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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary was generated at The Wire IndyWatch.

Sunday, 11 June


Melba Big Band - Castlmaine Jazz Festival "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Saturday 10th Jun, 6.40pm 7.40pm, Theatre Royal


Melba Big Band - Castlmaine Jazz Festival "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Saturday 10th Jun, 4.00pm 5.00pm, Castlemaine Town Hall

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Saturday, 27 May


Gaby Moreno "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Friday 26th May, 8.30pm 10.30pm, Archies Creek Hotel
Archies Creek

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Thursday, 25 May

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Friday, 19 May


Oceanique Album Tour "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Thursday 18th May, 6.00pm 8.00pm, The Daylesford Hotel

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Thursday, 18 May


We've added 10 new list tools "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Team Browserling keeps shipping!

Last week we added 20 new time tools and and today we just added 10 new tools to our Online List Tools collection.

I've done my job and now it's Google's job to index them and rank them well.

Here are the new list tools.

Next week we'll add even more tools. See you then!

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Monday, 15 May


Oceanique Album Tour "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Sunday 14th May, 2.00pm, The Bridge Hotel Castlemaine

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Saturday, 13 May


Kaum verknde ich das Ende der Denkmalschutz-Debatte, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Kaum verknde ich das Ende der Denkmalschutz-Debatte, kommen hier Leserbriefe von Denkmalschutz-Mitarbeitern rein. Na gut. Ausnahmsweise:

Ich arbeite selber in der Berliner Verwaltung in einer Denkmalschutzbehrde und bin hufig mit solchen Fllen konfrontiert. Nach dem Berliner Denkmalschutzgesetz sind Werbeanlagen und sowieso alle Manahmen an einem in die Liste eingetragenen Baudenkmal, Denkmalbereich oder Gartendenkmal denkmalrechtlich genehmigungspflichtig.

Es gibt zudem einen ganzen Paragraphen ber den Umgebungsschutz eines Denkmals. Darin heit es, dass die unmittelbarer Umgebung eines Denkmals, soweit fr Erscheinungsbild von prgender Bedeutung, durch Manahmen nicht so verndert werden darf, dass Eigenart oder Erscheinungsbild des Denkmal gestrt werden.

Wie weit der Umgebungsschutz reicht, ist je nach Manahme und Denkmal unterschiedlich zu bewerten (ein besonders exponiertes Denkmal, wie beispielsweise eine Burg auf einem Hgel, hat einen anderen Umgebungsschutzbereich als ein Mietshaus in der Berliner Innenstadt). Es gibt hier also keine einheitlich anzuwendende Regel, daher sind Entscheidungen im Rahmen des Denkmalschutzgesetzes immer Ermessensentscheidungen. Gleiches gilt fr die Erheblichkeit der Strung des Erscheinungsbildes durch Manahmen im Umgebungsschutzbereich eines Denkmals. Auch hier wird nach Ermessen entschieden. Ermessensentscheidung im Bereich des Denkmalschutzes verlangen ein hohes Ma an Fachkenntnissen verschiedener Fachrichtungen (Kunstgeschichte, Architektur, Bauingenieurwesen, Restaurierung, Recht usw.), spezifischer Ortskenntnis und immer auch ein Abwgen mehrerer Mglichkeiten.

Grundstzlich kann man sagen, dass bei einem Neuanstrich eines Nachbargebudes eines Denkmals oder bei einem Neubau neben einem Denkmal immer zurckhaltende Farben genehmigt werden, die das Denkmal nicht dominieren, aus der Ortstypik rausfallen oder in der Materialitt so schlecht sind, dass die Nachbarschaft eines Denkmals nach ein paar Jahren vernachlssigt oder gammlig aussieht. Die Bauwerke und Anlagen in der Umgebung eines Denkmals haben sich grundstzlich immer an der Qualitt des Denkmals zu messen, ohne sich stilistisch anzubiedern aber auch ohne das Denkmal in seiner Wirkung zu stren oder krass hervorzustechen. Bei solchen Fllen werden brigens auch immer die Stadtplaner der Bezirke mithinzugezogen. Auch die prfen, ob die Manahmen sich in die Eigenart der nheren Umgebung einfgen.

Dem Eigentmer war dem Tagesspiegelartikel zufolge ja bewusst, auf was er sich einlsst und der Deal mit dem Bauamt klingt mehr als freundlich: er muss nur sehen, dass seine Fassade weiterhin ordentlich aussieht. In anderen Berliner Bezirken wre die Fassade sicherlich lngst schon wieder monochrom gestrichen

Jetzt weit du vielleicht etwas mehr darber, warum ausnahmsweise mal nicht irgendein CDU-Fuzzi schuld war.

Solche Flle nerven mich brigens in der Praxis sehr, weil sie mich davon...

Wisst ihr, was sich gerade als Bullshit herausgestellt ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Wisst ihr, was sich gerade als Bullshit herausgestellt hat? kostrom-Zertifikate aus Island. Island hat ne Menge kostrom und betreibt damit u.a. ihre Alu-Htten. Soweit, so gut.

Aber habt ihr euch mal gefragt, wie die EU es schafft, den kostromanteil zu erhhen, ohne was fr kostrom zu tun? Nun, sie haben einen Deal mit Island gemacht. Island verkauft Europa "kostrom" in Form eines "Zertifikats".

Deutsche Industrie verbrennt nach wie vor Fossilien. Eine Leitung fr kostrom gibt es nicht aus Island.

Aber unsere Industrie tut dann so, als sei der Strom ko gewesen, weil sie ein Zertifikat von Island gekauft haben. Island hat dann auf dem Papier virtuelle Fossilien verbrannt, und frisst sozusagen unsere Snden.

Das ist ja schon skandals genug, aber jetzt kam raus: Island hat sowohl die Zertifikate verkauft als auch ihr Aluminium als kostrom-produziert beworben. Damit haben sie natrlich faktisch vllig recht, denn deren Alu ist ja mit kostrom produziert. Aber dann kann ja unsere Industrie nicht mehr so tun, als sei hier irgendwas kologisch.

Daran scheitert der Zertifikats-Bullshit jetzt. DARAN! Nicht etwa daran, dass das die ganze Zeit Verarsche war!

Gut, kann gar nicht frh genug scheitern. Als nchstes scheitert hoffentlich das Greenwashing ber Carbon Offsets.

Oder, wisst ihr, alternativ knnten wir auch mal eine Regierung whlen, die einen Plan hat, der nicht auf "wie belgen uns selbst und machen weiter wie immer" hinausluft. Mal rein hypothetisch gesprochen jetzt.

Lindner hat eine tolle Idee: Warum schenken wir nicht ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Lindner hat eine tolle Idee: Warum schenken wir nicht den Banken 2,2 Milliarden Euro?

Zustzlich zu dem Geld, das sie "schpfen" drfen. Und den Zinsen, die sie fr Staatsanleihen kassieren. Und fr Einlagen bei der Zentralbank.

Aber immerhin haben sie im Gegenzug die ganzen Filialen zugemacht, die lieben Banken!

Die SPD simuliert noch ein bisschen Bauchschmerzen, um dann am Ende umso kraftvoller umzukippen. Lasst euch da mal keinen erzhlen von der Sddeutschen.

Nicht der Faktencheck, den wir brauchen. Aber der Faktencheck, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Nicht der Faktencheck, den wir brauchen. Aber der Faktencheck, den wir verdient haben:

Nein, am Reichstag wehte am Montagmorgen keine sowjetische Siegesfahne

Wo wir gerade bei Extrembeispielen fr schlechte Methodik ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Wo wir gerade bei Extrembeispielen fr schlechte Methodik waren: Wusstet ihr, dass jedes Jahr in den USA 250.000 Menschen durch Fehldiagnosen in Notaufnahmen sterben?

Nicht? Macht nichts. Ist kompletter Bullshit. Allerdings verbreitet von einer US-Bundesbehrde.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) mission is to produce evidence to make healthcare safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used.
Da hat die Aussage gut reingepasst, also hat man mal eben von einem Fall in einer kanadischen Notaufnahme vor ber 10 Jahren ... extrapoliert.

Fnord der Woche: Es gibt voll viele Fake-Artikel in ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Fnord der Woche: Es gibt voll viele Fake-Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Journals!!1!

Wie schlimm ist denn das Problem? So schlimm:

up to 34% of neuroscience papers published in 2020 were likely made up or plagiarized; in medicine, the figure was 24%.
Scheie, Bernd! Das ist ja furchtbar!!

Hmm, vielleicht sollten wir noch kurz einen Blick auf die Methodik werfen. Nur so pro forma, wissenschon.

Sabels tool relies on just two indicatorsauthors who use private, noninstitutional email addresses, and those who list an affiliation with a hospital.
h ... wie meinen?!
It isnt a perfect solution, because of a high false-positive rate.
Was du nicht sagst, Sherlock!
Other developers of fake-paper detectors, who often reveal little about how their tools work, contend with similar issues.
Tja, h, dann solltet ihr vielleicht mal gepflegt die Fresse halten, bis ihr eine belastbare Datenlage habt!

Unglaublich. Dass die sich berhaupt trauen, auf der Grundlage ein Paper zu verffentlichen! Das sich dann ber die wissenschaftlichen Standards anderer Papers aufregt!!

Ein Leser empfiehlt als seichte Unterhaltung den McKinsey ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ein Leser empfiehlt als seichte Unterhaltung den McKinsey cloud cost-optimization simulator, mit so groartigen Ratschlgen wie:

Adopt lean provisioning and rightsizing
Leverage savings plan/reservations
Ja Scheie, Bernd! Da htten wir auch selber drauf kommen knnen! Wir mssen uns einfach noch tiefer vertraglich in den Lock-In begeben!!1!

Wenn du Probleme hast, musst du es einfach ab jetzt richtig machen!1!!

Oder, mit anderen Worten: GIT GUD!


People found themselves agreeing with Nick Ferrari and can someone check the Doomsday clock please? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BBC1s Question Time took an unexpected turn on Thursday night when viewers found themselves agreeing with Nick Ferrari.

Extraordinary scenes. Can someone double check the Doomsday Clock in case its edged still closer to midnight?

And it wasnt just us who found ourselves experiencing the very definition of mixed feelings.



Why Experts Are Suddenly Freaking OUT About AI | Tristan Harris | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 185 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

To his surprise, Glenn has found that many artificial intelligence experts would rather play politics than warn the world about whats coming. AI is this generations atom bomb, but experts like Google alumnus Geoffrey Hinton have refused to speak with Glenn. But in this episode, Glenn speaks with one of the few who will. As the co-founder and executive director of the Center for Humane Technology, Tristan Harris has devoted himself to warning us about the dangers of AI. The Atlantic described him as the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience, and his Netflix Original docuseries, The Social Dilemma, documents the devastating power of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. But AI, he predicts, will be even more disruptive. Tristan tells Glenn about what the future of AI can easily look like if it isnt reined in now: more Chinese infiltration, a rise in teenage suicide, and a creepy Big Tech race toward AI intimacy with humans. But is government regulation the best solution? As Tristan points out, this question needs to be answered right now by ALL of us. More and more often, artificial intelligences are developing minds of their own with frighteningly god-like intelligence and power. Tristan describes this as summoning the demon, asking Glenn why we should let five people in Silicon Valley decide for the rest of humanity. If were not careful, Tristan tells Glenn, this could be the final test of our species.


Home title fraud is growing 2.5x faster than credit card fraud. You could be a victim and not even know it. Visit and use the promo code BECK to get 30 days of free protection.

Right now, you can save $200 on an EdenPURE Thunderstorm Air Purifier 3-pack for whole-home protection. Just go to and enter discount code GLENN.

Better Spectacles Go to now to schedule a Tele-Optical appointment. You dont even have to leave the comfort of your home.

Theyre offering an introductory 61% off of their progressive eyewear plus free handcrafted Rodenstock frames.

My Patriot Supply is the nations largest preparedness company. Go to and when you buy their three-month emergency food kit, which lasts up to 25 years in storage, youre going to get a bonus package of crucial survival gear worth over $200 for free!

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Did the Biden family have financial deals in ROMANIA, too?! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It wasnt just China and Ukraine. House Republicans claimed in a Wednesday morning press conference that the Biden family pocketed money from a businessman in Romania while Joe Biden was VP, too. In this clip, Glenn runs through the evidence against the Biden family, and he asks a vital question: Why does it seem like nobody in the press cares?!

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How Elon Musk is using Twitter to SAVE FREEDOM in America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tucker Carlsons latest move is a brilliant one, Glenn says. Hes taking his show to a platform where it cant be controlled by executives or government elite: Twitter. Thanks to Elon Musk, Glenn explains, Twitter is not only becoming an actual town square, but its becoming the ONLY social media platform on which Americans can freely express opinions and ideas WITHOUT the fear of censorship. Musk and Glenn likely dont agree on a lot. But as long as hes a supporter of free speech and our First Amendment rights, Glenn says, then I see us all as a team. In this clip, Glenn further discusses how Elon Musk and Twitter are working to save freedom in America, and he urges YOU to become involved today.

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Glenns POWERFUL view on life & God: My world was about to change "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In this clip, Glenn reflects on hardships in his personal life, and he explains how theyre shaping the way he views Gods love, his role for this show, and what YOU should do to spiritually prepare for whats coming next. He explains the ways in which children are suffering now more than ever thanks to certain social media apps and he urges parents to do what they can to protect them from those evils. Glenn reminds us that his difficulties arent unique, and that millions of parents are grappling with similar challenges. Plus, he encourages us all to remember that Jesus love is eternal for ALLeven gun owners, despite what former Sen. Claire McCaskill may say.

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Why Experts Are Suddenly Freaking OUT About AI | Tristan Harris | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 185 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

To his surprise, Glenn has found that many artificial intelligence experts would rather play politics than warn the world about whats coming. AI is this generations atom bomb, but experts like Google alumnus Geoffrey Hinton have refused to speak with Glenn. But in this episode, Glenn speaks with one of the few who will. As the co-founder and executive director of the Center for Humane Technology, Tristan Harris has devoted himself to warning us about the dangers of AI. The Atlantic described him as the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience, and his Netflix Original docuseries, The Social Dilemma, documents the devastating power of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. But AI, he predicts, will be even more disruptive. Tristan tells Glenn about what the future of AI can easily look like if it isnt reined in now: more Chinese infiltration, a rise in teenage suicide, and a creepy Big Tech race toward AI intimacy with humans. But is government regulation the best solution? As Tristan points out, this question needs to be answered right now by ALL of us. More and more often, artificial intelligences are developing minds of their own with frighteningly god-like intelligence and power. Tristan describes this as summoning the demon, asking Glenn why we should let five people in Silicon Valley decide for the rest of humanity. If were not careful, Tristan tells Glenn, this could be the final test of our species.


Home title fraud is growing 2.5x faster than credit card fraud. You could be a victim and not even know it. Visit and use the promo code BECK to get 30 days of free protection.

Right now, you can save $200 on an EdenPURE Thunderstorm Air Purifier 3-pack for whole-home protection. Just go to and enter discount code GLENN.

Better Spectacles Go to now to schedule a Tele-Optical appointment. You dont even have to leave the comfort of your home.

Theyre offering an introductory 61% off of their progressive eyewear plus free handcrafted Rodenstock frames.

My Patriot Supply is the nations largest preparedness company. Go to and when you buy their three-month emergency food kit, which lasts up to 25 years in storage, youre going to get a bonus package of crucial survival gear worth over $200 for free!

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Did the Biden family have financial deals in ROMANIA, too?! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It wasnt just China and Ukraine. House Republicans claimed in a Wednesday morning press conference that the Biden family pocketed money from a businessman in Romania while Joe Biden was VP, too. In this clip, Glenn runs through the evidence against the Biden family, and he asks a vital question: Why does it seem like nobody in the press cares?!

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How Elon Musk is using Twitter to SAVE FREEDOM in America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tucker Carlsons latest move is a brilliant one, Glenn says. Hes taking his show to a platform where it cant be controlled by executives or government elite: Twitter. Thanks to Elon Musk, Glenn explains, Twitter is not only becoming an actual town square, but its becoming the ONLY social media platform on which Americans can freely express opinions and ideas WITHOUT the fear of censorship. Musk and Glenn likely dont agree on a lot. But as long as hes a supporter of free speech and our First Amendment rights, Glenn says, then I see us all as a team. In this clip, Glenn further discusses how Elon Musk and Twitter are working to save freedom in America, and he urges YOU to become involved today.

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Glenns POWERFUL view on life & God: My world was about to change "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In this clip, Glenn reflects on hardships in his personal life, and he explains how theyre shaping the way he views Gods love, his role for this show, and what YOU should do to spiritually prepare for whats coming next. He explains the ways in which children are suffering now more than ever thanks to certain social media apps and he urges parents to do what they can to protect them from those evils. Glenn reminds us that his difficulties arent unique, and that millions of parents are grappling with similar challenges. Plus, he encourages us all to remember that Jesus love is eternal for ALLeven gun owners, despite what former Sen. Claire McCaskill may say.

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WHAT?! Judge Rules 2nd Amendment DOES NOT Apply To Firearms Without Serial Numbers?! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p><br> #2a #2ndamendment<br> Sonoran Desert Institute:<br> Ruling:<br> Join my email list:<br> GNG Website & Affiliate Links:
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<br> WHAT I USE TO MAKE VIDEOS<br> <br> MAIN CAMERA:<br> VLOG LENS:<br> ZOOM LENS:<br> VLOG CAMERA:<br> LIGHTING:<br> MICROPHONE:<br> TRIPOD:<br> MEMORY:<br> DRONE:</p> <p>DISCLAIMER: The materials available through Guns & Gadgets Media (including any show, episode, guest appearance, etc. appearing within) are for informational and entertainment purposes only.

The opinions expressed through this video are the opinions of the individual author and are for educational and documentary purposes only.

FAIR USE: In the rare instance I include someone elses footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with the intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech.</p> <p>IMPORTANT: All shooting is done on state-approved firing ranges by trained professionals. Our videos are produced in a safe environment by highly trained professionals with decades of experience. These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not attempt to replicate the actions featured in our videos without the proper training, licensing, and medical professionals present.</p> <p>We are not attempting to sell you the items featured in this video. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories, or otherwise change their basic legal funct...</p></p>


Ingraham: This is totally insane "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News host Laura Ingraham shares what the end of Title 42 means for the country and why the Biden administration is allowing open borders on The Ingraham Angle. #foxnews #fox #ingrahamangle

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Uri Tuchmans Hand Automata Is A Work Of Art "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Uri Tuchmans Hand Automata Is A Work Of Art

I really enjoy Uri Tuchmans sense of humor that he mixes with fine manual making skills. Take for example, his latest build, this automata of a pair of hands tapping their fingers. There is fine skill and craftsmanship on display here with the gorgeous brass cams and levers. The wooden hand-sculpted hands look like they []

The post Uri Tuchmans Hand Automata Is A Work Of Art appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


The Sunday Sport had the best response to the BBCs Liam Gallagher battered sausage story "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres a fair bit of news around at the moment you might have noticed so hats off to the good people of BBC News which still found time in their busy schedule to cover this important development.

No, really, you can read all about it for yourself here.

And we mention it because it prompted no end of very funny responses.


Is Pepe Coin Ready For Another Pump? Heres What On-Chain Data Says "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Heres what the different on-chain indicators from Santiment have to say about whether Pepe Coin could see another pump soon or not.

The Memecoins On-Chain Metrics Have Been Down Since The Top

PEPE has been one of the hottest topics around the cryptocurrency market recently, thanks to the explosive growth that the meme coin has enjoyed. Between the end of last month and the 5th of May, the coin saw its price rise by an extraordinary 1,200%.

The uptrend, however, ended there and the cryptocurrency has been sharply plunging since then. According to Santiment, the on-chain analytics firms social dominance indicator signaled this top in advance.

Social dominance tells us what percentage of the discussions happening on social media related to the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap are talking about a given coin.

As the below chart shows, Pepes social dominance rose to very high values just before the top took form earlier in the month.

Pepe Coin Social Dominance

Whenever social dominance hits high levels, its a sign of euphoria among investors, which is something that has historically led to top formations for cryptocurrencies.

Santiment notes that the indicator still has a value of about 5%, meaning that 5% of all discussions related to the top 100 assets involve the meme coin currently.

Seeing it get down to the 1-2% range would be a good sign that traders are beginning to stray away and look for pumps from other altcoins, the firm explains.

The active addresses metric, which measures the total number of unique addresses taking part in some transaction activity on the blockchain, also saw a spike just before the top.

Pepe Active Addresses

When this indicator has a high value, it means a large number of investors are making trades right now. The price generally becomes more likely to get volatile when the metric shows such a trend.

From the chart, its visi...


Online Archive Provides Free Coloring Book Pages From Over 100 Libraries and Museums "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Online Archive Provides Free Coloring Book Pages From Over 100 Libraries and Museums

Free Coloring Book Pages by Color Our Collections

If you're ever looking for a way to relax, coloring is considered one of the best methods. While most of us remember filling in coloring books as children, this is a hobby you can continue into adulthood as well. Color Our Collections is offering more opportunities to use your colored pencils and other art supplies. Since 2016, this campaign initiated by The New York Academy of Medicine Library collects coloring pages from over 100 cultural institutions from across the globe and makes them free to download online.

The illustrations from Color Our Collections differ from books you would ordinarily buy in the store. Ranging from floral drawings to depictions of fairies, these designs are rich in history. Some are plucked from vintage advertising, while others are acquired from old novels. Since most of these artworks were not meant to be colored in, they offer a fun challenge for those up to the task.

While some of these pieces feature plenty of space to layer different shades, others require a bit more creative thinking. But the best part of participating in the campaign is getting a chance to explore some of the old artwork from these museums and libraries by bringing them to life in color.

Scroll down to see more coloring pages from the 2023 campaign, and check out all of the available art via Color Our Collections website.

Enjoy free coloring book pages from the Color Our Collections online archive.



9 of the funniest and most brutal takedowns of the week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Everyone loves a good comeback and here are 9 of the funniest and most brutal takedowns of the week.

1. Brilliant Context


2. Im taking my $0 elsewhere


3. Horror show!


4. Stephen Flynn 1, Rishi Sunak 0


5. The next time someone offers thoughts and prayers remind them to read the gospel according to James



Bitcoin's dive under $27K liquidates $100M So why aren't margin traders flipping bearish? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BTC price falls below the 55-day support level at $27,000, but futures market resilience sparks hope for a recovery toward $28,000.


Web3 community-building meets music technology at Wavelengths Summit 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Crypto natives and newbies alike came together to build community and share alpha on the latest in music technology and decentralization.


Mini freeze dry machine for sale "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

To freeze dry fruit at home, what do you need?
Choose your favorite fruit (strawberry, banana, peach, watermelon, grape, orange, grapefruit, etc.)
A _ mini freeze dry machine, this machine will help you to omit a lot of tedious steps, easy to operate and easy to use.

Teach you how to use a freeze dryer to make fruit freeze-dried?
Step 1: Pick fruits with high water content.
Apples, berries, grapes, peaches and pears are among the most popular choices for freeze drying. However, you can...

Mini freeze dry machine for sale


Frenzied Emotions Swirl Through Changyu Zous Poetry-Inspired Illustrations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A figure is surrounded by a chaotic cluster of birds, cars, houses, and other symbols

Starry Bird 7. All images Changyu Zou, shared with permission

Tinged with magic and metaphor, the energetic illustrations by Savannah-based Chinese artist Changyu Zou are emotionally candid and reflect her reactions to verse. I think poetry uses the most beautiful words to express whats most real in the poets heart. Although these words sometimes are very abstract and not easy to understand, they can give me unlimited imagination, she says, sharing that she tends to pull a few terms or phrases from a poem and then use those as the basis for her drawings.

Zou strives for an interplay between the original text and her visual language, which often relies on a feverish mishmash of figures and symbols. The mixed-media illustrationsshe works with both digital and analog materials, including gouache, acrylics, crayons, colored pencils, and sometimes collaged detailsdraw directly from the Misty Poets, a tradition that emerged in defiance of the restrictive Cultural Revolution of 20th-century China and is characterized by its obscure haziness. This mysterious and indeterminate quality arises in Zous works as birds, human hands, cars, houses, and other objects appear to whirl in chaotic motion.

In addition to the Misty Poets, the illustrator mentions Kahlil Gibran, Haizi, and Rabindranath Tagore as influences. One line of Tagores Starry Bird reads light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night whisper to me of love and inspired Zous series by the same name. Because Tagores poetry expresses the harmony of...


How to protect your identity online "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Strategies like using strong passwords, enabling 2FA, avoiding phishing, using VPNs, keeping software up-to-date and using reputable antivirus may help one against online fraud.


It got very lively on last nights Newsnight and its quite the watch "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Were not sure weve seen a livelier edition of Newsnight than this, when Alastair Campbell stick with us was talking Brexit seriously, stick with us last night.

Tony Blairs former right hand man was in the studio with presenter Victoria Derbyshire and former Brexit Party MEP and UKIP head of media, Alex Phillips.

And this happened.

Heres what Phillips said about it later.

And Campbell had this to say.


Photographers Incredible GigaMoon Image is Made From 280,000 Photos "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

GigaMoon by Andrew McCarthy

Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has captured a "GigaMoon" -- a 1.3-gigapixel highly-detailed image of the Moon made from 280,000 photos.

[Read More]

Friday, 12 May


New cartoonist: Pepsch Gottscheber "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Pepsch Gottscheber, a renowned cartoonist and illustrator from Austria, has recently joined our website. He gained recognition as a political caricaturist for Sddeutsche Zeitung and his caricatures are published in many German daily newspapers and magazines. Pepsch was awarded the German-American Thomas Nast Prize for his contributions to the industry.


5,400-Year-Old Great Grandfather Cypress Tree May Be Oldest in World "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

5,400-Year-Old Great Grandfather Cypress Tree May Be Oldest in World

Embed from Getty Images

Trees are living history. These witnesses to time include an ancient olive tree at Vouves on the island of Crete which watched empires rise and fall, and Methuselah the twisted 4,800-year-old California bristlecone pine whose seed sprouted before the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. Now, scientists have discovered a Patagonia cypress tree in Chile known as Great Grandfather or Alerce Milenario is even older. Recent analysis of a segment of tree rings shows the giant is an estimated 5,484 years oldlikely taking the award for oldest living tree.

Deep in the Chilean forest about 500 miles south of Santiago, the cypress tree stands amid dense foliage, sheltered from the elements in a ravine. A member of the Fitzroya cupressoides species, the magnificent tree is 13 feet in diameter and 92 feet tall. Moss flourishes on its surface and smaller trees have even taken root in its cracks. It's a survivor, there are no others that have had the opportunity to live so long, Antonio Lara of Austral University and Chile's center for climate science and resilience, noted to AFP. With her colleague Jonathan Barichivich of the Parisian Climate and Environmental Science Laboratory, she took a sample of the core (interior wood) of the tree using a thin borer to not harm the ancient creature.

The team counted 2,400 growth rings in the section of core. However, they were not even able to reach the center of the enormous tree. Therefore, they turned to a computer model to complete the ring count. By comparing to other alerce trees and taking into account what they know about variables affecting tree growth, they came to an 80% confidence estimate that Great Grandfather is over 5,000 years old. This makes him older than Methuselah, the former record holder. This discovery is exciting, as ancient trees contain a lot of records of climate change over he millenn...


What is Pepecoin and can it flip memecoins Dogecoin and Shiba Inu? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Pepecoin is a new meme-inspired cryptocurrency that's growing faster than Shiba Inu in its early days thanks to some big-name exchange listings.


Key Support Levels To Monitor As Ethereum Price Slows Down "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Ethereum price consolidation weakened as the bulls lost momentum, resulting in a nearly 4% loss in the last 24 hours and a 7% decline on the weekly chart. The technical analysis indicates considerable bearish pressure.

The coins value remained stagnant at around $1,800, leading to waning interest from buyers and a significant decrease in demand and accumulation. As Bitcoin dropped below $26,000, major altcoins also experienced significant declines on their daily charts.

To break its resistance, Ethereum requires substantial buyer participation, as failure to do so could lead to the loss of a crucial support level.

Additionally, Bitcoin must recover and reach the $27,000 zone to initiate a short-term recovery for ETH. The declining market capitalization of Ethereum suggests a gradual departure of buyers from the market.

Ethereum Price Analysis: One-Day Chart


At the time of writing, ETH was priced at $1,770. After struggling around the $1,800 range, selling pressure eventually took over. The coins resistance levels were identified at $1,798 and $1,821. Conversely, if the price continues to decline, the bulls will attempt to defend ETH at $1,740.

However, a failure to hold above $1,740 would push Ethereum down to $1,690. A further drop would breach the $1,540 support line. Additionally, the recent session saw a significant increase in selling strength, reflected by the red volume of Ethereum traded.

Technical Analysis



New tech could make crypto and Web3 wallets more convenient "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Developers are working on ways to get rid of seed words and even private keys, while still keeping users in control.


17 of the funniest pictures that went viral on Reddit this week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its that time of the week when we round up 17 of the funniest pictures that went viral on Reddit over the last seven days.

1. Dating at work


2. Meanwhile in London


3. New Yellow Pages Book arrived today, welcome to the neighborhood Mr. Poopstains!


4. I am being forced into competing in a office Fitbit step challenge


5. Cake from our local Dairy Queen. Was supposed to be barbecue themed



Bitcoin Mining Earnings Wrap: Marathon Shares Underperform After New SEC Subpoena "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

New and old bitcoin mining rigs at CleanSpark's site in Georgia. (Eliza Gkritsi/CoinDesk)



UAE infrastructure for crypto is more business-friendly than the US, says exec "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong and Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse also expressed their sentiments over US regulation at the Dubai Fintech Summit.


Forget Cambridge Analytica Heres how AI could threaten elections "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While disinformation is an ongoing issue that social media has only contributed to, AI could make it much easier for bad actors to spread disinformation.


These 17 oddly accurate insults make for some very funny and specific takedowns "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres a corner of Reddit called oddly accurate insults which, as the name suggests, is devoted to takedowns that are way too specific.

And they dont come much more specific than this little lot.

1. Everything is accurate here lol


2. Zoinks

3. Content baby


4. Got bit

5. Oof


6. Incredible eye for detail


7. Self burn



Insectoid-like Creature caught on video in Mexico "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A video emerged on the facebook social platform showing an insectoid-like creature strolling down the street. Take a look at the video below:


Total Liquidation Surpasses $140 Million As Bitcoin (BTC) Continues Downtrend "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The crypto market experienced a significant downturn over the past 24 hours, leading to a total liquidation of over $140 million as Bitcoin (BTC) continues its downtrend. According to data from Coinglass, a record of approximately 57,585 traders have been liquidated, and the total value is still counting.

Notably, traders that are currently experiencing major losses with the overall downward trend of the crypto market are those who have taken long positions, speculating that the market will eventually trend upwards.

Largest Liquidations On OKX And Binance

Digital asset exchanges OKX and Binance recorded the largest amount of liquidations, accounting for $48.3 million and $44.94 million, respectively. The data further reveals that long liquidations amounted to approximately $114.8 million of the total liquidations, whereas short liquidations were $29.8 million. 

Long liquidations accounted for 79.39% of the total liquidations in the past 24 hours while short liquidation accounted for 25.96%. Bitcoin (BTC) was the most affected cryptocurrency, accounting for $50.97 million of the total liquidation. 

Altcoins such as Ethereum (ETH) closely followed, with $30.29 million in liquidations, while the frog-themed meme coin PEPE accounted for over $7 million. Meanwhile, the largest single liquidation occurred on OKX with a BTC-USDT swap valued at $2.61 million.

It is worth noting these figures confirm that the ongoing market downturn is affecting both long and short positions.

Bitcoin And PEPE Plunges

The global crypto market cap has also slumped below the $1.2 trillion mark with a value of $1.14 trillion at the time of writing, down by nearly 2.5% in the last 24 hours.

This decline follows the plummet from Bitcoin and the recently hyped memecoin PEPE which plunged over 20% in the past 24 hours with more than $100 million subtracted from its market capitalization.

Interestingly, PEPEs trading volume has surged in the past 24 hours indicating a possible violent sell-off. Its daily trading volume has moved from $408 million as of yesterday to $647 million in the last 24 hours.

Top crypto Bitcoin has also lost more than $20 billion from its market cap in the past 24 hours, down by nearly 4%, indicating selling pres...



GREEN DEAL HOAX: Californias Electricity Price Soars Despite Climate-Friendly State Legislation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Belle Carter at Natural News. 

Californias retail electricity price is the highest in the United States and more than twice the average power cost in the western part of the country.

Since 1998, Democrats have controlled Californias state legislature. They adopted ineffective, misguided, and economically damaging energy and climate legislation that created skyrocketing electricity prices for California residents, businesses, and organizations.

But despite the Golden States supposedly climate-friendly legislative schemes, its 2021 average retail electricity price was the highest in the entire country at 19.65 cents per kilowatt hour, an increase of 224.6 percent from the 1999 price of 8.75 cents per kilowatt hour.

The 10 other states in the western U.S. region have a 2021 average retail electricity price of only 9.19 cents per kilowatt hour.

Energy Information Administration (EIA) data shows that the average retail electricity price for the entire country from 1999 to 2021 only grew by 67.16 percent 6.64 cents per kilowatt hour from 1999 to 11.10 cents per kilowatt hour in 2021.

EIA is the principal agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating energy information. The EIA average retail electricity price data provided the total electric industry price in each state, which includes price information from all full-service providers, restructured retail service providers, energy-only providers, and delivery-only service providers. These electric service provider categories comprise the total electricity supply services utilized within each state.

Moreover, the data are established for residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and other consumer categories with an overall total price average included for each state as well the average across the United States.

California shoots itself in the foot with clean energy measures

According to Bloomberg, the jump in demand for natural gas, supply constraints, and aging infrastructure has left the region vulnerable to price spikes. Also, the rainy winter has bought up challenges in the green energy transition, proving Californians are not ready yet to sacrifice their use of fossil fuels.

Unfortunately for Californi...


Terra Luna founder Do Kwons bail terms officially accepted by Montenegro court "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Montenegro court accepted the offered bail of $436,000 per person for Do Kwon and his former aide Han Chang-joon.


'Don't short when it's dark green' How to trade the 2024 Bitcoin halving "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin is setting up a classic four-year buying opportunity, commentators say, with the next halving just one year away.


Fed Report Reveals 722 Banks are Insolvent "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Today we're going to talk about something that's been on many people's minds lately: the state of the banking industry. Specifically, how bad do we think this crisis is going to get? The only thing we have to compare it to is the global financial crisis, which we all know was pretty catastrophic. But will this one be worse? Or not as bad? That's the million-dollar question. So, I came across a recent report from the Federal Reserve that revealed 722 banks were bankrupt with losses exceeding 50% of their capital by the end of the third quarter of last year. And things have only gotten worse since then. So where does this leave us now? What's the endgame here? Because to some, it looks like controlled demolition and consolidation at the biggest banks, leading to centralized control. But is that really the case? Let's discuss and try to make sense of it all. So, stay tuned till the end, and let's get started!


German MEP Christine Anderson on 15-minute cities. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

German MEP Christine Anderson on 15-minute cities: "Make no mistake, it's not about your convenience, and it's not about saving the planet. It will be a complete impoverishment and enslavement of all the people."


This Mothers Day, Try Explaining Bitcoin To Your Mom "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This is an opinion editorial by Hector Alvero, a Bitcoin educator who serves as co-host of the Broward County Bitcoiners meetup.


As Bitcoiners, we love the exhilarating feeling of bringing a new person into the Bitcoin lifeboat. Many of us constantly work to orange pill our friends, our coworkers and our neighbors, trying to save as many as we can before the fiat ship sinks. We'll even try to orange pill the waiter at our favorite local restaurant, helping them download a Lightning wallet and offering to give them a bigger tip to help them "get off zero."

But what about your mom? Have you given her the same gift that youve given to the Uber driver who took you home from your last conference or meetup? Have you taken the time to help her understand the impact that inflation is having on her economic security, and how Bitcoin can protect her from the financial earthquake that is coming? Have you helped her understand what money is and why Bitcoin is the greatest savings technology ever discovered?

If you have, I applaud you. If you haven't gotten there yet, this Mother's Day is the perfect time to show her that you love her enough to spend the time it takes for her to understand Bitcoin.

You might be thinking, "I already tried, and she didn't get it." I can sympathize with that. My mom didn't get it right away, either. She said it sounded like a Ponzi scheme and that it couldn't be money because it wasn't real or backed by anything.

Maybe you have heard some of these same objections. Maybe you are frustrated and figure you should just let it go. If so, ask yourself this question: How many times has your mom explained something to you that you didn't understand at first? She likely did not just give up on helping you learn and grow. Are you going to quit on her now when her entire future is at stake? Of course not you're a Bitcoiner.


Think back to when you first heard about Bitcoin. Did...


Lisk Foundation To Convert 1,000 Bitcoin To ETH, Reason To Worry? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Max Kordek, the co-founder and CEO of Lisk recently announced via Twitter that the Lisk Foundation will convert 1,000 Bitcoin (BTC) to Ethereum (ETH) in the next 10 weeks, which will be held as part of the foundations long-term treasury. As Kordek explained in a commentary, the Lisk Foundation wants to stake its ETH, but it wont happen right away.

The project gained wider notoriety during the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) craze in 2016 and 2017. At the time, the decentralized apps platform raised 14,000 Bitcoin. That sum was worth about $5.7 million at the time, making the campaign the second most successful cryptocurrency crowdfunding to that point.

With a market cap of $106 million, the Lisk Token (LSK) ranks 195th among the largest cryptocurrencies according to CoinMarketCap today. At press time, LSK was trading at $0.828 and is down 5.7% in the last 24 hours.

Reasons Why Lisk Is Converting Bitcoin To ETH

Lisk Foundation will sell 1,000 BTC in chunks of 100 BTC per week to reduce risks with related third parties. Subsequently, the purchased ETH will be deposited into a 2-of-3 multisig account, with each Lisk Foundation board member holding one key each.

Notably, the project will keep 500 BTC, which the co-founder said will be used to pay expenses in 2024 and 2025. Moreover, Kordek added that the Lisk Foundation has about enough fiat until the next Bitcoin halving.

According to Kordek, there are three reasons for this move: first, the tweet states that Ethereum is the largest blockchain platform in the world. Treasury-wise we want to go where blockchain applications are being built, Kordek wrote, emphasizing as a second reason that ETH has acceptable risks from a Treasury wise point of view.

Third, he said, it allows for a sustainable, long-term return (via staking). Treasury-wise it makes sense to go into an appreciating, deflationary, yield-generating asset, Kordek said.

Will It Have An Impact On BTC Price?

Even though the Bitcoin and crypto market is very...


SEC beyond crypto: HSBC and Scotia hit with fines over WhatsApp use "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Both HSBC and Scotiabank have not been supportive of cryptocurrency adoption in recent years.


If You Have to Abandon Ship "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Would you be ready if you had to abandon your cruising boat? Learn from one cruiser who found out the hard way. [More] If You Have to Abandon Ship


Romania harnesses AI for data-driven policy recommendations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Officials in Romania have created and employed an AI-powered robot to source community concerns and turn the collected data into policy recommendations.


republicans bury the media with complete horseshit to try to... "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

republicans bury the media with complete horseshit to try to distract from actual criminals indicted for real crimes. a good cartoon.


Texas votes to add crypto to states Bill of Rights "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Texas lawmakers vote to add digital currency to the states Bill of Rights, granting individuals the right to use digital currencies like Bitcoin for trading.


Antennas "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Antennas - trying again to post correct file

Read more about this resource...


Viral Video Explains Why You Should Be Worried About Making Content About Your Work "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We live in the information age and A TON of folks out there have taken it upon themselves to document every single thing in their lives on social media.

That means we get intimate looks into peoples families, their hobbies, and their workplaces.

People are free to do whatever they want, of course, but its the final category mentioned above that has caused some people to get into hot water when they overshare on various social media platforms.

A woman named Ella shared a video on TikTok where she addressed a Starbucks employee who was fired from their job after posting videos while at work.

Screen Shot 2023 05 02 at 6.31.59 PM Viral Video Explains Why You Should Be Worried About Making Content About Your Work

Photo Credit: TikTok

Ella offered some useful advice to all would-be viral stars out there and ran down a list of things that you definitely shouldnt share online. They include not filming on company property, not filming while wearing a work uniform, and not using identifiable logos.



Our 25 Favourite Funny Tweets of the Week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We regret to inform readers in the UK that this weekend is the standard length of two days. We know, we know. Disappointing. But at least theres still plenty of time to relax and read the best tweets weve spotted over the past seven days.

Give your favourites a follow and a retweet.









Bitcoin enters $26K bearadise as BTC price approaches 2-month lows "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BTC price action is now retesting its key 200-week moving average after holding it as support since March.


23 hilariously ominous signs to make you smile (and run in the opposite direction) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There are good signs and bad signs, serious signs and funny signs, but this collection of 23 signs have one particular thing in common.

Theyre all from Ominous signs on Instagram, suggesting some great harm is about to befall anyone who has the misfortune to read them.

Fortunately for us they are also very funny. And terrifying, obviously.












Paper with authorship posted for sale retracted nearly two years after Retraction Watch report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An engineering journal has retracted an article that was posted on a website claiming to sell author positions. The retraction comes nearly two years after we reported on the website and a whistleblower informed the journal.

The study, On the dynamics of an ultra-fast-rotating-induced piezoelectric cantilevered nanodisk surrounded by viscoelastic foundation, appeared in Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines in December 2020. It listed researchers at Sichuan University of Science and Engineering in China as authors. The article has been cited five times, according to Clarivates Web of Science.

The study was retracted on March 16, 2023. The retraction notice stated:

Since publication, concerns have been raised about the authorship of the article. When approached for an explanation, the authors have been unable to verify their original data.

It has also come to our attention that the full authorship list for this manuscript were [sic] changed during the submission and publication process. As determining authorship is core to the integrity of published work and given our concerns regarding the data, we are therefore retracting this article.

The authors listed in this publication have been informed.

The study was among several posted on the Iranian website Teziran in 2021. The site has claimed to sell authorship positions for scientific papers under review in various journals. 

As we...


How To Respond To An Active Killer Scenario Whats wrong with Run, Hide, Fight? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Lets take a moment to examine the title of this article before proceeding any further. The conventional approach to active killer incidents is the oft-repeated slogan, Run, Hide, Fight. However, I deliberately chose a different title because I refuse to accept yet another ineffective strategy that has not prevented a single such incident. You may ... Read more...


Leaked images of five new APS-C lenses from Yongnuo "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NOTE: On the video above I said those are Viltrox lenses but they are not, they are from Yongnuo! Yongnuo will soon announce five new APS-C lenses. The leaks show the X-mount versions. Unclear yet if there will be also Sony E, Nikon Z and Canon R mount versions. Here are the specs: 11mm f/1.8

The post Leaked images of five new APS-C lenses from Yongnuo appeared first on mirrorlessrumors.


Ethereum Loses Grip On $1,800: Will The Bulls Barge In To Save The Day? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum (ETH), the worlds second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has been experiencing a period of volatility in recent days.

After hitting the $2,000 mark last month, the price of Ethereum has dropped sharply, falling below the $1,800 level on multiple occasions. 

This has left investors wondering whether the bulls will step in to save the day and push the price back up.

The cryptocurrency market as a whole has been experiencing a period of uncertainty, with many investors questioning the sustainability of the recent bull run.

Despite these challenges, Ethereum has remained a key player in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, with many investors remaining bullish on its long-term prospects.

Ethereum (ETH) Value Drops As Market Volatility Persists

According to CoinGecko, Ethereums current price has taken a sharp dive, plunging to $1,760. This marks a significant 24-hour decline of 3.2% and a week-long decrease of 7.2%. This comes after Ethereum made a new high in mid-April, surpassing $2,100. 

Although it experienced a retracement, the $1,800 support level prevented further decline and has remained stable for the past two weeks, provided Bitcoin does not drop below $27,000.

If Ethereum experiences aggressive demand at its current levels, the $1,800 support level may come to the bulls rescue. However, if Bitcoin drops to $26,000, Ethereums support level could crack, exposing it to further selloffs. 

In such a scenario, Ethereum could retreat to lower support levels at $1,700 or even $1,500. Its worth noting that upper resistance levels to consider are at $2,000 and $2,100.

Market-Wide Selloff Blamed For ETH Retreat

As the cryptocurrency market continues to experience volatility, investors are keeping a close eye on Ethereums price movements. With the current drop below $1,800, many are wondering where Ethereum is heading next.

Some analysts believe that Ethereums decline is a result of a market-wide sell-off, driven by concerns over Bit...


Post the same actor in two roles that show their range 19 favourite suggestions "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><h4>Weve been enjoying this challenge on Twitter, which is explained by <em>Seth Vargas</em>, who came up with it.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">When you think of acting range, what do you think of? Post the same actor in two roles that show their range. Ill start with Al Pacino in The Godfather and Jack & Jill.

Seth Vargas (@ohsethy) <a href= ""> May 7, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>Full disclosure as much as we liked seeing and thinking of versatile actors, we were also quite drawn to the joke versions, so weve included a lot of those.</h4> <h4><strong>1.</strong></h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Post two pictures of an actor in two roles to show their range <a href= ""></a> <a href= ""></a></p> <p> THE SECRET TORY OBE <img alt= "" class="wp-smiley" src= "" style="height: 1em;"> (@secrettory12) <a href= ""> May 8, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4><strong>2.</strong></h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Post two pictures of an actor in two roles to show their range <a href= ""></a> <a href= ""></a></p> <p> Tom Gregory (@MajorTomCom) <a href= ""> May 8, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4><strong>3.</strong></h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Post the actor in two roles that show their range. <a href= ""> #range</a> <a href= ""></a></p> <p> Minnie Driver TICKLESS WONDER (@driverminnie) <a href= ""> May 8, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4><strong>4.</strong></h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Post the same actor in two roles that show their range. <a href= ""></a></p> <p> James Topham (@JamesTophamWord)...</p> </blockquote></p>


"IndyWatch Feed Arts" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In his role as a kind of classical music professor to the television audiences of America, Leonard Bernstein came across as supremely genial and patient. But that doesnt mean he dedicated his own career as a conductor to agreeableness above all. Here on Open Culture, weve previously featured the occasion in 1962 when he conducted Glenn Goulds performance of Brahms First Piano Concerto, but not before officially declaring his lack of total agreement with Mr. Goulds conception of the piece. Another notable moment of discord arose a decade later, between Bernstein and the late mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, and it, too, has been preserved for all time.

It happened during rehearsals for Mahlers Das Lied von der Erde. Ludwig, seen in this clip in her first rehearsal, begins to sing a verse from the fiendish fourth section, Von der Schnheit (Of Beauty), but struggles to fit in all the words at Bernsteins breakneck tempo, writes Classic FMs Maddy Shaw Roberts.

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SHIB Holders, Get Ready: Latest Shiba Inu Update Could Be A Game Changer "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p>Shiba Inu (SHIB) experienced a decline in social dominance over the past week, indicating a decrease in popularity for the meme coin. Despite being oversold based on its Relative Strength Index (RSI), other indicators were bearish, suggesting a potential further decline in price. </p> <p>However, SHIB has a history of responding rapidly to updates within its ecosystem, and a forthcoming Shibarium update could potentially reverse the downward trend.</p> <p>With the release of the Shibarium update, there may be a potential opportunity for the coin to regain its footing and improve its market performance.</p> <h2><strong>Shiba Inus Shibarium Update Makes Progress</strong></h2> <p><a href= "" rel= "nofollow">In a tweet</a>, Shiba Inu-focused account Lucie unveiled new details about the much-anticipated Shibarium update for Shiba Inu. According to the tweet, the Shiba Inu team is currently working on implementing VOR and OoO on the Shibarium beta testnet. The next step will be to deploy the 0o0 and VOR Router smart contracts on Shibarium Layer 2 and then activate the Oracle applications to fulfill data requests.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en"><a href= "" rel="nofollow">#ShibariumBETA</a> UPDATE May 2023</p> <p>OoO& VOR Deployment on Shibarium testnet

We are currently in the process of deploying both VOR and OoO on Shibarium beta testnet. To date, we have deployed the FUND Test token on Shibarium beta testnet, and have successfully bridged L1 to L2. We <a href="" rel= "nofollow"></a></p> <p> (@LucieSHIB) <a href= "" rel="nofollow">May 10, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <p>Furthermore, the team has made headway in transferring FUND test tokens between L1 (Goerli) and L2, which is a significant development. As of now, the FUND Test token has been deployed on the Shibarium beta testnet, and L1 has been successfully bridged to L2.</p> <p><img class="aligncenter size-medium" height="979" src= "" width="2047"></p> <p>This update indicates that the Shibarium project is making steady progress towards its launch. With the deployment of smart contracts and the successful transfer of test tokens, the team is one step closer to bringing the full potential of the Shibarium to the Shiba Inu ecosystem.</p> <h2><strong>Shiba Inu Price Reaction</strong></h2> <p>Investors and analysts had hoped that the Shibarium update would provide the much-needed boost to Shiba Inus market performance. H...


Ethereum Bears Hesitate But Further Downsides Seem Likely "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum price is moving lower below the $1,800 support against the US Dollar. ETH could accelerate lower toward the $1,650 support in the near term.

  • Ethereum is currently moving lower from the $1,850 resistance zone.
  • The price is trading below $1,820 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average.
  • There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $1,800 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD (data feed via Kraken).
  • The pair could start a decent increase if there is a move above the $1,800 and $1,830 resistance levels.

Ethereum Price Turns Red

Ethereums price failed to start a recovery wave above the $1,850 resistance zone. ETH remained in a bearish zone and traded below the $1,830 support, similar to Bitcoin.

The decline was such that the price even broke the $1,800 support. A new weekly low is formed near $1,770 and the price is now trading in the red zone. Ether is well below $1,820 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average. There is also a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $1,800 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD.

Immediate resistance is near the $1,800 level or the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $1,888 swing high to the $1,770 low.


The next resistance sits near $1,830 or the 50% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $1,888 swing high to the $1,770 low, above which Ethereum could test the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average.  If there is a move above the $1,830 and $1,840 resistance levels, the price might rise toward the $1,880 level. Any more gains above the $1,880 resistance zone could start a decent increase toward the $1,920 resistance.

More Losses in ETH?

If Ethereum fails to clear the $1,830 resistance, it could continue to move down. Initial support on the downside is near the $1,770 level.

The next maj...


Crypto VCs made $2.6B worth of deals in the first quarter of 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Valuation trends in the report are mixed, with seed rounds up 33.3% and late-stage rounds up 209.2% compared with 2022; however, early-stage rounds are down 16.7%.


Lufthansa, Eurowings, other travel industry players push forward with Web3 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

After a new travel-focused blockchain hit the scene, major players in the industry are beginning to pivot to integrate Web3 technology.


Stephen King had a short, sharp takedown of a right-wing podcaster and it was a joy to behold "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Right-wing commentator and podcaster Dan Bongino remains a Trump devotee, despite the former presidents recent civil case in which he was judged liable for sexual assault and defamation of E. Jean Carroll.

Bongino came out swinging with this attack on Joe Biden.

Okay, so its Biden whos the disgrace not the man who did this

It looks like Bongino didnt just drink the Kool-Aid he had it injected straight into his veins. His Biden comments saw a lot of pushback.


Crypto Miner Hive Blockchain Targets 6 EH/s of Computing Power Funded by Up to $100M Share Sale "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hive Blockchain's ethereum mining facility in Boden, Sweden. (Sandali Handagama/CoinDesk)


Why Is Bitcoin And The Crypto Market Down Today? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin price continues to fall, dragging the broader crypto market down with it. BTC is down 4.52% in the last 24 hours, while ETH is down 4.10%. With a current price of $26,289, Bitcoin records its lowest value since March 14 this year, when the price dipped as low as $26,544.

Why Is Bitcoin And Crypto Down?

As always, the reasons for the deep pullback of the Bitcoin price are complex. Remarkably, there was actually good news on Wednesday, May 10, as the CPI continued to fall causing the Bitcoin price to rise as high as $28,317.

However, then fake news about an alleged sale of 9,800 BTC by the U.S. government shook the market. The Bitcoin price flash crashed as a result and has seemingly not been able to recover since. But this narrative is only half the story.

A variety of other factors are currently weighing on the crypto market: the dollar index (DXY) is currently experiencing a bounce and was recently able to hold above the historically important support, the liquidity issue intensified once again with the departure of US market makers Jump and Jane Street, BTC formed a (supposed) head and shoulders pattern in the 1-day chart, the congestion of the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains and last but not least a lot of FUD (US government selling, Binance US and Grayscale).

Not surprisingly, uncertainty in the Bitcoin and crypto market is currently quite high. The Dollar Index (DXY) is currently hovering above historically crucial support at 101.8. Since early April, DXY has already been suspiciously close to support, but has so far been able to fend off any attack from the bears.

As Christopher Inks of Texas Wet Capital writes, the DXY saw another move higher yesterday (to 102.056) and is currently preventing a rally in risk assets:

The $DXY rally is making longs difficult this morning. So, if youre trying to get long on risk-off assets its best to wait and watch for a bit.

Liquidity Issues, A Bearish Chart Pattern And FUD

Another bitter blow to the crypto market on Tuesday was the news of Jump and Jane Streets departure from the U.S. crypto market. The move by the two major market makers comes as a result of regulatory uncertainty in the US.

As NewsBTC reported, liquidity has been a huge problem before, which could now get worse. Due to low liquidity, higher volatility is likely as larger buy and sell orders move the market faster.

In addition, a (supposed) head and shoulders pattern on Bitcoins 1-d...


Man Issues Press Release Announcing He No Longer Accepting TV Show Recommendations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NEW YORK Local man Brian Crowley issued a press release begging anyone he encounters to please stop recommending television shows for him to watch because he is currently backed up until the beginning of the next century, confirmed sources that cant believe he hasnt watched The Last of Us.

There are only so many hours in the day and between my usual daily routine, social life, and existing media I am engaged in, I no longer have the capacity to take on additional content, the statement read. Besides, I already have a usual repertoire of shows that I enjoy and am falling very far behind on. It would be an insult to the creators of those fine products to try and pack in more intricate characters, backstories, and plot twists. Ive done the math and based on my age and the current life expectancy of an American male, there is statistically not enough time for me to sit down and watch every single show that has been suggested to me.

People closely associated with Crowley rolled their eyes and said this follows a pattern of his contrarianism and tendency for the melodramatic.

I dont know what the hell Brians doing that hes so goddamn busy he cant watch a single episode of Obi-Wan, longtime friend Jason McNeely commented. The real reason he doesnt have time to watch new TV shows is because hes always parked at that dive bar pretending to read. If anything this whole press release shit is just some way for him to show the whole world how cultured and refined he thinks he is. Its his classic pattern of attention-seeking behavior. Plus where the fuck did he get the money to hire a PR firm when that asshole owes me $40?

Media experts note that now that the endless freetime afforded by Covid lockdowns is over, people dont have time to binge most TV shows, but added that Crowleys case is extreme.

While I can understand not wanting to be interrogated about the most recent episode of Succession, this all seems a bit over-the-top, remaked media analyst, Lisa Moyer. Back when the government was paying us to sit on our asses and watch TV, the abundance of quality media options wasnt the huge annoyance its become now. In Crowleys case, it seems as though he just needs to go out of his way to let everyone know he thinks hes too good to watch TV or something. What a douchebag.

At press time, Crowley had fired up the same Family Guy hes seen over a dozen times and can quote from memory.

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Book Review: The Mandibles Is About the Thirdworldization of the US "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By the author of Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City and The Ultimate Survival Gear Handbook

With all the commotion around the dollar losing world reserve currency (GRC) status and the looming battle on the debt ceiling, its time to review a book that fully embraces that prospect, envisioning how it might play out in contemporary America.

The Mandibles: A Family 2029-2047 is a fictional novel narrating the final stages of the US plunging from worlds leading superpower to international pariah after going bankrupt and officially declaring default on its sovereign debt. 

In her typical snarky prose, author Lionel Shriver describes that process and what comes after by chronicling the saga of four generations from a traditional American family, as they descend from affluence and prosperity into utter poverty and finally flat-out survival in less than two decades. 

(Have you read Daisys slightly futuristic story, Good Citizens? Check it out here.)

Ive done my best to avoid spoils, but reality seems to be trampling fiction nowadays, so bear with me.

What is The Mandibles about?

The Mandibles portray a gripping, provocative, and harrowing description of full-blown Thirdworldization happening in the US and what comes after that.

Galloping inflation, control of capital, widespread bankruptcy and joblessness; moral decadence, hopelessness, xenophobia; the semi-collapse of government, rampant lawlessness and crime; reverse migration, ruinous diplomacy, deculturation, and degeneracy. Even TP shortages and a new gold confiscation make it into the story. 

Theres dystopia aplenty, too, from implanted chips to control the citizenry, to weaponized institutions at the service of an oppressive government. East Asia takes over American corporations and land. KFC becomes Korean Fried Chicken. Its all there, and much more.

It is a tale of consequences, of failed ideas and policies debasing the currency and other structures supporting modern society, and, ultimately an empi...


Person Waiting to Use Bathroom Youre In Just Going to Violently Rattle Door Knob a Few More Times for Good Measure "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PROVIDENCE, R.I. Local moron Griff Bradshaw made frequent frustrated attempts to gain entry to the venue bathroom you were, unity recently, peacefully defecating in, confirmed sources who also wish you would hurry up a little.

I wanted to use the bathroom, but its like the door is jammed or something. I tried pushing on it really hard, but the handle seems stuck or something. Normally the handle moves and Im able to walk right in, but today its all jammed up and Im about to piss my jeans sputtered Bradshaw, in between strained yanks of the door handle. I dont understand. This is definitely where the toilet lives, I know it is. I had two Monster Energy drinks before show so if I dont get in there soon Im going to have to go in the sink behind the bar again.

Attempts to enter the Indigo Rooms only lavatory increased in frequency and desperation as the seconds ticked by.

If it doesnt open the first time, that means its locked, you exclaimed after the fourth time the door handle rattled fitfully. What do you think if you try it again its going to magically unlock? Somebodys in here, and youll just have to wait. Whats so hard to understand about that? Now I have stage fright knowing theres probably a line outside stretching all the way to the bar and Im going to have to look them all in the eye. And its going to stink pretty bad in here for them and I have no one else to blame it on.

Washroom access has been a recurring issue, according to venue management, but a solution remains elusive.

I cant count the number of deadbolts Ive had to replace over the years from wear and tear, said venue owner Michael Renzoni. We have this problem nearly every show. Some people just cant wrap their heads around the concept of a locked door, I guess. At this point, Im considering bringing in a few port-o-johns to up our toilet access. At least those say occupied when someones in there. Im hoping that will clear up some of the confusion.

At press time, Bradshaw was seen asking another concertgoer standing outside the bathroom if they were waiting for the bathroom.

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A Look Back at Every Time I Fought a Man Who Disagreed With Me About Blue Cheese "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While I am a fan of the growing acceptance of differences that weave the beautiful quilt we call our society, there is one difference that Ill never accept. And that is the misguided and ungodly opinion that ranch is an acceptable substitute for blue cheese. There is no way I can be totally sure of every man Ive ever fought over this fact, as it often causes me to black out with rage. But Ill try my best to recall every time I fought a man who disagreed with me about blue cheese.

Tampa, FL, December 2019
A friend told me the blue cheese in my fridge had passed its expiration date. He even tried to throw it out. I was outraged! Everyone knows blue cheese cant go bad. It can only become bluer cheese. I remember whispering, I think youre about to go bad. Thats when I made that bozo black and bluer than hed ever been. By hitting him.

Daytona Beach, FL, March 2020
I was at a Hooters with a dear family member when they suggested we get both ranch and blue cheese with our signature Daytona Beach wings. Who did this guy think he was? The kind of jerk that stocks a hotel room with half-decaf and half-regular coffee packets? Anyway, there was only one way to solve it. I gave him my own order of 50/50. Thats 50% right hook followed by 50% left hook! Meaning, I hit him.

Jacksonville, FL, September 2021
This time a waiter brought me a blue cheese dip but it had no chunks in it. I could barely believe my eyes. It was like an open-casket funeral. The blue cheese was sitting right there in the ramekin, but it had no chunky soul inside. As I wept, I swung violently through the air. Until I hit him.

Gainesville, FL, June 2022
I saw a man across a restaurant dip his pizza in ranch. I remember thinking, if he has that much disrespect for pizza, what else is he willing to disrespect? With that kind of judgment, I figured he was a fugitive from the law so I served up some street justice and showed him where he could dip his pizza. And by that, I mean I hit him.

Tallahassee, FL, February 2023
A man in a grocery store told me they make ranch-flavored ice cream now. I could interpret it as nothing other than a threat. So I hit him.

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Dogecoin-Like Spike in Milady NFTs After Elon Musks Tweet, But Will It Last? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Milady 8835 last sold for 0.35 ETH (about $1,000) on OpenSea. (Art by Remilia, modified by CoinDesk.)


What Makes You See Red? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In our COLOR issue, we asked The Nibs Inkwell members. Illustrated by Maki Naro.


Frydenberg Still Fuming That Labor Got To Post Countrys First Budget Surplus In 15 Years "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

RORY SALAZAR | Finance | Contact The Advocate unreservedly apologises to those present at Goldman Sachs Collins Street offices yesterday. In particular to those who witnessed the misunderstanding between this Masthead and Goldmans Senior Regional Adviser for the Asia Pacific, Mr Josh Frydenberg. Having had time to reflect on yesterdays events, the Advocate now realises what went wrong. It []

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Im Watching Citadel For The Eye Candy Says Local Woman Actually Referring To Stanley Tucci "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact Local woman Maya Bauer has this week eagerly agreed to watch new spy thriller series, Citadel, jokingly informing her boyfriend Nate that shell watch it with him, purely for the eye candy. Maya is said to have allowed him to believe she was talking about Richard Madden, when in actual fact, she was []

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The Florida Orchestra gave the percussionist a pop gun solo and its a very funny watch "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Florida Orchestra is well known not just for its musical prowess but also for its sense of humour.

Heres the brass section going off-script.

@thefloridaorchestra Our brass section is often up to no good. #classicalmusic #classical #brass original sound The Florida Orchestra

And heres a mid-concert tap dance break.

@thefloridaorchestra And our orchestra just keeps going #funny #classicalmusic #classical #orchestra #conductor #prank original sound The Florida Orchestra

In fact, principal percussionist John Shaw crops up a lot in their funny and often viral videos. This is his lates...


Binance.US Explores Ways to Decrease CZ's Dominant Share: The Information "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Changpeng Zhao ,CEO of Binance, at Consensus Singapore 2018 (CoinDesk)


Its going to get worse for banks JPMorgan CEO on overregulation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

JPMorgan CEO says the Fed should be less focused on adding more rules and regulations for banks and more on fixing the banking crisis.


King Charless 3-Hour Coronation Special Even Better The Second Time Around, Says Nan "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT Days after the remaining people who cared watched a dole bludger be crowned King of the British Empire, Nan has confirmed that the hours long epic is even better a second time. After failing to convince any grandchildren to witness history with her, local nana Gertrude Milker, aka Nana Gurts, watched old Charles []

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Sport And Politics Just Dont Mix Says Bloke Who Obviously Hasnt Been To Glasgow "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT After the NRL made up for the common decency a some of their loudest fans seem to be lacking, various social media users with something petrol powered in their profile pic have claimed sport and politics just dont mix. Earlier in the week, the National Rugby League publicly announced their support for the []

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RBA Promises To Pause Choosing Board Members With No Monetary Policy Experience Until 2024 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

RORY SALAZAR | Finance | Contact If you accidently smash into a brush-tailed possum while driving and leave it desperately crippled, what do you do next?  This was the question posed to the Advocate by RBA governor Philip Lowe via Skype just moments ago. You get out of your Lexus, grab a golf club out of the boot and []

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Elon Musk says hes being replaced by a female Twitter CEO 18 favourite funny reactions "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its almost five months since Elon Musk asked Twitter if he should step down as CEO and this happened.

On Thursday night, he seemed to act on that poll with a big announcement.

We say seemed because only last month he told the BBCs James Clayton that he had made his own dog the CEO of Twitter, so it might not be wise to put good money on the outcome.

While rumours suggest the new CEO will be Linda Yaccarino of the World Economic Forum, the vague tweet led to many jokes and speculation. We collected some favourites.






AFL Creates New Father / Son-Who-Is-Also-My-Cousin Rule For New Tassie Team "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

JASON BARRY | Victorian Leg Tennis | Contact In a wonderful show of class, the AFL has enhanced its inclusivity credentials by making the game more accessible to our southern island brethren. With the 19th AFL team licence granted for the games first Tasmania team, the AFL has celebrated the unique family structures of the region by creating a []

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Lawsuit against FTX celebrity promoters gets backup from former exec "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Daniel Friedberg, the former top compliance chief for FTX and FTX US, has provided a declaration that could support the lawsuit.


Local Bloke To Pay Tribute For International Nursing Day By Taking 45 Minutes To Drink A Pint "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT A Betoota Plains man is today being praised for a lovely little tribute to some of our frontline heroes. With the 12th of May marking International Nurses Day, Koen Ramsey has decided to pay his respects in his own way by drinking a schooner over the course of an hour. The theme for this []

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PM: Jobs Market Even Hotter Than When The Mighty Bosstones Hired A Guy To Just Dance On Stage "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact The Rudeboy-in-Chief Anthony Albanese has made a stunning declaration this afternoon before knocking off for the week, telling reporters on the tarmac at Canberra Airport that the national jobs market hasnt been this good for a long time. Not since the, uh, Mighty Bosstones hired a guy to, uh, []

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40% Of NSW State Of Origin Highlights To Remain Pixelated "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

IMRAN GASHKORI | Sports Editor | CONTACT Both Fox Sports and Channel 9 have today learned that over 40% of the NSW State Of Origin highlights reel will remain pixelated, until the Blues have had enough big moments to replace the current footage. This decision was handed down by the NSW District Court this afternoon, and has been backdated []

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Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

1.00 AUD = 0.00003 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 3.95 AUD

Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.64 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00004 BTC


Memecoins are like Powerball for crypto fans: Matrixport exec "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

For a lucky few, memecoins can provide a path to wealth, but for others, theyre simply a risky gamble, Matrixports Markus Thielen tells Cointelegraph.


Binance.US seeking ways to cut Changpeng Zhao's majority stake: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Changpeng Zhao is the crypto exchanges founder, majority owner and chair. He is also the CEO and co-founder of the global crypto exchange, Binance.


Bitcoin Price Technical Breakdown Could Take BTC Toward $25K "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin price is moving lower below the $28,000 level. BTC is at risk of a downside break toward the $25,000 support in the near term.

  • Bitcoin struggled to recover above the $27,500 and $27,800 resistance levels.
  • The price is trading below $27,500 and the 100 hourly Simple moving average.
  • There are two bearish trend lines forming with resistance near $27,000 and $27,800 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair (data feed from Kraken).
  • The pair could continue to move down if it breaks the $26,750 support zone.

Bitcoin Price Extends Decline

Bitcoin price failed to start a recovery wave above the $27,800 level. BTC remained in a bearish zone and settled below the $27,500 support zone.

The bears were able to push the price below the $27,000 level. A low is formed near $26,720 and the price is now showing a lot of bearish signs. It is still trading below $27,500 and the 100 hourly Simple moving average. There are also two bearish trend lines forming with resistance near $27,000 and $27,800 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair.

Bitcoin price is likely to face sellers near the $27,000 level or the 23.6% Fib retracement level recent drop from the $28,335 swing high to the $26,720 low.

The next major resistance is near the $27,350 level. The main resistance is now forming near the next trend line and $27,800. It is close to the 50% Fib retracement level recent drop from the $28,335 swing high to the $26,720 low.

Bitcoin Price

Source: BTCUSD on

A close above the $27,800 resistance and the 100 hourly Simple moving average might start a decent increase. The next key resistance is near $28,000, above which the price might climb toward the $...


Bachelor Forced To Find New Pharmacy After Developing Sexual Tension With Pharmacist "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT Horrible humanly bodily functions have ruined another trip to the pharmacist today but not in the way you might expect. As someone without a long term female partner, bachelor Terence Boat (33) has been forced to take care of his medical ailments himself leading him to be on a first name basis with []

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US Chamber of Commerce slams SEC's haphazard regulation efforts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The largest business organization in the world has thrown its weight behind Coinbase in its fight against the SEC.


Silvergate begins NYSE delisting process as it readies to cut 230 staff "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The parent company of the defunct Silvergate Bank disclosed significant staff cuts and the delisting of its securities in an SEC filing.


Its International Nurses Day! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its International Nurses Day today an international day observed around the world each year on 12 May which is the anniversary of Florence Nightingales birth. The event mark the contributions that nurses make to society. The theme for the 2023 resource is Our Nurses. Our Future.

Our Nurses. Our Future. is a global campaign which sets out what the global community wants for nursing into the future in order to address the health challenges and improve global health for all. As a community we need to learn from the lessons of the pandemic and translate these into actions of the future.

With the release of the State of the Worlds Nursing report, the Global Strategic Directions for Nursing & Midwifery, the Sustain and Retain in 2022 and Beyond and many other important publications, ICN and other organisations have shown the evidence for change and called for action. It is now time to look to the future and demonstrate what these investments will mean for nursing and healthcare. The Our Nurses. Our Future. campaign will shine the light on nurses and on a brighter future.

Nurses to continue raising voices for change

Locally, the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association (NSWNMA) says that nurses across the public, private and aged care sectors are spending International Nurses Day reflecting on their tireless efforts to provide quality care to patients, residents and local communities despite the current workforce challenges one nurse-midwife told The Echo that most nurses are probably just desperately hoping that they might actually get a lunch break today (or any day).

Determined to secure a brighter future for the profession, NSWNMA General Secretary, Shaye Candish, said the day was an opportunity to recognise the essential contribution of nurses and pay tribute to nurses who speak up for change. Nurses are vital for our healthcare system. Their critical thinking and expert coordination prove nurses must be involved whenever decisions are made about healthcare reform or new policies.

Over the last 12 months weve seen commitments from governments to deliver much needed changes in the aged care and public health sectors which will have an immense impact on our ability to provide the quality care patients and residents rightly deserve.

This progress is thanks to nurses and midwives across NSW demanding better, and it highlights their vital role in advocating for improved healthcare for all.

Leaders in fighting for change

NSWNMA Assistant General Secretary Michael Whaites, said nurses are not just leaders in healthcare, but also leaders in fighting for change.

Our members have campaigned for evidence-based nurse-to-patient ratios for many years. They shouldered the brunt of the pandemic over t...


Big breath as Beacon Chain stops finalizing ... and then recovers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Ethereum mainnet briefly stopped finalizing transactions but recovered after 25 minutes.


Toxic Algae and Red Tide The Steep Cost of Factory Farms "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published August 21, 2018.

Florida is well-known for its aquatic wildlife a natural resource that is now being rapidly decimated by the influence of factory farms and chemical agriculture, combined with the unpredictable forces of nature.

Over 10 months in late 2017 and 2018, scores of manatees, dolphins, turtles, eels, crabs and other marine animals have washed ashore, dead, killed by toxic Karenia brevis algae known as red tide which now covers the east and west coasts.

Lake Okeechobee, which is the source of the problem, is also choked by another algal organism blue-green cyanobacteria. Both the red tide organism and cyanobacteria are fed by excess nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen from agricultural fertilizers.

These toxic algae also pose a threat to human health. Exposure through inhalation may trigger respiratory distress; topically it may cause skin rashes, while accidental ingestion can lead to vomiting and kidney failure. As reported by One Green Planet:1

"[T]oxic algae is spreading through the coastal waters of South Florida, causing what is known as a 'red tide' to form, and it is killing wildlife at alarming rates due to lack of oxygen. The explosion of wildlife-killing algae in the area is largely a result of agricultural runoff linked to the Big Sugar industry."

Largest, Longest Red Tide in Decades

Hundreds of dead manatees and even a massive whale shark have washed ashore since October 2017, when the red tide began. Turtles have been hardest hit, including Kemp's Ridley sea turtles, which are on the critically endangered list. As noted by Bob Wasno, a marine biologist with Florida Gulf Coast University:2

"Back in 1994 we had an outbreak and it killed 196 manatees. Everybody was just completely outraged. They yelled and jumped up and down and said 'This is not going to happen again.' Here we are 24 years later and this is worse than ever."

In 2016, the Florida algal bloom in Lake Okeechobee drew attention after persisting from May through midsummer, covering 33 square miles and spreading to the coasts.3 A state of emergency was declared in three of the hardest-hit counties on the Atlantic coast, as well as one county on the Gulf coast.


Holding the Line: Its Easier With Love "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This story is about the importance of holding the line both in the conventional sense and in the deepest, most existential sense.

When we say, hold the line we usually mean the need to mount our opposition to the authoritarian creep. The significance of holding that line is self-evident. The authoritarian creep is creepy and frankly, at this point, its not a creep, its a landslide. This is how it starts.

And this is how it can end if we dont push back.

However, there is also a deeper meaning of holding the line. That deeper meaning, the act of holding the line of our soul, is foundational. It is at the root of our ability to stand up to any abuse and deal with any circumstance, including the current ugly circumstance of the not so great reset.

Why It Matters

Talking about holding the line of our soul may sound lofty, idealistic, or not very practical at a time like this but in fact, the opposite is true. It is the most practical line to hold at all times and especially now because holding that line is what protects us against the lies. Holding that line is what allows us to prevail over the tyrants in the long run and at this point in history, prevailing over the tyrants is our job.

The Missionary Position

First, let me get personal. Ive been thinking about the harms of the authoritarian missionary position all my life. My focus was perhaps inspired by my experience of living through the fall of the USSR and observing many of my compatriots swapping their ideologies but keeping the general vibe.

I witnessed with my own eyes how many sincere people transitioned from joyless atheism to joyless Orthodox Christianity, changing their talking points to the polar opposite but largely retaining the foundational gloom. That, by the way, was the reason I ended up staying in America, I could not stand the soul-dimming atmosphere. (Hello, that same vibe in America in 2023. For the record, I didnt miss you even a little bit, and I have no idea what you are doing here.)

The Soul Extinguisher: The Guilt and the Boot

Soul extinguishing can take multiple forms. It can ta...

What Safety Studies Have Been Done on mRNA Swine Vaccines? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As previously reported, unbeknownst to the public, pork producers in the U.S.1 and Canada2 have been using customizable mRNA-based vaccines on their herds since 2018. As it turns out, the mRNA platform, Sequivity,3,4 is the only part of this gene-based vaccine technology that has been approved.

All customized mRNA injections created using this platform are untested, and the initial safety testing upon which the assumed safety of all customized jabs are based was grossly inadequate. As noted by Zoetis, the largest producer of veterinary drugs and vaccines:5

Sequivity has safety and efficacy studies based on the platform with a historical initial isolate, not likely the isolate that customers would be requesting in their product.

We dont even know what that initial isolate was. The Sequivity platform allows customized vaccines to be created as follows, in as little as eight weeks:6

  1. Pathogen is collected and sent to a diagnostic lab.
  2. The gene of interest is sequenced and sent electronically to Sequivity analysts.inserted into the RNA production platform.
  3. The RNA particles released from incubated production cells are harvested and formulated into a customized vaccine.

USDA Lists Only One Safety Study for Sequivity

So, just what kind of safety testing has been done on these mRNA swine jabs? As it turns out, not much, and even saying that would be an exaggeration. Looking at the U.S. Department of Agricultures (USDA) summary of studies supporting the product licensure of Sequivity,7 we find only ONE safety study listed.

There are two efficacy studies pertaining to H1N1 swine influenza, two efficacy studies pertaining to H1N2 swine influenza, one efficacy study pertaining to H3N2 swine influenza, and one safety study pertaining to all vaccines under typical use conditions.

These six studies were all performed between June 2020 and December 2021. A search of the USDAs Licensed Veterinary Biological Products catalog renders just this one summary of studies to support Sequivitys licensure.8 This implies the plat...


Pepe would be ashamed by PEPE investors "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Memes come and go, but greed, harassment and community are stalwarts of the crypto industry.


Alamedas $38B IRS bill, Do Kwon kicked in the assets, Milady frenzy: Asia Express "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

IRS wants $38B in unpaid taxes from Alameda, Milady token surges 3,000%, restraining order for Arthur Hayes over 3AC threatening words.


Doom Loops Are Multiplying "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Charles Hugh Smith at Of Two Minds Blog. 

We can all pretend to be fantastic until the floor collapses beneath us. At that point, complacency/denial gives way to panic, but its too late to effect any realistic reversal of fortune.

Doom Loops have been in the lexicon for a long time. The basic idea is the decline of one of the inputs holding up the status quo weakens the other inputs. This weakness feeds back on itself, accelerating the decline until a critical support level breaks and the system collapses.

Doom Loops are being used to describe big-city downtowns gutted by remote work, the closure of small businesses and the rise of property crime and chronic homelessness. Once the workforce commuting to downtown fell sharply, the businesses catering to this workforce no longer had a customer base large enough to support them all and so many close.

This mass closure makes the district less vibrant, further weakening commerce.

At the same time, politicians and district attorneys have mandated non-prosecution of non-violent property crimes such as auto break-ins, shoplifting, etc., giving the green light to the criminal class that specializes in property crimes. This increase in property crime forces the closure of flagship retail outlets strip-mined by blatant shoplifting.

This shift in enforcement did little to stem the flood of fentanyl and other addictive narcotics into city centers, where the chronically homeless have congregated in sprawling encampments.

While mayors promote declines in violent crimes, they dont mention the impact of human waste, drug-addled homeless and property crimes, many of which are not even reported as small business owners fear reporting losses due to break-ins might result in their insurance policies being canceled.

Break-ins set Oakland Chinatown businesses back: Things were slowly getting better, then all of a sudden the doom arrived.

The closures of downtown businesses cause tax revenues to plummet, leaving less for policing and other essential services. Criminals quickly catch on and so break-ins occur when police patrols are absent.

Meanwhile, the decline in commuters has crushed transit agencies revenues, creating giant holes in billion-dollar budgets with few realistic solutions.

The solution being touted is to convert empty office buildings into residences, to replace commuting office workers with residents. This sounds feasible in the abstract, but these conversions are extremely costly, and the attractiveness of decaying downtowns to upscale residents i...


US House financial committee tells SEC they dont like custody proposal "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The letter criticizes the proposed rule for its impact on the banking industry, particularly in ways that would be disadvantageous to the digital asset industry.


Once Radical Critiques of Psychiatry Are Now Mainstream, So What Remains Taboo? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From CounterPunch/Bruce Levine, PhD: One need not be a Marxist to acknowledge the logic behind Karl Marxs observation: The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas. It is especially important for the ruling class that the general publics ideas about our emotional suffering and behavioral disturbances be the ideas of the ruling class.

Twenty years ago, one would have been labeled as anti-psychiatry for acknowledging that: (1) psychiatrys treatment outcomes are abysmal and not getting any better; (2) the serotonin imbalance theory of depression is untrue; and (3) psychiatrys diagnostic manual, the DSM, is scientifically invalid. Yet today, these acknowledgementswhich dont threaten the ruling classare stated by the psychiatry establishment and reported by the mainstream media.

There are, however, critiques that continue to be too taboo for the mainstream media to report. Such critiques are existential threats to establishment psychiatry, and these critiques are financial threats to both Big Pharma and a mainstream media dependent on Big Pharma advertising dollars. Even more importantly, these critiques are political threats to the ruling class which prefers medical individual defect explanations for emotional suffering and behavioral disturbances rather than explanations that challenge the societal status quo . . .

What Remains Taboo Criticism of Psychiatry?

What remains taboo is criticism of psychiatry that calls into question its fundamental paradigm of care. Specifically, this means it is taboo to ask this question: Has viewing our emotional suffering and behavioral disturbances as medical disorders and illnesses been helpful or harmful? Thus, the mainstream media rarely reports the empirical research that challenges psychiatrys essential paradigmits so-called medical model.'



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The post Once Radical Critiques of Psychiatry Are Now Mainstream, So What Remains Taboo? appeared first on Mad In America.


McHenry to U.S. SEC: Which Crypto Firms Have Tried to Register? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) (Suzanne Cordeiro/Shutterstock/CoinDesk)


DOOCE: A Case Study on the Failure of Psychiatry "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Heather Armstrong died this week. If youre not familiar with who she is, then you might not be a depressed single mother living in Utah.

In the early 00s, when writers were bloggers (not the other way around), Heather Armstrong rose to fame as a Utah-based mommy blogger who wrote about parenting, life, and depression. Back then, blogging had become a hopeful entry point for writers (including this one). All you had to do was write about relatable things, and they will come.

Armstrongs blog, called Dooce, was a big deal in Utah because she was Utah-based and had been raised as a member of the LDS (aka Mormon) church. Based on the data, however, membership in the LDS Church is not a one-way ticket to paradise. In fact, Utah is one of the leaders in the country in antidepressant prescriptions, which is why Armstrongs blog was so popular. Women were finally stepping out into the light, bringing with them the darkness they held inside.

A selfie of mommy blogger Heather Armstrong in 2019 (Facebook)

Back in the early 00s, I was also a single mother trying to make it on my own as a writer. But unlike Armstrong, I was uncomfortable writing about mental health issues. I wanted my writing to stand on its own, not become a cultural fad-reaction to what every mother everywhere (no matter her status) feelsmore often than wed probably like to acknowledge.

With idealized images of the upcoming social ritual of Mothers Day rapidly approaching, its both poignant and telling that the ultimate mommy blogger, who had revealed what most of us feel at one time or another, passed.

Truthfully, I never read her blog. I just knew, via...


Federal Reserve's FedNow will connect with Metal Blockchain "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The integration will allow users to instantly convert cash to stablecoin for use in DeFi protocols.


SEC Slammed By U.S. Chamber Of Commerce For Regulatory Approach To Cryptocurrencies In Coinbase Filing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is facing criticism from the United States Chamber of Commerce over its lack of clarity regarding which digital assets are securities under federal law. This issue has immense implications for every person involved in the $1 trillion digital-asset economy, a court filing by the Chamber states.

According to the filing, the SEC has refused to engage in any systematic process or rulemaking to explain what its claimed authority means, instead offering one-off enforcement actions and public speeches. This has created regulatory uncertainty and destabilized the regulatory environment for digital assets.

In July 2022, Coinbase petitioned the SEC to initiate a rulemaking regarding digital-asset securities. It urged the Commission to answer basic questions such as "which digital assets are securities?" More than 1,700 commenters echoed Coinbase's call, but the SEC expressed no interest in addressing Coinbase's request, according to the Chamber. Coinbase then pursued a lawsuit against the SEC in order to compel the regulator into action, which is where the filing by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce comes from.

The SEC's Chairman has asserted that the securities laws are unambiguous as applied to blockchain-based digital assets. Despite constructively denying Coinbase's petition, the SEC has refused to memorialize its decision in a formal response.

According to the Chamber, the SEC's lack of clarity has caused economic harm to both Coinbase and the broader business community. The uncertainty deters productive conduct and stifles innovation and undermines broader American economic and strategic interests. Continued uncertainty also has implications for the nation's geopolitical interests and the continued primacy of the dollar, given the increasing relevance of digital assets to international monetary policy.

The SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking or respond to Coinbase's rulemaking petition has destabilized the regulatory environment for digital assets, the Chamber states.

Agencies ordinarily provide regulatory clarity by promulgating rules of general applicability, the filing says. This preference for rulemaking has important benefits: It forces agencies to put to paper their regulatory plans, and it provides for fixed, prospective effective dates that ensure parties can bring their conduct into conformance with the law rather than be held liable later for violating duties they did not know existed.


BlockFi users to get back $297M from Wallet accounts: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Return of funds does not apply to users of interest-bearing accounts, ruled U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Michael Kaplan.


BlockGPT launches chat to earn ecosystem for training AI "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A new Web3 initiative aims to build a ChatGPT-style artificial intelligence system on the blockchain.


Safaricom M-Pesa receives Ethiopian mobile money license, ending state monopoly "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Kenya-based company already has 3 million mobile phone users in Ethiopia and plans to make it the 10th country where the payment service will be available.


Elon Musk announces he will step down as Twitter CEO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The soon-to-be-former CEO will become Twitters executive chair and chief technology officer, overseeing product, software and system operations.


Meet Dencun. Ethereum Developers Are Already Planning Next Hard Fork "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum is working on its next thing. (Natalilia Mysik/Getty Images)


10l rotovap "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The 1 _ is one of the most commonly used equipment in the experiments of sample concentration, solvent circulation, extraction and solvent mixture separation; the rotovap receiving flask is one of the more important parts of the rotary evaporator, the rotovap receiving flask rotates on its side to The inside is covered with a thin film, which greatly enhances the evaporation process. The rotary evaporator is used in the rotovap alcohol extraction experiment to evaporate and recover expensive...

10l rotovap


Angus Asks Colleagues If He Can Borrow Their Hands To Help Him Work On His Numbers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Oppositions shadow treasurer (yep, really) Angus Taylor has been asking his colleagues if he can borrow their fingers and toes to help him work on his numbers in the event of a #LibSpill.

Yeah, numbers arent really Angus thing so hell need all the help he can get, said a Liberal Party Insider. Sussan on the other hand, she knows numbers, or at least numerology.

Which involves numbers, so yeah shes probably the bookies favourite.

When asked if they expected a challenge to Peter Duttons leadership any time soon, the Liberal Party Insider said: Well, tomorrow is Friday and not many of us work on a Friday, so probably not too soon.

If Angus can get his act together and figure out basic arithmetic then who knows maybe in the next week or the next News Poll result.

One things for sure, Peter will not go down without a fight, heres hoping for Angus and Sussans sake that he doesnt know where their loved ones live.

Mark Williamson


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The Aputure Delta Pro is a 3,600Wh Battery for Mobile Film Production "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Aputure Delta Pro

Aputure has announced the Delta Pro, a 3,600Wh battery pack that the company bills it as the "ultimate" portable power solution for filmmakers.

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The Post-Digital Leica MPi: A Leica M2 With a Raspberry Pi Camera "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Michael Suguitan Leica MPi project

Photographer Michael Suguitan decided to take the "gear acquisition syndrome" bull by the horns and build a customized camera using a Leica M2 analog rangefinder and a 12-megapixel Raspberry Pi camera module.

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Twitter Rolls Out Encrypted Messaging, Dont Trust It "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Elon Musk managed to deliver the new security feature on his self-imposed deadline, but seemingly at the cost of quality.

by Lauren Leffer


Twitter did it. The company met a deadline and released something on the promised date under Elon Musks leadership. The social media platform put out its first-ever encrypted messaging option late on Wednesday night, just under the wire. Yet in the mad dash to deliver, the site seems to have made some confusing compromises, as outlined in a Twitter blogpost.

For online privacy writ large its undoubtedly a good thing. But Twitters version comes with some major caveats. For one, it is only available to verified users, meaning those with access are almost entirely people willing to pay $8 a month for Twitter Blue. Both parties in an encrypted Twitter exchange need to be verified for the feature to work.

Second, it is opt-in, which means users have to consciously choose encryption every time. Tha...


Twitter Rolls Out Encrypted Messaging, Dont Trust It "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Elon Musk managed to deliver the new security feature on his self-imposed deadline, but seemingly at the cost of quality.

by Lauren Leffer


Twitter did it. The company met a deadline and released something on the promised date under Elon Musks leadership. The social media platform put out its first-ever encrypted messaging option late on Wednesday night, just under the wire. Yet in the mad dash to deliver, the site seems to have made some confusing compromises, as outlined in a Twitter blogpost.

For online privacy writ large its undoubtedly a good thing. But Twitters version comes with some major caveats. For one, it is only available to verified users, meaning those with access are almost entirely people willing to pay $8 a month for Twitter Blue. Both parties in an encrypted Twitter exchange need to be verified for the feature to work.

Second, it is opt-in, which means users have to consciously choose encryption every time. Tha...


Vitamin C for Asthma and Allergies "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Originally published on by Andrew W. Saul

The high-dose protocol of Robert F. Cathcart III, MD

read more


The Vicious Cycle of Sleep Disruption "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This week, I want to cover a foundational element of health. What is it? Sleep! Many factors disrupt sleep, and when sleep is disrupted, that in turn disrupts many of []


Israel Says It Is Prepared For A War With Iran "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel is prepared for a multi-front war with Iran. Israel says is ready for all possibilities moving forward with Operation Shield and Arrow.

In separate comments, Netanyahu said that 95% of Israels security problems come from Iran, referring to an attempt by Iran to start a multi-front campaign against us. According to a report by The Jerusalem Post, Israel will do all it can to prevent Iran from establishing terror fronts around us, he said at a conference for Habithonistim, a right-leaning group of former senior defense officers.

The small forum that decided to launch the operation did not include National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who boycotted this weeks cabinet meeting and whose faction members did not take part in Knesset meetings and votes in protest of the lack of a response to the rockets from Gaza. The Jerusalem Post

According to the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Israel has forestalled this war for a decade by waging a so-called gray-zone campaigna wide range of operations against Iran and its proxies just below the threshold of war. But after a particularly tense month of Ramadan in 2023, during which dozens of rockets pierced Israeli airspace from both Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, Israeli military officials are now openly warning that Israels first multi-front war since the 1973 Yom Kippur War may be imminent.

A United States Embassy spokesperson said that the ruling class is closely following Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip that killed three leaders of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Israel has the right to protect itself and its people from indiscriminate rocket attacks launched by terrorist groups. We are also aware of reports that 10 civilians were tragically killed in the Israeli strikes, the spokesperson said. We call for all parties to de-escalate the situation.

The United Nations Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland said he was deeply alarmed by the military operation in Gaza, condemning the death of civilians in the strike, which he said killed five women, four children, and a doctor. I urge all concerned to exercise maximum restraint and avoid an escalation, he said. I remain fully engaged with all sides in an attempt to avoid a broader conflict with devastating consequences for all.....

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