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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary was generated at The Wire IndyWatch.

Sunday, 06 August


Pseudo Echo Ultimate Tour 2023 - West Gippsland Arts Centre "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Saturday 5th Aug, 8.00pm 10.20pm, West Gippsland Arts Centre

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Saturday, 06 May


Im November: Whole Foods verkrzt in San Francosco ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Im November: Whole Foods verkrzt in San Francosco die ffnungszeiten. Begrndung: Hohe Diebstahlraten und feindlich gesinnte Leute.

Vor ein paar Wochen: Whole Foods schliet ihren Laden in San Francisco wegen "employee safety concerns". Oh und zu vielen Raubdelikten.

Jetzt so: Nordstrom schliet beide Lden in Downtown San Francisco. Sie bleiben unkonkret, aber der Betreiber der Mall, in dem einer der Lden war, sagt folgendes:

"A growing number of retailers and businesses are leaving the area due to the unsafe conditions for customers, retailers, and employees, coupled with the fact that these significant issues are preventing an economic recovery of the area," the statement said.

The mall's owner went on to say that it had expressed serious concerns to city leaders for many years and "urged the city to find solutions to the key issues and lack of enforcement against rampant criminal activity."

Was ist denn da bitte los? Whole Foods ist sowas wie eine Bioladen-Kette. Das Essen da ist vergleichsweise teuer, deren Lden sind eher nicht in heruntergekommenen Gegenden. Nordstrom ist eine Bekleidungskette, vielleicht vergleichbar mit C&A. Normalerweise wrde man denken, dass sich Kriminalitt erstmal bei Juwelieren und Apple Stores und sowas zeigt.

Ich fhlte mich spontan an Escape from L.A. erinnert. Weia.

Endlich auch mal gute Wirtschaftsnachrichten: Der Dollar ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Endlich auch mal gute Wirtschaftsnachrichten: Der Dollar verliert langsam seinen Status als "Reservewhrung". 2001 waren noch 73% der Einlagen in Dollar, heute sind es noch 58%.

The dollar suffered a stunning collapse in 2022 in its market share as a reserve currency, presumably due to its muscular use of sanctions, Jen and Freire wrote. Exceptional actions taken by the US and its allies against Russia have startled large reserve-holding countries, most of which are emerging economies from the so-called Global South, they said.
Oh, ach? Die Sanktionen sind auch mal schdlich fr die USA, nicht immer nur fr alle anderen?

Microsoft versucht schon wieder, mit unlauteren Tricks ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Microsoft versucht schon wieder, mit unlauteren Tricks ihren Kunden Edge berzuhelfen. Diesmal: Outlook ffnet Links nicht mit dem eingestellten Browser sondern mit Edge. Weil, h, ... zur Steigerung der, uhm, Produktivitt und so!1!!

Oh und fr Teams wollen sie das auch einfhren.

Ich kann da nur empfehlen, was ich eh schon seit Jahren empfehle: Outlook und Teams nicht einsetzen.

Gute Nachrichten! Nein, diesmal wirklich!!Landgericht ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Gute Nachrichten! Nein, diesmal wirklich!!

Landgericht Mnchen: Massenabmahnungen wegen Google-Fonts-Einbettung waren rechtsmissbruchlich. Das Gericht fhrt aus, dass die Abmahner die Webseiten ja gar nicht persnlich besucht haben, sondern das war ein Crawler.

"Vielmehr wurde ein automatisiertes Programm (sog. Crawler) eingesetzt, um Websites aufzufinden, auf denen Google-Fonts dynamisch eingebunden waren. (...) Wer Websites gar nicht persnlich aufsucht, kann persnlich auch keine Verrgerung oder Verunsicherung ber die bertragung seiner IP-Adresse an die Fa. Google in den USA verspren", heit es zur Begrndung.

Wartet, wird noch besser.

Wer sich bewusst und gezielt in eine Situation begibt, in der ihm eine Persnlichkeitsrechtsverletzung droht, um daraus Ansprche abzuleiten, sei nicht schutzbedrftig.
Wo sind solche Richter, wenn die Urheberrechtsmafia irgendwelche computerlosen Omas wegen offener WLANs verfolgt?

Ja warte mal, Fefe, wenn das rechtsmissbruchlich war, war das dann Betrug?

Das Gericht entschied jedoch nicht ber die Frage, ob es sich bei den Anschreiben um einen strafbaren Betrugsversuch oder vollendeten Betrug gehandelt hat. Darber "hat die Staatsanwaltschaft in dem von ihr gefhrten strafrechtlichen Ermittlungsverfahren zu entscheiden".
Wenn ihr mich fragt, knnte man hier auch darber nachdenken, ob das nicht schwerer Betrug ist, weil eine Bande gewerbsmig gehandelt hat.

Ein Leser erzhlt folgende krasse Geschichte:Vor ca. ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ein Leser erzhlt folgende krasse Geschichte:

Vor ca. 3 Tagen haben alle Videobrillen des kroatischen Herstellers Orqa zeitgleich den Betrieb komplett eingestellt und keiner wusste bisher, warum das so ist und wie man das behebt.

Diese Videobrillen werden als Videoempfnger und Bildausgabegert fr (Hobby-) Drohnen und Flugmodelle genutzt, um die Flugmodelle aus der Pilotenperspektive zu steuern.
Fr die Besitzer dieser (recht teuren, ca 600) Gerte hie das, dass diese an einem Sonntagnachmittag - zur besten Hobbyzeit - pltzlich gar nicht mehr fliegen konnten. Quasi die Apokalypse fr den Hersteller der Videobrillen, da dieser ausschlielich von diesem einem Produkt lebt.

Der Hersteller sprach erst von einem Softwarebug, der mit Zeit/Datum zusammenhngen sollte.
Mittlerweile hat sich aber herausgestellt, dass ein ehemaliger contractor von Orqa vor einigen Jahren schon eine Firmware-"Zeitbombe" in den Bootloader eingebaut hatte, die gezielt an diesem Sonntag die Hardware weltweit funktionsunfhig gemacht hat, um Lsegeld von Orqa zu erpressen - ganz unter dem Vorwand von "Lizenzkosten".
Offensichtlich wurde hier Entwicklung outgesourced und nicht weiter berprft.

Der Vorfall wurde mittlerweile von Orqa auf deren Webseite exakt so besttigt.

Das Problem wurde bisher noch nicht behoben und die Hardware ist nach wie vor fr alle Kunden funktionsunfhig.
Das drfte auerdem meines Wissens nach einer der ersten dokumentierten Flle von Ransomware auf Consumerhardware sein.

(Unabhngig von dieser Story werden diese Videobrillen - wie viele nhliche Modelle anderer Hersteller - auch aktuell im Ukrainekrieg eingesetzt, um dort mit Sprengladungen bestckte Drohnen zu fliegen. Die Piloten dort werden von dem gleichen Problem betroffen sein, der Ransomwareangriff hat damit aber keinen direkten Zusammenhang)

"We experimentally verify this attack by compromising ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

"We experimentally verify this attack by compromising the AMD Secure Processor". Der AMD Platform Security Processor ist das AMD-Pendant zur Intel Management Engine, die pro Jahr einen Nebelwerfer-Buchstaben mehr dazu kriegt, und jetzt CSME heit (Converged Security and Management Engine).

In dem Paper geht es um das "Software-TPM", das bei AMD in dem PSP luft, dem Platform Security Processor, inzwischen auch umbenannt zu AMD-SP (AMD Secure Processor).

Ist mir ja ein Rtsel, wieso die stndig ihren ganzen Schei umbenennen mssen. Wobei. Immer nach einem vollen Bruch der Security, oder? :-) Nene, lieber Kunde, das hier ist was GANZ anderes als der unsichere Schlangenl-Schei von neulich!1!!

In dem Paper greifen sie einmal den internen State des Software-TPM ab und knnen dann damit Bitlocker (full disk encryption unter Windows) aufmachen. Das ist eine ziemliche PR-Katastrophe fr AMD. Die haben gerade eh Stress, weil deren CPUs so eine heie Scheie sind, dass sie sich durchs Mainboard schweien knnen.

Whrend bei AMD die Prozessoren in Flammen stehen, ist es bei Intel die Quartalsbilanz. Gerade keine gute Zeit fr CPU-Bauer.

Update: So, hab mal reingeguckt in das Papier. Die verwenden Hardware-Angriffe, also Voltage Glitching. Dafr muss ein Angreifer physischen Zugang zum System haben.

Die meisten Threat Models gehen nach wie vor davon aus, dass man einen Angreifer mit physischem Zugang nicht aufhalten kann. Allerdings behaupten ja TPMs implizit genau das. Insofern ist das gut, dass das mal jemand geprft hat. Auf der anderen Seite ist die berraschung jetzt nicht ganz so gro wie wenn sie, sagen wir mal, blo von einem USB Stick gebootet htten oder so, und dann nachtrglich die Measurements bernageln knnten. So ist das ein bisschen ... antiklimaktisch gerade.

Gut, aber was heit das in der Praxis? Na das, was Experten schon immer gesagt haben. Bitlocker macht man mit TPM und mit einer starken Passphrase. Damit verhindert man zwar nicht, dass jemand mit physischen Hardwarezugriff den Bitlocker aufmachen kann (der Zoll z.B. kann dir eine Hardware-Wanze unterschieben, die die Passphrase von der Tastatur mitliest und nach Hause telefoniert). Aber das war schon immer das Bedrohungsmodell unter Paranoikern. Wenn jemand physischen Zugriff auf meine Hardware hatte, ist es nicht mehr meine Hardware. Darum erkennt man Paranoiker daran, dass sie beim Referentendinner ihren Laptop dabei haben. :-)

Brillante Idee: "Use AI to detect fake reviews and ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Brillante Idee: "Use AI to detect fake reviews and scams". Eine Browser Extension. Die Firma wurde gerade von Mozilla gekauft.

Was kann DA schon schiefgehen!

Palmer tritt aus den Grnen aus.Seid ihr auch so froh, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Palmer tritt aus den Grnen aus.

Seid ihr auch so froh, dass wir jetzt endlich die People of Color gerettet haben? Da kann man endlich wieder bedenkenlos die Sweatshop-Sneaker auftragen, und die Unterwsche aus Bangladesch. Und die Sweatshop-Jeans. Dann schn einen Sweatshop-Plantagen-Kaffee trinken, und ein Selfie mit dem Sweatshop-Smartphone machen. Hauptsache der Palmer sagt nicht mehr "das N-Wort".

Das Leben ist wieder gut bei den Grnen!

Was fr ein verlogenes Pack. Ekelhaft.

Lacher des Tages: Der arme Lindner muss jetzt gegen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Lacher des Tages: Der arme Lindner muss jetzt gegen Subventionen fr Industriestrom sein. Weil der Vorschlag von Habeck kam.

Was fr eine Realsatire!

Der muss sich aber warm anziehen, sonst wird als nchstes Habeck der neue FDP-Kanzlerkandidat. Klientelpolitik macht der jedenfalls aktuell berzeugender als die FDP mit ihren Hoteliers :-)

Ein Fotograf hat versucht, seine Bilder aus den Trainingsdaten ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ein Fotograf hat versucht, seine Bilder aus den Trainingsdaten von LAION entfernen zu lassen. Ergebnis: "Nein". Und eine Anwaltsrechnung ber knapp 900 Euro.

Begrndung: Wir haben deine Bilder nicht mehr, die sind in die trainierte KI eingeflossen und knnen jetzt nicht mehr entfernt werden. Durch deinen Copyright-Antrag sind uns Kosten entstanden, die muss jetzt jemand tragen. Wir haben ja nichts falsches gemacht, also: Du.

Laion sind die hier. Ein gemeinntziger Verein aus Hamburg. Die Kanzlei mit der Rechnung war Heidrich Rechtsanwlte, as in Jrg Heidrich, Heise-Justiziar. Der Fotograf heit Robert Kneschke. Seine Darstellung des Sachverhalts findet ihr in seinem Blog.

Aktuelle Eskalationsstufe:

Update 27.04.2023, 16:25 Uhr:
Wir haben eben die Klage gegen LAION e.V. vor dem Landgericht Hamburg eingereicht.
Na da bin ich mal gespannt, was aus der Geschichte wird.

Update: Mir haben mehrere Leser geschrieben, dass das sogar noch ein bisschen absurder ist. LAION hat gar kein KI-Modell von den Fotos sondern blo eine Liste mit URLs zu den Bildern. Das rckt das Auskunftsersuchen des Fotografen fr mich in ein anderes Licht.


AlaskaChick & BTPost Things happen. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

  1. Just a Follow up Post on what happens to Old People About 4 months ago, while I was in ReHab, i woke up with a detached Retina Reported it to the nurse, and Doc, but they blew men off, with no treatment. one the day after I graduated from ReHab, AlaskaChick made an Appt. with the Optometrist to figure out what was what going on with my left eye.. Appt. was in three weeks. Went. to the Appt. and he referred me to the Retina Surgeon for the next day. That Doc took one look, and...

AlaskaChick & BTPost Things happen.


WHAT?! 2A Only Applies To Handguns?!? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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FAIR USE: In the rare instance I include someone elses footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with the intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech.</p> <p>IMPORTANT: All shooting is done on state-approved firing ranges by trained professionals. Our videos are produced in a safe environment by highly trained professionals with decades of experience. These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not attempt to replicate the actions featured in our videos without the proper training, licensing, and medical professionals present.</p> <p>We are not attempting to sell you the items featured in this video. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories, or otherwise change their basic legal function. All firearms and accessories are legal products commonly available in stores all across the United States. Our videos are for entertainment purposes only. We are not a gun shop and...</p></p>


EVERYONE is Laughing at the White Houses Newest Attempt to Spin the Border Crisis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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Top news right now: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierres claim that illegal immigration has decreased by 90% due to President Bidens immigration policies has received significant backlash from Twitter users. This claim does not align with the reality on the ground, as illegal border crossings have reached record levels in recent months. Despite the Biden administrations so-called efforts to combat illegal immigration, they have been unsuccessful, and the once-secure southern border under President Trump has now turned into an open door for illegal immigrants. The administrations denial of the gravity of the situation reflects their incompetence and inability to handle the issue. The American people deserve better, and the administration must take urgent steps to secure the border and control illegal immigration. Follow Next News for more breaking news.

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NFL stars daughter drowns in family pool | Wake Up America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Fridays Wake Up America, pool safety expert Eric Lupton and certified infant instructor Kaley Hoffman share their thoughts on Buccaneers LB Shaquil Barretts daughters unexpected passing and pool safety tips.

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Photographer Claims He was Assualted While Covering a Concert "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Photographer at a concert

A photographer that was brutally thrown out of a metal concert while taking photos has claimed he was assaulted by security staff.

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Stacks (STX) Stumbles As Bulls Fail To Remain Intact "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On March 20, 2023, Stacks (STX) hit an all-time high of $1.30. But the price declined below the $1 mark on March 25 as the bears increased momentum. The asset has remained under the mark from March until May 5.

The 4-hour time frame chart today indicates that the STX token is trading on a downtrend movement due to high selling pressure. The token is also in a long-term downtrend, with the bears increasing its selling pressure forming lower highs and higher lows.

Will The Bulls Dethrone The Bears From The Market?

The overall structure of the STX market is bearish, with the bears battling with the bulls to take full control. The 4-hour chart shows that the STACK token is trading at $0.7276, with a decrease of -6.47% within the last 24 hours.

Related Reading: This Meme Coin Created By GPT-4 Is Now Worth $40 Million, Heres Why

STXs 24-hour trading volume is down by 56.76%, with a total market cap of $1 billion. This also shows that STX is not experiencing many activities at the moment.

Despite the increased selling momentum resulting from the investors sentiment, the bulls are attempting to regain control by taking advantage of the support level at $0.67.

Stacks (STX) Price Analysis

Currently, STX is trading within the range of the 200-day simple moving average and the 50-day simple moving average, suggesting a neutral market position or consolidation phase.

Consequently, traders and investors may use the 50-day and 200-day SMAs as reliable support and resistance levels while trading. 

Notably, a breach above the 50-day SMA may signal a potential short-term uptrend, presenting a buying opportunity for traders. The fact that STX lacks an obvious trend, either upward or downward, suggests that the price is stable.

Currently, the RSI level of STX is 41, which shows that the STX market is heading towards the neutral zone, and theres indecision. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) line is below the signal line, which suggests a potential sell opportunity. 

Moreover, the histogram, which measures the distance between the MACD line and the signal line, is below the zero line, indicating that the security is trading below its long-term trend. 

Additionally, the histogram is increasing, implying that the bearish momentum is gaining strength. This situation suggests that STX is facing downward pressure, which could continue for some time, allowing traders to short the token.



Google Doodle Honors Corky Lee, Photographer of Asian-American Life "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Google Doodle Corky Lee

Visitors to Google today will see a striking Google Doodle celebrating the life and work of photographer Corky Lee.

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How can AI be used to improve credit scoring? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AI can analyze data for accurate risk assessment, reduce bias, automate tasks and personalize the lending experience for improved credit scoring.


Will Biden's plan to tax crypto mining reduce emissions? Critics say no "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The tax is intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, electricity costs and local environmental pollution, but has not been kindly received by the crypto community.


New York AGs office seeks additional authority over crypto firms "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Under a bill proposed by New York Attorney General Letitia James, crypto exchanges could be required to reimburse users who were the victims of fraud.


A nefarious lie: Fox & Friends shocked at new Hunter Biden laptop revelation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Fox & Friends co-hosts discuss how a newly-surfaced email sheds light on Bidens talking point about his sons laptop during his debate with former President Donald Trump. #FoxNews

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LIVE: Mayorkas, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Ortiz host a media event in Brownsville, Texas "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas, Acting Deputy CBP Commissioner Huffman, and U.S. Border Patrol Chief Ortiz visit Brownsville, Texas. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Carl Higbie: When did our military stop caring about killing bad guys "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Fridays Wake Up America, NEWSMAXs Carl Higbie reacts to the U.S. Navy using a drag queen influencer to boost recruitment.

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3D Printing Obsolete Connectors "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Heres a problem that we know some of you will feel a connection to. You have some device, probably old and no longer supported, and you need to replace a cable. Unfortunately, they use a non-standard connector and you cant find new ones on the market. Teaching Tech comes to the rescue today, showing how []

The post 3D Printing Obsolete Connectors appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


Pepecoin Short Sellers Lose Millions as PEPE Nears $1B Valuation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PEPE token inches towards $1 billion valuation (Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)


Ingenious Measuring Cup for Instant Ramen Makes Cup Noodles Even Easier to Prepare "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ingenious Measuring Cup for Instant Ramen Makes Cup Noodles Even Easier to Prepare

Instant ramen is beloved around the world for its immediacy, affordability, and taste. On top of being cheap, almost anyone is within a reasonable distance to purchasing and stocking up on the self-contained and filling meal. And the preparation? Just add boiling water and wait for a few minutes. It couldnt get any easieror could it? Nissin, the creators of Cup Noodles (better known as Cup Noodle in Japan), seem to have come up with an invention to further simplify the processa measuring cup shaped like a Cup Noodle. And for diehard fans of the iconic instant meal, its an item they didn't know they needed.

In late April, Cup Noodle Japan posted a picture of their latest creation to Twitter. Its branded like a regular Cup Noodle; except, the quirky container is made of a clear material. What makes it stand out is that the units of liquid measurement aren't in the metric or imperial system. Instead, the three marks correspond to the three Cup Noodle sizes available in the Japanese market: Cup Noodle Mini, regular Cup Noodle, and Cup Noodle Big.

If you eat instant noodles often, you may be wondering about the actual use of this measuring cup. After all, the styrofoam containers have a line inside indicating how much water is needed for the noodles to be properly cooked. Nevertheless, not everyone has a hot water dispenser at handespecially when away from home or in a hurryso the measuring cup hopes to shut down the guesswork of  how much water you need to boil. No more undercooked noodles!

It is not immediately clear whether Nissin will actually produce and sell these measuring cups, but the reaction from their followers has been overwhelmingly positive. The original tweet has earned more than 140,000 likes, and people have replied with...


Drone Pilot Captures Huge Avalanche Up Close in Canada "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Avalanche in Canada

An FPV drone pilot captured cinematic footage of an enormous avalanche in British Columbia on Vancouver Island.

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SHTF Headline News When Its Breaking Its Too Late to Prepare "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SHTF breaking news headlines

SHTF Breaking News. Not the ordinary breaking news, but I'm talking about the real bad stuff. Something that jolts awake the masses.

Original source: SHTF Headline News When Its Breaking Its Too Late to Prepare


Lunar Eclipse In Scorpio, Pluto Retrograde Healing The Past "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Happy Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio! The Full Moon at approximately 15 degrees of Scorpio becomes exact today, on Friday, May 5 at 1:33 PM New York Time (17:33 GMT). The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse reaches its maximum point 10 minutes prior.

The post Lunar Eclipse In Scorpio, Pluto Retrograde Healing The Past first appeared on In5D .


CHILLING: Veteran DESTROYED by Deep State. Are You Next? | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 184 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The FBI began targeting Mike Glover, a former Green Beret who also worked for the CIA, after he founded a company that taught people how to be self-reliant. To Mike, the message was clear: The U.S. government will destroy anyone it cannot control. Why else would officials target a veteran who served 10 tours of duty, with five rotations in Iraq conducting elite operations? But Mike tells Glenn that this is happening all across the country: The system is flawed, and only a reset will fix it. He offers insight into the elite operations we are never told about, lifting the veil on the inner workings of the CIA and FBI, which he believes are acting like the enemy of the people. As a former Green Beret who worked closely with the CIA, he has personally seen how government bloat and corruption make situations like the 2012 Benghazi attack even worse. Plus, he explains why he is 100% certain that Jeffrey Epstein was working with the intelligence community. But despite all hes seen and all the attacks against him, hes not backing down. As owner and CEO of Fieldcraft Survival, he teaches people how to be their own first responders and even survive a total disaster. His upcoming book, Prepared: A Manual for Surviving Worst-Case Scenarios, is a practical guide for resilience in the face of the apocalypse, which very well could happen sooner than later.

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2 stories that PROVE Americas battling FULL FLEDGED EVIL "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

America isnt currently in a battle against men Republican or Democrat, Glenn says. Rather, our nation is in a battle against full-fledged evil. And in this clip, Glenn shares 2 stories that prove just how DARK our society has become. One of those stories includes an after school SATAN CLUB, run by the Satanic Temple. A federal judge just ruled the Saucon Valley School District (in Pennsylvania) MUST allow the club to run. Glenn gives all the details, plus, he describes a small, but powerful, action you can take TODAY to help stop this madness soon

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New WHISTLEBLOWER claims may MASSIVELY incriminate Joe Biden "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

At what point will the American people stand up against the Biden family corruption and say, enough is enough? Or, will they never take a stand, so that our most dishonest D.C. politicians continue to escape their crimes completely, 100 percent consequence-free? Now, new whistleblower claims if true could MASSIVELY incriminate Joe Biden even more. In fact, Glenn says, if these claims are true, it could be the biggest presidential scandal in American HISTORY. Glenn details the new claims and explains why theyre SO damning for Joe

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Mystery Wallet Burns 1.69 Billion Shiba Inu, Will It Result In Price Bump? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An unidentified Shiba Inu wallet holder burnt about 1.69 billion SHIB in a single transaction. This burn event caused the overall SHIB burn rate to increase by 38,986.28%, exceeding yesterdays burn rate of 1.34 million SHIB.

SHIB burn events are critical to its price movement since they eliminate excess tokens in circulation and the 1.69 billion SHIB burn represents the third-largest burn event this week. However, the burn event did not significantly impact SHIBs price, although it could improve its performance in the long term.

SHIB Burn Rate Increasing This Week

Shiba Inu experienced massive burn events this week from some of its top holders. CultPunks and a mysterious wallet are among the main contributors to these burns. A total of 2.25 billion SHIB token burns occurred on May 3-4. These transactions significantly increase the SHIB burns on the network in 2023.

Related Reading: Pro-XRP Attorney Shares Information That Could Be Bullish For Ripple

The new NFT collection on the Modulus Network, Cultpunks, burnt 246.74 million SHIB in a single transaction. Also, Blaze Token sent approximately 2 billion SHIB to the dead wallet in a single transaction. These burns contributed to the overall burn rate that increased progressively to date.

Amid the ongoing burn transactions, some whales continue to accumulate SHIB tokens. revealed that a prominent SHIB whale purchased 221.72 million SHIB worth $2.23 million in a single transaction. 

The whale started its purchases on April 25, 2023, when it bought 730.61 million SHIB. Also, on April 27, the same whale acquired an additional 76.31 billion SHIB worth $770,036. Additionally, the SHIB whale bought 49.34 billion SHIB worth $495,868 on April 29. 

Lastly, the same SHIB whale purchased 348.11 billion SHIB tokens worth $3.50 million last week in four transactions, bringing its current holdings to 21.6 trillion SHIB tokens ($218.19 million).

Will The Burns And Whale Accumulation Boost Shiba Inu?

Shiba Inu is fluctuating today despite the news of increasing token burns and accumulations. It has formed a Gravestone Doji c...

Friday, 05 May


Learn the Essentials for Arranging Cut Flowers Into Beautiful Bouquets "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Learn the Essentials for Arranging Cut Flowers Into Beautiful Bouquets

Flower Arranging Ideas

Photo: Social.Cut
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If youre looking to brighten up your home, fresh flowers are a simple way to do it. You can buy bouquets from the store; but, the longer you live with beautiful blooms, the more compelled you may be to arrange them on your own. Getting started is as simple as growing or buying thembut where do you go from there?

Flower arranging, also known as floral design, is the art of arranging blooms and other plants in an aesthetically pleasing way. Pairing color and texture, its a creative activity that you can do as a hobby or as a professional florist.

The tradition of flower arranging is an ancient one. Egyptians during the Old Kingdom (c. 2686c. 2160 BCE) put flowers into vases (as depicted in paintings and sculptures), while the ancient Greeks made and wore garlands. But flower arranging, as we know it today, really began in the 7th century. It was during this time that Ono No Imoko, the Japanese ambassador to China, founded the first and oldest school of floral art. The range of styles, which emphasize different elements and forms, fall under the general term ikebana.

Flower arranging is likely something youve done before, which shows that theres a low barrier to entry. Scroll down to learn more about what youll need for this practice along with helpful ideas and inspiration.

Want to try flower arranging? Read on for a supplies list as well as ideas and tips for making beautiful bouquets.



Emerging tech to create new ethics for humankind: MEWS 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Stephen Castell commented that emerging technologies like blockchain, the metaverse and AI will usher in a new set of ethics and human species.


Ancient Alien underground galleries discovered deep in a cave in Peru "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The entrance to these extraordinary underground galleries was discovered in the high mountains of the Andes. An extraordinary ancient book was also discovered on the site, take a look.


Ukrainian Artist Julia Pilipchatina Draws on the Centuries-Old Tradition of Porcelain Painting with the Future In Mind "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A hand-painted insect on a porcelain plate.

All images Julia Pilipchatina, shared with permission

In the 7th or 8th century, Chinese artisans devised a way to combine feldspar and kaolin and fire it at a very high temperature to produce the first porcelain, which was traded globally and highly sought-after for its elegant surfaces and ornate designs. The precise process wasnt easy to replicate: not until the early 18th century did makers in Germany first achieve the right mix of materials and methods to produce the ceramic in Europe. Around the world, the bright, white surfaces of dinnerware and decorative vessels provided canvases for the painstaking craft of porcelain painting, emphasizing numerous patterned layers of colorful glaze. For Ukrainian artist Julia Pilipchatina, the craft of hand-embellishing plates connects her to a rich creative legacy and to personal stories and family heirlooms.

Formally educated as a historian, Pilipchatina is fascinated by the profound ties to ancestry and culture that tableware represents. By choosing a unique plate for ourselves, we draw upon our own values, andI hopethese objects remain in our families as testament to the lives of past generations, she says. As a refugee from Russias ongoing war against Ukraine, the artist was forced to close her workshop, leave all of her belongings behindsave for her two dogsand start from scratch. No...


Is Eating Dates Good for You? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Consuming seven Ajwa dates each day may help prevent preeclampsia during pregnancy -- and that's just one of dates' many health benefits

The health benefits of dates date to as far back as biblical times. Koran, the holy book of Islam, references the effects of the fruit for better birthing: Allah instructs the Virgin Mary to consume dates when she gives birth to Jesus.[i] Within Islamic tradition, dates maintain a revered place in pregnant women's health.

read more


AIs black box problem: Challenges and solutions for a transparent future "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A look inside the AI black box problem: confronting the trust dilemma and unearthing strategies for transparent AI.


Chinas crypto stance unchanged by moves in Hong Kong, says exec "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Crypto developments in Hong Kong do not mean China has softened or will soften its approach to regulating Bitcoin.


23 of the funniest and most eye-opening pictures from Blursed Images on Reddit "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres a corner of Reddit called blursed images which is full of funny and eye-opening images.

As the name suggests, blursed means something that is both blessed and cursed. Or delightful and disgusting, if you prefer. Or funny and awful.

And these 23 are peak blursed.

1. Blursed screen shot


2. Blursed Convention Sign


3. Blursed_SpoilerAlert


4. Blursed diagram


5. Blursed Protest


6. Blursed_Valentines_Day


7. blursed_rain



4 Reasons To Be Bullish On Bitcoin In Short-And Mid-Term "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Bitcoin price continues to consolidate within the trading range between $27,800 and $30,000. Even though the buy side currently seems to have lost momentum and the bears feel in control, there are numerous good arguments why the Bitcoin price will write new yearly highs in the short and medium term.

4-Hour Chart Of Bitcoin

A look at the 4-hour chart of Bitcoin shows that the price has been writing higher lows since the price reached a low of $27,000 on April 24. A higher low occurs when the price hits a new low that is higher than the previous low, without a lower low preceding it.

Thus, the current price movement of BTC indicates an uptrend. The $30,000 level should be the next target as long as BTC stays above $28,800.

Bitcoin price

US Banking Crisis

Another driver for the Bitcoin price in the short and medium term can be the ongoing US banking crisis. The last few weeks have shown that BTC has reacted strongly to the news, and for the most part has seen a rise. Ultimately, Bitcoin was created for this very purpose: an escape from the fractional reserve banking system.

Because of this, it is also not surprising that Bitcoin has seen its highest correlation with gold in two years. Physical gold has written new all-time highs in recent days, Bitcoin could be spurred by this.

The lead economist at $646 billion asset manager AllianceBernstein, Jared Bernstein, recently acknowledged that Bitcoin will establish itself as an alternative financial system in times of bank failure, and urged people to buy Bitcoin.

Bernstein predicted that the U.S. banking crisis is far from over, adding, We believe Bitcoin will emerge again as a faster horse than gold.

FEDs Interest Rate Pause In June?

Even though the financial markets initially gave a bearish reaction to...


Should crypto be rebranded? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

What people need to realize is that the technology of blockchain, and the shenanigans that some people pull, are two totally different things.


SUI price drops 70% from market debut top amid excessive supply concerns "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The circulating supply of SUI tokens will grow by nearly 15% by the end of 2023.


Is Someone Trying To Provoke Russia Into Using Tactical Nuclear Weapons Against Ukraine? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The End of the American Dream. 

When you are standing on the brink of the unthinkable, it can be way too easy for someone to come along and push you over the edge.  I dont know who just attacked the Kremlin with drones, but it was obviously done for a reason.

Whoever did it knew, or should have known, that the Russians would strike back really hard.  Just imagine how we would feel if there were explosions at the White House.  Russian leaders are extremely angry, and some of them are openly talking about using tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine.  But if that happens, our world could be completely turned upside down.  The Biden administration has hinted that the U.S. would use tactical nuclear weapons against Russian forces if the Russians use tactical nukes against Ukraine, so let us hope that cooler heads will prevail.

Because once the nukes start flying, there is no turning back.

I really wish that this assault on the Kremlin had not happened.  Russian leaders are framing this as an attempt on President Vladimir Putins life

The Russian presidential administration said Wednesday that the Kremlin was attacked by drones overnight in an attempt on President Vladimir Putins life.

Moscow residents had reported hearing two explosions behind Kremlin walls shortly after 2 a.m. local time, after which the lights went out. Footage shared by residents in a local Telegram channel captured the incident, as smoke was seen filling the sky above the Kremlin. Videos also appeared to show part of the Kremlin on fire.

So who was responsible for doing this?

Could it have been a false flag by the Russians themselves?

That is certainly possible.  Both sides in this conflict are more than capable of conducting false flag attacks.

It is also certainly possible that the Ukrainians were behind the attack.  They have been using drones to strike other targets deep inside Russia, and the Washington Post had previously reported that Ukrainian officials had discussed attacking Moscow

Last month, The Washington Post...


Memecoin mania: Social relevance, speculation drives PEPE surge "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Memecoins are back in the headlines as PEPE booms, taking the market capitalization of speculative tokens over $20 billion.


The Great Divide "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Robert Kennedy, Jr. is running for president. I could not possibly be more excited. So, Im going to give Bobby some unsolicited advice, which, if he knows whats good for him, he will not take. I feel OK about doing this because, even if Bobby, in the wee hours of the night, when the mind is vulnerable to dangerous ideas, were to seriously consider taking my advice, I am sure he has people i.e., PR people, campaign strategists, pollsters, and so on that would not hesitate to take him aside and disabuse him of any inclination to do that. OK, before I give Bobby this terrible advice, I have to do the full disclosure thing. Im a pretty big fan of RFK, Jr. I dont generally get involved in electoral politics, but, if I were a Democrat, I would definitely vote for him. Also, he was kind enough to blurb my book (which isnt going to make his PR people happy) and invite me onto his podcast, RFK, Jr. The Defender, to talk about New Normal totalitarianism. So, I am fairly biased in favor of Bobby Kennedy. I think he is an admirable, honorable human being. I would love to see him in the Oval Office. That isnt going to happen, of course. The global-capitalist ruling classes are never going to let him near the Oval Office. They learned their lesson back in 2016. There are not going to be any more unauthorized presidents. The folks at GloboCap are done playing grab-ass, and they want us to know that they are done playing grab-ass. Thats what the last six years have been about. As I put it in...


SkyView Astrology: Full Moon Reading 5 May 23 Fire to burn the Darkness! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SkyView Astrology: Full Moon Reading 5 May 23 Fire to burn the Darkness! by Katharina Bless This is a reading with the real star constellations, an accurate analyze of what is happening in the world right now. The stars reflect the quality of time and that can only be seen in the REAL star constellations! Rumble: YouTube: The video I mentioned from Kryon, you find the story at about 40 min For those new to my readings, please check out the latest Introduction because it is quite different from the Western/Tropical Astrology and my previous reading in my blog page: A guide to Lifes Pilgrimage and the Souls Path of Evolution Personal Readings with Katharina My readings are very powerful tools to better understand life. SkyView Astrology is more accurate than any fortune telling. I also offer Dakini Oracle readings. For details go to:...


Simply 9 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks of the week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Everyone loves a good comeback and here are 9 of the best takedowns that went viral this week.

1. How to get ya nails done


2. An arresting response


3. Just the ticket


PEPE memecoin hits $1 billion market cap fueled by Binance listing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The price of the new frog-themed memecoin has surged more than 4,000% since its inception on April 14.


BREAKING: Binance Lists PEPE And FLOKI In Innovation Zone "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Meme coins PEPE and FLOKI are finally making their way onto Binance after an impressive run. Both communities have in the past called for the crypto behemoth to list the tokens but the exchange has been quiet about possible listings, until now.

PEPE And FLOKI Make It To Binance

The worlds largest crypto exchange Binance has taken another step toward supporting meme coins as it announced new listings for two of the largest meme coins in the world. In a post on its official website, Binance revealed that Twitters new favorite meme coins PEPE and FLOKI will be listed in its innovation zone.

Trading for both of these coins will begin on Saturday, May 6, while deposits for both cryptocurrencies have already been opened as of Friday, May 5. Both meme coins are listed for spot trading across four pairs, including PEPE/USDT, PEPE/TUSDT, FLOKI/USDT, and FLOKI/TUSD.

PEPE, FLOKI on Binance

Furthermore, the exchange revealed that it plans to also allow borrowing on both of these assets. The new margin pairs for FLOKI and PEPE will be available on Isolated Margin and Binance plans to add both of these in the next 48 hours. The Isolated Margin pairs include FLOKI/USDT and PEPE/USDT.

New Listings Trigger Price Rally

Binance posted the announcement on its website in the early hours of Friday and both assets have responded positively since then. PEPE rose to a new high of $0.0000028, crossing the $1 billion market cap, and FLOKI is up 60% in the last day as well.

PEPE price chart from (Binance)...


The Business Case For Implementing Bitcoins Lightning Network "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While still a relatively-new technology, the Bitcoin Lightning Network offers distinct advantages for a wide range of business operations.

This is an opinion editorial by Matt Maraia, a CPA focused on how changes to accounting regulations impact the Bitcoin community.

Today, companies spend egregious amounts of money on credit card fees when processing customer payments, ultimately cutting into margins that are widely scrutinized by investors and management alike.

But the Lightning Network presents a new payment solution with the ability to process instantaneous payments (using Bitcoin) for virtually no fees. It boasts equivalent decentralized safeguards to the Bitcoin network, ultimately using Bitcoins blockchain, which has not been hacked since its inception in 2009. While doubt among the general public about bitcoin manifests itself in the assets price volatility, this innovative technology built on top of Bitcoin rails poses a unique opportunity for CEOs and CFOs to improve profitability.

In fact, you can be anti-Bitcoin and still be able to extract the advantages of the Lightning Network into your companys payment processes, avoiding the issues of bitcoin price variability.

Here are some of the biggest advantages of adopting the Lightning Network for businesses:

Improving Margins, Reducing Fees

With mass layoffs circulating the market, investors and managers understandably continue to scrutinize margins every dollar matters and can spell disaster without proper planning and foresight.

The Lightning Network helps to alleviate these pressures by way of minimal transaction fees. On average, payments made via credit card amount to about 3% in fees owed to intermediary financial institutions. The Lightning Network opens up the possibility to process payments at a fraction of the cost by using micropayment channels. While it is unlikely that an entire customer base will immediately transact through the Lightning Network, even transitioning 25% of credit card payments could significantly improve margins.

Benefitting From Consistent Innovation

Without delving into the superfluous details of how Lightning operates behind the scenes, the innovations materializing in the space remain frequent....


27 right royal tweets to get you in the mood for King Charles coronation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The countdown has begun in earnest for the coronation of King Charles III and if youre twice as excited as us then youre not very excited.

To help you get in the mood weve collected 27 of our favourite tweets about the whole thing, and its a proper coronation treat.







If Youre A Woman, Here Are Some Secrets About Men That Might Surprise You "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We talk more about men not understanding women than the other way around, I think, and for (probably obvious) reasons.

That said, there are plenty of women out there who wish they could better understand the men in their lives and if thats you, here are some guy secrets that arent exactly common knowledge.

Remember forever.

If you compliment my appearance I will probably remember forever.

I still remember when a girl in college told me I look nice with my beard when I first grew it out. Ive had a beard ever since

A fine great work.

Sometimes we pee on the poo stains in the toilet because we are too lazy to use the scrub.

I dont know who complained, but the way I see, we do a fine great work.

Literally nothing.

We have the magical power of thinking about nothing.

Just leave her alone.

Sometimes we dont talk to people cause we dont want to intimidate them. I might see a girl with a cool shirt on but I dont want to make her think Im coming onto her or something.

Rather than freak her out that a 66 guy thinks she looks good today, I just leave her alone. Especially if were on an elevator or something where she cant leave if she actually is uncomfortable.

After a shower.

After a shower, we have no problem drying our balls and face with the same towel. Most of the time we try to dry the face first, then the sack. But sometimes we have to go back to the face. We just hope we use an uncontaminated part of the towel.

Edit: uncontaminated. My balls are clean after a shower. Just, you...


Growing a Salad Garden Onboard "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Can you grow greens on a boat? Sure. here's how one cruiser did it.  [More] Growing a Salad Garden Onboard


On my hook: Flower Garland "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Happy Friday guys!
Today is a beautiful, warm and sunny day. My shop/ studio is surrounded by lovely green trees and bushes, and they create a wonderful, calm and relaxing atmosphere. The one that fuels creativity. So, after God knows how long, I've taken my hook again and started working on a flower garland. I worked on the sketch first, trying to transfer my mind's vision of it, and luckily, I didn't have to re-do anything because it turned out flawlessly. 
Now I have to work on the edging and I want it to be lacy, romantic and rich. 
Wish me luck!
What are you plans for the weekend? Will you squeeze some crochet?


How blockchains can solve greenwashing and contribute to climate action "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BNB Chains Victor Genin said blockchain could improve transparency, accountability, traceability, energy efficiency, waste reduction and collaboration in the climate action space.


Arbitrum (ARB): Is A Major Price Rally Coming Now? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereums layer-2 blockchain Arbitrum is facing a pivotal moment: will it break out of the descending triangle (in the 4-hour chart) or will it see an even deeper correction in the coming days. As NewsBTC reported, Arbitrums on-chain data remains extremely strong and could signal an end to the downtrend.

However, an important question will also be whether investors regain confidence in altcoins (except PEPE). Bitcoin dominance has been on the rise again against altcoins since May 1, approaching the local high of 49%. Once confidence returns, ARB could benefit greatly. But if not, another plunge could be next.

Arbitrum Price Analysis

Arbitrums price corrected sharply in the last two trading weeks after reaching an all-time high of $1.81 on April 23. It was only in the area of the old breakout zone at $1.30 that the ARB price found a floor after a 30% price decline.

Now, this price level is also the frontier in the 4 hours, which bulls should defend at all costs. It is the support line in a descending triangle pattern that has been forming over the past two weeks. The descending triangle is a bearish pattern that anticipates a breakdown to the downside.

Arbitrum price

In order to invalidate the chart pattern, the ARB price must break the resistance line to the upside in the next few days. The support line was defended by the buy side several times recently. However, now is the time to make the breakout to the upside.

However, the ARB price must overcome not only the ascending trendline, but also the 50-EMA (orange) and the 200-EMA (blue) in the 4-hour chart. Otherwise, a plunge towards the support at $1.20 can be expected.

The RSI is trending down...


25 Favourite Tweets of the Week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If youre in the UK, a warning dont get too used to all these bank holidays. You may have just had one and be about to have another, but then you have to wait a whole three weeks for the next.

Before you finish off whatever work you have left before the long weekend, give yourself a treat with these funny tweets from the past seven days.






13 of the funniest pictures that went viral on Reddit this week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its that time of the week when we round up 13 of our favourite funny pictures from the last seven days.

1. Take a bow, King, sorry, Prince Charles


2. You guys have any idea what the code could be?


3. Dont forget to feed Barbara


4. Giant penis mowed into the lawn at King Charles coronation bash site


5. My dad does this to avoid cutting pepperoni


6. Good deal at the supermarket



Memecoin hype drives Bitcoin transaction fees to multi-year highs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Despite the latest spike in Bitcoin transaction fees, the current BTC transaction cost is still far from all-time high levels.


Cardano Launches First Hydra Head For L2 Scaling, But Why Is ADA Dropping? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The first Cardano Hydra Head is now live on the mainnet, but this is not preventing bears from pinning down ADA, the native currency of Cardano, going by its performance on the daily chart.

Scaling Cardano Using Hydra Heads

According to Cardano documentation, Hydra Head will be the first in a suite of protocols that will help the smart contracting platform further process more transactions. 

This is vital considering Cardanos gradual enhancement of its mainnet to eventually handle enterprise-grade DApps demanding higher throughput. 

Observers note that the release of the first layer-2 Hydra Head is a milestone in the current Basho State in Cardano, where scaling and network enhancement is a priority.

The Hydra Head, now live on mainnet, provides what platform developers describe as a secure isomorphic state channel that works off-chain, connecting participants. Notably, transactions sent within a Head are settled instantly. 

Hydra uses the same architecture as the Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN) that also uses channels. Like the LN, those keen on using the Hydra Head must first deposit funds. Researchers said these Heads could be connected in the future, effectively forming a network.

While this development is bullish in the long term, ADA prices are falling when writing in early May 2023. This could be because though Cardano promises to surpass Ethereum as the home of DApps, offering better scaling and decentralization, activity is still relatively low. 

DeFiLlama data, for example, shows that the total value locked (TVL) in Cardano is $152.74m while Ethereum manages $28.61 billion. 

Moreover, Unlike Ethereum, which supported smart contracting immediately after launching, Cardanos smart contracting came years later during the Goguen Stage. 

ADA Prices U...


Striking screenwriters make the best protest signs 19 nominees for the award "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As you probably know, members of the Writers Guild of America have gone on strike after talks with The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers failed to get an improved contract.

The rise of streaming has seen fewer episodes per season and accompanying cuts to the writers rooms with mini rooms becoming much more common, leaving the writers with less work and a smaller percentage of the ever-growing revenue.

The strike has already affected late night talk shows, such as The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and The Daily Show, as well as series like Big Mouth and Cobra Kai. Without a resolution, fans may have to wait a lot longer than theyd like for the next season of Stranger Things.


White House to build international standards for DLT "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The White House national strategy listed eight emerging technologies, focusing on building international standards and finding use cases in the economic sector.


The incredible reflexes of this deer are the very definition of next level "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Latest in an occasional series, wildlife video of the week goes to this clip, shared by SinjiOnO over on Reddit.

The incredible reflexes of this deer
by u/SinjiOnO in nextfuckinglevel

Deer said not today!

Later gator!

Me dodging my responsibilities.

Ppl here in Florida dont realize just how fast these dudes can come out of water. Theres stories weekly about idiots walking their dogs right next to lakes and then act all surprised when a gator or croc come outta nowhere.

That deer was lightning fast! But what about that gators burst speed coming out of the water? DAMN!

Thats a crocodile. Look at its teeth and jaws. Both upper jaw teeth and lower jaw teeth are visible, when its jaws are closed. If it was an alligator, it would have only upper jaw teeth visible.

Source Reddit u/SinjiOnO

The post The incredible reflexes of this deer are the very definition of next level appeared first on The Poke.


Helmet test (for crash damage) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Well, its one way of checking whether the helmet is going to do the job you want it to do.

Not sure the store will be too happy about it, though.

Helmet test ( for crash damage)
by u/Kaos2018 in nextfuckinglevel

Id like to buy this one, please.

Except its not quite so straightforward as it might seem.

Helmet shattering reduces force to the brain. Just like crumple zones of modern day cars are safer than the boats of steel that predate modern cars.

Although it should just crack rather than shatter into a million pieces. Neither helmet seems safe for different reasons.

Yes thank you. A fellow scientist. All those forces that would be cracking the helmet are now traveling straight through your brain and spine.

This test is at least slightly skewed imo.

The first two have ear protection, propping the helmet up possibly making it more susceptible to facture at some corner locations where the ear part meets the cranium part.

However the third helmet is shaped like a bowl better distributing the blows to the rest of the helmet.

Put them all on a (very sturdy) mannequin head to do a real test.

You know what wont break? A metal helmet.

You know what wont protect you? A metal helmet.

Helmets are meant to give to absorb the impact of a crash.

Exactly. Bike/motorcycle helmets are like crumple zones in a car. They disintegrate so your skull doesnt. Which is why theyre a one and done item. If youre in an accident and the helmet is damaged at all, it should be replaced.

If they included a motorcycle helmet in this video, you wouldnt want it to break apart like the first two did because at speed theres not just surviving the crash, but also surviving the slide.

The first two helmets are probably better at falling 15 feet in a skating accident, while the third helmet is probably better at hitting the road at an angle from 6 feet and sliding 100 feet.

Source Reddit...


Zimbabwe sets price to sell gold-backed digital tokens "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Zimbabwes central bank plans to sell gold-backed digital tokens at $10 for individuals and $5,000 for corporations.


Bitcoin price sets new May high above $29.5K as traders eye breakout "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin bulls slowly claw back lost ground on the road to a $30,000 rematch as the U.S. banking crisis lingers.


UKs FCA Continues Crackdown on Unregistered Crypto ATMs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Unregistered crypto ATMs are illegal, the FCA said (Ivan Radic/Flickr)


This calamitous attempt to hold a finish line just gets better and better "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its all very well running a marathon or whatever, have you ever tried holding a finishing line? Thats really difficult, and if you dont believe us, take a look at this.

Its a video thats just gone viral on Reddit and when we stay stick with it, we absolutely, 100% mean it.

to hold the finish line
by u/underscoreftw in therewasanattempt

Third time lucky! The patience of that runner is something else

In 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place

When youre so good, you have time to mess around at the finish line before the second place comes through.

Had time to cross the finish line 3 whole times, now thats a lead.

This filled me with rage.

God that runner is such a good sport about it. Respect to him.

Source Reddit u/underscoreftw

The post This calamitous attempt to hold a finish line just gets better and better appeared first on The Poke.


Cardano TVL Climbs By 10% In A Day Is ADA Set To Soar Once Again? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cardano (ADA) was at the peak of its performance in 2022, boasting an all-time high Total Value Locked of over $400. However, since then, the cryptocurrencys value has fluctuated. 

But recent data from Artemis shows that Cardanos TVL has been consistently increasing over the last six months. 

The seven-day moving average of $154 million is a level not seen since May 2022. With this growth rate, many are wondering if Cardano will have what it takes to reach its previous all-time high TVL.

Cardano Growing TVL, Development Efforts Hint At Bright Future

Cardanos TVL has been on a consistent upward trajectory, with a recent surge of over 9% in just 24 hours, according to DeFiLlamas

Meanwhile, a tweet from Input Output Global highlighted the blockchains impressive performance in April, with the Hydra team gearing up for the upcoming 0.10.0 mainnet release. 

As Cardano continues to prioritize scalability, this new release could have a significant impact on the entire ecosystem.


The Amazing Engineering of Gauntlets (Armored Gloves) from the 16th Century "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The phrase to throw down the gauntlet means to issue a challenge, and this is understood all over the English-speaking world even by those who have no idea what, exactly, a gauntlet is. The word itself comes from the French word gantelet, and referred to the heavy, armored gloves worn by medieval knights, writes History.coms Elizabeth Harrison. In an age when chivalry and personal honor were paramount, throwing a gauntlet at the feet of an enemy or opponent was considered a grave insult that could only be answered with personal combat, and the offended party was expected to take up the gauntlet to acknowledge and accept the challenge.

How many of us, here in the twenty-first century, have ever literally taken up a gauntlet? Adam Savage never has, which may come as a surprise to fans of the former MythBusters co-host and enthusiast of combat technologies past, present, and future.

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The Tory Party Chairman blames Putin for their terrible local election results 14 votes of no confidence "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

At the time of writing, only 25% of the local election results are in, but it already looks like a complete disaster for the Conservatives, who have lost 228 seats and 10 councils, as Labour have gained 119 seats and three councils.

A parade of Tory talking heads has already blamed the results on there being too many prime ministers in the past year, people who dont want houses built in their area, and Rishi Sunaks 192 days in power not being long enough for voters to appreciate how great he is.



Hunting And Eating Reptiles For Survival "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Perhaps you find yourself drawn to the idea of embracing your survivalist instincts, envisioning a life immersed in nature and self-sufficiency when society inevitably crumbles. Alternatively, you might simply be an ardent outdoors enthusiast who thrives in the wilderness long before any doomsday scenario unfolds. Regardless of how you ended up here, stumbling upon this ... Read more...


A Russian diplomat tried to steal a Ukraine flag and its like a microcosm of the invasion so far "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A Russian delegate at a summit in Turkey has gone viral after his attempts to steal a Ukraine flag spectacularly backfired.

It happened after a Ukrainian MP unfurled his national flag behind a member of the Russian delegation as they were being interviewed.

And this is what happened next.


At the risk of too much information, the summit was the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, the Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Marikovski and the Russian named as Valery Stavitsky.

Just in case thats tricky to watch, here it is

And it prompted no end of totally on-point responses on Reddit. Here are our favourites.

This is a pretty good microcosm of Russias invasion of Ukraine too. A pompous attitude, thinking they can take what they want and utter shock and confusion when they are retaliated against.

Thats the closest Russia has come to conquering Ukraine.

Why was he so shocked when he got hit in the face? Dumbass!

Because Russia is the pathetic weak bully on the playground that thinks it can do what it wants but get surprised when it is stood up against. Classic cowardly behavior.

I wish there was a horse spirit of justice who appears at the appropriate moment to kick all the teeth out of the asshole deserving it, and then vanish.

This sums up the war. Russia tries to take Ukraine. Ukraine fights back. Russia: Surprised Pikachu face.

Source Reddit u/itsreallyreallytrue

The post A Russian diplomat tried to steal a Ukraine flag and its like a microcosm of the invasion so far appeared first on The Poke.


Google engineer concerned about open-source AI gaining edge "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A leaked document from a senior software engineer sounds the alarm about Googles artificial intelligence development.


What Jobs Look Fun But Really Arent? People In The Know Dish The Truth "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We all want to believe the perfect job exists one that were happy to get up and go to most days and that compensates us in a way that allows us to live our best life, too.

If you think youve got a good idea of what jobs are amazing and without fault, wellthese people say you should think again.

The sea was angry that day.

Im a marine biologist. I spent the last week measuring defrosted fish heads.

As a bioscientist its never really Eureka and much more

Are my cells dead?

Are my fruit flies okay??

Are they going to fix the microscope?

Will the microscope ever be free to book??

Is 6 coffees too many??

And a large part of my day is spent just doing tasks I need to do to keep my work running. Ie making buffers, sorting fly stocks, splitting cells, cleaning things, etc.

And yet I miss my lab!

An impossible task.

Preschool teacher. Especially with new COVID-19 regulations.

Ever try social distancing 3 year olds?

It lacks stability.

Not a specific job but traveling for work. Im in tech and a lot of people starting out talk about wanting to go to customer sites and get out in the field

I love to travel for fun but its hard to fit in the fun stuff when you have presentations and stuff to worry about and a lot of times your customers arent in the fun cities anyway.

I also think I prefer the stability in day-to-day schedule of traveling less frequently.

The bad times are bad.

Oh my gosh, BUILD A BEAR. Weirdest...

Four dead, one critical after family sedan crashes into false tunnel painted on canyon wall "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Coyote prime suspect

SALT LAKE CITYA car has been smashed to pieces in a fiery crash that left a Yosemite family dead, and one critically injured.

While on vacation in the Great Basin Desert on Friday, a family of four crashed into a false tunnel, a mural painted on the side of a cliff face made to resemble the continuation of a two-lane blacktop like the family was already driving on.

Unlike his wife and daughter, the driver of the car did not die immediately upon impact. EMT Matt Lawson said he told them his name was Sam, before succumbing to death.

When we arrived on the scene he was still looking around in shock, blood in his mustache, not his blood, Lawson said. That was when Sam saw his family, dead and dying in the car. He then lay back in the drivers seat, holding fresh white roses to his chest, as Xs formed over his eyes, and he was gone.

Chief Deputy Chad Marsden said the scene was too gruesome to describe, choosing instead to highlight the bravery of one sole survivor.

We pulled the boy out of the car, Marsden said. The only survivor. He come slinking out of the vehicle shaped like an accordion. Played music as he waddled over to paramedics.

Tragically, after being loaded into an ambulance, they too encountered a false tunnel, this time painted into a tree. There were no survivors.

According to deputies the suspect made no effort to cover his tracks. Detectives say both scenes were littered with black and white paint cans, all labeled ACME. Investigators working at the crash site say it is not the first time they have encountered materials or supplies from that company used in senseless acts of violence.

These antics have got to stop, Marsden said. The perpetrator of these zany, over-the-top, hilarious acts of senseless violence must be brought to justice.

Authorities are looking for a coyote who was seen in the area on the same day.

It is very unusual for a coyote to be out in the daytime, by his self, Marsden said. If you see this coyote, do not engage as he is considered to be armed and dangerous with giant powerful magnets and cheap weapons, which are prone to backfire. Instead, please report any sightings to 911.

The post Four dead, one critical after family sedan crashes into false tunnel painted on canyon wall appeared first on The Internet Chronicle.


What is profit and loss (PnL) and how to calculate it "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PnL refers to the financial gain or loss from buying and selling cryptocurrencies. To calculate it, use various method like the FIFO, LIFO, YTD, and more!


Simple Watercolor Feathers To Paint For L'Ag B'Omer, Just Because! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

With L'Ag B'Omer coming up on Monday night, you can still squeeze in a few crafts to honor this amazing day. I've pulled this one from the archives, and am inspired myself to paint some more as well. And of...


Pepe Shakes Off CZs Controversial Views On Meme Coins, Shoots Up 709% "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Pepe Coin has emerged victorious in the battle against skepticism and doubt, with an incredible rally that left even its harshest critics astounded. 

Despite the naysayers, including Changpeng CZ Zhao, the CEO of Binance, who openly expressed his confusion towards meme coins, Pepe proved to be a force to be reckoned with.

The coin has experienced a stunning resurgence, with Coingecko reporting a jaw-dropping 100% rally in just 24 hours, putting its price at $0.00000221.

The momentum didnt stop there, as the coin continued its meteoric rise, boasting a remarkable seven-day increase of 708%, defying all expectations and proving its worth as a contender in the world of meme coins.

CZ Expresses Confusion Over Meme Coins

During a recent Twitter Spaces conversation, CZ expressed his confusion over the concept of meme coins. Despite this, he stated that Binances decision to list such coins is primarily based on user interest and trading volume, rather than his personal understanding of the coins. 

I personally never really understood meme coins, the Binance chief said. There are many successful people who do seem to understand them, including Elon Musk, and others, so we go by users.

CZ did acknowledge that meme coins like Pepe have recently gained popularity, and while Binance does not base listing decisions purely on hype, they do consider the level of speculative interest surrounding a coin.

Pepe is a recent example of a meme coin that has seen an incredible surge in price since its launch on April 14, with a price increase of nearly 38,900%. While the Binance big boss may not fully comprehend the concept of meme coins, he remains neutral on listing decisions, leaving them in the hands of a separate team at his exchange.

Potential Factors Behind Impressive Rise Of Pepe Coin

Pepes incredible price surge can be attributed to several fac...


Guitarist Surprised to Hear He Wrote Song in 7/8 Time "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

TULLAHOMA, Tenn. Local guitarist Thom Carridge of noise rock band Vacuum Space was caught off guard when a fan informed him that his song Shaping the Sky used a 7/8 time signature, sources who werent quite sure what that meant confirmed.

Oh yeah, I dont like to box myself inits not something we shoot for, we just let it happen organically. Some might even say accidentally, said Carridge, the bands guitarist and primary songwriter. Music comes in many forms, with many time signatures. For instance, the most popular time signature is something called 4/4. Who knew? When I approached this Shaping the Sky song, I was just trying to rip-off King Crimson and Radiohead, so today I learned they also use the so-called 7/8 time signature. Were clearly very similar.

Vacuum Space fan Hilary Franklin was excited to talk music theory with Carridge, but came away a little confused.

I simply pointed out that the song shifts between a 7/8 measure with the compound beat in the beginning and then moves it to the end late in the song. At one point, it even shifts the compound beat in the middle, which is really wild and makes it that much harder to tap your foot to. You know, stuff every guitarist knows, said Franklin. But thats when Thoms face turned beet red. Its almost like he had no idea what I was talking about. You shouldve seen the confused look on his face at the mere mention of the E and G chords. Totally clueless.

Billy Tobin, music teacher at Grove Falls High School, was all too familiar with Carridges work.

Five years ago Thom had the simple assignment of writing an original composition for an independent study. He used to claim he was majoring in guitar and working on a real epic that would show people just how far you could sonically take a six-stringed instrument, said Tobin. But when it was finally time to perform, he was totally unprepared. He got up there with his shitty Jazzmaster copy and played this long rambling shit show of notes that lasted for 14 minutes. But to be honest, 90% of guitarists I see are just kind of winging it until something sounds good.

At press time, Carridge was also surprised to learn that he wrote a guitar solo with a pentatonic scale.

The post Guitarist Surprised to Hear He Wrote Song in 7/8 Time appeared first on The Hard Times.


Every Modest Mouse Album Ranked "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Modest Mouse is one of the most important bands in indie rock. They advanced the popularity of the genre in the early 2000s more than any other band. Basically, theyre to blame for Arcade Fire. Here is every Modest Mouse album ranked flawlessly in a way no one could possibly disagree with because Im an indie snob and my taste in music is better than yours.

7. The Golden Casket (2021)

Were all legitimately happy that Modest Mouse was making weird music in 2021. But it sucks that it keeps taking 5+ years to get yet another mediocre record. If Captain Isaac and crew put out whatever songs theyd been working on each year, I think fans would be happier than having to wait forever to get a record with a few great songs and a lot of noodling. If I wanted that Id listen to Sad Sappy Sucker and, no, were not ranking that one. Maybe the bands commercial success makes them feel like their releases need to feel important. Its like the band is being buried alive by their own success. Oh, shit. That album titles clever.

Play it again: Were Lucky
Skip it: Walking and Running

6. Strangers to Ourselves (2015)

This would have made a great EP. Or a solid follow-up to We Were Dead if it were released in 2009 maybe. This record has some amazing songs that are on par with anything the band made at their peak. However, this album feels like a band regaining its musical footing after a long break, which is strange because in Isaac Brocks blog, he said they were hard at work on it the entire time. That was a long eight years of blog-reading, Isaac, and the results were only kind of worth it.

Play it again: God is an Indian and Youre an...


Letter to a Medical Student: There Is No Elite RCT Strike Force "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

None of us have to fantasize what we would have done during a pandemic. What you actually did the past three years is exactly what you would have done.

The post Letter to a Medical Student: There Is No Elite RCT Strike Force first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


The Lactose-Intolerant Preppers Guide to Non-Dairy Milk "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Author of Preppers Pantry and the online course Bloom Where Youre Planted

A lot of people are choosing non-dairy milk options because they are lactose intolerant. It seems to be ancestral, according to the US National Library of Medicine (1),

Approximately 65 percent of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy. Lactose intolerance in adulthood is most prevalent in people of East Asian descent, affecting more than 90 percent of adults in some of these communities. Lactose intolerance is also very common in people of West African, Arab, Jewish, Greek, and Italian descent.

The prevalence of lactose intolerance is lowest in populations with a long history of dependence on unfermented milk products as an important food source. For example, only about 5 percent of people of Northern European descent are lactose intolerant.

For someone who has difficulty digesting lactose, adding that kind of milk to their coffee or cereal is asking for a world of hurt. According to the Mayo Clinic (2), the symptoms of lactose intolerance usually appear 30 minutes to two hours after eating something that contains dairy. The symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea, and sometimes, vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Bloating
  • Gas

Definitely not something you want to add to an already unpleasant situation.

Non-dairy milk options for the prepper stockpile

First of all, if youre in the midst of building your stockpile, check out our QuickStart Guide to Building a 3-Layer Food Storage Plan. Its absolutely free and will get you on your way to be prepped FAST.

Its very easy to get dairy-free options at the grocery store, but what about options for your stockpile? There are a few products you can stock up on, depending on the type of non-dairy milk you prefer. I always recommend that preppers stock up on items that are the closest to their day-to-day foods as possible, to prevent potential difficulties like an upset stomach or an unpalatable taste.

These are also good options for anyone who follows a vegan or paleo diet.

Coconut Milk:

Coconut milk is rich and creamy, making it a favorite for coffee drinkers. The coconut flavor is hardly noticeable.

So Coconut Milk:...


We Reviewed the Nationals New Album Because We Couldnt Find a Coffee Shop in Town That Wasnt Playing It "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We never intended to write this review, but since every coffee shop within walking distance is playing it, here is our review of The Nationals latest album The First Two Pages of Frankenstein.

Were not sure what goes on in the first two pages of Frankenstein the novel because we used Quizlet to write our book reports in high school, so if these songs are a nod to that, its lost on us. But if the first two pages of Frankenstein the novel are anything like this album, then they arent very interesting.

The Nationals ninth studio album was highly anticipated, as its their first real project together after taking some time apart to work on other projects, which had some questioning their future as a band. It also features big names like Sufjan Stevens, Phoebe Bridgers, and Taylor Swift, which is probably really exciting if you describe yourself as quirky.

We stuck around the first shop we went to to check out a few songs. One of them is called New Order T-Shirt, which we would see six of at the three coffee shops we visited throughout the day. Like the two tracks before it, it was forgettable but it wasnt bad. We left to try a different coffee shop during This Isnt Helping. This is the first track Phoebe Bridgers is on, and her addition wasnt hurting the song, but it ironically was not helping either.

We didnt hear Tropic Morning News or Alien due to our trek to the coffee shop down the street, but were going to go ahead and assume they are both pretty drab. We got to the next stop and ordered a cold brew, which was seven dollars for some reason, and this place had the album on too. We got there just in time to catch The Alcott featuring Taylor Swift. Its undeniable that she and Matt Berninger sing very well together. We liked this one, and were not just saying that to impress our Hinge matches.

We left during Grease In Your Hair because Google said there were still three more tracks after it, which we didnt feel like sticking around for. We went to the place across the street and low-and-behold, Ice Machines was just starting. It was like every barista in the city called each other up that morning and were like hey, lets all try and make our shops even more unoriginal than usual. Feeling defeated, we stayed.

Your Mind Is Not Your Friend, the other song Phoebe Bridgers is on, was good. The final track Send For Me gives some staying power to an otherwise unenticing album. We thought about hanging out for a bit, but they just started the album over again. Were going to give this one a solid 4.5, and well be making coffee at home for a while.

The post We Reviewed the Nationals New Album Because We Couldnt Find a Coffee Shop in Town...


Man Kicked Out of Joyce Manor Show for Not Smoking "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LONG BEACH, Calif. Local man Will Murphy was reportedly kicked out of Joyce Manors hometown show when he refused to smoke a cigarette with every other member of the crowd, sources with constant headaches confirmed.

I thought I could stay under the radar by hiding behind everyone elses smoke clouds, but security saw right through me when I was the only one not holding up a lighter halfway into the set, Murphy said upon returning to his car and changing his sweatshirt to something that doesnt stink like stale smoke. The people around me went from nodding and drinking beer to shaking their heads at me disapprovingly. Some of them even threw cans at me as I was lightly pushed out of the crowd, Ive never seen people get this worked up. Ill never be the same again.

Longtime Joyce Manor fan Victoria Davis explained how outsiders are often unfamiliar with the time-honored tradition of smoking during the bands performances.

Ill admit I couldve been ejected from the Joyce Manor crowd when I lost my Newports before seeing them open for Modern Baseball in 2016, but even my younger, dumber self never forgot to bring a lighter, Davis said while blowing smoke rings by the merch table. Actually kicking non-smokers out is typically a last resort that only happens after posers turn down our offers to let them bum a cig. Trust me, I can smell posers, and not just because theyre the only ones wearing scented deodorant.

Despite Murphys lack of etiquette, Joyce Manor frontman Barry Johnson appreciated other fans commitment to smoking at shows.

Smoking at a Joyce Manor show is like drinking water during a long bike ride. Its what youre supposed to do, Johnson told fans following Murphys removal from the venue. It also helps my bandmates and I save time and money on fog machines for the stage. When I see the occasional audience member wave their phone instead of a lighter or stand around empty-handed while everyone else has a beer in one hand and an American Spirit in the other, it makes me want to puke. These fans have no place at our show. People tell us they would give their lives for our music. The least they could do is sacrifice a bit of their lung capacities.

At press time, Murphy was denied re-entry into the show after returning with a vape.

Photo by James Knapp.

The post Man Kicked Out of Joyce Manor Show for Not Smoking appeared first on The Hard Times.


The Coronation has led to some extraordinary merchandising choices 17 of the best/worst "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In shops at the moment, youre never more than six aisles from a Coronation tie-in and its probably not as many as six. You may see things like this nostalgic display, presumably meant to celebrate Their Majesties relationship. #TamponGate

We found a lot more Coronation products that people had been posting on Twitter. Text in quotes comes directly from tweeters.

1. Somebody needs a wee history lesson.


2. What fresh hell is this? A shop window in Haywards Heath. Will this bedding be compulsory?


3. Even animals love him apparently


4. The fact that coronation toilet roll is a serious product is something I wont forget any time soon.



Moron Who Yells Taxiiiiiiii At The Pub Unsurprisingly Most Likely To Drink Drive "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT A recent report by the Western Queensland Pub And Bowls Club Alliance (WQPABCA) has found that the smart alec who yells TAXI! when someone drops a glass is actually the least likely patron to engage in the services of a taxi. Speaking to the Betoota Advocate today, WQPABCA chairman Brangus Lyceum []

The post Moron Who Yells Taxiiiiiiii At The Pub Unsurprisingly Most Likely To Drink Drive appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


The Punisher! Biden Punishes Responsibility As New Mortgage Equity Program Begins "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Joe Biden should be nicknamed The Punisher for his new woke mortgage idiocy. Starting yesterday, the Federal Housing Finance Agencys mortgage pricing adjustments will increase fees for borrowers with high credit scores while reducing costs for those with subpar credit scores. This upside-down policy is blatantly socialism, and one cant help but wonder if anyone in the Biden administration learned anything from the subprime mortgage meltdown that occurred more than a decade ago. As part of the Biden administrations plan to make housing affordable for everyone (weve seen this story before), upfront fees for loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be adjusted based on the borrowers credit score. Borrowers with high credit scores will pay more in fees, while those with lower credit scores will pay less. The Wall Street Journal cited data from Evercore ISI that shows borrowers with credit scores between 720-759 who make around 15-20% down payments will see loan-level pricing adjustment (LLPA) costs rise by .750%. Inversely, under the new adjustments, risky borrowers with a credit score below 639 and who put down only 5% of the value of their home will only have to pay 1.750%, compared with 3.750% under old rules.


Godfather of AI Quits Google to Warn About Scary Technology "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Samantha Flom, A groundbreaking innovator in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is sounding the alarm over the dangers imposed by the technology for which his work laid the foundation. Geoffrey Hinton, the British computer scientist who has been called the Godfather of AI, recently left his position as a vice president and engineering fellow at Google so he could join the dozens of other experts in the field speaking out about the threats and risks of AI. It is hard to see how you can prevent the bad actors from using it for bad things, Hinton, 75, told The New York Times in an interview.
its GPT chatbot in March, other AI professionals signed an open letter, written by the nonprofit Future of Life Institute, warning that the technology poses profound risks to society and humanity.


Knots for tying stuff down "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I take out 2-3 loads of stuff, 2-3 times a week. Sometimes, I need to secure the stuff in the back of my truck. On the anchor end, I use a Siberian hitch/evenk knot tied with a quick release, but I run a second quick release loop through the first one for security. Sure fast.

Siberian hitch - Wikipedia

On the other end, I use a truckers hitch to...

Knots for tying stuff down


US vice president gathers top tech CEOs to discuss dangers of AI "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Vice President Kamala Harris gathered the heads of several AI development firms to discuss potential risks posed by the budding technology.


Does This Photograph Document the Ancient Stump of a Giant Tree? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This photograph is one of many showing giant ancient tree trunks. However, theres more to the story than simply the marvel of how big trees supposedly once were. According to some conspiracy theorists, images such as these serve as evidence that the earth was once populated by massive trees and that our current forests are merely the leftover shrubs.


Coinbase remains 100% committed to US market: Armstrong "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Coinbase CEO has a lot of faith that Congress will make a clear rule book for crypto firms to follow. But the Securities and Exchange Commission? Not so much.


Pops Childhood Stories Shock Grandkids Who Cant Remember A Time Before Howards Firearm Laws "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT Eh heh heh, so the roos got his arm stuck up round the strap and -eh he! it looked properly like he was holding this bloody rifle and hes hopping around firing off a few shots Bang! Bang! Hahahahaha! off his noggin obviously because he doesnt know what the bloody []

The post Pops Childhood Stories Shock Grandkids Who Cant Remember A Time Before Howards Firearm Laws appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.



What phrase sets your teeth on edge for no reason? 21 nerve-jangling responses "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Todays question comes from u/Hypatiaplays, who wondered this

What phrase sets your teeth on edge for no reason?

They added

Mine is chefs kiss. Its so cringe-inducing for me. Particularly when people write it out. I have no idea why, but it grinds my gears. Just say its sublime, perfection, whatever. Just stop with the cheffing and the kissing.

Whats yours?

It turns out that a lot of phrases or single words grind peoples gears. These cropped up a lot.




Give your head a wobble. Seems to have gone from obscure local saying to every fucker on the internet using it in about a week.


It is what it is.


On accident.


I was today years old


Weve finished a little early, so let me give you four minutes back. Youre not giving me anything you twit.


When people called the platinum jubilee the platty jubes.

That was a wide awake nightmare.


I could care less, when they really mean they couldnt care less.






I Feel Like A Tooheys Jingle Rings Through Mans Skull Like Fire Alarm After Seeing Blue Cans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT A groundbreaking report has today confirmed a long held theory: The Australian males inability to resist an ear worm when holding a cold blue can. Speaking from the backyard of the Hilder residence, local bloke Riley Hilder told us that its physically impossible for him to enjoy a Tooheys New without humming []

The post I Feel Like A Tooheys Jingle Rings Through Mans Skull Like Fire Alarm After Seeing Blue Cans appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Your Guide to the Coronation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Did you know that the Coronation Spoon was originally used by King George IV during a heroin bender at Windsor castle in 1828? Steeped in history, King Charless Coronation on Saturday evening (Australian time) will follow a set of rituals that has barely changed in almost a thousand years.

Here, we explain the history behind the eccentric rites and sacred ornaments. Use it as your guide as you watch this momentous event.

11am GMT: The King will arrive at Westminster Abbey on a horse-drawn carriage. This follows a tradition first begun by Henry III after he found it typically fucking impossible to get an Uber in central London on a Saturday morning.

The procession into the Abbey by dignitaries and Archbishops will then begin. At the head of procession is The Coronation Cross, a hand-crafted item which is made up of a number of relics, including a donation from the Vatican a shard of wood from the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. It also contains fragments of wicker from Easter Bunnys original egg basket.

The King and Queen Consort will enter Westminster Abbey through the Royal Entry (at least thats what Charles has always called it). For this Coronation, King Charles is demonstrating sensitivity to the current economic climate by re-using the $4 billion Crown Jewels from last the Coronation, rather than rushing out to buy a whole new outfit.

The Royal Regalia the Coronation Orb, Sceptre, Ring and Sword will then be laid on the alter. These items were first bought by King Edward Is Mum as part of a Medieval Novelty Showbag at the Canterbury Summer Fair in 1301. The Coronation whoopie cushion, which was also included in the showbag, has sadly been lost to history.

The King will then be led to the Chair of Estate stolen from a council housing estate by Richard III in 1484 and presented to the people by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Charles will be clothed in the Robe of State, coloured red to represent the blood on the hands of the Royal Family following centuries of colonisation and plunder. Just kidding. It symbolises wealth and prosperity.


King Charles is handed the Coronation Fitted Sheet and is tasked with folding it neatly into a square. No symbolism here, it just adds to the spectacle

The anointment the most sacred part of the ceremony beings as Charles strips down to a simple white garment, representing humility and the stripping of earthly vanity and riches and symbolising that the royals have never done irony well.

The Archbishop will then anoint the heir to the throne using the Coronation Spoon...


Bloke With Rooftop Tent Really Hard To Get A Good Gift For "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT Youd think it would be easy buying a gift for a lover of the outdoors but 4WDer Hamish Mosh (39) owns a rooftop tent which means he pretty much already owns anything he could ever want. An avid outdoorsman, Mosh loves nothing more than experiencing the serene beauty of the Australian wilderness from []

The post Bloke With Rooftop Tent Really Hard To Get A Good Gift For appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.



Centra Pop-Up Coming To Coogee Later This Year Bringing Cheap Chicken Rolls To Irelands 27th County "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Popular supermarket chain Centra is coming to Sydney later this year, with hopes to help beat the cost of living crisis by bringing their signature cheap chicken rolls. As a cornerstone of Irish cuisine for decades, Centras rolls have been sorely missed by the directionless young people that leave []

The post Centra Pop-Up Coming To Coogee Later This Year Bringing Cheap Chicken Rolls To Irelands 27th County appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.



Hurry It Up Fuck Ya "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The Coronation Of Prince Charles still hasnt happened yet, it has been confirmed. After a month of pageantry and non-stop tabloid commentary, the British throne still sits in purgatory a good nine months after Queen Elizabeth died. In fact, even after the full week of non-stop Australian TV coverage with round-the-clock updates []

The post Hurry It Up Fuck Ya appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Elsa Dillon Black Swan Lunar Eclipse "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An impromptu talk with Elsa in order to assist and support her in sharing her thoughts/feelings and signs around the upcoming Lunar Eclipse.


2 Thimothy and the left in these times "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As usual, the Bible does a better job of explaining things than the world we now live in.

Bible Gateway passage: 2 Timothy 3 - 1599 Geneva Bible

The more times change thru history, the more they stay the same and I stick with the Geneva translation. The groups translating the Bible at that time not only had the faith of their convictions, many died to uphold that faith.


Unrecognisable Child Star Seems To Have Just Aged Normally "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLYDE ROYAL |Western News| Contact Big questions were asked this week as a celebrity we spotted has had some dramatic changes in appearance. On a recent red carpet we spotted the now 42 year old Macaulay Culkin of the Home Alone films. Some of the changes we noted really blew us away, possibly some incredible CGI was []

The post Unrecognisable Child Star Seems To Have Just Aged Normally appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Builder Not Responsible For Starting Or Finishing Your Home Contract Clause Added To Protect Builders Operating While Insolvent "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

RORY SALAZAR | Finance | Contact Finally the government has pulled its finger out and actually done something to support our troubled construction sector. As labour and material costs continue to blow out for all those reasons Betootians are sick of hearing about, dozens of our builders have gone under, with dozens more soon to follow suit. However the []

The post Builder Not Responsible For Starting Or Finishing Your Home Contract Clause Added To Protect Builders Operating While Insolvent  appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Cash App Bitcoin revenue tops $2 billion in the first quarter "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Blocks Q1 earnings report reveals a 25% year-on-year increase in Bitcoin revenue from the fintech firms flagship product Cash App.


Dollar Tree Dinners TikTok Helps People Shop For a Weeks Groceries For Only $35 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Folks, its rough at the grocery store these days

Everything costs more than it did just a couple of years ago and were all looking to cut as many corners as possible when it comes to saving a few bucks.

A TikTokker named Rebecca Chobat shares videos on the social platform about how to save money and her account revolves around how to specifically plan meals from items purchased at the Dollar Tree.

You can kind of get everything there now.

Including veggies!

Screen Shot 2023 05 03 at 3.40.22 PM Dollar Tree Dinners TikTok Helps People Shop For a Weeks Groceries For Only $35

Photo Credit: TikTok

Beef patties!

Screen Shot 2023 05 03 at 3.40.12 PM Dollar Tree Dinners TikTok Helps People Shop For a Weeks Groceries For Only $35

Photo Credit: TikTok

Brand name pan...


Tron Price Prediction: TRX Outperforms Bitcoin, Aims $0.075 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tron price is up over 5% and showing positive signs above $0.068 against the US Dollar. TRX outperformed Bitcoin and rise further towards $0.075.

  • Tron is trading in a positive zone above the $0.0680 pivot level against the US dollar.
  • The price is trading above $0.0685 and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours).
  • There is a major bullish trend line forming with support near $0.0692 on the 4-hour chart of the TRX/USD pair (data source from Kraken).
  • The pair is likely to continue higher if it clears the $0.0695 resistance level.

Tron Price Signals Uptrend

In the past few sessions, Trons price remained strong above the $0.0650 level against the US Dollar, outperforming Bitcoin and Ethereum. TRX gained pace for a clear move above the $0.068 resistance and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours).

The price traded close to the $0.070 resistance. A high is formed near $0.0699 and the price is now consolidating gains above the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the upward move from the $0.0640 swing low to the $0.0699 high.

It is now trading above $0.0685 and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours). There is also a major bullish trend line forming with support near $0.0692 on the 4-hour chart of the TRX/USD pair. On the upside, an initial resistance is near the $0.0700 zone.

Tron Price Prediction

Source: TRXUSD on

A close above the $0.070 resistance might send TRX further higher. The next major resistance is near the $0.0720 level, above which the bulls are likely to aim a larger increase toward the key $0.0750 zone in the coming sessions. Any more gains could set the pace for a move toward the $0.078 level.

Dips Likely to be Limited in TRX



Australian study supporting mask mandates earns expression of concern "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A journal has issued an expression of concern for an Australian study that supported mask mandates after researchers raised several potential problems with the design and methodology of the study.

The article, The introduction of a mandatory mask policy was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 cases in a major metropolitan city, was published in the journal PLOS ONE in July 2021. It has been cited 12 times, according to Clarivates Web of Science. 

In comments to Retraction Watch, the authors of the paper stood by their work, but a key critic said he still thought the work should have been retracted.

The research was led by scientists at the Burnet Institute in Melbourne, and examined the impact of a mask mandate on COVID-19 cases in the Australian state of Victoria. 

Along with using case data from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, the team estimated mask use from photographs taken for the newspaper The Age before and after the government imposed a mask mandate. They also looked at an online survey of self-reported mask use. 

The researchers concluded that the study strongly supports the use of masks for controlling epidemics in the broader community.. 

In October 2021, Australian doctor and medical researcher Kyle Sheldrick, who has flagged issues with...

The Moon Rock Cover-Up: How NASA Lied to the World "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Many people believe that NASA has been lying to us for decades about the true nature of space exploration. One of the most compelling pieces of evidence that supports this theory is the infamous "moon rock" incident that took place in the Netherlands in 1969.

The post The Moon Rock Cover-Up: How NASA Lied to the World first appeared on In5D .


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.40 AUD

Terraform Labs seeks to dismiss class action arguing US laws dont apply "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Federal securities laws only apply in the United States, but the protocols were developed overseas, argues Terraform Labs.


Sad day for the Constitution "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The senate voted to confirm the leftist/activist Jackson to the Supreme Court. 57 to 43 thanks to the spineless RINO's. We the People will surfer for years to come with her leftist rulings


Blockchain security firm freezes $160K stolen in Merlin DEX rug pull "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CertiK has contacted law enforcement in the United States and the United Kingdom to find the pseudonymous operators.


Ethereum Price Showing Signs of Fresh Rally But This Resistance Is The Key "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum price is moving higher above the $1,880 resistance against the US Dollar. ETH could surge toward $2,000 or $2,050 if it clears the $1,920 resistance.

  • Ethereum is moving higher toward the $2,000 resistance.
  • The price is trading above $1,880 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average.
  • There is a major bullish trend line forming with support near $1,885 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD (data feed via Kraken).
  • The pair could gain bullish momentum if it clears the $1,920 resistance zone.

Ethereum Price Aims Higher

Ethereums price formed a base above the $1,800 support zone. ETH started a steady increase and cleared the $1,880 resistance zone, similar to Bitcoin at $28,800.

The price even climbed above $1,900 but faced sellers near $1,920. There was a downside correction but the bulls were active near $1,870. A low is formed near $1,867 and the price is now rising. There was a break above the 50% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $1,917 high to the $1,867 low.

Ether is now trading above $1,880 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average. There is also a major bullish trend line forming with support near $1,885 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD.

Ethereum Price

Source: ETHUSD on

Immediate resistance is near the $1,905 level. It is close to the 76.4% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $1,917 high to the $1,867 low. The next major resistance seems to be forming near $1,920. A close above the $1,920 resistance zone could send Ethereum toward the $1,940 resistance. Any more gains could send Ether toward the $2,000 resistance. In the stated case, the price may even rise toward the $2,120 resistance.



Cost Of Living Crisis: $15 Glass Of Wine Not Even Given An RSL Pour "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact A local woman has this week decided shes okay with the world burning, after a simple dinner out saw her forking out over $50 for a chicken schnitzel (without chips) and one glass of wine. Speaking to The Advocate, Alesha Horton [30] says shes fucking done with everything, and that she now plans []

The post Cost Of Living Crisis: $15 Glass Of Wine Not Even Given An RSL Pour appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


The Shirk Report Volume 734 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Digg, Kottke, WITI, Facebook, Twitter, and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to



The end of the day
Slam dunk
Finally met the Fonz
Rocket sculpture made from 1960s materials
Genius way to eat McDonalds
Making an axolotl by hand
Dog statue


P50 by KelTec "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

interesting pistol... in a interesting caliber...

P50 - KelTec


The Disiderata "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Every month or so I sit down and read Max Erhman's Disiderata. It seems like a wise way to deal with the ups and downs of life, whether the poop has hit the fan or not...

Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and...

The Disiderata


Did Hitler escape Germany? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I love conspiracy theory. It is fun to ponder what if's. I stumbled across this today. I'm going to have to get the book. Interesting points but I think the main drawback would be Hitlers narcissistic and megalomaniac nature. I can't see him living out his days in anonymity in the Argentine mountains.

In 2009, Corsi pointed out, Nicholas Bellatoni, the Connecticut state archaeologist, was allowed by the Russian Federation State Archive in Moscow to examine skull fragments the Russians have...

Did Hitler escape Germany?


Nations Slobs Stoked For The Return Of No-Ironing Weather "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Right around the country, Australians have been told to prepare for an icy blast of heavy winds, rain and freezing temperatures. While Queensland has been feeling the chill for the last fortnight, a cold front is set to launch winter weather upon Victoria, NSW, South Australia and Tasmania this weekend. The first []

The post Nations Slobs Stoked For The Return Of No-Ironing Weather appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


What Moment During a Wedding Made You Think This Marriage Isnt Going To Last? People Shared Their Thoughts. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Once youve reached a certain age in life, youve probably attended at least a handful of weddings.

Youve also got a decent amount of experience with personal relationships, and when you put the two together, you find you can guess with some accuracy when relationships are going to stand the test of time.

Here are a few moments people witnessed at weddings that left them skeptical that the couple would be celebrating many anniversaries down the line.

I hope she found someone way better.

I was maid of honour. Me, best man and the couple went into a separate little room to do the signing stuff. Bride excused herself to go the bathroom and the groom started making pretty mean remarks about her cooking (sth shes passionate about) to the officiary.

She came back, heard they were talking about cooking family meals together and gave him the warmest smile, thinking he had praised her. He scoffed awkwardly and changed the topic.

That always stuck with me. He wasnt laughing WITH her but AT her, behind her back.

They lasted 7 months.

You have to laugh or youll cry.

As a wedding photographer I have been to more than my share of weddings.

It was a REAL shotgun wedding. Dad didnt realize it would not stand up in court. Only time the groom was more excited to have photos than the bride.

She wanted a limo, he thought a hearse would be better and kept doing Lurch impressions. From the Adams family.

Her friends took turns motorboating her (females), and he said, get it out of your system as after tonight you never get to do that again. Was a good sign also when she dove into the pool...


Kenya considers tax on crypto, NFT transfers and online influencers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A bill introduced in Kenya could see a tax added to cryptocurrency and NFT transfers and has been met with a mixed reaction online.



Voyager creditors could start seeing funds in the next few weeks "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The bankrupt crypto brokerage has entered the final stages of liquidation procedures after Binance abandoned its acquisition deal last week.



BAR SIGNS "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Post your best bar sign


Dutton Family Dinner Turns Awkward as Opposition Leader Demands More Detail on Chicken Casserole "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Kirrily Dutton was chastised by the Opposition Leader last night after she served up a chicken casserole without first explaining the ingredients in detail.

Peter Dutton said it was his expectation that when a new meal was added to the weekly roster, there would be a wide-ranging consultation process first. Is this a creamy chicken casserole? Is it a chicken and chorizo casserole? Will seconds be available? These are the sorts of questions that need to be ironed out before asking the family to just blindly accept whats put on the table, Mr Dutton said.

Despite Ms Dutton providing the recipe book to her husband, as well as a series of notes she had taken during the preparation of the dish, Mr Dutton said he was not satisfied. There is a lot of detail that has been requested and there are many more questions that have been posed today as a result of a recipe that was put forward this evening, he said in a statement.

This morning Mr Dutton posted an open letter to his wife entitled, 15 Questions Surrounding the Chicken Casserole You Cooked Last Night. He is yet to receive a response.

The post Dutton Family Dinner Turns Awkward as Opposition Leader Demands More Detail on Chicken Casserole appeared first on The Shovel.


Coinbase share price spikes 7.9% as Q1 results beat expectations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong called the quarter a turning point for the company as it works toward being more financially disciplined.



Getting Your Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratio Right Is Essential "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published December 10, 2018.

Omega-3 fats are essential polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) your body needs for a wide variety of functions, including proper cell division and function of cell receptors, muscle activity, cognition and heart health.

Importantly, the marine-based omega-3 fats docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) two long-chained PUFAs found in fatty fish, fish oil and krill oil are actually cellular components, which makes them all the more crucial for optimal functioning of cells and mitochondria.

DHA is particularly important for your brain, as about 90% of the fat in your brain is DHA, while EPA appears to be of particular importance for heart health.

EPA Lowers Cardiovascular Health Risks

For example, recent research1,2,3 involving a proprietary prescription formulation of fish oil called Vascepa a highly-processed form of EPA found the drug lowered cardiovascular health risks by 25% compared to placebo containing mineral oil. This included heart attacks, strokes, bypass surgery and chest pain requiring hospitalization.

Participants received 4 grams of EPA per day, which is two to four times more EPA than typically given, which supports the prediction that most people need far more omega-3 than currently recommended.

I discuss this in my latest book, "Superfuel," cowritten with James DiNicolantonio, Pharm. D., who has published a number of papers on omega-3 and the health implications of the ratios between omega-3 and omega-6. Based on his review of the scientific literature, which I'll review further below, 3 to 4 grams of EPA and DHA appear to be ideal.


>>>>> Click Here <<<<<

Meanwhile, you only need 1 to 2 grams of whole food-based omega-6 linoleic acid per day (not to be confused with conjugated linoleic acid found in grass fed animal foods), ideally from plant seeds and tree nuts, not vegetable oils, as the oxidized omega-6 in these oils actually contribute to heart disease.4...

Harmless and Effective Lobotomies: A History Lesson "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

When we ponder past acts of medical barbarism, we often feel flabbergasted by how the people committing atrocities failed to notice the barbarism of what they did. Like, was it really so hard to see that blindly fiddling around with a sharp instrument inside ones brain or hammering an icepick into ones brain was a treatment from hell?

Was it really so hard to see that treating the so called female hysteria by surgical removal or mutilation of sexual organs was an abysmal act? Was it really so hard to see that forced sterilization of the people whose breeding was deemed unacceptable by the establishment was a genocidal twist? Evidently, it was hard to see. But there is a simple explanation for that. Two explanations, actually.

One, every barbaric choice can be justified within the ideological parameters of the mind that makes that choice. Even the most twisted plot has a certain internal logic to it and for those living in an upside-down world, down is up, and up is down. When one blindly believes the authorities and turns off ones instinctive, life-respecting knowledge of the world, one can easily be tricked into believing in the goodness of the most barbaric things.

Two, when ones mind decides to go for the arrogant dehumanization of others and denying them their free will in the name of ones idea of God, science, or public health something important breaks, and one turns into a heartless sadist. And when enough of those heartless sadists are in positions of power, they keep turning things upside down for everybody else.

The Gruesome Procedure

Lobotomy is a surgical procedure that involves severing the nerve connections between the frontal lobe and other regions of the brain. At the time of its use, its purpose was to treat schizophrenia and reduce agitation, depression, anxiety, and other symptoms of mental health conditions.

One of the earliest versions of lobotomy involved drilling holes in a patients head and injecting ethanol into their brain to destroy the nerve connections. This later evolved into the prefrontal and transorbital lobotomy, involving an ice pick-like surgical instrument called a leucotome.

For the prefrontal lobotomy, the surgeon drilled holes in the persons skull and then used a leucotome to manually sever the nerves between the frontal lobe and other regions of the brain. For transorbital lobotomy, the surgeon accessed the persons brain through their eye sockets.

History of Lobotomy

The first known lobotomy was performed by the Swiss psychiatrist Gottlieb Burckhardt in the late 19th century. Working with a small number of severely ill schizophrenic patients, Burckhardt removed segments of the...

Will Meat Be Banned? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Meat has been a celebrated food staple since the dawn of mankind.1 Never has anyone needed to justify the eating of animal protein until now. According to the globalist cabal that is working toward a complete monopoly of the food supply, the eating of meat is at the core of manmade climate change and must stop in order to save the planet.

Back in September 2019, a British barrister (trial attorney) went so far as to call for new laws to ban the eating of meat to protect the environment, and as time goes on, this kind of insanity will likely only intensify. As reported by The Guardian at the time:2

The barrister Michael Mansfield has suggested that we should have new laws against ecocide practices that destroy the planet and that under them, meat could be targeted. I think when we look at the damage eating meat is doing to the planet, it is not preposterous to think that one day it will become illegal, he said.

Aside from an outright ban on meat consumption, a number of other coercive strategies have also been proposed, such as changing agricultural subsidies and trade laws, changing diets in hospitals and schools, adding warning labels, education (read, propaganda) and implementing various taxes, including specific taxes on meat and more generalized carbon taxes.3

Human Health To Be Sacrificed for the Environment

The Guardian cited research4,5,6 from Oxford University, published in the summer of 2018, which claimed meat and dairy production are responsible for 60% of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the agricultural sector, and that cattle use 83% of available farmland while delivering only 18% of calories and 37% of dietary protein.

But are environmental concerns the only valid factor in this equation? What about human health? Is it reasonable to intentionally doom all of humanity to poor health and low cognition just because a small power-hungry cabal claims food production has a detrimental climate impact?

Many of the activities pursued by these globalists have detrimental impacts on the environment, but you dont see them addressing those. Instead, theyre going after food!

The most infuriating part of this debate is t...



A Collaborative Photo Project Imagines a World Where Street Artists Have Free Rein "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An animated image of an embroidery on a photo of a building, in front of the building

Victoria Villasana, Les Arenes de Picasso near Paris. All images courtesy of Joseph Ford, shared with permission

What would artists create if all of the worlds surfaces could become a canvas? Joseph Fordof Invisible Jumpers fameresponds to this question in a new project called Impossible Street Art. Collaborating with eight artists including Peeta (previously), Levalet (previously), and Victoria Villasana (previously), Ford reimagines the possibilities of public spaces that are otherwise inaccessible due to scale, safety issues, or restrictions.

To begin the project, Ford photographed the locations, which include the Panthon, the Seven Sisters cliffs in Sussex, and the center of a highway in Los Angeles, and then handed over enlarged prints to the artists. Once their additions were complete, he returned to the original sites and documented the altered images against the original backdrop. Playful and imaginative, the juxtaposed photos envision a parallel universe where (artists) have complete artistic freedom.

Shop the limited-edition prints and find behind-the-scenes looks at Fords process on his site.




People Share Their Favorite Poor Person Meal Even Though They Dont Need to Save Money "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

For most people, the natural course of life is to go from childhood (where you might have had enough or you might not have had enough) to young adulthood (where youre poor and figuring out how to be a grown up all on your own) to adulthood (where hopefully things are fairly stable and good).

The result is that a majority of people know how to live off a few dollars here and there, and theres a secret sometimes we dont mind, because youre allowed to eat crappy but delicious food.

Even though these folks are doing fine and can afford good-for-you food now, they still sneak these poor person throwbacks (whether from childhood or beyond) whenever they can.

Eggs are so great.

We used to eat squash and eggs growing up. Grew the squash and eggs are cheap enough, or trade with the neighbors.

You just cut the squash into thin round and cook in a pan with a little oil until theyre just soft.

Scramble the eggs with the squash, add a bunch of pepper, some salt. Sometimes we ate it over noodles or rice.

Nothing tastes better.

Grew up poor, but my mom sure knew how to stretch a dollar. She would make steak fingers out of the cheapest cuts she could find.

Tenderize, fry them up make gravy out of the drippings and serve with mashed potatoes. The whole meal probably cost less than 5 bucks in 70s dollars, and Im telling you nothing tasted better.

I made it for my kids when they were growing up and they still ask me for it sometimes. She would be 94 today.

Love you miss you mom.

A crowd pleaser.

Egg drop soup:

1 quart chicken stock

1 tbsp so...


Justin Suns SUI-farming sins, PEPEs wild run, 3ACs oyster philosophy: Asia Express "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CZ calls out Justin Sun for farming SUI at the expense of the little guys, useless PEPE up 20x, new 3AC venture in hot water in Dubai.


Montana Passes Bill Protecting Bitcoin Mining From Undue Requirements "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Montana has ratified legislation that protects the right to mine bitcoin, a win for sound money in the midwestern state.

The Montana legislature has passed a bill that protects the right to mine bitcoin, among other provisions. The bill is designed to give Bitcoin miners the right to mine without being subjected to undue discrimination or requirements.

Bitcoin mining has faced difficulty with regulations at the state and local level before, so this bill provides legal certainty for the industry. Montana is among the first states to provide legal protection for bitcoin mining.

The new legislation would also prohibit discriminatory digital asset mining utility rates, prohibit local government powers related to digital asset mining, and prohibit specific taxation on the use of cryptocurrency as a payment method.

Additionally, the bill provides for digital assets as personal property. According to the bill, the Montana Public Service Commission may not establish a rate classification for digital asset mining, digital asset mining businesses or home digital asset mining that creates unduly discriminatory rates. The bill also states that digital assets used as a method of payment may not be subject to additional taxation or charges by the state or local government.

The bill would help Montana's economy by giving legal certainty to the digital asset mining industry, encouraging investment in Montana, and attracting new businesses to the state. The bill also helps to ensure the stability of Montana's power grid.

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