by Pastor Andrew Isker, On Monday, March 27, a woman who believed she was a man deliberately attacked a conservative Christian school in Nashville, murdering three nine-year-old children and three staff members. It was a deliberate terror attack by a transgender on Christians and their children. A 28-year-old woman named Aubrey Hale, who also went by Aiden and demanded others use male pronouns to refer to her, was shot dead by police minutes after the attack began.
Given these circumstances, any reasonable person can safely conclude this was an ideological attack. Whether Hales manifesto recovered from her vehicle ever sees the light of day is another story, especially if it is damaging to the transgender narrative the regime has devoted massive resources to prop up. What can be pieced together is that:  
  • 1. The female-to-male transgender Hale was once a student at Covenant School in Nashville.
  • 2. Tennessee recently passed a bill to protect children from sexualization at Drag shows.
  • 3. March 27 is the beginning of Transgender Week of Visibility, yet another celebration in the bloated degeneracy liturgical calendar.
  • 4. Every Regime propaganda outfit is in the midst of a full-court press saying evangelicals are Christian Nationalists who plan on genociding transgenders.
The result is that 3 children and 3 adults lie dead, murdered by a person whose mental illness was turned into an ideological weapon by the most evil people on the planet. All day long, 24/7, you hear the message that conservative evangelical Christians are evil scum. We are the only group that hatred of is not only seen as acceptable or allowed but positively virtuous. Add that to a group of people put through the meatgrinder of a callous, godless world that manufactures mental il...