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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary was generated at The Wire IndyWatch.

Sunday, 09 July


Rewind 80's Band - Morwell Italian Australian Sporting Club "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Saturday 8th Jul, 7.30pm 11.30pm, Italian Australian Sporting Club

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Saturday, 20 May


"IndyWatch Feed Gippsland" "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Friday 19th May, 7.00pm 11.00pm, Noojee Hotel

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Saturday, 08 April


Meine Damen und Herren, ich prsentiere: Das Weltraumkommando ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Meine Damen und Herren, ich prsentiere: Das Weltraumkommando der Bundeswehr.

Auf der einen Seite: Cosplay mit Steuergeldern. Geschenkt.

Auf der anderen Seite: Die sehen sich in der Tradition von Sith Lords und Stormtroopern?

Auf der dritten Hand: Einweihung von Gebude ... 42!?

Wer das alles fr einen Witz hlt: Das Weltraumkommando der Bundeswehr gibt es wirklich, und die sitzen wirklich in Uedem.

(Siehe auch)

Old and busted: Zug fhrt viel zu spt ab.New hotness: ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Old and busted: Zug fhrt viel zu spt ab.

New hotness: Zug fhrt viel zu frh ab! Es geht um den Nachtzug von Berlin nach Stockholm.

Haha, das ist ja ein Lacher: Jetzt gibt es endlich ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Haha, das ist ja ein Lacher: Jetzt gibt es endlich ein Foto vom verhafteten Trump und das sieht aus wie eine "KI"-Halluzination, weil hinter Trump sehr ungnstig ein anderer Typ steht, und die Kopfrnder passen auffallend gut.

Das sieht, finde ich, "KI"-generierter aus als die tatschlich "KI"-generierten Bilder neulich.


Ich hatte ja neulich ber den Hubschrauber KI-Einsatz ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ich hatte ja neulich ber den Hubschrauber KI-Einsatz der modernen Bcherverbrenner von der Landesmedienanstalt Bayern gemeckert. Ganz vorne mit bei der puritanischen Internetzensur ist allerdings die Landesmedienaufsicht NRW.

Als ich das gehrt habe, war meine Reaktion erstmal: Endlich tut mal jemand was gegen diesen ganzen Onlyfans-Spam! Das hat mich schon damals bei RTL genervt, wenn da nachts immer diese "RUF. MICH. AN. *peitscheknall*"-Werbespots liefen. Mann war das immer schlpfrig. Wenn mir damals jemand gesagt htte: Die Landesmedienanstalt macht das jetzt weg, htte ich das gut gefunden. Das einzige noch unserisere im Fernsehen waren diese Teleshopping-Dauerwerbesendungen.

Lustigerweise hat der Direktor der Landesmedienaufsicht NRW vorber bei RTL gearbeitet. Und davor bei einem Teleshoppingkanal. Der kennt sich also aus in der Materie!

Aber es stellt sich raus, dass Ziel dieser Manahmen gar nicht kommerzielle Sex-Dienstleister sind, sondern Privatleute. Erstmal: Pornodarsteller auf kommerziellen Plattformen wie Onlyfans sind implizit jugendschtzend, weil man da ja zahlen muss, und Kreditkarten fr Kinder gibt es seit der Implosion von Wirecard nicht mehr. Professionelle Pornodarsteller wren also nur betroffen, wenn sie "jugendgefhrdende" Werbung fr ihren Onlyfans-Content auf Twitter oder Instagram machen. Und das machen sie natrlich nicht, weil ihr Einkommen davon abhngt, dass sie nicht wegen freidrehenden Jugendschtzern ihren Werbekanal verlieren.

Daher: Die Behrden tun hier gerne so, als ginge es um Terroristen, Nazis und Pornodarsteller. Das stimmt schlicht nicht. Es geht hier um Privatleute mit Nischenfetisch, die keinerlei Werbung machen und Kinder weder ansprechen noch in ihren Communities haben wollen. Es geht hier um Communities von Erwachsenen, die alle zugestimmt haben, und die sich gegenseitig Urlaubsfotos schicken wollen, mal ganz plump gesagt.

Das ist glaube ich ein Punkt, den die meisten Beobachter gar nicht mitgeschnitten haben. Ich denke da ja schon eine Weile drber nach, weil ich ja auch beruflich Security mache, und Security wird halt schnell zu Faschismus, wenn man es auf eine Gesellschaft anwendet. Stellt sich nmlich raus, dass Freiheit heit, dass man ab und zu Dinge tun kann, die nicht verfolgt werden. Das Leben ist lebenswert, weil nicht alle Verste verfolgt werden.

Es besteht gesellschaftlicher Konsens, dass Missbrauchsfotos von Kindern verfolgt gehren. Aber das heit doch nicht, dass Eltern keine Erinnerungsfotos von ihrem Kind am Strand machen drfen!

Mein Ergebnis war bisher, dass ich gerne einen Gesch...


Stuff for Granted? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I always thought cigarette lighter flints and wicks would be carried just about anywhere baaahhaa...
Not seeing it says the blindman.
Been to at least 4 places and only one has a complete understanding what the hell a flint is?
Anyone else seeing things we take for granted are slowly going away..not counting common sense.
Like 2 lady's today that were completely baffled as what makes a lighter function other than its magic sprinkled with pixie dust on the side?


Printing solution "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I recently tried to print my own fabric using a digital printing method, but I noticed that the colors on the printed fabric came out faded and dull compared to my original design. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve vibrant and accurate colors when printing on fabric using a digital printing technique? Are there any specific settings or color management techniques that I should be aware of to ensure high-quality color reproduction on fabric? Any tips or suggestions would be...

Printing solution


Is Another Jesus Revolution Upon Us? | Greg Laurie | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 180 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We need a spiritual awakening in America so bad right now, Pastor Greg Laurie tells Glenn on this Easter weekend episode of The Glenn Beck Podcast. Our society has abandoned God and embraced sin but hes seen this before. Back in the 1960s and 70s, Greg was a part of possibly the biggest Christian movement in American history, now dubbed the Jesus Revolution, when hippies gave up their LSD and embraced Jesus Christ. Its now at the heart of the recent film The Jesus Revolution, featuring Kelsey Grammer and Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in The Chosen. Greg tells Glenn just how similar todays America is to the era of the Jesus Revolution and why he believes we might be poised to see another spiritual awakening very soon. He and Glenn also discuss the importance of family and parenthood, especially given everything children struggle with today. And he reveals some of the events only God could have orchestrated that led to the filming of Jesus Revolution, including the true and tragic story of Lonnie Frisbee. But, as Greg tells Glenn, its often the greatest tragedies that bring total redemption.

Home title fraud is growing 2.5x faster than credit card fraud. You could be a victim and not even know it. Visit and use the promo code RADIO to register your address for your no-obligation home title report thats a $100 value FREE!

Right now, you can save $200 on an EdenPURE Thunderstorm Air Purifier 3-pack for whole-home protection. Youll get three units for under $200. Thats a fraction of the cost compared to other air purifiers that can go for over $600. Just go to and enter discount code GLENN.

Better Spectacles Go to now to schedule a Tele-Optical appointment. You dont even have to leave the comfort of your home. Theyre offering an introductory 61% off their progressive eyewear plus free handcrafted Rodenstock frames.

If youre one of the millions of Americans who suffer every day from pain, there is hope, and it comes in the form of Relief Factor. If you want a drug-free and natural way to get your life back, go to or call 1-800-4-RELIEF to get the $19.95 three-week quick start.

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Swimming Star Riley Gaines Assaulted by Transgender Mob at San Francisco State University "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Former NCAA womens swimming star Riley Gaines was ambushed and hit by a man wearing a dress at San Francisco State University on Thursday after giving a speech about saving womens sports during a Turning Point USA and Leadership Institute event on the campus. Gaines agent said, Instead of a thoughtful discussion tonight at SFSU, Riley was violently accosted, shouted at, physically assaulted, and barricaded in a room by protestors.


Is Another Jesus Revolution Upon Us? | Greg Laurie | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 180 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We need a spiritual awakening in America so bad right now, Pastor Greg Laurie tells Glenn on this Easter weekend episode of The Glenn Beck Podcast. Our society has abandoned God and embraced sin but hes seen this before. Back in the 1960s and 70s, Greg was a part of possibly the biggest Christian movement in American history, now dubbed the Jesus Revolution, when hippies gave up their LSD and embraced Jesus Christ. Its now at the heart of the recent film The Jesus Revolution, featuring Kelsey Grammer and Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus in The Chosen. Greg tells Glenn just how similar todays America is to the era of the Jesus Revolution and why he believes we might be poised to see another spiritual awakening very soon. He and Glenn also discuss the importance of family and parenthood, especially given everything children struggle with today. And he reveals some of the events only God could have orchestrated that led to the filming of Jesus Revolution, including the true and tragic story of Lonnie Frisbee. But, as Greg tells Glenn, its often the greatest tragedies that bring total redemption.

Home title fraud is growing 2.5x faster than credit card fraud. You could be a victim and not even know it. Visit and use the promo code RADIO to register your address for your no-obligation home title report thats a $100 value FREE!

Right now, you can save $200 on an EdenPURE Thunderstorm Air Purifier 3-pack for whole-home protection. Youll get three units for under $200. Thats a fraction of the cost compared to other air purifiers that can go for over $600. Just go to and enter discount code GLENN.

Better Spectacles Go to now to schedule a Tele-Optical appointment. You dont even have to leave the comfort of your home. Theyre offering an introductory 61% off their progressive eyewear plus free handcrafted Rodenstock frames.

If youre one of the millions of Americans who suffer every day from pain, there is hope, and it comes in the form of Relief Factor. If you want a drug-free and natural way to get your life back, go to or call 1-800-4-RELIEF to get the $19.95 three-week quick start.

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This Is HUGE! Legislators EXPELLED For Spearheading Anti-2A Protest "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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FAIR USE: In the rare instance I include someone elses footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with the intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech.</p> <p>IMPORTANT: All shooting is done on state-approved firing ranges by trained professionals. Our videos are produced in a safe environment by highly trained professionals with decades of experience. These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not attempt to replicate the actions featured in our videos without the proper training, licensing, and medical professionals present.</p> <p>We are not attempting to sell you the items featured in this video. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories, or otherwise change their basic legal function. All firearms and accessories are legal products commonly available in stores all across the United States. Our videos are for entertainment purpose...</p></p>


ABC accused of election interference after Trump broadcast "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

District Media Group President Beverly Hallberg reacts to ABC blurring out the text-to-donate ad on Donald Trumps podium and the White House announcement of an Easter Bunny family. #FoxNews

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Pro-Life event gets shut down by angry mob | National Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Fridays National Report. President of Students for Life of America Kristan Hawkins and Isabel Brown discuss what happened after protesters hijacked an event at Virginia Commonwealth University.

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Review: HTVRONTs Automatic Heat Press "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Review: HTVRONTs Automatic Heat Press

Manufacturer: HTVront Price: $251 URL: Features First Use There is basically no setup with this machine. You unbox it and it is ready to go. It has a few presets that might fit the jobs you need, but you can always adjust things manually. A normal clam shell heat press opens up, you guessed []

The post Review: HTVRONTs Automatic Heat Press appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


Immersive Tim Burton Exhibition Is a Labyrinth Into His Creative Genius "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Immersive Tim Burton Exhibition Is a Labyrinth Into His Creative Genius

Tim Burton Immersive Exhibition

Filmmaker and artist Tim Burton is known for his whimsical films that incorporate humor and macabre. He's directed hit movies since the 1980s, making his work beloved by people across generations and the globe. Now, an exhibition is paying homage to this visionary. Called Tim Burtons Labyrinth, its an immersive experience that brings viewers into the universe of Burtons creative genius.

Visitors to Tim Burtons Labyrinth traverse a massive exhibition space that takes them through the different worlds of films including Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Mars Attacks, Wednesday, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The different rooms are filled with original artworks by Burton along with specially created sculptures and animations. Fans of the directors work will appreciate the exaggerated cartoonish characters and surreal spaces, delighting in the fact that some of the works have never been seen before.

As the name suggests, the exhibition layout is a labyrinth. Visitors decide their path out of more than 300 possible routes, allowing for myriad ways to interact withand most importantly, enjoythe work and atmosphere.

Tim Burtons Labyrinth began in Madrid and will soon be moving to the Parc de La Villette in Paris. It will be on view from May 19 until August 20, 2023. Tickets are required to attend.

Filmmaker and artist Tim Burton is known for his whimsical films that incorporate humor and macabre.



I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS NEEDS TO BE EXPLAINED Matt Walsh destroys degenerate delusional transformer "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

He cleans this he/she's cluttered mind with simple analogies and logic. It can't hide the adams apple under it's girly hairdo as it admits men can't get pregnant.



Magnum rifle, need or want? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As the title asks do you have a magnum rifle? I'm taking 300 Win mag and up! Now I'm no Carlos Hathcock or Chris Kyle by a long shot but there may be a time when one needs more bore to deliver the goods at very long range. Large dangerous game comes to mind. Elk have a 400 yard comfort zone. I feel it should be prudent to have the right tool for the job. BTW, I have some 8mm Remington magnum ammo but no rifle. Need to do something about that! LOL. OK, flame on!


juws are like queers in that both are degenerate and wallow in filth and demand the crowd cheer and admire their abhorrent behaviournt "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

These things never claim what is said is untrue just that it hurts their fee feels.

Fkn juws and queers have all but destroyed what was once american society.



Glenn: Child transgender push shows America has GONE DARK "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Politicians in Canada recently announced new legislation that if passed would create community safety zones in which certain criticism of transgenderism could result in a 25,000 DOLLAR FINE. So, is America that far behind such radical moves? Maybe not. In this clip, Glenn details some of the latest moves in America to push transgender ideology onto OUR KIDS. Its time we take a stand for truth if not for our society, then for the sake of our children. I will tell you, this country has gone dark, Glenn says. And if you dont stand up now, we will make the Nazis look like rookies. We will.

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BRACE YOURSELF: 3 more signs that RECESSION IS COMING "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Were still waiting for official numbers from the federal government, but for now, a new ADP National Employment Report isnt looking good for Americas job market. It found that private payrolls rose by 145,000 in March, which was well below expectations, CNBC reports. Glenn details those numbers in this clip, plus two others signs that a recession IS coming for our economy. You MUST share this news with friends and brace yourself for economic trouble, Glenn says, because these numbers signal that our jobs may be on borrowed time.

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Trumps Arrest PROVES We Live Under Democrat TYRANNY | Ep 266 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Glenn examines the 34 felony charges that have been lobbed at President Trump and warns of the dark place America is headed. All signs point to a banana republic when a justice system is used as a political weapon, fear keeps people in line, and the corrupt public/private partnerships reign supreme. Remember the video from China when President Xi had his political rival forcibly removed on live TV? This is essentially what the Democrat Party is doing to its biggest political opponent. Any Democrat or member of the mainstream media who condemned Xis actions or expressed shock but is now applauding what is happening to Donald Trump can kindly SIT DOWN. Blaze Media co-founder and @LevinTV host Mark Levin confirms to Glenn: We ARE in a tyranny. The question is whether we can claw our way out. He tells Glenn about his dinner with President Trump just hours after he learned of DA Braggs indictment. The more they push Trump, the more he pushes back. He will NOT collapse. Levin also explains the REAL reason they want to take out Trump and calls on the GOP, billionaires on the right, and DAs to stop being cowards and enforce the rule of law: They need to scour these law books and sue the bastards!

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Friday, 07 April


Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Words "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Breaking: Slamming 'Slam' SLAMMED

Today's News:

Just 10 days till the big new thing!


20 Beautiful Flower Rings to Elevate Your Style "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

20 Beautiful Flower Rings to Elevate Your Style

Flower Rings

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase, My Modern Met may earn an affiliate commission. Please read our disclosure for more info.

If you love flowers and are looking for a creative way to incorporate them into your style, why not try a unique piece of jewelry? Floral rings are a great way to enhance your look and show off your love of nature. Whether it's crafted from real flowers or just shaped like one, there are plenty of gorgeous floral rings to choose from.

All of these beautiful rings incorporate blossoms in one way or another. There are handmade pieces that use resin to preserve fresh flowers, as well as sparkling statement rings that are sure to grab anyone's attention. And if you're the type of person who always needs to keep their hands busy, there are even spinner rings featuring both daisies and cherry blossoms.

So whether you prefer a discrete, delicate band or a bold, eye-catching bauble, this collection of floral rings will inspire you to add something new to your jewelry box.

Here are 20 unique flower rings that will add a touch of nature to your look.

Forget-Me-Not Resin Ring

Pressed Flower Resin Ring

livinlovin | $27.90


Crystal and Resin Flower Statement Ring...


Productivity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I would really like to know what you all do to stay productive.

About 30 some years ago, I started my business. Worked 12-15 hour days, six days a week. Made an ok income. Cannot call it a living, because it is not a sustainable practice. And during that time, I developed bad habits. Prior to this, I ate very regularly and was in good shape. When I started my business, I started skipping breakfast to start work early. And by the afternoon, I was starving, so I would eat a huge...



Quilled Earrings Tutorial - Three Styles + a Bonus "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It's been way too long since I last shared one of my quilled jewelry tutorials. I'm making up for that right now with three - no, make that four - new styles of gift-worthy paper earrings. The beauty of this how-to is that each of the designs is quite different from the others, yet all are made with the same two types of quilled components... the teardrop ring coil and the domed tight coil. Let's get started:


three styles of quilled earrings displayed on wooden surface

SUPPLIES [includes Amazon and Etsy affiliate links]

supplies for making quilled jewelry displayed on wooden table

Quilling supplies (L to R): ruler, quilling strips, clay modeling tool, long tweezers, 

glass head pin, super-fine slotted tool, plastic lid, detail scissors, clear glue

Quilling paper - I used silver-edge ivory and gold-edge blue strips (1/8", 3mm) to make these thre...



U.S. Adds 236K Jobs in March Versus Forecasts for 239K "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The BLS releases its jobs report for March (David McNew/Getty Images)


Twitters Open-Source Code has References to Government Requested Influence "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by The Free Thought Project. 

After examining Twitters now open-source recommendation algorithm, tech researcher Steven Tey discovered that there is a United States government intervention tool, which allows US government officials to alter the algorithm.

In March last year, before purchasing the platform, Elon Musk suggested that the recommendation algorithm code should be open source.

Later, he said, Our algorithm is overly complex & not fully understood internally. People will discover many silly things, but well patch issues as soon as theyre found!



Unapproved euthanasia of rats in neuroscience study leads to retraction "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Subimal Datta

A 2017 paper describing neuroscience research with rats has been retracted after data mis-management, including the mistreatment of the animals, came to light. 

The retracted paper was the second by Subimal Datta, a professor of psychology and anesthesiology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, to receive a flag for data problems. 

The article, BNDF heterozygosity is associated with memory deficits and alterations in cortical and hippocampal EEG power, was published in Behavioural Brain Research and has been cited 14 times, according to Clarivates Web of Science. 

The retraction notice, published March 31, stated: 

This article has been retracted at the request of the Editor-in-Chief, the Corresponding Author and the Institutional Research Integrity office at the University of Tennessee due to data mis-management of the project, including inappropriate removal of animals from analyses and use of unapproved euthanasia.

The article describes two behavioral experiments using 12 rats, after which the animals were euthanized via isoflurane overdose. 

In a third experiment, the researchers implanted EEG electrodes in additional rats and took recordings for 1-2 weeks. Afterwards, the rats:

were deeply anesthetized with ketamine-xylazine (100 mg/kg ketamine, 10 mg/kg xylazine) and perfused transcardially with normal saline and 4% paraformaldehyde. The brains were removed and processed for histological localization of electrode track and EEG recording sites.

The paper also stated that all procedures were performed in accordance with the NIH Guide

for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and approved by the University of Tennessee Animal Care Committee (Protocol Number: 2349-UTK).  

Datta, the corresponding author of the article, has received more than $10 million in NIH grants, with $2 million coming from 2014 through 2018 while he has been at the University of Tennessee. He has not responded to our request for comment, nor has the un...


Ordinals Are Good For Bitcoin, But More Standards Are Needed "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ordinals are driving a Bitcoin popularity surge, but for that to continue the protocol will need to integrate more standards.

This is an opinion editorially by Danny Yang, founder of the Stanford Bitcoin Meetup, who has inscribed the OnChainMonkey NFT collection on Bitcoin.

In the last few years, NFTs have been the breakout application for Ethereum and other blockchains. While much of this mainstream user base did leave with the drop in NFT prices, many have stayed. But the initial surge in NFT interest drew most of these users to blockchain projects aside from Bitcoin, even though BTC is the largest cryptocurrency by market cap (which is twice the size of Ethereums) and it has the highest level of security and the most proven capacity as a store of value. Unsurprisingly, a protocol like Ordinals arrived to make it possible for NFTs to exist on Bitcoin. It was only a matter of time until someone recognized that Bitcoins staying power could underpin a truly killer app.

Contrary to some complaints, the Ordinals protocol and the capacity to create NFTs on Bitcoin is remarkably great for the future of Bitcoin. With ordinals, we can now inscribe and store non-fungible digital assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. More value stored means even more incentive to participate in the network weve seen this reflected in the increase in Bitcoin nodes operating further driving up the competitiveness of the bitcoin miners and the value of bitcoin.

Its not a fad, either. NFT collectors rushed to pay more than $16 million in bitcoin for 288 Yuga Labs ordinals. Bitcoin NFTs are the new gold standard and only strengthen bitcoins place as the global standard for a store of value.

What Are Ordinals?

The first Ordinals inscription was added to Bitcoin in December 2022, and started to gain traction in early 2023. An ordinal is composed of two parts: an individual satoshi (the smallest unit of bitcoin), and an inscription. Each satoshi is identified by the order in which it was created in the Bitcoin protocol, and the Ordinals protocol tracks each satoshi as they are transferred between wallets.

The inscription is data that is written (or inscribed) on the Bitcoin blockchain and is........


"IndyWatch Feed Spiritual" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Thank you for all those that attended my BIG Rediscovery Plan SSP Disclosure of Ancient Technologies & Inner Earth Civilizations webinar, which experienced a 17 hour power blackout 38 mins into my first presentation attempt on April 1, at 2 pm EDT. I had just begun presenting my data about Freemasons being the primary []


An Easy Way to Keep Paper Towels Onboard "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sure, an expensive teak paper towel holder looks beautiful. But is it your best option? Maybe not. Try this instead. [More] An Easy Way to Keep Paper Towels Onboard


Do Kwon's Millions Are Not in South Korea, Prosecutors Say: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Terra Community AMA with Do Kwon (April 2021) (Terra, modified by CoinDesk)


How To Make $50/Hr By Petting Dogs and Cats "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Were all out there looking for the dream gig, right? The one that will let us do something great while also making good money and letting us achieve the work-life balance that makes us happy.

It can feel more than a little bit like finding a unicorn, but if youre a pet lover, we might just have found yours a Pet Massage Therapist.

iStock 1351297360 How To Make $50/Hr By Petting Dogs and Cats

Image Credit: iStock

Yes, its a real thing, and theres even a National Board of Certification for Animal Acupressure and Massage who ensure proper guidelines and training are met.

Aches and pains arent unique to human beings. Anyone who has loved a dog through their senior years knows thats true, and like with humans, massage therapy can help relieve discomfort.

Lola Michelin of the Northwest School of Animal Massage...


Reclaiming the monstrous kitsch of Dachau "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

At first glance, Porzellan Manufaktur Allach, Robert Russells current solo exhibition at Anat Egbi Gallery in Los Angeles (on through April 22), is a close study of cuteness. But after spending


In Fragmented, Expansive Scenes Rendered in Ink by Robert Strati Emanate from Shattered Porcelain Plates "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An antique plate that has broken into pieces and been assembled onto a white surface, augmented by an ink-drawn scene that extends from the plate's original design.

All images Robert Strati, shared with permission

When an heirloom plate crashed to the floor, rather than trying to glue the pieces back together, Robert Strati had a more creative idea to preserve the spirit of the object. He arranged the shards on a two-dimensional surface, mimicking the way the pieces scattered when the plate fell, and began to render intricate ink drawings that extended from the original design. The chance occurrence spurred an ongoing series called Fragmented, which explores the possibilities of things broken and the stories that can evolve from them, he says.

Utilizing ink that matches the original, monochrome colors of antique plates, Strati continues lines and patterns into dreamlike scenarios. Brimming with figures, ships, and animals, bucolic landscapes expand into vast vistas and surreal scenes sprout from decorative edges.

See more of Stratis work on his website and Instagram. (via Kottke)




Watch Joni Mitchell Perform George Gershwins Summertime "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ive been a painter all my life. Ive been a musician most of my life. If you can paint with a brush, you can paint with words. Joni Mitchell

Theres been a lot of love for Joni Mitchell circulating of late, the sort of heartfelt outpouring that typically accompanies news of an artists death.

Fortunately, the beloved singer-songwriter has shown herself to be very much alive, despite a 2015 brain aneurysm that initially left her unable to speak, walk, or play music.

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THE TRUMP TIME TRAVEL MACHINE (2022 Version) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"



How John Singer Sargent Became the Greatest Portraitist Who Ever Lived by Painting Outside the Lines "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Evan Puschak, better known as Youtubes Nerdwriter, has created video essays on a host of visual artists from Goya to Picasso, de Chirico to Hopper, Leonardo to Van Gogh. And though he narrates all his analyses of their work with evident enthusiasm, one sooner or later comes to suspect that he isnt without personal preferences in this arena. In the opening of his new video above does he name his personal favorite painter: John Singer Sargent, for whom he makes the case by telling us why and how the artist painted outside the lines.

Sargent came of age as the Impressionist movement, led by Claude Monet, flowered, says Puschak. But despite his close association with Monet himself, Sargent was not usually counted among the Impressionists, but he was an impressionist in that the impressions of light and color were his subjects.

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This drawing of some ancient megalithic structure intrigues me "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The article I found this drawing from said that the building is still standing but from the photos it looked nothing like this! Perhaps they buried the evidence but this drawing still remains. Anybody with more information, please do share in comments. Source: Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Partie des fondations du thtre Marcellus , dans Le Antichita Romane IV, 1756


Yes, Schools Were Closed in Sweden "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

"I had kids in grades 4, 7, and 8 when the pandemic broke out. The latter two were remote for a year and then hybrid for another 6 months or so."

The post Yes, Schools Were Closed in Sweden first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


How Do You Really Feel About Daylight Savings Time? People Share Their Frustrations. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Love it or hate it, we all have to deal with the dreaded time change brought on by Daylight Savings Time a couple of times every year.

Even though there are some people trying to do away with it for good, Im not holding my breath and it doesnt sound like these 15 people are, either.


15. Experts say no more.

The two big sleep societies in the US: Sleep Research Society and American Academy of Sleep Medicine both call for abolishing DST.

Daylight saving time (DST) refers to the practice of advancing clock time by 1 h each spring, with a return (setting back) to standard time (ST) each fall. Numerous sleep and circadian societies other than the Sleep Research Society have published statements in support of permanent ST, and permanent ST has also received support from multiple medical societies and organizations. This perspective discusses the positive and negative health and economic consequences of permanent DST, permanent ST, and maintaining the status quo (DST for part of the year). After a thorough review of the existing literature, the SRS advocates the adoption of permanent ST.

The last several years have seen intense debate about the issue of transitioning between standard and daylight saving time. In the United States, the annual advance to daylight saving time in spring, and fall back to standard time in autumn, is required by law (although some exceptions are allowed under the statute).

An abundance of accumulated evidence indicates that the acute transition from standard time to daylight saving time incurs significant public health and safety risks, including increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events, mood disorders, and motor vehicle crashes.



Conservative Dad Refuses to Take Kids to Drag Shows, School Functions, Doctor Appointments, Playground "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NAMPA, Idaho Conservative dad David Olmstead vowed to protect his children from drag shows as well as apparently play dates, dentist appointments, school events, and Disneyland, according to sources close to the family.

It has no artistic value and results in long-term cognitive damage, said Olmstead, handing his youngest a PS5 controller. If my kids want to watch an adult-oriented show, they can watch me crush this case of Miller High Life, and get the high score on skeeball downtown at the bar-cade. Theyre too young to know what they want, whether that be drag queen story hour or me showing up to their birthday. Whenever that is.

Drag became a hot-button issue this year when Tennessee became the first state to ban performances on public property, prompting activists on both sides to speak out.

I thought this town would be flattered to have a drag scene, said drag queen Sack Rilegious. This shithole just got an Urban Outfitters two years ago. It reminds me of when Del Taco opened in this area and people protested because they were afraid of the type of customer ethnic food would attract. If you dont like drag shows, dont go. You dont see me spending my time protesting intramural frisbee clubs and SantaCon pub crawls.

While many consider drag to be an artistic expression of love, queerness, and music that ought to be protected under the first amendment, conservative lawmakers remain indignant that passing a ban on drag is a crucial step toward regaining Americas white picket fence days.

I dont hate drag, I just dispassionately dislike it and it makes me want to throw up, said GOP legislator Jeff Hogan. Why would I waste my childrens time taking them to a drag show when they could be home playing Candy Crush, reading the second amendment, or watching me and my wife throw plates at each other after dinner? The only thing worse than drag is books, and theyve somehow managed to combine the two. Well not on my watch.

At press time, Olmstead was seen not taking his kids out for ice cream followed by not reading them a bedtime story.

The post Conservative Dad Refuses to Take Kids to Drag Shows, School Functions, Doctor Appointments, Playground appeared first on The Hard Times.


Couple Announce Theyre Trying for a Dog "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SALT LAKE CITY Local couple Elizabeth Pearson and Donny Appleton are reportedly announcing to friends that they are trying for a dog, confused sources confirmed.

We feel like weve been ready for a bundle of furry joy for a long time, but we finally made the big decision to start telling our friends that were trying, said Pearson while researching the most popular puppy names of the year. We dont care if its a rescue or a purebred, as long as its healthy. Any pup that we get, we know well love with all of our hearts. But you know how they say that some dogs start to look like their owners? Im not going to lie, we both think that would be pretty swell.

Dominic Underwood, a longtime friend, is pretty worried about the way this was announced.

Look, were not stupid. We know Liz and Donny are a little naive at times, but this trying announcement has pushed me from confused to concerned. Its like theyre taking this dog parent thing way too literal, said Underwood. There were several times where they made reference a stork in their announcement. I was nervous that they were just sitting around and waiting for a dog to appear on their doorstep, so I asked them to at least go talk to my friend at the shelter.

Jeffrey Correa has volunteered at a local shelter in the city for years.

Technically, we do have to interview people to make sure theyre not complete psychopaths. But its really a formality. Well basically give anyone a dog if they just sign their name on a form and give us about 20 bucks, said Correa. This couple I just met though, oh my god. Im not so sure. They told me they were being responsible, not drinking and even gave up caffeine now that theyre trying for a dog. The more they talked about doggie-proofing their home, the more I wondered how they survived this long in the world. Like, how do they not get hit by a bus? Im starting to wonder if itd be considered animal cruelty to give them a dog at this point.

At press time, the couple had started sending invites for a dog gender reveal party after discovering their application to adopt was approved.

The post Couple Announce Theyre Trying for a Dog appeared first on The Hard Times.


5th Generation and Gray Zone Warfare: Are We Under Attack? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By the author of The Preppers Guide to Post-Disaster Communications and The Faithful Prepper

Im watching a lot of very bizarre disasters take place on American soil, and given that there are a number of actors in the world that absolutely hate America, I find it incredibly suspicious.

Weve already seen the food facility fires that are going up in smoke all over the place. But when you add in all of the bizarre train derailments, chemical spills, and the like, the only conclusion I believe one can come to is that America is currently under attack. The problem is that most people mistakenly fall into the trap of thinking that unless tanks, Apaches, and bazookas are involved, its not war.

This is a mistake.

The face of war has changed, and the more you understand 5th Generation Warfare and gray zone warfare, the better youll understand the happenings of today. In short:

Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth-generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of information and perception. (source)


The grey-zone is defined as competitive interactions among and within state and non-state actors that fall between the traditional war and peace duality. by the United States Special Operations Command.

A key element of operations within the grey-zone is that they remain below the threshold of an attack which could have a legitimate conventional military response (jus ad bellum).

One paper defined it as coercive statecraft actions short of war, and a mainly non-military domain of human activity in which states use national resources to deliberately coerce other states....


Is She Awful For Not Wanting Her Grieving Father-In-Law To Move In? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Family dynamics can be tricky to navigate in the best of times. When stress piles up it can be tough to remain calm, and to remember to handle the loved ones in your life with care.

OP is the mother of three children and the wife of one man who is currently deep in his grief over losing his mother. Hes getting therapy, but in the meantime his home and work life are both suffering.

My husbands (40M) mom passed away late last year. It was very hard on him and his father. The holidays were rough. My husband is still struggling and Ive been doing my best to be kind, supportive, and understanding.

But hes been less attentive with our 3 kids (14F, 12M, & 9M) and Im pretty sure hes struggling at work too but he wont admit it. He started therapy about a month ago and is going once a week.

Now, he wants to ask his aging father, who he says is struggling with his own grief in the home he shared with his late wife, to move in.

A couple weeks ago he brought up to me that he wants to move his dad (75M) into our house. He said that his dad is struggling too and that being in the house he shared with his wife the past 50-years isnt doing him any good. He had an entire plan laid out so it was obvious to me that hes been planning this for a while without talking to me about it.

He wants to move his dad into the room that we had just moved our middle child into last summer. Before that, our 2 youngest were sharing a room so we did some renovations to make an extra bedroom so all our kids could have their own space.

He wants to force our 2 youngest to share a room again so his dad can move in. He also wants to talk to his dad about putting their house on the market or possibly renting it out, which means FIL would be here long-term.

The move wi...


Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.80 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00004 BTC


The Shirk Report Volume 730 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Digg, Kottke, WITI, Facebook, Twitter, and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to



Celebrating negative test results
Paul Walter Hauser at the SAG Awards
First selfie: Buzz Aldrin in space 1966
30+ truck convoy just north of Detroit
The wind was a bit much for Superman today
Aurora timelapse


BREAKING NEWS: The Lobbyists for the Cattleman and Pork Associations in Several States Have CONFIRMED They WILL Be Using mRNA Vaccines in Pigs and Cows THIS MONTH. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to a tweet posted by attorney Thomas Renz on April 1st, lobbyists for the cattleman and pork associations in several states have CONFIRMED they WILL be using mRNA vaccines in pigs and cows THIS MONTH. Bill Gates, the World Health Organization and many universities have been talking about modifying the genes of foods to make them mRNA vaccines. Missouri HB1169 seeks to require food producers to label any foods that have any gene therapy qualities; food producers with products that contain gene therapy qualities would be required to disclose whether it can be spread and/or cause shedding; and the bill requires informed consent prior to being given anything with the gene therapy or medicinal property.


People Share Their Thoughts On Why Daylight Savings Time Absolutely Sucks "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I dont remember this being as much of a topic of conversation twenty years ago, but recently, people have really been up in arms about the whole gaining or losing an hour a couple of times a year.

Sure, theres an adjustment, but is it really that big of a deal?

These 17 people are going to drop their opinions below!

17. Nobody knows, ok?

I warned mine that the clocks were changing.

I just had to look them straight in the eye and say I dont really know, it doesnt make any sense anymore and it makes me really angry so I dont think about much. I just dont know! It doesnt make sense!!!!

Imagine my surprise when my mini rage at the man was just met with a serious express and an OK.

Probably going to be a deep clock/time zone/time change interest in our future.

16. The cats will not be fooled.

This is my first daylight savings with a cat. It took me 30 minutes to figure out why he was so pissed lmao.

15. Were all tired.

Tired, I feel tired.

Why the hell do they make it change at like 2 am? I went to bed at 12 thinking Id get around 7 hours of sleep or so cause I forgot about the goddamn time change.

And nope, I woke up dead inside after 6 hours cause they stole an hour from me.

14. They seem to be getting along just fine.

I mean, Hawaii and Arizona havent exploded yet Id be happy to give it a try.

13. They change overnight.

I use to work with elementary kids with autism and some other disabilities. I would get a lot of kids in my classroom who had come from da...


Toilet paper "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

One of the things I didn't like about my toilet paper stash was it's relatively low density. Especially since it's not "food".
I had an idea of what the answer was but was unable to find it. Well the toilet paper shortage may have solved it.
Core less toilet paper. Is now widely available.
I'm also storing it with rat poison blocks hidden back behind the tp where dogs and little kids can't get to it.


I keep hearing that LEDs are more efficient "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I keep hearing that LED are more efficient than florescent.
So I went around my house and pulled one of every kind of LED in use.
Most were 60 to 70 lumens per volt-amp.
With the most efficient one being 74 lumen per volt-amp.
That's funny because my free, but not so efficient water proof high output T5 high bay lights do about 90 lumens per volt-amp.
And standard output 4' T5 lamps do over 100 lumens per volt-amp and the most efficient T5, a 2' GE T5 lamp and ballast setup will do 111...

I keep hearing that LEDs are more efficient


Another Former Associate with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It has been widely reported today that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has filed to run for the office of the U.S. Presidency in 2024, giving Americans two candidates now, one in each party, who are former associates with convicted child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and are running for President.

Just about everyone in the alternative media who has covered this announcement by RFK Jr. sees this as wonderful news, while the corporate media, which seem to be following some kind of script or press release, are all writing basically the same thing and choosing to just criticize his anti-vaxx positions.

This negative media coverage will of course only strengthen Kennedys support in the alternative media which thrives on negative news against the COVID shots.

What is lacking in all of this media coverage is the abundance of publicly available information about RFK Jr.s troubled past with sex and drugs, much of which was published back in 2015 by New York Times bestselling author, Jerry Oppenheimer, and his book: RFK Jr and the Dark Side of the Dream, which the New York Daily News described as A bombshell unauthorized biography tells the haunting past that kept Kennedy from following in his fathers footsteps.

So a member of the incredibly famous Kennedy family, who just a few years ago was considered by most in the media as unelectable and has never previously held a public elected office before, is now being funded by a wealthy Silicon Valley Technocrat who apparently believes that he can buy a U.S. President.

Is Robert F. Kennedy Really an Anti-Vaxxer?

You can listen to the 1-minute video above to answer the question: Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Anti-Vaccine?, which is on our Bitchute channel.

Although he has filed to run for President as a Democrat, RFK Jr. actually seems to take the...


Another Former Associate with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It has been widely reported today that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has filed to run for the office of the U.S. Presidency in 2024, giving Americans two candidates now, one in each party, who are former associates with convicted child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and are running for President.

Just about everyone in the alternative media who has covered this announcement by RFK Jr. sees this as wonderful news, while the corporate media, which seem to be following some kind of script or press release, are all writing basically the same thing and choosing to just criticize his anti-vaxx positions.

This negative media coverage will of course only strengthen Kennedys support in the alternative media which thrives on negative news against the COVID shots.

What is lacking in all of this media coverage is the abundance of publicly available information about RFK Jr.s troubled past with sex and drugs, much of which was published back in 2015 by New York Times bestselling author, Jerry Oppenheimer, and his book: RFK Jr and the Dark Side of the Dream, which the New York Daily News described as A bombshell unauthorized biography tells the haunting past that kept Kennedy from following in his fathers footsteps.

So a member of the incredibly famous Kennedy family, who just a few years ago was considered by most in the media as unelectable and has never previously held a public elected office before, is now being funded by a wealthy Silicon Valley Technocrat who apparently believes that he can buy a U.S. President.

Is Robert F. Kennedy Really an Anti-Vaxxer?

You can listen to the 1-minute video above to answer the question: Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Anti-Vaccine?, which is on our Bitchute channel.

Although he has filed to run for President as a Democrat, RFK Jr. actually seems to take the...


Knots for tying stuff down "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I take out 2-3 loads of stuff, 2-3 times a week. Sometimes, I need to secure the stuff in the back of my truck. On the anchor end, I use a Siberian hitch/evenk knot tied with a quick release, but I run a second quick release loop through the first one for security. Sure fast.

Siberian hitch - Wikipedia

On the other end, I use a truckers hitch to...

Knots for tying stuff down


She Told Her Aging Parents They Couldnt Move In. Does That Make Her A Disrespectful Daughter? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres an odd sentiment that people trot out whenever theyre trying to convince people to have kids, and its that those children will take care of them when theyre older.

Now, I dont know if people know this is crap, but there are old folks homes all over the country for a reason and its that most middle-aged adults are too busy or too far away or just too averse to in-home nursing to be bothered.

OP here has even more reason for not wanting to take care of her aging parents, and its the fact that they were unkind to her while she was growing up, always favoring her brother.

She left home as soon as she could, put herself through college, married a man she loves (but of whom her parents did not approve), and is doing well for herself.

My family is from South Asia but we live in the States. My parents loved my older brother and tolerated me. They expected me to just stay home and take care of them and my brother.

That wasnt for me. I got a partial scholarship to a state school and GTFO. I worked the four years of my undergrad and was fortunate enough to get a full scholarship for my after degree. So I graduated university with only a small debt and two degrees.

I found a career that I really enjoy and a husband who loves me.

I should probably add that they didnt approve of me marrying a person not from their culture and religion. So they didnt contribute to our wedding even though they did attend.

Her brother is also doing well for himself, though he had the benefit of their parents financial and emotional support to get there.

She arguably has more disposable income, as her brother and his wife live on one income and have five children.

My parents paid for my brothers...


DCGs Bitcoin Mining Firm Foundry To Begin Charging Fees For Services "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The largest mining pool by hash rate share will no longer offer its services for free, according to a notice sent to clients.

Foundry, the Bitcoin mining arm of Digital Currency Group, will stop providing its services for free, according to a notice distributed to clients as reported by Bloomberg. 

The company has been offering its mining pool services free of charge since 2019 which contributed to its significant growth, now holding the largest share of estimated hash rate at more than 30%.

The notice states that the mining pool fees will be tiered based on the previous quarters average hashrate. The change is expected to take effect between April 19 and April 22.

DCG's crypto lending unit, Genesis, filed for bankruptcy as one of the final dominos ensuing from the collapse of Sam Bankman-Frieds FTX exchange.

Bitcoin mining companies faced a rocky 2022, with many fighting for survival, as Bitcoin Magazine PRO analysts put it. But despite necessary moves like public mining giant Marathon Digital selling bitcoin for the first time in company history, good news has come out of the industry as 2023 takes off, such as the announcement of Terawulfs nuclear facility operation, the expected 50MW CleanSpark expansion, and more.

This move by Foundry may be a bolstering effort designed to better mitigate the impacts of seasons like that of late 2022. 


Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Dr. Joseph Mercola

Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a main target of the White House, the political establishment and the global cabal.

Propaganda and pervasive censorship have been deployed to seize control over every part of your life, including your health, finances and food supply. The major media are key players and have been instrumental in creating and fueling fear.

I am republishing this article in its original form so that you can see how the progression unfolded.

Originally published: October 30, 2021

Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and trained epidemiologist, not only sees patients every week but is the editor of two medical journals and has published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers. Prior to the pandemic, he was involved in the interface between heart disease and kidney disease but that all changed.

McCullough is now a hunted doctor whos been threatened with disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of his medical license, by the American Board of Internal Medicine for the dissemination of misinformation.1 He stepped forward during the COVID-19 pandemic because he saw something very wrong was going on early in 2020, and he felt compelled to do something about it.

In the video above, you can view McCulloughs October 2, 2021, presentation at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.2 I urge you to set aside one hour to view it in its entirety, as its packed with data that call into question the true motivations behind the mass injection campaign, which he believes should have been shut down in January.

Red Flags Showed Jabs Were Unsafe From the Start

According to McCullough, by January 22, 2021, there had been 186 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database following COVID-19 injection more than enough to reach the mortality signal of concern to stop the program.

I know data, and I know safety. The FDA knows I know safety. In fact, Ive chaired data safety monitoring boards for the National Institutes of Health and Big Pharma, he said.3 Its standard t...

Energy as a Vehicle of Control and the War on Carbon "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to the globalists, climate change is the No. 1 threat to humanity, necessitating radical quality of life sacrifices and the total relinquishing of privacy and freedom. Germany's health minister Karl Lauterbach, for example, in December 2020 proclaimed that addressing climate change will require restrictions on personal freedom, similar to those implemented to "flatten the curve" of COVID.1

Similarly, British economics professor Mariana Mazzucato in September 2020 warned that "In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again this time to tackle a climate emergency."2 The World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations and the World Health Organization have also published articles stating their intent to "fight climate change" by shutting down society.3

Climate change is also being used to explain away food shortages, justify the need to move people from the countrysides and suburbs into smart cities, and promote the replacement of beef with insects. The COVID-19 pandemic was even blamed on it.

Health, Climate and Energy To Be Addressed as One Issue

Just about anything is now being justified on the basis that it helps address climate change. Indeed, dietary controls, energy control, carbon restrictions and climate change are increasingly tied together, whether it makes sense or not, and the reason for this can be found in a September 2022 WEF article4 co-written by the director of WHO's Environment and Health Department. As noted in this article, titled "How to Fight the Next Threat to Our World: Air Pollution":

"[W]orld leaders must put health at the core of climate action and social equity. The fight for clean air can accelerate the reduction of climate-warming emissions, the shift to cheaper and more reliable energy sources and justice for the marginalized and most vulnerable communities We can confront these crises more effectively and fairly if we address them as one "

In other words, health (which includes both medicine and food, as government has now launched a "food is medicine" agenda), climate action and energy control are to be addressed not as three separate issues but as one. The potential implications of this are enormous.

If the WHO ends up having sole power over global health, combining health, climate and energy issues into one will automatically give the WHO the de facto power to seize control over society in general.

They could issue climate lockdow...

How Heart Rate Variability Might Indicate Your Well-Being "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Heart rate variability (HRV), an indicator of your bodys capacity to respond to stress, should be on your radar if youre interested in maintaining optimal health. Put simply, HRV measures the variations in time between your heartbeats a function controlled by your autonomic nervous system (ANS).

As such, HRV is said to be a proxy of autonomic activity thats associated with executive functions, emotional regulation and more, including decision-making. Meanwhile, abnormal HRV can signal problems ranging from neurological to psychological conditions.1

HRV Measures Your Hearts Resilience to Stressors

Its important to understand that your ANS controls both your bodys sympathetic nervous system (SNS) the part that triggers your fight-or-flight response as well as its parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which triggers the relaxation response.

Any type of external stressor everything from an argument with a loved one to a night of lost sleep will prompt a reaction from the ANS, which signals to your brains hypothalamus to either ramp up into overdrive or calm down. According to Harvard Health Publishing:2

It [Your ANS] responds not only to a poor night of sleep, or that sour interaction with your boss, but also to the exciting news that you got engaged, or to that delicious healthy meal you had for lunch.

Our body handles all kinds of stimuli and life goes on. However, if we have persistent instigators such as stress, poor sleep, unhealthy diet, dysfunctional relationships, isolation or solitude, and lack of exercise, this balance may be disrupted, and your fight-or-flight response can shift into overdrive.

HRV is typically analyzed using an electrocardiogram, or EKG, which can reveal that somethings off with your ANS. If you have low variation between heartbeats, it may signal that youre stuck in fight-or-flight mode, whereas high variation between beats tends to signal a more relaxed state.3

Many wearable devices are also available to track your HRV. While they may not be as accurate as an EKG, they may still provide useful data, especially if you notice your HRV worsening over time.

HRV Is an Indicator of Heart Health

When youre healthy, the two branches of your ANS the SNS and PNS are well-balanced. An imbalance in your SNS and PNS may be an indicator of heart disease. This has been appreciated since at least 1987, when researchers found decreased heart rate variability was associated with increased risk of death after a heart attack.

The relative risk of mortality was 5.3 times higher in the gro...


Another Former Associate with Jeffrey Epstein Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

It has been widely reported today that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has filed to run for the office of the U.S. Presidency in 2024, giving Americans two candidates now, one in each party, who are former associates with convicted child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and are running for President.

Just about everyone in the alternative media who has covered this announcement by RFK Jr. sees this as wonderful news, while the corporate media, which seem to be following some kind of script or press release, are all writing basically the same thing and choosing to just criticize his anti-vaxx positions.

This negative media coverage will of course only strengthen Kennedys support in the alternative media which thrives on negative news against the COVID shots.

What is lacking in all of this media coverage is the abundance of publicly available information about RFK Jr.s troubled past with sex and drugs, much of which was published back in 2015 by New York Times bestselling author, Jerry Oppenheimer, and his book: RFK Jr and the Dark Side of the Dream, which the New York Daily News described as A bombshell unauthorized biography tells the haunting past that kept Kennedy from following in his fathers footsteps.

So a member of the incredibly famous Kennedy family, who just a fe...


Get your ass to the range "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Well I finally got around to testing 10/22 and my 2020 and 2021 ammo.
I tested silencer and no silencer.
Old remington subsonic 38gr 2017-2021
New remington subsonic 40gr copper plated 2021
CCI stinger 2018-2020
Winchester silvertip 2021
Winchester powerpoint 2021
Winchester copper plated HP @1,435fps from 2021

First thing shooting silencer vs no silencer. Removing the silencer raised the elevation at lest 2 inches so leave the silencer on, worse with the hotter ammo like cci stinger. Looks...

Get your ass to the range


EDC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

What is your EDC?

My base layer. Reading glasses, phone, earphones, knife, flashlight, SAK, pen and notebook.

If I leave the house, then wallet, cash, bandana, and task related stuff.


Censorship: State Department Threatening to Hold Platforms Accountable For Free Speech "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News under the title: State Department Pretends to Support Free Speech While Threatening to Hold Platforms Accountable For It

The Biden regime is having trouble getting its story straight on the issue of censorship.

On the one hand, the regime claims to want to fight foreign countries that are using the internet to try to control speech. On the other, it continues to issue threats about hold[ing] platforms accountable for harms committed online.

The words in quotes all came from United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken at the recent Summit for Democracy 2023. Blinken lamented that the internet is growing more closed, more insecure, more siloed by the day while also admitting that the spooks in Washington, D.C., are working overtime to boost resilience to disinformation and misinformation.

More countries are putting up firewalls and shutting down access, using the internet to try to control speech, quash dissent, spread misinformation and disinformation, Blinken complained during the event about what other countries are supposedly doing.

Comparatively, Blinken tried to claim that the U.S. is committed to fostering an open network of networks that respects democratic principles and human rights which can only happen, apparently, by silencing all voices that are critical of the regime.

(Related: Before he was even elected, fake president Joe Biden was telling America that he wanted to massively increase online censorship.)

Biden is an enemy of free speech

As part of the regimes efforts to fight disinformation and misinformation, Blinken introduced a 60-country commitment document called the Declaration for the Future of the Internet that contradicts everything he was criticizing in terms of other countries censorship actions.

We have to do better at addressing some of the risks that come with the open internet, he stated from one side of his mouth while stating something else from the other.

Blinken says the U.S. needs to maintain a delicate balance between openness and security, protecting speech and preventing incitement, and fostering innovation and limiting the power of Big Tech.

Blinken then proceeded to threaten tech platforms that refuse or fail to fall in line with the Biden regimes demands for more openness and security.

The presidents [sic] made clear that we need to be able to hold platforms accountable when they fail to address....


Happy Hour Easter Edition "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

04-06-2023 A special Happy Hour with Dr.Tenpenny leading us into Passover and Easter Praise, Laughter and Prayer to End Your Day Each week we discuss a verse from the Bible []


Anti-vaccine Robert F Kennedy Jr running for President "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Skeptical Raptor, stalking pseudoscience in the internet jungle.

Robert F Kennedy, Jr, the anti-vaccine Democrat, has filed paperwork to run for President of the United States.

Skeptical Raptor


Barbie Movie Releases Posters for Every Character of Its Star-Studded Cast "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Barbie Movie Releases Posters for Every Character of Its Star-Studded Cast

Barbie Movie Posters

Photo: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and Barbie

Summer is on the horizon. In addition to sunny weather and pool parties, there's another event to look forward to: Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie. After years in the making, this colorful film will be hitting movie theaters and dazzling audiences with the vibrant world inspired by the classic Barbie doll. While many may already know that Margot Robbie will play the titular role, there are several other big names gracing the screen in this film. A series of newly released playful posters shines a light on what people can expect from the varied cast come July 2023.

In the movie, Barbie lives in the candy-colored Barbie Land, which is inhabited by other Barbies with a range of different professions. These posters reveal what some of these occupations are. For instance, Emma Mackey's Barbie has a Nobel Prize in physics, Issa Rae's Barbie is president, and Hari Nef's Barbie is a doctor. In contrast to the impressive resumes of the Barbies are the playful descriptions of all the Ken actors, which feature some variation of He's just Ken. Ryan Gosling, Simu Liu, and Kingsley Ben-Adir are just a few of the Kens that we'll see in the film.

Although the details of the Barbie movie plot are still being kept a secret, we do know that Barbie (Margot Robbie) will be expelled from Barbie Land, forcing her to travel to the real world with her boyfriend, Ken (Ryan Gosling). Now, we also have some images of the human characters that they will meet, played by America Ferrera and Ariana Greenblatt. Hopefully, as summer approaches, there will be more sneak peaks of the whimsical movie.

If you want to see what you would like as a Barbie, the movie has released a selfie generator that will transform your photo in the style of the official Barbie movie posters. You can check that out here.

The Barbie movie will be released in theaters on July 21, 2023.

Greta Ge...


literally hiding behind dead children as they advocate for more... "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

 literally hiding behind dead children as they advocate for more and more guns.


The Unsettling Story Behind a Surrealist Painting Headed to Auction "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Remedios Varo with possible additions by scar Domnguez and Esteban Francs, Composition Surraliste (tableau collaboratif) (c. 1935), oil on copper, 8 1/16 inches x 5 1/2 inches (image courtesy Bonhams)

A small painting attributed to Spanish artist Remedios Varo is one of the highlights of a 59-lot Impressionist and Modern Art auction coming up at Bonhams in London later this month. Featured alongside works by Salvidor Dal, Giorgio de Chirico, and Georges Rouault, Varos Composition Surraliste (tableau collaboratif) (c. 1935) tells a deeply unsettling story of love, lust, violence, and sexual autonomy with possible contributions from her lovers.

Raised and formally educated as an...


Top 25 Nirvana Songs Because We are Legally Obligated to Post Blatant Nostalgia "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Someone has to say it: Nirvana is a good band. And there comes a time in every Nirvana fans life when they must rank their top 25 songs. Thats easier said than done considering they have at least two dozen tracks that could be their absolute best. Songs like Pennyroyal Tea, On a Plain, and Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip are excellent and all, but unfortunately not everything they wrote can be top 25 material. Heres where we rank them.

25. Serve the Servants

Nirvana really knew how to open an album to set a tone. Nothing sums that up more perfectly than the opening lyric teenage angst has paid off well, now Im bored and old.

24. Polly / (New Wave) Polly

Not many bands released an acoustic song and then recorded a dont like the slow pace of regular Polly youll probably like (New Wave) Polly. This trend really shouldve caught on with other bands. Fans need options.

23. Dive

The sludge factor on Dive is higher than a lot of their others, and its one of their more classic grunge-sounding ones.

22. Something in the Way

This one trended on TikTok a while back and was heavily featured in a Batman movie, which is exactly what everyone predicted in the early 90s when this came out.

21. Lounge Act

The opening bassline is so good it will make you think, Hey, I guess bass players are people too.

20. Endless, Nameless

Legend has it, th...


Pan-African Parliament Guidelines seek an end to witchcraft accusations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Pan-African Parliament Guidelines seek an end to witchcraft accusations

The Pan-African Parliament released and adopted new human rights guidelines to eliminate witchcraft accusations and stop attacks on that can lead to torture and death in many parts of the content and the world.

Continue reading Pan-African Parliament Guidelines seek an end to witchcraft accusations at The Wild Hunt.


Babe Ruth Baseball Bat Breaks Auction Sale Record Thanks to Photo Evidence "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hunt Auctions

A bat used by Babe Ruth has been sold for $1.85 million, setting the record for the most ever obtained for a baseball bat. The price was reached thanks mainly to "photographic corroboration" that specifically tied the item to Ruth.

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Barbie Movie Memes Are High Camp and Were Here For It "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Danny DeVito as Ongo Gablogian the art collector in a Barbie movie meme (all screenshots Valentina Di Liscia/Hyperallergic)

Warner Bros. has dropped the second trailer for director Greta Gerwigs upcoming Barbie movie starring Margot Robbie. Set to release in July 2023, the films plot has been kept a secret from the public, increasing anticipation. Coupled with the posters released on the movies Instagram account, featuring the cast of the movie framed by the ultra-recognizable, sun-shaped...


Ether Holds Near $1.9K as Shanghai Fork Approaches "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ether's price chart showed the cryptocurrency retreated below $1,900 on Thursday. (CoinDesk)


Hello from Qwertyportne "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hello, just joined the forum and look forward to participating. For most of my life I've lived in the country where I had enough acreage for a garden, compost piles, chickens and a building large enough to store food, water, gas and so forth for several years. Now, in our senior years, my wife and I live in a condo where that approach to survival just isn't possible. We have space to store enough food and water for maybe six months or so. Beyond that, well, we're sol. For a year or so after...

Hello from Qwertyportne


Nancy Yao Will Not Be Missed "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) recently announced that its president, Nancy Yao, is leaving her post to become the founding director of the Smithsonian American Womens History Museum. We are happy to say so long to their disastrous president. In MOCAs announcement of the news, the museum thanked Yao for all she has done to put MOCA in the position to tell the truths about what it has meant, now means, and will mean, to be Chinese American. One has to ask what kind of Chinese American she was telling the truth about. 

In 2018, when the entire Chinatown community united against former Mayor de Blasios plan to build a 40-story jail in the neighborhood, the tallest in the world, Yao was the only one standing up with her hand out asking for a payoff. As a result, Mayor de Blasio gave MOCA $35 million as part of the community agreement for the mega-jail. 

During Yaos tenure, MOCA supported displacement by choosing Jonathan Chu, Chinatowns biggest landlord, as its board co-chair. As our community was recovering from the COVID-1...


Scientists Have Created a Huge 5.7-Terapixel Global Image of Mars "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Caltech Mars Mosaic

A group at Caltech's Bruce Murray Laboratory for Planetary Visualization has unveiled a 5.7-terapixel global image of Mars.

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7 Patients Sue Arkansas Psychiatrist for False Imprisonment "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Insider: Seven patients have sued a prominent Arkansas psychiatrist within the past three months alleging false imprisonment, saying they were held against their will in the behavioral-health facility he oversaw.

Three of them say they couldnt leave until sheriffs deputies helped them escape.

The four women and three men have filed separate lawsuits describing their admissions to Northwest Medical Centers behavioral-health services unit in Springdale, which was overseen by Dr. Brian Hyatt. Each of the patients said in their lawsuits that they werent allowed to leave for days, even though neither the facility nor Hyatt had the legal authority to keep them there.

Attorneys for the patients told Insider that Hyatt and his staff would coerce, threaten, and sedate patients to keep them in the facility and would frequently revoke phone privileges to keep them from communicating with relatives or attorneys. In some cases, staff would threaten to keep patients in the facility for up to 45 days unless they stopped asking to leave, the attorneys said.

Youre trapped in this facility, youre told you cant leave, you dont know what your rights are, and now theyre cutting off your communication to the outside world and any hope of rescue or help, Monte Sharits, one of the attorneys working on the case, told Insider. It was a house of horrors. Its a nightmare for them.

The lawsuits were filed over the last four months in the Circuit Court of Washington County, Arkansas. The team of Arkansas attorneys handling the cases told Insider they have been retained by roughly 30 clients with similar allegations and that more lawsuits are forthcoming . . .

Patients claim Hyatt held them prisoner as part of an insurance scheme 

Hyatts motive was to keep every bed in the behavioral health unit full to maximize profits, according to Sharits.

The scheme is this: Get as many patients in the door as possible, keep them there for as long as possible even if that means illegally keeping them beyond the 72-hour hold, and holding them against their will, Sharits said.



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Computational Photography: What is It and Why Does It Matter? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres a reason why my iPhone is often the only camera Ill carry with me. Its imaging quality allows me to take good photos without having to carry any additional gear.

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Wedding Photographer Sparks Debate After Exposing Work Conditions "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Wedding photographer food debate

Wedding photographer Megan Claire recently shared a video where she says she was forced to eat with her bare hands on the floor because a venue failed to provide her an eating location or utensils, sparking debate into whether or not this is even a problem.

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War Tensions Rise As Lebanon Fires Rockets Into Israel "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The war efforts all around the globe have become notably intensified. Dozens of rockets were fired from Lebanon into Israel on Thursday, on the heel of the Israeli police attack on the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

Gaza has already responded by sending rockets into Israel.

Israeli Cops Storm Mosque; Gaza Responds With Rocket Fire

Israeli authorities characterized the worshippers as masked agitators armed with fireworks, sticks and stones. This video appears to confirm the fireworks claim, although even the official police statement says the fireworks and stones flew only after police had launched their attack. -ZeroHedge 

Lebanons national news agency (NNA) reported that Israeli forces responded to the attack on the mosque with artillery fire across the border into southern Lebanon, but a journalist reporting from the area for the Hezbollah-backed Al-Manar news outlet said Israel had not struck Lebanese territory.

According to a report by CNN, the Lebanese army told CNN it had no information to release publicly yet; the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah told CNN it would not comment at the moment.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus office said he was receiving continuous updates about the security situation and will conduct an assessment with the heads of the security establishment.



North Carolina Countys Push To Halt Bitcoin Mining Another Blow To Industry Rattled By Regulation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Buncombe County's plan to halt bitcoin mining for a year would be the latest setback for an industry facing regulatory pressures.

Buncombe County commissioners are pushing forward with a plan to impose a one-year pause on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining in the North Carolina county, citing concerns about its impact on the environment and the community according to reporting by WLOS ABC13. 

Currently, the county's ordinances do not define cryptocurrency mining as a specific use, prompting officials to consider a temporary halt on the activity while regulations are developed.

A public hearing has been set for May 2 to discuss the proposed moratorium, providing the community with an opportunity to share their views on the issue.

The surge in mining operations across America has raised concerns amongst critics about the environmental impact of the activity. A Texas Senate committee recently hosted a hearing in regards to legislation that would limit energy agreements used by Bitcoin miners, along with stopping favorable tax legislation. This legislation passed through the Senate committee, bringing it one step closer to reality.

US Bitcoin Corp, a Bitcoin mining company operating in Niagara Falls, also recently reached a tentative agreement with the city to resume operations after the facility was halted by a state supreme court judges ruling.

Along with fines and legal fees, the miner would be forced to comply with noise ordinances and other regulations designed to limit the facilitys impact on its surrounding community. 


Remodeling a Former Industrial Building for Mixed Use "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The preservation and reuse of already existing buildings is a great way to reduce the construction industrys sizeable carbon footprint. Adapting under-utilized buildings matters now more than ever as cities around the world grapple with a crisis in affordable housing and the ongoing challenges brought on by a changing climate.

In Brussels, Belgium, this former industrial building was changed into a mixed-use complex, combining a four-story, townhouse-style residence with some additional co-working spaces on the ground floor.

The existing structure has now been topped with a timber-framed extension on the roof and clad in beige brickwork. The new windows on the facade are quite large, allowing natural light to flood in. The goal was to create a series of flexible and habitable spaces with sustainability in mind, all within an older building that has been given a renewed lease on life.



A Photographers Fight for Yanomami Sovereignty "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Illegal mining in the Amazon rainforests of Brazil and Venezuela poses a danger not only to the regions fragile ecosystem but also to the Indigenous communities that call these areas home. Today, the struggle of the Yanomami people, the largest group in the Amazon, is more urgent than ever. Over the past five decades, activist and photographer Claudia Andujar has worked with the Yanomami to defend their native rights and sovereignty. Photography has been an important tool for raising visibility in order to protect the people, their land, and their culture. Her encounter with the Yanomami people in 1971 transformed her artistic practice into a life of acti...


Art for the End of Time "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CHICAGO Burned books do not belong in a library, nor microplastics in the stomachs of fish. But there they are, and here I am: at The Chicago Cli-Fi Library, home to a shelf of bio-charred eco literature, one ton of books made from recycled plastic, excerpts from classic climate fiction, and more.

The Chicago Cli-Fi Library is not actually a library but an art exhibit, installed in the elegant wood-paneled gallery of the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society, an interdisciplinary institute at the University of Chicago, housed in a neogothic mansion and better than most at bringing together scientists, scholars, and artists to work collaboratively on complex human problems. The show, organized by in-house curator Dieter Roelstraete, features a handful of local artists Geissler & Sann, Jenny Kendler, Dan Peterman, and Iigo Manglano-Ovalle each of whom has developed a unique way of dealing with the existential threat of anthropogenic climate change. There are no common moves here, except environmental...


Courtroom Artist Jane Rosenberg On Her Viral Sketch of Trump "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The walls are closing in on Donald Trump, who made history this week as the first American president, former or serving, to face criminal charges. But its still too early to celebrate, as he might Houdini his way out of this one, too, and walk free, or worse yet: win the next presidential election.

As cameras were not permitted into the New York courtroom where Trump was arraigned on April 4, few had the distinct pleasure of witnessing this historic moment up close. One...

Lets Examine Some Popular Talking Points of the Democrats "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Image result for Democrat false narratives

It always interesting to delve into the false narratives of the Democrats. The truth behind the conniving statements they make in public to drive home their message of deception to the sheep willing to regurgitate what they hear without enquiring as to what the meaning really is. Sadly, we have a nation of followers. Some are waking up from their lifelong stupor while others feel perfectly satisfied to simply let the mainstream media think for them or to tune into some Democrat talking point and rally around that lie. The science of propaganda and misinformation has been around a long time, but never has it been used more exhaustively than by the Democrats, a political party that violates every aspect of our US Constitution.

Image result for abortions

False Narrative No. 1

Im sure youve all heard this one before, Pro-Choice what goes in a womans body is my choice we women have a right to medical services provided by the government, especially for the poor women living in the ghetto!

Image result for aborted fetuses

More raw Lab material

Now when we analyze the facts this statement falls apart, but because well bother to question it, it becomes a great manipulative and declarative statement. Pro-choice really means that the life of the baby has no right to life even in the mothers womb, and for sheer convenience, the woman thinks she has the right to clinically murder a viable life. As a matter of fact, centers who provide free ultra sound scanning have been fire bombed by pro-choice advocates because 86% of all mothers who hear their babys heartbeat want to keep their child. Ask yourself, what does an abortion have to do with, as the Democrats put it, A womans reproductive health? You guessed it! More genetic tissue and baby parts for drug company laboratories!

Image result for ATF breaking into patriots homes

Another noble line of B.S.

We constantly hear it from the Biden White House. Were stamping out misinformation and fighting for Democracy! Really? Is that what the Biden Administration is doing? Lets examine the truth behind that self-justifying narrative. In Afghanistan the repeated phrase was, No Americans left behind. Which as the nation of Afghanistan rapidly crumbles as US forces disappeared over night leaving the Afg...


People Who Were Raised Extremely Sheltered Get Real About What Most Surprised Them About The Real World "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There are all kinds of reasons people end up fairly sheltered teenagers, young adults, or full grown adults. Some are raised in religious families, others might have been entangled in cults, and still more might just have had parents who want to live off the grid for one reason or another.

These 16 people all came from different backgrounds, but they have one thing in common there were things about the real world that came as a true surprise.

16. You can do anything.

For me, it was a complete culture shock. People could do anything . Women could treat men as equals, not always defer to them. People treat other people with more respect adults are treated like adults. People could talk about s*x and bodily functions like periods without being ashamed. People werent afraid of living their lives in a way that made them happy.

In the first few months of being out of my parents home, I learned so many new words and things I didnt know existed I watched a lot of movies that would have been considered wickedly sinful in my former home. I had to relearn how to talk and act with people. Outside of the church, people do everything different, and the people you can and cant trust are different. I felt like I had the IQ of a normal 8 year old in the real world.

15. Whats a boundary?

That its actually healthy to have boundaries.

This one is still so hard because i dont recognize different things as being a boundaries thing at all. It feels so contextual so its not s...


World Happiness Report Announces the Happiest Countries in the World "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

World Happiness Report Announces the Happiest Countries in the World

skyline of Helsinki, Finland, considered the happiest country of the world

Photo: scanrail/Depositphotos

What makes the people of a certain country happier than others? Is it the weather? The quality of life? The World Happiness Report has dedicated itself to answering these questions. To find the world's happiest countries, the organization measures income, health, freedom, generosity, and the absence of corruption. After putting all the numbers together, one Nordic country took the crown, yet again. Finland has been named the happiest country in the world for the sixth year in a row.

The findings are clear. The ethos of a country mattersare people trustworthy, generous, and mutually supportive? The institutions also matterare people free to make important life decisions? And the material conditions of life matterboth income and health, the team behind the World Happiness Report writes. The development of virtuous behaviors needs a supportive social and institutional environment if it is to result in widespread happiness.

So what countries are the happiest in the world? After Finland, Denmark comes in second and Iceland comes third, rounding the podium. Israel, breaking away from Nordic countries, is in fourth, followed by the Netherlands in fifth place. The highest-ranked non-European country is New Zealand, which takes the 10th place. Canada is ranked 13th, while the United States is in 15th place, climbing a spot from last year.

For their annual rankings, The World Happiness Report relies mostly on data from the main life evaluation question in the Gallup World Poll. The natural way to measure a nations happiness is to ask a nationally-representative sample of people how satisfied they are with their lives these days, states the...


Tripod Mode 2.0: DJI Adds Adjustable Cine Mode to the Mini 3 Pro Drone "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DJI Mini 3 Pro

DJI recently released updated firmware for its DJI Mini 3 Pro drone. The new firmware, v01.00.0500, adds two new features, one offering more than meets the eye, including additional control over flight speed.

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Webb Captures a Spectacular Photo of Uranus and its Rings "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Uranus as shot by Webb

The James Webb Space Telescope has captured a gorgeous photo of the seventh planet from the Sun, Uranus. Not only that, but the rings around the ice giant are clearly visible for only the third time.

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Belgian Collector Sues Son Over Fatal Shooting of His Wife "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Art collector and billionaire sugar giant heir Guy Ullens has filed a lawsuit against his son, Nicolas Ullens, for the fatal shooting of his second wife and Nicolass stepmother, 70-year-old collector and philanthropist Myriam Ullens. On March 29, Nicolas shot six rounds at Myriams car in front of her home in Lasne, Belgium, killing her and wounding Guys leg, before turning himself in to the authorities the following day. The news of the lawsuit was first reported by the Belgian news outlet De Standaard.

Nicolas admitted to firing the gun, stating that there was an ongoing dispute regarding the Ullens inheritance structure that Myriam was allegedly interfering with. Nicolass sister, Brigitte Ullens, stood by him in an interview with De Standaard two days after the incident, saying that the...


6 Gut Instincts You Shouldnt Ignore "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Trust your hunches. Theyre usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. ~ Dr. Joyce Brothers Trust your gut, said a friend before you took up a new project, and your gut feeling was that it would work out, and eventually it did. Gut instinct is that instant hunch, the all-knowing feeling []


Hawthorn Heart Syrup (hypertension natural remedy) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A simple recipe for making hawthorn heart syrup from fresh or dried berries to improve symptoms of hypertension or to help wean off meds. The article titled What to Do If Your Doctor Says You Have High Blood Pressure generated a number of relieved emails to my inbox from reader friends who had no idea

The post Hawthorn Heart Syrup (hypertension natural remedy) appeared first on The Healthy Home Economist.


Health Officials Delayed Report Linking Fluoride to Brain Harm "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


  • The release of the National Toxicology Programs (NTP) systematic review of fluorides neurotoxicity was blocked by government officials and concealed from the public since May 2022
  • Fluoride Action Networks lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban the deliberate addition of fluoridating chemicals to U.S. drinking water has been on hold waiting for the release of the NTP report
  • Prior to the NTP reports scheduled release in May 2022, it was shared with members of dental groups like the American Dental Association, which urged officials to alter the report
  • After a court order, the NTP report was released, showing that out of 55 studies included, 52 found that increased fluoride exposure was associated with decreases in child IQ
  • The meta-analysis noted that no safe exposure level could be confirmed, including exposure to fluoride levels found in artificially fluoridated water

In 2015, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention labeled community water fluoridation as one of the 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.1 To this day, relatively few consumers are aware of water fluoridations sordid history or the battle thats been going on behind the scenes to get this toxin out of U.S. drinking water.

Ive been warning of the risks for well over a decade and have been ridiculed as a result. In one example from 2013, an article published by mainstream media outlet Slate scoffed at the idea of fluoride as a neurotoxin, insulting me directly in the process.2

Vindication is upon us, however, following the court-ordered release of the National Toxicology Programs (NTP) systematic review of fluorides neurotoxicity a release that was blocked by government officials and concealed from the public since May 2022.3



Collector Guy Ullens Sues Son in Wake of Wifes Fatal Shooting "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Guy Ullens has filed suit against his son Nicholas Ullens, who is alleged to have murdered his stepmother and Guys wife, influential collector Myriam Mimi Ullens, late last month. According to Brussels


$1.12B in Bitcoin options expire this week, and bulls appear to be at a disadvantage "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Commodities rallied as the U.S. Treasury struggled with the banking crisis, but Bitcoin bulls also overplayed their hand in this weeks options expiry.


Jump in Shiba Inu Breed-Themed Tokens Is Unsustainable, Crypto Traders Warn "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tokens fashioned after the Shiba Inu dog breed may see imminent selling ahead after days of outperforming the broader crypto market. (Getty Images)



Matt Odell And The Mission To Advance Freedom Tech At Bitcoin 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As a host focused wholly on promoting freedom advocates and their technical tools, Matt Odell is integral to Bitcoin 2023.

As a champion for the Bitcoin Conferences recurring open-source contributor ticket program and its dedication to featuring cutting-edge technical presentations on stage, Matt Odell will be an integral part of Bitcoin 2023, both on stage and behind the scenes. This year, hell be participating in a panel discussion, Bitcoins Biggest Bulls, alongside Blockstream CEO Adam Back and Strike CEO Jack Mallers, two of the Bitcoin industrys most notable and influential executives.

Bitcoin 2023 feels slightly different from past years, Odell said in an interview with Bitcoin Magazine. The stakes have never been higher.

As an emcee and speaker at the Bitcoin Conference, Odell routinely advocates for projects working to advance Bitcoin privacy, security and functionality. And as an advisor to the events programming, he ensures that those advancing Bitcoin on a technical level have the opportunity to demonstrate the importance of their work on stage themselves.

The industry moves so fast, it is hard to keep up, and that is beautiful, Odell reflected. We need these tools and we need them to be easier to use, and fortunately, we have open-source contributors around the world dedicated to building them out. It is easy to dismiss Bitcoin as tech, as code, but ultimately, it is a movement of individuals. This movement will succeed on the shoulders of those individuals who choose to stand up and contribute.

Odells advocacy for the developers who make Bitcoin one of the most critical open-source protocols ever invented is well known among listeners of his popular podcasts Citadel Dispatch and Rabbit Hole Recap. He also works to highlight Bitcoins technical progress in person at Bitcoin Park in Nashville and through the donation platform OpenSats.

Most recently, he launched Freedom Money, a documentary series produced by Bitcoin Magazine as another way to showcase privacy advocates and the emerging importance of Bitcoin. The six-episode series has featured Afghan pioneer Roya Mahboob, Nigerian Bitcoin Core contributor Abubakar Nur Khalil and Uyghar human rights advocate Jewher Ilham, among others.

My guests on Freedom Mone...


UFO hunters spot ancient alien temple in new photos of Mars "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Are these pics evidence that Mars once hosted an alien civilisation?


Team Kennedy Explores the Future "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Team Kennedy Header
Its official. Read CHDs announcement here.


Note:  Age of Autism has always followed the Presidential elections. Do you remember when Sam Wessels used to talk to every candidate who came to Iowa? We welcome insights, comments and reports from readers and contributors. We will never endorse a candidate, as we are a non-profit. Pro-choice is as important in the voting booth as it is at a doctor's office, after all.  Robert Kennedy, Jr. has a site that discusses his possible Presidential run called  Please pray for Bobby's safety, and that he can make decisions from a place of courage and love.



Freedom First

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has spent his life fighting for American democracy and the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. He has battled against corporate greed and government corruption to protect our children, our health, our livelihoods, our environment, and above all, our freedom.

With integrity, courage, and self-sacrifice, he has led Americans in an ennobling fight to restore our country as the exemplary nation, and to end the toxic polarization that divides us and enriches the elites.

His steely character and unique history fighting crooked bureaucracies make Bobby the only person who can bridge the divide and fix our country.

Let Bobby know you want to see his leadership in the White House.

A key metric for assessing the feasibility of running is the ability to sign up volunteers and raise funds. Please show your support for his run by texting Bobby at (202) 932-7525, and consider making a donation.

America faces many challenges, but every solution begins with freedom.

Together we can reunite America, becoming, finally, that shining city on the hill, "where justice flows down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream."




Magic Eden Announces Ordinals Launchpad For Bitcoin Inscription Collections "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The new Launchpad will provide those looking to inscribe directly onto Bitcoin an easy way to build their collection.

Magic Eden, an NFT platform, has announced the opening of a Launchpad to inscribe collections using the Ordinals protocol on Bitcoin. 

This comes shortly after the platform's launch of an Ordinals marketplace, which has helped Magic Eden become the top marketplace for trading Bitcoin inscriptions, according to the press release.

The press release describes the companys goal of offering a safe and secure platform for creators to launch their collections, with the first collection launch scheduled for April 7, 2023. According to the release, the platform has already served over 500 creators and raised over $150 million on their behalf.

Zhuoxun Yin, COO, and co-founder of Magic Eden commented on the announcement, "We're excited to expand our creator capabilities to Bitcoin and offer easy ways for creators to get started and launch... With Ordinals, content can be preserved forever, and we're proud to be helping creators and the Ordinals community grow together."

Magic Eden's move to provide creators with a Launchpad for Bitcoin inscriptions comes at a time when Bitcoin inscriptions have seen a significant uptick in popularity throughout Q1 2023, as the press release describes.

The Ordinals protocol allows users to insert arbitrary data onto specific UTXOs, effectively enabling immutable NFTs built directly into the Bitcoin blockchain. Since the launch of the protocol, its impacts have been debated. That being said, almost 1,000,000 pieces of data have been inscribed onto the blockchain already as of the time of writing, and there are no signs of that stopping. 


Mandel Institute for Nonprofit Leadership Announces New Cultural Fellowship "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Wherever Jews settled in the world, artists and thinkers created new traditions and interpretations that enriched Jewish life and responded to contemporary challenges. This creativity enabled successive generations to discover the beauty of Judaism and draw on its resources to imagine new futures. Today, as ever, we need artists and cultural producers to lead the way, harnessing creativity, imagination, and courage to shape the Jewish future and more just and democratic societies.

The Mandel Cultural Leadership Program is a fellowship for artists and producers who aim to reimagine Jewish life and galvanize action on a range of social issues through their creative work. The two-year fellowship includes an educational program, support from an adviser, and a $40,000 stipend to advance a project. Candidat...


Historic Photos of New York Socialites Attending the Easter Parade "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Easter Parade Historical Photos

The New York Easter parade grew from churches simply displaying flowers into a significant cultural event where well-to-do New Yorkers could show off their fashion sense.

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10 Best Charcoal Cannister in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

If youre looking for the best charcoal cannister on the market, look no further! In this blog post, well tell you everything you need to know about choosing the right cannister for your needs. Well also provide a few tips on how to get the most out of your charcoal so that you can enjoy perfect grilling results every time.


Germany plans to issue electronic shares on blockchain, boost startups "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Under the Future Finance Act, the German government is pushing for more welcoming regulations for startups working with financial innovation.


Distant, Lonely Galaxy is Isolated Because it Annihilated Its Neighbors "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Chandra Observatory 3C 297

Astronomers used NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory and the International Gemini Observatory to discover a distant, lonely galaxy that has assimilated its former nearby galaxies, essentially having cannibalized its neighbors.

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Nephilim From the Sky "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Image result for extraterrestrial messiah

Nephilim From the Sky


I'm not a guru or a messiah I have no answers here
Outside of just being another dweller who is near
I can't deliver you from your pain
But brother, but dont let yourself go insane,

Let me gather a little momentum in the darkness
There are things over which you should never obsess
Oh little starry princess you I will not even try to possess
Will I ever come together and coalesce?

Image result for driven insane art

There are things I wish I could have said
To the living and also to the dead
All the things I've memorized and have read
All those diverse voices in my head,

Image result for footprints in the snow

She never really cared now I know
Like buried tracks in new fallen snow
The distant screeching of a crow
The realizations always come too slow,

Image result for Scary Nightmares

Wish I had definite wisdom to share
As if anyone really cared
We are all living in our personal nightmares
Some heart breaking memories I just can't bear,

Image result for extraterrestrial messiah 

There are places you should never go

Things you would be better off not to know

Like objects in the night sky that glow

Like walking out on your loved ones in the snow,

 Image result for evil ballerina

Those tormented thoughts like bitter echoes

Like trying to remove a bloody arrow

Persistent recollections from long ago

She dances out of nowhere just as the wind blows,



33 Powerful Lessons We Can Learn From Animals, Insects, and Fish "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The natural world is full of wisdom and lessons that humans can learn from. Animals, insects, and fish have developed unique and efficient ways of surviving and thriving in their environments. By observing and learning from their behaviors, we can apply their techniques to our own lives to improve our well-being and increase our chances of success. From the way they find water to the food they eat, there are numerous powerful lessons to be learned from these creatures.

The post 33 Powerful Lessons We Can Learn From Animals, Insects, and Fish first appeared on In5D .


Floridas Government Ban on Chinese-Made Drones Goes into Effect "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DJI Drone

A Florida state bill filed in 2020 and passed in 2021 goes into effect this week and has banned government agencies from using any drones that were manufactured in China. Some agencies aren't happy and say it unnecessarily increases costs.

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"IndyWatch Feed Survival" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jobless claims have exploded while small businesses have filed for bankruptcy at an alarming pace. The economic indicators are not looking up as inflation spirals out of control and the banking crisis continues to unfold.

After ugly Institue of Supply Management (ISM) employment data, dismal Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), soaring Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) notices, and a weaker-than-expected Automatic Data Processing (ADP) print, this mornings Challenger, Gray & Christmas report announced a bigger than expected 89,703 job cuts in March (270,416 year-to-date), up 319.4% YoY. The West dominated the cuts (East 13,638; Midwest 21,764; West 48,123; South 6,178), with technology-sector companies, have announced 102,391 cuts so far this year, on pace to surpass the highest annual total for the sector announced in 2001, the report notes.

In addition to these horrible job numbers, small businesses are filing for bankruptcy in massive numbers.

The note from UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) Evidence Lab shows private bankruptcy filings in 2023 have exceeded the highest point recorded during the early stages of the COVID-19 scamdemic lockdowns by a considerable amount. The four-week moving average for private filings in late February was 73 percent higher than in June 2020, according to a report by ZeroHedge. 

[We] believe one of the more underappreciated signs of distress in U.S. corporate credit is already emanating from the small- and mid-size enterprises sector, Matthew Mish, head of credit strategy at UBS, wrote in a recently published research note. [The] smallest of firms [are] facing the most severe pressure from rising rates, persistent inflation and slowing growth.

The ruling class continues to say theres nothing to worry about with regard to the current economic challenges and their impact on small businesses. Even though they are planning this and fully responsible for these disasters. Last week, for example, President Joe Biden cited higher rates of new business formation over the past three yearswithout acknowledging the issues entrepreneurs face.

In the face of the economic destruction we are all looking at, the rulers are set to raise the corporate income tax to 28 percent sometime in the coming months. The tax hike will affect small businesses at a time when credit conditions continue to tighten. Expect jobless claims to cont...


Mr. Doodle Exhibits Framed Art and Covers All the Walls in His Signature Doodles for Art Basel "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Mr. Doodle Exhibits Framed Art and Covers All the Walls in His Signature Doodles for Art Basel

Mr. Doodle for Pearl Lam Galleries at Art Basel Hong Kong

Photo: Courtesy of Mr. Doodle and Pearl Lam Galleries

The last time we checked in on British artist Mr. Doodle, he'd spent two years transforming his home into a work of art. Now he's taken his signature doodles to a more traditional setting by creating a new series for Art Basel Hong Kong. While there are traditional canvases, he couldn't help but doodle the entire booth put together by Pearl Lam Galleries, and the results are incredible.

Mr. Doodle's work is typically black and white, but here he's injected the entire rainbow into the installation. The effect is an immersive experience that can't help but make you smile. While his work is inspired by cartoons and video games, his doodles are also based on his own life. These new pieces follow him, his wife (Mrs. Doodle), and his dog (Doodle Dog) along on a series of adventures through DoodleWorld.

These adventures include a journey to outer space where the duo fights off aliens, as well as quiet moments of joy while the couple awaits the arrival of a baby. By adding these personal touches, Mr. Doodle brings us along with his family and allows us a peek behind the curtain of his real life.

While Art Basel has now concluded, Mr. Doodle's work in China isn't finished. His show, Mr. Doodle in Love, is currently on view until June 18 at the K11 Art Space in Wuhan. The exhibit, which was also arranged by Pearl Lam Galleries, showcases his daily life and love for his wife, Mrs. Doodle.

For Art Basel Hong Kong, Mr. Doodle created a colorful, immer...


Bitcoin faces headwinds as US money supply drops most since 1950s "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Research from Bloomberg Intelligence argues that liquidity conditions still do not favor a continuation of the Bitcoin rally.


Every Ramones Albums Ranked "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

When I agreed to rank the Ramones discography, I guess I forgot just how many albums theyd put out. How does one go about ranking fourteen albums by a band when frankly, much of their oeuvre sounds so similar? Well, you could do worse than spending a few days emptying tubes of airplane glue into a paper bag and huffing deeply while repeatedly bingeing their entire discography.

14. Adios Amigos! (1995)

The final Ramones album finds the band limping across the finish lineexhausted, depleted and seemingly short on ideas. Joey hands the mic off to Dee Dees replacement C.J. far too often here.

Play It Again: The Tom Waits cover I Dont Wanna Grow Up works perfectly when given the Ramones treatment.
Skip It: The Crusher, Makin Monsters for My Friends, Scattergun and Cretin Family are all duds sung by C.J.


13. Acid Eaters (1993)

Too sick of each others shit to sit down and write songs together, the band recorded a covers album, which is generally as underwhelming as a sitcom clip show. That being said, some interesting choices and decent performances make this worth revisiting once every few years.

Play It Again: 7 and 7 Is
Skip It: Journey to the Center of the Mind is a good song, but fuck Ted Nugent.



12. End of the Century (1980)



Aragon and Polygon Labs collaborate to boost DAO accessibility "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The collaboration is set to allow users to build decentralized autonomous organizations quickly and securely, for less than 50 cents, with no coding required.


10 Best Socket Wrench in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

If youre in the market for a new socket wrench, youve come to the right place. In this blog post, well be discussing the best socket wrenches on the market, as well as what to look for when purchasing one. A socket wrench is a vital tool for anyone who works with machinery or vehicles. Its an essential part of any mechanics toolkit, and can be used for a variety of tasks, from tightening bolts to loosening nuts. There are a few things to consider when purchasing a socket wrench.

First, decide what size and type of sockets you need. Then, choose a wrench thats comfortable to hold and easy to use. Finally, consider your budget and find the best socket wrench that fits your needs. Weve rounded up some of the best socket wrenches on the market, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.


Wood You Mind Imbues a Charming Cast of Chiseled Characters with Exuberance and Whimsy "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Small, wooden sculptures of a burger and fries. Each has an endearing face, and is painted vibrantly.

All images Parn Aniwat

A beaming fast-food duo, rotund stegosaurus, and shy alpaca are among the large cast of playful characters crafted by Parn Aniwat (previously). Working out of his studio in Texas, Aniwat, a.k.a Wood You Mind, carefully chisels each figure from wood, slowly but surely unearthing every characters distinct features. Each personality is brought to life with vivid washes of acrylic paint, detailing endearing faces, sprightly attire, and a whimsical aura.

Aniwat sells the adorable figures on Etsy, and keep an eye on Instagram for news about releases and commission opportunities. Watch small snippets of his process on YouTube


Small, wooden sculpture of a peacock with vibrant, rainbow feathers.



required readin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

.. .. required readin .. ..

Students deserve to know this shocking truth about communism [ fox ]

.. .. da folks here know dis already .. .. some folks need a refresher course .. .. communism suX0rz .. .. jus sayn .. ..


South Korea Announces Construction of Enormous Futuristic Spokeless Ferris Wheel "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

South Korea Announces Construction of Enormous Futuristic Spokeless Ferris Wheel

Rendering of Hubless Ferris Wheel in Seoul

South Korea has announced that it will be building the world's largest hubless Ferris wheel. The futuristic structure is called Seoul Ring, and it's set to go up in Haneul Park. The location will mean that guests will get a sweeping view of Seoul's Hangang River. Set to be completed by 2025, the Ferris wheel is a major tourism investment in the city.

With a diameter of 590 feet (180 meters), the Seoul Ring will become the world's second-largest Ferris wheel after the Ain Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. However, it will be the record holder for a Ferris wheel without spokes or hubs. Solar energy will power the attraction, which will feature 36 glass capsules. Each capsule holds a maximum of 25 guests, and the city is hoping that at least 1,200 guests a day will hop on for a ride.

In terms of location, Haneul Park was chosen after a careful selection process. The area is best known for its proximity to the World Cup Stadium and, more recently, this former landfill has been transformed into an ecological park. Not only does the park have an incredible view of the river, but it is also geographically close to North Korea. In a statement released by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, it was described as the perfect choice due to its symbolism of inter-Korean reconciliation and as a gateway to Seoul.

The city is hoping that Seoul Ring will not only become an entertainment attraction but will serve as a hub of cultural activity within the park. The park is located on the historic Nanjido island, where orchids and seasonal flowers once grew before it was transformed into a dump site in the 1970s. Seoul Ring is part of the area's rebirth and a concerted effort to bring the community back to a place of nature.

Seoul Ring is a new futuristic hubless Ferris wheel that will overlook Seoul's Hangang River.



Overwhelmed By A Mess? Try The Five Things Method Of Tidying. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There are all sorts of reasons that a mess in our homes can get away from us. Kids, illnesses, work deadlines, depression, you name it any or all of those things can let things build up to a place where were feeling too overwhelmed to know where to start.

If thats you (or it has been or will be), this five things tidying method can be a real lifesaver in the moment.

iStock 1348239236 2 Overwhelmed By A Mess? Try The Five Things Method Of Tidying.

Image Credit: iStock

The method comes from licensed professional therapist, self-help author of How to Keep House While Drowning, and TikTok influencer KC Davis.  She hopes that she can help people who are struggling with daily tasks be able to accomplish them a little bit at a time.



10 Best Samsung S22 Ultra Bonus Gift in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

In this blog post, we will be discussing the best samsung s22 ultra bonus gift. This phone is one of the most popular phones on the market and for good reason. It has a large screen, great camera, and is packed with features. If you are looking for a new phone, the s22 ultra is a great option.


The Broadest Portal to Joy "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Despite every single lie to the contrary, despite every single action born of that lie we are in the midst of rhizomatic care that extends in every direction, spatially, temporally, spiritually.

The Broadest Portal to Joy

All sorrow is, on some elemental level beneath cause and circumstance, an act of forgetting our connection to life, to one another, to the grand interbelonging of existence.

All joy is the act of remembering the hand outstretched for reconnection, for felicitous contact between othernesses.

This awareness emanates from poet and gardener Ross Gays essay collection Inciting Joy (public library) a tendril unfurled from his infinitely life-affirming Book of Delights.



Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Free Will "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

There, see? From now on at least 18% of SMBC will not be AI jokes.

Today's News:


Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photographer Discusses Capturing Iconic Trump Arrest Photo "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

trump arraignment

On April 4, 2023, former President Donald Trump arrived at the Manhattan Criminal Court for his arraignment. Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Michael Santiago was there waiting and he shares his thoughts on capturing the historic moment.

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Tesla Staff Shared Sensitive Images Captured by Customers Cars: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tesla spying on customers

A new report claims that between 2019 and 2022, Tesla employees privately shared images and videos captured by the cameras built into Tesla's popular electric vehicles using an internal messaging system.

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Bank Term Funding Program: A Primer On The Feds Shiny New Tool "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The debate around whether or not this policy is a form of quantitative easing misses the point: Liquidity is the name of the game for global financial markets.

The article below is an excerpt from a recent edition of Bitcoin Magazine PRO, Bitcoin Magazine's premium markets newsletter. To be among the first to receive these insights and other on-chain bitcoin market analysis straight to your inbox, subscribe now.

QE Or Not QE?

The Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) is a facility introduced by the Federal Reserve to provide banks a stable source of funding during times of economic stress. The BTFP allows banks to borrow money from the Fed at a predetermined interest rate with the goal of ensuring that banks can continue to lend money to households and businesses. In particular, the BTFP allows qualified lenders to pledge Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities to the Fed at par, which allows banks to avoid realizing current unrealized losses on their bond portfolios, despite the historic rise in interest rates over the past 18 months. Ultimately, this helps support economic growth and protects banks in the process.

The cause for the tremendous amount of unrealized losses in the banking sector, particularly for regional banks, is due to the historic spike in deposits that came as a result of the COVID-induced stimulus, just as bond yields were at historic lows.

Shown below is the year-over-year change in small, domestically chartered commercial banks (blue), and the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield (red).

TLDR: Historic relative spike in deposits with short-term interest rates at 0% and long-duration interest rates near their generational lows. 

Banks saw a spike in deposits with short-term interest rates at 0% and long-duration interest rates near their generational lows.
The rise in Treasury yields led to massive unrealized losses for banks holding bonds.


10 Best Bbq Kit in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

No matter what time of year it is, theres nothing quite like a good barbecue. Whether youre cooking for yourself or for a crowd, having the right equipment can make all the difference. In this blog post, well take a look at the best BBQ kits on the market, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.


Japan Approves Web3 White Paper to Promote Industry Growth in the Country "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Akihisa Shiozaki, a member of Japan's House of Representatives, is leading a team that is helping form policies for Web3. (Okonogi Airi)


10 Best Box Of Screws in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

If youre looking for the best box of screws, youve come to the right place. In this blog post, well take a look at the different types of screws available and how to choose the right one for your needs.


Tether supply hits $80B for the first time since May 2022 Stablecoin rivals stumble "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The supply of USDT across cryptocurrency exchanges has dropped 28% in 2023, hinting at an overall decline in demand for stablecoins.


Half of long Covid sufferers have never had Covid, says new study "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Ian Macleod, The battle of ideas around Covid has few clashes as hotly contested as Long Covid. Alarmists have hyped the frequency and severity with which infection causes long-term damage. Sceptics see no reason for panic. A new study helps to settle at least part of this debate. The paper in the Journal of the American Medical Associations (JAMA) Network Open looked at postCOVID-19 condition (PCC) in young people after mild acute infection to find how common it was and to find risk factors. Participants were aged between 12 and 25. The authors offer this straightforward conclusion: PCC was not associated with biological markers specific to viral infection. That is, participants were equally likely to suffer from Long Covid, whether or not they had suffered from acute COVID-19. The researchers concluded that Long Covid is predicted by initial symptom severity and, intriguingly, psychosocial factors. The full article is available on JAMA Network Open.
The main results from the present study were: (1) the prevalence of PCC six months after acute COVID-19 was approximately 50%, but was equally high in a control group of comparable SARS-CoV-2-negative individuals; (2) acute COVID-19 was not an independent risk factor for PCC; (3) the severity of clinical symptoms at baseline, irrespective of SARS-CoV-2 status, was the main risk factor of persistent symptoms six months later. Symptom prevalence data are consistent with other controlled studies of young people after acute COVID-19 reporting a high symptom load, with only subtle differences between individuals testing positive and negative for SARS-CoV-2. Correspondingly, a large population-based study found no associations between most persistent symptoms attributed to COVID-19 and serological evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection. These findings suggest that persistent symptoms in this age group are related to factors other than SARS-CoV-2 infection, and therefore question the usefulness of the WHO case definition of PCC.


Hurricane versus solar panels and wind turbines "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This is eastern Puerto Rico wind and solar farms.

The media has been talking about how one roof top installed solar panel array in San Juan survived the storm. And how the whole island needs to be repower ed with solar and wind.

They are not telling you the real story.

On the bright side the wind turbines did exactly what they were supposed to.
A few did get leveled.


DJI Appears Poised to Announce the Inspire 3 Drone "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DJI Inspire 3

DJI appears to be gearing up to announce the third iteration of the Inspire drone platform. One of the most popular professional drones on the market, DJI hasn't refreshed the line in nearly seven years.

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