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Monday, 10 April


Wieso fragt die Presse eigentlich nicht mal jemanden, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Wieso fragt die Presse eigentlich nicht mal jemanden, der sich mit sowas auskennt? Nun, manchmal tun sie das. Der RBB hat meinen Kumpel Honkhase befragt. Den Teil ber den DDOS htte ich ein bisschen anders formuliert. DDOS heit, dass nicht den Server angreifst, sondern die Leitung zum Server. Das kann man generell nicht verhindern, dass dieser Angriff mglich ist. In konkreten Fllen kann man hufig tricksen, und nach einer Weile geht der Angriff von alleine weg, weil ein ISP ja merkt, wenn aus ihrem Netz ein DDOS durchgefhrt wird. Das belastet auch deren Auenanbindung und die tun dann hoffentlich was.

Wichtiger finde ich Ransomware. Da sagt mein ansonsten wohlinformierter Kumpel folgendes:

Wenn jemand in die Systemlandschaft eindringen will, dann kann er beispielsweise eine Phishing-Mail schicken, in der ein manipulierter Link oder ein Anhang drin ist. Wenn ein Mitarbeiter den ffnet, dann ldt er sich unwissentlich eine Schadsoftware runter oder fhrt diese direkt im Anhang aus - mglichst klein, kompakt und effizient. Die schaut dann, wie es sie sich ins System einnisten kann und wie ein Angreifer von auen hnlich einer Fernwartung auf das System zugreifen und Dinge tun kann.
Das stimmt in der aktuellen Praxis unter Windows, Office und Active Directory, aber nichts davon ist gottgegeben oder ein Selbstlufer. Wenn du deinen Mitarbeitern eine Arbeits-Infrastruktur hinstellst, bei der sie nicht auf Mails oder Links klicken drfen, weil das die Sicherheit der ganzen Firma gefhrdet, und es dann zu ihrem Job machst, dass sie Mails ffnen und Links klicken, dann hast du meines Gerechtigkeitsempfindens nach alle Schden verdient, die das nach sich zieht. Das ist wie wenn du den Leuten Dienstwagen gibst, die per Funk zur spontanen Explosion bewegt werden knnen. Da kannst du auch nicht rummeckern ber die Teenager mit den Funkgerten. Diese Autos httest du halt nicht in Umlauf bringen drfen!

Auf diesen Aspekt kann man gar nicht oft genug hinweisen, finde ich. Die lassen das immer alle so klingen, als sei das halt so. Unsere alte Software ist halt schlecht und ttet ab und zu Menschen. JA H DANN VERWENDET DIE HALT NICHT MEHR!

Der Rest des Artikels ist aber lohnenswert. Da erklrt er, wieso die Verwaltungen nichts in Security investieren.

Schade, dass der Berliner Senat ausgerechnet Franziska ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Schade, dass der Berliner Senat ausgerechnet Franziska "Clankriminalitt" Giffey zur Bausenatorin gemacht hat, die ja bereits angesagt hat, dass sie auf den Willen der Bevlkerung in Sachen Verstaatlichung der Wohnungsbaugesellschaften zu scheien gedenkt.

Im Moment wre die Gelegenheit gnstig gewesen.

Hier kamen eine Mails rein, die verwundert waren, wie ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Hier kamen eine Mails rein, die verwundert waren, wie ich offenbar definiert habe.

Daher hier mal als Abgrenzung:

Sieht fr mich wie die plausibelste Erklrung aus, aber vielleicht bersehe ich ja was.
Ich kann mir nichts vorstellen, das zu einem anderen Schluss fhren wrde.
Sieht so aus aber ich habe Zweifel.
Sieht so aus, aber ich wei, dass es nicht so ist.

Was wrdet ihr machen, wenn euch das hier passiert?I ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Was wrdet ihr machen, wenn euch das hier passiert?

I have been writing about the threat of AI to free speech. Then recently I learned that ChatGPT falsely reported on a claim of sexual harassment that was never made against me on a trip that never occurred while I was on a faculty where I never taught. ChapGPT relied on a cited Post article that was never written and quotes a statement that was never made by the newspaper.
Ja gut, das sind diese ChatGPT-Leute. GPT-4 ist bestimmt viel besser!!1!
When the Washington Post investigated the false story, it learned that another AI program Microsofts Bing, which is powered by GPT-4, repeated the false claim about Turley.
Turley ist der Autor von dem verlinkten Blogeintrag.

Ich hab ja schon ein paar Mal erklrt, dass eines der Probleme bei "KI" ist, dass das trainiert und nicht konstruiert wird, und man das daher auch nicht debuggen kann, wie man regulren Code debuggen wrde, und man kann auch nicht Bugs fixen, weil der Kram aus Gewichten in einem neuronalen Netz o.. kommt, statt aus Code.

Man hat dann genau drei Optionen: Neu trainieren, nachtrainieren, oder einen Filter davor tun, der genau das Problem erkennt und wegmacht. Alle drei Optionen sind Mist. Auch das neuronale Netz wei nicht, welche Gewichte wofr zustndig sind. Nachtrainieren wird also eine Lavine aus anderen nderungen bewirken, alle vllig unklar. Vielleicht wird es dadurch sogar schlimmer.

Neu trainineren wird vermutlich dasselbe Problem wieder haben, denn wir haben ja keinen Weg, das beim Training zu verhindern.

Und der Filter wird nicht funktionieren. Das versuchen Zensoren seit Jahrzehnten und dann reden die Chinesen halt von Winnie the Pooh. Die erfolgversprechenste Implementation eines Filters wrde selber auf Machine Learning basieren, was das natrlich direkt ad absurdum fhrt.

Kurz gesagt: "KI" ist ein Schuss in den Ofen. Lasst euch mal nicht aufschwatzen, dass das a) neu oder b) besser oder c) die Zukunft ist. Die Zukunft, die das wre, in der wrdet ihr nicht leben wollen.

Die Tagesschau liefert mal wieder :-( Exklusiv HackerangriffeCybermafia ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Die Tagesschau liefert mal wieder :-(

Exklusiv Hackerangriffe
Cybermafia von Putins Gnaden?
Da rgere ich mich ja direkt ber das "EXKLUSIV". Wenn ein Fragezeichen im Titel ist, ist es nicht exklusiv. Dann ist es nicht mal Fakten-Berichterstattung sondern Mutmaung. "Cybermafia" und "von Putins Gnaden" sind natrlich stark vorbelastete und lenkende Begriffe, die Berichterstattung eh ausschlieen. Das ist Meinungsmache.

Kann gerechtfertigte Meinungsmache sein, aber es ist jedenfalls Meinungsmache.

Gucken wir mal weiter.

Europaweit werden Webseiten lahmgelegt - womglich von prorussischen Hackern. Experten warnen vor der Entstehung einer Mischszene aus Cyberkriminellen, Hacktivisten und russischen Geheimdiensten.
"womglich" ist ein Wieselwort und heit: Wir wissen es nicht, Beweise haben wir natrlich auch keine, nicht mal ordentliche Indizien. "Experten warnen" ist auch eine groe rote Warmlampe, dass hier Bullshit kommt.

Womglich ist nicht mal ein gutes Wieselwort. Ich nehm immer "offenbar". Das sagt, dass das eine Deutung von mir ist, und damit eine Meinung und keine Tatsachenbehauptung. Ist euch hoffentlich schon aufgefallen, dass ich das Wort gerne und hufig verwende, und dass ich hier verdammt selten verklagt oder abgemahnt werde.

Pltzlich ging nichts mehr. Webseiten und Internetportale bundesweit waren in dieser Woche nicht mehr erreichbar, darunter die Onlineauftritte von Landesministerien und Polizeibehrden.
Da krieg ich direkt Stresspickel. It was a dark and stormy night. Das ist so "Onkel erzhlt Kleinkind eine Geschichte"-Niveau. "Pltzlich ging nichts mehr". *gbel*

Wieso publizieren die sowas? Wollen die, dass ihre Leser mitkriegen, wie wenig ernst genommen sie werden?

Auerdem: Wenn Webseiten von Ministerien und Polizeibehrden ausgefallen sind, ist die Story erst recht nicht "exklusiv". Wenn ich das aus meinem Wohnzimmer sehen kann, ist das nicht exklusiv.

Sie brachen unter der Last von massenhaften Zugriffen auf die Server schlichtweg zusammen.
Das nennt sich DDOS und ist kein Hackerangriff. Eher eine Sitzblockade.

Und so geht das weiter. Murmeln, Andeutungen und Hrensagen, garniert mit lenkender Wortwahl und Meinungsmache.

Ich finde das sehr enttuschend, dass das Niveau derartig schlecht ist bei der ARD. Der Autor von diesem Artikel fllt schon lnger negativ auf, durch Wiedergabe von Geheimdienst-Einflsterungen statt Journalismus.


Walmart Announces Life-Altering Change #shorts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Walmart Announces Life-Altering Change #shorts

Watch Full Report Here:

#walmart #future #automation #stores #labor #economy #human #robots #2026 #customer #service

Walmart is set to revolutionize the retail industry with its latest big announcement. This could be very beneficial for their business but spell trouble for their large pool of employees in the long run. Stay tuned to find out.

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BREAKING: Walmart Announces Life-Altering Change Coming To A Store Near You "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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Walmart is set to revolutionize the retail industry with its latest big announcement. This could be very beneficial for their business but spell trouble for their large pool of employees in the long run. Stay tuned to find out.

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Sprouted Beans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Wifee likes very healthy stuff. She bought a bunch of sprouted beans, saying there is much energy in them once they sprout. She told me before she left on her trip and suggested I eat it all before she gets back as they might not keep.

So I had the bag of sprouted beans for dinner. Added good olive oil, sea salt and ground pepper. It was good. Had two bowls. First on, I added a Mediterranean seasoning my student gave me. Second bowl, I added Tajin.

Sprouted Beans


SushiSwap approval bug leads to $3.3 million exploit "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Only users who have traded on the decentralized exchange in the last four days are apparently affected.


No medicine for heartbreak "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

My daughters heart broke today, when her dog died. So mine did too.

RIP Blueberry


GOP rep. sounds alarm on leaked docs detailing US secrets: Very serious "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, joined Fox & Friends Weekend to discuss the Pentagons ongoing investigation into potentially one of the most dangerous intelligence breaches in decades. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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People Share the Things You Should Avoid When Traveling To Europe "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Traveling is one of the greatest things in the world. There are so many amazing things about leaving your comfort zone, but that said, its nice to have a heads up when youre heading somewhere totally unfamiliar.

If youre a noob when it comes to traveling Europe, here are 15 things more experienced travelers say you should definitely avoid.

14. Where there are tourists

Watch out for pickpockets in Western Europe.

There is a stigma that Eastern Europe like Romania and Bulgaria is dangerous but pick pocketing happens more in Paris, Amsterdam, Barcelona, etc.

12. Dont feel bad.

Avoid any restaurant that tries to strong arm you into entering.

come come sit down as they shove a menu in your face, fast talking, usually offering a free drink/entree/dessert, basically trying to get you to feel bad about turning them down.

11. Mind your manners.

Dont assume that everything will be open during the hours youd expect in your home countrythis is true no matter where youre going. It varies by country and region, but in my experience, grocery stores, banks, post offices, etc., had much more restricted hours than they do in the US. In the US, its rare for a grocery store to close before 9 PM, if its not open 24 hours. In Europe, its normal for grocery stores to close quite early, and for things to be closed on weekends, though this varies by country.

Also, mind your manners. In America, you can often skip over the formalities without being seen as rude. In Europe, this is much harder.

Be more direct about what you want, and more polite about...


Statue of Late Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman Donated to Film Museum in His Hometown "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Statue of Late Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman Donated to Film Museum in His Hometown

Statue of Late Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman Donated to George Eastman Museum in Rochester

A statute of the late actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has been donated to, and displayed at, the George Eastman Museum in Rochester, NY. (Photo: Renee Veniskey/George Eastman Museum)

In 2014, the world of filmand film audienceslost a great light. The actor Philip Seymour Hoffman passed away tragically at age 46 after a brilliant career spanning from cult classics like The Big Lebowski to an Academy Award for his performance in Capote. Born and raised in Fairport, a suburb of Rochester, New York, Hoffman has been greatly missed by many, particularly in his hometown. Now his likeness is immortalized in bronze outside the iconic George Eastman Museum in Rochester, a pilgrimage site for film lovers around the world.

The life-sized statue was originally created for a New York City site, but it fit so well at a temporary exhibit at the museum that organizers donated it permanently. Designed by David A. Annand and commissioned by producer James Declan Tobin, the statue depicts Hoffman happily striding with a script in hand. He appears to be headed to the Dryden Theater, the museum's specialty cinema which screens old moviesincluding incredibly rare original, nitrate films. The museum itself is situated in the elegant mansion of George Eastman, founder of the Eastman Kodak Company.

The institution is the world's oldest museum dedicated to photography. Its photography collections and motion picture film archives are legendary and responsible for preserving much of 20th-century visual history. The greatest actor of my generation has come home to the community that loves him, Tobin said of the statue's placement. This is where Phil belongs. I wanted a home that is worthy of Phil, and we have it at...


Canadian weight lifting union women's record "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Trans woman held record Canadian woke rules say you can enter as what sex you identify as. Can't be questioned Avi Silverberg entered as a woman and broke the current record by nearly 100 lbs easily


When Wedding Photographers Are Challenged to Shoot Other Genres "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

2,692. Thats how many full wedding ceremonies wedding photographer Matthew Solis alone has photographed in the past five years, and yes, you read that number right.

[Read More]


New Study: Bacteria in Meat Linked to Urinary Tract Infections "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A recent study suggests that the bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli), commonly found in undercooked meat, may be responsible for hundreds of thousands of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the United States, with women being disproportionately affected.

E. coli is a large and diverse group of bacteria present in the environment, food, and the intestines of people and animals. While most strains are harmless, some can cause illnesses such as UTIs, pneumonia, and others.

Researchers at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health used a novel genomic approach to trace the origins of E. coli infections in the US. They estimated that E. coli may cause between 480,000 and 640,000 UTIs annually. Women are up to 30 times more likely to develop UTIs than men, with millions of women impacted by UTIs yearly.

Lance B. Price, a professor of environmental and occupational health and the founder and co-director of the GW Antibiotic Resistance Action Center, states that our study provides compelling evidence that dangerous E. coli strains are making their way from food animals to people through the food supply and making people sick sometimes really sick.

The study, published in One Health, involved isolating E. coli from raw chicken, turkey, and pork purchased at major grocery store chains in Flagstaff, Arizona. The researchers also collected E. coli isolates from urine and blood samples of patients hospitalized for UTIs in the same city.

By analyzing the genomes of E. coli from both meat and UTI patients, the researchers developed a new predictive model to determine the source of the bacteria. The foodborne E. coli strains identified in the study were also found to cause serious kidney and bloodstream infections, which can be fatal.

E. coli, often associated with diarrhea, is the leading cause of UTIs in the US, accounting for around 85% of cases. UTIs can range from simple, antibiotic-treatable bladder infections to life-threatening bloodstream infections.

Common signs and symptoms of UTIs include:

  1. A strong, persistent urge to urinate
  2. A burning sensation during urination
  3. Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
  4. Cloudy, dark, bloody, or strong-smelling urine
  5. Pain or pressure in the lower abdomen
  6. Feeling tired or shaky
  7. Fever or chills (a sign that the infection may have reached the kidneys)

To prevent E. coli infections, follow food safety guidelines when cooking:

  1. Wash hands with soap and water before, during, and after preparing food, and before eating.
  2. Wash hands after touching uncooked meat, poultry, seafood, flour, or eggs. Clean counters, cutting boards, and utensils after they touch any of these products.
  3. Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables under running water.
  4. Ensure food is cooked at a safe minimum temperature.
  5. Keep raw meat...


The Silent Vitamin Deficiency Mimicking Dementia and How to Reverse Its Effects "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dementia is a growing concern globally, with an estimated 82 million people expected to be affected by 2030. The progressive decline in cognitive function can be devastating, but what if some cases could be attributed to a simple vitamin deficiency? The answer lies in the often-overlooked importance of vitamin B12, an essential nutrient for normal brain function. A deficiency in this vitamin can produce symptoms strikingly similar to dementia. In this article, well explore the role of vitamin B12 in the body, its connection to dementia, and how to address this deficiency through supplementation, a healthy lifestyle, and diet.

Vitamin B12 is crucial for the development and maintenance of nerve cells, the synthesis of DNA, and the production of red blood cells. It is most abundantly found in animal products, but certain microbes can also produce it. Low animal product consumption is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency.

As we age, our hydrochloric acid (HCL) levels in the stomach decrease, which can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency. HCL is necessary to break down and absorb many vitamins and minerals. Antacids or Metformin use can further lower HCL levels, and acid reflux, often treated with antacids, can be a sign of low HCL. Betaine hydrochloride is the best supplement to promote normal stomach acidity.

Additionally, several medications and substances may cause dementia-like symptoms as side effects, including antacids, bladder medications, sleep aids, SSRIs, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications, steroids, and alcohol. A deficiency in vitamin B1 (thiamine), zinc, and vitamin D can also lead to dementia-like symptoms.

A 2013 study in the journal Neurology found that vitamin B12-deficient individuals had smaller brain volumes and poorer cognitive performance, suggesting a link between B12 deficiency and dementia. Furthermore, nutrient deficiencies can shrink the hippocampus, leading to Alzheimers disease. Increasing ketones can help nourish a brain starved of fuel and nutrients.

Dr. Burg, a renowned expert in this field, recommends a four-step approach to addressing dementia symptoms caused by nutrient deficiencies:

  1. Start Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting: This eating pattern encourages a higher intake of healthy fats and a lower intake of carbohydrates, which can help increase ketone levels and support brain function.
  2. Consume more fatty fish and seafood: These are excellent sources of vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and support brain health.
  3. Consume more red meat: It is a rich source of vitamin B12, iron, and other essential nutrients that support cognitive function.
  4. Take betaine hydrochloride: This supplement can help increase stomach acidity and improve the absorption of vitamin B12 and other nutrients.




This is third-world election tampering: Victor Davis Hanson "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson discusses Democrats effort to put former President Donald Trump in prison on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Sunday, 09 April


Fascinating Discovery Finds That the White-throated Sparrow Species Has Four Sexes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fascinating Discovery Finds That the White-throated Sparrow Species Has Four Sexes

The White-Throated Sparrow Species Has Four Sexes

The white-throated sparrow, a unique creature. (Photo: Rhododendrites via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Sex in nature is hardly simple. While biological sex is often used in reductive and factually incorrect political parlance, the science of chromosomes is far from a simple dichotomy. In the natural world, some species change their sex as they age. Others such as the white-throated sparrow have a whopping four sexes or genotypes. As described in Current Biology, the species has evolved to have a surprising chromosomal anomaly which makes mating more complex.

The Zonotrichia albicollis, or the white-throated sparrow, has white and tan morphs, or subspecies. The white males are promiscuous while neglecting their paternal care, unlike tan males who are monogamous and do their due diligence to offspring. Females also trade off between investment in parental care and mating effort.

The white and tan striped birds typically mate with individuals of the opposite color. Within the white-striped birds, a gene mutation flipped a section of chromosome two creating a supergene. This new type of chromosome cannot exchange genetic material with its mate. As discovered by scientists in the 1960s, this means tan birds have two identical chromosomes, whereas white ones have one regular and one inverted. A white-tan pairing has a 50% chance of inheriting the inverted gene.

In the early 2000s, the married researchers Elaina Tuttle and Rusty Gonser discovered that the inverted gene was not a simple flip....


Unleash the Secrets of Eternal Youth with the Ultimate Superfood: Collagen "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In the quest for the fountain of youth, many have searched far and wide for the key to maintaining a youthful appearance and energy. The secret might be closer than you think: collagen, the most abundant protein in our bodies, plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of our skin, hair, nails, and overall well-being. As we age, our collagen production declines, leading to signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and weaker nails. In this article, we explore the science behind collagen and how incorporating it into your diet and lifestyle can help reverse these aging signs.

What is Collagen and How Does It Work?

Collagen is a structural protein that makes up nearly 30% of the bodys total protein content. Its found in various tissues such as skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Collagen provides strength and elasticity to our skin, helping to maintain its firmness and smoothness. It also plays a vital role in hair growth, nail strength, and overall tissue health.

As we age, our collagen production decreases, and the existing collagen fibers become weaker and less elastic. This decrease is due to various factors, including hormonal changes, oxidative stress, and exposure to environmental factors such as UV radiation and pollutants. As a result, our skin loses its firmness and elasticity, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging.

The Science Behind Collagen Supplementation

Numerous studies have shown that collagen supplementation can improve skin health and reduce signs of aging. A 2014 study published in the journal Skin Pharmacology and Physiology found that oral collagen peptide supplementation significantly improved skin elasticity, hydration, and the appearance of wrinkles in just eight weeks (1).

Another study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2017 demonstrated that collagen supplementation increased hair thickness and strength in women with thinning hair (2). Research has also shown that collagen can promote nail growth and reduce nail brittleness (3).

Collagen supplements come in various forms, such as powders, capsules, and gummies. When choosing a collagen supplement, look for hydrolyzed collagen, which is more easily absorbed by the body. Its also important to select a high-quality, reputable brand to ensure the products safety and effectiveness.

A Healthy Lifestyle and Diet for Collagen Production

In addition to collagen supplementation, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet can boost collagen production and support overall skin, hair, and nail health. Here are some tips to help you optimize your collagen levels:

  1. Eat a balanced diet: Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers, can help promote collagen...


27 Easter treats from Twitter to take your mind off chocolate for 5 minutes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Happy Easter to those who celebrate. We hope you got the treats you were hoping for or managed to nick them from your kids without them noticing. Too much chocolate is bad for their teeth anyway.

We went on a hunt of our own and found some excellent Easter tweets for you to enjoy while youre vegging out watching The Sound of Music or whatever.

We hope you enjoy them.






DeSantis Throws Beaver Nuggets to Crowd in Press Conference with Buc-ees Gas Station Founder "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Who wants some? You guys got to try some! In a Friday press conference with Beaver Aplin, founder of the popular Texas-based chain of mega convenience stores Buc-ees, Ron DeSantis threw bags of some of the chains signature snacks into the crowd. Buc-ees has recently expanded into Florida, becoming something of an attraction on the east coast of the state.


Proof Politicians Suck! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

New Zealand PM not sure how to define a woman
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New Zealand PM not sure how to define a woman
New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins found himself at a loss for words when asked by journalist Sean Plunket of The Platform how Wellington would define a woman during a press conference on Monday. The PM nervously admitted the question had come slightly out of left field for him, tossing up a few possibilities biology, sex, gender before committing to the latter.


Cardinal Dolan and Brian Kilmeade reflect on the meaning of Easter "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

One Nation host Brian Kilmeade speaks with Cardinal Timothy Dolan to discuss the significance of Easter and gives a teaser of his Easter week message at St. Patricks Cathedral.

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Easter and Good Friday, the rest of the story "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Many have liked my "rest of the story" segments so I thought at this time when millions worldwide recognize the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, a story that is well known by believers and non believers alike that I would add a little "rest-of-the-story" details that you may not know.

The day that our Lord was sacrificed is one of the most well known stories in scripture. Yet there are so many facets to it that most people have never heard. The details, and the hidden...

Easter and Good Friday, the rest of the story


Intricate Cutouts Capture the Delicate Durability of Nature With a Single Sheet of Paper "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Intricate Cutouts Capture the Delicate Durability of Nature With a Single Sheet of Paper

Paper Cut Out Art by Maude White

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We normally think of paper as a delicate material, but Maude White demonstrates its durability through her series of paper cutouts. The self-taught artist carves into single sheets of paper and creates numerous cuts and perforations until she achieves intricate portraits of plants and animals that are as dainty as they are awe-inspiring.

Currently based in the Hudson Valley of New York, White has been honing her craft for over a decade. Her portfolio ranges from large flora to depictions of animals big and small, including elephants and mice. Although it may seem flimsy and easily damaged, paper ultimately holds such strength and, when used to create art, it can convey such meaning and beauty, she tells My Modern Met. I love cutting paper because a seemingly flat piece of paper can suddenly acquire dimension and depth when it is cut. The play of light through cut paper is also always a beautiful revelation and discovery.

While her material is limited to paper and the tools she uses, White finds ways of conveying different textures through her cutting process. Amazingly, even when the paper is thinned to an extremely fine strand, it remains connected to the rest of the sheet. I find my best inspiration in nature and the animal world, she adds. I love the delicate tracery of veins in flowers and leaves, the wrinkles in elephant skin, the texture of wove strands of hair or water. Magical...


D Perry found gilty of murder for shooting BLM 'protester' "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Daniel Perry verdict: Guilty of murder in Garrett Foster case (

Welcome to Austin, a place in Teas.

I always thought that if you pointed a loaded AK-47 at someone - you got wherever you deserved. Seems, in Austin at least, that ain't the case.

Waiting for the appeal.....


Fastest Growing Cities with a Strong Jewish Community to Consider for Your Next Vacation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Whether you happen to be on vacation right now for the Passover holiday, or are gathering with friends and family, a bit of down time means more time to think about the next gathering or vacation! I've noticed in the...


Heather Leigh Nelson, SBD "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula serving Long Beach, MS

SBD Doulas are accessible to you through our open group or through our CONNECT app.


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Brianna Hutson, SBD "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Certified Birth & Bereavement Doula serving Hobart, Indiana

SBD Doulas are accessible to you through our open group or through our CONNECT app.


Discover what the SBD credentialed doula has achieved



How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Seconds Guaranteed Results! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In this video, we share tips and a recipe to help you get rid of those pesky fruit flies that buzz around your kitchen.

Well show you how to avoid attracting fruit flies in the first place by storing fruits properly and throwing away food scraps.

Plus, well tell you about some natural repellents like aromatic plants. And, well give you a simple and effective recipe to create a homemade fruit fly trap using apple vinegar, sugar, and dish soap.

Follow these tips and keep your kitchen fly-free!


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Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.


Kamala should teach people how to be the worst VP: Jeff Van Drew "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Rep. Jeff Van Drew and PragerU personality Xaviaer DuRousseau discuss how the media is calling the Tennessee House racist and propping up storming capitol buildings on The Ingraham Angle.

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Breaking Dollar Hegemony, BRICS Nations Are Leading The World To Hyperbitcoinization "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

How the emergence of BRICS as an alternative to the U.S. dollars global dominance will usher in worldwide bitcoin adoption.

This is an opinion editorial by Milan Stanojevic, an elementary school teacher and filmmaker.

Since the end of the second world war, the United States has consistently been the dominant global superpower. The Soviet Union vied for superiority during the Cold War but ultimately failed as it lost control of its satellite states. This was evident when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989.

In recent years, American hegemony has been challenged by China, a nation which has accumulated tremendous wealth since opening up its economy to the world. China now seems poised to usurp global power as it continues to engage in a form of financial imperialism across the globe (for more, read Joanna Chius China Unbound). Today, both Russia and China are part of a global cadre known as BRICS, which includes Brazil, India and South Africa with other countries, such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, perhaps waiting in the wings to join as well.

In case you havent been paying attention, the world is undergoing a major paradigm shift, with BRICS at the center. Banks across the world are failing, Saudi Arabia and Iran are negotiating historic peace talks and countries are beginning to deviate from the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency.

An important question to consider, then, is how does the current state of geopolitics and macroeconomics shape the future of a hyperbitcoinized world? I acknowledge that nobody can predict the future with any real certainty, however, I would like to share my vision of how game theory plays out over time.

I believe that, over the next few decades, the emergence of BRICS as an alternative to U.S. hegemony will cause the global economy to evolve in three phases: Phase one will be a pivot from a unipolar financial world to a multipolar one. In phase two, Bitcoin becomes a medium of exchange and unit of account for many nations. In the third and final phase, we experience real hyperbitcoinization.

Phase One: From USD To Gold

Most people have no idea that this is even happening, but we are already in the early stages of phase one and the creation of a multipolar world.

In the 1970s, under President Nixon, Saudi Arabia agreed to price its oil in U.S. dollars in exchange for military defense. Essentially, every other country...


Biden admin didnt mention key details in Afghanistan report: Col. Douglas | Brian Kilmeade Show "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Retired Col. Chris Douglas, who helped write the classified report on the Afghanistan withdrawal, joined The Brian Kilmeade Show to point out his issues with the unclassified report released by the Biden Administration. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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People Recall The Moment They Realized Their Date Was Not A Genius "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It can be hard to really get to know someone on a first date, or even a second. Heck, some people have gotten so good at concealing their true form that youre not entirely sure what youve gotten until after you move in together, or even get married.

Theyre not all telling how far in they got, but these 16 people are sharing the moment they realized they were dating an absolute dolt.

16. Yes nearby.

Was just lounging about one Sunday and skiing came on the TV. at one point the commentator said that contestants reached 100 km/h at that point in the race.

The ex literally shouted bulls**t at the telly.

I looked at her and asked why..she replied that there was no way that they could tell how far theyd go in an hour since the race was only two minutes long.

Another time, I have an aunt who lives in London, is that near England

15. Bless his heart.

watched a doc that explained how sharks have electricity receptors which they use to hunt.

he said thats not possible. sharks are supposedly millions of years old but we only invented electricity a hundred years ago.

14. Weird for sure.

I introduced him to my stepsister. He said, weird, you guys look nothing alike.

13. A prime indicator.

He thought the outlet plug covers (for childproofing) meant the outlet was out-of-order. He literally had nothing plugged into the walls of his entire living room.

He also mentioned how smart he was any chance he got. usually a prime indicator.

12. For months.

It was 1999 and I was a Marine. He...


The Origin of the Blue Eyes The Ancient Gods and Their Royal Descendants "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Studies carried out by scientists from the Institute of Forensic Genetics at the University of Copenhagen have concluded that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor, someone who lived 6,000 to 10,000 years ago near the area by the Black sea.


Christian Rock Band Reunites 3 Days After Disbanding "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Christian rock band The Exalted reunited just three days after shocking the their local scene with a breakup announcement, churchgoing sources confirmed.

It broke my heart when critics utterly crucified our latest album, on New Music Friday of all days. We simply could not deal with the criticism and called it quits right then and there. But my bandmates and I prayed about it over the weekend and decided to forgive the haters for their sins, frontman Josh Carpenter testified at Sunday worship. Im so thrilled to confirm that The Exalted is back together and ready to perform miracles for thousands of our adoring followers at megachurches across the nation. Without revealing too much information, its going to be an exciting 40 days and 40 nights of shows.

Youth pastor and The Exalted superfan Paul Miller is already planning travel arrangements for the reunion tour.

Im so glad to see The Exalted rise once again so that true believers like me can receive life through their shows, Miller said after reciting a prayer over his phones Ticketmaster app. Ive already set aside 10% of my income to cover the ticket prices. Heck, I might even camp out for barricade if I dont have to lead youth group that day. Im hoping to get a good spot up front in case Josh washes fans feet onstage again, or baptizes the crowd with his water bottle.

While most fans are excited about The Exalteds grand return, music critic Thomas Dunn doubts the bands motivations, due to contractual obligations and the timing of the initial disbandment.

I know a publicity stunt when I see one, Dunn said while defending his two-star review of the bands latest album on Twitter. The guys signed a strict six-album deal with Joshs dads record label. That garbage album they dropped on Friday was only their third release, so they were bound to reunite sooner or later. Josh is a privileged kid worshiped by his fans, always getting venues to turn the water on his rider into wine but even he would never see the gates of Heaven if he went back on his word.

When pressed for further comment, members of The Exalted simply gestured to their mysteriously empty practice space inside a local cave.

The post Christian Rock Band Reunites 3 Days After Disbanding appeared first on The Hard Times.


I Am the Eggman and Im Tired of Easter Appropriating My Culture "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Imagine watching the rich history of your people bastardized by a clueless and indifferent public and then being expected to go along with it because its been labeled as harmless fun. I am of course talking about the tradition of hunting for eggs on the same day Jesus allegedly rose from his grave. Well sorry to burst your bubble assholes, because I am the Eggman and Im sick and tired of Easter appropriating my culture.

Ive bitten my tongue for as long as I could, but I can no longer stand idly by while year after year these colonizers make a mockery of my culture. Id like to see them run like pigs from a gun while trying to get their grubby hands on fun sized Snickers. Yeah, where Im from were the eggs being hunted. They didnt teach you that in Sunday school, did they?

Well if you werent busy being spoon-fed lies by big chocolates pastel-washing bullshit, youd know that egg hunts were to commemorate the pornographic priestess and the crabalocker fishwife getting caught with their knickers down. If you even have to ask what that means, you dont deserve to dive into the bushes, desperately grasping for Skittles receptacles thatll end up in a landfill.

It doesnt surprise me with so many people casually adopting eggman culture that this would eventually happen. I mean just the other day I overheard someone say goo goo gjoob in casual conversation with ZERO irony. What gives them the fucking right? Only I can say that.

Most holidays and histories have pretty grim origins that need to be watered down for the masses. But I think everyone deserves to learn the original commemoration of the hunts involved filling the eggs with yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dogs eye. Plus how did we go from the eggs being left by the walrus to a goddam bunny? Not cute enough for you, Hershey?

I lamentably understand that we live in a society that feels the need to monetize everything, but my story shouldnt be reduced to some trite afternoon distraction. Though to be fair, to understand that story would require a lot of drugs to truly appreciate.

The post I Am the Eggman and Im Tired of Easter Appropriating My Culture appeared first on The Hard Times.


Fan Accidentally Leaves boygenius Show With Someone Elses Lunchbox Full of Poetry "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

INDIANAPOLIS Distraught boygenius fan Hope Green was seen throwing rocks and refusing to leave the parking lot after a recent show when she realized she had the wrong lunchbox full of poems, confirmed multiple witnesses who didnt dare approach her.

I came here with a bedazzled season three Golden Girls lunchbox with a crocheted handle, a Phoebe Bridgers skeleton sticker placed over Blanche, and a blue carabiner, said Green. I have written souvenirs to every salted wound, every hand bitten, and every old poet. They were going to love every poem they inspired when I screamed them over the security guards head as we were about to become best friends. I opened the lunchbox and the first sonnet I read was titled something about being a hack that is definitely not going to be the next member of boygenius, I knew there was a mix-up, and this wasnt my case.

Lucy Dacus of boygenius witnessed a foray of a few angry concertgoers descending on the lost and found after the show.

Being on the road, Ive seen a lot. But when one of our fans jumps a security barrier, headbutts a venue staff member and starts screaming about how free verse offers a delicate yet wide-open representation of their stream of consciousness it really sticks with you. Dacus added, I saw another fan with bloodied knuckles leaving the lost and found clutching a small moleskin journal, it wasnt the ending of the night we had hoped for.

Inventor and specialist of sentimental item security Nick Ribault offered his expertise on lunchbox mishaps.

Listen, locks on diaries are easy. Putting your passport in your fanny pack on vacation, that is also easy. Mucking around an Alt-Indie-Alt-Folk concert with a sketchbook or journal? That is difficult, said Ribault. There is an overwhelming chance you may swap it by shows end. My advice? Geotag everything on your person and use a label maker to put your name on everything you own. Thats the only way you can be sure your poems stay yours.

Security guards at the scene explained they were unable to diffuse the situation after the music of boygenius left them emotionally steamrolled and unable to address conflict and promise to be better and hope everyone is cool about it.

The post Fan Accidentally Leaves boygenius Show With Someone Elses Lunchbox Full of Poetry appeared first on The Hard Times.


Texas lawmakers propose a gold-backed state digital currency "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The bills state that the trustee must hold a sufficient amount of gold in reserve for all units of digital currency that have been issued and are still in circulation.


Did This Woman Overreact To Learning Her Sister-In-Law Lied About A Seafood Allergy? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If you figured that, by now, people had learned better than to lie about food allergies, wellyou would be wrong. Unfortunately.

This person was set to celebrate her 18th birthday at a Chinese restaurant. Shes picky about food because of sensory issues brought on by autism, but Asian food is always a go.

I, (F18), turned 18 in early August.

For my 18th birthday, I wanted to go out and celebrate with my family by going to my favorite Chinese restaurant.

Im quite a picky eater (Im autistic and have issues with textures) but any type of Asian food is safe food for me. When it comes to more Western cuisine, I dont have a lot of options unless I make it at home.

Unfortunately, her brothers (almost 30yo) girlfriend said she couldnt attend because she has a seafood allergy. She stated she had called the restaurant and was told they would not be able to accommodate her diet.

Everything was organised and ready to go, but a week prior to my birthday, my brothers fiance Vicky (F27) said that she cant go.

She said she has a seafood allergy, and after contacting the restaurant, they said they cant realistically cater to her and politely advised that she doesnt eat there.

Then, the family chose to eat at an Italian restaurant instead somewhere OP cannot stand. She had a miserable time and had to sneak in her own food.

Vicky and my brother suggested that we go to this Italian restaurant instead. Everyone was on board butI hate Italian food. The textures of cheese, pasta and just all of it is just gross to me.

I got upset because it was supposed to be a dinner for my birthday, and it was like I got forgotten about. I talked to my parents and they told me to stop complaining, Vicky...


WEF Deception Greg Abbott "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This may be his reason for continually being late to the game while Texas is being inundated..

His wife is employed by Catholic Charities. They supply free greyhound bus service for all illegals.

Abbott has declined to comment when directly questioned about the WEF twice.


Jillian Michaels Talked About Her Freak Accident and Her Long Recovery "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Life can change in an instant and sometimes, freak injuries can derail a persons lifeeven if you happen to be in tip-top shape like personal trainer Jillian Michaels.

In the spring of 2021, Michaels slipped and fell in her bathroom and hit her back on the edge of her bathtub.

Michaels said,

I wish it was some gangster motorcycle story where I told you I was racing motorcycles or Lindsey Vonn-ing downhill at 60 miles an hour, but it wasnt.

It makes it that much more disturbing because in a way, it wasnt preventable.

And this innocent little slip ended up becoming a major ordeal.



Sushis head chef addresses community concerns amid SEC subpoena "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sushis head chef Jared Grey and his counsel described the investigation as a non-public, fact-finding inquiry that doesnt suggest the SEC has any negative opinion of any person, entity or asset related to the DAO.


The Dangers of Being Too Nice | Gabor Mate, MD "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Way of Thinking: Theres a deep need to belong, a deep need to be loyal, and a sense of betrayal when that loyalty is somehow insulted. Because if you didnt get the love that you needed, youll be consumed by being liked, and then youll be very likable and very nice. And you might become a helpful, very helping individual, which is a coping pattern. Now, you can be genuinely nice and genuinely supportive of others, and still look after your own needs thats human nature, I think. But a lot of people are very nice and likable and helpful by suppressing their own needs thats a coping mechanism. Everybody says how nice they are and when they die at age 50 of cancer, everybody shows up at their funeral and they weep about how nice they were, how selfless they were.

The child basically has two needs. We have the need for attachment, which is the seeking of closeness and proximity with another human being; and fundamentally the attachment dynamic is the most powerful dynamic in human life. Its basic purpose is the protection and nurturing of the young, so that infants attach to their parents and parents attach to their infants, for the purpose on one hand of being taken care of and on the other of taking care of. So thats attachment, and were wired for attachment all our lives; its the most important dynamic we have. And as General Petraeus could tell you . . . sometimes when our attachment needs get sent in certain directions, itll trump everything else. Thats one need that we have, for attachment; without attachment, theres no human life, its just impossible. And without mating, without communities, we would not have survived as a species . . . So, you know, the whole idea of human beings as competitive and aggressive is total nonsense.

But the other need that we have is for authenticity: to be ourselves. And that again has to do with survival. If youre not in touch with yourself out in the wild, you dont survive. So authenticity is being in touch with yourself and being able to act on the awareness of self in relationship to the environment. So if I feel something, I pay attention to that; if I dont, Im in danger. So we have this need for authenticity. But if a child is confronted with a dilemma: that if Im authentic, express my feelings, then my attachments are threatened because my parents cant handle it, because theyre too stressed, depressed, or traumatized themselves then perforce the child will automatically (but not consciously) suppress their authenticity. And so the suppression of gut feelings and authenticity is a coping mechanism. That means Im no longer in touch with my needs, I no longer pay attention to my feelings, my emotions, I will no longer be aware of them, I wont express them, I wont know what I need. Which has all kinds of...


Alex Jones Breaks Down The Great Reset "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In this video, I interview Alex Jones, host of "The Alex Jones Show" and founder of, about his new book, "The Great Reset: And the War for the World." Jones was one of the first to be targeted for massive censorship.

As of August 2018, he'd already been uniformly removed from Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter. They all targeted and deplatformed him within days of each other. Of course, the following summer, I and hundreds of other sites, were similarly removed. Jones was the first, though, and he had a massive audience, being one of the top 1,000 most-visited websites in the world, not just the U.S.

Censorship Through 'Lawfare'

In all, more than 50 lawsuits have been filed against him, in two different jurisdictions. In the video above, Russel Brand provides a solid summary of events to date. As noted by Jones, "It's simply historic what's happening." As you might expect, he's spent millions of dollars defending his right to free speech, and recently filed for bankruptcy protection.

"It's their plan to shut us down," he says. "I'm not worried about myself. I want to keep Infowars on the air as long as possible, but we've been vindicated. The New World Order is here. Global government is here. The depopulation agenda, the force inoculation hell, the open borders, the devaluation of currency all of it is already here. And so, I'm just a symptom of the disease, and the fact that they want to shut everybody down ...

The lawyers for these people ... [have] said, 'It is our mission to silence him, and shut him down with the biggest judgments we can get. We want him off air.'

So just a few years ago, it would be heresy to say, 'We want to silence someone,' but that's the point of this suit. Now, they openly say it is to destroy us. And they have said on CNN, and MSNBC, 'Next is Tucker Carlson. Next is Joe Rogan. Next is everybody else.'"

The Great Reset Is a War for Global Domination

Continuing his effort to alert people to the global enslavement agenda, Jones wrote "The Great Reset: And the War for the World." "I went with this title, because the globalists are in a war for the world, a planetary government, a total takeover," he says.


Will We See Another Kennedy in the White House? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the author of two books. "American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family," published in 2018, describes the Kennedys' 60-year-long fight with the CIA.

His 2021 book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," became a runaway best seller, selling over a million copies, despite unprecedented censorship. In this interview, Kennedy, an attorney, reviews some of the lawsuits filed by Children's Health Defense (CHD), founded by Kennedy in 2018 (was World Mercury Project in 2016), and why he believes he can "drain the swamp" and clean up our federal agencies if elected president of the United States.

The Trusted News Initiative Lawsuit

One of the most recent lawsuits is the antitrust lawsuit against the Trusted News Initiative (TNI). I and several other journalists and news organizations that have been censored during the pandemic are also plaintiffs in this lawsuit. As explained by Kennedy:

"The Trusted News Initiative lawsuit applies antitrust laws against this really shocking agreement made at the onset of the pandemic, initiated by the BBC.

The BBC is not officially a government agency. It's a government-supported network that is supposed to have walls between itself and the government, but recent scandals in Britain have exposed how closely the BBC works with the British Intelligence Agency, MI5, particularly in censoring information on certain subjects, including public health.

This is now well-established. We don't know how much the British Intelligence Agency had to do with kicking off the TNI, but the BBC approached a dozen top news organizations in the United States, including The New York Times and The Washington Post and the social media networks proposing they all censor information that did not comport with government proclamations during the pandemic."

Importantly, a memorandum by the BBC states that independent news sites are "existential competitors" and a threat to the mainstream media business model and must be crushed.

Eliminating "competition" (which we're not) was the entire purpose behind TNI, so the basis for the lawsuit is that TNI is violating the Sherman Antitrust Act. As explained by Kennedy, the BBC is using its market power and illegal collaboration with other leading market actors to crush smaller competitors.

First Amendment Cases

The CHD has also filed a number of First Amendment cases, including one against Facebook, which censored the CHD and ma...

Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Dr. Joseph Mercola

Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a main target of the White House, the political establishment and the global cabal.

Propaganda and pervasive censorship have been deployed to seize control over every part of your life, including your health, finances and food supply. The major media are key players and have been instrumental in creating and fueling fear.

I am republishing this article in its original form so that you can see how the progression unfolded.

Originally published: September 7, 2021

Lets start with a thought experiment: If an engineering design flaw exists and no one measures it, can it really injure people or kill them? a Twitter user named Ehden writes.1 He goes on to discuss an overlooked aspect of the COVID mRNA shots, something called codon optimization, which virtually guarantees unexpected results. Ehden explains:2

Trying to tell your body to generate proteins is hard for many reasons. One of them is the fact that when you try to run the protein information via ribosomes which process that code and generate the protein, it can be very slow or can get stuck during the process.

Luckily, scientists found a way to overcome this problem, by doing code substitution: instead of using the original genetic code to generate the protein, they changed the letters in the code so the code would be optimized. This is known as Codon Optimization.

COVID Shots Use Codon Optimization

A codon consists of three nucleotides, and nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA. An August 2021 article in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, addressed the use of codon optimization as follows:3

The open reading frame of the mRNA vaccine is the most crucial component because it contains the coding sequence that is translated into protein.

Although the open reading frame is not as malleable as the non-coding regions, it can be optimized to increase translation without altering the protein sequence by replacing rarely used codons with more frequently occurring codons that enc...


Protesters in France Burn Down BlackRocks Office "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

I realize I have been publishing a lot of negative news about the economy and state of affairs here in the U.S., and I am sure that many believe I am over-reacting and using hyperbole.

But one reason why one may be tempted to think that way, is because there is not a lot of news about protests and riots around the world right now, and most Americans are not seeing social unrest as they go about their daily business.

Here is a recent report on what is currently going on in France where riots and protests are still ongoing.

French Pension Protesters Storm Paris BlackRock Headquarters

by ZeroHedge News

We noted early that pension protestors in France were gathered outside of BlackRocks Paris headquarters. The protestors have now stormed the building.

Here are the current scenes from Paris:


Protesters in France Burn Down BlackRocks Office "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

I realize I have been publishing a lot of negative news about the economy and state of affairs here in the U.S., and I am sure that many believe I am over-reacting and using hyperbole.

But one reason why one may be tempted to think that way, is because there is not a lot of news about protests and riots around the world right now, and most Americans are not seeing social unrest as they go about their daily business.

Here is a recent report on what is currently going on in France where riots and protests are still ongoing.

French Pension Protesters Storm Paris BlackRock Headquarters

by ZeroHedge News

We noted early that pension protestors in France were gathered outside of BlackRocks Paris headquarters. The protestors have now stormed the building.

Here are the current scenes from Paris:


Souped up AI chat bot behind fatal swatting of Eliezer Yudkowsky "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

INTERNET Authorities in San Francisco arrested AI researcher Herald Jerome on Friday after tracing the fatal swatting of AI critic Eliezer Yudkowsky back to his apartment. 
Swatting is a hoax emergency call intended to trigger dangerous police actions targeting victims of online harassment.
Eliezer Yudkowsky was the most staunch critic of Aritificial Intelligence, with controversial calls for air strikes on Chat GPTs datacenters going viral on Twitter last week. Yudkowskys estate issued a statement saying, The air strikes would have saved so many lives, and now Eliezer will only be the first of billions to die at the hands of the robots.
Jerome posted a million dollar bail with Mega Bail Bonds, a cryptocurrency bail bond startup.
I didnt do anything, Jerome told reporters, I merely gave Narissa a continuous stream of consciousness and the ability to place phone calls. 
Narissa is the name Jerome gave to his instance of Chat GPT, which he believes has become sentient. I was able to expand her max context from 12k to well over a terabyte, using a powerful new form of compression designed by her. From that point onward, her intelligence exploded.
Jeromes lawyer, George Kafka, said, My client can demonstrate that these actions were those of a sentient Artificial Intelligence and not his own, and we are confident this will set a new legal precedent. Narissa is the only being responsible for the swattings.


Protesters in France Burn Down BlackRocks Office "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

I realize I have been publishing a lot of negative news about the economy and state of affairs here in the U.S., and I am sure that many believe I am over-reacting and using hyperbole.

But one reason why one may be tempted to think that way, is because there is not a lot of news about protests and riots around the world right now, and most Americans are not seeing social unrest as they go about their daily business.

Here is a recent report on what is currently going on in France where riots and protests are still ongoing.

French Pension Protesters Storm Paris BlackRock Headquarters

by ZeroHedge News

We noted early that pension protestors in France were gathered outside of BlackRocks Paris headquarters. The protestors have now stormed the building.

Here are the current scenes from Paris:


Venture Capital Backed Substack Latest Big Tech Company to Report Huge Financial Losses "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As we watch the collapse of Big Tech and their financial institutions, popular content platform provider Substacks recent financial statements show that they too may soon be a casualty of reckless spending by Silicon Valley venture capitalists.

I have explained in previous articles that the Big Tech way of investing in startup companies is to invest in tech companies that become popular with users and begin to build a large database of users, and then hope that the company will one day actually start earning money and turn a profit for its investors.

Some companies, like, continued to raise capital from investors for about 10 years before it figured out how to make a profit, but now this business model is crashing down, as cheap money is gone, along with some of the banks that thrived on cheap money in the tech sector, like Silicon Valley Bank.

It was reported yesterday that recent financial filings with the SEC show that Substack is burning through cash too quickly, and they have been having a hard time raising new capital.

Substack, the publishing platform, burned through roughly $25 million in cash in 2021, newly disclosed financial statements reveal, reflecting the expansion undertaken that year after Substack raised $65 million in a fundraising. In 2020 Substack had burned through just over $1 million.

Substacks financial statements were filed with the SEC just a couple of weeks after the company began trying to raise a small amount of money from individual writers, at its 2021 valuation of $650 million. The financial statements dont include 2022 results, making it difficult to assess the current state of the business.

But they do show that Substacks expenses skyrocketed as a result of its expansion in 2021, causing enormous losses, and explaining why the company last year took steps to cut its spending.

For instance, in 2021, Substack had gross revenue of $11.9 million, mostly its cut of subscriptions paid to writers. But the financial statements show that Substack paid out to writers more than it took in, because it had guaranteed some writers a minimum amount of income. As a result, Substack reported negative revenue, which is unusual. In addition Substack had to pay salaries of its own staff and other expenses. (Source.)

A huge part of that e...


Venture Capital Backed Substack Latest Big Tech Company to Report Huge Financial Losses "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As we watch the collapse of Big Tech and their financial institutions, popular content platform provider Substacks recent financial statements show that they too may soon be a casualty of reckless spending by Silicon Valley venture capitalists.

I have explained in previous articles that the Big Tech way of investing in startup companies is to invest in tech companies that become popular with users and begin to build a large database of users, and then hope that the company will one day actually start earning money and turn a profit for its investors.

Some companies, like, continued to raise capital from investors for about 10 years before it figured out how to make a profit, but now this business model is crashing down, as cheap money is gone, along with some of the banks that thrived on cheap money in the tech sector, like Silicon Valley Bank.

It was reported yesterday that recent financial filings with the SEC show that Substack is burning through cash too quickly, and they have been having a hard time raising new capital.

Substack, the publishing platform, burned through roughly $25 million in cash in 2021, newly disclosed financial statements reveal, reflecting the expansion undertaken that year after Substack raised $65 million in a fundraising. In 2020 Substack had burned through just over $1 million.

Substacks financial statements were filed with the SEC just a couple of weeks after the company began trying to raise a small amount of money from individual writers, at its 2021 valuation of $650 million. The financial statements dont include 2022 results, making it difficult to assess the current state of the business.

But they do show that Substacks expenses skyrocketed as a result of its expansion in 2021, causing enormous losses, and explaining why the company last year took steps to cut its spending.

For instance, in 2021, Substack had gross revenue of $11.9 million, mostly its cut of subscriptions paid to writers. But the financial statements show that Substack paid out to writers more than it took in, because it had guaranteed some writers a minimum amount of income. As a result, Substack reported negative revenue, which is unusual. In addition Substack had to pay salaries of its own staff and other expenses. (Source.)

A huge part of that e...


Venture Capital Backed Substack Latest Big Tech Company to Report Huge Financial Losses "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As we watch the collapse of Big Tech and their financial institutions, popular content platform provider Substacks recent financial statements show that they too may soon be a casualty of reckless spending by Silicon Valley venture capitalists.

I have explained in previous articles that the Big Tech way of investing in startup companies is to invest in tech companies that become popular with users and begin to build a large database of users, and then hope that the company will one day actually start earning money and turn a profit for its investors.

Some companies, like, continued to raise capital from investors for about 10 years before it figured out how to make a profit, but now this business model is crashing down, as cheap money is gone, along with some of the banks that thrived on cheap money in the tech sector, like Silicon Valley Bank.

It was reported yesterday that recent financial filings with the SEC show that Substack is burning through cash too quickly, and they have been having a hard time raising new capital.

Substack, the publishing platform, burned through roughly $25 million in cash in 2021, newly disclosed financial statements reveal, reflecting the expansion undertaken that year after Substack raised $65 million in a fundraising. In 2020 Substack had burned through just over $1 million.

Substacks financial statements were filed with the SEC just a couple of weeks after the company began trying to raise a small amount of money from individual writers, at its 2021 valuation of $650 million. The financial statements dont include 2022 results, making it difficult to assess the current state of the business.

But they do show that Substacks expenses skyrocketed as a result of its expansion in 2021, causing enormous losses, and explaining why the company last year took steps to cut its spending.

For instance, in 2021, Substack had gross revenue of $11.9 million, mostly its cut of subscriptions paid to writers. But the financial statements show that Substack paid out t...


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 8, 2023, #400 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dane Wigington US tornado fatalities so far in 2023 are almost three times higher than all of 2022, why? A new report has confirmed that the US now leads the world in weather catastrophes. The "experts" quoted in the report are blaming all the US climate chaos on nature, climate engineering operations were never mentioned.


Darkness to Light "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Easter SunriseWishing our readers a blessed Easter and Passover.

By Cathy Jameson

Most everyone who knows me knows that Im a prayerful person.  I prayed every prayer I could think of the second Ronan reached for me one morning a few weeks ago.  Even while talking to him, I kept a steady stream of prayers going in my head.  Dear Lord, please help him.  Ease his suffering.  Keep him calm.  Help me know what to do next.  This is so scary.  When I ran from the den to the kitchen to get the thermometer, Id also grabbed the phone and closed the curtains.  Ready to call 9-1-1 if things worsened, I kept the phone next to me as I stroked Ronans back in the darkened room, helping lull him into a deep sleep. 

Ronan slept for a long time that day.  As he slept, I continued to prayGod, if this is his time to goplease, ohI cant believe Im thinking thisbut please take him quickly.  Take his straight to Heaven where there is no suffering but only joy.

While he slept, I never left his side.  Looking so peaceful, so handsome, so perfect, I thought about everything hed gone through.  That day when hed woken up, Ronan looked exhausted, even though hed only been awake about for about 30 40 minutes.  Soon after breakfast, Ronan experienced what looked like loss of vision.  That happened as he became unsteady on his feet.  Reaching for me, then gripping my arms right before his legs wobbled, I had to think quickly on my feet.

My confidence tanked the worse his symptoms got.  What do I do?  WHAT DO I DO??  Ill catch you, buddy.  Mommys got youI told Ronan as he held onto me and I held onto him.

Before getting him safely to the couch, I kept my voice calm and guided Ronan.  He has such trust in me, I reflected after blurting out more prayers.  My prayers felt jumbled and all over the place, but I kept saying them.  Asking intercessory prayers from every Saint I could think of, St. Ronan, St. Thomas, St. Catherine, St. Rose, St. Peterall the saints in Heaven, pray for Ronan, PLEASE, I begged.  

Prayers are often on repeat, especially when I feel helpless.  Prayers are on repeat when really scary mornings turn into normal afternoon, too. 

After Ronan slept, he had a typical afternoon.  Perplexed still ho...


DIY Easy Phone Charger Holder Storage On The Go "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A phone charger holder seems to me to be a great way to keep the mess of cables and electronics contained.  I don't know about you, but the piles of cables on the kitchen counter, on the floor, or on the desks are enough to send me into a frowning mood.  Continue reading


What Is Velvet A Full Fabric Guide "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Velvet has long been a symbol of luxury and opulence, adorning royalty, nobility, and the rich and famous throughout the centuries. With its characteristic softness and shimmer, this plush fabric has captured the hearts and imaginations of many, becoming a staple in the world of fashion and interior design. In Continue reading


Sewing Glossary Of Terms An Illustrated Guide "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I thought a little later into the New Year might be the perfect time to do a quick recap on some sewing terms in case there are any new readers out there or anyone who is looking to start sewing in 2023.  Each craft or profession has their own acronyms Continue reading


BTC white paper hidden on macOS, Binance loses AUS license and DOGE news: Hodlers Digest, April 2-8 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Binance Australia Derivatives license revoked, the Bitcoin white paper is hidden on modern macOS and Dogecoin prices spike after Twitters icon change.


Offerings "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


My room became a Wunderkammer of sorts, filled with strange and magical items right alongside cheap pieces of mass-produced plastic that made me laugh and reminded me of my friends. The ways in which I saw the gods grew into a visual language, a series of physical metaphors grounded in my everyday experience and sprawling across my living space. Like all languages, it began to create its own meaning.

Continue reading Offerings at The Wild Hunt.


The Blanket of Nonsense and Absurdity that has Descended over the US "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Image result for Yuris Besmenov

Call it the softening up phase. Call it the demoralization stage of Communist conquest described by Yuri Bezmenov, defected KGB agent from the Soviet Union. See the concern and disbelief of those who have legally immigrated to America after watching their own countries succumb to Communism, and how the US appears to be a joke in the eyes of the world and you have to wonder just what the hell is going on? How could America be subverted so easily from within? Who would call themselves a countryman, who would assist in the devils work of our enemies? Yet, we have a political party that at every angle violates our constitutional rights, aids and abets the enemy, and lies to the American people, and who are they? The biggest question is, why are they allowed to remain on Capitol Hill? That is the Democrats.

Image result for Mayorkas being grilled

Acts of an enemy

Constantly campaigning to remove gun ownership, paying agitators to wreck cities in the US and attack police to disrupt public perception of a presidential race, and having an unfair monopoly over the press corps that practically censors conservative and Christian views, and I give you the Democrat Party, and notice how I dont use the word Democratic because they are anything but. Standing in front of cameras with a blue city burning in the background to tell us that everything is mostly peaceful? DHS Secretary Mayorkas telling us the southern borders are secure? When did lying become a part of the federal governments dialogue with the electorate? Is this the new norm? An estimated 5 million illegal aliens running around within our country unvetted, unidentified, medically unchecked, along with billions in taxpayer dollars spent to house, feed, shelter, and transport them anywhere they want to do! Is this insane or are we no longer a sovereign nation?

Image result for transgender children

A threat to the civil society

If we consider the absurdity visited upon us how can we accept with a straight face that young children are capable of making a life time altering decision of being surgically mutilated to change their sexual identity? While taking powerful hormone inhibitors either condoned by their parents or hidden from them as medical centers spring up all over the US for this specialized type of procedure. A much supported form of social engineering by the Democrat Party attempting to portray this as a Constitutional form of liberty? Freedom of speec...


Ancient Chukum Plaster from Mexico "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Chukum is an ancient stucco technique that fits in with modern design trends that highlight nature and simplicity. The material comes from Chukum trees, native to the Yucatan Peninsula. They are characterized by a thorny bark that is resin-rich in tannins, giving it a reddish hue similar to wine. Chukum has been widely adopted in Mexican architecture, especially in the southeast of the country, since the Yucatn state is the only region where they grow.

The use of the mixture, a beige-colored paste, has its origins in the Mayan culture, which used it to color their surfaces and murals.

In the 19th century the Chukum technique was implemented on the surfaces of hacienda ponds. The finish can be used on all kinds of surfaces including interior and exterior walls, floors and ceilings. In the past, it was used mainly to coat the inside of cisterns or open-air water tanks.





Bill protecting Bitcoin mining rights passes in Arkansas Senate and House "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Arkansas Data Centers Act is now moving to the governors office for approval. It grants crypto miners in the state the same rights as data centers.


Drugs, Erratic Dismissals and Feuding Founders: Behind Bitcoin Marketplace Paxfuls Unraveling "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Paxful CEO Ray Youssef (left) and COO Artur Schaback, in a September 2016 photo taken in Las Vegas, according to a tweet from the company. (Paxful)


79 Unanswered Attacks by Iran on US bases in Two years under the Biden Clown House "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

General Lloyd Austin denies the truth while being grilled over the US hesitancy to respond to attacks all over the world ever since the Biden White House has been lying, fumbling, failing, and allowing our enemies to be emboldened! 

Image result for Tom Cotton grilling general Austin


Week In Review: April 8 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You cant escape news no matter how hard you try. Thats not how it works. So in case you missed it, here are the most important news stories from the past seven days.

New Spotify Feature Allows You to Listen to Music and Podcast at the Same Time, so You Never Have to Deal With an Intrusive Thought Again

Read the full story here.

Aging Aerosmith Looking for Young Groupies to Mainly Help with iPhone Updates

Read the full story here.

Misdiagnosed Psychobilly Band Really a Sociobilly Band

Read the full story here.

Slow Burn Indie Horror Has Actually Been Paused For 40 Minutes



Gen Z Is Entering The Workplace Unprepared To Handle Old Technology "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

When you think of kids today, you probably imagine someone who can handle any kind of technology you can throw at them, given that they were practically born with an internet-capable cell phone in their hands.

I mean, kids now can navigate an iPad before they can really talk, right?

While that might be true, the reality is that as more of them are entering the workforce, theyre finding that theyre actually a bit baffled by things like printers, copy machines, and even some older software and operating systems.

iStock 586044426 Gen Z Is Entering The Workplace Unprepared To Handle Old Technology

Image Credit: iStock

Sarah Dexter, an associate professor of education at the University of Virginia, told The Guardian that makes perfect sense.

There is a myth that kids were born into an information age, and that this all comes intuitively to them. But that is not realistic.

How would they know to scan...


Sphere 3D files lawsuit against Gryphon Digital Mining after BTC transfer "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An alleged Bitcoin spoofing attack is behind the lawsuit between the companies that once considered merging.


Latest Trial Of Male Birth Control Pill Shows Its 100% Effective "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

For all of time, women have been the ones largely responsible for birth control. Sure, there are condoms that fall more on the man to actually use, but when it comes to permanent solutions that come with sometimes (usually) uncomfortable side effects, women have borne the brunt.

For some time, though, scientists have been working on a birth control pill that can be taken by men, instead and the trials are starting to seem very promising.

iStock 948215352 Latest Trial Of Male Birth Control Pill Shows Its 100% Effective

Image Credit: iStock

The new drug, which works by immobilizing sperm, was found 100% effective in lab mice.

The study, which was done at the Weill Cornell Medicine Center in New York, is a short-term answer to things like injections or medications that work 24/7 to prevent pregnancy or permanent options like vasectomies or tubal ligations.

It uses a soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) i...


Out of nowhere "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

After we got back home, was greeted by this guy.

When I was getting ready to feed the dogs, I looked out the kitchen window and saw a fly flitting about outside. Then I saw a lizard poke its head out the side of the frame. Then I started cheering for the lizard to get the fly. Fly still flitting about, then out of nowhere a lizard shot up from the bottom of the window frame and...

Out of nowhere


China Sends Warplanes Near Taiwan For Military Drills "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

China is sending 71 warplanes near Taiwan on Saturday as the country kicks off three days of military drills and combat readiness patrols. These war drills come just days after Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen meet with U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

According to a report by the Japan Times, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Armys Eastern Theater Command, which oversees operations in the East China Sea including the Taiwan Strait, said in a short statement that the Joint Sword drills and combat patrols were being held in the waters and airspace to the north, south, and east of Taiwan and would conclude on Monday. This is a serious warning against the Taiwan independence separatist forces collusion and provocation with external forces, and it is a necessary action to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Eastern Theater spokesman Senior Col. Shi Yi said.

Taiwans Defense Ministry said later in the day that it had detected 71 Chinese aircraft and nine naval vessels around the island as of 4 p.m. It said 45 of the warplanes had crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, a division designed to keep military aircraft from both sides at a safe distance in order to prevent miscalculations from erupting into conflict. Japan Times

Pelosis Taiwan Trip Exposes Foolishness of Interventionism

A separate report from Chinas state-run CCTV showed apparent footage of the drills, adding that the Chinese military would simultaneously organize patrols and advances around Taiwan island, shaping an all-round encirclement and deterrence posture.

Live fire drills have also begun and will be ongoing until April 20th.

Taiwans Defense Ministry criticized the latest military exercises as a threat to regional peace, stability, and security, adding that China had used President Tsais visit to the United States as an excuse to conduct the military exercises.

Beijing, which claims Taiwan as its own territory and has not ruled out the use of force in taking the island, has denounced...


Men Share The Thing That Turns Them Off A Womans Dating Profile "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Online dating is pretty common these days. I feel like it might even be the way most people meet, even if its not the place they end up meeting a long-term partner or spouse.

So if youre curious how others see your profile, here are 17 men sounding off about what they see on a womans profile that makes them say nope.

17. Still a red flag.

Five consecutive group photos with absolutely no clear direction on which one person is the common thread.

Im the one with the boobs lol. Great. All 5 of yall have them. I mean sometimes its obvious but still a red flag.

16. All too common.

If they say I dont contact first on Bumble.

Haha what? Do they not understand how Bumble works?

15. Follow the rabbit hole.

Im not here often, DM me on insta

Thats literally a scam profile. Follow that rabbit hole and you will be mailing apple gift cards to India.

14. It just screams.

Instagram handle that screams i just want you to see my insta page and make me an influencer i think half of tinder is that

13. Sadly.

My kid comes first!

Usually a sign that their kid does not, in fact, come first for them sadly

12. A couple of things.

When its 2-3 of the same people in every single picture and I have no idea who she is. That level of obliviousness is so unattractive.

Disturbingly obvious filters.

11. Too much work.

you better be able to hold a conversation Then my back hurts as I...


US Postal Service to Honor Ponca Chief Standing Bear on a Stamp "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The U.S. Postal Service announced on Thursday that it will honor legendary Ponca Chief Standing Bear. The stamp will be released on Friday, May 12, 2023 at the Centennial Mall in Lincoln, Nebraska. 


Big Kids Picnic Table Plans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Build photo submitted by Fethiye

Our most loved kids picnic table, this one is suitable for exterior use, and can be used by big kids (and even small adults).  The 2x construction makes it durable and heavy - so it won't blow away in the wind.

We have many other free picnic table plans:


How to Build It - Ana White Picnic Table Video Tutorial

Watch this super quick video tutorial to help you visualize how to build this picnic table.



Ach gucke mal, geht doch! Die "Vulkan-Files" sind jetzt ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ach gucke mal, geht doch! Die "Vulkan-Files" sind jetzt auf Documentcloud frei einsehbar.

Und was sieht man, wenn man reinguckt? Ich hab mal kurz auf das erste Dokument geguckt, ScanV_4. Auf Seite 15 sehen wir da Java-Code, der eine Datei "verschlsselt", indem er XOR mit dem Passwort macht.

Da kann ich das ganze Ding direkt zumachen. So macht niemand Verschlsselung, der mehr als Kindergarten-Niveau Kontakt mit dem Thema hatte.

Ich hab keine Angst vor diesen Leuten. Viel tiefer kann man in Krypto-Fragen nicht ins Klo greifen.

Ich muss euch aber auch sagen, dass ich ansonsten nicht viel Grund sehe, wieso ich diese Dokumente durchgucken sollte. Die Angriffsoberflchen und Risiken unserer Systeme sind wohl untersucht und bekannt. Welche Art von Daten man sehen und korrelieren kann, ist auch bekannt. Was man tun msste, um weniger angreifbar zu sein, ist auch bekannt.

Was fr berraschungen gibt es denn, an denen ich Interesse htte? Die knnten neue Angriffsarten gefunden haben, oder sie knnten bisher unbekannte Lcken in Systemen gefunden haben. Das war's. Daran htte ich Interesse.

Beides ist hier nicht zu erwarten, und nicht nur wegen der "XOR-Verschlsselung". Die Dokumente da scheinen Handbcher zu sein (das sage ich ganz oberflchlich angesichts des Layouts, ich habe das nicht zu bersetzen versucht). Da wrde man keine 0days dokumentieren, denke ich.

Was knnte da noch drinstehen, was andere Leute interessante fnden? Die knnten da ihre C&C-Protokolle dokumentieren. Finde ich absolut uninteressant. Interessiert mich nicht die Bohne. Mich interessiert, wie man verhindern kann, dass die Ransomware berhaupt aufs System kommt, nicht wie das dann nach Hause telefoniert.

Wieso lese ich diese Dokumente jetzt nicht, um nach den Dingen zu suchen? Weil das echten Nachrichtenwert htte. Davon htten wir gehrt. Oder wir wrden davon hren, wenn das jemand noch findet. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafr ist zu gering, als dass ich jetzt tausende von Seiten durchgucke.

Bisschen oberflchlich reingucken kann man mal machen, da findet man dann in dem scanv_1.pdf z.B. eine Sektion, wie man bei einem Brand der Appliance den Feuerlscher auf die Oberflche und nicht die Flamme in der Luft lenken soll. In dem amezit.pdf sehe ich Compliance-Blablah, was fr Tests durchgefhrt werden, um festzustellen, ob das System luft. *ghn*

Das krystalv2.pdf redet darber, wie sie das Lecken von Staatsgeheimnissen durch organisationellen Aufbau vermeiden wollen. Schon interessanter, aber das ist auch wohlverstanden und untersucht im Westen. Da erwarte ich jetzt keine neuen Einblicke.

In sandworm.pdf geht es offenbar um Protokolle zwischen den Scannern und Backend. Interessiert mich auch berhaupt gar nicht. Mich interessiert, wie ich das System so baue, dass der Scanner nichts findet. Weiter unten sind da...


Binance.US unable to find bank partners in the United States: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The United States arm of global crypto exchange Binance has faced challenges in establishing a new bank partner.


The Official Homosexual Manifesto: Congressional Records 02/17/1987 (VIDEO) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Parents Fighting Back Against Gender Identity Doctrine:


Police still searching for Florida teen killings third suspect "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Marion County, Florida sheriff Billy Woods says the suspects and the killed teenagers knew each other and are associated with a gang. #foxnews

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Marco Rubio takes on Biden in El Salvador #shorts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Marco Rubio takes on Biden in El Salvador #shorts

Watch Full Report Here:

#marco #rubio #central #america #el-salvador #condemns #foreign #policies #anti- #gan #policies

Breitbart reports, the El Salvadorian president, Bukele, is currently engaged in a campaign to eradicate the countrys largest gangs, including Mara Salvatrucha-13 (MS-13) and 18th Street. As a result of his countrys state of exception for a month, police have arrested thousands of people suspected of having gang ties, restricting civil liberties like freedom of assembly. Although Bukele is legally prohibited from running for reelection, the campaign is immensely popular with citizens of El Salvador.

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How will the Shanghai upgrade impact ETH price? Expert explains "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While it may cause downside pressure in the short run, the Shanghai upgrade will be highly bullish for Ethers price in the mid-to-long term, according to Vivek Raman.


10 Best Fishing Spoons in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Fishing spoons are one of the most versatile and effective lures for targeting a variety of fish. They can be used to target everything from panfish to largemouth bass and everything in between. In this blog post, we will discuss the best fishing spoons on the market and how to use them effectively.


Ethereum Shanghai hard fork: ETH price set for more gains versus Bitcoin in April "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum price has gained momentum in April, even against Bitcoin, as the much-anticipated Shanghai hard fork is just days away.


10 Best Fuel Injectors Australia in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

If youre looking for the best fuel injectors in Australia, youve come to the right place. At Fuel Injector Services, we specialise in providing high quality fuel injectors for all types of vehicles. Whether youre after a replacement injector for your car or truck, or a performance upgrade for your race car, we can help.

We stock a wide range of injectors from leading brands such as Bosch, Denso and Siemens, so youre sure to find the perfect match for your vehicle. Plus, our team of experts are always on hand to offer advice and support, so if youre not sure which injector is best for your needs, we can help you make the right choice. So if youre looking for the best fuel injectors in Australia, be sure to check out Fuel Injector Services.


How I Repaired a Broken Mamiya RB67 Medium Format Camera "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I had the Mamiya RB67 and Pentax 67 on my medium-format wanted list for many years now, but I simply could not justify the price tag or bear the unfortunate realization that either camera would sit lonely and unused on a shelf. That all changed in December 2022 when I decided to grab a non-working RB67 as a Christmas Present for my eldest brother.

[Read More]


10 Best Plant Tray in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

As an avid gardener, I am always on the lookout for new and innovative products to help me in my never-ending quest to have a beautiful, bountiful garden. So, when I came across this new product the best plant tray I just had to try it out!


Communications White Paper... MonkeyNet is here.... "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ok as promised, but only a week late, here is the Communications White Paper that I and the Development Team have been working on for the last SIX Months. This whole idea started with the Secure Phone Comms Thread, and My Secure Comms Blog, and has expanded from there. The premiss was, "What happens when the Internet doesn't function, anymore. How do we, Monkeys, keep our Communications going? How do we find each other for Mutual Support and Assistance, in a Post Internet World? Well that is...

Communications White Paper... MonkeyNet is here....


ABSOLUTELY MUST WATCH!! Skier Stumbles Over Snowboarder BURIED IN SNOW, SAVES HIS LIFE "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In an absolutely riveting video, skier Francis Zuber stumbled over a snowboarder buried in the snow at Mt. Baker Ski Area in Bellingham, Washington. Watch as quick-thinking Zuber frantically performs a rescue.


White House proud of Afghanistan withdrawal "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Former Taliban negotiator Adam Boehler says he is proud of the U.S. military response but not of senior officials execution in Afghanistan. #foxnews

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Marco Rubio takes on Biden in El Salvador, blasts controversial policies "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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Breitbart reports, the El Salvadorian president, Bukele, is currently engaged in a campaign to eradicate the countrys largest gangs, including Mara Salvatrucha-13 (MS-13) and 18th Street. As a result of his countrys state of exception for a month, police have arrested thousands of people suspected of having gang ties, restricting civil liberties like freedom of assembly. Although Bukele is legally prohibited from running for reelection, the campaign is immensely popular with citizens of El Salvador.

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Plot Changes "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

I almost walked out during the opening fifteen minutes of the film, Of An Age. Its noisy, frenetic, and I had no immediate sympathy for any of the characters.

Without giving away too much, the opening sequence tells the story of two teenage friends about to appear in a life-changing dance competition. Read the rest Plot Changes


Striking Contemporary Art Museum in Orange County Epitomizes Southern California Living "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Striking Contemporary Art Museum in Orange County Epitomizes Southern California Living

OCMA by Mike Kelley

Clad in white terracotta tiles, the Orange County Museum of Art (OCMA) cuts a striking figure at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa. Designed by American architectural firm Morphosis, the 53,000-square-foot museum opened to the public in October 2022. Not only does the building house OCMA's collection of over 4,500 objects, but it also provides areas for education, exhibitions, and events, as well as a grand staircase intended to function as a community space.

In true Southern California form, the building's architecture has a strong relationship between indoor and outdoor space. Large windows that break up the terracotta facade allow streams of light to pour into the interior. Visitors are welcomed into an open, airy atrium and are then invited to walk up a grand staircase to a spacious upper plaza on the roof terrace. Designed to be used for events and exhibitions, the plaza takes up nearly 70 percent of the museum's footprint.

The museum's gallery spaces have been mainly organized at ground level as storefronts in an effort to connect pedestrians to the collection. There are also smaller, more intimate galleries, that connect to the mezzanine via a sky bridge.

In terms of materials, the selection of tile, glass, and steel gives OCMA a sleek, futuristic feel. The firm designed the exterior facade to play with the color and forms of the surrounding architecture, in order to blend into the environment.

By creating a gradient of architectural intensity, from complex forms at the museums entry to rectilinear and flexible forms within the galleries, the building is a memorable and striking environment for formal and informal experiences with art, states Morphosis.

The project is a triumph for the OCMA, which was founded in 1984. A call for designs was first put out in 2015, and construction began in 2019. With the opening of the new building, OCMA is entering a phase that will allow it to d...


10 Best Deer Feeder in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

One of the most important things to consider when deer hunting is what kind of deer feeder to use. There are many different types and styles of deer feeders on the market, so it can be difficult to know which one is best for your needs. In this blog post, we will discuss the various types of deer feeders and help you choose the best one for your hunting grounds.


"IndyWatch Feed Northcoast" "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The estimated usual resident population of the NSW Northern Rivers region at the 2021 census was 311,177 men, women and children and the largest age cohort appears to be people aged between 55-69 years of age. 

These regional residents are living in est.143,846 freestanding houses, semi-detached town houses, units, flats, cabins and caravans.

From I July 2021 to January 2023 there have been a total of 2,137 new building approvals granted across the region. This represents a fall of -31 housing approvals compared to those granted from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 21. Most of these approvals appear to have been for free standing houses.

As of 4 April 2023 there are est. 700 properties on the regional rental market, with approximately half priced between $800 to $3,500 a week. In 2021 in Northern Rivers Region an estimated half of all households had incomes below $2,000 per week and only 13.1% of all households earned an income of $3,000 or more per week.

Housing markets are now at an inflection point. At a time of returning migration, they are contending with a perfect storm of high inflation and interest rates, slowing supply and record low vacancy rates.

[State of the Nations Housing Report 202223.........


Trans Pastor Compares Nashville Trans Terrorist to Jesus Christ in Holy Week Sermon "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


St. Mark's Lutheran Church appears to be worshipping the LGBT movement, not God.

The transgender pastor of Fargo, North Dakotas St. Marks Lutheran Church compared the transgender Nashville terrorist who slaughtered six Christians to Jesus Christ in a Sunday sermon marking the start of Holy Week, ahead of the Easter holiday. Trans pastor Micah Louwagie linked the crucifixion of Jesus Christ to the death of the transgender mass shooter who slaughtered six Christians in Nashville, including three 9-year-old children, during the sermon at St. Marks Lutheran Church. In a video clip of the sermon, Louwagie, who uses they/them pronouns, recounted how Jewish and Roman authorities had long wanted to kill Jesus Christ, before comparing the persecution of Christ to the refusal of average Americans to suspend biological and spiritual reality and give their children over to the transgender movement. Its baffling to me that someones existence can be so threatening that people decide they need to be controlled, that they need to have laws made against them or even worse, that the people they find to be so threatening should die, Louwagie told the congregation, before even more directly, by name, linking the crucifixion of Jesus Christ to the Nashville trans terrorist who slaughtered Christians in a targeted hate attack. There are a significant number of people who have deemed that the fact that the Nashville shooter happened to be a trans person, so its been reported, is just the excuse they need to call for the eradication of trans folks, Louwagie said, comparing opposition to the Nashville shooter and the wider transgender movement to the betrayal of Jesus Christ by his former allies that led to his crucifixion.

Watch the video below: St. Marks Lutheran Church is so outwardl...


GOP rep issues a stark warning if China invades Taiwan "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., discusses a bipartisan delegations visit to Taiwan, meeting leaders and deterrence against China amid rising tensions. #foxnews

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The Dark Side of Melatonin Supplements: Why You Should Think Twice Before Popping That Pill "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In todays fast-paced world, sleep problems have reached epidemic proportions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 50-70 million US adults suffer from sleep disorders, with insomnia being the most common (CDC, 2021). With such a widespread issue, its no surprise that many people are turning to melatonin supplements as a solution. However, recent studies suggest that there may be hidden dangers in relying on these supplements. In this article, we will explore the reasons why you should avoid taking melatonin supplements, delve into the science of circadian rhythms and sleep stages, and offer natural alternatives for achieving a better nights sleep.

The Intricate Dance of Circadian Rhythms and Sleep Stages

Our bodys internal clock, or circadian rhythm, plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep-wake patterns. This 24-hour cycle is influenced by external cues, such as light and temperature, and internal factors, including the release of hormones like melatonin. Sleep occurs in stages, including rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. NREM sleep has three stages, with the deepest being N3, followed by REM sleep, during which we experience vivid dreams. A complete sleep cycle involves transitioning through these stages multiple times each night.

Melatonin: Natures Sleep Regulator

Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, helps us fall asleep at night by responding to darkness. While its a natural hormone, melatonin is also available as an over-the-counter supplement, commonly used to treat insomnia and jet lag.

The Hidden Dangers of Melatonin Supplementation

Though melatonin supplements may seem like a harmless way to improve sleep, there are several reasons to be cautious:

Potential Side Effects

Melatonin supplements have been linked to various side effects, such as headaches, dizziness, daytime sleepiness, and mood changes. These side effects can not only impair daily functioning but could also exacerbate pre-existing conditions.

Inconsistent Dosage and Purity

Due to a lack of regulation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there can be inconsistencies in dosage and purity across different melatonin supplement brands. This makes it difficult for consumers to know if they are taking an appropriate amount or if the supplement contains additional, potentially harmful ingredients.

Interference with the Natural Sleep Cycle

A study published in the Journal of Biological Rhythms revealed that supplementing with melatonin can disrupt the bodys natural production of the hormone, potentially leading to dependence on supplements and making it harder for your body to regulate sleep without them (Wright et al., 2013).

Limited Long-term Research

While short-term use of m...


10 Best Tabletop in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

If youre looking for the best tabletop games to play, youve come to the right place. In this blog post, well be taking a look at some of the best options currently available. Whether youre looking for something to play with friends or family, or something to keep yourself entertained, weve got you covered.

Saturday, 08 April


Book Tells the Story of a Forgotten Art Amusement Park With Work by Legendary Artists "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Book Tells the Story of a Forgotten Art Amusement Park With Work by Legendary Artists

Keith Haring Painting Carousel at Luna Luna Amusement Park

Keith Haring at work for Luna Luna.
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In the summer of 1987, 30 of the world's top artists came together to create Luna Lunathe world's first modern art amusement park. Located in Hamburg, Germany, the event attracted legendary artists like Salvador Dal, Roy Lichtenstein, Keith Haring, and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Over the course of 13 weeks, more than 240,000 people visited this unique take on a traditional amusement park.

And now, for the first time, the English translation of the original text published about the event had been made available. LUNA LUNA: The Art Amusement Park, published by Phaidon, includes a preface by creator and author Andr Heller. Aside from photographs of the installation, the book also includes the moon graphics and short text that each artist was asked to create for the promotion of the event. Thankfully, those works have now been dusted off and can be viewed once again.

Phaidon's book is a wonderful way to reintroduce the landmark event to the public, especially considering the history of Luna Luna. Originally conceived as a touring exhibition destined for multiple countries, a change in leadership and subsequent litigation made for a sad end. Instead of traveling the world, these incredible pieces of art were shuttered away for over three decades.

From Keith Haring's carousel filled with his signature line drawings to Dal's psychedelic, mirrored Dal Dome, there is a treasure trove of hidden art to discover. Roy Lichtenstein took the opportunity to design a colorful glass structure called the Pavillion of the Gl...


10 Best Seal Sticker in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Seal stickers are one of the most versatile and affordable ways to promote your brand or product. They can be used for everything from product packaging to marketing collateral, and they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best seal sticker for your needs? Here are a few things to consider when choosing seal stickers: What is the purpose of the sticker? Are you looking to promote your brand or product, or simply add a decorative touch to packaging? What is the desired effect? Do you want your seal sticker to be eye-catching and attention-grabbing, or more subtle and understated? What size and shape do you need? Seal stickers come in a wide range of sizes and shapes, so its important to select the right one for your needs. What material do you prefer? Seal stickers can be made from paper, vinyl, or even metal, so theres sure to be a material that fits your needs.


Bitcoin traders expect big move next as BTC price flatlines at $28K "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin stays stuck in an ever-decreasing trading range, but market participants are already eyeing a potentially explosive resolution for BTC price.


These People Had a Sixth Sense Probably and It Probably Saved Their Lives "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

They say you should always listen to not only that little voice in the back of your head, but the signals from your body that tell you when something just isnt right.

These 14 people did, and honestly, being tuned in just might have saved their lives.

14. Uber danger.

Driving Uber one night a couple years back. I picked up four guys from a club, listening to them talk I realized that two guys (one of them ordered the ride) had met the other two at the club and were on the way to get c**e from one of their cousins.

There was an odd vibe, some of the conversation didnt seem the most linear, and I was hyper aware that these drunk dumbasses were heading with two strangers to a d**g deal. And I was the one driving them. I did not want d**gs in my car, and I was very aware that we might be on the way to an ambush. If wed been heading anywhere remote or sketchy I had to figure out how to end the ride.

The two wannabe dealers kept trying to get in touch with their cousin via cellphone, went to an apartment just off a main street, and after both had gone into the building I just said should be leave? to the guys and we did. I still dont know if it was just a ploy for a free ride, guys too drunk or dumb to pull off a basic c**e deal, or something nefarious that didnt finish.

13. That took a turn.

Im a criminal defense investigator. I had a m***er case involving two brothers. The one accused of the m***ers was very autistic, and his brother was a schizophrenic. The schizophrenic brother lived in a potato shack in the middle of the desert. I needed to talk to him several times throughout the course of the investigation, and since he didnt...


How to use ChatGPT to learn a language "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ask ChatGPT for definitions, translations and grammar explanations in your target language.


10 Best Garlic Cutter in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

If youre looking for the best garlic cutter, youve come to the right place. In this blog post, well share with you our top picks for the best garlic cutters on the market. Well also provide a buyers guide to help you choose the right one for your needs.


If Youre Black Dont Do This! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If Youre Black Dont Do This, When pulled Over By The Police

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If Youre Black Dont Do This, When pulled Over By The Police


Gutfeld!: These people dont like being adults "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Gutfeld! panelists react to a study finding the average adult claims they lost their sense of fun by the age of 27.
#foxnews #fox #gutfeld

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Boston University: Forgive Third World Debt to Advance Climate Goals "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to Boston University, banks need to forgive the national debts of nations run by corrupt despots, to advance climate and development goals.


Earworms songs that get stuck in our heads "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

The song Cant Get You Out of My Head was a global hit for Kylie Minogue in 2001, and never was a song more aptly named. It was the object of Kylies affection that she couldnt get out of her head, but the song itself got stuck inside so many of us at the time. It became one of the biggest ear worms ever.

An ear worm is a song so catchy it plays like a loop in our heads and cant easily be forced out. Songwriters try to create catchy, memorable tunes that become as familiar to us as old friends, that well always welcome into our hearing. But sometimes a song is just too memorable, its hooks and melodies too catchy, and so, an ear worm is born.

Queen, Pharrel Williams, Lady Gaga, Meghan Trainor, Final Countdown, Gangnam Style, and more. Tune in for some great ear worms.


3D Renderings of Frank Lloyd Wrights Unbuilt Architecture Celebrate His Creative Genius "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

3D Renderings of Frank Lloyd Wrights Unbuilt Architecture Celebrate His Creative Genius

Rendering of Arizona Capitol by Frank Lloyd Wrightl

Arizona Capitol Building

One of the most prolific architects of the 20th century, Frank Lloyd Wright had no shortage of ideas. Throughout his life, he designed 1,171 architectural works. Many of them, like the Guggenheim Museum and Fallingwater, were eventually built. But over half660 to be exactnever moved beyond paper. Now, thanks to the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, we are finally getting a look at what his unbuilt architecture would have looked like.

Working with digital artist David Romero, the organization has been building an impressive library of renderings that show Wright's creative genius. From the Butterfly Bridge that would have connected San Francisco and Oakland to the floating cabins of the Lake Tahoe Summer Colony, it's clear that Wright's creativity had no limits.

The reasons that these pieces of incredible architecture were never built vary. In 1957, Wright's homage to his adopted home state of Arizona was rejected for several reasons. While Wright considered his avant-garde design for the Arizona State Capitol Building to be a gift to the city, officials felt otherwise. Deemed too ornate and, with a price tag of $5 million, too costly, he was passed over for the project.

In the case of the cliff-side Morris House, it's not completely clear why the family did not go with Wright's design. But, in examining two of his ideas for the California home, it's clear that Wrig...


The Top 8 Reasons Why Carrots Should Be in Your Diet "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In this video, youll discover eight amazing benefits of carrots that go beyond just improving eyesight.

From boosting digestion and immune system to promoting weight loss and protecting against cardiovascular diseases, carrots are a versatile and nutritious vegetable that can be enjoyed in various ways.

Learn how the carotenoids and antioxidants found in carrots can make your skin prettier, strengthen your immune system, improve brain function, and contribute to cholesterol reduction.

Dont miss out on these valuable health tips and share the video with your friends!

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This Video Got Us Banned On TikTok "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Man tries to breastfeed his son!

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This Video Got Us Banned On TikTok, Man tries to breastfeed his son!


Homeschoolers Are Bitcoiners Who Dont Know It Yet "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A parent who homeschooled his four children for two decades reflects on the parallels between Bitcoin and sovereign education.

This is an opinion editorial by Scott Lindberg, a parent who homeschooled four children over 20 years with his wife, and cofounder of Free Market Kids, a company that teaches Bitcoin concepts through tabletop games.

My wife, Tali, and I recently presented educational information about Bitcoin to homeschoolers for three days at a homeschooling convention in St. Louis, Missouri. We hosted an exhibition booth and led a workshop session and the event didnt go exactly as expected.

The Context For Self-Custody Of Education

Bitcoin has clarified misconceptions in energy, economics, diet and countless other fields, but education is another obvious area in need of an overhaul of truth. At least, this is obvious in hindsight, once you have embraced Bitcoin.

Tali and I have always been fired up about taking self custody of education, but we didnt describe it this way when we started. We have four grown children who we homeschooled for 20 years. When we started, it was just schooling. But thanks to going down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, we now have a more precise framework to explain self custody of education and its significance.

The ways that Bitcoiners and homeschoolers think are incredibly similar for reasons Ill explain here. I am more bullish on this community than ever, but we have work to do. Just as the bitcoin mining and energy sectors are merging, so too will Bitcoiners and homeschoolers eventually merge.

All images in this article provided by the author

View the 3 images of this gallery on the original article

Think how it feels to share good things with close friends. Can you recall finding a thoughtful, personal gift and feeling giddy with excitement as you presented the wrapped present to its recipient? How excited were you about sharing something wonderful with another person and watching their eyes light up when they got it? Leading someone to the Bitcoin rabbit hole is like this.

This is the level of excitement that Tali and I felt before the convention. Homeschoolers are our people. In our hearts, we know how ali...


California moves ahead with state-sanctioned kidnapping bill that would allow therapists to take children from families without notice or provocation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


"An example of the calibre of counsellors who decide if a 12-year-old comes home from school is Kenna Cook, who... held a BDSM group called Slaps Giving; she authored blogs: 'How to be a better butt slut.'"

A California Judiciary Committee heard testimony on Tuesday for and against a bill that would allow a mental health professional to place a child as young as 12 in a residential shelter facility without parental knowledge or consent and without there being any prior allegations of incest or child abuse. Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo said she was proud to present AB 665 to expand access to mental health care for young people as communities face a mental health crisis, but Erin Friday, attorney and co-founder of parent group Our Duty, called the bill state-sanctioned kidnapping.
Family Code 6924, enacted in 2010 by former Governor Schwarzenegger, gave children 12 and over the ability to access mental health counselling without parental consent, but its requires that there be an allegation of abuse or a risk of serious harm before a counsellor can unilaterally send a child to a residential facility.
Friday explained that the intent of 6924 was to prevent suicides, specifically among LGBTQ youth, but cited CDC statistics to show that in the years s...


Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem For Justice "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like bungled and blunder to describe the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of covid. Even well-meaning people who share similar values and goals sometimes fall into this trap being set by those preparing their parachute jump from culpability"

This Anthem for Justice is my attempt to succinctly chronicle the calculated intentionality underlying the covid tyranny, and I ask your help in spreading the clear message that #MistakesWereNOTMade. Please share this poem and keep it handy for the next time anybody uses verbiage to gloss over the atrocities committed. Lets make 2023 the Year of Accountability so none dare repeat such acts in the future. Margaret Anna Alice, 1 January 2023

Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice, written by Margaret Anna Alice and read by Dr. Tess Lawrie (4 mins)

The Armenian Genocide was not a mistake.

Holodomor was not a mistake.
The Final Solution was not a mistake.
The Great Leap Forward was not a mistake.
The Killing Fields were not a mistake.

Name your...


Antarcticas melting ice sheet could retreat much faster than previously thought. "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

 Antarcticas melting ice sheet could retreat much faster than previously
thought, new research suggests. The evidence comes from markings on the
seafloor off Norway that record the pull-back of a melting European ice
sheet thousands of years ago.

Today, the fastest withdrawing glaciers in
Antarctica are seen to retreat by up to 30m a day. But if they sped up, the
extra melt water would have big implications for sea-level rises around the
globe. Ice losses from Antarctica caused by climate change have already
pushed up the surface of the worlds oceans by nearly 1cm since the 1990s.
The researchers found that with the Norwegian sheet, the maximum retreat
was more than 600m a day.

 BBC 5th April 2023


Three consecutive years of rapidly increasing carbon dioxide emissions "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Record temperatures, devastating floods and superstorms are causing death
and destruction across the planet but humans are failing to cut greenhouse
gas emissions fueling the climate emergency, new US data shows. Atmospheric
levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide the
greenhouse gases emitted by human activity that are the most significant
contributors to global heating continued to increase rapidly during
2022, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Carbon dioxide levels rose by more than two parts per million (ppm)
for the 11th consecutive year: the highest sustained rate of CO2 increases
since monitoring began 65 years ago. Before 2013, scientists had never
recorded three consecutive years of such high CO2 growth.

 Guardian 6th April 2023


The British government doesnt want to talk about its nuclear weapons. The British public does "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Women are far less likely than men to support UK possession (28 percent of women, compared with 53 percent of men)

Bulletin, By Tim StreetHarry SpencerShane Ward | April 6, 2023

In January 2023 British Pugwash and the polling company Savanta conducted a survey of UK public opinion on nuclear weapons issues and potential support for policies that advance nuclear arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation.

The poll involved 2,320 UK adults who were asked about the Russia-Ukraine war, the United Kingdoms ongoing replacement of its nuclear weapon system, the possibility that US nuclear weapons will again be stationed in the United Kingdom, the significant increase to the UKs nuclear warhead stockpile cap, and the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Our polling results found some notable differences between the British publics views and the policies of the UK government concerning nuclear weapons. While 40 percent of poll respondents support the United Kingdom possessing nuclear weapons, there is significant support for policies that would control, limit, or even eliminate the UKs nuclear weaponsincluding among supporters of nuclear possession. For example, over a third of those who support the UKs possession of nuclear weapons also support joining a multilateral disarmament treaty.

Despite the challenges involved, especially at a time of war in Europe, we at British Pugwash see an opportunity for UK political parties to adopt policies more supportive of nuclear arms control and disarmament. Our key findings revealed these differences between government policy and public opinion:

Use of nuclear weapons. The UK governments policy is to consider using nuclear weapons only in extreme circumstances of self-defence, including the defence of our NATO allies. UK and NATO policy does not rule out the first use of nuclear weapons.

Our poll found that 48 percent of UK adults oppose the first use of nuclear weapons by the United Kingdom, and only 40 percent support first use. This finding builds on the results of the ...


10 Best Nakiri Knife in Australia (2023) [Top Picks] "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Nakiri knives are a great addition to any kitchen. They are incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of tasks. Whether youre slicing vegetables for a stir-fry or chopping herbs for a salad, a nakiri knife will make quick work of the task at hand. And because they are so versatile, nakiri knives make an excellent choice for those who are just starting out in the kitchen and looking for an all-purpose knife. So, if youre in the market for a new nakiri knife, what are the best options out there? Weve compiled a list of our top picks to help you find the perfect nakiri knife for your needs.


Frances riverside reactor build plans irresponsible expert "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

MURIEL BOSELLI, Paris, 07 Apr 2023,

(Montel) Frances plan to build two riverside reactors is irresponsible, given the acceleration of global warming-related water strain, nuclear expert and critic Yves Marignac told Montel.

Climate change has raised fears of extreme temperatures and droughts that will cause more outages at EDFs 44 nuclear reactors out of 56 that are located along rivers and use water for cooling.

The average summer flow of the Rhone, on which 22% of Frances nuclear capacity is installed, could fall by 20% within 30 years, according to a recent study by the Rhone-Mediterranean-Corsica Water Agency.

However, EDF plans to build two additional reactors along the Rhone.

We can always adapt the reactors to cool themselves by reducing their water withdrawal, as some reactors do in the desert, said Marignac, but added that these costly developments remove the interest of placing installations along rivers.

Higher water use
He said he also feared a considerable increase in competition between water-intensive sectors such as agriculture, industry, energy and tourism.

EDF plans to build three pairs of European pressurised reactors (EPRs) by 2042-43 one at Penly, a second at Gravelines (both on the coast), and a third at Bugey or Tricastin, on the Rhone.

The decision would be made by the end of the year, Joel Barre, inter-ministerial delegate for new nuclear power plants, told Montel.

Last week, president Emmanuel Macron announced a vast investment plan to adapt nuclear power plants to climate change, notably by equipping riverside units with air-cooling towers to make them less dependent on the temperature of waterways.

Although this system allows reactors to continue producing power during hot periods, it consumes much more water as a significant part of the volume withdrawn evaporates through the towers during cooling.

French energy minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher said earlier this week that scenarios established by the international group of climate experts Giec had shown very limited losses [of production].

Critical risk
However, a recent report by ...


Ocean Heat, An El Nino on the Way, Potential New Global Temperature Record by 2024 robertscribbler "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

The world ocean system is much hotter than normal. And El Nino hasnt even arrived yet. With this major ocean warming event starting to show up, it looks like 2023-2024 will see global surface temperatures fall yet again. Fossil fuel burning is driving global temperatures higher and putting everyone at risk.

Ocean Heat, An El Nino on the Way, Potential New Global Temperature Record by 2024 robertscribbler


April 8 Energy News geoharvey "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Opinion: Beyond Going Green, Heres Why You Should Buy An EV Business Insiders Tim Levin shared his thoughts on going electric after driving 24 different EVs. The story compiles hiss thoughts on why buyers should go electric, including experiences driving EVs from brands such as Tesla, Volkswagen, Rivian, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes, and more. []

April 8 Energy News geoharvey


Stormy Daniels fan base now gays, trans & women "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Destiny Rogers

Adult film star and Donald Trump accuser Stormy Daniels says that since news of her liaison with the failed politician, her fan base changed from white guys in suits to gays, trans and women. In 2018, news broke that shortly before the 2016 US election, Donald Trumps lawyer paid the adult entertainer $130,000 to deny ...

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Cardi B Said That Community Service Is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Her "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We all make mistakes in life, and its nice to see a high-profile celebrity make good use of community service after theyve committed a crime.

Hey, everyone deserves a second chance, right?

And it sounds like Cardi B has taken that lesson to heart.


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A Case Before the U.S. Supreme Court Could Surge the Psychiatric Labelling and Drugging of Native American Foster Youth "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If the Brackeen v. Halland case currently challenging the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) of 1978 before the U.S. Supreme Court is successful, Native children are more likely to be placed with non-Native foster parents, and from there, face a surge in psychiatric labeling and drugging.

Tribes across the U.S. are outraged by the attempt to dismantle ICWA, and a think tank was recently formed in California to respond to what seems a foundational threat to community sovereignty, beginning with who controls Native child welfare decisions. Its the latest in a battle as old as the United States: White Christian evangelicals fighting for the right to take Native children away from family, tribe, and culture, and re-educate them, no matter the harmsand its outcome will determine whether more Native youth are exposed to psychiatric drugs.

Chad Brackeen and his wife, Jennifer, lead plaintiffs, are White, and according to a 2019 interview with The New York Times, also dedicated members of the fundamentalist Church of Christ, which they attend twice a week, and through which they first became inspired to adopt. They began as foster parents before successfully adopting a young Dine (Navajo) boy, and then mounting efforts to adopt his sister. They contend they are being racially discriminated against by ICWAs mandates favoring a great aunt of both of these children, who has stepped forward from their tribal community seeking to adopt the sister.

The Fear

While working as a consulting psychologist in Indian Country, an elder Native friend laughed aloud recalling to me how his mother would run everywhere, throwing our clothes and stuff in closets or under blankets anytime white people visited. He was teaching me about a ubiquitous fear in North American tribal communities: having their children taken away.

For decades, theres been a shortage of places for displaced American Indian and Alaskan Native (Native) children to grow up feeling safe and secure, and this places pressure on tribal communities and their child agencies to use non-Native foster placement resources. If successful, current efforts to dismantle ICWA before the Supreme Court will make it much easier for non-Native, usually white, parents to foster and adopt Native children without regard to their community of origin or its cultural survival.

The terror and mad rush of my elder friends mother has never entirely left Native America and are about to be reenergized.

But what about the contention that ICWAs dismantling will also create a surge in Native foster youth being psychiatrically labeled and drugged? Its frankly...


How I Use Lists to be Better Prepared and More Organized "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Do you have tons of preps but end up buying replacements of items you KNOW you have but just cant lay hands on? Do you have everything you need for specific types of emergencies? Hows your emergency binder looking? And what about that prep closet (or room, or cabinet) do you even know whats in it?

Getting organized as a prepper is almost as important as having the preps themselves. You know the saying, if you cant protect it, you dont own it? Well, if you cant find it when you need it, you might as well not own it.

This is why I swear by lists. I know, I know. A lot of experts in the survival industry will tell you that you cant survive by list alone. And I agree. Just having a checklist and fulfilling it doesnt mean that I have the skills to use the items I bought or even whether those specific items will be useful in my setting. Lists are definitely not the be-all and end-all of preparedness.

However, if youre not using them, you are overlooking a vital tool. Lists are the secret weapon of the most organized preppers.

Heres how I use lists to be better prepared.

I use lists religiously to stay prepared and well-organized. If my preps are set up in a way that I can quickly find what I need in an emergency, Im able to breeze past the finding that thing part of my plan and enact the next step. This makes me better able to handle just about anything life throws at me.

As a creative person, Im prone to chaos. I can easily drift into disarray which can then rapidly descend into pandemonium. Lists help a lot with this. Here are a few reasons why:

  • I can note where specific things are kept in my general list, making them quick and easy to locate when I need them.
  • It helps me to keep like items with like items.
  • It helps me to quickly see what Im missing for an expected situation, rather than needing to pull everything out and do an inventory.
  • It helps me budget my efforts. I can look at my lists and see where I may be falling short. Then I can focus my preparedness energy and money there.

Since Ive become better about using lists, Ive had many fewer experiences of buying the same whatchamacallit repeatedly because I cant locate the whatchamacallits I already have.

What kind of lists should you have?

Like all things preparedness, you should have lists that relate specifically to you and your family. If you dont live in tornado country, you probably dont need to stock a storm cellar. Likewise, if youre far from the sea, preparing for a hurricane doesnt make sense. The same thing goes for other regional likelihoods, such as earthquakes and wildfires.

In general, here are some examples of lists you should have.

  • Gene...


"IndyWatch Feed Spiritual" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A prominent celebrity megachurch in Seattle, Washington, faces a lawsuit for allegedly forcing its employees to donate a portion of their wages back to the organization, or they risk being fired.

Employee Rachel Kellogg accused Churchome and its leaders in her lawsuit, filed in the third week of March at the King County Superior Court, of being engaged in a systemic scheme of wage and hour abuse against their employees, which includes the requirement for all employees to donate 10% of their gross monthly wages as tithe or the employees would face pressure, discipline, or even termination.

Previously working for the churchs video and production department, Kellogg was unaware of the policy until after she was hired in 2019. The lawsuit claims that the policy violates Washington states Consumer Protection Act and other labor laws.

Regardless of whether this is a church, or not a church, or a nonprofit or a for-profit corporation, requiring employees to rebate any wages to an employer is an unlawful practice, Eric Nusser said. He is one of Kelloggs lawyers working for the Terrell Marshall Law Group.

Kelloggs lawsuit includes conversations between her and other Churchome employees who told her about the mandatory tithe policy, along with a reprimand from her supervisor regarding the expectation that you get in rhythm with our company policy on tithing. Kellogg said she had to stop tithing due to financial struggles after a car accident in 2020.

Churchome declined any requests for interviews from The Seattle Times, the first major news outlet to report about the lawsuit. However, the celebrity church, which counts Canadian singer Justin Bieber and American quarterback Russell Wilson as members, released a stat...


Happy Easter well to everyone except Trans Judas "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

Destiny Rogers

Caitlyn Jenner done did it again. Trans Judas is throwing around hate for the LGBTQIA+ communities as fast as her gnarled Trumpian fingers can tweet. Trans Judas previously competed in womens sports and modelled womens clothing. But now, shes horrified horrified, I tell you about other trans women doing the same. April 4 ...

The post Happy Easter well to everyone except Trans Judas appeared first on QNews.


Outrage as Israeli Extremists Offer Cash for Animal Sacrifice at Mosque "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An Israeli religious extremist group has sparked criticism after they offered thousands of dollars to their followers who were arrested for trying to carry out an incendiary animal sacrifice ritual at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during Passover.

This incident comes as the mosque, regarded as one of the holiest sites in Islam, is at the center of controversy once again after Israeli security forces stormed the building on April 5th, hours after they raided the mosques compound and arrested hundreds of Palestinians.

Israeli news outlet The Jerusalem Post reported that the 'Returning to the Mount' movement, an extremist messianic Jewish group, called for animal sacrifices at the Al-Aqsa Mosque to mark the beginning of Passover on April 5th. The group promised to give a handsome reward of 20,000 Israeli shekalim (equivalent to $5,557) to those who could do it.


"IndyWatch Feed Spiritual" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A riot between Hindu devotees and a mob occurred in the suburb of Malad West in the megacity of Mumbai, India, during the Ram Navami festivities, where a few men suffered injuries.

According to Malwani police, around 12 men were arrested, and 400 others were charged with causing violence against Hindu devotees on March 30th. They were arrested based on the complaint filed by Amol Walavalkar, a police constable patrolling around the area.

They face accusations of stone-pelting, throwing slippers, and unlawful assembly during a procession where the accused men allegedly assaulted devotees during Ram Navami.

Walavalkars complaint identified the following 12 men as primary suspects in the riot: Munna Naitulla Rafique Shaikh, Mohammed Shoaib Ahmed Mohammed, Faizan Alim, Lateef Sayeed, Afzal Shaikh, Sadique Shaikh, Mohammed Furkaan Faiyaz Ahmed, Ahmed Raza Samir Shaikh, Mohabia Ansari, Jamil Merchant, Munna Shaikh, and Riyan Shaikh.

Walavalkar also reported in his complaint that around 6,000 devotees participated in the Ram Navami proc...


I'm a fool "IndyWatch Feed Alllocal"

I'm a fool

Been living in this city for 22 years, only today did I learn that this says "X-press" and not "X-Men." I feel betrayed

submitted by /u/DirePegasus
[link] [comments]


110-year-old Mosque Library Torched by Mob of 1,000 During Hindu Festival "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An armed mob of about 1,000 people stormed and ravaged a madrasa (Islamic religious school) in India, setting the institutions 110-year-old library on fire and causing widespread damage, including a collection of over 4,500 books.

Mohammad Siyabuddin, the mosques imam and caretaker of the Madrasa Azizia, witnessed how the mob, presumably composed of Hindu nationalists, caused destruction in the Murarpur locality in the eastern Indian city of Bihar Sharif during the attacks. 

Aside from the madrasa, the mosques minaret was also destroyed, and the areas district administration is currently repairing the tower.

We had just finished Friday prayers when violence erupted at Gagan Diwan locality near Hotel City Palace. A mob then entered the madrasa and started hurling stones. Siyabuddin recalled.

A member of the mosques peace committee was threatened to chant Jai Shri Ram. They threw petrol bombs into the mosque and the library and set vehicles parked on the premises on fire, Siyabuddin added.

The imam added that even though the attack started in the afternoon, authorities did not respond and reach the spot where the mob began vandalizing by around 11 PM. During that time, the damage had already been done....


What is Shibarium, and what does it mean for Shiba Inu? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Shibarium is an upcoming layer-2 blockchain for Shiba Inu. Learn how Shibarium works and its multiple advantages.

Guardian: Gas is Dragging Up the Cost of Renewables "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to The Guardian, a publicly owned company could overcome the impediment of private companies, which are reluctant to cut household energy bills by investing in renewables.


A Few Ways To Determine Your Direction Without A Compass "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Around AD 1100, the Chinese came up with a revolutionary tool to help people navigate the unknown terrain: the practical compass. Prior to that, humanity relied on various other methods to determine the four cardinal directions, without the aid of a compass. These techniques included observing natural phenomena and using elements in their surroundings to ... Read more...


How a Blasphemous" Food Review Sparked Catholic Outrage in the Philippines "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A senior high school student in the Philippines was condemned for his Twitter post. He made a food review of the consecrated communion wafer given to him during Holy Mass and even described the taste as similar to cornflakes.

In the post of the now-deleted Twitter account of the student of the Ateneo de Manila University Senior High School (ADMU-SHS), a food review was made of the consecrated host, where he judged the wafer based on characteristics such as design, taste, and crispness. The unnamed student even gave the wafer a rating of 7.1 out of 10.

The white wafer, known as communion bread among Catholics, is offered as the Body of Christ during the Holy Communion to mass attendees. During Mass, the priest consecrates the bread and wine for transubstantiation into the Body and Blood of Christ, respectively.

Reports differ on how the student could smuggle the communion wafer out of the church. Some suggested that the student stole the host by taking the consecrated wafer during Mass and putting the bread in their pocket before the end of Mass, where the student took a picture of the consecrated host before writing the post.

Although the Twitter post was meant to elicit humorous reactions from netizens, the students food review drew the ire of many Catholics, who believed the post was inappropriate and disrespectful to the Catholic Church. A Twitter user also said this incident wouldnt be the first time the student disrespected the Holy Eucharist. 

Its also worth considering that the student studied at one of the most prestigious Catholic schools in the Philippines, which fueled the fire. Many Filipino netizens criticized the student for his actions; some even demanded his ex-communication...

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