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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary was generated at The Wire IndyWatch.

Saturday, 27 May


Gaby Moreno "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Friday 26th May, 8.30pm 10.30pm, Archies Creek Hotel
Archies Creek

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Friday, 19 May


Oceanique Album Tour "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Thursday 18th May, 6.00pm 8.00pm, The Daylesford Hotel

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Thursday, 18 May


We've added 10 new list tools "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Team Browserling keeps shipping!

Last week we added 20 new time tools and and today we just added 10 new tools to our Online List Tools collection.

I've done my job and now it's Google's job to index them and rank them well.

Here are the new list tools.

Next week we'll add even more tools. See you then!

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Monday, 15 May


Oceanique Album Tour "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Sunday 14th May, 2.00pm, The Bridge Hotel Castlemaine

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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Friday, 12 May


Meine Gte ist meine Inbox jetzt voll mit Denkmalschutz-Horrorgeschichten!OK, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Meine Gte ist meine Inbox jetzt voll mit Denkmalschutz-Horrorgeschichten!

OK, Leute, fassen wir zusammen: Kleine Menschen wollen hier endlich mal Macht ber andere ausben. Beispiele gibt es viele, ich will hier nur mal eines rausgreifen, aus Belgien. Ein Fuballfan hat sein Haus mit den Nationalfarben angemalt. Nicht mal sonderlich aufdringlich, finde ich. Das ging dann durch alle Instanzen und landete am Ende auch noch vor dem Staatsrat.

Eine Anmerkung noch, dann schliee ich das Thema hier. Falls ihr angesichts dieser an Feudalismus erinnernden Horrorzustnde berlegt, in die USA auszuwandern, denn die sind ja das Land der Freiheit und unbegrenzten Mglichkeiten, dann solltet ihr vorher Last Week Tonight ber Homeowners Associations gucken. Das ist noch schlimmer dort.

Die bunte Fassade hat mich nicht in Ruhe gelassen. ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Die bunte Fassade hat mich nicht in Ruhe gelassen. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass dieses Haus unter Denkmalschutz steht. Stellt sich raus: Die Denkmalliste ist ffentlich einsehbar. Da findet man:

Stuttgarter Platz 16, Mietshaus (Vestibl, Treppenhaus), Lden, 1893-95 von Alfred Schrobsdorff

Stuttgarter Platz 19, Mietshaus, 1894-95 von Alfred Schrobsdorff
Windscheidstrae 20

Stuttgarter Platz 20, Mietshaus, 1904-05 von Fritz Schmidt
So und dieses Hostel? Das hat die Hausnummer 17.

Wie vermutet hat sich dieser CDU-Fuzzy den Denkmalschutz einfach mal kurz aus dem Arsch gezogen.

Ich wei! Die CDU lgt uns ins Gesicht?! Undenkbar! Ich bin mindestens genau so schockiert wie ihr jetzt gerade!

Update: Die Geschichte ist doch noch etwas komplexer. Wirkt ein bisschen so, als habe sich der Hostel-Besitzer das selbst zugefgt.

OK, jetzt schreibe ich doch noch mal was zu Amazon ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

OK, jetzt schreibe ich doch noch mal was zu Amazon Prime Video. Hier kam eine Anfrage rein, ob ich nicht einen lngeren Artikel dazu schreiben will, aber daraus wurde dann nichts. Die Gedanken habe ich mir jetzt aber schon gemacht. Und nun hat Heise diese Analyse meines hochgeschtzten Kollegens Kris Khntopp gebracht, die bei mir einen Fall von XKCD 386 auslst.

Daher hier nochmal meine lngeren Gedanken. Der Aufhnger fr die ganze Geschichte war ja nicht, dass Amazon von Microservice auf Monolith umgestellt hat, sondern dass sie damit 90% Kosten gespart haben.

Natrlich kann man hier eine tolle Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile von Modularisierung und Microservices fhren. Aber geht halt am Punkt vorbei. Amazon hat das nicht aus strukturellen Grnden umgestellt, sondern weil das 90% billiger ist.

Warum ist das denn 90% billiger? Nun, dazu ein kleines Gedankenexperiment.

Nehmen wir an, ihr geht zu einem Hoster, und mietet bei dem zwei Rechner an. Die stehen am Ende im selben Rechenzentrum, und zwischen ihnen gibt es Ethernet. Der Traffic zwischen den Kisten kostet euch nichts. Denn der kostet auch den Hoster nichts. Das ist ein Kabel, ein Switch. Niemand kme auf die Idee, da einen Trafficzhler dran zu hngen, und euch eine Rechnung pro Kilobyte zu schicken.

Sagte ich niemand? Doch! Die Amazon Cloud macht das so. In der Cloud haben Amazon und co ein Nickel-and-Dime-Abrechnungsmodell etabliert, bei dem man fr Dinge Rechnungen kriegt, die beim Hoster mit drin sind, und die dem Cloudanbieter keine Kosten verursachen.

Traffic zwischen den Diensten. Traffic zur Festplatte. Benutzter Platz auf der Festplatte. Sowas.

Was hier also die immensen Einsparungen verursacht hat, das war keinesfalls eine "bessere Architektur". Nein. Das war die gezielte Vermeidung von Amazons Freudenhaus-Preisstruktur. Wenn Amazon fr Storage oder den Traffic zum Storage Geld sehen will, dann reduzieren wir am besten temporre Zwischenspeicher. Wenn Amazon fr den Traffic zwischen Microservices Geld sehen will, dann fusionieren wir die am besten zu einem Monolithen zusammen.

DAS ist hier passiert.

Auf architektonischer Ebene kauft man sich mit Verteilung (z.B. auf Microservices) hheren Durchsatz, aber zahlt mit steigender Latenz. Wenn die Latenz wichtig ist, dann versucht man die Pfade kurz zu halten. Wenn der Durchsatz wichtiger ist, dann zerlegt man den Prozess in mehr Stufen und baut ein Flieband-System, bei dem die Schritte entkoppelt sind, damit sie einzeln in die Breite skaliert werden knnen. Wenn man das geschickt macht, kann man sowohl hohen Durchsatz und geringe Latenz haben. Das ist dann aber mit Arbeit verbunden.

Die Story hier ist also meiner Ansicht nach nicht ber Microservices oder Monolithen oder....

Kann man jetzt eigentlich Nach-Hause-Telefonier-Software ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Kann man jetzt eigentlich Nach-Hause-Telefonier-Software mit Telemetrie-Wohnsitz in der Cloud als deutsche Behrde datenschutzkonform einsetzen oder nicht?

Ich spoiler mal das Offensichtliche: Nein. Kann man nicht.

Nichtsdestotrotz haben die Bundeslnder ein Gutachten in Auftrag gegeben. In der Hoffnung, offensichtlich, dass der Gutachter high, besoffen und blind ist. Und von Microsoft bezahlt, denn selbst ein Blinder sieht, dass das nicht geht.

Und wie lief das Gutachten? Fragdenstaat wollte da mal reingucken, und das wurde ihnen verweigert.

Der Antrag ist nach 8 6 a) IFG NRW abzulehnen, da das Bekanntwerden des Rechtsgutachtens die Beziehungen zu anderen Bundeslndern beeintrchtigen wrde.
Wait ... what?!?
Die ALD hat einer Herausgabe zu recht widersprochen. Es handelt sich nmlich um ein internes Arbeitspapier der ALD, das der gemeinsamen Erarbeitung und Umsetzung einheitlicher Verhandlungsbedingungen dient.
Ja! Richtig gelesen! Das ist klar illegal, also hoffen sich damit den Preis senken zu knnen. Hey Microsoft, wir bezahlen euch und die amerikanischen Geheimdienste doch schon mit dem illegalen Zugriff auf alle Daten unserer Bevlkerung, die wir hier ohne sie zu fragen ans Messer liefern!1!! Da knnt ihr doch sicher den Kaufpreis etwas senken? Schlagt das doch einfach auf die Wartungskosten drauf, die zahlt bei uns ein anderer Topf.

Immer dran denken: Diese Leute sind von uns Steuerzahlern bezahlte Dienstleister, deren Auftrag es ist, sich an Recht und Gesetz zu halten.

Wie kriminell mssen die noch werden, bevor man die einfach mal alle rausschmeit?

Zu der bunten Fassade kam ein beunruhigender Leserbrief ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Zu der bunten Fassade kam ein beunruhigender Leserbrief aus der Schweiz rein:

Naja, fr Schweizer ist das eher harmlos. Hier musste unlngst ein Hausbesitzer sein Haus neu anmalen lassen, weil der gewhlte Weisston der Fassade einen leichten Blaustich hatte. Das Haus war nicht denkmalgeschtzt oder sowas. Begrndung der Gemeinde: die Farbe wre im Vergleich zu den Nachbarhusern zu "kalt". Vor ein paar Jahren musste hier in der Nhe ein Hausdach neu gedeckt werden. In der Schweiz brauchst du (je nach Gemeinde) eine Baugenehmigung fr die Ziegel (oder was auch immer) auf deinem Hausdach.

Der gute Mann hatte eine solche und durfte sein Hausdach golden decken. Als das Dach fertig war, kam die Gemeinde, das Dach sei zu auffllig und wrde Autofahrer ablenken und er musste es neu in neutraler Farbe decken. Ich habe in meinem Haus vor ein paar Jahren zwei Fenster erneuert. Die alten Fenster waren weiss, die neuen Fenster sind weiss. Hatte ich als Auflage in der Baugenehmigung und als die Fenster ausgetauscht waren, kam ein Gemeindebttel vorbei und hat Fotos von den neuen Fenstern gemacht, damit die Gemeinde prfen konnte, ob die Fenster auch wirklich weiss sind. Bei einer Fassade wie der von dem Hotel wrde hier vermutlich direkt ein abbruchtrupp der Gemeinde anrcken.

Ich habe keinerlei Verstndnis fr sowas.

Aus meiner Sicht sind das kleine unwichtige Menschen, die endlich auch mal Gewalt ber andere haben und das dann ausnutzen, um ihre eigene Unwichtigkeit fr eine Sekunde vergessen zu knnen. Abstoendes Verhalten!

Update: Das hier scheint der Fall zu sein.


BTC price risks $27K loss as Bitcoin trend lines brew 'bullish cross' "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BTC price action offers little relief to Bitcoin bulls despite U.S. macro data releases showing inflation subsiding.


FLASHBACK: Glenn Connects the Dots on Biden Familys China Payoffs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hunter Biden is at the forefront of the news yet again, thanks to new charges from House Oversight Chairman James Comer. The House Republicans memo alleges that Hunter along with several other members of the Biden family received millions of dollars from foreign entities during Joe Bidens vice presidencyincluding payments from China. The White House has since fired back, calling the the GOPs claims evidence-free. But, Glenn has had the evidence all along. In fact, Glenn laid out all the details showing just how culpable the Biden family truly is during a Glenn TV chalkboard months ago. In this clip, Glenn connects ALL the dots, revealing how the Biden family got PAID by Communist China

Watch this full Glenn TV episode, The Real Reason Theyre Going After TrumpAgain, now on Plus, stay tuned for an explosive special coming soon about how YOU can help activate our justice systems against the Biden Crime Family.

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El Paso is on the verge of COLLAPSE as Title 42 is ending "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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Glenn: Humanity will END when Americans NO LONGER CARE "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We all know were living in a time of crisis, and we havent seen anything like this since the Civil War. But this time its not north versus south. Its neighbor versus neighbor. And to make it all worse, Glenn explains, our government has CONDONED this nations breakdown. Thats why, Glenn says, his fear isnt about America being destroyed by Russia or nuclear bombs. His fear is our civilization and its lack of concern for our freedoms: America needs more gutsthe guts to stand up, to say the things that you mean, and to mean the things that you say.

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Glenn: Why you should fear a DOLLAR COLLAPSEnot the banks "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres no denying that Americas banking system (and in general, our entire economy) is in turmoil. But does that mean you should pull all your money from the nations biggest banks? No. At least, Glenn doesnt think so, and he explains why in this clip. Rather, Glenn says, its the collapse of the dollar that should truly worry us all. He explains how thanks to disastrous policymaking from both our federal government and the Federal Reserve the value of the U.S. dollar is massively sinking. So, how will that affect YOU? Watch this clip to find out

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FLASHBACK: Glenn Connects the Dots on Biden Familys China Payoffs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hunter Biden is at the forefront of the news yet again, thanks to new charges from House Oversight Chairman James Comer. The House Republicans memo alleges that Hunter along with several other members of the Biden family received millions of dollars from foreign entities during Joe Bidens vice presidencyincluding payments from China. The White House has since fired back, calling the the GOPs claims evidence-free. But, Glenn has had the evidence all along. In fact, Glenn laid out all the details showing just how culpable the Biden family truly is during a Glenn TV chalkboard months ago. In this clip, Glenn connects ALL the dots, revealing how the Biden family got PAID by Communist China

Watch this full Glenn TV episode, The Real Reason Theyre Going After TrumpAgain, now on Plus, stay tuned for an explosive special coming soon about how YOU can help activate our justice systems against the Biden Crime Family.

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#glennbeck #glenntv #theblaze #blazetv #presidentbiden #hunterbiden #bidenfamily #corruption #china


El Paso is on the verge of COLLAPSE as Title 42 is ending "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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Glenn: Humanity will END when Americans NO LONGER CARE "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We all know were living in a time of crisis, and we havent seen anything like this since the Civil War. But this time its not north versus south. Its neighbor versus neighbor. And to make it all worse, Glenn explains, our government has CONDONED this nations breakdown. Thats why, Glenn says, his fear isnt about America being destroyed by Russia or nuclear bombs. His fear is our civilization and its lack of concern for our freedoms: America needs more gutsthe guts to stand up, to say the things that you mean, and to mean the things that you say.

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Glenn: Why you should fear a DOLLAR COLLAPSEnot the banks "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres no denying that Americas banking system (and in general, our entire economy) is in turmoil. But does that mean you should pull all your money from the nations biggest banks? No. At least, Glenn doesnt think so, and he explains why in this clip. Rather, Glenn says, its the collapse of the dollar that should truly worry us all. He explains how thanks to disastrous policymaking from both our federal government and the Federal Reserve the value of the U.S. dollar is massively sinking. So, how will that affect YOU? Watch this clip to find out

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Nancy Mace: This is the most corrupt scheme in American politics "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

House Oversight Committee member Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., says on Americas Newsroom that the Biden family is playing a shell game with U.S. adversaries after the committee released evidence of their business transactions. #foxnews

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National Police Week: Keeping mental health of police officers in focus | Wake Up America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Thursdays Wake Up America, Frank Ray, a former police officer turned country music singer shares the importance of National Police Week and helping normalize mental health for first responders.

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Janet Yellen Claims Debt Default Would Spark A Global Downturn "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urged Congress on Thursday to raise its debt ceiling. Yellen warned that a US default would produce an economic and financial catastrophe that would spark a global economic downturn and risk undermining the countrys ability to provide global leadership.

Yellen has been increasingly vocal about the debt in recent weeks.

A default would threaten the gains that weve worked so hard to make over the past few years in our pandemic recovery. And it would spark a global downturn that would set us back much further, Yellen said Thursday in Niigata, Japan, where she is attending a meeting of G7 finance ministers and central bankers. It would also risk undermining US global economic leadership and raise questions about our ability to defend our national security interests, she added, according to a report by CNN Business

Some market analysts, such as Gregory Mannarino said that the probability of a debt default is about 50/50. The ruling class in the U.S. could easily use a debt default as an excuse to crash the current system and install the new one.

Prepare For The New System: A Crisis of Epic Proportions Is Coming

Yellen said Congress should just raise the debt ceiling since they have done so almost 80 times since 1960. She urged fellow member...


Uniswap (UNI) Surges After A Bumpy Ride, Is Bearish Run Over? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Uniswap (UNI) has been experiencing downward movement due to general market sentiment. The downtrend started on April 19, dropping from $6 to $5. However, the price rises gradually, indicating that the bulls are building momentum.

This slight increase has left traders wondering if the bearish trend is over and whether things might start getting better for Uniswap (UNI).

Signs of Bullish Sentiment As UNI Surges

Notably, UNI is up today by 3.27% at a high of $5.12 within the last 24-hour trading session. The 24-hour trading volume is also up by over 97.72% at $68 million, signifying that the UNI market is experiencing high activity. This data shows that the bulls build strong momentum with positive market sentiment.

Related Reading: Bitcoin Price Blasts Above $28,000 Following 4.9% April CPI Report

Moreover, the token still holds the 22nd position on the CoinMarketCap ranking with a market cap of $2.9 billion. According to, the market sentiment towards Uniswap (UNI) is bullish. 

The indicator confirms the bullish sentiment with a 61 reading, meaning investors are greedy. This further shows that investors are optimistic about the future potential, and the recent increase in price may be sustainable.

UNI Technical Analysis

Even with the increasing price and trading volume, the technical indicators for UNI remained contradictory, with some pointing towards a potential bear market.

UNI is currently trading below its 50-day & 200-day Simple Moving Averages (SMAs) and has formed a Death Cross, a bearish sign. The Death Cross contributed to the price drop as it caused traders and investors to sell their holdings or take short positions. 

The SMA indicator suggests that both the long-term and short-term trend is bearish. But, the price might reverse if the bulls hold their long positions. The Relative Strength Index (RSI), with a reading of 40.20, suggests that the asset is not in the overbought or oversold regions but in a neutral range. 

This indicates that theres no significant buying or selling pressure and UNI might experience some level of consolidation or a positive price change.

The MACD indicator suggests a bearish trend, with the MACD currently below the signal line. The histogram also confirms the bearish momentum as it is trading below zero.

UNI is trading at $5.14 at the time of writing. The bears are trying to break through the first support level of $4.746, a level several times.

However, if the bulls build strong momentum and break above the significant resistance level of $5.731, it might trigger a bullish trend. The next support and resistance level will be $.........


How the IRS seized $10B worth of crypto using blockchain analytics "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A public-private partnership with blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis has played a key role in helping the Internal Revenue Service solve cryptocurrency-related crimes.

8 smart strategies for effectively explaining a blockchain scaling solution "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Non-experts are much more likely to grasp the value of a scaling solution if its related to something they already understand.

Where Baby Dolls And Music Meet "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Where Baby Dolls And Music Meet

Im sorry. I dont have much to say about these, but I cant get them out of my mind. Now theyre in your mind too. This delightful musical device is made by Moon Armada. They make all kinds of musical devices, but the thing that stands out, and may maybe haunt your dreams, are these []

The post Where Baby Dolls And Music Meet appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


Coursera elevates Alan Cardenas to the role of General Counsel and Secretary "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO, Coursera 

I am delighted to announce that Alan Cardenas will be stepping into the role of General Counsel and Secretary at Coursera, joining our executive team and overseeing the leadership and day-to-day operations of our global legal function. 

Since joining the company as Deputy General Counsel in 2021, Alan has managed a global legal team, spearheading the corporate legal function worldwide and chairing the international expansion committee. He also led our response to several global developments and oversaw compliance practices as both a public company and public benefit corporation. I am confident that Alan will continue to provide exceptional counsel to Coursera that will enable us to serve even more learners and institutions around the world. As the first Latinx member of our executive team, we are also delighted that Alan will serve as the executive sponsor of HOLA, our Latinx/Hispanic Employee Resource Group. 

Before Coursera, Alan spent more than 13 years at Siemens, including its spinoff Siemens Energy, where he held various leadership positions within the legal function. He holds a J.D. from Rutgers University School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts in history and political science from Rutgers University.

As we welcome Alan, Id like to thank Anne Cappel for her tireless work as General Counsel for more than five years. Annes expertise, sound counsel, and steady leadership have been instrumental to our success. She has built a top-notch legal team and laid the foundation that has allowed Coursera to grow into a globally successful public company. Anne will transition into an advisory role at Coursera. 

Please join me in congratulating Alan on his new role as General Counsel and in thanking Anne for her invaluable contributions to Coursera.

The post Coursera elevates Alan Cardenas to the role of General Counsel and Secretary appeared first on Coursera Blog.


Do Kwon's lawyers propose $436K bail as authorities prepare for June trial "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Lawyers said Do Kwon and Han Chang-joon could be released on bail and largely confined to a Montenegro apartment with the obligation to periodically report to the state authority.


Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Efficient "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

If heroes would just check the betting markets before fighting they could make much better choices.

Today's News:


The formal introduction "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hello survivalmonkey's, I'm glad to have found the site and hope to ad something of value to the forum. I have been 'prepping' almost my whole life, just that, back then, it wasn't called prepping it was called living. To me, prepping is not something that you decide to do as an occasional event, it's a way of living that you adopt and is done constantly and consistently, continually building, improving, and planning for tomorrow. We put back a little of this and that, we repair rather than...

The formal introduction


Milady memecoin surges 5,250% after Musk tweet, exchange listings "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The market capitalization of the LADYS token has surpassed $140 million after surging in popularity.


Struggling London Marathon Runner Gets Help From Fellow Athletes To Finish the Race "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Struggling London Marathon Runner Gets Help From Fellow Athletes To Finish the Race

London Marathon Runners

Photo: Screenshots from Reddit

Training for a marathon is one of the most physically demanding activities you can willingly put yourself through. And when race day finally comesafter months of training and hours spent pounding the pavementyou want to finish the race strong. But sometimes, that just doesnt happen.

A runner at the 2023 London Marathon experienced this as he worked his way towards the end of the race. In a short video shared on Reddit, the man in a black cap begins to double over and is on the verge of collapsing as other participants whizz by. But before he falls to the ground, another runner comes from behind him and grabs his arm. Hes able to hold the runner steady enough to keep going. Shortly after, another person appears on the mans other side. Together, the three runners make their way to the finish line.

Its unclear if the men knew each prior to the race. But when it comes to marathons, finishing with a fast time is only one component. The camaraderieknowing thousands of other people are doing the same thing as youis part of what makes the experience so special. And helping someone in need? Even better. Though the three guys didnt finish first, they won that day.

Watch two London Marathon runners help a fellow athlete who was struggling to finish the race.

Marathoners help a fellow runner to the finish line (London)
by u/westcoastcdn19 in HumansBeingBros

h/t: [Reddit]

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10l rotovap "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The 10l rotovap is one of the most commonly used equipment in the experiments of sample concentration, solvent circulation, extraction and solvent mixture separation; the rotovap receiving flask is one of the more important parts of the rotary evaporator, the rotovap receiving flask rotates on its side to The inside is covered with a thin film, which greatly enhances the evaporation process. The rotary evaporator is used in the...

10l rotovap


Franklin Templeton to List Blockchain Fund Targeting Institutional Investors "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jenny Johnson, president and CEO of Franklin Templeton (left) (Shutterstock/CoinDesk)


Mini freeze dry machine for sale "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

To freeze dry fruit at home, what do you need?
Choose your favorite fruit (strawberry, banana, peach, watermelon, grape, orange, grapefruit, etc.)
A mini freeze dry machine (this machine will help you to omit a lot of tedious steps, easy to operate and easy to use)

Teach you how to use a freeze dryer to make fruit freeze-dried?
Step 1: Pick fruits with high water content.

Mini freeze dry machine for sale


Decentralized Wallet Developer Odsy Network Raises $7.5M at $250M Valuation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Odsy Foundation founders (l-r): Yehonatan Cohen Scaly, David Lachmish, Omer Sadika, Sean Lee. (Odsy Foundation)


Bitcoin Rebounds From $27,100 After Spike In Bearish Sentiment "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Data shows the Bitcoin sentiment had turned quite bearish just before the assets price had rebounded up from the $27,100 level.

Bitcoin Recovers Shortly After FUD Takes Over Market

According to data from the on-chain analytics firm Santiment, investors showed high levels of fear around the time of the local bottom during the past day. The relevant indicator here is the social volume, which measures the total number of social media text documents that mention a given topic like cryptocurrency or Bitcoin.

These social media text documents include a variety of sources, like Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, and other forums. The social volume only tracks how many such documents mention the term at least once. So this means that even if a post contains the keyword several times, its contribution to the social volume will still be only one unit.

The significance of the social volume is that it tells us about the amount of discussion that certain topics are getting from social media participants at the moment.

In the context of the current topic, social media is used to know the degree of the bearish and bullish sentiments in the market. Here is a chart that shows the trend in these social volumes for Bitcoin over the last week:

Bitcoin Social Volume

To separate the social volume for discussions that imply a bullish mentality, terms such as buy, bottom, bullish have been chosen, while keywords like sell, top, bearish are the ones selected for pinpointing a bearish sentiment.

As displayed in the above graph, the Bitcoin social volume for the bearish sentiment seems to have observed a large spike during the past day. This surge in the indicator had come after BTC had plunged from above $28,000 to around $27,100.

This suggests that the BTC investors had turned very fearful during this panic selloff. A similar level of bearish sentiment was also observed only a couple of days back, as the chart highlights.

The turn in market mentality back then had also come following a decline (this time from the $29,000 mark to the low $27,000 levels), and interestingly, it had coincided with the local bottom in the price.

The spike this time has also occurred simultaneously with the possible local bottom formation at $27,100, as the price of the cryptocurrency has recovered a little bit since then.

Historically, w...

Thursday, 11 May


Core Developer Amiti Uttarwar Will Be Reinforcing Decentralization At Bitcoin 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

One of the many ways that Bitcoin is an experiment is in its decentralized development model, explained Amiti Uttarwar. Whether a non-profit or a private company, the vast majority of software projects have a centralized structure for directing funding, prioritizing projects and coordinating efforts. But the community consensus model of Bitcoin is essential for ongoing censorship resistance. While its not easy to get tens of thousands of individual computers to agree, getting thousands of humans to agree is arguably the greater challenge.

As a Bitcoin Core developer, Uttarwar is understandably fascinated with Bitcoins unique consensus model. She opted to focus on this community-led, open-source project full time in 2019, taking a significant pay cut from an engineering role with Coinbase, and has since earned grants to continue her work from OKCoin, BitMEX operator HDR Global and Gemini.

Her past codebase contributions have changed the logic of Bitcoins address management, fundamentally shifted address communication and reduced privacy leaks caused by transaction broadcasting. Today, her development focus is on improving support for privacy-enhancing communication layers like Tor, I2P and CJDNS through a collaboration with Chaincode Labs Martin Zumsande.

While Bitcoin users can run nodes on multiple networks right now, the benefits are limited and often require a deep level of understanding from the node operator, Uttarwar said. Our current project is to enable automatic connections to nodes on every network that a user has enabled. With our work, if a user has enabled clearnet (with interfaces IPv4 or IPv6) and Tor on their Bitcoin node, the node will strive to ensure at least one of their 10 outbound connections is to an onion peer on the Tor network.

For Uttarwar, who has seen her work merged into a Bitcoin Core update and who depends upon the larger community of Bitcoin developers for feedback and critical review of her work, the decentralization that underpins this software project is more than just a development model, it is a responsibility.

Honoring decentralization in the world of Bitcoin development requires participation from Bitcoin users at varying levels of expertise, she said. For example, a protocol upgrade can only happen if users all over the world decide to adopt the code and activate the new logic... The question of what makes Bitcoin better evokes strong opinions in the community, but whether advocating for os...



A List of Trials of Stem Cell Therapies Aimed at Slowing Aging "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

To what degree can the current panoply of stem cell therapies slow the progression of ageing?


Graffiti-Style Characters With Expressive Big Eyes Explore Ones Inner Child "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Graffiti-Style Characters With Expressive Big Eyes Explore Ones Inner Child

Graffiti Art by Hera of Herakut

Made in a distinctive graffiti style, Jasmin Siddiqui's paintings look as though they were plucked straight off the streets. The German-Pakistani artist, better known as Hera from the art duo Herakut, is debuting a new solo exhibition titled tHERApy room 2 at the Corey Helford Gallery in Los Angeles. It explores the human condition and childhood experiences through a cast of large-eyed female figures adorned with uncanny animal headwear.

Although created on traditional canvases, Siddiqui brought her graffiti roots into the making of these paintings by using a mix of spray paint, acrylic, and even charcoal. As a result of this approach, a rainbow of colors drips down the canvases. Additionally, all of the figures are rendered in a rough, sketchy way that emphasizes the youth of the characters themselves.

Its 23 years now since I have touched a spray can for the first time. Who would have thought this tool would have such a defining effect on my life, Hera says. To me, it was a match made in heaven, as it really felt like I had finally found my own vocabulary. One could say that I created my own language, in which I have been non-stop communicating and sharing my thoughts ever sinceon walls all over the world and on so many canvases, Ive lost count.

Although these female figures vary slightly in appearance and accessory, they are united by their large expressive eyes and connection to animals and nature. But even though Ive written up hundreds of messages next to hundreds of big-eyed figures, it doesnt get old or feel less important to me, she continues. Because each note I write and share with the world, is actually a message addressed to that inner child, the vulnerable part that needs that extra encouragement, that talk of hope, of magic, and a little bit of escapism.

Hera's art is currently on view at the Corey Helford Gallery in Los Angeles until May 27,...


Yellowpop x Tom Wesselmann: LED Neon and Wallpaper Collection "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Yellowpop, the leading designer and manufacturer of LED neon signs, is excited to announce its latest collection of seven quintessential LED neon signs and four wallpaper prints inspired by iconic artist, Tom Wesselmann. The collaboration celebrates Wesselmanns influential career and expands Yellowpops collection of contemporary pop art-inspired neon signs.

The Tom Wesselmann Estate is one of the most respected names in the art world, dedicated to preserving and promoting the legacy of the legendary Pop Art artist. The new collection of LED neon signs from Yellowpop is a perfect embodiment of Wesselmanns artistic vision, featuring bold colors, clean lines, and iconic images.

The seven LED neon signs are inspired by Wesselmanns most celebrated works, including his iconic Smokers, Great American Nude and Still Life series. Each sign features a combination of bright colors and high-qu...


Google is on a Mission to Clearly Label AI-Generated Images "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fake AI images

At its I/O developer event yesterday, Google announced two new features that will better help users understand the origins of an image -- including if it is AI-generated.

[Read More]


Cryptocurrency trading addiction: What to look out for and how it is treated "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The epic highs and lows of cryptocurrency trading make traders particularly prone to addictive trading behavior.


Pepe memecoin frenzy gets unwanted attention from scammers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Security firm CertiK alerted the community to a fraudulent Pepe website offering rewards, cautioning that the site is linked to a phishing contract.


This voice coach saying Youre grounded in 26 different accents is a proper work of art "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its been a while since weve been told were grounded (last week, in fact) but its never been so enjoyable as this.

Its accent coach Sarah Valentine saying the phrase in no fewer than 26 different accounts 26! and its a hilarious work of art.

@actorsaccentcoach Replying to @Lost #youaregrounded #accentqueen #sarahvalentine #actor #actors #dialectcoach #accentcoach #accentcoaching #accentchallenge #dialectcoaching #actress #accentcoachsarahvalentine #learnaccents #actorslife #dialects #accenthelp #accents...


Ordinals good or bad for Bitcoin? Supporters and opposers raise voices "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin miners, exchanges and layer-2 builders have different reasons to support or oppose Bitcoin Ordinals.


Chiliz (CHZ) Price Nosedives Indicating A Strong Bearish Sentiment "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Chiliz(CHZ) is trading in the red today, down by over 4% in the last 24 hours. This trend broadly reflects the global crypto market cap, down by 0.57% in 24 hours. 

However, despite the price drop, Chilizs trading volume is up by 39% at press time, which could influence its price action soon.

CHZ traded at $0.1011 on January 1, 2023, before it moved to $0.1202 on January 10. Since then, it has experienced extreme price volatility, peaking at $0.1577 on February 8 for the first time in 2023. However, the bears have prevailed on its price, returning it to $0.1075 today.

CHZ Price Prediction

CHZ is in a downtrend momentum, forming a fourth consecutive red candle. It has dropped below its 50-day and 200-day Simple Moving Averages (SMA), a bearish sentiment for the short and long term.

Related Reading: Bitcoin Price Blasts Above $28,000 Following 4.9% April CPI Report

Also, its Relative Strength Index (RSI) is 28.15, firmly in the oversold region below 30. It implies that the bears are in control of their price movement. The RSI is still moving downwards, suggesting further price decline for the asset in the short term. However, since the asset is oversold, a retracement is likely if it can rally from its closest support level.

CHZs Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) is below its signal line and showing negative values. It also reflects the prevalent bearish trend. Also, the histogram bars are at full strength and bearish.

Chiliz (CHZ) Price Nosedives Indicating A Strong Bearish Sentiment

CHZ is rapidly approaching the $0.108 support level and a drop below this will send the assets price into free fall to record lower lows.

The bears at the $0.11685719 resistance level are active and resisting a rally for the asset. But CHZ is already in the oversold region and will probably reach a point of consolidation soon. 

Chilizs Web3 Moves For T...


New wallet uses Amazon hardware security modules to eliminate seed words "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The newly launched crypto wallet by Kresus requires users to sign in with magic links, meaning password hashes dont need to be stored.

Fueled by artistic passion, NFTs have found a permanent home in the art world "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NFTs have democratized access to the art world in unprecedented ways, unlocking new opportunities for artists who might otherwise not have been able to make a living from their passions.


Discover Your Historical Alter Ego: Which Iconic Figure From the Past Are You? [Quiz] "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Discover Your Historical Alter Ego: Which Iconic Figure From the Past Are You? [Quiz]

Historical Figure Personality Quiz

Throughout history, there have been many important figures that have made a lasting impact. Whether they be artists, politicians, or trailblazing adventurers, each of these people has used their character to propel themselves forward and create a lasting name. In this week's quiz, we look at the personalities of some iconic figures from history and see how they match up against your own unique qualities.

The quiz is just eight questions, so in a matter of minutes, you'll have a clearer idea of who from history mirrors your own values. Then you can dive into more content about them to see what you can learn from the past to inform your own future. So go ahead, take the quiz, and be sure to share the results!

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READ: Discover Your Historical Alter Ego: Which Iconic Figure From the Past Are You? [Quiz]


How this 17 y/os first job ended is a proper jaw-dropper and got just the responses they deserved "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres a corner of Reddit called antiwork in which people call out awful bosses and highlight chilling instances of the state of work today.

And they dont get much more awful (or chilling) or outrageous than this, especially if youre just starting out.

How my 17 year olds first job ended, said Redditor Kalli672 who shared it.

And they got just the responses they deserved.

One days pay is not a big deal for us.

Thats why we steal it off every employee.

Actually legally

Man they backed off real quick when he called their bluff.

The you dont seem to have appreciated this is rubbing me the wrong way. Like theyre doing the 17yo a favor? Its a job, not a hand out.

They hire teens because they think they can take advantage. Good on them for standing up for themselves.

It took a bit of encouragement, and using google to prove to my kid that the owner was wrong. But once they believed me they were happy to stand up for their rights!

Source Reddit u/Kalli672

The post How this 17 y/os first job ended is a proper jaw-dropper and got just the responses they deserved appeared first on The Poke.


Terra crash anniversary: Community reflects on the lessons learned "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Terra crash anniversary sparks reflections on the importance of liquidity, transparency and user protection in the crypto industry.


Bitcoin bears need BTC price to go below $27K ahead of Friday's $900M options expiry "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin price giving up ground over the past week to slide below $28,000 has put bears in a better position for Friday's expiry.


Account abstraction could bring the next billion users to Ethereum Ambire CEO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Episode 19 of Hashing It Out, Ambire founder and CEO Ivo Georgiev explains a new technology aiming to bring increased flexibility and security to the Ethereum network.


SPONGE Lists On 2 Major Exchanges: Will It Beat Pepes Solid Price Performance? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SPONGE, the latest addition to the world of meme coins, has been making waves since its launch. With recent listings on popular cryptocurrency exchanges like Poloniex and MEXC, the Spongebob coin has attracted the attention of traders and investors alike. 

But the question on everyones mind is: will it surpass the impressive price performance of meme coin darling, Pepe?

As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow, meme coins have emerged as a popular trend among traders and investors. These coins often feature fun and quirky designs that appeal to the younger demographic, making them a hit among social media users. 

And SPONGE is no exception. With its unique sponge-shaped logo and playful marketing, it has quickly gained a following in the crypto community.

SPONGE: The Rising Star Among Meme Coins?

SPONGE, a brand new Ethereum-based ERC-20 meme token, has quickly become a rising star among the highly-stacked field of meme coins, with its unique branding and impressive price performance.

Currently priced at 0.000452, the token has already made a name for itself as one of the most successful meme coins this year, despite being down 43.53% in the last 24 hours.

The token made its debut on the decentralized exchange Uniswap on May 4, and within just 48 hours, it was listed on CoinW and Toobit. This lightning-fast listing process is in stark contrast to PepeCoin (PEPE), which took three weeks to list on its first centralized exchange. 

In fact, following its listings on various exchanges, SPONGE came incredibly close to reaching a $100 million market cap, and was ranked in the top 275 cryptocurrencies by market cap, according to CoinMarketCap data.

One impressive feat that SPONGE achieved was its trading volume on Uniswap. Within just four days of its launch, its 24-hour trading volume exceeded $100 million, outpacing the trading volume of PEPE by a significant margin.

This made SPONGE the most-traded coin on Uniswap, excluding wrapped Ethereum. With such impressive numbers, many are wondering if SPONGE will be able to surpass the success of its meme coin rival, Pepe Coin.

Meme Coin Craze Sweeps The Crypto Market

SPONGEs impressive price performance is part of a larger trend in the crypto market: the...


With The E-Krona, Sweden Is Attacking The Virtues Bitcoin Is Built To Protect "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This is an opinion editorial by Peter Bistoletti, a Bitcoiner who has lived in Sweden since 1971.

Sweden is the nightmare example of a state destroying financial privacy, winning the war on cash and having control of all financial transactions. Sweden has almost completely abolished anonymous cash transactions and, as a result, its regulators have control of all financial assets. Since at least 1971, when I moved to Sweden, bank assets have to be reported annually to the tax authorities, which can also demand documentation for all bank transactions. Since 2020, the Swedish police have the right by law to acquire access to locked iphones and computers by use of force.

In such a privacy-averse environment, one should consider Bitcoin as a better alternative.

Introducing The E-Krona

In the early days of Bitcoin, one could buy BTC anonymously through platforms such as LocalBitcoins, which is impossible today. To buy BTC through the majority of accessible platforms now, one has to follow strict KYC and AML regulations. Sweden also has no Bitcoin ATMs. Swedish banks, politicians and the media have an overwhelmingly hostile attitude towards BTC.

Sweden is now moving toward a central-bank-issued, digital, national currency. Since 2017, the Swedish central bank, Sveriges Riksbank, the issuer of the prize in economic science in memory of Alfred Nobel, has been promoting the e-krona as a complement to, or replacement of, physical cash. Proponents of e-krona argue that it prevents money laundering and criminal activities, speeds up the financial system and finetunes financial and monetary activities. Critics argue that it is the ultimate tool for financial censorship, control and surveillance. The development of e-krona is happening in cooperation with other central banks and the Bank For International Settlements (BIS).

E-krona is, at present, a pilot project, testing the technical platform and the cooperation...


Thinking Thursday: Money "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Write your prompt response in style with Odyssey: The Adventure of Learning, available as a digital printable journal at my bookstore (Thank you for cutting out the middleman!) and in paperback through your local Amazon store. Read more about my playful math books here.

Do you want your children to develop the ability to reason creatively and figure out things on their own?

Help kids practice slowing down and taking the time to fully comprehend a math topic or problem-solving situation with these classic tools of learning: See. Wonder. Create.

See: Look carefully at the details of the numbers, shapes, or patterns you see. What are their attributes? How do they relate to each other? Also notice the details of your own mathematical thinking. How do you respond to a tough problem? Which responses are most helpful? Where did you get confused, or what makes you feel discouraged?

Wonder: Ask the journalists questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how? Who might need to know about this topic? Where might we see it in the real world? When would things happen this way? What other way might they happen? Why? What if we changed the situation? How might we change it? What would happen then? How might we figure it out?

Create: Create a description, summary...


XRP Holds Above Key Support As Ripple CEO Predicts Delay Of Verdict "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

XRP price has shown a strong reaction after the (fake) news of the alleged sale of 9,800 BTC by the US government and the subsequent sell-off across the crypto market, staying above the key support. However, XRP investors have yet another damper to digest today.

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse said during the Dubai Fintech Summit that he expects a ruling in the legal battle with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by the end of the third quarter of 2023. In a previous statement in January at the World Economic Forum, Garlinghouse still expressed his optimism that a ruling will come in the first half of 2023 (by the end of the second quarter).

Ripple CEO Lowers His Expectations For A Verdict

During the interview at the Dubai Fintech Summit, the Ripple CEO emphasized the protracted nature of the legal battle with the SEC, stressing that the case has been ongoing for two and a half years. While this is a long time, Garlinghouse pointed to a silver lining:

So it has certainly been frustrating and slow, But the good news is we are at the end of that journey. While others in the crypto might be beginning their journey, the silver lining is that Ripple is now at the end.

Furthermore, Garlinghouse revealed that he expects a resolution in the next two or six months. The Ripple CEO conceded Judge Analisa Torres has additional deliberation time, as she has extensive information to process and make a decision based on it.

Ultimately, Garlinghouse indicated that, like everyone else, he can only guess how long Judge will need to make her decision:

A federal judge can operate on whatever timeline, in this case, she would like, but I am optimistic we can see a resolution, I believe, before the end of Q3.

XRP Price Holds Key Support

The XRP price is following the current market sentiment today and is slightly in the red today, down -0.34% over the last 24 hours. At press time, XRP was trading at $0.4253, holding above key support at $0.4131.

The support is key because a break to the downside would knock the XRP price back down the trading range from early November 2022 to mid-March 2023. XRP had spent over four months in this trading range before an impulsive move higher on March 21. If XRP closes below $0.4131 on the 1-day chart, it would be an extremely bearish signal.

On the upside, XRP first faces the 200-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) at $0.4353 again. The indicator is often referred to as the bull boundary and is accordingly of great importance to subsequently break through resistance at $0.4402 and regaining bullish momentum.



Memepool full: Heres how exchanges adjust Bitcoin withdrawal fees "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Amid a spike in Bitcoin transaction costs, cryptocurrency exchanges are taking measures to serve their clients properly.


Video Shows a CEO Berating Employees Who Were Worried About Not Getting Bonuses "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As the price of just about everything goes up and wages stay pretty much the same, people are pretty quick to get fed up these days when it comes to corporate greed.

And this story about a CEO certainly isnt going to make people any happier about the current situation.

A woman named Andi Owen who is the President and CEO of a company called MillerKnoll took a lot of heat recently after a video surfaced of her talking to employees who were curious if they were going to get bonuses.

For the record, Owen made a little under $5 million last year, with $1.2 million of that coming in the form of bonuses.

Screen Shot 2023 05 09 at 4.21.04 PM Video Shows a CEO Berating Employees Who Were Worried About Not Getting Bonuses

Photo Credit: Twitter

Owen seems to be pretty unhappy in the video and addressed workers concerns about how they are supposed to stay motivated after the company was hit hard by the COVID pandemic, which led to one of the companys factories closing.

Owen said that the most important thing to do is to stay focused on the customers.



The government just tipped Lindsay Hoyle over the edge and his fury is a fabulous watch "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cant think of too many times weve been moved to applaud House of Commons speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle, but this is definitely one of them.

He was responding to the government far from the first time making an announcement in the Daily Telegraph rather than in the House of Commons, where MPs are supposed to hear about this sort of thing first.

Business and trade secretary Kemi Badenoch appeared not to take his concerns particularly (at all) seriously and his fury was tangible.

Made us nervous just watching it (and just in case you were wondering, in this case it was about the governments decision to ditch plans to allow thousands of EU-inherited laws to expire by the end of the year).

And here are just a few of the things people said about it after the moment went viral on Twitter.





EU draft AI Act updated with public facial recognition ban "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Regulators in the EU concluded another round of voting, adding a new ban on the public use of biometric surveillance into its forthcoming AI Act.


Animoca Brands reports $3.4B of assets in an interim financial update "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The update shows $194 million in cash, $566 million in digital assets and $2.7 billion in off-balance sheet token reserves for other majority-owned Web3 subsidiaries.


Best Ethereum Casino Sites 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

2023 is set to be a fantastic year for players looking to gamble at Ethereum Casino sites. With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrency, many online casinos are now accepting ETH as a payment method, offering players the chance to enjoy a secure and exciting gambling experience.

In this article, well explore the best Ethereum online casinos of 2023, taking into account various criteria, such as game selection, bonuses, security, and accessibility.

Overview of the Best Ethereum Casinos

Lets start this guide with our top list of the best online gambling sites available in 2023. Highest Rated Casino of 2023

BC Game Ethereum Casino

  • ETH casino...


This guys coronation dick pic got just the response it deserved and its a right royal joy to read "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As you will probably already be aware, Becky Homes @deathtospinach on Twitter is a past master at stringing along scammers, romance fraudsters and the like on Twitter.

And theres one particular guy called Greg who keeps coming back for more. This time he was using the coronation as a hook of sorts to get in touch, and Beckys response was straight out of the top drawer.

And here is their exchange in full.

And it was so good it even got the seal of approval from this person.


Buying a car with Bitcoin gets $3.7M fine, prison time in Morocco "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Casablanca Court of Appeal upheld the conviction of 21-year-old French citizen Thomas Clausi for illegal use of cryptocurrency.


China launches national blockchain center to train half a million specialists "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The institution will reportedly train more than 500,000 specialists in distributed ledger technology.


Binance looks to the UK for regulation amid US crypto crackdown "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Binance seeks regulation in the U.K. amid a U.S. crackdown on cryptocurrencies as its chief strategy officer acknowledges the challenging business environment in the United States.


Can you work out the answer to this logic puzzle before the woman does? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p>A TikTok user named <em>xzvvop9700</em> got peoples hackles up with this clip of a logic puzzle challenge.</p> <h4>How would you have got on?</h4> <blockquote cite= "" class="tiktok-embed"> <section><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="@xzvvop9700">@xzvvop9700</a> <p><a href= "" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title= " Love You So - The King Khan & BBQ Show"> Love You So The King Khan & BBQ Show

The video has been viewed more that 30 million times and picked up almost 10,000 comments largely split between people saying how to do it, others saying she could have turned the cloth around and those getting mad at how long she took.</h4> <blockquote> <p>My anger issues could never.<br> <strong>.</strong></p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><em>Its so simple. Figured it out in like a few seconds.</em><br> <strong>Zephyr</strong></p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><em>This was painful to watch lol</em><br> <strong>JennaLynnP</strong></p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><em>Not me yelling at the screen <img alt="" class= "wp-smiley" src= "" style= "height: 1em;"></em><br> <strong>Smiley_619sd</strong></p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><em>I figured it out as soon as you were done talking lol</em><br> <strong>Christina R</strong></p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><em>Thats why its called a blonde moment.</em><br> <strong><img alt="" class="wp-smiley" src= "" style= "height: 1em;"></strong></p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><em>THIS FRUSTRATED ME SO MUCH.</em><br> <strong>#1SIMPFORLEE</strong></p> </blockquote> <h4>But, as you may have spotted, there was a reason why she might not have got the answer at first. But <em>only</em> at first.</h4> <p><em>Ihab El Sawi</em> noticed it.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong><em>At the beginning of the video 1 and 2 were far apart. The solution would not work <img alt="" class= "wp-smiley" src= "" style= "height: 1em;"></em></strong></p> </blockquote> <p>So did <em>Billibob</em>.</p> <blockquote> <p><em><strong>He moved the mar...</h4>


This fabulous takedown of Piers Morgan is going viral again and its blisteringly brilliant "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Piers Morgan is back in the news this week after allegations heard at the High Court suggested he knew about phone hacking while he was editor of the Daily Mirror.

You can read all about that here (TalkTV presenter Morgan has always denied knowingly commissioning or publishing stories based on illegally obtained voicemails).

We mention him again because the phone-hacking trial initiated by Prince Harry and others sent this old Morgan clip viral again and a fabulous watch it is too.

Its from back in the day when Morgan still had a show on CNN when his guest was Chelsea Handler. And it will never get old.


Talking of Morgan takedowns

And also this, from even further back in the day.

Source Twitter @miffythegamer

The post This...


Can artificial intelligence create more jobs? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Despite negatively impacting the labor market, there are many reasons to think AI will eventually contribute to creating new jobs and economic growth.


Dragon Caught by Spacex camera during the rocket first stage descent. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

During the rocket first stage descent, this Dragon-like creature was caught on camera.
So, did spacex catch a legendary dragon on camera?


"IndyWatch Feed Spiritual" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jean Charles Moyen is a filmmaker and former secret space program supersoldier with incredible teleportation abilities that have taken him to ancient Halls of Records and hidden Space Arks worldwide. He has provided compelling evidence for his claims in his documentary, Starseed Revelations 2, which documents how his teleportation abilities were scientifically tested and found []


Bitcoin fees plummet 95% as BTC price recovers from US govt scare "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin was not subject to U.S. government selling this week, analysis shows, but BTC price action remains pressured.


A Woman Talked About How a 2-4% Salary Increase Is a Cost-Of-Living Adjustment and Not a Raise "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As prices rise and inflation stays high, we could all use a little more money in our pocket to pay our bills.

Gas is expensive, food is expensive, housing is expensive: basically, EVERYTHING IS EXPENSIVE.

And a TikTok user shared a video that went viral where she discussed her dissatisfaction with a 2-4% salary increase that she says really isnt a raise at all.

Screen Shot 2023 05 02 at 5.19.07 PM A Woman Talked About How a 2 4% Salary Increase Is a Cost Of Living Adjustment and Not a Raise

Photo Credit: TikTok

The woman says that, instead of a raise, that salary increase is a cost-of-living adjustment.

Cost of living increases are common in salaried jobs, but the standard of 2-4% doesnt seem to be cutting it these days for a lot of people, including this woman.

Screen Shot 2023 05 02 at 5.19.15 PM A Woman Talked About How a 2 4% Salary Increase Is a Cost Of Living Adjustment and Not a Raise...


Theoretical Puppets: Salvador Dal, Sigmund Freud, Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault, and Other Thinkers Come Back to Life as Hand-Operated Puppets "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As childrens television has demonstrated since the beginning of the medium, sometimes the best way to make an unfamiliar concept understandable is to articulate it through the mouth and the body of a puppet. Most all of us alive today had some experience with that back when we were still getting our ABCs and 123s down. Yet even in adulthood, we continue to find ourselves confronted with ideas we may find difficult to grasp, especially in the domain of philosophy, with no explanation offering-puppets to be found or at least there werent, not before the launch of Theoretical Puppets on Youtube.

Each month, Theoretical Puppets brings on a notable thinker or two, the current lineup of whom includes the likes of Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt, Gilles Deleuze, and Michel Foucault, all of them reconstructed out of cloth and wire.

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Whales Keep Buying Bitcoin, What They Might Know That You Dont "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Bitcoin price took a major hit yesterday despite a positive surprise in the US Consumer Price Index (CPI), following a rumor that the US government sold 9,800 BTC related to Silk Road. Since then, the market has struggled to recover from the shock.

However, one group of investors is showing no fear: whales. The big investors with a lot of money are considered one of the most reliable indicators of when is a good time to buy Bitcoin. On-Chain analyst Axel Adler stated, BTC Accumulation and Distribution no changes. Large players continue to buy BTC from smaller players.

The chart below shows that investors with more than 5,000 BTC have been buying large amounts (alongside smaller investors <10 BTC) over the last 30 and 90 days, while all other cohorts have been shedding BTC.

Bitcoin accumulation and distribution by cohorts

What Do Bitcoin Whales Know?

Of course, it can only be speculated what the Bitcoin whales know that others do not. But the fact is that Bitcoin saw an upward trend yesterday after the CPI release, until the fake news (manipulation?) about the US government selling Bitcoin broke.

But, yesterdays CPI print could have significantly more implications than are apparent at first glance. For some time now, the market has been betting on an early pivot by the U.S. central bank (Fed). The market is currently betting on three interest rate cuts by the end of the year (3x 25 bps to 4.25-4.50%).

While the U.S. banking crisis reinforces this bet, whales may have been calling the Feds bluff for some time. As NewsBTC editorial director and technical analyst Tony Spilotro recently pointed out via Twitter, the Fed (and the masses) are relying on lagging indicators.


Benjamin Fulford Report: Enough is enough, it is time to hunt the bastards down and bring them to justice May 8, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

And that appears to be what is finally happening. Of course, we have all heard this story before, but there are many signs this time the long-awaited mass arrests really are happening. Various sources say the coronation of King Charles was the trigger event people were waiting for. Regardless of what you think of this unpopular King, he is the head of the Anglo-Saxon armed forces and he has promised to unleash a vast military-style campaign, His official inauguration was needed so military action against the cabal could be ordered, MI6 sources confirm. Needless to say, if Charles turns out to be a Khazarian Mafia stooge, he will be killed by his own bodyguards, according to these sources. In what may have been a warning, the Grim Reaper walked by as Charles was crowned the new King of Great Britain. [video width="960" height="720" mp4=""][/video] By the way, King Charles is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, as well as Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) according to Burkes Peerage, No matter what happens vis a vis King Charles though, We are entering a period where a lot of people at the top of a lot of governments who have been pursuing policies that are antithetical to their people are going to be very worried about surviving in office, says Colonel Douglas MacGregor Here in the United States, I do not expect a lot to change until the financial syst...


Elon Musk may be about to set up Twinder 17 funny twakedowns "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its often hard to tell when Elon Musk is joking largely because its not generally funny when he is. So, when he had this exchange on Twitter, we didnt know whether we were seeing the birth of another money-making gimmick or a tongue-in-cheek throwaway comment.

See what you think.

There were one or two flies in the Twinder ointment, and these tweets have it covered.






MSM Predictably Downplays Investigation into Biden Family Finances "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Author of What to Eat When Youre Broke and Bloom Where Youre Planted online course

The mainstream media coverage of the House Oversight Committees investigation into potential criminal dealings of President Bidens family is I hope youre sitting down ridiculously biased.

It should come as no surprise, since this is the same mainstream media that willfully interfered with the 2020 election by suppressing the story about Hunters laptop, scoffing at it as disinformation. Of course, we know now beyond a doubt that the laptop story, along with many others over the past few years, were not just crazy conspiracy theories but were, in fact, true.

I wont go too deeply into the weeds on the investigation, as its still ongoing, and Id like to see all the facts before we present them. This article is about the media. Its about how they paint a picture for the general public to Its about the official narrative, the one that will go down one that is based on the facts were learning as opposed to wishful thinking and manipulation.

First, how dare you have a different opinion?

What this article is about is the establishment downplaying inconvenient truths and gaslighting those of us who question their ridiculous bias is considered:

  • Far-right
  • A conspiracy theorist
  • A racist or another flavor of bigot
  • Extreme MAGA (whatever that means)
  • A fascist

I have to say, fascists who dont believe in the right to form ones own opinion calling me a fascist for questioning the questionable is the one that most makes me shake my head. Just to help those folks out, heres the actual definition of a fascist from mine):



Of all the takes on this picture of King Charles being crowned, this wasnt it "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Lets hope King Charles is settling nicely into his new role and hasnt had to fill out too many HR forms and all that.

We mention the monarch again after this particular take on his coronation went viral for reasons which will presumably become obvious.

It went viral in the corner of Reddit called murdered by words and it manages to be both subtle and absolutely brutal.

Context rules the waves.

Of all the criticisms against the English monarchy, this is the one she went with?

Tell me you dont understand the concept of a constitutional monarchy, without telling me you dont understand the concept of a constitutional monarchy.

Its like she forgot that that before that guy there was a queen for 70 years.

Shes just mad her last name is proudman, and not proudwoman.

Theres plenty of reasons to not like the monarchy: its undemocratic, wastes tax money and just generally unnecessary. But sexism, is at least not a valid reason for the british monarchy.

Must have been trolling. Mustnt it?

Source Reddit u/harwyseys

The post Of all the takes on this picture of King Charles being crowned, this wasnt it appeared first on The Poke.


Developers Deploy Uniswap Contracts on Bitcoin as BRC20-Based SHIB, PEPE Gain Popularity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Red arrows moving upon wooden blocks, Business concept Growth, Conceptual Business Finance Growth (Sakchai Vongsasiripat)


This passenger was bothered by an Uber drivers fidget stick and youll be facepalming into next week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It all started on Reddit when someone asked people to share the dumbest thing theyve ever heard. And if there was a dumber thing than this then, well, we want to see it.

Its just gone viral again after it was shared by Sera0Sparrow who said: The *Fidget Stick* was bothersome.

Extraordinary scenes.

And the comments werent bad either.

Stop my eyes rolled too far back in my head and now theyre stuck that way.

Whatd she think of the emotional support pedal.

I can forgive not knowing what a manual transmission is, but to claim youre a mechanic? What is it with people doubling down on their dumb?

I used to work at a car wash. I told a lady to put the car in neutral and she wanted to argue with me that her car doesnt have neutral. I finally convinced her that was what the N stood for. I thought I was fairly ignorant of cars but working there made me feel better about myself.

If you jiggle it to check youre in neutral more than 3 times

Same with people who dont have their blinker fluid full. Makes me so mad .

Source Reddit u/Sera0Sparrow

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ADA Price (Cardano) Plunge To $0.32 On The Horizon As Bulls Show Weak Hands "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cardanos price started a fresh decline from the $0.40 resistance. ADA could decline further if there is a clear move below the $0.35 support.

  • ADA price is showing bearish signs and trading above $0.35 against the US dollar.
  • The price is trading below $0.388 and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours).
  • There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $0.380 on the 4-hour chart of the ADA/USD pair (data source from Kraken).
  • The pair could start a decent increase if it clears the $0.380 resistance zone.

Cardanos ADA Price Extends Decline

This past week, Cardanos price made a couple of attempts to clear the $0.400 resistance. However, the bulls failed and the price reacted to the downside below the $0.388 support.

The price declined below the $0.380 and $0.365 support levels. Finally, it tested the $0.355 support. A low is formed near $0.3534 and the price is now attempting a minor upside correction, similar to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

ADA is still trading below $0.388 and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours). There is also a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $0.380 on the 4-hour chart of the ADA/USD pair. On the upside, immediate resistance is near the $0.375 zone or the 50% Fib retracement level of the recent drop from the $0.3978 swing high to the 0.3534 low.

The next major resistance is forming near the $0.380 zone or the trend line. It is close to the 61.8% Fib retracement level of the recent drop from the $0.3978 swing high to the 0.3534 low.

ADA Price (Cardano)

Source: ADAUSD on

If there is an upside break above the $0....


In Search of the Best Croissant in Protest-Filled Paris "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An Italian tourist went to Paris in search of the best croissant. A natural thing to do. Except he did it amidst a city-wide strike, one precipitated by Emmanuel Macrons attempt to raise the minimum retirement age in France. It all makes for a unique kind of food/travel video.

So what boulangeries (bakeries) made the list? Tout Autour du Pain on rue de Turenne; Carton Paris on Boulevard de Denain; Stohrer (established in 1730) on Rue Montorgueil; Du Pain et des Ides on Rue Yves Toudic; and Cedric Grolet OPRA on rue de lOpra.

And what bakery takes the proverbial cake? Turns out, its Du Pain et des Ides. When we visit Paris in June, well be sure to stop by

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via Kottke

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Local Woman Devours Another Season Of Show That Pretends Kings Didnt Look Like This "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact A local woman getting stuck into her regency filth has sadly found her sexy illusions shattered today, after realising the gorgeous emotionally unavailable men she kept falling in love with on Bridgerton were a far cry from the real deal, its reported. Lucia Fogarty [30] is alleged to have not been that fussed []

The post Local Woman Devours Another Season Of Show That Pretends Kings Didnt Look Like This appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


We cant keep putting band-aids on the current system OKX "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

OKX launches a new campaign calling for rewriting centralized legacy financial and digital systems using blockchain technology and Web3 solutions.


The Magnetic Fields Figure Album Just Needs Another 50-100 or So More Songs Before Its Ready for Release "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NEW YORK Indie pop icons The Magnetic Fields are putting the final touches on their latest album, with plans to write and record just another 100 or so more songs before releasing it, sources close to the band confirmed.

As far as Im concerned, weve only ever released two proper full-length albums, and then just a whole bunch of 14-song EPs, explained band leader and primary songwriter Stephen Merritt. My only regret with choosing to do a 50-track memoir for each year Ive been alive for our previous album was that I wasnt at least 105 years old when I wrote it. So for this album, I figure we still need another 100 or so more songs before we can start the final mixdown. Half of the new tunes are going to be about my old cats, and then the rest about love, because if you ask me, that topic has not been covered nearly enough in pop music.

A studio musician who requested to remain anonymous expressed frustration with Merritts writing style.

Im happy for the gig, but I really wish I was being paid hourly. Stephen is so exhaustingly prolific. Sometimes youll be chatting with him just about what you did that weekend but mentally hes writing a song about deep sea diving suits, explained the anonymous source. Today Ive spent the last seven hours learning to play glockenspiel for a song he wrote on the elevator ride up to the studio. How the hell are we supposed to be so twee when were all so exhausted?

Similarly prolific indie rocker Robert Pollard of Guided by Voices discussed his often fractured relationship with Merritt.

Yeah, me and Steve got into it back in the day. Sort of an indie pop arms race, explained Pollard before momentarily taking a break to record and release a new solo record. Theyd release a new 74-song album, so wed quickly pound out six LPs with increasingly unhinged song titles. Theyd craft a majestic and sprawling rumination on relationships, and wed get shitfaced. Which is maybe unrelated, but we did do that a lot. It got so bad that for most of 1997 I went everywhere holding a guitar and recording every sound I made using a hybrid sombrero/four track device.

At press time, Pitchfork has placed its editorial team on temporary hiatus due to burnout from covering Merritts latest work.

The post The Magnetic Fields Figure Album Just Needs Another 50-100 or So More Songs Before Its Ready for Release appeared first on The Hard Times.


Code Words Known as Algospeak Are Taking Over Social Media "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I guess you have to be extra careful these days about what you say and how you say itand thats why algospeak is taking the world of social media by storm.

Algospeak is when people use code words, emojis, and deliberately misspelled words to try to avoid detection by Artificial Intelligence when posting to social media to avoid being flagged for sensitive topics and potentially breaking the rules of various platforms. One example is people using code words to discuss the Supreme Courts overturning of Roe vs. Wade in 2022.

Screen Shot 2023 05 01 at 12.26.18 PM Code Words Known as Algospeak Are Taking Over Social Media

Photo Credit: Unsplash,Asterfolio

Fifty percent of people in the U.S. say theyve seen an increase in algospeak as the world becomes more divided along political and cultural lines. And because some terms become banned or flagged on social media platforms as rhetoric heats up, users have gotten creative with how to get around it.

One example is people talking about camping as a code word for actually discussing the nationwide a**rtion ban. Algospeak is also commonly used to avoid detection when people use h**e speech and talk about b**lying and issues around s**.



Math Metal Bandmates Ask Guitarist to Show His Work After Playing New Riff "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ARLINGTON, Va. Math metal band Cosine recently ended a practice early after guitarist Clint Alfred refused to provide documentation for his latest riff, irritated sources confirmed.

We have one rule as a band its a no, unless you show, said drummer Arnie Buckelmyer. You can melt our faces off all you want, but unless you can exhibit the formula used to create said face-melting riff, we cant move forward with it. And look, its not just about us, this is ultimately about Clint. Him showing us his work will build his critical thinking and communication skills. If we just let him wank mindlessly all over his fretboard, then whos that really helping? Its important to have the correct riff, but its even more important to show us how you got there.

Frustrated with his bandmates request, Alfred powered down his three pedal boards, and left the practice space early.

I understand their point, but Id had a long day of being an accountant at the graph paper factory and I just wanted to shred, said Alfred, while restringing his new 9-string microtonal guitar. Besides, it wasnt anything that difficult: seven open-D palm mutes in 7/8, into 13 Octatonic sweeps in B minor, then back into nine open palm mutes in 11/8. I mean, come on. I might as well be playing Seven Nation Army on a kazoo.

Ivar Andreassen, Professor of Polynomial Triads at the Oslo Institute of Djent Technology, believes any self-proclaimed math metal band should take documentation seriously.

The most important piece of equipment in the practice space isnt the amp, or the drum kit its the whiteboard, said Andreassen as his Multi-Modal Pinch Harmonics seminar was leaving the lecture hall. You should be able to map out every move you make, step by step, so that others can follow and build off of your work. All the time, my students are asking why we need to show work. And to that I say, oh, if you dont youre going to end up playing Green Day covers in mamas basement. That usually scares them straight.

At press time, Alfred was spotted at a local coffee shop studying for a quiz his bandmates planned to give him during their next practice.

The post Math Metal Bandmates Ask Guitarist to Show His Work After Playing New Riff appeared first on The Hard Times.


Top 1 Song That Mentions Placenta Falling to the Floor "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

So this was supposed to be a top 10 list, but after scouring AZLyrics,, and we have only been able to come up with one single song that references placenta falling to the floor. So, without further ado, here is the top 1 song that references the placenta tumbling toward the ground.

1. Live Lightning Crashes
We were actually surprised to find several songs that name-drop placenta but no song graphically illustrates the pain of childbirth quite like Lightning Crashes. We think thats what its about anyway. Were certain it has something to do with the circle of life and death but why mention the placenta at all otherwise?

Live has also been in the headlines lately as it seems they are going through a tumultuous time in their history, so it feels like an opportune time to remind people that they existed and that this song made it to number one on the US Mainstream Rock Billboard chart. People in 1994 could not get enough of this absolutely disgusting and depressing song.

Now, we dont want people to think that this is some sort of anti-placenta propaganda. Our issue is with the ambiguous usage of the word in conjunction with the idea that it just falls to the floor during childbirth. Hell, were not even judging those who eat it! We do not, however, condone the act of eating placenta that has been dropped on a dirty hospital floor.

There you have it, a comprehensive list of all songs mentioning placenta falling to the floor, ranked in order for your sick enjoyment.

The post Top 1 Song That Mentions Placenta Falling to the Floor appeared first on The Hard Times.


Robert Gabris "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Robert Gabris uses pencils, scissors, and paper with the surgical precision of one performing operations, even autopsies. The artist works alone, patiently cutting and dissecting his surfaces, incision


Simone Forti "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In her work, artist, choreographer, dancer, and writer Simone Forti channels the subversive elemental forces of freedom and spontaneity. Born in Florence in 1935, she soon afterward fled with her family


Just 21 outrageously tall-tales people were told by the school liar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Every school in the country had, and presumably still has, pupils who loved nothing more than making up boastful lies to impress their classmates. Some people never grow out of this behaviour and a few even progress to profit greatly from their compulsive bullshitting (were sure you can think of some examples).

from Dont Care GIFs via Gfycat

Over on Twitter, comedian and DJ Mark Lamarr told his followers about an unlikely incident passed off as truth by his schools resident liar, and asked his followers to share their memories of the outrageous non-truths that they were told by classmates.

Heres how it started


And here are some of the wonderfully hilarious responses





Yet another reason to protect libraries at all costs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Over on Reddit, u/Tinkerballsack said

Youve gotta love libraries.

And this sign is why

Anything that makes it easier to find answers has to be valuable, right? This is what Redditors thought of the sign.

Librarians are the heroes we need.

Ill take What are 32 subjects banned in Florida? for $100, Alex.

Its a lovely recognition and understanding of anothers privacy. Kind people still exist.

Its no coincidence that people are attacking libraries consistently across red states right now.

I honestly forgot how the Dewey decimal system looked and I thought this was some sick price list for forbidden topics.

Libraries are my favorite form of socialism.

I love libraries and librarians. Absolute treasures.

I work at a library in eastern Idaho where almost everyone is Mormon and they dont have anything like this. All books about sensitive topics are thrown away.

Wheres the You got manipulated and indoctrinated into a religion as a child section?

We suspect riblowveins is an American.

Ironically, if you put a dollar sign in front, these are also the prices if you want to visit a doctor to discuss these topics.

When you consider what librarians have to put up with, it makes you treasure them even more.



Bitcoin miner Marathon Digital hit with another SEC subpoena "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The first subpoena was given to Marathon in the third quarter of 2021, concerning whether it may have violated federal securities laws relating to its data center in Hardin.


Ahh I Would But Im Not Big On Single Use Waste Says Greenie Fuckboy Trying To Raw Dog "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact In some scary news for women around the nation, it appears that fuckboys are evolving their seduction tactics to the point of even weaponising environmetalism, its reported. This comes as renowned Betoota Heights fuckboy, Jamie Jennings [25] was seen really trying his luck with a Tinder hookup last night, who luckily was too []

The post Ahh I Would But Im Not Big On Single Use Waste Says Greenie Fuckboy Trying To Raw Dog appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Fiat-backed stablecoins could be used to post bail in New York under proposed bill "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A New York lawmaker has introduced a new bill that proposes to allow certain stablecoins to be accepted as payment for bail.


Bears Drive Binance Coin Toward $300 Level As Bull Run Fizzles Out "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Binance Coin (BNB), the native cryptocurrency of the Binance exchange, has been facing a tough time in the crypto markets lately.

Despite a strong push from the bulls to drive the coins price higher from the $320-$325 region, the bears took over and sent the price tumbling down. 

Now, BNB is looking to find support around the $300 mark as the market remains volatile.

As one of the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, Binance Coin has been a favorite among traders and investors alike. However, the recent price action has left many wondering about the coins future prospects. 

While some analysts remain optimistic about the coins long-term potential, others are cautious and suggest that the current market conditions could lead to further downside for Binance Coin.

Binance Coin Price Analysis

Binance Coins price on CoinMarketCap stands at $312.46, with a slight dip of 0.29% in the past 24 hours. Unfortunately, this trend has persisted over the last seven days, with a decline of 4.35%, leaving investors anxious about the future direction of Binance Coins value.

Binance Coins value has been fluctuating between the $320 and $340 price points since its surge to $350 in mid-April.

However, over the past few days, the lower trendline support has been breached by the coins price, indicating a bearish trend in the market.

This breach was followed by a swift drop from $324 to $311, resulting in a loss of 4.39% in just 32 hours.

The current market conditions suggest that bears are in control of the Binance Coins price, which is a cause for concern for investors. The $309 and $301 price levels have been significant support cushions since February. 

Binance Coins price movement analysis shows that the market remains volatile and unpredictable, leaving investors uncertain about the future direction of the coins value.

How BNB Bulls Are Reacting

Despite the recent bearish trend in the market, there is still h...


Google I/O: Tech giant slings raft of new AI tools So whats coming? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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This Dad Seems To Be Asking Whether Or Not Playing Favorites Among Children Is Wrong "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If you asked parents to answer honestly, many might confess to having a favorite child. That said, I think those same parents would say they go out of their way to make sure their children could never guess who that favorite was.

OP here, though, doesnt seem quite so careful.

His son struggled in school and, in his words, struggles as an adult to stick to the things he starts.

So, when he decided to do HVAC trade school, OP bribed him with a brand-new truck if he completed the program.

I (56M) have a son (28M) and a daughter (22F). I like both of my kids equally however they are different individuals with different lives so I help them based on their needs.

My son did not do well in high school and went to a community college and decided it was not for him after a semester and went to trade schools and eventually settled on HVAC. He had issues sticking to things, so as a reward when he became certified in HVAC I bought him a brand new truck as gift.

His daughter is academically-minded and has plans to attend University out of state. She was caught off guard when she learned she would not be getting a car, too, and also seemed upset when her father refused to pay any of her tuition.

My daughter got into a good college out of state and was always more academically minded. When she was about to finish HS it came to a surprise to me that she had taken it for granted that I would also get her a new car even though I never said that. I explained that there would be no need for a college girl in a big city to have a car.

She then asked if I could help with tuition, I did not pay for trade school either so I declined.

His thinking was that he didnt pay for his sons trade school, and also the truck was a graduation gift, not something he earned before finishing.



Circle reportedly adjusts USDC reserves to avoid US default risk "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The worlds second-largest stablecoin issuer wants to reduce its exposure to potential United States debt defaults.


Collapse of Civilization - What to expect "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A recent thread elsewhere on the forum has gotten me to wonder: To what level would mankind sink should there be a worldwide holocaust resulting in the collapse of civilization. No power, No sewage treatment, No running water, No food, and No hope. I'm not seeing the scenarios portrayed in movies. I believe it would be much worse. I don't see people out in the street gawking at the two-mile wide alien spacecraft or the asteroid or comet on its way to destroy the earth. I see people...

Collapse of Civilization - What to expect


Snapchat influencer turns simps into cash using an AI doppelganger "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

With CarynAI, Caryn Marjorie has launched something seemingly straight out of a science fiction movie.


Krishnan Guru-Murthy calling out Robert Jenricks asylum misinformation was expertly done "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Immigration minister Robert Jenrick tried to smuggle an often-repeated lie about asylum past Channel 4 News Krishnan Guru-Murthy on Wednesday, as he explained why the government has positioned itself against the Archbishop of Canterbury on asylum.

It did not go well for him.

The Refugee Convention also says that people should seek asylum in the first safe country.

No, it doesnt. Where does it say that? That is not true. The Refugee Convention does not say you must seek sanctuary in the first safe country.

The Refugee Convention does encourage people to do that.

Thats a key principle that we support.

Thats the governments position. Its not the refugee convention.

Speaking in the House of Lords, the Archbishop, Justin Welby, described the Illegal Migration Bill as isolationist, morally unacceptable and politically impractical, signalling his intention to propose amendments before it goes back to the Commons.

People werent impressed by Jenricks false claim or his description of asylum seekers as asylum shoppers.




Reserve Grader With A Chassis Like Valynce Te Whare Wondering If Hes Got A Fairytale In Him Too "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT A local air conditioner mechanic by the name of Chayce Bordin is this week contemplating the lay of the land. The late 20-something reserve grader who harboured dreams of playing professional footy at some point in his teenager years, says hes wondering if it might not be too late. This comes after the []

The post Reserve Grader With A Chassis Like Valynce Te Whare Wondering If Hes Got A Fairytale In Him Too appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Antennas "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

mechstdr submitted a new resource:

Antennas - antenna theory and application

Read more about this resource...


The Albany Midwifery Practice "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We have long known that there is a significant problem in the maternity services, and its not the one that you read about in the press.

The real problem is the systematic devaluing and disintegration of models of care that follow the evidence, support female physiology, and promote autonomous midwifery practice.

I wrote those lines a few weeks ago, when I was lucky enough to read an advance copy of Closure: How the flagship Albany Midwifery Practice, at the heart of its South London community, was demonised and dismantled.

Closure was written by Becky Reed and Nadine Edwards, and its about the flagship Albany Midwifery practice which in 1997 negotiated a pioneering NHS contract with Kings College Hospital Trust.

As the authors explain,

The Albany model of midwifery care was loved and respected not only by those who experienced it first-hand, but also by the wider midwifery profession. Founded to serve one of the most disadvantaged populations in London, its innovative approach led to improved outcomes for mothers and their babies. Why, then, was the practice suddenly shut down in 2009?

Although it was widely acknowledged that the Albany model offered gold-standard care, the hospital trust claimed that since March 2006 this care had been unsafe. But both the data and the methodology used to condemn the practice were flawed, and the real reasons for the closure remained obscure. Despite extensive protests by mothers and families, midwives, and many high-profile supporters, the Albany was forced to close its doors and one of the midwives was subjected to a punitive investigation by the Nursing and...


Ethereum Price See Liftoff if Its Able to Hold One Crucial Level "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum price is struggling to clear the $1,850 and $1,880 resistance levels against the US Dollar. ETH could start a decent increase unless there is a close below $1,800.

  • Ethereum is currently moving lower from the $1,880 resistance zone.
  • The price is trading below $1,850 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average.
  • There is a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $1,840 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD (data feed via Kraken).
  • The pair could start a decent increase if there is a move above the $1,840 and $1,880 resistance levels.

Ethereum Price Faces Hurdles

Ethereums price attempted a decent increase above the $1,850 resistance zone. However, ETH faced a strong rejection near the $1,880 zone, similar to Bitcoin.

The price declined sharply below the $1,850 level. It traded as low as $1,792 before recovering to $1,865. A high is formed near $1,865 and the price is now moving lower. It traded below the 50% Fib retracement level of the upward move from the $1,792 swing low to the $1,865 high.

Ether is now trading below $1,850 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average. There is also a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $1,840 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD.

Ethereum Price

Source: ETHUSD on

Immediate resistance is near the $1,835 level. The next resistance sits near $1,840, above which Ethereum could test the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average.  The main resistance is now forming near the $1,880 level. A close above the $1,880 resistance zone could start a decent increase toward the $1,920 resistance. Any more gains might send the price toward the $1,975 resistance.

Downside Break in ETH?

If E...


Camp hatchet/axe "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Whats every one use for a camp hatchet, whats everyone use for an axe? Thanks.


Coinbase calls Pepe a hate symbol, prompting calls to boycott the exchange "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An email newsletter sent out to Coinbase customers on May 10 caused significant backlash from the Pepe community.


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.00 AUD

Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.71 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00004 BTC


Canons New PowerShot V10 Camera is Designed for Entry-Level Vlogging "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Canon PowerShot V10

Canon is getting in on the vlogging craze with a new PowerShot series, kicking off with the Canon PowerShot V10. While capable of capturing still images, Canon is clear that the PowerShot V10 is designed primarily with video in mind.

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Sony Unveils Xperia 1 V to Cater to Photo and Video Enthusiasts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sony Xperia 1 V

Sony has unveiled its latest flagship smartphone in the Xperia 1 V, targeting both photographers and video enthusiasts as it upgrades some of the hardware while finding other ways to optimize the software.

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Harmless Coworker From The Suburbs Pretty Into This Lakers Game On Right Now "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact The most middle-class people in the country are tuned into a sporting spectacle happening somewhere in America right now. Its a big enough game for James William, a 29-year-old guy that still lives with his happily married parents in their six-bedroom Hotondo tent in Betoota Heights they purchased in []

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AFL Executive Says Game Cant Be Racist Because They Put A Bunch Of Them Through Good Schools "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The AFL is this week rushing to defend the type of behaviour that only seems to keep happening in the AFL. In the same week that the NRL, Tennis Australia and the Australian Olympics Committee have all announced the wholehearted support for the constitutional recognition and constitutionally enshrined advisory body for Indigenous []

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Cold Snap Leaves Dry Lip Guys Face Looking Like Lake Eyre "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT A local Betoota Ponds man has today entered his Lake Eyre era. Perennially dehydrated man Aldous Bexley told The Advocate today that the cold snap has hit him hard again this year. Known as the dry lips guy amongst his friendship group, the generally well-liked young man says that he is entering the []

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People Who Still Use Cash Explain Why Theyll Never Stop "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We might be headed toward being a cashless society, but were not there yet. There are still times when cash comes in handy, and as long as some people prefer actual money to ones and zeros zipping through the air, merchants and other individuals will have to deal with it.

If youre one of those who never has cash and wonders why anyone would, these people are dishing about just that!

It helps control spending.

I find it easier to control my spending if I use cash.

This has been proven in studies before. That people spend more when they dont physically see the money leave their hands and decrease in value.

Because tacos.

Taco trucks around me are cash only.

Everybody takes cash.

Informal transactions. Everybody takes cash.

Dunno if its still true, but there were a couple of small restaurants in town recently that wouldnt take cards. They would take a local check, and there was an ATM in the corner. They were small enough that they didnt want to take the hit on credit card merchant fees. And local enough that people accepted it.

To buy local.

I use cash at a farmers markets/flea markets because most of the stands dont have card readers.

Kind of similar for vendor halls at conventions/art shows. Plus if you use card they have to add tax, but cash is king and the $20 tag means $20 cash.

You never know who might stop by.

Because the kid who mows my lawn doesnt have Venmo.

An old lady sells tamales from her car in my neighborhood.

Its like the adult ice cream truck except I still run outside for...


Elderly Couple Who Cant Afford Cruise This Year Forced To Have Mimosas And Explosive Diarrhoea At Home "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact A French Quarter elderly couple have been forced to improvise their cruise trip this year, after they too, started to feel the brunt of the cost of living crisis. Having committed to going once a year for a solid twelve years in a row, Geraldine [72] and George Parker [74] can no longer []

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To catch a scammer: Kraken builds fake crypto account to bait fraudsters "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A call-center scammer impersonating President Joe Biden attempted to steal what they thought was $450,000 worth of Bitcoin from a streamer instead, chaos ensued.


Pepes market cap sinks $1B in 5 days, some whales are still buying "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Pepe has declined 56% over the past five days, wiping a billion dollars from its total market cap.


He Was on Medication... 6 Year Old Who Shot Teacher "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

6E2C5CC7-DF04-4D1D-B660-43BC06AC011CA six year old boy brought a gun to school and shot a teacher in Virginia. She survived. I read this story through Apple News yesterday. Mother of 6-year-old who shot Virginia teacher says son has ADHD. This paragraph caught my eye:

"He had started medication and he was meeting his goals, academically," she said. Taylor's grandfather, Calvin Taylor, who has legal custody of the boy, agreed that "his behavior had changed [for the better] in the classroom" prior to the incident.

I have so many questions about this poor child. HE IS SIX YEARS OLD. I question blaming the child's ADHD because I'm unfamiliar with violence and aggression being part of an ADHD diagnosis. I looked up the clinical definition:

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children. Symptoms of ADHD include inattention (not being able to keep focus), hyperactivity (excess movement that is not fitting to the setting) and impulsivity (hasty acts that occur in the moment without thought). ADHD is considered a chronic and debilitating disorder and is known to impact the individual in many aspects of their life including academic and professional achievements, interpersonal relationships, and daily functioning (Harpin, 2005). ADHD can lead to poor self-esteem and social function in children when not appropriately treated (Harpin et al., 2016). Adults with ADHD may experience poor self-worth, sensitivity towards criticism, and increased self-criticism possibly stemming from higher levels of criticism throughout life (Beaton, et al., 2022). Of note, ADHD presentation and assessment in adults differs; this page focuses on children.

Here is the story from Apple News. When I looked up other versions, including the...


Sports Betting Lobby Pushes To Allow Punters To Bet Using Their Super "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT An Australian lobbying collective is looking out for the people, as usual, by pressuring the government to allow punters to bet using their super. Years ago, there was an idea that an individuals superannuation was a monetary resource to be accessed only when you reach the age of retirement which should be sometime []

The post Sports Betting Lobby Pushes To Allow Punters To Bet Using Their Super appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Former Ansett Employee Still Shakes His Head And Swears Walking Past Air NZ Lounge "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Fuck those Kiwi bastards, he said. I will never forget what you did to us. In February of 2001, the Air New Zealand Group acquired 100% of the Ansett Group after buying out News Corp. It was the end of the thinking mans Qantas as the nation knew it. []

The post Former Ansett Employee Still Shakes His Head And Swears Walking Past Air NZ Lounge appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Plastic Is Everywhere Now, Including Your Brain "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We live in a throwaway society, and products intended for short-term consumption are packaged in materials that will survive for centuries. Discarded plastics make up 18.5% of landfills1 and 90% of all trash entering the worlds oceans.2

At the rate were going, estimates suggest that by 2050, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish by weight.3 In some ocean waters, plastic already exceeded plankton by a factor of 6-to-1 in 2006.4

The problem with plastic is that it doesnt biodegrade; it photodegrades, which takes hundreds of years. Researchers estimate a single plastic coffee pod may take up to 500 years, the duration of the Roman Empire.5 Even as it breaks down, it doesnt completely vanish. Instead, it turns into tiny plastic particles, commonly referred to as nurdles, which act like sponges for toxic chemicals.6

These particles are routinely consumed by filter feeders in the ocean, slowly poisoning them and causing blockages. As these filter feeders are consumed by larger creatures, the toxins move up the food chain, ultimately ending up in our own bodies. Plastic chemicals also enter our bodies through other routes, including drinking water.

Plastic in Water Can Enter Your Brain

As reported by The Guardian May 1, 2023:7

Researchers at the University of Vienna have discovered8,9 particles of plastic in mices brains just two hours after the mice ingested drinking water containing plastic. Once in the brain, Plastic particles could increase the risk of inflammation, neurological disorders or even neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers or Parkinsons, Lukas Kenner, one of the researchers, said in a statement ...

[The] researchers also believe that microplastic contamination in our brains can cause short-term health effects such as cognitive impairment, neurotoxicity and altered neurotransmitter levels, which can contribute to behavioral changes. The team gave mice water laced with particles of polystyrene a type of plastic thats common in food packaging such as yogurt cups and Styrofoam takeout containers.

Using computer models to track the dispersion of the plastics, researchers fo...

Jackfruit Packs a Walloping Amount of Nutrition "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Good nutrition is foundational to optimal health, the importance of which cannot be overstated. The CDC1 says it is essential in keeping current and future generations of Americans healthy across the lifespan, and that poor nutrition is making our nation sick. Penn State quotes nutritionist Victor Lindlahr, who wrote in 1923, Ninety percent of the diseases known to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs. You are what you eat.2

Research data have shown that ultraprocessed food increases all-cause mortality3 and the development and progression of chronic disease.4 In other words, processed food is poor nutrition that is making you sick. Since the future of processed food manufacturing is predicated on consumers increasing ultraprocessed food consumption, not decreasing it, the aim of advertising campaigns is to entice you to fill your grocery cart with junk food.

One way they do this is to put their products in packaging that makes you want to grab them off the shelf without thinking about how good or not they are for you. But when you fall prey to that PR, youre only increasing your risk of premature death and chronic disease. I believe your health and wellness are built on eating whole foods packed with vitamins and nutrients that support mitochondrial health.

The thing is, the most nutritious foods sometimes come in odd-looking packaging. For instance, jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is the largest fruit in the world that can weigh as much as 40 pounds (18 kilograms).5 Its an ugly yellow-green with rough, knotty skin, but it packs a walloping amount of nutritious health benefits.

What Is Jackfruit?

The jackfruit tree is an evergreen native to tropical Asia. It's considered a staple in areas of Southeast Asia where it's been eaten for hundreds of years. More recently, it's showing up as a meat substitute on menus around the world.6 As mentioned, the exterior of a jackfruit can be either green or yellow and has a hard bumpy skin the plant uses to protect itself from predators.

The meat of the jackfruit resides in fleshy yellow bulbs, each of which holds an edible seed. The texture and flavor of the jackfruit are dependent on whether the fruit is ripe or unripe. The unripe fruit has a bland taste that picks up whatever flavor it's cooked with. Ripe jackfruit has a fruity flavor with a dense texture.

Traditionally, ripe fruit is used in a variety of ways, including cooked in stews, eaten...

Linked to Schizophrenia, Easy-to-Fix Nutrient Deficiency "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Editor's Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published December 20, 2018.

Despite being simple and inexpensive to address, vitamin D deficiency is epidemic around the world, and evidence suggests vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy plays an important role in the development of several chronic health problems, and raises the risk of complications for the mother as well.

For example, research1 by GrassrootsHealth shows 40% to 60% of preterm births could be prevented by raising pregnant women's vitamin D to a level of 40 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). Vitamin D optimization also reduces the mother's risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and prenatal infections by approximately 50%.2

Research also confirms there is a lifelong impact for children born of vitamin D deficient mothers, ranging from childhood allergies and more frequent colds and flu, to a greater risk for diabetes, autism, strokes, cardiovascular disease,3,4,5 and, as recently confirmed, schizophrenia a mental condition characterized by hallucinations, delusions and cognitive impairment.

Schizophrenia Is Caused by Faulty Brain Construction

In 2017, research6 concluded schizophrenia might have its origins in pregnancy; the groundwork being laid as early as the first trimester. The scientists were able to demonstrate that schizophrenia has a physiological basis, beginning with improperly distributed neural progenitor cells in the developing brain.

As a result, few mature neurons appear in the cortex an area associated with memory, attention and processing of language in the schizophrenic brain. One of the researchers explained:7

"Our research shows that the disease likely starts during the first trimester and involves accelerated cell divisions, excessive migration and premature differentiation of the neuroectodermal cells into neurons.

Neurons that connect different regions of the cortex, the so-called interneurons, become misdirected in the schizophrenia cortex, causing cortical regions to be misconnected, like an improperly wired computer.

We now can state that schizophrenia is a disorder of faulty brain construction that occurs early in development, corresponding to the first trimester, and inv...


Females are fed up "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Chris Woodward,
Women are calling on female athletes to boycott sporting events where they're expected to compete with males.
The call began with Riley Gaines (pictured above), a former University of Kentucky swimmer who has become a household name since she had to compete against Will Thomas, a man whom the NCAA allowed to swim as a woman because he claims to identify as a female named "Lia." Gaines, now with the Independent Women's Forum (IWF), maintains it is unfair for females to have to compete against males. Her IWF colleague, Adriana McLamb, a former Division 1 college volleyball player, says this is a major issue that the NCAA is ignoring. "They are not responding or not even caring about comments that have come in from anywhere from high school athletes to professionals and Olympians who are doing their best to save women's sports and keep female sports female," McLamb accounts. In collegiate-level volleyball, male athletes are typically over 6 feet tall while McLamb stands 5 feet, 3 inches. The net in men's volleyball, she says, is 7 to 8 inches higher than the net female teams are fighting to overcome. Even the speed of the volleyball is different: The fastest serve in men's volleyball is a record 78.9 MPH. The record in...


What is Time Travels The Bootstrap Paradox And How Does it Differ From The Grandfather Paradox? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Lets say your friend invites you over because she has a surprise to show you. The surprise turns out to be a time machine.

Once you are over your shock that your pal has mastered time travel, the two of you take a few turns going back and forth through history witnessing important events and whatnot.

Finally, your friend wraps your adventures up by returning a little before the present. Youre surprised again when you watch her teach her younger self how to build the machine.

Wait! How can your friend use time travel to travel back to teach herself how to build the darn time machine?

What a paradox!


This time travel scenario is called the Bootstrap Paradox, because it shows an unending cause-and-effect loop with no defined origin of said time travel.

timetravel res 1 What is Time Travels The Bootstrap Paradox And How Does it Differ From The Grandfather Paradox?

Image Credit: Rawpixel

Another example of the Bootstrap Paradox is in the Terminator movies, where the artificial intelligence Skynet learns how to build Terminators after one comes back to the past and dies only to be studied.



Urbit, a Network Older and Weirder Than Bitcoin, Finally Turns Toward Growth "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Josh Lehman, executive director, Urbit Foundation, spoke at Consensus 2023 in Austin, Texas, in April. (Shutterstock/CoinDesk)


NATO s Great New Idea: Lets Start A War With China! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Ron Paul at The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. 

NATOs post-Cold War history is that of an organization far past its sell-by date. Desperate for a mission after the end of the Warsaw Pact, NATO in the late 1990s decided that it would become the muscle behind the militarization of human rights under the Clinton Administration.

Gone was the threat of global communism which was used to justify NATOs 40-year run, so NATO re-imagined itself as a band of armed Atlanticist superheroes. Wherever there was an injustice (as defined by Washingtons neocons), NATO was ready with guns and bombs.

The US military-industrial complex could not have been happier. All the Beltway think tanks they lavishly fund finally hit on a sure winner to keep the money pipeline flowing. It was always about money, not security.

The test run for NATO as human rights superheroes was Yugoslavia in 1999. To everybody but NATO and its neocon handlers in DC and many European capitals, it was a horrific, unjustified disaster. Seventy-eight days of bombing a country that did not threaten NATO left many hundreds of civilians dead, the infrastructure destroyed, and a legacy of uranium-tipped ammunition to poison the landscape for generations to come.

Just last week tennis legend Novak Djokovic recalled what it felt like to flee his grandfathers home in the middle of the night as NATO bombs fell and destroyed it. What a horror!

Then NATO got behind the overthrow of the Gaddafi government in Libya. The corporate press regurgitated the neocon lies that bombing the country, killing its people, and overthrowing its government would solve all of Libyas human rights problems. As could be predicted, NATO bombs did not solve Libyas problems but made everything worse. Chaos, civil war, terrorism, slave markets, crushing poverty no wonder Hillary Clinton, Obama, and the neocons dont want to talk about Libya these days.

After a series of failures longer than we have space for here, DC-controlled NATO in 2014 decided to go all-in and target Russia itself for regime change. The first step was overthrowing the democratically elected Ukrainian government, which Victoria Nuland and the rest of the neocons took care of. Next was the eight years of massive NATO military assistance to Ukraines coup government with the intent of fighting Russia. Finally, it was the 2022 rejection of Russias request to negotiate a European security agreement that would prevent NATO armies from circling its border.

Despite the mainstream media and US government propaganda, NATO has been about as successful in Ukraine as it was in Libya. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been flushed away, with massive corruption documented by journalists like Seymour Hersh and others.



The Joys of Watching Paint Dry "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Elders, the debut exhibition at Tibor de Nagy (April 20May 26, 2023) of the anonymous artist new.shiver, follows on the artists first, largely unheralded, similarly titled exhibition, New.shiver: The Elders, at Satchel Projects (April 21May 22, 2022). After seeing this persons posts on Instagram, exchanging a handful of brief messages, and seeing the actual paintings at Satchel Projects and, now, Tibor de Nagy, I am taken by the artists patience, which is not emphasized in the work. No overt signs of labor and struggle can be discerned in the exhibitions 20 intimately scaled works all between 4 x 5 and 11 x 14 inches, composed of different densities of paint which have a tangential relationship to gestural abstraction. 

When I began thinking about the history of oil painting and the different ways the labor of mark making has been considered historically from the artists touch to the level of their craftsmanship to the time it takes to complete a piece I realized how these works challenge long-held viewpoints about these considerations. Since the rise of Abstract Expressionism, labor and process the act of putting down and...


Lois Dodds Life in Nature "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

GREENWICH, Conn. Passing between the two exhibitions inaugurating the Bruce Museums new addition, I was struck by a congruence in the artists focus on near-at-hand worlds. At first glance, Lois Dodds luminous landscapes and James Castles tiny, smudgy drawings could not look more different. Yet both artists worked with what was accessible: Castle at his home and studio in Idaho, and Dodd, over seven decades, in hers, in Maine, New Jersey, and on the Lower East Side of New York City, where she rotates seasonally. Castle was comparatively isolated, deaf and remote, while Dodd, though she was long under-recognized by the establishment, has pursued her mtier in a community of artists. Unlike Castle, she came to know the art world. Yet a persistent quietness, a discreetness, permeates her work. The gridded windows that she paints across the cemetery behind her Second Street studio indicate the occupancy of a mens shelter at night, but we never glimpse its inhabitants. She always seems to be alone. Moreover, she has intentionally resisted fashion. Her vision was spurred amid the ferment of New York Abstract Expressionism, which she admired, an...


How a Stolen Nepali Statue Found Its Way Home "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The gilded Vajradhara statue was stolen from Dolakha in 1995. (photos Emiline Smith/Hyperallergic)

When 16-year-old Sunil Shrestha came home from festival celebrations on the early morning of August 30, 1995 in Dolakha, Nepal, he immediately realized something was off. He was used to sleeping in the worshipping room of the family home, sharing the space with an impressive 37-inch gilded statue of Vajradhara. The family had served as caretakers for the 16th-century statue fo...


Met Museum Will Hire Team to Investigate Looted Art "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Following dozens of high-profile art seizures by the Manhattan District Attorneys Office (DA) from the Metropolitan Museum of Art over the past year, the New York institution has announced plans to hire four new staff dedicated to provenance research. A manager and three other employees will be tasked with examining the individual histories of works in the museums 1.5 million object collection.

The manager of provenance research will report to the office of Director Max Hollein, and the three additional workers will build upon the work already underway. The roles have y...

LA County May be Forced to Pay $3 Billion in 3,000 Claims of Child Sexual Abuse in Foster Homes, Children Shelters, and Probation Camps "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Youth Welcome Center Brittany, 16, yells: All you need to know is that I hate this place and I hate the law! Photo by Barbara Davidson / Los Angeles Times. Image source.

Decades of failures leave L.A. County facing up to $3 billion in sex abuse claims

Los Angeles Times


As California legislators prepared to pass a law providing victims of childhood sexual abuse a new window to file lawsuits, the bills chief backer recalls most of the resistance coming from entities with famously troubled histories: school districts, colleges and youth athletic groups, along with some of their insurance companies.

Los Angeles County just didnt come up, said former Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D-San Diego), who sponsored the Child Victims Act.

But three years after the law went into effect, L.A. County responsible for facilities meant to protect and rehabilitate the regions youth has emerged in court filings as one of the biggest alleged institutional offenders.

Two weeks ago, in an otherwise dry budget document, county officials delivered figures that stunned even some of the most sea...


LA County May be Forced to Pay $3 Billion in 3,000 Claims of Child Sexual Abuse in Foster Homes, Children Shelters, and Probation Camps "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Youth Welcome Center Brittany, 16, yells: All you need to know is that I hate this place and I hate the law! Photo by Barbara Davidson / Los Angeles Times. Image source.

Decades of failures leave L.A. County facing up to $3 billion in sex abuse claims

Los Angeles Times


As California legislators prepared to pass a law providing victims of childhood sexual abuse a new window to file lawsuits, the bills chief backer recalls most of the resistance coming from entities with famously troubled histories: school districts, colleges and youth athletic groups, along with some of their insurance companies.

Los Angeles County just didnt come up, said former Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D-San Diego), who sponsored the Child Victims Act.

But three years after the law went into effect, L.A. County responsible for facilities meant to protect and rehabilitate the regions youth has emerged in court filings as one of the biggest alleged institutional offenders.

Two weeks ago, in an otherwise dry budget document, county officials delivered figures that stunned even some of the most seasoned California sex abuse attorneys. County officials predicted that they may be forced to spend between $1.6 billion and $3 billion to resolve roughly 3,000 claims of sexual abuse that allegedly took place in the countys foster homes, children shelters, and probation camps and halls dating to the 1950s.



Brooklyns Bushwick Neighborhood Gets Its First Historic District "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Brooklyn neighborhood of Bushwick is getting its first official historic district, New York Citys Landmark Preservation Commission (LPC) announced this week. The new district encompasses a block of 32 row houses on Linden Street at its intersection with Bushwick Avenue, close to the Gates Avenue subway stop.

A raised subway line came to the Gates stop in 1885, transforming Bushwick from a rural outskirt into a city-linked neighborhood. Bushwick was one of the first areas of New York to be colonized by the Dutch, and in 1661 it was one of the first six Brooklyn towns to be chartered. After the subway line arrived, developers built homes in a speculative boom, including the ones in the new Linden Street Historic District, which were constructed between 1885 and 1901. The first people who lived in the homes wer...


The Dangerous Allure of the Royal Aesthetic "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The number of Americans who flocked to London this past weekend to watch the coronation of King Charles III was so high that they were predicted to outspend Brits on hotel rooms. In America, we dont have things like this, one American who camped out on the street the night before to attend the royal procession told NBC News. But, we all agree that having a coronation for an American king would be a bad idea right? 



LA County May be Forced to Pay $3 Billion in 3,000 Claims of Child Sexual Abuse in Foster Homes, Children Shelters, and Probation Camps "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Youth Welcome Center Brittany, 16, yells: All you need to know is that I hate this place and I hate the law! Photo by Barbara Davidson / Los Angeles Times. Image source.

Decades of failures leave L.A. County facing up to $3 billion in sex abuse claims

Los Angeles Times


As California legislators prepared to pass a law providing victims of childhood sexual abuse a new window to file lawsuits, the bills chief backer recalls most of the resistance coming from entities with famously troubled histories: school districts, colleges and youth athletic groups, along with some of their insurance companies.

Los Angeles County just didnt come up, said former Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D-San Diego), who sponsored the Child Victims Act.

But three years after the law went into effect, L.A. County responsible for facilities meant to protect and rehabilitate the regions youth has emerged in court filings as one of the biggest alleged institutional offenders.

Two weeks ago, in an otherwise dry budget document, county officials delivered figures that stunned even some of the most seasoned California sex abuse attorneys. County officials predicted that they may be forced to spend between $1.6 billion and $3 billion to resolve roughly 3,000 claims of sexual abuse that allegedly took place in the countys foster homes, children shelters, and probation camps and halls dating to the 1950s.

The county...


Traveler Attaches Camera to Suitcase to See What Airport Does With Luggage "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A traveler attached a tiny camera to a suitcase to find out what happened to his luggage after he checked it in at airport security.

[Read More]

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