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Sunday, 04 June


Leserbrief zur Schufa und abgelehnten Kreditkartenantrgen:Da ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Leserbrief zur Schufa und abgelehnten Kreditkartenantrgen:

Da der Kunde mit dem Antrag auf eine Kreditkarte/einem Kredit vmtl eine Schufafreigabe unterschrieben hat, wird die Ablehnung des Antrages auch automatisiert an die Schufa weitergeleitet. Der Grund eher nicht.

D.h. weil es der Bank peinlich ist zuzugeben, das sie gerade die Antrge nicht bearbeiten knnen bzw. weil sie keinen Prozess dafr haben, geht fr die armen Schweine die so behandelt werden der Score runter.

Erinniert mich daran, das Banken, wenn man sich fr einen Kredit interessiert, gerne Kreditanfragen anstelle von Konditionsanfragen bei der Schufa stellen. Das ist ein Problem, weil das System eine Kreditanfrage ohne sptere Eintragung des Kredites als Ablehnung interpretiert. Erkundigt man sich also bei mehreren Banken nach den Konditionen kann das im worst case bedeuten das man die versprochenen Konditionen gar nicht mehr bekommt.

Der vorauseilend "hilfsbereite" Banksachbearbeiter eines Freundes hat immer mal wieder Kreditanfragen gestellt (ohne Aufforderung!), weil er ihm einen Kredit aufschwatzen wollte. War ganz schn Auffwand das aus dem Schufaregister wieder rauszubekommen.

Ja super!

Ihr msst jetzt sehr tapfer sein:Agrochemie-Konzerne ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Ihr msst jetzt sehr tapfer sein:

Agrochemie-Konzerne haben bei der Zulassung ihrer Produkte wichtige Studien zurckgehalten. Das zeigt eine Untersuchung der Stockholmer Universitt, die dem BR vorliegt. Die Studien untersuchen potenzielle Gesundheitsgefahren fr Ften und Kinder.
Ich wei! Die Agrochemie-Konzerne waren doch bisher ber jeden Zweifel erhaben! Noch nie haben Pestizide irgendwelche negativen Auswirkungen gehabt!!

Leserbrief zur DKB:FunFact zu dem Thema: Wir hatten ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Leserbrief zur DKB:

FunFact zu dem Thema: Wir hatten vor ein paar Monaten das gleiche Problem mit der DKB. Antrag, lange Warten, Ablehnung. Rational gab es da keinen Grund zu.

Nach vielen Telefonaten und ein paar redseeligen DKB-Mitarbeitern stellte sich raus, dass zumindest zu dem Zeitpunkt viele Antrge einfach aus dem Grund abgelehnt wurden, weil die beauftragte Druckerei nicht hinterherkommt. Vermutlich auch, weil die DKB im letzten Jahr auf die Debit-Karte umgestiegen ist und einmal ihren kompletten Kundenstamm neu ausstatten musste.

Lsung: pauschale Ablehnung. Wenn es wichtig ist: einfach Einspruch einlegen. Das hat bei uns auch ohne Probleme geklappt, gedauert hat es dann dennoch noch Wochen bis die Karte kam. Ein anderes Institut hat uns parallel ohne Murren eine Karte sogar mit hherem Dispo nach wenigen Tagen ausgegeben...


Old and busted: Westliche Behrden regen sich ber ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Old and busted: Westliche Behrden regen sich ber Malware aus Russland auf.

New hotness: Russische Behrden regen sich ber Malware aus den USA auf.

Und zwar will der FSB zusammen mit dem FSO (Prsidentenschutz) Apple-spezifische Malware gefunden haben, und behauptet jetzt, Apple habe auf Gehei der NSA bewusst Lcken eingebaut, damit die NSA darber Malware verbreiten kann.

Beweise legen sie keine vor.

In Berlin gab es ein Datenschutz-Bugeld in Hhe ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

In Berlin gab es ein Datenschutz-Bugeld in Hhe von 300.000 Euro gegen eine Bank. Das zahlen die aus der Portokasse.

Aber wartet mal, bevor ihr das zu den Akten legt. Die Details sind interessant.

Die Berliner Datenschutzbehrde hat gegen die Deutsche Kreditbank ein Bugeld von 300.000 Euro verhngt, weil der Computer einen Kreditantrag einfach ablehnte.
Die DKB war eine DDR-Bank. Die erste DDR-Bank, die privatisiert wurde. Die Treuhand hat die dann der Reihe nach bernommen und am Ende bernahm die Bayerische Landesbank die Anteile der Treuhand bei deren Auflsung.

Wenn der Berliner Datenschutzbeauftragte gegen eine Tochter der Bayerischen Landesbank ein Bugeld verhngt, ist das direkt schon mal interessant. Man knnte einen politischen Hintergrund vermuten oder so. Aber das ist nicht, wieso ich das hier im Blog habe.

Der Grund fr die Strafe war, dass ein Kunde der DKB eine Kreditkarte haben wollte, und die Bank hat das abgelehnt. Der Kunde fragte dann nach einer Begrndung und bekam blo Textbausteine.

Das Bugeld jetzt kommt daher, dass das eine automatisierte Entscheidung war, und die DSGVO verpflichtet die Bank dann zur Transparenz. Die htten, findet die Datenschutzbeauftragte, dem Kunden erklren mssen, welche Faktoren hier ausschlaggebend waren, denn der Kunde war wohl gut betucht und hatte ein regelmiges hohes Einkommen auf dem Konto.

Und hier wird es brisant. Warte mal, wenn die DKB hier Auskunft geben muss, was ist denn dann mit, sagen wir mal, der Schufa?

Geht es nach Priit Pikame, einem Generalanwalt am Europischen Gerichtshof (EuGH), sind schon die von der Schufa errechneten Wahrscheinlichkeitswerte ("Scores") ber die Bonitt eines Verbrauchers nicht mit der DSGVO vereinbar.
Wenn die Datenschutzbeauftragten das jetzt ernsthaft so durchsetzen, kme das einem Erdbeben gleich. Die Schufa findet, ihr Scoring-Verfahren sei ein Geschftsgeheimnis, und sie halten sich da mit Details traditionell sehr bedeckt. Wenn das jetzt die Datenschutzbehrden mit dem Kuhfu aufbrechen, knnten da eine Reihe von unbequemen Details rauskommen, z.B. dass das Scoring auf dem Anteil der Migrationshintergrund-Nachbarn beruht oder hnliche nicht ffentlich ansagbare Metriken. Nicht nur bei der Schufa, natrlich, aber die ist der offensichtliche Punkt, wo man den Kuhfu ansetzen wrde.

Dieses Bugeld hat jedenfalls ein relativ hohes Potential. Ich denke mal, dass die Banken jetzt schnell anfangen werden, da einen Menschen in ihre Automatismen einzubauen, damit sie sagen knnen, die Entscheidung sei nicht maschinell getroffen worden.

sterreich hat weite Teile ihrer Regulierungsbehrden ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

sterreich hat weite Teile ihrer Regulierungsbehrden in den Belgien-Modus geschaltet.

die Spitze der staatlichen Kartellbehrde, die die Wettbewerbsregeln kontrolliert, wird seit eineinhalb Jahren nicht nachbesetzt [...] das grte Gericht des Landes, das als zentrales Kontrollorgan der Verwaltung fungiert, seit Monaten ohne Prsidentin dasteht [...] gleichzeitig auch noch der Verfassungsschutz eineinhalb Jahre ohne parlamentarische Aufsicht arbeitet
Und wisst ihr was? Es geht dem Land auch nicht schlechter als vorher. Wofr fttern wir noch gleich diese ganzen berflssigen Behrden durch, die im Zweifelsfall eh nicht helfen?

Kreative Todesarten sind bei Geheimagenten schon immer ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Kreative Todesarten sind bei Geheimagenten schon immer wichtig. Legendr sind die 600 Mordversuche der CIA an Fideo Castro.

Um diese Kunstform ist es in letzter Zeit etwas ruhig geworden, wenn man mal von den russischen Fensterstrzen absieht.

Doch damit ist jetzt Schluss! Italien legt vor!

Geheimagenten ertrinken bei der Party im Lago Maggiore war das Touristenboot vllig berladen?
Ja! Wirklich! Ein Bootsausflug auf dem Lago Maggiore suft ab (brigens sehr zu empfehlen als Ausflugsziel, wenn man mal in der Nhe ist), und dann kommt raus, dass da lauter Geheimdienstler an Bord waren.
Fr vier Menschen kam jedoch jede Hilfe zu spt. Zwei Frauen und zwei Mnner starben, darunter die Frau des Kapitns eine 50-jhrige Russin. Die drei anderen Todesopfer waren fr den Geheimdienst ttig.


Das israelische Auenministerium teilte mit, dass eines der Todesopfer ein Mann in seinen Fnfzigern aus Israel war, der frher bei den Sicherheitskrften ttig gewesen sei. Zudem seien ein 62-jhriger Mann und eine 53-jhrige Frau gestorben, die beide fr einen italienischen Geheimdienst arbeiteten

Das klingt ja geradezu wie ein diplomatisches Gipfeltreffen! Jetzt msste man nur noch wissen, bei welchem Geheimdienst die berlebenden arbeiten.

Update: Laut n-tv waren in der Gruppe acht Geheimagenten aus Italien und dreizehn aus Israel. Der Bootsverleih wurde berhaupt erst im April gegrndet, sagen sie. Auerdem:

Suspekt scheint dem einen oder anderen allein schon, dass die berlebenden israelischen Agenten gleich mit einem Sonderflug in die Heimat zurckgebracht wurden und die italienischen Kollegen so schnell wie mglich vom Bildschirm verschwanden.


What a DRAG! Brazilian Gay Beauty Pageant Erupts in Chaos After Losers Partner Storms Stage "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In an absurd scene, a man charged the stage and destroyed the winners crown at Brazils Miss Gay Mato Grosso 2023, a drag queen beauty pageant, after his partner came in second place. #shorts


DOJ, FBI running are running a protection racket on Hunter Biden: Gregg Jarrett "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett reacts to a report that Hunter Biden will use the Second Amendment for a legal defense for possible possession of firearm charges, the federal probe and discusses his new book, The Trial of the Century. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Trippy Video Shows Toddlers Reacting to an Immersive 3D Experience "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Trippy Video Shows Toddlers Reacting to an Immersive 3D Experience

Toddler in Visual Booth

Photo: Screenshot from Reddit

Technology has allowed us to get increasingly creative with exhibits and entertainment. While 25 years ago 3D graphics only happened on computer screens, today it can be a fully developed, 360-degree experience. These kinds of works are marvelous, but our brains may still struggle to fully grasp themno matter our age. One very cute video starring a group of little kids getting up close with an interactive environment has gone viral, and we can't help but relate to them.

In the clip, the three kidsled by an avidly curious toddlertry to keep their footing as the images in the immersive space quickly shift. The scene seems to depict a rocky landscape. When the site's video first speeds up and the image lowers and moves to the side, two of the kids lose their balance despite that the floor beneath them remains perfectly still. Once up again, the littlest one tries to hold his ground as the video seems to slide at a constant speed as if he were on a moving walkway. However, once the video on the interactive screen speeds up even more, the kids take a tumble once again.

As adorable as it is to see the children react to this, the scene is a great example of how our brains process stimuli. As one Redditor explains, Your eyes mess with your balance[.] You try to take the visual information and process it before your inner ear which in this case isn't being acti...


Baseball players dont want to be political pawns: Mike Sweeny "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Former MLB player Mike Sweeney shares his take on the Dodgers hosting drag queen nuns on The Ingraham Angle.

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Nikon Z8 Review: The Best Camera for Most Serious Photographers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Nikon Z8 Review

My first experience with an almost full production Nikon Z8 took me to stunning Yellowstone National Park. In the week or so that I had to play with it I found it to be a most enjoyable camera, and I was able to review most of the major aspects of the cameras handling and capabilities. However, there were still some features that I needed to test, and for that I would need to wait for a final firmware Z8.

[Read More]

Saturday, 03 June


Sir David Attenborough Has So Many Honors That There Are More Letters After His Name Than in It "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sir David Attenborough Has So Many Honors That There Are More Letters After His Name Than in It

David Attenborough

Photo: John Cairns via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 4.0)

Sir David Attenborough has dedicated his life to the natural world and environmental causes. His work has raised awareness of the threats that habitats face, and it reminds us how we are all connected. It's this devotion to science that has earned him multiple honors and awards. It's really awe-inspiring to see how many he has, using a unique metric to shine a light on just how many he holds. As pointed out by the Twitter account No Context Brits, Sir David Attenborough has more letters after his name than in it.

David Attenborough's name comprises 17 letters, or 20 if you want to throw the Sir distinction he earned when he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1985. After those, there are 36 more letters pertaining to the multiple orders he has been awarded and societies he's a member of. These letters are: OM, GSMG, CH, CVO, CBE, FRS, FSA, FRSA, FLS, FZS, FRSGS and FRSB.

But what do these letters mean? It's easier to first divide them among orders and societies. The former are the Order of Merit (OM), Order of St Michael and St George (GSMG), Order of the Companions of Honour (CH), the Royal Victorian Order (CVO), and Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE). These are handed out by the Royal Family for exceptional service and major contributions towards the advancement of the Arts, Learning, Literature, and Science.

The latter are fellowships that illustrate Atten...


The WHO Will Have Authority to Mandate Vaccines Globally "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Story at-a-glance

  • The 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) is the instrument that empowers the World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)
  • Hundreds of amendments to the IHR are being proposed, and these amendments will empower the WHO to become the de facto governing body of all member states, including the U.S.
  • As currently written, the IHR amendments will be legally binding and will supersede local and national laws. They even include enforcement tools to ensure that member nations comply with the WHOs edicts
  • Areas of life that are being added in under the umbrella of health include climate, food production and even poverty, so the WHO will be able to claim sole global authority over anything to do with those issues as well
  • Importantly, the IHR amendments will abolish bodily autonomy and personal choice and replace these God-given rights and freedoms with one-size-fits-all medicine
In the video above, John Campbell, Ph.D., a retired nurse educator, reviews the proposed amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR), which is the instrument that empowers the World Health Organization to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)....


Whats The Difference Between Language And Dialect? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Many people might not realize that within most major languages, there are different regional dialects that exist. In most cases, experts say native speakers have no trouble navigating these slight differences, but in other cases, the alterations are stark and confusion.

That said, the latter type are still not considered their own language.

Screen Shot 2023 05 30 at 11.10.13 AM Whats The Difference Between Language And Dialect?

Image Credit:...


Blacks for Trump Goes Off on Ron Desantis! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Blacks for Trump Goes Off on Ron Desantis!

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New CA law could put these goat herders out of a job "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Western Grazers owner Tim Arrowsmith shares how a new California rule could wipe out goat-grazing businesses and increase wildfire risk on Fox News Tonight.

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Is Bidens controversial Bitcoin mining tax dead or set to rise from the ashes? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

References to the tax were removed from the U.S. debt bill, but that doesnt mean its gone for good.


Quant Hype Spikes As Price Surges 15% Is This A Top Signal? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Quant (QNT), an Ethereum-based token, has experienced a 15.15% increase in its price over the past seven days. QNT plays a vital role in Quant Networks Overledger, a suite of enterprise software solutions designed to connect public blockchains and private networks seamlessly. By enabling the creation of multi-chain decentralized applications (mDapps), Quant Network empowers developers to build and operate applications that span across multiple blockchains simultaneously.

With its focus on interoperability, Quant Networks Overledger solution provides a framework for bridging different blockchain networks, fostering connectivity and facilitating efficient data exchange between disparate systems. The use of QNT within the Overledger ecosystem not only powers these interoperability capabilities but also plays a crucial role in securing and incentivizing participants within the network.

Quant Weekly Movement Has been positive

As the price of Quant (QNT) continues its upward trajectory, the growing interest in the token reflects the recognition of its importance in enabling the seamless operation of mDapps and facilitating cross-chain communication. With Quant Networks innovative approach to interoperability, the future holds promising possibilities for enhanced collaboration and integration across various blockchain platforms.

Related Reading: Injective Protocol (INJ) Tallies 23% Price Surge In Past 7 Days Heres Why

Whys There A Strong Bullish Sentiment For QNT? 

The recent price surge of Quant (QNT) can be attributed to the transformative power of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the unique features offered by the Quant platform. DLT, surpassing the limitations of traditional blockchain, provides solutions to unanswered questions, enabling secure and cost-effective asset exchange while driving value, opening new markets, and increasing efficiency for enterprises, governments, and individuals worldwide.



People Share Their Ideas On What To Say If Someone Asks Whats Your Problem? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Listen, we all have problems. Some of us have earned them and others seem to find them on accident, but they just make us human, right?

You might think people are genuinely asking about your life when they pose this question but theyre probably not and if theyre going to ask a sassy question, you need a sassy answer at the ready.

People are the problem.

Well In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

The hardest part.

Oh boy. Where to start.

An inside joke.

With my family, its usually predicated with what the f**k is wrong with you?!. The usual response isI kill people and eat hands, thats two things.

For the record, its a reference to Llamas With Hats that we all know.

Because that will take even longer.

you want them alphabetical or what?

Never enough.

Cookies. There is never enough.

This confuses the foe. Optionally you can also start stripping. That might scare them enough to back off.

Alternatively they might mistake that for an invitation and Surprise butt s^x. Depends on your taste that might be right up your alley.

Just go for confusion.

The story doesnt m...


Is She Wrong for Letting Her Older Brother and His Kids Be Homeless? People Responded. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hey, you cant help everyone, right?

And the kinds of situations where you cant or wont help out family members can be particularly touchy

So is this woman an a**hole for what she DIDNT do to help out her older siblings?

Check out her story below and see what you think.

AITA for never helping my older siblings out and letting my brother and his kids be homeless?

My family is on a big divide about this so I was hoping I could get an unbiased perspective. I am the youngest of four siblings, by far. I am 22F and my husband is 26M.

My siblings are 30F, 32M, 33M. Between the three of them they have a combined 14 children. They all have multiple children. None of them went to college, and they all work lower paying entry level jobs. I graduated last year (I started college in high school) and I work as a nurse.

My husband works on planes but I dont want to say what he does specifically. Our household income is about 200k, and average where we live is about 80k I think. This is all relevant.

My parents like to host big family functions for every holiday and they bring the whole family together. Ever since I was a teenage my siblings have always asked me for favors, mostly to babysit. I did it for a while when I was around 16, but quickly realized they didnt appreciate anything and there was nothing in it for me so I stopped.

For the past 6 years Ive had the dont ask me for anything stance, since my sibl...


XRP Climbs 12% As Crypto Celebrates 11-Year Milestone "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

XRP is now marking its 11th year since its inception. Over the past decade, XRP has established itself as a prominent player in the blockchain industry, captivating the attention of investors and enthusiasts alike. 

With its all-time performance reaching remarkable heights, the crypto continues to demonstrate its resilience and enduring value in the ever-evolving landscape of digital finance.

As it enters the next chapter of its journey, the crypto continues to attract attention and generate excitement among both long-time supporters and newcomers to the world of cryptocurrency.

Price Surge And Resilience

At the time of writing, the price of XRP on CoinMarketCap currently stands at $0.523. This figure highlights a slight increase of 1.4% within the past 24 hours, and a decent climb of 11% over the course of seven days. These figures are indicative of the significant growth it has experienced in recent times, with a staggering 8,679.89% increase since its initial introduction to the market.

Ahead of this 11th-year milestone, Ripple, the company behind XRP, took a strategic step by locking 700 million of the tokens into a series of escrows.

This initiative aligns with Ripples ongoing commitment to effectively manage the supply and distribution of XRP. The introduction of the escrow mechanism serves as a mechanism to ensure a controlled and predictable release of tokens into the market.

By implementing these escrows, Ripple aims to provide stability and transparency to XRPs market dynamics. This strategic...


Over 50? Make Sure to Have This Daily! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In this informative video, we delve into the importance of nutrition for overall well-being, especially after 50 years old. Learn about the dietary changes that occur with age and how foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants can help you maintain energy, calm, and balance.

We also tackle a prevalent issue among older adults falls and injuries. Shocking statistics reveal the impact of these accidents, including fractures and intracranial injuries, with hip fractures posing a significant risk to morbidity and mortality post-fall. But fret not! If youre over 50, we reveal a delicious and beneficial vegetable that deserves a prominent spot in your diet.

Not only are these vegetables incredibly nutritious, but they also contribute to maintaining a healthy weight due to their low calorie and carbohydrate content. Furthermore, their fiber content aids in promoting digestive and intestinal health.

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MASSIVE NON-COMPLIANCE: How Many Registered Their Pistol Braced Firearms With ATF?!? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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The opinions expressed through this video are the opinions of the individual author and are for educational and documentary purposes only.

FAIR USE: In the rare instance I include someone elses footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with the intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech.</p> <p>IMPORTANT: All shooting is done on state-approved firing ranges by trained professionals. Our videos are produced in a safe environment by highly trained professionals with decades of experience. These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not attempt to replicate the actions featured in our videos without the proper training, licensing, and medical professionals present.</p> <p>We are not attempting to sell you the items featured in this video. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories, or otherwise change their basic legal function. All firearms and accessories are legal products commonly available in stores all across the United States. Our videos are for entertainment purposes only. We are not a gun shop and...</p></p>


Friday Follies: The great DeSantis name debate "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Unruly passenger disrupts flight Gen-Zs sex recession and octogenarian fathers Lisa Kennedy Montgomery and Raymond Arroyo have it all on The Ingraham Angle Friday Follies.

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Trumps Persistent Election Result Denials Demonstrate The Need For Bitcoin-Verified Truth "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This is an opinion editorial by Dan Weintraub, an author and high school teacher who first became interested in Bitcoin while teaching economics.

I recently watched with bemused indifference CNNs Donald Trump town hall charade, yet another in an endless list of macabre political and social zombie dances.

The truth is, I dont care all that much anymore about party politics, about the upcoming presidential election cycle, about supposedly heartfelt and earnest liberal and conservative political expressions within the American polity, about the hand-wringing surrounding the tenuous future of American Democracy, etc. What I do care about, however, is how easy it is for human beings to be manipulated, to believe the lies.

We are all sheep blind followers with little sense of discernment we are all entirely programmable and entirely impressionable. History may not repeat itself per se, but as an endless record of follower-humans following leader-humans off of proverbial cliffs demonstrates (and for no other reason than the leader-humans were/are really skilled at lying), it certainly feels like dj vu all over again.

Worry not! This is not an article about Trump or about ideological disaffection. Trump is just one man in a human melodrama that spans millennia. The focus of this piece is about the role Bitcoin can play in restoring belief and in ending human somnambulance; it is about how we disempower the disinformationalists. And it is a warning, for those in power will go to any lengths to maintain their hypnotic grip on humanity.

Why Governments Fear Bitcoin

So, the first question we must examine is this: Why are governments seemingly so afraid of Bitcoin? Interestingly, its not simply because Bitcoin has the potential to end governments monopoly on money (which is admittedly a pretty big deal in and of itself). No. The underlying reason actually indicates something far more fundamental: Governments are afraid of Bitcoin as a construct because governments can only govern through deceit and dishonesty.

You see, the most powerful and successful governments throughout history have been (and remain) the ones that are the most adroit and accomplished at lying. The United States government, that bastion of supposed democratic righteousness, is in fact a compelling example of this principle. From Vietnam to Iraq, Joseph McCarthy to Lyndon Johnson to Jerome Powell and beyond, U.S. history is replete with examples of the power of lies, and of the malleability of the minds of well-intentioned, patriotic, innocent, hopeful, lost citizens.

Bitcoin Outs The Lies

Back to Trump for a moment. This from the BBC:

Mr. Trump has questioned the legitimacy...


Totally crazy: This is the worlds first camera without lens that creates AI generated images based on your location! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Danish artist Bjoern Karmann created this stunning new invention: A camera without lens that creates images using AI tech! This is how it works: Introducing Paragraphica! A camera that takes photos using location data. It describes the place you are at and then converts it into an AI-generated "photo". See more here: try

The post Totally crazy: This is the worlds first camera without lens that creates AI generated images based on your location! appeared first on mirrorlessrumors.


OpenAI commits $1M to support AI-driven cybersecurity initiatives "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As criminals devise innovative ways to exploit AI for malicious intentions, OpenAI remains committed to equipping defenders with the necessary tools.


Joey Jones: Is President Biden fit to serve? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News contributor Johnny Joey Jones asks if President Biden is really as sharp as he claims to be in the opening monologue of Fox News Tonight.

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Whales ARB Accumulation Rekindles Momentum For DeFi Token Heres Why "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Arbitrum (ARB), a prominent governance token in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, recently witnessed a decent surge in price following renewed buying activity from a well-known DeFi whale address. 

Large-scale investors often influence market sentiment and can significantly impact the price of a given asset. However, as the rally unfolds, questions arise about the sustainability of this upward momentum and its implications for the future of Arbitrum.

Whales Unusual Buying Activity Coincides With ARBs Rally

Arbitrums (ARB) current price of $1.24 on CoinMarketCap highlights its remarkable performance, with a noteworthy 3.4% rally witnessed within the past 24 hours, followed by an impressive seven-day climb of 7%. Interestingly, this surge in value coincided with unusual buying activity associated with renowned trader Andrew Kangs crypto addresses.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that Andrew Kang, co-founder of Mechanism Capital, has been making some interesting movements within the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Kang put $1 million worth of stablecoins into Arbitrum pools and allocated nearly a quarter of the funds to the purchase of RDNT tokens. RDNT is the native token of the DeFi lending platform Radiant Capital.

After filling his bags with RDNT, Kang subsequently exchanged his newly acquired tokens and existing RDNT reserves for $867,000 worth of ARB.

These transactions were further followed by Kang depositing the proceeds into Radiant Capital, where he borrowed Circles USD Coin. These details have been revealed through data obtained from Lookonchain, a reliable data resource.


Injective Protocol (INJ) Tallies 23% Price Surge In Past 7 Days Heres Why "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Injective Protocol, a prominent blockchain platform catering to decentralized applications (dApps), has recently gained significant attention due to the notable surge in the price of its native token, injective (INJ). Over the past week, the INJ token has experienced a remarkable growth rate of 23%. 

This surge reflects the growing market interest in the platform and underscores the utility and governance features associated with the INJ token. Serving as a dual-purpose instrument, the INJ token empowers users by offering them utility within the platform while granting them a say in shaping its future through governance mechanisms. 

Whats The Cause Of The Spike?

At the time of writing, the price of INJ stands at $7.83, experiencing a minor 0.9% decline within the day. However, over the course of the week, INJ has demonstrated a commendable increase of 23%. This surge in price is coupled with a circulating supply of $100 million, contributing to the platforms liquidity and overall market dynamics. The positive market sentiment and a high Total Value Locked (TVL) have been identified as key factors driving the recent price boom for Injective (INJ).

Related Reading: Celsius Sets New Standard: $1 Billion In ETH Staked As Deposits Show No Sign Of Slowing

Exciting developments lie ahead for Injective as it reveals its plans to revamp its proof-of-stake (PoS) delegation mechanism through the Avalon upgrade. This upgrade will introduce an advanced system, incorporating sub-second block times and layer-1 scalability optimizations. By leveraging the Avalon upgrade, Injective (INJ) aims to enhance transaction speed and efficiency, promising a more seamless user experience on the platform.

Injective protocol has experienced a price surge in the past week: source @tradingview

The impressive growth of Injective (INJ) and its commitment to innovation through the Avalon upgrade position the project as a notable player in the blockchain industry. With a positive market outlook and advancements on the horizon, Injective (INJ) continues to captivate inve...


When Your Own Government CONFIRMS It Paid Censors to Silence You "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Author of What to Eat When Youre Broke and Bloom Where Youre Planted online course

If youve been around for very long, you know this website has suffered repeated hits for our content. Weve been defunded, weve been hit by algorithmic changes that make it harder for people to find us, and weve been classified as a disinformation site. All of this has happened despite the fact we offer factual coverage and often use mainstream sources that are not targeted by censors.

While Ive had my suspicions since the attacks first began, imagine the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I recently read an expose by the Washington Examiner in which the United States government readily admitted giving funding to the very business that abruptly defunded my website back in 2021.

The US State Department stands by grant to fund censorship

Its hard to believe that Im writing this about the government of the United States of America, but here we are in 2023 with our own government striving to make at least half the country out to be terrorists and second-class citizens. An exclusive report by the Washington Examiner states:

The State Department stands by its widely scrutinized grant to a group the Washington Examiner revealed is blacklisting conservative media outlets, according to a letter to Congress.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)...


Sen. Ted Cruzs push to save AM radio: This is an enormous problem | Fox News Rundown "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

After several automakers announced plans to remove AM radios from electric cars moving forward, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) sprung into action to introduce legislation to save consumers ability to tune into AM stations. Working alongside Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), Senator Cruz created the AM for Every Vehicle Act, which has gained popular bipartisan support in Congress. Senator Cruz joins the podcast to share how AM radio remains an important tool for communicating during emergencies and his suspicion that the push to end AM radio was targeting conservative voices. Later, he explains how Democrats excessive spending led to the national debt growing out of control. #foxnews

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Supersoldiers and Ascended Masters Two Pathways for Humanitys Emergence into Galactic Society "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Over the last two decades, multiple individuals have come forward to reveal their recruitment and training as supersoldiers used in secret space programs, and for armed encounters with extraterrestrial entities. The use of supersoldiers goes back centuries. The governing elites struck secret deals to have a cadre of specially trained soldiers ready to battle either []


Cochranes Demise: Misleading Denigration of Benzodiazepines for Acute Psychosis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Cochrane Collaboration was once one of the most trusted institutions in healthcare. People trusted Cochrane systematic reviews, even those of psychiatric drugs. However, in 2018, a highly skilled researcher in Cochrane, Professor Tom Jefferson, said in an interview in the article, Cochrane a sinking ship?: If your review is made up of studies which are biased and in some cases are ghost written or the studies are cherry picked and you dont take that into account in your review, then its garbage in and garbage out with a nice little Cochrane logo on it.

Illustration including the words

About the failing scientific integrity of Cochrane reviews, Cochranes major funder announced in 2019 that, This is a point raised by people in the Collaboration to ensure that garbage does not go into the reviews; otherwise, your reviews will be garbage. Four months later, the funder announced that their funding of Cochrane review groups based in the UK would cease at the end of March 2023. I have described these issues in my freely available book, The Decline and Fall of the Cochrane Empire.

Today, most of the UK based Cochrane review groups have closed. Many see this as the beginning to the end for a Cochrane that cared too little about scientific rigour and too much about protecting guild interests and other financial interests, and which had become too close to industry.

As I have demonstrated in my books and articles, almost all Cochrane reviews of psychiatric drugs are garbage-in, garbage-out. This, I confirmed in the newest Cochrane meta-analysis of depression pills in child...


Women Stuns Her Boyfriend By Learning To Speak Greek. His Reaction Is Adorable. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Screen Shot 2023 06 02 at 11.52.12 PM Women Stuns Her Boyfriend By Learning To Speak Greek. His Reaction Is Adorable.

Photo Credit: TikTok

Relationships are hard, and if were being honest, theres not a lot of positive talk around the internet these days when it comes to love and whether or not it can last.

Thats why videos like this one are so uplifting the genuine happiness people are able to bring to each other when they put in some effort is always a good reminder.

Screen Shot 2023 06 02 at 11.47.51 PM Women Stuns Her Boyfriend By Learning To Speak Greek. His Reaction Is Adorable.

Photo Credit: TikTok

In it, Kate (@kateplus8ft) surprises h...


Remote Viewer saw an Extraterrestrial base buried around Mt. Hayes, Alaska "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

They saw An apparent ET tech, planetary grid or shield, coordinated from...Alaska. Listen RV Joe McMoneagle describing sensing a miniaturized nuclear power plant while remote viewing something buried around Mt. Hayes, Alaska. Source: RV Project 8200 by The Monroe Institute


Floki Inu Gains Momentum As Chinese E-Commerce Giant Recognizes Its Utility "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Floki Inu (FLOKI) is taking a giant leap forward in the world of meme assets. In an exciting development, the team behind this dog-themed cryptocurrency has unveiled a groundbreaking announcement: users can now utilize Floki to make purchases on AliExpress, a global e-commerce giant. 

This unprecedented integration with one of the worlds largest online retailers is set to revolutionize the way people perceive and interact with cryptocurrencies, catapulting Floki Inu to new heights of recognition and utility.

Floki Inu: Revolutionizing E-Commerce With AliExpress Integration

In an announcement, FLOKI holders can now harness the power of their digital assets to make seamless purchases on AliExpress.

AliExpress is a Chinese-based online retail service operated by the Alibaba Group. It was established in 2010 and is comprised of small businesses in China and other locations, such as Singapore, that sell products to international online shoppers.

This milestone has been made possible through the integration of, a crypto-focused e-commerce protocol that opens doors for shoppers to utilize various digital currencies for transactions with major retailers. 

Among its extensive list of partner platforms are retail giants such as Walmart, Amazon, eBay, and Etsy, offering an unparalleled shopping experience powered by cryptocurrencies. serves as a bridge between the realm of cryptocurrencies and mainstream e-commerce, revolutionizing the way digital assets are perceived and utilized in everyday transactions. 

By seamlessly integrating with popular online marketplaces, this crypto-focused e-commerce pro...


Uniswap scam alert: Fraudsters impersonate executives and create fake website "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Uniswap and its foundation have no association with the scam as efforts are being made to combat it.


Welcome To Craft Schooling Sunday! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

And so it goes, running late with the features, so please share your latest in the mean time, and thanks for stopping by! You are invited to the Inlinkz link party! Click here to enter


More Big Tech Woes: LCD Soundsystem Announces Round of Layoffs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NEW YORK VC startup and indie music factory LCD Soundsystem announced their first-ever round of layoffs affecting all organizational units effective immediately, worried economists report.

I regret to announce that today is a difficult one for our organization; LCD Soundsystem, Incorporated is losing its edge and must lay off 34% of our workforce, said frontman and CEO James Murphy in a company-wide email. I offer my deepest gratitude to everyone affected for their years of service. But market forces dictate that we must tighten the belt if we hope to produce another Sound of Silver down the line or have Daft Punk ever play at my house again.

Seniority did not seem to be a major factor in deciding which departments and employees would suffer the cuts.

I was just two years away from a pension and Im devastated, uttered a crestfallen Nancy Whang, one of the longest-tenured employees at LCD Soundsystem. I was brought into the conference room where James gave me the news in an obviously prepared 30-second speech, then he rushed out and left me with our head of HR. He couldnt make eye contact with me; what a coward. They gave me one little cardboard box to pack up all my synths from my desk. I could barely fit my MicroKORG in it, let alone all my other keyboards. Ive sent my resume to Gorillaz and St. Vincent, but maybe I should start my own solo company? Ive been dreaming of going the entrepreneur route for years.

Economists warn that the contagion of layoffs could continue to spread to other indie music institutions.

We dont expect the trend to reverse anytime soon; rumor has it Interpol released their in-house suit tailor today, said Alvin Bingham, host of Indie Band Report on CNBC. Jack White laid off his entire haberdashery staff last week, and The Mountain Goats have decided to outsource their research department. But we have found a few exceptions- Kraftwerk is hiring renewable energy engineers, and Mac Demarco needs a new weed guy. So there are still some jobs out there.

A leak from within LCD Soundsystem, Incorporated confirmed that Murphys layoff email used the subject line Inflation, I Love You But Youre Bringing Me Down.

The post More Big Tech Woes: LCD Soundsystem Announces Round of Layoffs appeared first on The Hard Times.


Every Joyce Manor Album Ranked "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Joyce Manor doesnt have any bad albums, but its important to know which ones are the best so you can prioritize those on your smoke break. Listening to all of them was pretty easy. Their entire discography is the length of one long movie or two short ones. Here is our definitive ranking of all 6 Joyce Manor studio albums from good to great.

6. Of All Things I Will Soon Grow Tired (2012)

Sophomore albums are always difficult to pull off. Joyce Manor couldve been the exception to that rule had our fact-checkers not reminded us that Never Hungover Again was actually their third album. We didnt forget about this one entirely its just hard to remember that this is a canonical Joyce Manor album and not just a 13-minute compilation of promising demos. For what its worth, there are some great tracks here. They just dont feel like theyre part of anything bigger than themselves. Even Napalm Death songs make better use of their brief runtimes.

Play it again: Violent Inside
Skip it: Youd be forgiven.

Honorable Mention: Songs From Northern Torrance (2020)

Now this is a great compilation of promising demos. Featuring rough drafts of fan favorites like Constant Nothing and Leather Jacket alongside fast-paced punk tracks that would have felt out of place on a proper studio album, its an insightful look into the bands early years. Every track radiates charmingly chaotic energy, from frenetic acoustic opener House Warning Party to the freshly remastered Constant Nothing EP songs that close this out. Most importantly, it reminds fans that Joyce Manor formed in Torrance, California, so you can gently correct anyone who calls them midwest emo.

Play it again:...


Straight Edge Guy at Bachelor Party Spends Entire Time Trying to Convince Stripper to Go Vegan "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LAS VEGAS Lifelong straight edger Logan McGuire spent the majority of his future brother-in-laws bachelor party convincing the stripper to go vegan, despite being surrounded by endless debauchery, confirmed multiple tanked groomsmen.

I dont know how anyone in this strip club can think about naked women when hundreds of thousands of cows are being brutally slaughtered every day, their blood is greasing the gears of capitalism. My sisters fiance didnt want to hear about it anymore, but the dancer at our table was surprisingly attentive and its been a while since Ive been able to talk about the benefits of veganism without someone walking away mid-conversation, said McGuire. It cost me $200 to get my entire point across about how dairy cows are tortured on a daily basis, but I bet when she goes home tonight shell switch to soy milk.

The dancer at the bachelor partys booth noted that McGuire was the first client she ever met who paid her to not do her job.

Ive met a lot of gross dudes whove paid me to do weird shit, so this was a nice reprieve. Usually when men want to just talk they complain about their wives, but Logan was the first one to show me data about how factory farming is exacerbating climate change. I have to salute his commitment to explaining the evils of the farming industrial complex with my tits in his face, said Candy Jones. The other guys in his party were getting kind of annoyed, but honestly he was shelling out the most cash. I wouldve offered him a private dance but he refused. I think he was Mormon or something.

McGuires soon-to-be brother-in-law was hoping for a more traditional stag party without any politics.

I cant wait to marry his sister, but I cannot wait even more to only see this guy on holidays. My best man really went out of his way to curate a neverending cavalcade of pussy and beer for three days straight, and Logan kept knocking the drinks out of our hands any time we walked by him. Im trying to get this stripper to sit on my face but he keeps sidetracking her about how overfishing is destroying delicate ocean ecosystems, said Bill Lawrey. None of the other dancers will even come near us now. I cant imagine the rant hell go on when I tell him were going out for cigars and steaks after this.

As of press time, the party was asked to leave the club after McGuire insisted on giving Candy a copy of Earth Crisis Destroy the Machines.

The post Straight Edge Guy at Bachelor Party Spends Entire Time Trying to Convince Stripper to Go Vegan appeared first on The Hard Times.


Heartwarming: This Second Grader Dreams of One Day Becoming President Despite Being Named Tristan "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If youre looking for a feel-good story about overcoming adversity, weve got the perfect one for you today out of Indianapolis, where local second grader, Tristan Fuller has announced his intention to one day become President of the United States, despite the fact that his name is literally Tristan.

According to his classmates and teacher, the plucky, if utterly deluded, eight-year-old came to school for his presentation on what I want to be when I grow up in a full suit and tie, and announced his future candidacy for the highest office in the land, as if theres a future in which someone named Tristan would hold the nuclear codes.

This isnt to say that Fuller isnt a precocious and civically minded boy. When I had the chance to sit down with him, he was all too happy to list some of the policies he would enact, such as: Shorter school days, less homework, and longer summers.

Hes got our vote! I mean, not literally, his name is fucking Tristan for chrissakes, but you know what we mean.

While childish, these policies show a clear focus on enacting change. Its just too bad that when one thinks of the name Tristan, one can only see a future to be a future of skinny jeans, bass guitars, bad tattoos, and a semi-serious nicotine addiction.

Many community members have voiced their anxieties about Tristans goal of Presidency, suggesting that a career selling weed outside the local movie theater might be just as rewarding and more within his grasp. Historically, American presidents have been named things like John, Abraham, and George. But Tristan wont let any naysayers dissuade him. Hes going to ride this presidential dream all the way to when reality sets in around 17 or so. Go Tristan!

Tristan told me that he intends to keep pursuing this doomed dream in the coming years, much like his friend Tanner Harrison, who has the laughably unachievable goal of becoming a heart surgeon.

Its an incredible feat of strength for such a young child. But ultimately, of course, as hard as things will be for young Tristan, one can only imagine itll be so much worse for the Tanners.

The post Heartwarming: This Second Grader Dreams of One Day Becoming President Despite Being Named Tristan appeared first on The Hard Times.


Crop Circle ECLIPSE Announces the Arrival of a Huge Celestial Body (GIGANTIC MOTHERSHIP?) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

However let's expect big changes that have already started since 2012 when a powerful etheric vibrational field of 50 million light years exploding from the black hole in the center of the Milky Way spread through the galaxy affecting star systems and planets. Something is changing and in the subtle.


What Did You Want to Do for a Long Time but Discovered You Didnt Like It? People Shared Their Stories. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It can be a bummer to really, REALLY want to do something for a long time and then find out that you dont like it.

At all.

But thats life, friends!

Here are some stories about this phenomenon from folks on AskReddit.

Not working out.

I want to be an environmental lawyer when I grow up! Im going to help save the world!

Fu**ing k**l me dude, I dont even have the energy to save myself anymore.

Never looked back.

All my life I wanted to make cartoons.

I fought with tooth and nail to reach the top.

Then I interned for an old studio in Burbank specializing in cartoons about a certain yellow family.

Then, after college, I became a mechanic and never looked back.

Need a new path.

Being an EMT.

I had planned on it being my lifelong career since middle school. I loved the medical field and wanted to save lives but knew I wouldnt have the stamina to get through medical school.

I got into training as soon as I graduated high school and I was top of my class in the educational sense, but as soon as I started doing ride-alongs everything just kind of fell apart on me.

I didnt fit in well with the firefighters, which sounds stupid but I think I really needed that brotherhood if I was going to survive in that field. The real problem, however, was my empathy.

I knew quickly that I would not be able to see people on their worst days everyday. I could deal with broken bones and blood, but I hadnt prepared myself for the screams.

On my third ride-along I responded to a teenage s**cide, and that was it for me. I work for a museum now.

Try it out first.



MUFG to facilitate Japanese bank-backed stablecoins via Progmat Coin platform "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group hasnt revealed what firms will be the first to utilize its platform; however, a handful of banks have reportedly opted for a separate stablecoin solution.


Net Bitcoin ATMs record an increase after 4 months of global downtrend "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In the first four months of 2023, net crypto ATMs worldwide declined by 5,850.


Regional Drink Driver Says Its Just More Convenient To Run The Risk Of Tearing His Hometown Apart Than Get A Lift "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT A local man from Queenslands Wide Bay-Burnett region has today proven to friends, family and his community that he can be guilty of not thinking things through. After enjoying a few schooners of full strength followed by some of his hometowns finest, the Bundaberg man reportedly told his mates that he planned on []

The post Regional Drink Driver Says Its Just More Convenient To Run The Risk Of Tearing His Hometown Apart Than Get A Lift appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


These Older Women Arent Ashamed To Admit What They Dont Get About The Younger Generation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There might be a lot of downsides to getting older (RIP your back and knees, for two things), but there are a ton of upsides, too like not really caring what people think anymore.

It can be confusing to look around and totally not get what the younger generation is up to in one way or another, and these older ladies would like some explanations.

Not enough crime dramas.

Letting everyone on the internet knowing exactly whare you are at all times and what your schedule is seems a bit nuts.

Theyre likely to regret it.

Buccal fat removal surgery.

Its permanent, and your body will never make more of it. Buccal fat removal ages the face immediately, which isnt a problem for most women in their 20s, but as they actually do age, there is a high likelihood that they will need to constantly get fillers for the rest of their life to combat the side effects of significant premature aging.

I cant even imagine.

My stepdaughter is often upset, since moving in at my house, because her friends get together and dont invite her (even though weve offered to drive). The same thing was probably true of me when I moved in to my stepdads house, but tiktok wasnt around to create all this evidence that everyone is having fun without you.

Social media is a disease, especially for young people, in a lot of very subtle ways. That s*%t is going to happen, and feelings are going to get hurt, because youre making it public record the who and when of your hangouts.

So goofy.

The overdone lip injections. I cant wait for this trend to die....


Hello! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hello from this side of the world!


Microsoft pens AI cloud computing deal with former Ethereum miner CoreWeave: CNBC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The reported deal comes just a few days after CoreWeave announced an additional $200 million worth of funding via an extended Series B funding round.


Reaffirming a positive correlation between number of vaccine doses and infant mortality rates. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Cureus. 2023 Feb ;15(2):e34566. Epub 2023 Feb 2. PMID: 36751569 Abstract Title:  Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics. Abstract:  Introduction In 2011, we published a study that found a counterintuitive, positive correlation,= 0.70 (

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New Upcycle Ideas 680 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

vintage sewing machine bookendsVisit 20+ New Upcycle Ideas 680 vintage sewing machine bookends, bee cups, wooden ruler flag, vintage blueprint art, plus more repurposed projects with tutorials! New Upcycle Ideas 680   Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific Greetings! Welcome to another riveting and fun weekend of inspiring repurposed projects to make with things []

The post New Upcycle Ideas 680 appeared first on Funky Junk Interiors.


Moringa oleifera leaf attenuate osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats by modulating gut microbiota composition. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Biomed Pharmacother. 2023 May ;161:114434. Epub 2023 Feb 23. PMID: 36841025 Abstract Title:  Moringa oleifera leaf attenuate osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats by modulating gut microbiota composition and MAPK signaling pathway. Abstract:  Moringa oleifera leaf (MLP) contains abundant complex nutrients with anti-osteoporosis potential. However, its efficacy and mechanisms against osteoporosis remain unknown. The purpose of this research is to investigate MLP's anti-osteoporotic effects and mechanisms. Animal experiments were used in this work to validate MLP's anti-osteoporotic efficacy. We investigated the mode of action of MLP, analyzed its impact on the gut microbiota, and predicted and validated its anti-osteoporosis-related molecular targets and pathways through network pharmacology, molecular docking, and western blotting. In an ovariectomized osteoporosis rat model, MLP significantly increased bone mineral density and improved bone metabolism-related indicators, bone microstructure, and lipid profile. Moreover, it improved gut microbiota composition and increased the expression of Occludin and Claudin-1 protein in the duodenum. Network pharmacology identified a total of 97 active ingredients and 478 core anti-osteoporosis targets. Of these, MAPK1 (also known as ERK2), MAPK3 (also known as ERK1), and MAPK8 (also known as JNK) were successfully docked with the active constituents of MLP. Interestingly, MLP increased ERK and VAV3 protein expression and decreased p-ERK and JNK protein expression in the femur. These findings confirm MLP's anti-osteoporotic efficacy, which could be mediated via regulation of gut microbiota and MAPK signaling.

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M. oleifera leaf extract protein had a marked effect on the biofilm growth or formation by Staphylococcus aureus. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Protein Pept Lett. 2023 ;30(2):116-125. PMID: 36734904 Abstract Title:  Disruption ofBiofilms with PurifiedLeaf Extract Protein. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: A major cause of economic losses in the medical implant sector has been bacterial biofilms due to their ability to persist on various surfaces and their tolerance against endogenous defences, antibiotics, or other anti-microbial agents. The quest for potential sources causing inhibition or disruption of bacterial biofilms has been taken up to alleviate the loss. Plantderived extracts such as essential oils, bioactive compounds and other solvent extracts are regularly being used instead of antibiotics and other synthetic compounds as they are safer, economical, and in many instances, have an elaborate history of traditional medicinal usage.OBJECTIVES: As a plant that has been traditionally used over the centuries, the Moringa oleifera Lam., or more commonly the drumstick tree, is being tapped for myriad pharmaceutical applications. The protein-rich leaf of this tree has not only proved to be of great nutritional value but also divulged numerous potential therapeutic applications.METHODS: While reports of proteinaceous components are rare, here we report the efficacy of the aqueous extract of the leaf of M. oleifera and a 62 kDa protein component in the disruption of staphylococcal biofilms, which are largely implicated in nosocomial infections.RESULTS: The application of the M. oleifera leaf extract protein had a marked effect on the biofilm growth or formation by Staphylococcus aureus.CONCLUSION: While the crude extract itself showed considerable disruption of biofilm formation, the application of the purified protein obtained after a two-step process led to a significant increase in the anti-biofilm activity.

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Combined non-psychoactive cannabis components cannabidiol and -caryophyllene reduce chronic pain. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  PLoS One. 2023 ;18(3):e0282920. Epub 2023 Mar 13. PMID: 36913400 Abstract Title:  Combined non-psychoactive Cannabis components cannabidiol and-caryophyllene reduce chronic pain via CB1 interaction in a rat spinal cord injury model. Abstract:  The most frequently reported use of medical marijuana is for pain relief. However, its psychoactive component9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) causes significant side effects. Cannabidiol (CBD) and-caryophyllene (BCP), two other cannabis constituents, possess more benign side effect profiles and are also reported to reduce neuropathic and inflammatory pain. We evaluated the analgesic potential of CBD and BCP individually and in combination in a rat spinal cord injury (SCI) clip compression chronic pain model. Individually, both phytocannabinoids produced dose-dependent reduction in tactile and cold hypersensitivity in male and female rats with SCI. When co-administered at fixed ratios based on individual A50s, CBD and BCP produced enhanced dose-dependent reduction in allodynic responses with synergistic effects observed for cold hypersensitivity in both sexes and additive effects for tactile hypersensitivity in males. Antinociceptive effects of both individual and combined treatment were generally less robust in females than males. CBD:BCP co-administration also partially reduced morphine-seeking behavior in a conditioned place preference (CPP) test. Minimal cannabinoidergic side effects were observed with high doses of the combination. The antinociceptive effects of the CBD:BCP co-administration were not altered by either CB2 or-opioid receptor antagonist pretreatment but, were nearly completely blocked by CB1 antagonist AM251. Since neither CBD or BCP are thought to mediate antinociception via CB1 activity, these findings suggest a novel CB1 interactive mechanism between these two phytocannabinoids in the SCI pain state. Together, these findings suggest that CBD:BCP co-administration may provide a safe and effective treatment option for the management of chronic SCI pain.

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Phytochemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil from the leaves of Artemisia vulgaris. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Molecules. 2023 Feb 28 ;28(5). Epub 2023 Feb 28. PMID: 36903525 Abstract Title:  Phytochemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oil from the Leaves ofL. Abstract:  is an enormously useful aromatic plant known for its insecticidal, antifungal, parasiticidal, and medicinal values. The main aim of this study is to investigate phytochemical contents and the potential antimicrobial activities ofessential oil (AVEO) from the fresh leaves ofgrown in Manipur. The AVEO isolated by hydro-distillation fromwere analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and solid-phase microextraction-GC/MS to describe their volatile chemical profile. There were 47 components identified in the AVEO by GC/MS, amounting to 97.66% of the total composition, while 97.35% were identified by SPME-GC/MS. The prominent compounds present in AVEO analyzed by direct injection and SPME methods are found to be eucalyptol (29.91% and 43.70%), sabinene (8.44% and 8.86%), endo-Borneol (8.24% and 4.76%), 2,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-4-ol (6.76% and 4.24%), and 10-epi--Eudesmol (6.50% and 3.09%). The consolidated component in the leaf volatiles comes to the terms of monoterpenes. The AVEO exhibits antimicrobial activities against fungal pathogens such as(ITCC 4107) and(MTCC 9913) and bacterial cultures such as(ATCC 13061) and(ATCC 25923). The percent inhibition of AVEO against theandwas found up to 50.3% and 33.13%, respectively. The MIC and MBC of the essential oil tested forandwere found to be (0.3%, 0.63%) and (0.63%, 2.5%), respectively. Finally, the results revealed that the AVEO characterized by the hydro-distillation and SPME extraction yielded the same chemical profile and showed potent antimicrobial activities. Further research intoantibacterial properties can be performed in order to use it as a source for natural antimicrobial medications.

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Antiviral activities of Artemisia vulgaris L. extract against herpes simplex virus. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Chin Med. 2023 Feb 28 ;18(1):21. Epub 2023 Feb 28. PMID: 36855145 Abstract Title:  Antiviral activities of Artemisia vulgaris L. extract against herpes simplex virus. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Artemisia vulgaris L. is often used as a traditional Chinese medicine with the same origin of medicine and food. Its active ingredient in leaves have multiple biological functions such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and insecticidal, anti-tumor, antioxidant and immune regulation, etc. It is confirmed that folium Artemisiae argyi has obvious anti-HBV activity, however, its antiviral activity and mechanism against herpesvirus or other viruses are not clear. Hence, we aimed to screen the crude extracts (Fr.8.3) isolated and extracted from folium A. argyi to explore the anti-herpesvirus activity and mechanism.METHODS: The antiherpes virus activity of Fr.8.3 was mainly characterized by cytopathic effects, real-time PCR detection of viral gene replication and expression levels, western blotting, viral titer determination and plaque reduction experiments. The main components of Fr.8.3 were identified by using LC-MS, and selected protein targets of these components were investigated through molecular docking.RESULTS: We collected and isolated a variety of A. vulgaris L. samples from Tangyin County, Henan Province and then screened the A. vulgaris L. leaf extracts for anti-HSV-1 activity. The results of the plaque reduction test showed that the crude extract of A. vulgaris L.-Fr.8.3 had anti-HSV-1 activity, and we further verified the anti-HSV-1 activity of Fr.8.3 at the DNA, RNA and protein levels. Moreover, we found that Fr.8.3 also had a broad spectrum of antiviral activity. Finally, we explored its anti-HSV-1 mechanism, and the results showed that Fr.8.3 exerted an anti-HSV-1 effect by acting directly on the virus itself. Then, the extracts were screened on HSV-1 surface glycoproteins and host cell surface receptors for potential binding ability by molecular docking, which further verified the phenotypic results. LC-MS analysis showed that 1 and 2 were the two main components of the extracts. Docking analysis suggested that compounds from extract 1 might similarly cover the binding domain between the virus and the host cells, thus interfering with virus adhesion to cell receptors, which provides new ideas and insights for clinical drug development for herpes simplex virus type 1.CONCLUSION: We found that Fr.8.3 has anti-herpesvirus and anti-rotavirus effects. The main 12 components in Fr.8.3 were analyzed by LC-MS, and the protein targets were finally predicted through molecular docking, which showed that alkaloids may play a major role in antiviral activity.



Artemisia afra and Artemisia annua extracts have bactericidal activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Pathogens. 2023 Feb 1 ;12(2). Epub 2023 Feb 1. PMID: 36839499 Abstract Title:  andExtracts Have Bactericidal Activity againstin Physiologically Relevant Carbon Sources and Hypoxia. Abstract:  (Mtb) is a deadly pathogen and causative agent of human tuberculosis, causing ~1.5 million deaths every year. The increasing drug resistance of this pathogen necessitates novel and improved treatment strategies. A crucial aspect of the host-pathogen interaction is bacterial nutrition. In this study,anddichloromethane extracts were tested for bactericidal activity against Mtb strain mc6230 under hypoxia and various infection-associated carbon sources (glycerol, glucose, and cholesterol). Both extracts showed significant bactericidal activity against Mtb, regardless of carbon source. Based on killing curves,showed the most consistent bactericidal activity against Mtb for all tested carbon sources, whereasshowed the highest bactericidal activity in 7H9 minimal media with glycerol. Both extracts retained their bactericidal activity against Mtb under hypoxic conditions. Further investigations are required to determine the mechanism of action of these extracts and identify their active constituent compounds.

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Ferulic acid alleviates high fat diet-induced cognitive impairment by inhibiting oxidative stress and apoptosis. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Eur J Pharmacol. 2023 May 5 ;946:175642. Epub 2023 Mar 3. PMID: 36871664 Abstract Title:  Ferulic acid alleviates high fat diet-induced cognitive impairment by inhibiting oxidative stress and apoptosis. Abstract:  Cognitive impairment has become a major public health problem. Growing evidence suggests that high-fat diet (HFD) can cause cognitive dysfunction and increase the risk of dementia. However, effective treatment for cognitive impairment is not available. Ferulic acid (FA) is a single phenolic compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Nevertheless, its role in regulating learning and memory in HFD-fed mice and the underlying mechanism remains unclear. In this study, we aimed to identify the neuroprotective mechanisms of FA in HFD induced cognitive impairment. We found that FA improved the survival rate of HT22 cells treated with palmitic acid (PA), inhibited cell apoptosis, and reduced oxidative stress via the IRS1/PI3K/AKT/GSK3signaling pathway; Furthermore, FA treatment for 24 weeks improved the learning and memory of HFD-fed mice and decreased hyperlipidemia. Moreover, the expression of Nrf2 and Gpx4 proteins were decreased in HFD-fed mice. After FA treatment, the decline of these proteins was reversed. Our study showed that the neuroprotective effect of FA on cognitive impairment was related to the inhibition of oxidative stress and apoptosis and regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism. These findings suggested that FA can be developed as a potential agent for the treatment of HFD-induced cognitive impairment.

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Renoprotective effects of tanshinone IIA: A literature review. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Molecules. 2023 Feb 20 ;28(4). Epub 2023 Feb 20. PMID: 36838978 Abstract Title:  Renoprotective Effects of Tanshinone IIA: A Literature Review. Abstract:  The kidney is an important organ in the human body, with functions such as urine production, the excretion of metabolic waste, the regulation of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance and endocrine release. The morbidity and mortality of kidney diseases are increasing year by year worldwide, and they have become a serious public health problem. In recent years, natural products derived from fungi, plants and animals have become an important alternative source of treatment for kidney diseases because of their multiple pathways, multiple targets, safety, low toxicity and few side effects. Tanshinone IIA (Tan IIA) is a lipid-soluble diterpene quinone isolated from the Chinese herb, considered as a common drug for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. As researchers around the world continue to explore its unknown biological activities, it has also been found to have a wide range of biological effects, such as anti-cancer, anti-oxidative stress, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, and hepatoprotective effects, among others. In recent years, many studies have elaborated on its renoprotective effects in various renal diseases, including diabetic nephropathy (DN), renal fibrosis (RF), uric acid nephropathy (UAN), renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and drug-induced kidney injury caused by cisplatin, vancomycin and acetaminophen (APAP). These effects imply that Tan IIA may be a promising drug to use against renal diseases. This article provides a comprehensive review of the pharmacological mechanisms of Tan IIA in the treatment of various renal diseases, and it provides some references for further research and clinical application of Tan IIA in renal diseases.

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This College Student Thinks They Know Why Its So Hard For Young People To Find A Job "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Blank 1200 x 630 copy 251 8 This College Student Thinks They Know Why Its So Hard For Young People To Find A Job

Image Credit: TikTok

The world has changed in many ways that are easy to consider positive.

There are also lots of things that have made life harder for those entering adulthood over the past 20 years like, for example, finding a job after college.

According to Trading Economics, there were 9.6 million unfilled jobs in the US in March of 2023. That said, people still have trouble finding a job that offers a salary high enough to afford basic living expenses.



Astragaloside IV attenuates myocardial dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Phytother Res. 2023 Mar 7. Epub 2023 Mar 7. PMID: 36882189 Abstract Title:  Astragaloside IV attenuates myocardial dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy rats through downregulation of CD36-mediated ferroptosis. Abstract:  Diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM), one of the major complications of type 2 diabetes, is a leading cause of heart failure and death in advanced diabetes. Although there is an association between DCM and ferroptosis in cardiomyocytes, the internal mechanism of ferroptosis leading to DCM development remains unknown. CD36 is a key molecule in lipid metabolism that mediates ferroptosis. Astragaloside IV (AS-IV) confers various pharmacological effects such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory. In this study, we demonstrated that AS-IV was able to recover the dysfunction of DCM. In vivo experiments showed that AS-IV ameliorated myocardial injury and improved contractile function, attenuated lipid deposition, and decreased the expression level of CD36 and ferroptosis-related factors in DCM rats. In vitro experiments showed that AS-IV decreased CD36 expression and inhibited lipid accumulation and ferroptosis in PA-induced cardiomyocytes. The results demonstrated that AS-IV decreased cardiomyocyte injury and myocardial dysfunction by inhibiting ferroptosis mediated by CD36 in DCM rats. Therefore, AS-IV regulated the lipid metabolism of cardiomyocytes and inhibited cellular ferroptosis, which may have potential clinical value in DCM treatment.

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Astragaloside IV, as a potential anticancer agent. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Front Pharmacol. 2023 ;14:1065505. Epub 2023 Feb 17. PMID: 36874003 Abstract Title:  Astragaloside IV, as a potential anticancer agent. Abstract:  Cancer is a global intractable disease, and its morbidity and mortality are increasing year by year in developing countries. Surgery and chemotherapy are often used to treat cancer, but they result in unsatisfactory outcomes, such as severe side effects and drug resistance. With the accelerated modernization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), an increasing body of evidence has shown that several TCM components have significant anticancer activities. Astragaloside IV (AS-IV) is considered the main active ingredient of the dried root of. AS-IV exhibits various pharmacological effects, such as anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antifibrotic, and anticancer activities. AS-IV possesses a wide range of activities, such as the modulation of reactive oxygen species-scavenging enzyme activities, participation in cell cycle arrest, induction of apoptosis and autophagy, and suppression of cancer cell proliferation, invasiveness, and metastasis. These effects are involved in the inhibition of different malignant tumors, such as lung, liver, breast, and gastric cancers. This article reviews the bioavailability, anticancer activity, and mechanism of AS-IV and provides suggestions for further research of this TCM.

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Astragaloside IV attenuates neuroinflammation and ameliorates cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Heliyon. 2023 Feb ;9(2):e13411. Epub 2023 Feb 3. PMID: 36820018 Abstract Title:  Astragaloside IV attenuates neuroinflammation and ameliorates cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease via inhibiting NF-B signaling pathway. Abstract:  The inflammatory process plays a significant role in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Anti-neuroinflammatory cascade is now considered an important measure for AD treatment. Astragaloside IV (AS-IV), a saponin of Astragali radix, has shown significant anti-inflammatory properties and protective effects against neurodegenerative diseases. However, the mechanisms of AS-IV in treating Alzheimer's disease (AD) have not been fully determined. The experiment research was carried out to comprehensively confirm the beneficial effects and underlying molecular mechanisms of AS-IV to AD. In this research, BV-2 cells were culturedand treated by AS-IV under the stimulation of LPS, qRT-PCR was adopted to analyze the mRNA expression level of inflammatory factors. Western-blot was carried out to analyze the phosphorylation level of NF-B signaling pathway. 5xFAD mice were administrated AS-IV mixed in the diet for 3 months. Behavioral experiments were adopted to analyze learning and memory abilities. Immunohistochemical staining was adopted to observe the proliferation of microglias and the accumulation of Aplaques. AS-IV cut down the mRNA expression of IL-1, COX-2, iNOS and TNF-in LPS-stimulated BV-2 cells by suppressing the phosphorylation of IB and p65, and inhibited the phosphorylated p65 from entering the nucleus. AS-IV increased the frequency of recognizing new objects in the novel object recognition test, shortened the escape latency, raised the number of crossing platform in the Morris water maze, inhibited the hyperplasia of microglias, and reduced the production of senile plaques in 5xFAD mice. In brief, AS-IV ameliorates learning and memory impairment by relieving the intensity of neuroinflammatory response in AD. Therefore, AS-IV is very promising to be a herbal medicine for AD treatment.

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Tanshinone IIA relieves arthritis by inhibiting autophagy of fibroblast-like synoviocytes. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

n/a PMID:  Phytother Res. 2023 Apr ;37(4):1391-1404. Epub 2023 Feb 28. PMID: 36852883 Abstract Title:  Tanshinone IIA relieves arthritis by inhibiting autophagy of fibroblast-like synoviocytes via matrix metalloproteinase9/receptor for advanced glycation end product/toll-like receptor 9 signal axis in mice with collagen-induced arthritis. Abstract:  In this study, we probed into the related mechanism underlying the role of Tanshinone IIA (TIIA) in RA fibroblast-like synoviocytes (RA-FLSs). We constructed a mouse model of RA using the collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) method. Gain- or loss-of-function approaches were used to manipulate matrix metalloproteinase9 (MMP9), receptor for advanced glycation end product (RAGE), and toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) in both CIA mice and RA-FLSs following treatment with TIIA to study the in vivo and in vitro effect of TIIA through analysis of cell viability, and measurement of autophagy and inflammatory proteins as well as severity of RA. In vitro and in vivo animal experiments results showed that TIIA could inhibit the proliferation of RA-FLSs and affect autophagy, thereby improving the symptoms of RA in mice. Mechanically, TIIA could inhibit the expression of MMP9 in RA-FLSs, thereby inhibiting the shedding of RAGE and thus inhibiting the activation of TLR9. Finally, animal experiments confirmed that TIIA affected autophagy by regulating the MMP9/RAGE/TLR9 axis, and finally improve the symptoms of RA in mice. Conclusively, TIIA may inhibit expression of MMP9 to suppress the combination of RAGE and TLR9, thereby inhibiting RA-FLS proliferation and affecting autophagy, eventually improve the RA.


Tanshinone IIA and hepatocellular carcinoma. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Front Oncol. 2023 ;13:1071415. Epub 2023 Jan 31. PMID: 36798821 Abstract Title:  Tanshinone IIA and hepatocellular carcinoma: A potential therapeutic drug. Abstract:  Because of its high prevalence and poor long-term clinical treatment effect, liver disease is regarded as a major public health problem around the world. Among them, viral hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and autoimmune liver disease are common causes and inducements of liver injury, and play an important role in the occurrence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Tanshinone IIA (TsIIA) is a fat soluble polyphenol of Salvia miltiorrhiza that is extracted from Salvia miltiorrhiza. Because of its strong biological activity (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant), it is widely used in Asia to treat cardiovascular and liver diseases. In addition, TsIIA has shown significant anti-HCC activity in previous studies. It not only has significant anti proliferation and pro apoptotic properties. It can also play an anti-cancer role by mediating a variety of signal pathways, including phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt)/rapamycin (mTOR), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-B). This review not only reviews the existing evidence and molecular mechanism of TsIIA's anti-HCC effect but also reviews the liver-protective effect of TsIIA and its impact on liver fibrosis, NAFLD, and other risk factors for liver cancer. In addition, we also conducted network pharmacological analysis on TsIIA and HCC to further screen and explore the possible targets of TsIIA against hepatocellular carcinoma. It is expected to provide a theoretical basis for the development of anti-HCC-related drugs based on TsIIA.

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Tanshinone IIA inhibits triple-negative breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Dis Markers. 2023 ;2023:8371623. Epub 2023 Jan 27. PMID: 36741908 Abstract Title:  Tanshinone IIA Inhibits Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells MDA-MB-231 via G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor- (GPER-) Dependent Signaling Pathway. Abstract:  Due to the lack of classic estrogen receptors, there has been a shortage of targeted therapy for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), resulting in a poor prognosis. However, the newly discovered G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) has been found to be expressed in TNBC cells.(Danshen) is an essential Chinese medicine for gynecological disorders, and its component tanshinone IIA (Tan IIA) exerts an anticancer effect. Therefore, this study attempted to investigate whether GPER is involved in the inhibitory effect of Tan IIA on TNBC. We applied various databases and GO pathway analysis to predict the possible mechanism of Tan IIA. We identified 39 overlapping targets, including c-Jun, c-Fos, and caspase-3, and enriched cell cycle-related pathways. Next, we demonstrated the strong binding ability of Tan IIA to GPER by molecular docking assay. In the subsequent validation tests, Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK8) assay showed that Tan IIA inhibited proliferation of MDA-MB-231 cells time and dose dependently without affecting normal cells. Using Transwell plate, flow cytometry, and Western blot assays, we showed that Tan IIA inhibited migration and induced apoptosis of MDA-MB-231 dose dependently. Importantly, protein expressions of GPER, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), extracellular regulated protein kinases (ERK), c-Fos, and c-Jun were all decreased by Tan IIA dose dependently. Administration of GPER inhibitor partly abolished these effects. Furthermore, nuclear translocation of c-Fos and c-Jun as well as cell cycle-related proteins was downregulated by Tan IIA dose dependently. In summary, Tan IIA could inhibit the proliferation and migration of MDA-MB-231 cells and induce apoptosis, and the possible mechanism may be the regulation of GPER-mediated pathways, suggesting that GPER could be a therapeutic target for TNBC.

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British Museum Drops Longtime Sponsor BP "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bowing to years of pressure and protests from climate change activists as well as academics and its own staffers, the British Museum has severed ties with BP. The oil and gas conglomerate had been a

Dore Destroys Krystal Balls Interview With RFK Jr. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

April 19, 2023, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. formally announced his 2024 Democratic presidential campaign.1 Early polls show hes got nearly 20% of the Democratic vote. Unfortunately, Democrat Party officials are doing everything they can to avoid public debates, and their media allies seem hellbent on not giving Kennedy the opportunity to share his views either.

May 17, 2023, Krystal Ball, cohost of the online show Breaking Point, interviewed Kennedy,2,3 or perhaps more accurately, debated him herself. Ball told Kennedy she disagrees with his views on vaccines, and claimed Democratic voters by and large share her opposition. According to Ball, Kennedys vaccine skepticism and antivaccine advocacy is a red line that disqualifies him from holding the highest office.

Antiscientific Shilling for Big Pharma

In the video playlist above, comedian Jimmy Dore of The Jimmy Dore Show dissects Balls hatchet job of an interview, pointing out Balls poor journalism, rudeness and irresponsible, antiscientific shilling for corporate interests.

She repeatedly interrupted Kennedy with Big Pharma talking points putting her own ignorance on public display and didnt allow him to answer her questions. Kennedy asked her to show him where he got things wrong many times, and she deflected with broad generalities.

When Kennedy pointed out that countries with the lowest COVID jab rates had far lower COVID cases and mortality, Ball insisted that there were many other factors that played into that, such as the high rate of obesity in America, and the fact that we dont spend as much time outside in the sun as people in Africa.

Never mind the fact that obesity and sun exposure recommendations were never part of the COVID response. Not only did U.S. health authorities not offer any guidance on reducing obesity, but they closed parks and beaches and told everyone to spend as little time outdoors as possible.

The only solution they provided was the vaccine. If it worked, we ought to have far better outcomes than countries like Africa that didnt follow our COVID response guidelines, like staying indoors and getting jabbed multiple times. But we didnt.

Basically, Ball is admitting seemingly without realizing it that factors such as obesity and sun exposure were more important than the jab, because places with lower obesity rates and greater sun exposure fared better e...

It's Been Three Years. Can You Hear Me Now? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This story is about how to get through to the ones who are still under the "COVID spell." I would also like to poke the most inconvenient elephant in the room, and I would like to do so with love.

"How Do We Get Through to Them?"

In the past three years we have been on a very dramatic roller coaster ride. It is fair to say that we've been through hell. And the most traumatizing and maddening part has been seeing our loved ones succumb to the spell of the "COVID response" and behave like their souls have been stolen off.

For that reason, in our circles, it is very common to ask, "How do we get through to the ones who have acted out of character and who are still under the COVID spell?" First, I am going to answer this question in earnest and then, I am going to go to into the ideological "permafrost" and poke the giant elephant (or a wooly mammoth, rather) hiding there.

Patience Is a Virtue, Alas

There are no magical formulas. We in America are somewhat used to magical formulas, psychological "systems," and impressive consultants riding in on a white horse with a solution and an invoice.

But perhaps, the past three years showed up to strip us of that delusion and to demonstrate to us in the most visceral way that here we are, human beings between the earth and the sky, with a deep longing in our hearts and a clumsy prayer on our lips. And perhaps, that longing in our heart and that imperfect prayer on our lips are all we have and it's a start.

Getting through to ideological addicts is a time-consuming and difficult feat, and we get through by being patient, by not despairing, and by respecting their free will which I think can only be done if there is a total and massive self-love in us, a massive love for them, and a total spiritual confidence in good things.

It is also important to make honest assessments in real time as to when to talk to them and when to let them be, perhaps for a while. Also, prayer helps, and it doesn't have to be an institutional prayer. Prayer is prayer. The Creator is intelligent enough to understand our hearts.

Personally, I believe with passion that the lesson of the past three years is not about how to be better at marketing and arm-twisting than the ones on the dark side. In fact, I think it's not possible to compete in the dark art of bending free will and arm twisting with the ones on the dark side without joining their team.

That's the end of that story, really. If one does not have one's eyes and one's heart on honest healing and free will, and if one is not prepared to do the work but also relax and trust the universe (God, higher powers, however we think about those things) to make things right, one is just merely torturing himself or herself over what he or she cannot very quickly change.

And, if we are on t...


Tanshinone IIA alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced renal tubular epithelial cell apoptosis. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. 2022 Dec 20 ;42(12):1852-1857. PMID: 36651254 Abstract Title:  [Tanshinone IIA alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced renal tubular epithelial cell apoptosis by inhibiting RIP3/FUNDC1 signaling pathway]. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of tanshinone IIA pretreatment on acute renal injury in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced septic mice and explore the possible mechanism.METHODS: Thirty C57BL/6 mice were randomized for treatment with saline (control), 10 mg/kg LPS for 24 h, or 10 mg/kg tanshinone IIA 15 min before LPS treatment. After the treatments, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels of the mice were detected, renal pathologies were observed with PAS staining, and renal expressions of RIP3, cleaved caspase-3 and p-FUNDC1 were detected with Western blotting. In the cell experiment, cultured normal human renal tubular epithelial cells (HK-2) were treated with LPS (10 mg/mL), LPS+ siNC, LPS+ siRIP3, or LPS+tanshinone IIA (10 mg/L), and the changes in cell apoptosis were examined with TUNEL staining; Western blotting was performed to detect the expression levels of RIP3, cleaved caspase-3 and p-FUNDC1, and qRT-PCR was used to detect the expression of RIP3 mRNA.RESULTS: LPS challenge for 24 h significantly increased serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels in the mice, caused obviously damages in the proximal renal tubules, and increased renal expressions of RIP3, cleaved caspase-3 and p-FUNDC1 proteins. Tanshinone IIA pretreatment significantly improved LPS-induced renal injury in the mice, alleviated apoptosis of the renal cells, and inhibited the expressions of RIP3, cleaved caspase-3 and p-FUNDC1 proteins. In HK-2 cells, LPS stimulation significantly increased the protein expressions of RIP3, cleaved caspase-3 and p-FUNDC1 and induced obvious cell apoptosis. Pretreatment with tanshinone IIA strongly inhibited the expression of RIP3 and p-FUNDC1 and reduced LPS-induced apoptosis of HK-2 cells.CONCLUSION: Tanshinone IIA can reduce LPS-induced apoptosis of renal tubular epithelial cells by inhibiting RIP3/FUNDC1 signal pathway.

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William James on the Most Vital Understanding for Successful Relationships "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Neither the whole of truth nor the whole of good is revealed to any single observer.

William James on the Most Vital Understanding for Successful Relationships

To be human is to continually mistake our frames of reference for reality itself. We so readily forget that our vantage point is but a speck on the immense plane of possible perspectives. We so readily forget that there are infinitely many kinds of beautiful lives.

The discipline of countering our reflex for self-righteousness is a triumph of existential maturity one increasingly rare in a culture where most people would rather armor themselves with judgment than tremble with uncertainty, would rather be right than understand.

The pioneering psychologist and philosopher William James (January 11, 1842August 26, 1910) explores the making of that triumph in a pair of wonderful lectures On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings and What Makes Life Significant posthumously collected in the 1911 volume Talks to Teachers on Psychology: And to Students on Some of Lifes Ideals (public library | public domain).

William James

With an eye to the price we i...


Tanshinone IIa attenuates vascular calcification. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2022 Dec 25 ;74(6):949-958. PMID: 36594383 Abstract Title:  [Tanshinone IIa attenuates vascular calcification through inhibition of NF-B and-catenin signaling pathways]. Abstract:  Tanshinone IIa is a key ingredient extracted from the traditional Chinese medicine Salvia miltiorrhiza (Danshen), and is widely used to treat various cardiovascular diseases. Vascular calcification is a common pathological change of cardiovascular tissues in patients with chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis. However, whether Tanshinone IIa inhibits vascular calcification and the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. This study aims to investigate whether Tanshinone IIa can inhibit vascular calcification using high phosphate-induced vascular smooth muscle cell and aortic ring calcification model, and high dose vitamin D(vD)-induced mouse models of vascular calcification. Alizarin red staining and calcium quantitative assay showed that Tanshinone IIa significantly inhibited high phosphate-induced vascular smooth muscle cell and aortic ring calcification. qPCR and Western blot showed that Tanshinone IIa attenuated the osteogenic transition of vascular smooth muscle cells. In addition, Tanshinone IIa also significantly inhibited high dose vD-induced mouse aortic calcification and aortic osteogenic transition. Mechanistically, Tanshinone IIa inhibited the activation of NF-B and-catenin signaling in normal vascular smooth muscle cells. Similar to Tanshinone IIa, inhibition of NF-B and-catenin signaling using the chemical inhibitors SC75741 and LF3 attenuated high phosphate-induced vascular smooth muscle cell calcification. These results suggest that Tanshinone IIa attenuates vascular calcification at least in part through inhibition of NF-B and-catenin signaling, and Tanshinone IIa may be a potential drug for the treatment of vascular calcification.

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Tanshinone IIA represses the progression of non-small cell lung cancer. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Mol Cell Biochem. 2022 Dec 31. Epub 2022 Dec 31. PMID: 36586093 Abstract Title:  Tanshinone IIA (TSIIA) represses the progression of non-small cell lung cancer by the circ_0020123/miR-1299/HMGB3 pathway. Abstract:  Tanshinone IIA (TSIIA), a multi-pharmaceutical compound, has been demonstrated to have anti-tumor properties. This study explores the potential regulatory mechanism of TSIIA on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) progression. The cytotoxicity of TSIIA was evaluated by MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) and LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) assays. Expression levels of circ_0020123 (hsa_circ_0020123) and microRNA-1299 (miR-1299) were assessed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and apoptosis were analyzed by MTT, colony formation, transwell, wound-healing, or flow cytometry assays. The relationship between miR-1299 and circ_0020123 or HMGB3 (high mobility group box 3) was verified by the dual-luciferase reporter and/or RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) assays. Protein level of HMGB3 was measured by western blotting. The relationship between TSIIA and circ_0020123 was confirmed by xenograft assay. TSIIA reduced xenograft tumor growth in vivo and repressed proliferation, migration, invasion, and facilitated apoptosis of NSCLC cells in vitro. TSIIA reduced circ_0020123 and HMGB3 expression, whereas elevated miR-1299 expression in NSCLC cells. Circ_0020123 knockdown enhanced the repressive influence of TSIIA treatment on the malignancy of NSCLC cells in vitro and in vivo. Circ_0020123 sponged miR-1299 to regulate HMGB3 expression under TSIIA treatment. MiR-1299 inhibitor reversed circ_0020123 knockdown-mediated influence on malignant behaviors of NSCLC cells under TSIIA treatment. HMGB3 elevation offset the suppressive impact of miR-1299 mimic on the malignancy of NSCLC cells under TSIIA treatment. TSIIA curbed NSCLC progression by the circ_0020123/miR-1299/HMGB3 axis, manifesting that the TSIIA/circ_0020123/miR-1299/HMG regulatory network might be a potential treatment strategy for NSCLC.

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Tanshinone IIA improves acute gouty arthritis. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Dis Markers. 2022 ;2022:5851412. Epub 2022 Dec 19. PMID: 36578443 Abstract Title:  Tanshinone IIA Improves Acute Gouty Arthritis in Rats through Regulating Neutrophil Activation and the NLRP3 Inflammasome. Abstract:  OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prevention and treatment effect of tanshinone IIA (TIIA) on acute gouty arthritis (AGA) and its mechanism.METHODS: The anti-AGA effect of TIIA was observedand. Neutrophils were isolated from the abdominal cavity of mice, and the anti-AGA effect of TIIA was investigated in a rat model of MSU-induced AGA. The pathological changes of the ankle joint tissues were assessed by H&E. Cytokine and chemokine expression were determined by ELISA and RT-qPCR. The NLRP3 inflammasome pathway protein levels in the ankle joint tissues were evaluated via western blotting. Neutrophil migration was evaluated in air pouch and transwell assays. Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence analysis evaluate the release of myeloperoxidase (MPO), neutrophil elastase (NE), and citrullination of histone H3 (CitH3). Beclin-1 and LC3B expressions were determined using western blotting and immunofluorescence.. Treatment with TIIA alleviated synovial hyperplasia and neutrophil infiltration, regulated cytokine and chemokine expressions, and inhibited NLRP3 activation in AGA rats, neutrophil migration, MPO, NE, and CitH3 expression, and LC3B and Beclin-1 protein expression.CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that TIIA can effectively enhance AGA by focusing on the neutrophils and NLRP3 inflammasome, demonstrating that TIIA may act as a potential helpful agent for AGA.

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Salvianolic acid B attenuates hypertrophic scar formation. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2023 Feb 21. Epub 2023 Feb 21. PMID: 36810832 Abstract Title:  Salvianolic Acid B Attenuates Hypertrophic Scar Formation In Vivo and In Vitro. Abstract:  BACKGROUND: Hypertrophic scars (HTSs) are a fibroproliferative disorder that occur following skin injuries. Salvianolic acid B (Sal-B) is an extractant from Salvia miltiorrhiza that has been reported to ameliorate fibrosis in multiple organs. However, the antifibrotic effect on HTSs remains unclear. This study aimed to determine the antifibrotic effect of Sal-B in vitro and in vivo.METHODS: In vitro, hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts (HSFs) were isolated from human HTSs and cultured. HSFs were treated with (0, 10, 50, 100mol/L) Sal-B. Cell proliferation and migration were evaluated by EdU, wound healing, and transwell assays. The protein and mRNA levels of TGFI, Smad2, Smad3,-SMA, COL1, and COL3 were detected by Western blots and real-time PCR. In vivo, tension stretching devices were fixed on incisions for HTS formation. The induced scars were treated with 100L of Sal-B/PBS per day according to the concentration of the group and followed up for 7 or 14 days. The scar condition, collagen deposition, and-SMA expression were analyzed by gross visual examination, H&E, Masson, picrosirius red staining, and immunofluorescence.RESULTS: In vitro, Sal-B inhibited HSF proliferation, migration, and downregulated the expression of TGFI, Smad2, Smad3,-SMA, COL1, and COL3 in HSFs. In vivo, 50 and 100mol/L Sal-B significantly reduced scar size in gross and cross-sectional observations, with decreased-SMA expression and collagen deposition in the tension-induced HTS model.CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrated that Sal-B inhibits HSFs proliferation, migration, fibrotic marker expression and attenuates HTS formation in a tension-induced HTS model in vivo.NO LEVEL ASSIGNED: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each submission to which Evidence-Based Medicine rankings are applicable. This excludes Review Articles, Book Reviews, and manuscripts that concern Basic Science, Animal Studies, Cadaver Studies, and Experimental Studies. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

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Salvianolic acid B suppresses hepatic fibrosis. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2023 Jun ;44(6):1191-1205. Epub 2023 Jan 10. PMID: 36627345 Abstract Title:  Salvianolic acid B suppresses hepatic fibrosis by inhibiting ceramide glucosyltransferase in hepatic stellate cells. Abstract:  UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase (UGCG) is the first key enzyme in glycosphingolipid (GSL) metabolism that produces glucosylceramide (GlcCer). Increased UGCG synthesis is associated with cell proliferation, invasion and multidrug resistance in human cancers. In this study we investigated the role of UGCG in the pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis. We first found that UGCG was over-expressed in fibrotic livers and activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). In human HSC-LX2 cells, inhibition of UGCG with PDMP or knockdown of UGCG suppressed the expression of the biomarkers of HSC activation (-SMA and collagen I). Furthermore, pretreatment with PDMP (40M) impaired lysosomal homeostasis and blocked the process of autophagy, leading to activation of retinoic acid signaling pathway and accumulation of lipid droplets. After exploring the structure and key catalytic residues of UGCG in the activation of HSCs, we conducted virtual screening, molecular interaction and molecular docking experiments, and demonstrated salvianolic acid B (SAB) from the traditional Chinese medicine Salvia miltiorrhiza as an UGCG inhibitor with an ICvalue of 159M. In CCl-induced mouse liver fibrosis, intraperitoneal administration of SAB (30mgkgd, for 4 weeks) significantly alleviated hepatic fibrogenesis by inhibiting the activation of HSCs and collagen deposition. In addition, SAB displayed better anti-inflammatory effects in CCl-induced liver fibrosis. These results suggest that UGCG may represent a therapeutic target for liver fibrosis; SAB could act as an inhibitor of UGCG, which is expected to be a candidate drug for the treatment of liver fibrosis.

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Salvianolic acid B attenuates tubulointerstitial fibrosis. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Pharm Biol. 2023 Dec ;61(1):23-29. PMID: 36524761 Abstract Title:  Salvianolic acid B attenuates tubulointerstitial fibrosis by inhibiting EZH2 to regulate the PTEN/Akt pathway. Abstract:  CONTEXT: Salvianolic acid B (SAB) can alleviate renal fibrosis and improve the renal function.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of SAB on renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis and explore its underlying mechanisms.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male C57 mice were subjected to unilateral ureteric obstruction (UUO) and aristolochic acid nephropathy (AAN) for renal fibrosis indication. Vehicle or SAB (10mg/kg/d, i.p.) were given consecutively for 2weeks in UUO mice while 4weeks in AAN mice. The serum creatinine (Scr) and blood urine nitrogen (BUN) were measured. Masson's trichrome staining and the fibrotic markers (FN and-SMA) were used to evaluate renal fibrosis. NRK-49F cells exposed to 2.5ng/mL TGF-were treated with SAB in the presence or absence of 20M 3-DZNep, an inhibitor of EZH2. The protein expression of EZH2, H3k27me3 and PTEN/Akt signaling pathway in renal tissue and NRK-49F cells were measured by Western blots.RESULTS: SAB significantly improved the levels of Scr by 24.3% and BUN by 35.7% in AAN mice. SAB reduced renal interstitial collagen deposition by 34.7% in UUO mice and 72.8% in AAN mice. Bothandstudies demonstrated that SAB suppressed the expression of FN and-SMA, increased PTEN and decreased the phosphorylation of Akt, which were correlated with the down-regulation of EZH2 and H3k27me3. The inhibition of EZH2 attenuated the anti-fibrotic effects of SAB in NRK-49Fs.CONCLUSION: SAB might have therapeutic potential on renal fibrosis of CKD through inhibiting EZH2, which encourages further clinical trials.

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Salvianolic acid B exerts an anti-hepatocellular carcinoma effect. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Eur J Pharmacol. 2023 Jan 15 ;939:175423. Epub 2022 Dec 9. PMID: 36509132 Abstract Title:  Salvianolic acid B exerts an anti-hepatocellular carcinoma effect by regulating the Hippo/YAP pathway and promoting pSmad3L to pSmad3C simultaneously. Abstract:  Salvianolic acid B (Sal B) is a component obtained from Salvia miltiorrhiza and is empirically used for liver diseases. The TGF-/Smad and Hippo/YAP pathways may interact with each other in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Previously, we found that Sal B mediates the TGF-/Smad pathway in mice and delays liver fibrosis-carcinoma progression by promoting the Hippo/YAP pathway has not been determined. Therefore, we used a DEN/CCl/CHOH-induced liver cancer model in mice to analyze liver index and tumor incidence, detect AST and ALT serological markers, observe liver pathology and the number of Ki67-positive cells to evaluate the anti-HCC effect of Sal B in vivo. We used a TGF--induced HepG2 cell model, and applied an MST1/2 inhibitor, XMU-MP-1, to detect the changes in pSmad3C/pSmad3L signaling induced by MST1/2 inhibition. Sal B significantly inhibited tumorigenesis in DEN/CCl/CHOH-induced mice in vivo, and suppressed the growth of HepG2 cells by inhibiting cell proliferation and migration in vitro. Here, our study also validated the role of Sal B in reversing XMU-MP-1-induced proliferation and migration of HepG2 cells in vitro. Most importantly, we elucidated for the first time the potential mechanism of Sal B against HCC via the Hippo/YAP pathway, which may be specifically related to upregulation of MST1 and inhibition of its downstream effector protein YAP. In conclusion, these findings indicate that Sal B possesses anti- HCC effects both in vivo and in vitro by regulating the Hippo/YAP pathway and promoting pSmad3L to pSmad3C synchronously.

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Salvianolic acid B protects cardiomyocytes from ischemia/reperfusion injury. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Int Heart J. 2022 ;63(6):1176-1186. PMID: 36450557 Abstract Title:  Salvianolic Acid B Protects Cardiomyocytes from Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Mediating circTRRAP/miR-214-3p/SOX6 Axis. Abstract:  Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a class of powerful regulators of gene expression. This study aimed to determine whether circTRRAP (hsa_circ_0081241) was implicated in the cardioprotective effects of salvianolic acid B (Sal B) against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury and its associated mechanism.Cell viability was analyzed using Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8), and flow cytometry was conducted to evaluate cell cycle progression and cell apoptosis. The leakage of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), production of malondialdehyde (MDA), and activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were measured using their corresponding commercial kits to analyze cell death and oxidative stress.I/R treatment suppressed viability and cell cycle progression and induced the apoptosis and oxidative stress of AC16 cardiomyocytes, whereas Sal B protected AC16 cardiomyocytes against I/R injury. I/R upregulated circTRRAP expression, whereas Sal B dose-dependently reduced the circTRRAP level in AC16 cardiomyocytes. The protective effects of Sal B in I/R-induced AC16 cardiomyocytes were overturned by the overexpression of circTRRAP. CircTRRAP negatively regulated miR-214-3p expression by binding to it in AC16 cardiomyocytes. The circTRRAP overexpression-mediated effects were reversed by the addition of miR-214-3p mimics in AC16 cardiomyocytes. MiR-214-3p targeted the 3'-untranslated region (3'UTR) of SOX6, and SOX6 was regulated by the circTRRAP/miR-214-3p axis in AC16 cardiomyocytes. SOX6 knockdown overturned the circTRRAP overexpression-induced effects in AC16 cardiomyocytes.In conclusion, the silence of circTRRAP was implicated in Sal B-mediated cardioprotective effects against I/R injury by regulating the miR-214-3p/SOX6 axis.

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CHD Sues Major Media Organizations Alleging Free Speech and Antitrust Violations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Children's Health Defense sued members of the Trusted News Initiative alleging they violated antitrust laws and the U.S. Constitution when they collectively colluded with others to censor online news


CHD Sues Major Media Organizations Alleging Free Speech and Antitrust Violations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Originally published on by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

Children's Health Defense on Wednesday sued members of the Trusted News Initiative in the U.S. District Court in Louisiana, alleging they violated antitrust laws and the U.S. Constitution when they collectively colluded with tech giants to censor online news.

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Nobiletin probably plays a vital role in the hypoglycemic effect and pancreatic islets protection. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Mol Nutr Food Res. 2023 Mar 12:e2200289. Epub 2023 Mar 12. PMID: 36906890 Abstract Title:  Hypoglycemic Effect of Nobiletin via Gut Microbiota-Metabolism Axis on Hyperglycemic Mice. Abstract:  SCOPE: Prediabetes and diabetes are major public health problems worldwide without specific cure currently. Gut microbes have been recognized as one of the vital therapeutic targets for diabetes. The exploration that nobiletin (NOB) whether affects gut microbes provides a scientific basis for its application.METHODS AND RESULTS: A hyperglycemia animal model is established using high-fat-fed ApoEmice. After 24 weeks of NOB intervention, the level of fasting blood glucose (FBG), glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and glycosylated serum protein (GSP) are measured. Pancreas integrity is observed by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and transmission electron microscopy. 16s RNA sequencing and untargeted metabolomics are to determine the changes of intestinal microbial composition and metabolic pathways. The levels of FBG and GSP in hyperglycemic mice are effectively reduced. The secretory function of pancreas is improved. Meanwhile, NOB treatment restored the gut microbial composition and affected metabolic function. Furthermore, NOB treatment regulates the metabolic disorder mainly through lipid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, and Secondary bile acid metabolism, etc. In addition, it is possibly existed mutual promotion between microbe and metabolites.CONCLUSION: NOB probably plays a vital role in the hypoglycemic effect and pancreatic islets protection by improving microbiota composition and gut metabolism.

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An investigation into the mechanism of nobiletin's inhibition of papillary thyroid cancer. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2023 Feb ;27(4):1553-1564. PMID: 36876711 Abstract Title:  An investigation into the mechanism of nobiletin's inhibition of papillary thyroid cancer using network pharmacology analysis and experimental pharmacology. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: Surgery and radioactive iodine therapy are the main treatments for papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), and effective drugs are lacking. As a promising natural product, nobiletin (NOB) has a wealth of pharmacological activities like anti-tumor, antivirus, and other effects. In this research, bioinformatics methods and cellular assays were combined to explore how NOB inhibited PTC.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Our NOB targets were derived from three databases, including the SwissTargetPrediction database, Traditional Chinese Medicine System Pharmacology Database, and the TargetNet server. Four databases were used to identify disease-related targets: GeneCards, PharmGkb, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, and DisGeNET. Finally, cross-targets of disease and drug were deemed as pharmacological targets, and they were used for GO and KEGG enrichment analysis. STRING and Cytoscape were applied for PPI Network and core Targets Ranking. Molecular docking analysis validated binding affinity values for NOB and core targets. By using cell proliferation and migration assays, NOB was assessed for its effects on PTC proliferation and migration phenotype. Western blot validated the downregulation of the PI3K/Akt pathway.RESULTS: (1) Preliminarily, 85 NOB targets were predicted for NOB intervention in PTC. (2) Our core target screening identified TNF, TP53, and EGFR, and our molecular docking results confirmed good binding between NOB and protein receptors. (3) NOB inhibited proliferation and migration of PTC cells. PI3K/AKT pathway target proteins were downregulated.CONCLUSIONS: (1) Bioinformatics analyses revealed that NOB may inhibit PTC by regulating TNF, TP53, EGFR and PI3K/AKT signalling pathway. (2) As evidenced by cell experiments, there was an inhibition of proliferating and migrating PTCs by NOB via the PI3K/AKT signalling pathway.

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Evaluation of the possible protective role of nobiletin against arsenic-induced liver damage. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Toxics. 2023 Jan 24 ;11(2). Epub 2023 Jan 24. PMID: 36850985 Abstract Title:  Evaluation of the Possible Protective Role of Nobiletin against Arsenic-Induced Liver Damage in Male Albino Rats. Abstract:  Arsenic (As) is a toxic contaminant present in organic and inorganic forms in the environment. Nobiletin (NOB) is a polymethoxy flavone that has recently gained substantial consideration due to its curative impacts. The present experiment was conducted to assess the hepatoprotective efficiency of NOB on As-generated hepatotoxicity. Twenty-four adult rats were equally distributed into four groups and designated as control, As (50 mg/kg)-treated, As + NOB (50 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg, respectively), and NOB (25 mg/kg)-treated groups. After 30 days, experimental animals were decapitated, then blood and tissue samples were collected for further analysis. The group treated with As showed a significant decrease in the activity of antioxidant enzymes, including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), glutathione (GSH), glutathione reductase (GSR), and total antioxidant status (TAS), and a substantial increase in the accumulation of As in liver tissues, levels of total oxidant status (TOS), hydrogen peroxide (HO), and lipid peroxidation (TBARS). Significant increases in alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels were observed in As-treated rats. Moreover, nuclear factor (NF)-B, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-, interleukin (IL)-1, interleukin (IL)-6, and cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2 activity, as well as the levels of pro-apoptotic markers (Bax, Caspase-3, and Caspase-9) were increased on exposure to As. In contrast, the anti-apoptotic marker (Bcl-2) level was significantly decreased. As administration showed a significant disturbance in hepatic tissue histology. However, cotreatment of NOB with As considerably increased the antioxidant enzyme activity, with a noteworthy reduction in the deposition of As in hepatic tissues, TBARS, and HOlevels. NOB-administrated rats showed considerable recovery in terms of inflammation, apoptosis, and histological damage. Hence, NOB can be considered a useful curative compound due to its medicinal properties against As-prompted hepatotoxicity.

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GreenMedInfo and the Future of Natural Health "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The future of, and natural health advocacies as a whole, is uncertain. Will you be part of keeping our resource alive and well, as well as always improving, long into the future? 

For the past 16 years, GreenmedInfo has been dedicated to providing you with evidence-based natural healing information. We are the only natural health resource of its kind that provides users with direct access to meticulously researched articles on health and wellness, curated research abstracts, and breaking natural health news. And all of this information is available for free.

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This is how awesome Real Estate investments are in hyperinflation Weimar example "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Quant2011, Food and energy eats most of peoples income. Veeery little is left for rentals / luxury furniture and yep, probably for things like iphones, pharma drugs, new shiny cars and soooo many things corporations sell. So now you tell me, that in hyperinflation (fiat collapse) housing will rise in price the same as Gold/silver. Sure, hahaha...   Source:


It Isnt Just The Economy That Is On The Verge Of Collapse "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog. 

We are in far more trouble than most people realize.  In recent months, our rapidly growing economic problems have gotten a lot of attention, and without a doubt, our economy is heading into really hard times.

The greatest debt bubble in the history of the world has started to implode, and the end of this mega-cycle is going to cause an immense amount of pain.  But if every other element of our society was strong, we could survive that.  It may surprise a lot of you to hear me say that, but it is true.  If all that we were facing was an economic collapse, it would cause an enormous amount of turmoil in this country but we would make it through.

Unfortunately, we are not just facing an economic collapse.

I like to call what we are facing the everything collapse because virtually every element of our society is steadily breaking down right in front of our eyes.

So once our economic and financial systems implode, it wont just be a matter of patching them up and returning to normal, because normal doesnt exist anymore.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.  The president of Giant Food just admitted to the Washington Post that theft at his stores is completely out of control

Giant Food president Ira Kress said that theft and violence have risen significantly over the past several years.

To say [theft has] risen tenfold in the last five years would not be an understatement, Kress noted, according to the Washington Post, which also reported that the man said that violence has increased exponentially.

Giant has more than 160 locations, with stores located in Maryland; Virginia; Washington, D.C.; and Delaware, according to its website.

When I was much younger, I would often shop at Giant Food.

In those days, I never witnessed a single shoplifting incident.

But now systematic looting is happening on an industrial scale all ove...


An AI Chatbot Will Now Take Your Order At Wendys "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I live in the middle of America and have already had my McDonalds order taken by a robot, so Im assuming others have also had the experience.

Its weird, for sure, but also one hasnt messed up my order yet. So thats something.

Wendys is now getting in on the game, too, and it seems theres no turning back.

iStock 1453037927 An AI Chatbot Will Now Take Your Order At Wendys

Image Credit: iStock

The chatbot in their drive-thru was developed by Googles cloud computing division and claims with it, they are able to streamline Wendys business.

Wendys CEO Todd Penegor has a very high opinion of the product.



Celsius Sets New Standard: $1 Billion In ETH Staked As Deposits Show No Sign Of Slowing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Celsius, a popular lending platform, has made significant moves in staking Ethereum (ETH) as they stake almost $1 billion worth of the cryptocurrency. According to the Blockchain intelligence company Arkham Intel, In the past 24 hours alone, Celsius has staked over $600 million worth of ETH, with no signs of slowing down. This represents a massive on-chain flow, and the rate of deposits continues to increase.

Celsius Goes All-In On ETH

Celsius address was the largest withdrawer when Lido (LDO) opened withdrawals in mid-May, withdrawing over 400,000 ETH, worth $800 million. They held this ETH in the Unstaking wallet for two weeks, declaring their intent to stake with institutional provider Figment instead.

Around 24 hours ago, Celsius separated the ETH from the unstaking wallet into two separate deposit wallets. One wallet is marked Celsiuss ETH2 Deposit wallet, while the other wallet is labelled Staked ETH and deposits to Figment. Celsiuss staking wallet has seen over $400 million worth of ETH inflows over the past 24 hours, with continual deposits made every few minutes.


Figment is a staking and infrastructure provider for blockchain networks, including Ethereum. The company provides institutional-grade staking infrastructure and tools for investors and companies looking to participate in the proof-of-stake (PoS) networks.

Furthermore, the infrastructure provider offers a range of staking services, including delegated staking, which allows investors to delegate their tokens to a validator node to generate rewards without having to run their own node. The company also provides a range of developer tools, APIs, and analytics to help users better understand and manage their staking activities.

Morevoer, the wallet provided to Celsius by Figment has seen over $215 million worth of ETH. In total, Celsius has deposited over $600 million worth of ETH, with the Celsius Staking wallet still holding over $150 million worth of ETH, and around $60 million worth of ETH left in the wallet they used to unstake fr...


Marathon Digital Mined 77% More Bitcoin in May With the Help of Its Software "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Marathon Digital CEO Fred Thiel interview at Bitcoin conference in Miami (CoinDesk)


Intuitive Astrology: Saturn Retrograde June-November 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Saturn is bound for the underworld, traveling retrograde from June 17 until November 4, 2023, in the sign of Pisces.

It is typical for Saturn to spend about 6 months of the year in retrograde, but this retrograde is extra significant as its the first time Saturn will retrograde through Pisces since it entered this zodiac back in March. Plus, just hours after Saturn descends into its underworld journey, we have the Gemini New Moon, which will heighten the starting energy of this retrograde.

Lets take a deep dive into what Saturn Retrograde 2023 will bring and how the first Saturn Retrograde in Pisces will manifest.

Saturn Retrograde 2023

Saturn is considered the master teacher of the zodiac. It brings some challenging lessons, but they push us to grow and reach the fullest of our potential. Whenever Saturn is active, it can bring some harsh awakenings but also many rewards if we are willing to step up to the plate and do the work.

Saturn guides us to take responsibility for our lives, own up to our actions and decisions, and learn how to create boundaries. It is a very straightforward, black-and-white energy that inspires us to be ambitious, aim high, and excel in all that we are destined to. Saturn can also represent issues with masculinity, father figures, or authority.

As Saturn travels retrograde, it guides us to look over our past actions and see where we have avoided, or perhaps forgotten, to take responsibility or set boundaries. As our master teacher, Saturn looks back over the last few months, checking to see if we have done our homework and are embracing the lessons provided.

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces 2023

Saturn first entered Pisces on March 8, 2023. So this is the period that will be highlighted under this 2023 retrograde. From March 8 to June 17, how have you grown? How have you matured? What lessons have come to the surface?

We may find past events since March 2023, resurfacing so we can reassess or reevaluate. Issues around our creativity, limitations and blocks, or our emotional health may also come to the surface.

Saturn wants us to be responsible for our actions and the life we desire to lead. If things are not going how you want them to, Saturn makes you confront them and pushes you to take the steps needed to shift your life to a better place.

Saturn can be a slow energy, especially when in retrograde, so this can be a process that requires patience and time. We may feel stuck or unsure of how to proceed, but this feeling of stuckness is only because we need to give ourselves time to reach the core of the issue.

During a Saturn Retrograde, if you feel stuck, its because you are meant to be focusing on where you currently are.

As Saturn trave...


Crypto Biz: Six months on from FTX, Tether mines BTC, and Nvidias AI superchips "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This weeks Crypto Biz looks at the crypto industry since the FTX collapse, Tethers Bitcoin mining in Latin America, Tabis funding round and Nvidias artificial intelligence machines.


A Museums Worker Take on Repatriations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A Museums Worker Take on Repatriations

Lyonel Perabo reviews "The Museum of Other People" by Adam Kuper and uses his experiences as a museum guide to consider the problems of repatriating artifacts and artworks.

Continue reading A Museums Worker Take on Repatriations at The Wild Hunt.


US lawmakers aim for crypto regulatory clarity with proposed bill putting the screws to SEC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The framework under the bill would allow certain tokens to qualify as digital commodities if they were decentralized and crack down on the SECs previous approach to crypto.


Google Pixel 7a Review: The Mid-Range Champ "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Google Pixel 7a Review

The Google Pixel 7a is a rarity. It's a mid-range phone that performs above that spec in many areas, making it hard to pass especially when the price starts at $499.

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Arbitrum price soars after DeFi whale address resumes ARB accumulation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ARBs price notched a double-digit gain after a popular DeFi whale address resumed buying the governance token, but is the rally sustainable?


Losses from crypto rug pulls outpaced DeFi exploits in May: Finance Redefined "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The top 100 DeFi tokens had a bullish last week of May, with most of the tokens recovering from two weeks of bearish pressure.


Mercado Bitcoin, Brazil's Largest Crypto Exchange, Receives License as a Payment Institution "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Roberto Dagnoni, CEO and Executive Chairman at 2TM, owner of Mercado Bitcoin. (2TM)


High School Seniors Playfully Prank Principal With Unexpected Sleepover at Her House "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

High School Seniors Playfully Prank Principal With Unexpected Sleepover at Her House

High School Seniors Pull Off Amazing Prank on Principal

Every year, high school seniors across the country celebrate their graduation with a creative prank. While most of the time this involves decorating their campus, dressing up, or other antics, a group of students at St. Andrew's School in Middletown, Delaware, thought outside the box. The mischievous seniors snuck into their principal's house late ant night and camped out in her living room area, leading to a stunning surprise that has now gone viral.

In the video, we can see the St. Andrew's school principal, Mrs. Joy McGrath opening the door and being confronted by a sea of giddy teenagers. Understandably shocked, she quickly shuts the door to compose herself. When she returns, the first thing she says to the seniors is, Good morning, little bunnies. The room fills with laughter and McGrath quickly singles out one person and adds, You are in the most trouble. Commenters guess that she is referring to her husband, who was probably helping the seniors with their scheme.

How long have you been here? McGrath asks the students. They reveal that they snuck in around 1 a.m., and the principal is incredulous that she didn't hear them enter the house. After the initial shock wears off, it's clear that McGrath has a close bond with her students, as they share many more jokes and laughs in the video. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, she tells them.

The epic idea was concocted after McGrath invited the teens to her house at midnight after their senior prom. Mrs. McGrath invited all of us over for breakfast at 12 a.m., KaiChun Austin Chuange, the student who filmed the prank, says. Someone joked that they wouldn't mind going to bed right there in the living room. Then, a couple of us glanced at each other like, hmmmm.' Fortunately, McGrath is a heavy sleeper, as she mentioned that she even sl...


Privacy-focused Aleo blockchain gets new wallet as mainnet launch approaches "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The wallet developer also raised $4.5 million from Hack VC and other firms to further advance ZK-based enterprise solutions.


She Told Her Neighbor That Her and Her Roommates Arent Babysitters. Was She Wrong? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its funny how some people think they can pawn off their kids on other folks and not even give it a second thought.

Well, I guess I shouldnt say that its funny because its actually pretty ANNOYING.

And the woman who wrote this story seems to be pretty fed up with her neighbor.

But did she act like an a**hole?

Take a look at what she had to say and see what you think.

AITA for telling my neighbor that my roommates and I arent babysitters ?

I (20f) share an apartment with Casey (24m) , Nellie(19f) and Hannah (21f) along with Hannahs 8 month old daughter. The issue at hand concerns our neighbors.

John (30m) and his wife Jane (25f) have a set of twins that are a year old . So sometimes , Hannah and they will have a playdate with the younger ones . But recently , theyve been using the play dates as a way to dump their kids on Hannah and the rest of us . Sometimes for hours without answering the phone .

Now , I love kids and would be more than happy to babysit them . But , we are all ether working , in college or both. So more often weve ether been late to class or work cause we cant contact John or Jane .

Yesterday , the four of us were preparing to go out for lunch and get some shopping done . As we were leaving , John stopped us and said he needed Hannah to watch his kids while he went out to see a movie .

I told him we arent babysitters and if they the kids with us again without answering. Wed call social services , to which he called a bunch of spineless leeches .

The other parents in the complex said that we were harsh to new parents and to have more compassion.

Heres what folks had to say about this on Reddit.

One person made a good point about whats...


Bitcoin Is Becoming Greener At An Unexpected Pace, Good For BTC Price? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin, the worlds most valuable cryptocurrency, is going green, and the pace at which the network has reduced its carbon emissions in the past three years has been noted by climate activists. Nonetheless, how this could impact BTC prices and attract technology firms like Tesla, the electric automobile manufacturer, is yet to be seen.

Carbon Emission Associated With Bitcoin Miners Rapidly Falling

As of late May, on-chain data from Woonomic shared by Daniel Batten, a climate technology investor, and activist, noted that the amount of Carbon emission associated with Bitcoin mining has fallen by nearly 50% from 601g/kWh to 299g/kWh in three short years.

It should be observed that the Bitcoin hash rate and prices have been rising steadily during this time. In the last quarter of 2021, the Bitcoin price soared to as high as $69,000 before collapsing to below $16,000 in November 2022. Although prices have since recovered, soaring to as high as $31,000 in April 2023, the hash rate has been steadily rising over the years. 

Bitcoin Price On June 2| Source: BTCUSDT On Binance, TradingView

In proof-of-work networks like Bitcoin and Litecoin, the hash rate relays the computing power dedicated to the network in real time. It is a variable that makes the network secure and robust against third-party attacks, and can also be used to gauge the pace at which the Bitcoin platform consumes energy.

Miners channel computing power as hash rate to secure the Bitcoin network. They need this to verify transactions in exchange for network rewards. The more the hash rate, the higher the chance of earning a block and, thus, the 6.25 BTC every 10 minutes. 

However, the tough competition for the block rewards has been partly blamed for environmental degradation and carbon emissions from miners. To stay competitive, Bitcoin miners have to operate gear that is energy-intensive. Critics have always maintained that electricity powering them is from coal and other non-renewable sources.

As of June 2, the Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index shows that 105.23 TWh powers Bitcoin. It is the same amount of electricity consumed by Kazakhstan. The resulting Carbon emission, they add, stands at 58.69 Mt CO2, comparable to that emitted by Libya.

However, data...



Broncolors New $20K Dual-Power Pack Works In Studio or On Location "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Broncolor Satos

Broncolor has announced the new Satos power packs that use a unique dual-power system that can be equipped with conventional power supplies for studio use or with high-performance batteries for on-location use -- or a combination of both.

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Astrophotographer Addresses Fake Image Allegations From Flat Earthers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The ISS transiting across the Moon, left, satellite photo of the entire Earth, right.

Backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy took to Twitter to address accusations that his images are "fake" following his latest photo of the ISS crossing the Moon.

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Did the British Museum Cut Ties With Its Oil Sponsor? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Guardian reported today that after nearly three decades, the British Museums contentious sponsorship deal with British Petroleum (BP) is ending. The news would signify a near-complete withdrawal of the oil giant from the UK arts world, as partnerships with other publicly funded institutions including the Tate and the National Portrait Gallery have also come to a close in recent years in the wake of pressure from anti-fossil fuel activists.

The Guardian c...


Evertas expands crypto insurance offerings to include mining and raises limits "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Crypto insurance underwriter Evertas will increase coverage limits to $420 million per policy while adding additional mining coverage.


Price analysis 6/2: BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, ADA, DOGE, MATIC, SOL, DOT, LTC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin and most major altcoins are witnessing subdued price action, indicating a lack of buying interest from the larger players.


Tara Asgar Embraces Freedom in Sadness "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article is part of HyperallergicPride Month series, featuring an interview with a different transgender or nonbinary emerging artist every weekday throughout the month of June.

For the second installment of our monthlong series, were shining a spotlight on the work of Tara Asgar, a Bangladeshi trans woman, asylum seeker, and artist currently based in Brooklyn. Born in Dhaka, Asgar became involved in local LGBTQIA+ community organizing to push back against the conservative and state-sponsored persecution of queer people. Asgar was involved in mobilizing Bangladeshs first-ever Pride Parade in 2014 and creating safe spaces for at-risk individuals. She identifies herself as one of the first openly queer visual artists in the country.

In 2016, the artist witnessed the murder of LGBTQIA+ activist Xulhaz Mannan and friend Mahbub Rabbi Tonoy by an Islamist militant group. She narrowly escaped the at...


The Variety of Stones Used in Construction "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There are three groups of stone  used for construction: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary stones.

Igneous rock, such as granite, is mainly composed of volcanic material. Magma beneath the earths surface hardens as it combines with mineral vapors and liquids to form a variety of geological formations.

This coarse-grained stone is predominantly composed of quartz and feldspar. Crystallization gives granite its characteristic color flecks; the longer the molten rock has to settle, the larger the color granules become. Granite is a popular building material primarily due to its resilience, endurance, and minimal maintenance requirements. It is good for flooring and columns, but is quite expensive compared to other frequently used natural stones.

Metamorphic stones are produced by a long time exposure to a combination of pressure, temperature, and mineral deposits. The most frequently utilized metamorphic natural stone is marble.

Marble is found in the mountainous regions of numerous countries, including Canada, Italy, Germany, Spain, and the United States. It is a very durable, uniformly textured and can be readily shaped and sculpted into various forms and then polished. Its sweeping lines, gorgeous colors, and high polish giv...


Rare White Bison Born at a State Park in Wyoming "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Rare White Bison Born at a State Park in Wyoming

Bear River State Park in Wyoming got a new, cute resident recently when one of its bison gave birth to a calf. While there are a lot of bison in the park, this new arrival is particularly interesting because the calf is white. The park received two white bison heifers in 2021, but this is the first calf born on the grounds.

White bison are extremely rare, with the National Bison Association stating that they're a one in a million occurrence. Due to this rarity, they are actually held sacred by many Native American tribes. However, this calfwhich has yet to be namedisn't as rare as you'd think.

In actuality, its white coloration is not due to albinism but is actually the result of mixed heritage. When bison were hunted to near extinction in the late 1800s, cattle inbreeding was used to raise the population levels. According to park superintendent Tyfani Sager, most bison we see today have some cattle genetics mixed in.

This still makes the white calf rare but not genetically unique and not nearly as rare as an albino bison. At the moment, the young calf is thriving and sticking close to its mother. Park officials have yet to determine its sex.

Were not sure if its a bull calf or a heifer calf, Sager said. Theyre real furry and its hard to tell right off the bat.

Currently, the 328-acre park is home to 10 bison and five calves. And hopefully, the young calf will have another white calf to play with when the park's second white bison is expected to breed next spring.

Bear River State Park is home to two white bison heifers, one of which gave birth to a rare white calf.

h/t: [CBS News]

Related A...


What AI Governance Can Learn From Cryptos Decentralization Ethos "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 16: Samuel Altman, CEO of OpenAI, appears for testimony before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law May 16, 2023 in Washington, DC. The committee held an oversight hearing to examine A.I., focusing on rules for artificial intelligence. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)


The Nikon Z8 Wont Work With Some Third-Party Batteries: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A camera producing an error when photographers use unofficial third-party batteries isn't anything new. However, reports of possible digital rights management (DRM) being used in Nikon batteries, at least with its new Z8 camera, is worth taking a closer look at.

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Fluoride directive deferred by council "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Grey District Council has deferred a government directive that it add fluoride to the Greymouth drinking water supply.

The Government changed the rules in 2021, removing the decision-making on fluoridation from local councils. Last year, the Ministry of Health advised the Grey council it was required to fluoridate its water supplies.

However, councillors this week voted to seek feedback from the community, thereby deferring spending the required $900,000 on installing a fluoridation plant.

Group manager operations Aaron Haymes told councillors earlier this week staff had pushed back on the initial request.

We said we believe the community here shouldnt have to pay for that infrastructure because it is going to be handed over to the new water entity to manage [under three waters changes], Mr Haymes said.

However, he conceded, we dont think we can hold off for another two years. We think we have to commit to installing the plant.

Blackball water is exempt from fluoridation as the population threshold of 500 means only the greater Greymouth area will require the plant.

Mayor Tania Gibson was not pleased.

This is getting mandated on to us again by central Government and our community hasnt been consulted. I dont believe we have to accept it through this process.

Cr Jack OConnor agreed, saying the issue had not been brought up in the recent consultation round and it would appear like we are hiding something we are not at all..

Cr Rex MacDonald asked about the financial and reputational risk if the council defied the government directive.

Mr Haymes cautioned there would probably be some type of intervention,and there will definitely be some reputational consequences.

Mayor Gibson asked pointedly whether that was from the government point of view, or from the community who havent had a say.

Asked by Cr Robert Mallinson if the council was acting legally, chief executive Paul Morris said it was, adding that local government once had the power to determine whether water was fluoridated, until it was taken away and given to the director-general of health..

You do have an opportunity to gauge your communitys feelings thats feedback that can be given to the Ministry of Health.

By Meg Fulford

*Original full-text article online at:


Angela Cassie to Depart as Interim CEO of National Gallery of Canada "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Angela Cassie, who stepped in as interim director and CEO of the National Gallery of Canada in June 2022, after Sasha Suda departed to lead the Philadelphia Museum of Art, is leaving both roles. According


CleanSparks Latest Update Reveals Major Boost In BTC Mined Due To Fees "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CleanSpark, Inc., a publicly traded bitcoin mining company, has released its May 2023 bitcoin mining and operations update, revealing significant growth in both its bitcoin holdings and revenue. The company's bitcoin holdings grew by 44% in May, reaching a total of 451 BTC. Bitcoin mined during the month increased by 16% to 609 BTC. 

CleanSpark's CEO, Zach Bradford, expressed satisfaction with the company's performance, stating, "Not only do we continue to increase the amount of bitcoin in our treasury, but we also surpassed $100 million in revenue for our fiscal year to date."

Bradford also attributed the higher-than-expected bitcoin production to increased operational efficiency and a temporary surge in transaction fees due to increased interest in Ordinals on the blockchain. During this period, CleanSpark's daily bitcoin production reached nearly 30 BTC, almost double its normal daily production.

In terms of operational updates, CleanSpark's 50MW expansion in Washington is progressing according to plan, with the facility expected to be fully operational by the end of June. The company's Sandersville site expansion is also underway, with preparations being made for the addition of over 6 EH/s to CleanSpark's mining operations.

To fund its growth and operations, CleanSpark sold 471 bitcoins in May, generating approximately $12.9 million in proceeds. The company currently operates a fleet of about 67,196 latest-generation bitcoin miners with a total hashrate of 6.7 EH/s.

CleanSpark described its commitment to expanding its bitcoin mining capacity and capitalizing on market opportunities. The company stated that with its strong performance and increasing bitcoin holdings, it remains well-positioned for future growth in the industry.


Bloombergs Senior Macro Strategist Predicts More Pain Ahead For Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In his latest report titled Crypto Outlook, June 2023, Bloombergs Senior Macro Strategist, Mike McGlone, predicts more pain ahead for Bitcoin (BTC) and the broader cryptocurrency market. McGlone argues that despite a rebound in prices in 2023, the risks for the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index remain tilted downward.

Is Bitcoin Doomed?

According to McGlone, cryptocurrencies face several headwinds, including the potential for a US recession, a potential stock bear market, vigilant central banks, and high interest-rate competition. These factors, combined with the speculative excesses that led to the 2021 peak, suggest that the outlook for the crypto market is bearish.

Furthermore, McGlone points out that Bitcoin weakening in May, along with copper and equities in China, is unusual compared to the stalwart Nasdaq 100 Stock Index. While the potential for the Nasdaq to lift all boats exists, it may contrast with still-rising Fed rate-hike expectations. 

Additionally, McGlone suggests that Bitcoin, which is often referred to as digital gold due to its perceived status as a store of value, may not be able to outperform the traditional safe-haven asset in a US economic contraction. This is because Bitcoin is still relatively young compared to gold, which has been used as a store of value for thousands of years. As a result, investors may be more likely to flock to gold during times of economic uncertainty, rather than newer assets like Bitcoin.

Moreover, plunging commodities, producer prices, and bank deposits may serve as deflationary omens of the lags to Federal Reserve tightening. These factors suggest that the risks for the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index are tilted downward, and investors should be cautious.

As reported by NewsBTC on May 22nd, Mike McGlone highlighted the historical patterns of boom and bust in Bitcoin, which are closely tied to liquidity. According to McGlone, Bitcoins current price level of around $27,000 may be at risk of reversion, considering that it was only $7,000 at the end of 2019 before the massive liquidity pump in 2020.

McGlones analysis also indicates that Bitcoins downward trajectory, as demonstrated by its 52-week moving average, contrasts with the upward trend it experienced at the onset of the pandemic. This suggests that the cryptocurrency is susceptible to booms when liquidity is abundant but vulnerable to busts when liquidity is removed.

McGlones latest analysis aligns with his previous thesis that the outlook for Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market is bearish, given the poten...


CBDC may not be a compelling priority,' says Kenyas central bank "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The central bank released its statement in response to comments on a CBDC discussion paper published in February 2022.


Study Shows That Getting Poor Sleep Can Invite The Boogeyman In "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We know by now that there are so many health and wellness reasons to try your best to get a good nights rest as often as possible.

And heres one more: regularly getting poor sleep can lead to one believing more strongly in the paranormal.

New research seems to imply that an inability to sleep well could lead to more easily seeing the paranormal in the shadows.

iStock 1466597734 Study Shows That Getting Poor Sleep Can Invite The Boogeyman In

Image Credit: iStock

It joins previous studies that have linked things like...


CoinDesk Turns 10: The ICO Era What Went Right? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dan Larimer who led the EOSs $4 billion token sale in 2017, one of the largest of the ICO era.


The Polycam App Turns iPhones into 360-Degree Cameras "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Polycam, an iPhone app originally designed for 3D scanning, has launched a new feature that turns an iPhone into a 360-degree camera without any external hardware.

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Reclaiming My Yin and Yang "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sometimes I seem to waver between things feeling exciting and full of meaning and things feeling meaningless and fragmented. Or I oscillate between feeling highly confident and bold and feeling deeply anxious and uncertain, the complex reality of simultaneous contradictory feelings being too hard to hold. Sometimes I am buoyant and ambitious, and sometimes I struggle to just get by. (Paradoxically, it can be easier for me to exceed expectations than to merely meet them.)

To some degree, these are psychological patterns common to most people the interplay of oppositions has a flavor of something archetypal, manifesting in each person in a unique way. Yet it was evident to me even as a kid that I had a sort of tendency towards moderate extremes. Around age 11, I remember thinking to myself that I had a pattern of yin years and yang years: years when I was markedly anxious, and years when I was markedly bold. I also at that age wrote a short story set in ancient China that depicted a young human girl with a lot of yang energy and a young dragon boy with a lot of yin energy. Yin and yang were complex concepts for me even then, signifying any or all of female and male, inward and outward, intuitive and rational, dark and light. In some way, I knew myself to be all of these, each pole deeply entwined with its opposite.

I was passionate about psychology in middle school, avidly reading Scientific American Mind. One issue of that magazine featured several articles about (binary) transgender kids. For a few months after reading them, I was obsessed with trying to understand how small children deve...


SITE Santa Fe Opens Bruce Naumans First Solo Exhibition in New Mexico "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SITE Santa Fe presents internationally renowned artist Bruce Naumans first solo exhibition in New Mexico, His Mark, running through September 11. The show features a collection of new and recent video installations, including never-before-shown self-portrait work and 3D video.

Since the 1960s, Bruce Naumans work has questioned the very nature of what constitutes art and being an artist. He is known for making his body his hands in particular the object of his art and a tool for analyzing the relationship between language and meaning. Exploring intersections between personal and historical moments of profound loss, the exhibition centers on Naumans video installation, His Mark (2021), consisting of eight large-scale 3D projections of Naumans hands forming an X on a table....


Eating Disorder Helpline Disables Chatbot for Harmful Responses After Firing Human Staff "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From VICE: The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) has taken its chatbot called Tessa offline, two days before it was set to replace human associates who ran the organizations hotline.

After NEDA workers decided to unionize in early May, executives announced that on June 1, it would be ending the helpline after twenty years and instead positioning its wellness chatbot Tessa as the main support system available through NEDA. A helpline worker described the move as union busting, and the union representing the fired workers said that a chatbot is no substitute for human empathy, and we believe this decision will cause irreparable harm to the eating disorders community.

As of Tuesday, Tessa was taken down by the organization following a viral social media post displaying how the chatbot encouraged unhealthy eating habits rather than helping someone with an eating disorder.

It came to our attention last night that the current may have given information that was harmful and unrelated to the program, NEDA said in an Instagram post. We are investigating this immediately and have taken down that program until further notice for a complete investigation.'



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Looking Into The Role Credit Unions Can Play In Bitcoin Adoption "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In a recent interview with Bitcoin Magazine, Chief Lending Officer Chase Larson and CEO Jed Meyer of St. Cloud Financial Credit Union, based in Minnesota, discussed their experiences with Bitcoin and their efforts to develop a bitcoin custody solution at the credit union. Larson shared his personal journey with digital assets, starting in 2016, and his realization of the need for accessible resources and education for individuals interested in Bitcoin. He joined the credit union in 2021 and focused on education and connecting people with resources related to cryptocurrency.

Meyer emphasized the importance of understanding the material need for Bitcoin services in their community and outlined a strategic four-step approach that prioritizes education and storage, then transactional ability and banking products. Meyer highlighted their focus on education as a way to change the narrative around Bitcoin and address the risks and concerns associated with it.

Regarding the bitcoin custody solution, Larson stated that they have been working on developing a product that is currently operational but not yet ready for launch to their 25,000 members. The credit union has been prioritizing education both internally and externally, ensuring that their employees and members understand the intricacies and risks of cryptocurrencies. They aim to be a reliable partner for their members, offering safe storage options and guidance without advising specific investments.

From an educational perspective, we said, let's really start foundational from the ground floor, Larson explained. We're going to walk our members through this high level of education, in an effort to, one, help them become more informed, regardless if they own it today, plan to own it or not, we want our members to be well informed. And then two for those that choose to get into the space, hopefully, they make more informed decisions and understand the risks.

The interview also touched on their collaborative approach with regulators to ensure responsible implementation of their Bitcoin services. Larson and Meyer believe that education and storage are areas where they can make a significant impact while working within regulatory frameworks. They have engaged with regulators and are in ongoing discussions to incorporate their feedback into the development of policies and procedures.

Speaking on the future impact that Bitcoin could have on the traditional finance realm, Meyer said that If you do nothing, I think you're taking more risk as to where this industry is actually headed in the future, and how it will actually impact us to a significant degree. And if you don't want to be on the receiving end of how others have developed this, you should probably get involved now.

Overall, St. Cloud Financial Credit Union's approach to Bitcoin reflects a commitment to educating their members and working collaboratively with regulators to navi...


How artificial intelligence will reduce population starting now "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The future is now.
Skip to 3:06.
Bad News in Nature and Society
So cultivate the shit out of you toxic masculinity. It's about to be in short supply.
This artificial intelligence shit is moving so fast by the time I hear about something it's already been superseded.

Oh utub did not like that. I'll have to find it on rumble. Basically AI has been making computer generated porn for a while now. The next logical steps...

How artificial intelligence will reduce population starting now


Sonys New CFexpress Card Has Huge 2TB Capacity, Eye-Watering Price "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sony CFexpress

Sony has reclaimed the title of the largest CFexpress Type A card with its new 1,920GB capacity monster. That's a ton of storage, but it comes with a similarly high asking price.

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Bridge Exploits Cost $2B in 2022, Heres How They Could Have Been Averted "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

New York City street view of multiple bridges and overpasses (Red Morley Hewitt/Unsplash)


A Little-Known Virus Called Human Metapneumovirus Is Spreading "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A little-known virus called the human metapneumovirus, or hMPV has been spreading in the United States. The concerning virus is on the rise and shares symptoms with the flu and colitis, and it is not widely known by the public.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recent data showing hMPVs rise this winter and spring. According to recent data published by the CDC, the percent of tests positive for hMPV increased by 19.6 percent for antigen and 10.9 percent for PCR tests at the start of March, when the virus surged this year,

According to a 2020 study published in the Lancet Global Health, more than 14 million hMPV infections, 600,000 hospitalizations, and more than 16,000 fatalities occurred in children under the age of five in 2018.

Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a commonly found virus that can cause respiratory illness. Although the virus typically has no symptoms in healthy adults, it can cause serious sickness in older adults, those with asthma, babies, and children according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Evening Standard

According to the American Lung Association, the majority of hMPV patients experience moderate upper respiratory symptoms resembling a cold. These may consist of a cough, congestion in the nose or runny nose, a sore throat, aches, and fever. This is really just another cold virus the masters are going to attempt to panic the public with. It is nothing more than a brief illness that typically lasts two to five days and resolves on its own. Patients may choose to treat their condition using over-the-counter medications, like a decongestant.

The experts claim that humans will continue to become infected throughout their lifetimes with hMPV since the illness only produces a minimal or ineffective immune response. But dont worry! The ruling class and big pharma have you covered!

Companies are developing vaccinations to protect against hMPV. According to the website...


Here Are The Pricing Models Bitcoin Must Stay Above For Rally To Go On "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Here are the pricing model lines that Bitcoin might have to stay above if the bullish momentum of the cryptocurrency has to continue.

These Bitcoin Pricing Models Are Currently Near The Spot Price

In a new tweet, the on-chain analytics firm Glassnode has pointed out how the three pricing models, the adjusted realized price, the short-term holder cost basis, and the 200-week MA, are all close to the assets value right now.

To understand the first and second models here, the realized price needs to be looked at first. The realized price is a pricing model derived from the realized cap, which is a capitalization model that assumes that the real value of each coin in the circulating supply is not the spot price, but the price at which it was last moved.

When this cap is divided by the total number of coins in circulation, the average cost basis or acquisition price in the market is obtained. This value, which the average holder on the network bought their coins at, is known as the realized price.

Now, the first pricing model, the adjusted realized price, is a modification of this indicator that drops from the data all holders who havent moved their coins since more than seven years ago.

Such old supply usually consists mostly of the coins that have been lost (perhaps due to the wallet keys no longer being accessible), which means that this part of the supply wouldnt be relevant to the current market, hence why the indicator cuts it out.

As for the second model of interest here, the short-term holder (STH) cost basis, this metric keeps track of the realized price of specifically the investors who have been holding their coins since less than 155 days.

Here is a chart that shows how these Bitcoin pricing models have compared with the spot price during the past year:

Bitcoin Realized Price

As displayed in the above graph, the Bitcoin adjusted realized price currently has a value of $25,300, while the short-term holder cost basis has a value of $26,000.

Historically, these models have acted as both resistance and support for the price, depending on the wider trend. In bullish periods, they usually act as support so its possible that if the price drops deep enough to hit them, a rebound may happen.

The third line on the chart, the...

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