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Sunday, 28 May


Rewind 80's Band - Morwell Italian Australian Sporting Club "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Saturday 27th May, 7.30pm 11.30pm, Italian Australian Sporting Club

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Saturday, 20 May


"IndyWatch Feed Gippsland" "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Friday 19th May, 7.00pm 11.00pm, Noojee Hotel

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Thursday, 06 April


Ratet doch mal, wer direkt nach dem ffentlichen Verbot ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ratet doch mal, wer direkt nach dem ffentlichen Verbot israelischer Spyware ber eine Shell Company weiter dort eingekauft hat?

Richtig! Die US-Regierung!

Hey, versteht ihr eigentlich, wo diese Politikverdrossenheit herkommt? Ich auch nicht!1!!

Ratet doch mal, fr wen die Arbeitszeiterfassungspflicht ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ratet doch mal, fr wen die Arbeitszeiterfassungspflicht nicht gilt, die das Bundesarbeitsgericht neulich fr Millionen von Arbeitnehmern vorgeschrieben hat?

Richtig! Fr die Richter, die das beschlossen haben!

Der beste Rechtsstaat, den man fr Geld kaufen kann!

Seid ihr auch so froh, dass nur Untaten der russischen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Seid ihr auch so froh, dass nur Untaten der russischen Seite Kriegsverbrechen sind?

Das htte uns doch an dieser Meldung sonst den ganzen Spa verdorben!

Stattdessen schreibt die Tagesschau lieber folgendes:

Der Berater des ukrainischen Prsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj, Mychajlo Podoljak, spekulierte, dass innerrussische Opposition gegen die Invasion des Kremls in die Ukraine fr die Tat verantwortlich sei.
Aber natrlich, mein Herr! Oder noch besser: Das war Putin selbst!!1! Der hat ja neulich erst seine eigenen Pipelines gesprengt, haben wir uns von vllig unabhngigen Experten aus der Ukraine erklren lassen.

Vllig klar, wieso wrden wir diesen vllig unabhngigen Experten aus der Ukraine nicht auch glauben, dass Putin seinen Chefpropagandisten fr Social Media sprengt. Und zwar in einem Cafe, das angeblich dem Wagner-Chef gehrt. Klar. Whrend da 25 andere loyale Putinanhnger drin feierten, die dabei umkamen.

Der ist halt ein bisschen blde, der Putin. Muss man wissen. Haben mir vllig unabhngige ukrainische Militrgeheimdienste besttigt!

Ja gut, aber vielleicht war das ja nicht Putin sondern die Opposition!1!! Die Beweislast dafr ist quasi erdrckend! Also nach den Standards, nach denen wir die "Aufklrung" der Nord-Stream-Bomben brutalstmglich vorangetrieben haben.

So weit sind wir schon. Dass die nicht mal "westliche Geheimdienste" zitieren, sondern direkt "Berater von Selenskjy" sagen.

Man stelle sich das mal andersherum vor. Chefredakteur von ukrainischen Propagandaoutlet bei Bombenanschlag gestorben. Russische Experten vermuten, er habe sich selbst in die Luft gejagt. Wrden wir auch sofort glauben, oder? ODER?!

Das Frontal21-Video zu Vulkan eignet sich als Medienkompetenzbung. ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Das Frontal21-Video zu Vulkan eignet sich als Medienkompetenzbung. Das knnte man mal in einer Schulstunde durchgehen. Gar nicht mal tiefschrfend oder inhaltlich die Behauptungen, rein formell schon.

Ich stelle mir das so vor, dass man den Schlern einen Zettel mit der Zeitlinie gibt, und dann Farbstifte, und sie sollen dann die Abschnitte anmalen.

Blau fr "jemand gibt Allgemeinpltze von sich", eine Rolle, die in diesem Video der von Notz mehrfach bernimmt. Faselt irgendwas von einer Bedrohung fr Deutschland und viele, viele Angriffe. Nichts davon hat irgendwas mit Vulkan zu tun.

Grn fr aktive Manipulationsversuche wie z.B. Spannungsmusik und pseudo-unterbewusste Terrorbilder wie z.B. bei 26:40, wo man das Gefhl hat, hier soll ein Hund trainiert werden. Oder wenn sie so tun, als htten sie Taten nachgewiesen, wenn aus ihren unverifizierbaren Dokumenten tatschlich nur Planung hervorgeht. Oder wenn sie irgendwelche Cyberangriffe aufzhlen, von denen nichtmal ihre unverifizierbaren Dokumente keinen Schluss auf Vulkan zulassen.

Wei fr Fller (z.B. die Streetview-Screenshots von Vordereingngen von Universitten, die angeblich mit dieser Firma zusammenarbeiten, oder fr das Drohnen-Stock-Footage von russisch-aussehenden Gebuden).

Orange fr "jemand uert eine Meinung" (Hinweis fr die Jngeren unter euch: Das ist kein Journalismus. Journalismus hat die Aufgabe, dir zu erlauben, dass du dir selber eine Meinung bildest. Andere Leute ihre Meinungen uern zu lassen ist sozusagen das Gegenteil von Journalismus.

Und Schwarz fr tatschliche inhaltliche Fakten. Nachprfbare inhaltliche Aussagen, die dann am Ende auch die Aussage sttzen, die sie damit machen. Den Stift solltet ihr austeilen, aber brauchen werden die Schler ihn nicht.

Das Video hinterlsst mich echt fassungslos gerade.

Ich empfinde es auch persnlich als unangenehm und belastend, "Putinverstehern" nicht mehr klar und entschieden widersprechen zu knnen, wenn sie unsere Nedien als manipulative Propaganda-Outlets verunglimpfen.

Ich musste an das Cyber-Cyber-Video der Jung&Naiv Ultras denken. Was wohl Frontal21 macht, wenn sie bei 0:53 herausfinden, dass die Bundeswehr aktiv an der Beschaffung von Cyber-Angriffswaffen arbeitet?

Update: Ja aber Fefe, die Sendung ist doch gar nicht besonders schlimm? Die anderen Sendungen sind doch auf hnlichem Niveau?

Ja! Stimmt! Ist das nicht furchtbar?!

Bei diesem Vulkan-Ding gerade ist auffllig, dass ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Bei diesem Vulkan-Ding gerade ist auffllig, dass wir die falsche Frage gestellt haben.

Wir haben gefragt: Ist Wikileaks Journalismus? Sollten die unter Pressefreiheit fallen?

Wir htten fragen sollen: Wieso fllt eigentlich nicht nur Wikileaks unter Pressefreiheit?

Wikileaks hatte ja Vault 7, die Malware-Tools der CIA. Da kann man ja mal einen schnen Vergleich anstellen. Bei den "Vulkan-Files", stellt sich direkt heraus, fehlen die Files. Gibt es berhaupt Files? Keiner von euch hat sie gesehen.

"Geheimdienste besttigen die Echtzeit, sagt die SZ".

Oh, ach? Machen wir mal ein Gedankenexperiment.

Fefe sagt, der Chefredakteur der SZ ist ein Sauriode. Geheimdienste htten ihm das besttigt.

Mal abgesehen davon, dass Geheimdienstaussagen grundstzlich wertlos sind: Woher weit du denn, dass die Geheimdienste das der SZ besttigt haben? Die SZ knnte sich das ja auch einfach komplett aus dem Arsch gezogen haben, inklusive der "Besttigung"!

Ich will hier nicht auf der SZ herumkloppen, die anderen sind alle genauso. "The Guardian has obtained documents". Ja geil. Schn fr euch, Jungs. Solange ihr mir die nicht zeigt, ist das wertlos.

DAS ist der Stand des Journalismus heutzutage. Zum Vergleich: Vault 7. Wikileaks verffentlichte nicht Hrensagen sondern die Tools und Handbcher. Puff. Einfach so ins Netz gestellt. Jeder konnte sich das angucken und selbst auf Plausibilitt prfen.

Klar, das htte sich Wikileaks auch aus dem Arsch gezogen haben knnen. Aber dann wre es immer noch ein Geschenk von siebenstellig wertvollen digitalen Angriffswerkzeugen gewesen.

Wieso ist das eigentlich nicht der Goldstandard des Journalismus? Wieso sollte eine Hrensagen-Postille wie die Sddeutsche Presseprivilegien genieen, wenn sie uns noch nicht mal die angeblichen Vulkan-Files zeigen wollen?

Die Vault7-Dokumente kann man brigens immer noch einsehen. Einfach so. Und wisst ihr, was Wikileaks nicht behauptet? Weder "exklusiv" noch "investigativ". So dreist lgen euch nur die anderen Presseorgane ins Gesicht.

Oh und wisst ihr, was es bei Vault7 auch nicht gibt? Eine Paywall.

So, kann mir jetzt nochmal jemand erklren, wieso die Sddeutsche Presseprivilegien geniet und Wikileaks nicht?

Presseprivilegien kriegt, wer gegen feindliche Eliten schreibt! Wer gegen unsere Eliten schreibt, wird jahrelang illegal inhaftiert und an die Amis zum Foltern oder gleich ermorden ausgeliefert.

Update: An der Stelle mchte ich auch erwhnen, dass mich das Beweisfhrungsniveau in Sachen Vulkan gerade an Colin Powell erinnert. Lange nicht mehr SO einen Slam-Dunk erlebt!

Da schreiben sich die Witze von ganz alleine: Flinten-Uschi ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Da schreiben sich die Witze von ganz alleine: Flinten-Uschi als Nato-Generalsekretr vorgeschlagen.

Hey, ich bin mir sicher, mit der Hilfe ein paar bewhrter McKinsey-Berater rstet Uschi auch die Nato ab. Was fr eine erfreuliche Entwicklung! Im Kreml knallen jetzt bestimmt die Krimsektkorken.

Oh, nee, warte:

UK sources have suggested Britain would likely veto Ms Von der Leyen citing her poor track record in charge of Germanys Armed Forces.
Was heit hier poor track record?! Die Frau hat mehr fr Frieden und Abrstung getan als alle ihre Vorgnger zusammen!1!!

After 20 Years, the Department of Homeland Security Is a Money-Guzzling Failure "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

In March 2003, the newly christened Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, opened its doors. The department took everything from immigration enforcement and counterterrorism to airport security and disaster response under one gargantuan bureaucracy. Despite these wide-ranging missions, the department's unifying logic in the post 9/11 era has been to wage the so-called war on terror at home. The result has been systemic abuse of minority communities, a dangerous militarization of American life, and a massive waste of money that sapped resources from addressing the real threats to our homeland. DHS agencies have militarized U.S. streets, sending officers in tactical gear to respond to civilian protests and conducting surveillance of U.S. citizens engaged in constitutionally protected activities. There are stories of DHS drones surveilling Indigenous water and land protectors and DHS forces spying on Black Lives Matter protesters. DHS even monitored journalists who reported on the department's tactics. None of these abuses have come cheap. Since its founding in 2003, the U.S. has spent $1.4 trillion on the agency. That's more than seven times what the government spent over the same period on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including the CDC's COVID-19 pandemic responseand more than five times more than on the Environmental Protection Agency. The [DHS] was supposed to be about making the U.S. safer. But it has failed.

Note: A thorough investigation reveals details on the DHS "Disinformation Governance Board," an unsuccessful effort in 2022 to police online speech it considers inaccurate and dangerous. Now, the DHS board and its key subcommittees are undergoing sweeping changes as public concern grows over social media censorship and government overreach.

US courts must stop shielding government surveillance programs from accountability "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Under a post-9/11 surveillance program known as "Upstream", the NSA is systematically searching Americans' internet communications as they enter and leave the United States. The agency sifts through these streams of data looking for "identifiers" associated with its many thousands of foreign targets identifiers like email addresses and phone numbers. The NSA does all of this without warrants, without any individual judicial approval, and without showing that any of the people it is surveilling including countless Americans have done anything wrong. This surveillance raises serious constitutional concerns, but no court has ever considered a legal challenge to it because the government has claimed that allowing a suit against Upstream surveillance to go forward would implicate "state secrets". In 2007, for example, an appeals court dismissed a lawsuit filed by Khaled El-Masri claiming that, in a case of mistaken identity, he had been kidnapped and tortured by the CIA. The court acknowledged the public evidence of El-Masri's mistreatment but held that state secrets were too central to the case to allow it to go forward. And in 2010, a different appeals court dismissed a lawsuit filed by five individuals who claimed that one of Boeing's subsidiary companies had flown the planes carrying them to the black sites where they were tortured by the CIA. This use of the state secrets privilege to dismiss cases departs from the supreme court's narrow framing of the privilege.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on court system corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

A Four-Decade Secret: One Man's Story of Sabotaging Carter's Re-election "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

It has been more than four decades, but Ben Barnes said he remembers it vividly. His longtime political mentor invited him on a mission to the Middle East. What Mr. Barnes said he did not realize until later was the real purpose of the mission: to sabotage the re-election campaign of the president of the United States. It was 1980 and Jimmy Carter was in the White House, bedeviled by a hostage crisis in Iran that had paralyzed his presidency and hampered his effort to win a second term. Mr. Carter's best chance for victory was to free the 52 Americans held captive before Election Day. That was something that Mr. Barnes said his mentor was determined to prevent. His mentor was John B. Connally Jr., a titan of American politics. Now Mr. Connally resolved to help Mr. Reagan beat Mr. Carter. What happened next Mr. Barnes has largely kept secret for nearly 43 years. Mr. Connally, he said, took him to one Middle Eastern capital after another that summer, meeting with a host of regional leaders to deliver a blunt message to be passed to Iran: Don't release the hostages before the election. Mr. Reagan will win and give you a better deal. Mr. Connally's files indicated that he did, in fact, leave Houston on July 18, 1980, for a trip that would take him to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel before returning to Houston on Aug. 11. Iran did hold the hostages until after the election, which Mr. Reagan won, and did not release them until minutes after noon on Jan. 20, 1981, when Mr. Carter left office.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on elections corruption from reliable major media sources.

Facial recognition bias frustrates Black asylum applicants to US, advocates say "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

The US government's new mobile app for migrants to apply for asylum at the US-Mexico border is blocking many Black people from being able to file their claims because of facial recognition bias in the tech, immigration advocates say. The app, CBP One, is failing to register many people with darker skin tones, effectively barring them from their right to request entry into the US. People who have made their way to the south-west border from Haiti and African countries, in particular, are falling victim to apparent algorithm bias in the technology that the app relies on. The government announced in early January that the new CBP One mobile app would be the only way migrants arriving at the border can apply for asylum and exemption from Title 42 restrictions. Racial bias in face recognition technology has long been a problem. Increasingly used by law enforcement and government agencies to fill databases with biometric information including fingerprints and iris scans, a 2020 report by Harvard University called it the "least accurate" identifier, especially among darker-skinned women with whom the error rate is higher than 30%. Emmanuella Camille, a staff attorney with the Haitian Bridge Alliance ... said the CBP One app has helped "lighter-skin toned people from other nations" obtain their asylum appointments "but not Haitians" and other Black applicants. Besides the face recognition technology not registering them ... many asylum seekers have outdated cellphones if they have cellphones at all that don't support the CBP One app.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the erosion of civil liberties from reliable major media sources.

U.S. Hardware Is Fueling Russia's Facial Recognition Crackdown on Anti-War Dissidents "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Russia has been using cameras powered by facial recognition systems to crackdown on dissidents, according to reporting from Reuters. Several Russian companies are using algorithms trained and powered by chips made by U.S. firms Intel and Nvidia. Reuters said that one of the companies even received money from U.S. intelligence. On March 4, 20022a week after it launched its full scale invasion of UkraineRussia made it illegal to publicly criticize the war. The report from Reuters details how facial recognition software has aided the Kremlin in its crackdown against dissidents. There are more than 160,000 cameras in Moscow and 3,000 of them are connected to facial recognition software. According to Moscow court records, the technology has aided in the arrest of hundreds of protestors. In one case, a man stood alone near a fountain in Pushkin Square with a home-made poster that said "Peace to Ukraine." A week later he was boarding a subway when police ushered him into their station and explained that the computer system had recognized his face. The software powering the [system] was created by three companies: NtechLab, VisonLabs, and Tevian. Tevian and NtechLab are based in Moscow, while VisionLabs is based in the Netherlands. According to Reuters, the companies used chips designed by Intel and Nvidia to train their systems. It also reported that one of the firms joined a U.S. facial recognition test program and received $40,000 in prize money from "an arm of U.S. intelligence."

Note: Tools of centralized power continue to support warmongering agendas, with US-based tech companies controversially supplying facial recognition technology to Ukraine and now to Russia, despite the US deeming Russia as the enemy. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

Big oil on campus: how US universities are 'colonized' by the fossil-fuel industry "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Even as elite American universes such as Harvard have bowed to pressure to divest their multibillion-dollar endowments from fossil fuels, and student activists take recalcitrant holdouts to court, oil and gas companies continue to exert a grip upon campus life, through funded research and the physical presence of oil and gas industry employees in lectures and meetings with faculty. Fossil-fuel firms have purposely sought to "colonize" academia with industry-friendly science, rather than seed overt climate denial, according to Ben Franta, a senior research fellow at the University of Oxford who has studied industry's influence over universities. Their research dollars, he said, had effectively discouraged academic endeavors that challenge the core business model of burning oil and gas, instead shifting the focus to favored topics such as capturing carbon emissions from polluting facilities, a still niche technology that would allow industry to continue business as usual. The reach of fossil fuels into academia "never ceases to amaze me", said Robert Brulle, an environmental sociologist at Brown University. "You can barely study climate change at elite universities and not be funded by fossil-fuel companies," he added. "They drive all this study into carbon capture, so that influences policy and becomes a part of the Biden administration's agenda. The influence is profound, and the students are right to be wondering what kind of education they are getting here."

Note: Read more on how fossil companies donated $700 million to US universities over 10 years. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corporate corruption from reliable major media sources.

The links between pollution and miscarriage: 'This is the stuff nightmares are made of' "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

The world we live in is slowly poisoning every single one of us. And the chemicals doing the most damage are byproducts of the fossil fuel industry, agribusiness and manufacturing. There doesn't seem to be the appetite at a regulatory or governmental level to stop it. In Australia, 50,000 agricultural, industrial and veterinary chemicals are being used; 1,500 are suspected to interfere with endocrine function, which is essential to the healthy working of our reproductive and hormonal systems. Only a very small number have been tested. Microplastics, which can cause inflammation in the body, is being found in our blood streams and also in the placentas of unborn fetuses. Walking down a major intersection during rush hour can expose you to as much particulate matter as a major bushfire event. Even if chemicals are tested, the testing regimen means that chemicals are only being tested in isolation and not in conjunction with others to see how compounds react. Also, they might be tested for carcinogenic effects ... but the test subjects aren't monitored for other ill-effects, such as endocrine disruption. Some effects take place long after the research has concluded. Some of these chemicals can stay in the body forever. Or affect the way our DNA functions. Theres even an Australian website (not widely enough publicised) called It has an entire section on chemicals in our environment and what to avoid, stating that avoiding these chemicals may increase the chance of having a baby.

Note: The above was written by Isabelle Oderberg, author of Hard to Bear: Investigating the science and silence of miscarriage. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corporate corruption and health from reliable major media sources.

Federal Agencies Are Still Using Our Phones as Tracking Beacons "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Recent reports about the Secret Service and Immigration and Customs Enforcement playing fast and loose with rules regarding cellphone tracking and the FBI purchasing phone location data from commercial sources constitute an important wake-up call. They remind us that those handy mobile devices many people tote around are the most cost-effective surveillance system ever invented. "The United States Secret Service and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations (ICE HSI) did not always adhere to Federal statute and cellsite simulator (CSS) policies when using CSS during criminal investigations," the Department of Homeland Security's Office of the Inspector General reported last month. "Separately, ICE HSI did not adhere to Department privacy policies and the applicable Federal privacy statute when using CSS." The OIG report referred to the use of what is commonly called "stingray" technologydevices that simulate cellphone towers and trick phones within range into connecting and revealing their location. "They also gather information about the phones of countless bystanders who happen to be nearby," the ACLU warns. Even the most precise phone company location data remains available with court approval. The courts are currently mulling multiple cases involving "geofence warrants" whereby law enforcement seeks data not on individuals, but on whoever was carrying a device in a designated area at a specified time.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

Geofencing Warrants Are a Threat to Privacy "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

The House committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021, is nearly finished. Nearly 900 ... criminal prosecutions of alleged rioters remain underway, and one case has shed troubling new light on how the FBI investigated these defendants. The suspect's name is David Rhine. His lawyer is the first to present a potentially successful challenge to the geofencing warrant the FBI used to place some defendants inside the Capitol building during the attack. A previous Wired report last year found 45 federal criminal cases citing the warrant, which required Google to provide the FBI with data on devices using its location services inside a set geographic area. Rhine's case has revealed just how expansive the FBI's request to Google really was. Google initially listed 5,723 devices in response to the warrant, then whittled the tally to exclude likely Capitol staff and police as well as anyone who wasn't "entirely within the geofence, to about a 70 percent probability." The final list of identifying details handed over to the FBI had 1,535 names. It included people whose phones had been turned off or put in airplane mode, and "people who attempted to delete their location data following the attacks were singled out by the FBI for greater scrutiny." It's ... easy to envision geofencing warrants undergoing the usual surveillance mission creep. Left unchecked, law enforcement could decide geofence data would come in handy while looking for a journalist's whistleblowing source, or perhaps at political protests.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

Air Force paid $1,280 apiece for coffee cups "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

The US Air Force is facing more questions as to why it spent tens of thousands of dollars over the last three years on large cups that can reheat beverages, like coffee or tea, on refueling tankers and cargo aircraft during flight. Despite being assured by Air Force Secretary Dr. Heather Wilson earlier this month that the service has "suspended its purchasing of the exorbitantly priced cups," Sen. Chuck Grassley sent a follow-up letter last week asking for further explanation as to why they were purchased in the first place. Grassley raised the issue of the cups in an October 2 letter to Wilson after reports surfaced this summer that the 60th Ariel Port Squadron at Travis Air Force Base had spent $1,280 on each cup in 2018 a dramatic increase from the $693 per-cup price in 2016. In her response to that letter, Wilson said the Air Force has spent $326,785 on nearly 400 cups since 2016 an average of $817. "You are right to be concerned about the high costs of spare parts, and I remain thankful to have your support in addressing this problem," Wilson told the senator in a letter dated October 17. The increasing cost of the cups was first reported ... in July as part of a report on how airmen at Travis Air Force Base are attempting to use 3D printing to develop a cost-effective way to replace the cups' plastic handles, which have a tendency to break. "Unfortunately, when dropped, the handle breaks easily leading to the expenditure of several thousand dollars to replace the cup as replacement parts are not available," the Air Force said.

Note: Read this eye-opening article to learn the many ways the government wastes your tax dollars. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on military corruption from reliable major media sources.

Meet the 'glass-half-full girl' whose brain rewired after losing a hemisphere "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

In most people, speech and language live in the brain's left hemisphere. Mora Leeb is not most people. When she was 9 months old, surgeons removed the left side of her brain. Yet at 15, Mora plays soccer, tells jokes, gets her nails done, and, in many ways, lives the life of a typical teenager. "I can be described as a glass-half-full girl," she says, pronouncing each word carefully and without inflection. Her slow, cadence-free speech is one sign of a brain that has had to reorganize its language circuits. Yet to a remarkable degree, Mora's right hemisphere has taken on jobs plasticity, the process that allows a brain to modify its connections to adapt to new circumstances. People like Mora represent the upper bounds of human brain plasticity because their brains were radically altered very early in life a period when the wiring is still a work in progress. During an interview with Mora, both her abilities and deficits were apparent. So was her outgoing personality and curiosity about the world. Mora began by telling me a joke: "How do you make a hot dog stand?" she asks. "You take away its chair." What scientists still want to know is precisely what allowed Mora's brain to rewire so extensively. One thing is clear: Understanding the basis of this sort of extreme plasticity, they say, could help millions of people whose brains are still trying to recover from a stroke, tumor, or traumatic injury. And Mora is helping scientists deepen their understanding, simply by being herself.

Note: Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring disabled persons news articles.

A fish can sense another's fear, a study shows "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Our capacity to care about others may have very, very ancient origins, a new study suggests. It might have been deep-rooted in prehistoric animals that lived millions of years ago, before fish and mammals like us diverged on the tree of life, according to researchers who published their study Thursday in the journal Science. Scientists are usually reluctant to attribute humanlike feelings to animals. But it's generally accepted that many animals have moods, including fish. The new study shows that fish can detect fear in other fish, and then become afraid too and that this ability is regulated by oxytocin, the same brain chemical that underlies the capacity for empathy in humans. The researchers demonstrated this by deleting genes linked to producing and absorbing oxytocin in the brains of zebrafish. Those fish were then essentially antisocial they failed to detect or change their behavior when other fish were anxious. But when some of the altered fish received oxytocin injections, their ability to sense and mirror the feelings of other fish was restored what scientists call "emotional contagion." "They respond to other individuals being frightened. In that regard, they behave just like us," said ... neuroscientist Ibukun Akinrinade, a co-author of the study. The study also showed that zebrafish will pay more attention to fish that have previously been stressed out a behavior the researchers likened to consoling them. Previous research has shown that oxytocin plays a similar role in transmitting fear in mice.

Note: Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.

Psychedelic brew ayahuasca's profound impact revealed in brain scans "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

The brew is so potent that practitioners report not only powerful hallucinations, but near-death experiences, contact with higher-dimensional beings, and life-transforming voyages through alternative realities. Often before throwing up, or having trouble at the other end. Now, scientists have gleaned deep insights of their own by monitoring the brain on DMT, or dimethyltryptamine, the psychedelic compound found in Psychotria viridis, the flowering shrub that is mashed up and boiled in the Amazonian drink, ayahuasca. The recordings reveal a profound impact across the brain, particularly in areas that are highly evolved in humans and instrumental in planning, language, memory, complex decision-making and imagination. The regions from which we conjure reality become hyperconnected, with communication more chaotic, fluid and flexible. "It is incredibly potent," said Robin Carhart-Harris, a professor of neurology and psychiatry. "People describe leaving this world and breaking through into another that is incredibly immersive and richly complex, sometimes being populated by other beings that they feel might hold special power over them, like gods." He added: "DMT breaks down the basic networks of the brain, causing them to become less distinct from each other. The major rhythms of the brain that serve a largely inhibitory, constraining function break down, and in concert, brain activity becomes more entropic or information-rich."

Note: Read more about the healing potentials of mind-altering drugs. Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.


Trump Calls Alvin Bragg a CRIMINAL for Illegal Leaks: He Should Be Prosecuted "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Donald Trump on Tuesday at Mar-a-Lago after his arraignment lambasted Democrat New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg: The criminal is the district attorney because he illegally leaked massive amounts of grand jury information, for which he should be prosecuted, or at a minimum he should resign.


Bragg ripped for insulting crime victims after touting Trump arrest "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Former FBI agent Nicole Parker discusses Manhattan DA Alvin Braggs boasts of arresting former President Donald Trump as crime surges in New York City. #FoxNews

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Mark Levin GOES OFF on Trump indictment #shorts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News host Mark Levin reacts to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Braggs press conference on Hannity.

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THIS COULD BACKFIRE: Democrat voters rip Trump indictment "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A bipartisan panel of voters joined Fox & Friends to discuss their reaction to the charges against former President Donald Trump. #FoxNews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Governments Plan to Target Black Americans #shorts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Governments Plan to Target Black Americans #shorts

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#biden #census #african #american #ancestor #slaves #descendants #racism

Trending politics reports, during the next government census, the Biden administration may ask Black Americans if their ancestors were slaves. Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the administration wants to curate how many Black Americans are descended from slaves.

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The Governments Plan to Target Black Americans is Insane "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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Trending politics reports, during the next government census, the Biden administration may ask Black Americans if their ancestors were slaves. Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the administration wants to curate how many Black Americans are descended from slaves.

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Donald Trump is going to fight back: Doug Collins | National Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Wednesdays National Report, former Georgia Rep. Doug Collins predicts that former President Donald Trump will be able to defeat the charges against him.

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Cyberattacks are a SERIOUS threat to America: Fred Fleitz | National Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Wednesdays National Report, Analyst Fred Fleitz sounds the alarm on the serious threat from cyberattacks against individual and business cloud servers.

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Crypto firms needs to be 'supervisable', says ECB board member "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

"We need to put more thought into imagining what international coordination will look like and how it can be effective in regulating the crypto world," said Elizabeth McCaul.


Giant Gold Nugget Worth $160,000 Is Found by Amateur Gold Hunter in Australia "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Giant Gold Nugget Worth $160,000 Is Found by Amateur Gold Hunter in Australia

Man holding giant gold nugget found in Australia

Sometimes, the greatest discoveries come with their fair share of beginners luck. An amateur gold hunter based in Victoria, Australia, literally struck gold armed only with an affordable metal detector. Having spotted a rock that could be loaded with this precious metal, he hoped to find maybe a tiny gold nugget inside that he could sell for some good money. When he took it to Lucky Strike Gold, a gold prospecting business, he was told by the owner that his finding was worth much more than he initially thought.

The rock is 4.6 kilograms (10.1 pounds), and contains about 2.6 kilograms (5.7 pounds) of gold. Initially, the gold hunter found the rock to be very dirty and had a hard time spotting the gold on its surface. However, once it was cleaned by the prospector, the precious metal revealed itself. You could see the gold just come oozing out of the rock everywhere, Darren Kamp, the owner of Lucky Strike Gold told CNN.

When it hit my hand, my jaw dropped with it, Kamp recalls. It was just incredible. Once-in-a-lifetime find. The finder, who wants to remain anonymous, asked Kamp if there could be AU$10,000 (US$6,675) worth of gold in it, to which the owner replied try $100,000.' The best part? This was only part of the discovery, as the man had accidentally split the rock in two when unearthing it, and had another valuable piece at home. In the end, the gold was valued at AU$240,000 (US$160,000).

The rockwhich has been named Lucky Strike Nugget, after the prospecting shop that unveiled its treasureswas found in an area known as the Golden Triangle. This region experienced a gold rush in the 19th century, and it is once again seeing a surge of gold hunters. Many people have picked up gold digging as a way to make some money given that the price of the precious metal is reaching an all-time high. The unnamed finder set out to...


Swiss bankers face mass layoffs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

UBS may eliminate more than 30,000 jobs worldwide, Sonntags UBS Group AG will slash its workforce by between 20% and 30% after completing its takeover of rival Credit Suisse, letting go as many as 36,000 employees globally, the newspaper Sonntagszeitung has reported, citing a senior manager at UBS.The newspaper highlighted that some 11,000 employees would be dismissed in Switzerland, although it did not provide any details about which positions would be targeted. The two lenders together employed almost 125,000 people worldwide at the end of 2022, about 30% of which were in Switzerland, according to the report. Last month, the two Swiss banks announced a historic merger, with UBS agreeing to pay 3 billion Swiss francs ($3.24 billion) in stock to acquire its embattled rival in a deal underpinned by government guarantees and 100 billion francs (just over $1 billion) in liquidity assistance from Switzerlands central bank. The government-brokered deal was aimed at shoring up public confidence in the Western financial system and averting a global crisis after the collapses of two regional banks in the US. The banking crisis exacerbated the troubles of Credit Suisse, which had been already battling a string of scandals, legal issues, and customer outflows. On top of that, its biggest investor, Saudi National Bank, announced in March it would not be able to provide financial assistance due to regulatory and statutory limits. Credit Suisse reported a 2022 net loss of 7.3 billion francs (nearly $8 billion) and warned that it would incur another substantial loss in 2023 before returning to profitability in 2024. The merger of Switzerlands two biggest banks is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year. Last week, UBS announced that in light of the new challenges and priorities facing UBS after the announcement of the acquisition it is bringing back former CEO Sergio Ermotti. A UBS statement pointed to how Ermotti, who ran UBS for nine years from November 2011 to October 2020, had successfully repositioned the bank following the 2008 global financial crisis and achieved a profound culture change within the bank.   Source:                  


The Bidens were basically laundering money: Comer "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., on the concerns with the Trump case and former Biden aide questioned in a classified document probe. #FoxNews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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CBSs Fawning Interview With Fetterman #shorts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CBSs Fawning Interview With Fetterman #shorts

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#John #fetterman #cbs #jane #pauley #anchor #president #interview #2024 #senator #interview

News Buster reports, as a result of finishing his treatment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for depression, Democrat Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman sat down for a softball interview with CBS Sunday Morning anchor Jane Pauley.

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NFTs unlock physical biodegradable vinyl records "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A new NFT project is using digital assets as a key to redeem physical copies of a biodegradable, plastic-free vinyl.


What's your garden harvest so far? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I know it will be different for a lot of us, just curious what you've brought in from your garden so far this year.
For me - Cucumbers, Radishes and a couple of sweet pea pods.
Nothing earth shattering so far.
I do have bell peppers that will be ready in a week or so, more peas coming in and bunch of green tomatoes on the vine (my wife and daughter can't wait for some fried green tomatoes!)

With my cucumbers we have just sliced them up and eaten them and use some tomatoes and made what we...

What's your garden harvest so far?


How To Build A Dining Bench "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Learn how to build a DIY Bench with free plans, instructions and a how-to video! I love the dining table I designed for my sweet friend a few months back. She was a former speech therapist for my little guy for years, and now is a great family friend. We built her this beautiful X...

The post How To Build A Dining Bench appeared first on Shanty 2 Chic.


Major Crypto Firms Need Extra Rules, Global Cooperation, ECBs McCaul Says "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany. (Hans-Peter Merten/Getty Images)


MicroStrategy Buys Another 1,045 Bitcoin for $23.9M "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

MicroStrategy Executive Director Michael Saylor (CoinDesk)


CoinDesks Ethereum Validator Enters Final Weeks, Sitting on More Than $30K of Gains "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Partial snapshot of chart of CoinDesk Ethereum validator's daily financial results. (, modified by CoinDesk)


Dubai regulator demands Binance provide info on ownership, governance: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to Bloomberg, the Dubai crypto regulator is also seeking similar details from other global crypto players.


Quilled Earrings Tutorial - Three Styles + a Bonus "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It's been way too long since I last shared one of my quilled jewelry tutorials. I'm making up for that right now with three - no, make that four - new styles of gift-worthy paper earrings. The beauty of this how-to is that each of the designs is quite different from the others, yet all are made with the same two types of quilled components... the teardrop ring coil and the domed tight coil. Let's get started:


three styles of quilled earrings displayed on wooden surface

SUPPLIES [includes Amazon and Etsy affiliate links]

supplies for making quilled jewelry displayed on wooden table

Quilling supplies (L to R): ruler, quilling strips, clay modeling tool, long tweezers, 

glass head pin, super-fine slotted tool, plastic lid, detail scissors, clear glue

Quilling paper - I used silver-edge ivory and gold-edge blue strips (1/8", 3mm) to make these thre...


Hurricane versus solar panels and wind turbines "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This is eastern Puerto Rico wind and solar farms.

The media has been talking about how one roof top installed solar panel array in San Juan survived the storm. And how the whole island needs to be repower ed with solar and wind.

They are not telling you the real story.

On the bright side the wind turbines did exactly what they were supposed to.
A few did get leveled.


EyeEm Has Filed for Bankruptcy "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EyeEm Bankrupt

German technology and stock photography company EyeEm has reportedly filed for bankruptcy and is insolvent.

[Read More]


Pet Dog Dies Of Bird Flu In Canada "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A pet dog has died of the bird flu in Canada. After testing positive for avian flu, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) said the dog died in Oshawa.

The mainstream has been reporting the bird flu has jumped to several types of mammals in recent months, and pet dogs may be the next step to get people back on the fear wagon.

In a news release issued Tuesday, the agency said the dog was infected and died last week after chewing on a wild goose.

The CFIA says the number of documented cases of H5N1 (also known as avian influenza) in other species like cats and dogs is low, and based on current evidence, the risk to the general public remains low.

Chile Detects A Case Of Bird Flu In Humans

No domestically acquired human cases of avian influenza have been reported in Canada, the news release reads.  Cases of avian influenza among humans are rare and almost always acquired through direct contact with infected birds or exposure to heavily contaminated environments. To date, there has been no evidence of sustained person-to-person spread.

The avian flu is a contagious viral disease, which is fatal to wild birds and mammals. It can quickly devastate bird and wildlife populations, which can profoundly impact our environment and food chain, said Jay Smith, manager at Mississauga Animal Services, in a statement.

Weve received multiple calls from residents reporting sick, dying, or dead birds and are working closely with Peel Public Health and the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative to assess risks. With many birds migrating back to Ontario for the spring migration, our investigation and response will be ongoing.

The experts say that there is still a minimal risk to humans but big pharma is already ready to inject the masses for a human bird flu pandemic.

Moderna Is Standing Ready For The Human Bird Flu Pandemic

The avian flu is a contagious viral disease, which is fatal to wild birds and mammals. It can quickly devastate bird and wildlife populations, which can profoundly impact our environment and food chain, said Jay Smith, manager at Mississauga Animal...


Leah Ke Yi Zheng "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Leah Ke Yi Zhengs recent paintings thematize the vanishing act. In Untitled (rose island), 202123, a neon structure radiates before a deep-sea-colored ground and depicts an isometric projection of


Futuristic Travel Trailer Swivels Open To Reveal a Deck for Lounging on the Road "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Futuristic Travel Trailer Swivels Open To Reveal a Deck for Lounging on the Road

Swiveling Camper Trailer

Some camper caravans think outside the box, and the newly produced Romotow is one of them. It's one of the most original travel trailers on the market with a sleek, futuristic design that rotates to reveal another part of its layout. When swiveled open, it has a covered deck alongside a sleeper main cabin for four to six people.

The awe-inspiring design is made possible with an automatic hydraulic system. It's powered by a lithium battery that's charged with help from solar panels on the trailer's roof. The mechanism pushes the cabin outward 90 degrees, creating an L-shape and making the deck accessible. The previously hidden patio space has a teak-like appearance with plenty of room for outdoor furniture. Additionally, theres an option for built-in conveniences like a fold-down bench seat, a table built into its rounded front, or mesh side walls to keep the bugs away.

Camper caravans are not known for having a lot of space, but there are ways to make a small area feel larger. Romotow does this with wraparound windows in its dining area. The dinette doubles as sleeping quarters, transforming into a single double bed or two single beds. Additionally, theres a lift-away double bed.

Past the dining area, there is a kitchenette thats available in two styles depending on the needs of the traveler. Regardless of what someone chooses, theres a full dry bathroom behind it and a private bedroomcomplete with a closet and two circular windowsbeyond that.

Add-ons like additional solar panels, mounted TVs, and an outdoor projection system make the Romotow comfortable for more than just a road trip every once and a while; its something someone could live in on a full-time basis.

The Romotow is manufactured in New Zealand and has a starting price of NZ$429,000 (about US$270,000).

Some camper caravans think outside the box. Romotow is one of them with a sleek futuristic design that can rotate to reveal a deck.



Latest Bitcoin price data suggests double top above $200K in 2025 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin halving cycles still dictate potential BTC price highs and lows, DecenTrader co-founder Filbfilb says, as he doubles down on $180,000 in 2025.


helpful reminder from af branco that the smartest way to deal... "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

helpful reminder from af branco that the smartest way to deal with a dangerous wasp nest is a blowtorch


Ted Bonin (19582023) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ted Bonin, who with Carolyn Alexander founded the New York gallery Alexander and Bonin, died unexpectedly of natural causes at his Manhattan home on April 4 at the age of sixty-five. His death was first


Mutiny Wallet Raises Over $300k in Preseed Funding To Build A Private And User-Friendly Bitcoin Wallet "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Mutiny Wallet, a web-first and privacy-focused bitcoin wallet, has raised over $300k in preseed funding to build its platform.

Mutiny Wallet, a web-first bitcoin wallet, has raised just over $300,000 in preseed funding, which will help them in their goal to build a user-friendly bitcoin wallet with exceptional privacy, scalability and accessibility.

Founders of the company include Tony Giorgio, an engineer with substantial experience in Bitcoin and Lightning startups since 2018, Ben Carman, formerly the lead engineer at The Bitcoin Company and Paul Miller, who previously worked on Voltage's R&D team and has contributed to numerous projects in the Bitcoin and Lightning space like OpenSats, Fedimint and BDK. In the announcement, they detailed their desire to build a daily spending wallet for highly discerning cypherpunk bitcoiners and their newcoiner friends who are just starting down the rabbit hole after extensive experience in the Bitcoin industry.

Mutiny Wallet is a self-custodial, privacy-focused wallet. It is capable of running anywhere, providing instant onboarding and platform censorship resistance. In addition to the wallet, Mutiny is developing a next-generation node implementation tailored to Mutiny Wallet and will integrate on-chain and Lightning privacy tools.

The announcement explained how the company wants to make bitcoin, Lightning, and privacy best practices as easy as clicking a link.

"We believe bitcoiner best practices are best practices, and we want to bring the absolute best user experience and technology to enable users to use bitcoin the right way and for the long term, rather than cut corners for a quick win, the announcement added.

The team behind Mutiny Wallet has already developed a proof-of-concept wallet and a first-of-its-kind Lightning node in the browser. Tony Giorgio and Paul Miller spent the past six months at Voltage, building the LSP that will power Mutiny Wallet and laying the foundation for a seamless and innovative user experience. The Vortex CoinJoin project, developed by Ben Carman, is ready, but it needs the vertical integration to really succeed.

Mutiny Wallet's investors include Ten31, Brad Mills, Chris Hunter, American Hodl, Ti Kawamoto, and NVK. The company is also thankful to Voltage for incubating their project.

To learn more about Mutiny Wallet and their funding journey, watch their Pleb Lab Builders Day video. You can sign up for their waitlist using your email address or Nostr pubkey at


Ethereum projects unite to protect users from MEV-induced high prices "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In total, 27 Ethereum projects joined the initiative as launch partners, including Balancer, Gnosis DAO, Shapeshift and StakeDAO, to name a few.

Wednesday, 05 April


Turns out the speed camera sign might not be what people though it was and they are distraught "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Youll be familiar with the speed camera sign of course you will and youll know what its designed to tell you. That theres a speed camera ahead, obviously.

But what is that symbol an illustration of? Is it a speed camera? Or is it something else?

We only mention it after @FeyeraBender said this over on Twitter and it prompted quite the debate.

Victorian bellows camera, you say?

And when we say people were distraught, there were lots and lots of replies like this one.

And these ones.


How an Embroidery Artist Turned Her Thread Sketching Into a Vibrant Body of Art [Interview] "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

How an Embroidery Artist Turned Her Thread Sketching Into a Vibrant Body of Art [Interview]

Embroidery by Danielle Clough on a Tennis Racket

Embroidery artist Danielle Clough finds unusual places to put thread. Known for her stitched designs that sprawl the laces of vintage rackets, she isnt afraid to try new avenues for her work. Like many artists, Clough is continually pushing herself to explore and experiment, ultimately honing her visual language. The vintage rackets, which she began nearly a decade ago, werent forever. She's now focusing her creative energies on other projects, but the hallmarks of her worka painterly application of stitches and use of vibrant colorsremain.

After transitioning away from embroidery on rackets, Clough continues to employ her brilliant use of hues to create portraiture, still life, and nature-inspired works. Some of the pieces venture further into the realm of abstraction with a co-mingling of embroidery threads and watercolor painting. Her Girl Dust collection, however, is fully abstract. The series combines pieces of cut thread and yarn from her other works as she arranges them into large, swirling universes of color that are housed in circular frames.

We had the opportunity to speak with Clough about her work and where her love of bright colors comes from. Scroll down to read My Modern Mets exclusive interview.

Embroidery artist Danielle Clough discusses her creative journey, from stitching on vintage rackets to creating artwork based on her countless thread scraps.



Clara Holt Reimagines Ancient Myths and Decorative Traditions in Vivid Ceramic Vessels "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Four terracotta vases with blue decoration.

Terracotta Blues series wheel thrown by Chiara Zoppei. All images Clara Holt, shared with permission

Drawing on the long history of Mediterranean ceramics, Italian artist Clara Holt covers the surfaces of vessels, tiles, and tablets with playful, colorful narratives. Inspired by the regions ancient decorative pottery like the Minoan octopus flask or Greek and Etruscan vase painting, she illustrates references to mythology, nature, customs, and folklore.

As a child, Holts grandparents told stories of Greek heroes and monsters, and she devoured books about the ancient gods and legends. Mythology fascinated me because it was like a bridge that could connect our present with a dimension far away in timea time so far away that it could only be told with a dose of fantastic storytelling, she says. As she grew older, her interests expanded to Nordic lore and the Old Norse sagas. Today, she borrows imagery and motifs from the timeless tales, recontextualizing them into mysterious narratives.

Employing a traditional Italian pottery decoration technique called sgraffitomeaning scratched, Holt carefully incises shallow cuts out of the smooth surface of a glazed pot, revealing the outlines of figures, animals, plants, and landscapes. In her series Terracotta Blues, the characters exist within an undefined story that circle around tall earthenware vases, creating dreamlike scenes and imaginary chara...


Claudia Pags "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Banditry marks the first in a series of exhibitions curated by Yaby (Beatriz Ortega Botas and Alberto Vallejo) about reading as a process entangled in power relations. Claudia Pags underscores the


The Sarah Shows analog childhood meets dizzying digital future: NFT Creator, Sarah Zucker "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sarah Zucker remembers the analogue world of her youth, and creates NFT art that explores the insane tech revolution were all going through.


TOTM April 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Spring is upon us and although it was 36 degrees this morning it has warmed to a blistering 45 and I find myself dreaming about Summer. The pantry is full, I have beers to brew, I want to get busy canning some beef and chicken, making pickles, and hopefully growing some fresh veggies in the garden.

Family will be visiting and there will be a trip South this Spring if we are healthy. Things to look forward to..

What are your expectations of the upcoming months before old man Winter grips...

TOTM April 2023


This Trump supporters extraordinary monologue gets more spectacular with each word (keep watching!) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Donald Trumps back in Florida now after his history making appearance in a New York court, but this Trump supporter who was protesting outside will live long in the memory.

Its surely the most extraordinary monologue youll hear today, spelling binding and jaw dropping in just about equal measure.

Not gonna lie, were watching it on a loop right now.

And here are our 17 favourite things people said about it.







Tether unequivocally reiterates no exposure to Signature Bank "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The stablecoin provider denied the allegations that began to surface in regard to its exposure to the now-collapsed Signature Bank.


Binance self-custody wallet launches crypto-to-fiat off-ramp "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Trust Wallet has partnered with MoonPay and Ramp to allow customers to convert their crypto to fiat without using any centralized exchange.

NFTs in the event and ticketing industry: How can it sustain millions of users? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Heres calling out to the entertainers and event experts lets bid adieu to the ticketing troubles that have plagued you and work together to get everyone tickets to the next gig.


This US news channel will no longer knowingly broadcast Trumps untruths and people loved them for it "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Donald Trump was uncharacteristically subdued during his court appearance where he pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

But having flown from New York back to his Florida Mar-a-Lago home he launched into a familiar rant which even took aim at the judges daughter over her political connections.

We mention it because of the way US news channel MSNBC decided to cover his latest pontifications. And they decided to cover it by not covering it at all.

And this is exactly what people made of that.



Dont Talk About Nord Stream: WaPo Report Further Demolishes Official Narrative "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

German investigators are now expressing severe doubts about the official Nord Stream sabotage narrative that was pushed hard in the aftermath of the bombshell Seymour Hersh report which pointed the finger at a joint CIA-US Navy covert operation, with help from Norway. Last month, Hersh published an article on Substack that said the CIA planted a cover story for the Nord Stream bombings that was fed to The New York Times and the German newspaper Die Zeit.

Likely this was in direct reaction to Hershs findings. A source within the US intelligence community told the famed Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, It was a total fabrication by American intelligence that was passed along to the Germans, and aimed at discrediting your story.

The favored narrative became one that said pro-Ukraine partisans did it in a rogue op. Hersh has maintained this was by design concocted to shield the US and Biden administration for ordering the operation. The Die Zeit report cited German officials to assert that the pipeline sabotage bombings were carried out by six people using a yacht rented in Poland that was owned by two Ukrainians. In the days that followed, several Western media outlets seized on that narrative and published similar articles reinforcing the cover story.

But now a fresh, lengthy investigative Washington Post story published Monday is actually confirming many of Hershs conclusions. Indeed the cover story is already fast unraveling. Whats more is that the WaPo article bluntly states Western officials are not at all eager to talk about the Nord Stream sabotage, suggesting a continued cover-up in progress, or in effect a limited hangout. Also very telling is that Western accusations directed at Russia have long ago quieted down.



Five years after saying it wont retract Macchiarini paper, journal does so "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Paolo Macchiarini

In 2018, the journal Respiration was adamant that it wouldnt retract a 2015 paper co-authored by once-respected transplant surgeon Paolo Macchiarini. Now, the editors at Respiration seem to have changed their mind.

Macchiarini is most well known for his controversial artificial windpipe implants. Seven out of the eight patients who had artificial windpipes implanted from Macchiarini suffered complications after the surgery

Five years ago, the Karolinska Institute (KI) in Sweden found that Macchiarini and three co-authors of his were guilty of misconduct in the 2015 study, and recommended that it should be pulled. 

Thomas Nold, then the editor-in-chief of Respiration, previously told Retraction Watch, however, that the journal decided against retraction: 

In any retraction case we conduct our own analysis and consider all available information. In this specific case we needed to consider four other renowned institutions besides KI and the 26 authors of the article. Based on the evidence available to the journal we do not see ourselves in the position to make a judgement. We see the journal as a forum, and by publishing the different statements including KIs report concerning the article our aim is to make the conflict completely transparent.

Last month, the journal reversed course and pulled the 2015 paper, titled: Autologous Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells as Treatment in Refractory Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

By our count, this brings Macchiarini up to nine retractions. 

According to Karolinska Institute, although the 2015 paper included an ethical permit, the underlying research did not. 



Tell your representatives to vote NO against the RESTRICT Act (S.686) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tell your representatives to vote NO against the RESTRICT Act (S.686)

Under the pretense of protecting national security, two United States senators, Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Tom Thune (R-S.D.), have introduced a bipartisan bill that, if passed, will mean the end of the First Amendment....

Tell your representatives to vote NO against the RESTRICT Act (S.686)


MicroStrategy adds another 1,045 Bitcoin to its growing crypto treasury "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

MicroStrategy buys another 1,045 Bitcoin for $29.3 million, taking its total holdings to 140,000 BTC worth over $12.6 billion.


An SBM Advocate Goes To Washington "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An update on the strategies and deceptions used by the CAM movement to promote their treatments.

The post An SBM Advocate Goes To Washington first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


Will Bitcoin break above $30K? New JOLTS data, weaker dollar boost chances "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin price is poised to reach $31,000 in April amid a lower vacancy turnout in the U.S., which risks crashing the dollar strength index to a yearly low.


BTC-Backed Stablecoins Will be An Integral Part Of The Bitcoin Economy "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Over-collateralized, bitcoin-backed stablecoins are going to be an integral part of hyperbitcoinization.

This is an opinion editorial by David Seroy, founder and president of Old North Capital Fund and a contributor to the Sovryn protocol.

It is this author's opinion that over-collateralized, bitcoin-backed stablecoins issued on DeFi rails will become a highly-demanded and integral part of the Bitcoin economy in both developed and developing countries.

Bitcoin, Deficits And Taxation

Bitcoin as a hedge against monetary debasement is only half the battle. As sovereign debt goes parabolic, rate hikes become unviable without breaking the economy. Instead, it seems probable that governments will use taxation to quell inflation and reduce deficits. When governments collect taxes, they remove money from the economy and reduce the purchasing power of individuals and businesses. This reduces demand for goods and services, which in turn helps to control inflation and deficits without the economic blunt-force trauma of rate hikes during a debt crisis.

To hedge against these risks, Bitcoin must not only protect against the hidden tax of monetary debasement but also against literal tax. The problem is that the world is not yet ready for a pure bitcoin standard without dollars. Dollars still provide a service, even for the most ardent Bitcoiner. Dollars are the most widely-accepted and most stable (despite inflation risk) currency unit. As such, governments could use the existing demand for dollar access as chokepoints for taxation or even bail-ins. As an example, we could see higher capital gains taxes levied on bitcoin sales, a sales tax on any bitcoin spent in the real economy or a bail-in where dollars held in bank accounts receive a haircut to socialize debt burdens.

The solution is to create a way for Bitcoiners to access dollars without spending their bitcoin in a parallel system which minimizes tax exposure, counterparty risk and dependency on legacy fiat rails. As an added benefit, this system should drive savings into bitcoin as opposed to competing for savings as stablecoins backed by U.S. treasuries do. Over-collateralized, bitcoin-backed stablecoins on Bitcoin DeFi rails provide the most viable path toward these goals.

Existing Protocols

The advent of projects like Sovryn Dollar using Zero protocol and Fuj...


Trumps hilariously unfortunate hand gesture suggests he spotted someone he really doesnt like "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Wed never try to guess exactly whats going on in Donald Trumps mind mostly because were claustrophobic but we really are intrigued exactly what he was doing with this particular hand gesture as he left court in his motorcade on Tuesday.

And it wasnt just the size of his hands youll be familiar with those by now but what he was doing with them.

Never have we seen a thumbs up take such an unexpected (NSFW) turn.

Were with @Otto_English.

He knows theyre his supporters, right?


"IndyWatch Feed Spiritual" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Something different as suggested viewing from our friend Devon.  If you have something to share that you feel is important and unique, feel free to forward to Thanks Devon.


"IndyWatch Feed Spiritual" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From A monthly public Zoom webinar held by an initiative called Building Trust is a window into the minds and psyche of the people who are fully entrenched in the Medical/Pharma establishment, and the shocking things theyll say in order to push a well-funded agenda. Part I Back in January, the DailyClout reported on an organization called the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation. The ABIM Foundation created an initiative called Building Trust which aims to build trust in healthcare. The official mission statement of Building Trust, as stated on its website is as follows:
Building Trust is an ABIM Foundation initiative that aims to elevate the importance of trust as an essential organizing principle to guide operations and improvements in health care. We will identify and promote best practices in building trust by collaborating with organizations across various health care sectors.
While the above statement may sound innocuous and even noble, a quick look at the Building Trust website reveals that the ABIM Foundation holds regular Building Trust Zoom webinars to discuss how to approach vaccine hesitancy, and counter medical misinformation online. Past webinars include topics such as Countering Medical Misinformation through Social Media, Countering Medical Misinformation, Building Trust through Community Partnerships and more....


Paxful shutdown hits Nigeria harder than the rest of the world Heres why "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Paxfuls shutdown has left its global community heartbroken, but it has significantly impacted the Nigerian community, where it pioneered P2P crypto use.

Quick Meal Ideas for Cruisers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Having a quick meal idea on a busy boat day helps cruisers eat well without stress. Here are some of our favorites. [More] Quick Meal Ideas for Cruisers


Whoever let this door close in Donald Trumps face, take the rest of the year off "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There were many memorable moments and memes to emerge from Donald Trumps court appearance when he became the first US president to be charged with crimes.

Weve collected 27 of the best responses here and out of all the hours of footage, this 5 seconds was impossible to beat.

Its the moment precisely no-one at the New York court holds the door open for Trump, who had to push it open for himself. And it went wildly viral because, well, watch.

Absolutely cant stop watching that.

And it prompted one particularly funny callback to a moment back when Trump was still president.

Just in case you dont remember

And here are just a few of the many, many things people said about it.


Top 5 books to learn about blockchain "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Discover the fundamentals of blockchain technology, its use cases and its impact on various businesses through the top five books about blockchain.


A fake QAnon Shamans sketchy bike skills formed the perfect metaphor for MAGA "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You probably remember seeing Arizona man Jacob Chansley, even if you dont know it. He was the guy who took part in the January 6th storming of the Capitol Building dressed like a Poundland Jamiroquai tribute act, then ended up in prison for his pains.

He became known as The QAnon Shaman, and his strong look made him an easy cosplay character, so when Donald Trump appeared in New York to be charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying accounts, a Shaman-alike was there to offer support.

This is how that worked out for him. If youre drinking anything swallow it before you watch this.

If ever a clip were crying out to be a meme

Twitter embraced the accidental stuntman with all the sympathy he deserved.



The unwavering gaze of Steve McQueens Grenfell "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

GRENFELL WAS FILMED in December 2017, about six months after the catastrophic fire of June 14, when seventy-two people were killed as the tower, a social housing block in North Kensington, London,


5 Best-Selling Online Art Classes to Help You Learn to Draw and Paint "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

5 Best-Selling Online Art Classes to Help You Learn to Draw and Paint

How to Draw Portraiture

Photo: Melissa de Nobrega / My Modern Met Academy

Our e-learning platform My Modern Met Academy has been around for over a year. In that time, weve launched many online classes covering art, photography, and crafts. You can start anywhere in your My Modern Met Academy journey, but if youre wanting some suggestions, take them from our students. Here, were sharing some of our best-selling classes on our platform.

Drawing makes up some of our most popular courses and we have a variety to choose from. Learn how to draw architecture from artist Demi Lang in her course Architectural Illustration for Everyone: Draw Buildings in Ink and Colored Pencil. Alternatively, understand how to break down one of the most complex subjectsthe human facewhen you enroll in Portrait Drawing for Beginners: Learn How to Draw Anyone Youd Like with Melissa De Nobrega.

Our popular painting classes are a nod toward abstraction. Artist Dimitra Milan shows how to combine an abstract, free-flowing background with a naturalistic drawing in Abstract Realism: Introduction to Mixed Media Painting. Its an intermediate-level class that assumes you have some knowledge of how to draw. If youre looking for something where sketching isnt as involved, give Nitika Ales class a try....


Augmented reality helps brands tell their story: MVFW 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

During Metaverse Fashion Week 2023, the augmented reality platform Over projected a larger-than-life virtual catwalk over one of Milans most prominent locations.


People Share The Most Hair-Raising Experiences Of Their Lives "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If youve lived a good amount of time, theres a good chance youve had at least one experience that absolutely raised every hair on your body one that made you realize youve just got to get the heck out of Dodge.

These 17 people are recounting theirs, so make sure your lights are on and the doors are locked before you take the plunge!

17. The worst neighbors.

When I was 27 my girlfriend lived in a crappy part of Hollywood, FL near US1. She had a kid pretty young but the dad ended up going to jail for assault. The place she could afford was run down af, with all sorts of addicts and genuine low-lifes living in the units around her. She hated the place. She couldnt move in with me becau se I was just renting a room where I lived. It was better than living at her parents though (drunk abusive dad, addict mom).

I went to visit her after my shift ended at 9PM. Picked up some food and planned to cook for her. We were there for about an hour just sitting on the couch watching her kid play with a box.

Then the banging started on the door. She looks terrified thinking its her ex. Im kind of freaked out also because I heard all these stories about him. Some guy is cursing, hitting something against the door hard. We dont even want to peek through the window or peephole thinking hes got a gun. We call the police but the operator is having a tough time hearing.

Then we hear some other woman screaming and cursing. He had the wrong door. We hear them start fighting. Smashing, more screaming. Sounds like shes spitting and we hear punches. Were not sure if its her or him but its loud.

911 operator says police are on their way. The kid starts...


OpenSea advanced NFT marketplace sparks mixed community reactions "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A community member believes that the move will enhance user experience in the space, while another thinks that OpenSea failed to rock the boat.


A Few Notes About Shotgun Gauges and Game "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Shotguns are popular firearms used for hunting a wide variety of game, including birds, rabbits, squirrels, and larger animals like deer and bear. One of the key factors to consider when choosing a shotgun for hunting is the gauge, which refers to the diameter of the guns barrel. The most common shotgun gauges are 12-gauge, ... Read more...


Tanya FrankZig Zag Boy: My Familys Struggles With Broken Mental Healthcare "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On the Mad in America podcast this week, we chat with author and educator Tanya Frank.

Tanya has worked as a college and university lecturer in the UK and taught middle school children, teens, and elders in the US. She has also trained as a wildlife guide in California and has been an advocate for people with lived experience of psychosis. Tanyas work has appeared in the Guardian, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, as well as appearing in literary journals, including KCET Departures and Sinister Wisdom.

In this interview, we talk about Tanyas recently released book entitled Zig-Zag Boy: A Memoir of Madness and Motherhood, which chronicles the experiences of her son Zach, who experienced psychosis as a 19-year-old. The book is a heartfelt and beautifully written account of dealing with mental distress and speaks movingly and honestly about the familys struggles with broken healthcare systems in the US and the UK.

The transcript below has been edited for length and clarity. Listen to the audio of the interview here.

James Moore: Tanya, welcome. Thank you so much for joining me today for the Mad in America Podcast. Im thrilled that we can get to speak to you.

Tanya Frank: Thank you. Im thrilled to be here. Its an honor.

Moore: As mentioned in the introduction, you are a trained teacher and lecturer. Youve been a wildlife guide in the US, known as a docent, and most recently, youve been an advocate for families with experiences of psychosis, bu...


Prescribers Often Fail to Support Patients Discontinuing Antidepressants, Study Finds "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A majority of patients seeking medical support when discontinuing antidepressants found their prescribing doctors to be unhelpful, according to the results of the second-largest international survey ever conducted on the subject.

Published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, the survey highlights the inadequate support and resources available to patients trying to quit antidepressants, forcing them to turn to online support groups for help. Participants in the survey also identified the need for additional resources, such as smaller doses and a 24/7 helpline, to aid in their transition off the medication.

The lead author, John Read, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of East London and Chair of the International Institute for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal (, commented:

These recommendations, by hundreds of patients who have been badly let down by their doctors, precisely echo the recommendations of the comprehensive Public Health England report in 2019. Yet, to date, the NHS has still not put in place a single specialised service, helpline, or training programme for doctors.

Antidepressant prescription rates are high internationally, including in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Belgium, Canada, and Portugal. Across the U.S. and the U.K., antidepressant drugs are prescribed disproportionally to women. In the U.K., they are also more often prescribed to those from low socioeconomic backgrounds and older people.

These high rates have been attributed to increases in the length of prescription periods rather than new prescriptions, with average duration doubling in both the U.S. and U.K. since the mid-2000s. For example, half of the antidepressant users in England take them for longer than two years, and half of the antidepressant users in the U.S. take them for at least five years. Yet, what these antidepressants are being prescribed for long-te...


Preston Nichols, who was involved in the 'Montauk Project' describes an encounter with a Reptilian "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Preston Nichols described how he worked next to a reptilian humanoid and how he got it drunk on Drano very bizarre story and Preston swears on a stack of Bibles it's all true.


Watch this cheeky meerkat goose an unsuspecting capybara "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You dont have to be Sherlock Holmes or, indeed, Wagatha Christie to work out what Twitter user @CAPYBARA_MAN loves. The account is full of clips and photos of the South American rodents, such as these

He recently shared this clip of a capybara being on the wrong end of a naughty meerkats high jinks.

Its had well over half a million views and picked up a lot of comments including some ticking off the meerkat.



Bitcoin whales push choreographed BTC price as Ether nears $2K "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin and Ethereum are both attempting to tackle major price boundaries, but suspicions over the cause of the rally remain.


required readin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

.. .. required readin .. ..

Students deserve to know this shocking truth about communism [ fox ]

.. .. da folks here know dis already .. .. some folks need a refresher course .. .. communism suX0rz .. .. jus sayn .. ..


Jacob Rees-Moggs religious hot take on gender identity got biblically owned "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We dont often choose to share GB News clips, just in case they get deleted after being legally challenged for self-IDing as news, but heres one of Jacob Rees-Moggs recent Moggalogues this one on gender identity.

tl;dr Down with that sort of thing.

Its no surprise that GB News is pushing a report from one of the Tufton Street Massive so beloved of Brexiters, but Rees-Moggs biblical argument might not have done their culture war drum-banging as much good as hed have liked.



US President Joe Biden urges tech firms to address risks of AI "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

President Biden urges technology companies to prioritize secure AI products before public release, stressing the need to address potential risks to society, national security and the economy.


Watch David Bowies Final Performance as Ziggy Stardust, Singing I Got You Babe with Marianne Faithfull, on The Midnight Special (1973) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If you had to choose a living cultural figure to represent nineteen-seventies America, you could do much worse than Burt Sugarman. He made his name as a television impresario with The Midnight Special, which put on NBCs airwaves performances by everyone from ABBA to AC/DC, REO Speedwagon to Roxy Music, and War to Weather Report. Breaking with common practice at the time, the show allowed these acts to perform live rather than lip-sync against pre-recorded tracks. Thus, even viewers who tuned in to The Midnight Special to see their favorite bands were guaranteed to hear something theyd never heard before.

They stayed up quite late to do so: The Midnight Special followed The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, which meant that it aired at midnight in the Central and Mountain time zones, and 1:00 in Eastern and Pacific. In 1972, the notion of putting on a music show at that hour was unfamiliar enough that Sugarman had trouble selling it.

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This cool cats skateboard antics have gone viral all over again "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Back in 2021, a gorgeous Himalayan cat named Yeti went massively viral for this little trick.

@yeti.ready #viralcats #yeti #skater #kitty #fun #athlete #fyp #skateboarding original sound Yeti

Move over Tony Hawk youve got competition.

The video got most of its views when it was reposted on ESPN, but this is what TikTok users were saying in response to the original.

He went ZOOM

Like a smooth criminal.

Do not let him anywhere near your car keys!

At the weekend, it turned up on Twitter, where it reached fresh eyes.


Greenhouse heating "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I know one of you geniuses has come up with some clever way to passively heat your greenhouse. I'm looking for suggestions. Ours will be small....maybe 10x16. Thanks!


How to Develop Photographs with Coffee "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

James Hoffmann knows something about coffee. Hes authored The World Atlas of Coffee and runs a prolific YouTube channel, where he covers everything from making coffee with the AeroPress and MokaPot, to brewing the perfect espresso and also providing basic coffee making tips & tricks. Pretty bread and butter stuff, if you can use that expression when talking about coffee. But he also covers some subjects at the margins of the coffee worldlike how to develop photographs with coffee. Above, Hoffmann introduces you to Caffenol, a process whereby photographs can be developed with coffee and sometimes Vitamin C. To take a deeper dive into the subject, youll want to explore PetaPixels primer, Caffenol: A Guide to Developing B&W Film with Coffee.

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If Political Prosecution Can Happen to Trump, It Can Happen to Any of Us "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where Youre Planted online course

April 4, 2023 will live on as the day that America officially became a banana republic. We became a nation that persecutes and prosecutes political foes in the most public and propagandous way possible in order for one party to shout down the other. Wrongthink is officially a crime now.

Sure, theyll get you for some other infraction. Sort of like how Al Capone went down for tax evasion and not his other crimes. But make no mistake, if you dont follow the rules, you, too, are guilty of thoughtcrime.

Criticizing presidents and other politicians is what I do and what I should do. In the least biased way possible, holding our politicians accountable for their actions, be they personal bombast or political malfeasance, is the job of the media.

Anyone who has read my website for long knows that Im no fan of former President Donald Trump. I dont like Biden either, nor Clinton, nor Obama, nor Bush One or Bush Two. Ive been heartily disappointed in the actions of all these presidents, and Ive never made a secret of it. In fact, I regularly compare our election choices to Which disease would you rather have? much to the dismay of certain readers. Ive long thought we could do better when it comes to the person who holds the loftiest office in the United States.

I stand by this. Most of our officials holding the highest positions in the land are in it to enrich themselves and their families, to wield power like a sword, and to surround themselves with the adoration of the masses. Meanwhile, theyre nearly all responsible for getting us involved in wars that are none of our business in order to fight others by proxy. War is big business, peace is for suckers, and the increasing lack of prosperity for average Americans doesnt really matter.

But indicting a former president on ridiculous charges to keep him out of the next race is a bridge too far.

The presiding judge of a kangaroo court

Add to this that President Trump is facing a kangaroo court, presided over by the father of a young woman whose consulting firm worked on the campaigns of Vice President Harris and Representative Adam Schiff (who led the charge to have Trump impeached). New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan has already ruled against Trumps interests and allies in severa...


Two Opening Snare Hits From Thursdays Understanding in a Car Crash Inducted Into Emo Hall of Fame "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. The Emo Hall of Fame announced its latest wave of inductees which includes the snare drum that opens Thursdays classic song Understanding in a Car Crash, confirmed multiple sources wearing Saucony shoes.

Im so proud that I got to play a small part in this historic moment by playing a very small part to open that song, said Thursdays drummer Tucker Rule. Im hoping that someday the entire song will be inducted, as well as the rest of Full Collapse, and maybe even the entire band, but for right now this is a moment to celebrate. I can still remember the day we decided to use the snare to open the song. Originally it started with Geoff (Rickley) saying Ok start now as a signal for the guitar to kick in, but one time during practice I dropped my sticks at the exact right moment and history was made.

Longtime Thursday fans were excited to see an important component of one of their favorite songs finally getting recognition.

Everyone knows the album opens with this mellow ambient track that doesnt really add all that much. You sit through it and then out of nowhere the snare drum hits you and changes everything, said 39-year-old emo fan Kevin Finch. Anytime I hear that snare sound I get transported back to 2001. It reminds me of how I used to be able to wear a youth large shirt without it being torn to shreds, and how I ruined my familys sink when I tried dying my hair black. Those were simpler times, back when the closest thing we had to social media was Makeoutclub.

Dr. Juan Reyes, the president of the Emo Hall of Fame, says there will be an entire exhibit dedicated to the snare sound.

We are setting up a listening library that will play that .02-second long music clip on repeat for anyone to listen to and enjoy, said Dr. Reyes. It will join the amp buzz that opens up Saves the Days Through Being Cool, the 5 seconds of messing around at the beginning of American Footballs Never Meant, and the final kick drum during the fade out of The Get Up Kids Something to Write Home About. I encourage any fan of real emo to come by and check out the exhibit. But if you try coming in here wearing an All Time Low shirt, just expect trouble.

The Emo Hall of Fame also announced the construction of a state-of-the-art prison that is expected to house anyone that calls Weezer an emo band.

The post Two Opening Snare Hits From Thursdays Understanding in a Car Crash Inducted Into Emo Hall of Fame appeared first on The Hard Times.


Entry-Level Bassist Position Requires Bullshit 5 Years of Exposure "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BALTIMORE Local indie band Pedro Pastel put out an ad seeking an entry-level bassist that required an unrealistic five years of exposure, confirmed sources rolling their eyes in unison.

Its always a red flag when the job description says theyre looking for a rockstar and someone that can work in a fast-paced practice environment, said bassist and potential candidate Blaine Dawson. Lets see. I have a bachelors degree in music theory, masters in contemporary performance, and several internships at various record companies, but evidently thats not nearly enough for them. And when I asked what they meant when they said they offer a highly competitive salary they evidently meant free pizza on Fridays. Thats pretty ballsy for a band no ones ever heard of.

The groups manager Chase Kyleston defended the job requirements.

Weve had this bass player position open for a full year now, said Kyleston before rejecting an applicant because they didnt include a cover letter. And weve had to turn down hundreds of unqualified candidates and even a few qualified ones that just didnt vibe right. Its like no one wants to work for little to no compensation anymore. I dont really think its unreasonable to ask for years of hands-on exposure, at least a few platinum records under their belts, and manager-level experience in Nine Inch Nails. Wed even accept someone who played the main stage at Coachella within the last five years. Were not that picky.

Human Resources expert Rebecca Gainesville believes this irrational employer trend is here to stay.

Beginner jobs that require an absurd amount of experience are like employment catch-22, said Gainseville. In theory, someone with years of exposure wouldnt accept an entry-level position, and anyone whos just starting out wouldnt have enough experience. Its like how Matt Skiba got the guitarist job in blink-182. His years of exposure in Alkaline Trio made him a perfect candidate for the position. Imagine if he turned that down for a spot in some no-name band who opened for other no-name bands? Wouldnt happen. Hiring managers really need to lower their expectations.

At press time, Dawson took matters into his own hands and formed a small startup band, citing his entrepreneurial spirit and background in hustle.

The post Entry-Level Bassist Position Requires Bullshit 5 Years of Exposure appeared first on The Hard Times.


How to Save Money on Therapy by Trauma Dumping on Your Friends at Every Conceivable Opportunity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Talk therapy is a service that almost all people could benefit from. Unfortunately, it costs about $700 per minute and most therapists kinda suck at their jobs anyhow. So instead, consider an alternative: trauma dumping to your friends every single time you interact with them. Never mind the fact that they arent technically therapists and could theoretically have their own problems. Let the Hard Times be your guide.

Save time by skipping saying Hello and diving right into the pain
Casual greetings like Hi, Hello, or Hows it going? subtract from the time you could be talking about your rough experiences, negative thoughts, and perceived slights onto your friends. Interrupt their meaningless greetings and get right to the heart of the matter.

Only talk about yourself
Asking questions invites the chance for someone other than you to talk about themselves. Since you will only ever experience life from your own perspective, why waste time with irrelevant narratives? Only your truth matters even if you need to embellish it for dramatic effect.

Twist the Knife
Avoid undercutting the severity of your problems by following up with a joke or any sense of levity. Everything is deathly serious. Respond to their attempts at humor with a scowl. This is therapy, not stand-up comedy.

Get defensive if they claim they arent a therapist
Sure, your friends may not be licensed, qualified, or willing to be your therapist. But they signed up to be your friend and that is legally binding enough. Attack them if they dont want to listen to you, then call up a different friend and dump this new meta-trauma on them.

Dont say Goodbye after a massive trauma dump
Similar to Step 1, dont give your friends any sense of finality or closure that this conversation or chapter of hurt is over. Leave them with a lingering sense of worry so they feel guilty not following up in a timely fashion.

The post How to Save Money on Therapy by Trauma Dumping on Your Friends at Every Conceivable Opportunity appeared first on The Hard Times.


Review: Wet Leg Wet Leg "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Each week The Hard Times takes a good hard look at a banger of an album. This week well be sitting down with the highly acclaimed self-titled 2022 debut from British band Wet Leg.

Not many albums are as impressive, infectious, irreverent, and downright fun as Wet Legs. Its so good that they released six singles for it. Thats more than Nevermind had. Highly recommend giving this record a listen. Just make sure to exercise extreme caution because tracks will get stuck in your head for literal days at a time with no relief in sight.

Take Chaise Longue for instance. Its so catchy that it took me a solid month to get that one out of my noggin. Sure, at first its all fun and games when the lyric excuse me (what) randomly pops in your brain several times an hour or during sex. But good luck trying to fall asleep at night when this bop is just repeating itself between the ears like that awkward thing you said in seventh grade.

The only way I successfully got this track out of my head was by inadvertently swapping it with Wet Legs song Wet Dream. This is another excellent track, yet it somehow just as easily gets lodged deep within the crevices of your cerebral cortex. And dont even get me started on hits like Angelica or Oh No either.

Its almost as if their songs are little catchy parasites that infect your brain and consume your every being until you die or are physically decapitated. Its exactly like those fungus zombies from The Last of Us but instead of being diabolical mushrooms, its cool indie songs that poison you and make you do their bidding. It makes sense when you consider that this album already made me buy their merch and tickets to one of their shows. Possibly against my will.

To wrap up, I havent had to listen to this album in months because it somehow reprogrammed my brain to only think, see, and communicate in these songs and lyrics. So on one hand I have nothing but love for this record. On the other hand, it is quite possibly an apocalyptic detriment to the brain that needs to be destroyed before it gradually wipes out the human race. Cant tell for sure.

Score: 10 out of 10 (though it might be the Wet Leg songs talking)

The post Review: Wet Leg Wet Leg appeared first on The Hard Times.


Robert Glck "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Beyond his vital contribution to literature as a founder of New Narrative, Robert Glck has, since 1966, built up a body of ceramics, which is now being exhibited for the first time in Ghosts and


Allbridge to first begin repaying stuck bridge users after recouping funds "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The compensation process is expected to start next week, starting with users who had funds on the bridge shortly before the shutdown.


Randy Rainbows NSFW campaign song for Donald Trump is the catchiest takedown so far "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Talented musical satirist Randy Rainbow has roasted Donald Trump on many occasions, drawing inspiration from The Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof and Into the Woods, amongst other classic works.

His latest parody mimics The Andrews Sisters biggest hit and may have achieved new heights of both comedy and commentary.

Watch how this interview pans out.

Hes the grumpy Trumpy felon from Jamaica in Queens.

Wed love to be a fly on the wall of Mar-a-Lago when Trump searches his own name and spots that.

These comments say all that needs to be said.



Now Girls Behave Yourselves Cautions Tipsy Mother Of The Bride Likely To Be The First Ejected From Magic Mike Show "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

KEITH T. DENNETT | New South | CONTACT An interstate hens party is about to hit hyperdrive this evening, as a mini-bus packed with local girls from Betoota tears through the Gold Coast. Packed to the rafters with 18 women from Betoota Ponds, its understood the mood is high and the ros is flowing on the stretch party bus []

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Cash App creator dies following stabbing in San Francisco "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bob Lee, the creator of Cash App and the former technology chief at Square, has died after an unknown attacker stabbed him.


Why Dont You Get The Pancakes? Suggests Rabidly Hungry Boyfriend Hedging His Bets On A Second Breakfast "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

KEITH T. DENNETT | New South | CONTACT Standing six-foot-four and tipping the scales at 120kgs, it takes more than one cafe breakfast to satiate local big unit Kaden Spades. But having spent his entire life often leaving restaurants hungry, Kaden has learnt a few key strategies to ensure he always gets his fill. Out for breakfast with his []

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Dutton Says If Indigenous Want A Voice To Parliament They Can Pay Millions To Lobbyists Like Mining Corporations Do "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Federal Opposition leader Peter Dutton can today exhale in relief, after formally ending his own ideological paralysis when it comes to addressing the socio-economic issues faced by Aboriginal people and finally being able to show his true colours. The Liberal Party has today announced it will formally say NO to the []

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Blokes Mangled Toothbrush Pretty Good Indicator Hes Got Some Demons "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

MARIO STRADLATER | Local | Contact After waking with a pulsing hangover, Larissa Mainland (25) asked her romantic love interest from the previous night if she could use his bathroom.  It was what she saw next that made her start planning her exit strategy.  I wasnt expecting there to be any facewash or anything, but I didnt expect to []

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ETH hits 7-month high ahead of Shanghai and Capella upgrades "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ether has broken the $1,900 resistance level for the first time in months and is currently sitting above $1,911.


Trump becomes the first former US President to be charged with crimes 27 arresting reactions "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Donald Trump has been arrested on 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, in part relating to hush money paid to Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet about an alleged affair with him. He denies all charges, including the affair.

The charges potentially carry a steep penalty.

But before you get too excited, it could also just lead to a fine which would undoubtedly be paid by continuing to pass the begging bowl around the MAGA faithful.

The judge at the hearing in New York had a word about Trumps attitude towards the proceedings.

The former President will doubtless have been seething at not receiving the deference he might have expected.


Malaysia enlists China to help end USD dependence for trade "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

More proposals and currency concepts are emerging as Asia ramps up its efforts to distance itself from U.S. dollar hegemony.


To Repair My Public Image Christian Porter Explains Why Hes Helping Clive Sue Australia For $300b "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

RORY SALAZAR | Finance | Contact Christian Porter has been dragged through the mud over recent years, and the man himself is naturally upset about what that dragging has done to the way the public view him. When that dossier of rape allegations came out against him when he was the countrys attorney general, public opinion began to sour. []

The post To Repair My Public Image Christian Porter Explains Why Hes Helping Clive Sue Australia For $300b appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Full Moon In Libra Good Luck, Balance, Resolving Relationships "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Matthew John, Contributing writer, Happy Full Moon in Libra! This Full Moon at 16 degrees of Libra becomes exact at 12:34 AM New York time (04:34 GMT) on Thursday, April 6, 2023. This Libra Full Moon is the final Full Moon before the beginning of the first Eclipse Season of 2023, which also []

The post Full Moon In Libra Good Luck, Balance, Resolving Relationships first appeared on In5D .


Uncle Evans: A Modern Political Dystopian Novella Update 4/4/2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Wake up. Its happening. Now. Just like we talked about.

Kyle woke to see his Uncle Evans looking down at him. His uncle had that deathly serious look. The small bedside lamp was on but otherwise, the room was dark. No light came in through the windows. The windows were open though, and the cool, early autumn air came in, bringing with it the nighttime sounds of the Texas Hill Country.

What time is it? Kyle asked. Uncle Evans didnt answer that question....

Uncle Evans: A Modern Political Dystopian Novella Update 4/4/2023


Is This Guys Pregnant Fiancee Really Awful For Not Helping Chase The Dog? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Listen, I love my dogs as much as the next person. I do what I can to give them the care and attention they require, but Im also going to be the first one to admit that, after I had children, the dogs dropped a few spots in the pecking order.

It seems as if OP is yet to learn this lesson, since his baby is still gestating, but based on this story I think hes got some ducks to get back in line before its born.

He begins the story by saying that his high-intensity dog has become an escape artist, and he spends hours every week chasing it down and bringing it home. He has tried one alteration to his fence, but has yet to solve the issue.

My fiance (28f) is currently 5 months pregnant and has been both fatigued and nauseous lately. I get why she didnt want to help me look for the dog but I cant get over the lack of empathy and bordering selfish behavior of this either.

My dog (6yo Heeler/Corgi mix) runs off at least once a week. Usually my fiance will help me find her but its not without protest.

I honestly didnt even know how she was getting out of our fenced yard so I installed cameras and found that she was scaling the 8ft fence.

I ended up attaching spinners to the top of the fence thinking that would solve the issue but it didnt.

Recently, it escaped again during the two minutes he went inside to grab his phone.

I brought her out today and was playing with her when my phone rang. I was inside just long enough to grab my phone and my dog had gotten out. I immediately went in search for her, thinking she couldnt have gotten far but I couldnt find her anywhere so I went back to the house and asked my fiance, who was curled up on the sofa, to come help me.

He wanted his pregnant fiancee...


Intuitive In5d Bold Global Predictions by PsychicAlly Gregg Prescott Apr 4, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!!! Twin Flames Alison and Gregg Prescott share their thoughts and views on life as they travel together on a beautiful journ...


Liberals Begin Campaign To Win Back Teal Seats By Opposing The Voice To Parliament "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact The Liberal Party is beginning the arduous journey today to win back seats lost to teal independents at the last election. One of the first steps, according to Opposition leader Peter Dutton, is to oppose the Voice to Parliament, in its current stage, which has been put forward by []

The post Liberals Begin Campaign To Win Back Teal Seats By Opposing The Voice To Parliament appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


NRL Star Caught Red-Handed Sniffing Coke On Social Media Says This AI Art Shit Has Gone Too Far "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact In some startling news that shows just how dangerous modern technology can be, an up and coming NRL player has become one of the first victims of the AI art trend, shortly after the world was tricked by the fashionable pope series. Sydney NRL player Tim Bargearse [28] tells The Advocate that he []

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"IndyWatch Feed Spiritual" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!!! Twin Flames Alison and Gregg Prescott share their thoughts and views on life as they travel together on a beautiful journ...


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.15 AUD

Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.79 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00004 BTC


Advice Column | Reputational Risks To Ignore When Buying Your Next Sleeveless Puffer Jacket "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DR CHET SPEVENS | Finance Expert | CONTACT Theres nothing more symbolic of being a boss in the steamy waters of corporate finance than wearing a sleeveless puffer jacket. But sleeveless puffer jackets are known in wider society to be stupid and useless, so much so that whoever wears one is considered the same. So how do []

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Should She Have Forwarded Her Sister-In-Laws Text To Her Brother? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Family relationships can be tricky, especially when new people are being brought into the fold. Most of us try to welcome in-laws with open arms, but personalities can clash no matter how hard we try.

OP lives abroad with her family. Her brother met his now-wife while back in the States but they recently moved back to his home country after finding out she was pregnant.

My (29F) brother Todd (33M) is married to Hayley (31F) and they have a 10mo son, Josh. My family moved in Switzerland when we were young, but Todd when back to the US for college which is where he met Hayley, and theyve since moved back to Switzerland when Hayley got pregnant.

Since they arrived abroad and had a child, OP says her sister-in-law has been attempting to involve her and her mother in her marital issues. They have both repeatedly told her that they do not want to get involved in their sons/brothers marriage and asked her to stop.

Since Hayley and Todd got married, and especially since she gave birth, Hayley has been trying to involve my mother and me in her and Todds relationship. She started texting my mother when she and Todd would disagree, asking my mother her opinion or if she could talk to Todd on her behalf. My mother was very uncomfortable with this. My mother was happy to help out with anything to do with adjusting to living in a different country, but she really didnt want to get involved in Hayley and Todds relationship.

Then Hayley started texting me. She would get in a disagreement with Todd and text me the next day asking me to come to her house to talk about it, or ask me for advice. I said was not getting involved in my brothers marriage and that it was inappropriate, but that didnt stop her.

She started showing up at my mothers house unannounced and even tried t...


Selfless Dad Shares Small Problem With Whole Family "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT A Betoota dad became the star of his own proverb today as the selfless patriarch managed to share an objectively small problem with his whole family. While returning home from a stressful day at work, father Brian Bramley (44) called the house and asked if someone could please open the garage door for []

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Multiple US state regulators allege AI trading DApp is a Ponzi scheme "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The scheme allegedly claimed it could generate returns of up to 2.2% a day by leveraging AI to trade more often and with higher profits than a person could.


Donald Trump has released an official statement "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Donald Trump has released a powerful statement saying he isnt going to jail and anyway you cant make him so there.

Trump, who is being tried as an adult for charges related to campaign financing, released a second statement saying your not the boss of me.

Im staying home at ma-lago and watching tv and theres nothing you can do about it!!!!!!!!!!!   

When told by police that he was under arrest, the former President said I know you are I said you are but what am I?


Mate Must Be On A Good Packet After Getting Bumper Scrape Fixed "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT Betoota local Ollie Crandle (31) has proved he must be on a good packet after getting a relatively minor bumper scrape fixed. During one of the half dozen routine moves of his car he forced to make in the Start-Up Precinct of Betootas Old City District, Crandle discovered a little scrape on his []

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People Share The Lies That Society Needs To Stop Believing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Not everyone is great at telling when people are lying or telling the truth. That said, sometimes lies have been told so many times theres no excuse for buying them any longer.

These 17 definitely fall into that category, according to these folks on Reddit.

17. Can confirm.

You no longer get zits when you get older

God I hate people born with smooth skin giving me this s*%t advice like wash your face clean your sheets itll get better with age

My face at any given time is cleaner than yours has ever been, my sheets dont stay on the bed more than a few days, and my pillow daily, and Im not a kid anymore. Plus I eat near no sugar and never touch my face outside the shower.

I still get acne. arggghhh

16. Actions speak louder than words.

Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line.

15. Put that baby back.

That mama birds wont take their babies back after humans touch them. Put that baby back

Edit: I didnt expect that to take off, lol.

But, yes, there are many types of birds that will end up on the floor either way, but you might end up saving one bird that gets to stay.

14. Maybe some day.

Number 14 will SHOCK you!

Gets me every d**n time. When will I learn?

13. People still believe that?

That MLMs are a good source of income.

12. The whole belief.

The whole belief of small animals like reptiles, fish and rodents have no intellig...


Cradle-to-Grave Vaccines + COVID Shots and Air Safety: This Week With Mary + Polly "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Mary and Polly CHD TVThis week, Mary Holland, Childrens Health Defense (CHD) president-on-leave, and Polly Tommey, CHD.TV programming manager, covered the latest headlines on COVID-19, Big Pharma and other issues, including news that in the U.S., COVID-19 vaccines injured 26.6 million people, disabled 1.36 million people, caused more than 300,000 excess deaths and cost the economy an estimated $147 billion in damage in 2022 alone.

Polly and Mary also discussed that a Manitoba family is suing AstraZeneca Canada, alleging their son had a stroke following COVID-19 vaccination that has left him unable to work or care for himself.

Cradle-to-Grave Vaccines + COVID Shots and Air Safety: This Week With Mary + Polly


UnderestimatedUnderestimated: An Autism Miracle
BY JB Handley and Jamison Handley

In Underestimated: An Autism Miracle, Generation Rescues cofounder J.B. Handley and his teenage son Jamison tell the remarkable story of Jamisons journey to find a method of communication that allowed him to show the world that...


Marathon Digital posts quarterly record of 2,195 Bitcoin mined in Q1 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

With a new quarterly production record, Marathon Digital is now on track to meet its mid-year target of 23 exahashes.

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