2022.</p> <p>With the banks collapsing, the rulers could very well turn around and save the public by introducing the new permanent slave system, or their CBDC scheme. There has been some speculation that the banks collapse was a preplanned problem, that will produce a fear-based reaction in the public, so that the masters can usher in their preplanned solution, or the CBDC.</p> <p>Considering the WEF and most rulers need a CBDC to cement control of everyone, we could very shortly start to see them rush to implement the system to save humanity from the system they already put in place.</p> <p>Prepare, and stay aware. Things are looking crazy as we tread further into 2023.</p></p>


21Shares Closes 6 Crypto Exchange-Traded Products "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hany Rashwan and Ophelia Snyder, co-founders of 21Shares parent (


Hichem Merouche "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It is hard to get a clear view of the sea from within Algiers, even though the capital is built in terraces that cascade down the steep slopes ringing its enormous bay. In Hichem Merouches first solo


Fidelity Investments Has Opened Bitcoin Trading To The Public During Ongoing Banking Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The financial giant will now allow customers to trade bitcoin, although they will not be able to withdraw it to self-custody.

Customers of Fidelity Investments can now buy bitcoin through the broker. The Fidelity Crypto platform, first opened to a waitlist in November 2022, is now available to the public, as of yesterday.

Customers are able to buy and sell bitcoin, although they will not be able to transfer it to a self-custody wallet where the user controls their private keys. During the launch of the waitlist, there was mention of this ability to come later, but no detail or roadmap has been provided beyond that.

When trading, customers will not be charged a fee, but a 1% spread, which Fidelity has defined as the difference between the price at which you buy or sell crypto in your Fidelity Crypto account and the price at which Fidelity Digital Assets fills your order. This spread will be visible in the client execution price.

Trading will only be available to U.S. residents over the age of 18 in eligible states.

Fidelitys foray into cryptocurrency has not been without criticism, with a group of senators, stating in a letter to the financial firm:

Fidelity Investments has opted to expand beyond traditional finance and delve into the highly unstable and increasingly risky digital asset market.

But that seemingly hasnt stopped Fidelity.

While their introduction of the service to the public may be welcomed, it is specifically during moments like the current banking crisis that extra emphasis should be placed upon self-custody. Trust in institutions that are exceptionally large, similar to Fidelity, is what has led to the fiasco seen over the last week.

So, while Fidelity is often regarded as a highly-trusted institution, it should still be noted that trusted third-parties are security holes, and that the only true way to sovereignly use bitcoin is through the holding of ones own private keys. 


After Earthquakes, Art in Istanbul Takes on New Resonance "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ISTANBUL Years before the earthquake actually happened, Ci Demi was taking photographs of it. The Turkish artists first series, Will the World End in the Daytime (201719), imagined signs of the impending disaster in eerily off-kilter urban scenes: a bouquet of bent rebar, an abandoned photo album, a cityscape mirrored in stacks of concrete blocks. 

Ive always looked at Istanbul like a city living in a countdown, but we dont know when that countdown started, Demi told Hyperallergic.

In what the artist called a very sad coincidence [that] sent a shiver down my spine, a gallery show of Demis work opened in Istanbul just two days before catastrophe struck last month. The epicenter of the twin earthquakes that hit on February 6 was not in Turkeys largest city, as many have been expecting, but some 600 miles...

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