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Sunday, 20 August


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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary Today.

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Friday, 10 March


Wenn ihr mal sehen wollt, wie eine Kleinstadt aussieht, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Wenn ihr mal sehen wollt, wie eine Kleinstadt aussieht, nachdem die russische Armee durchgerollt ist: Hier gibt es Nachher-Fotos aus Mariinka.

Update: Zum Vergleich: Wesel 1945, Berlin 1945, Grozny 1994. Krieg ist Scheie.

Chunky Leg Desk "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

crate and barrel terra desk plans   crate and barrel terra desk plans

crate and barrel terra desk plans


About This Desk

This is a very simple desk, made using 2x6 legs and a 1x top.  The modern styling creates a beautiful frame for your decor and compliments your space.  

This desk can be painted or stained any color.


More Plans in This Collection

I love this style so much, I made more plans in this collection.  I'll keep adding to it - it is a beautiful style!

How I Build This Desk

This desk was a pretty easy build.  I used a pocket hole jig to make the piece look more professional, with all hidden joints.  The pocket hole jig also made it more sturdy.  If you don't have a pocket hole jig, watch how I made the matching coffee table with just a brad nailer.

First, I build the tabletop surface in the size I wanted.  

Then I used a jigsaw to cut out the corners of the tabletop for the legs to show through.

how to build a desk

Then, I measured and cut the 1x4 side aprons, and drilled 3/4" pocket holes on the ends and facing upward (pictured upside down above).  I attach the 1x4 apron to the underside of the tabletop with 1-1/4" pocket holes.

ana white diy desk build

Next, I s...

Old and busted: Brexit.New hotness: Texit!T wie Texas. ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Old and busted: Brexit.

New hotness: Texit!

T wie Texas. Da haben ein paar Aktivisten-Republikaner ein Gesetzesentwurf eingereicht, um ein Referendum durchzufhren, ob die Regierung mal prfen soll, ob und wie man sich am besten von den USA lossagen kann.

Nun hat Texas im Gegensatz zur Krim ein paar Atombomben, was die Lage vermutlich ein bisschen schwieriger machen wird. Das Stromnetz haben sie ja schon weitgehend abgetrennt.

Besonders aromatisch an diesem Vorgang ist, dass das angeblich eine Idee von Putins Trollarmee war.

Ich bin ja mal gespannt, wie die Texaner jetzt umschwenken von "die Krim konnte nicht die Unabhngigkeit von der Ukraine erklren, weil das nach ukrainischem Gesetz illegal war" zu "aber wenn WIR das machen ist das unser patriotisches Recht!1!!". Popcorn bereithalten!

Razzia bei Vonovia wegen Korruptionsverdacht.Vonovia-Mitarbeiter, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Razzia bei Vonovia wegen Korruptionsverdacht.

Vonovia-Mitarbeiter, so der Verdacht, sollen sich bei der Vergabe von Handwerksauftrgen haben bestechen lassen.
Ach deswegen sind die Baupreise so explodiert!

Je lter ich werde, desto mehr Trends da drauen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Je lter ich werde, desto mehr Trends da drauen irritieren mich. In letzter Zeit irritiert mich zunehmend, wie viele Leute "Discord" benutzen. Discord ist technisch sowas wie IRC, aber viel, viel schlechter.

Bei IRC kannst du deinen eigenen Server hosten, bei Discord nicht. Bei IRC kann jeder Diskussionsgruppen aufmachen. Bei Discord nicht.

IRC ist kostenlos. Discord will Geld sehen, damit du Emoji posten kannst.

Wieso wrde irgendwer diesen Schei einsetzen? Nicht nur einsetzen! Promoten!

Inzwischen ist es so, dass praktisch jedes Open Source-Projekt einen Discord bewirbt. Youtuber haben inzwischen Discord. Videospiele-Mods haben Discord.

Besonders bei Open Source-Projekten ist mir das ein riesiger Dorn im Auge. Wer Fragen hat, kann ja in den Discord kommen. In der nchsten Iteration gibt es dann erst Recht keine Dokumentation mehr, weil man ja einen Discord hat. Und damit ist das ganze Wissen futsch, nichts ist suchbar. Man erzieht die Leute zur Hilflosigkeit.

Und wofr? Fr die Profitmaximierungschancen von Discord.

Ich war noch nie ein Freund von Wikis, weil das normalerweise ungepflegte Datenhalden voller veralteter Halbwahrheiten sind. Aber selbst so ein Wiki ist besser als ein Discord. Selbst eine toxische Scheiwebseite wie Stackoverflow ist besser als ein Discord, weil sie such- und linkbar ist!

Lustiger Angriff auf ECDSA. DSA ist ja schon immer ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Lustiger Angriff auf ECDSA. DSA ist ja schon immer verbrannt und man htte es nie verwenden sollen. Wenn du in DSA versehentlich dieselbe Nonce zweimal nimmst, fllt auf der anderen Seite dein Private Key raus. Das stank schon immer zum Himmel.

Der einzige Grund, wieso DSA berhaupt existiert, ist weil die US-Regierung ein Exportverbot fr starke Verschlsselung durchsetzen wollte, und den Leuten aber starke Signaturen ermglichen wollte, und daher die NSA bat, ein Signaturverfahren zu basteln, das nicht auch automatisch ein Verschlsselungsverfahren ist, wie es bei RSA der Fall war.

Was ist jetzt hier das Problem? Stellt sich raus, dass man mit groen Computern auch algorithmisch den Private Key berechnen kann, wenn die Nonces nicht wiederverwendet wurden sondern "nur" in Relation zueinander standen, z.B. weil sie aus einem Pseudozufallszahlengenerator rausfielen statt echter Zufall zu sein.

To run the attack in practice, the following is required: A minimum of 4 signatures generated by the same private key, the associated public key, and the message hash associated with each signature. If the nonces obey the recurrence relation, we retrieve the private key used to generate the vulnerable signatures.
Hey, schnell, wo liegen eine Menge signierter Daten ffentlich rum? Oh ja richtig, auf der Blockchain! Nun sollten da die meisten Transaktionen ephemeral sein, d.h. der Private Key wurde nur einmal verwendet. Dann wre der Angriff nicht mglich, denn der braucht mindestens vier Signaturen vom selben Key. Und tatschlich ist das auch fr 90% der Signaturen in der Blockchain der Fall. Also haben sie mal geguckt, wie weit sie bei den anderen 10% kommen. Ergebnis:
We broke 762 unique wallets. All of these had a zero balance. Interestingly enough, we could break all these wallets, not because of a linear or quadratic recurrence but because there was at least one repeated nonce in the signatures.
Die Wallets mit Nonce-Recycling hatte schon jemand anderes leergerumt :-)

Unter dem Strich blieb kein Fall brig, der nicht auf Nonce-Doppelverwendung zurckfhrbar ist. Das knnte aber mehr Glck als Verstand gewesen sein.

Habt ihr alle Zhne im Mund?Da gab es von Rether (oder ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Habt ihr alle Zhne im Mund?

Da gab es von Rether (oder war es Pispers?) mal ein Bit, wo er ausfhrte, dass wir die letzte Generation sein werden, bei denen das so ist. Das haben wir Maos Kulturrevolution zu verdanken. Die hat China 50 Jahre zurckgeworfen, aber sie holen gerade auf. Wir sind nicht konkurrenzfhig, wenn die Chinesen mit beiden Hnden kmpfen.

And ieses Bit musste ich denken, als ich dieses absolute Gruselvideo eines Mathematik-Professors von der Uni Paderborn sah, in dem er den Uni-Aufnahmetest fr Mathematik in Indien zeigt. Danach geht er kurz auf die Schulbildung in Mathematik in NRW ein und zeigt dann noch kurz die Eintrittsexamen aus China.

Der eigentliche Schatz ist aber eine Realschulabschlussprfung aus den 1970er Jahren ganz am Ende. Da kann man sehen, wie das Schulsystem abgebaut hat seit den 70er Jahren.

Rotterdam benutzt Machine Learning, um Betrger bei ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Rotterdam benutzt Machine Learning, um Betrger bei der Sozialhilfe zu finden. Das System wurde von Accenture gebaut.

we received the machine learning model used to score recipients, the source code used to build it and the data used to train it.
Rotterdam hat das System von 2017 bis 2021 im Einsatz gehabt. Jetzt ist es abgeklemmt, man will es "updaten".

Normalerweise ist ja bei Machine Learning nicht viel zu machen, weil die Systeme so riesig und komplex sind und so viele Neuronen haben. Dieses System hat aber "nur" 315 Inputs. Damit kann man den Gewichten manuell hinterherlaufen und mal gucken.

Die Ergebnisse sehen so aus, wie ihr euch das jetzt wahrscheinlich vorgestellt habt.

The suspicion machine passes harsher judgement on: parents, young people, women, people with roommates, people who do not have enough money and people with substance abuse issues. Some of the variables that increase a persons risk score are totally beyond their control: their age and gender for example. Others are fundamental to why people need social welfare in the first place: they face financial problems, they struggle with drug addiction, they cannot afford the rent to live independently. And most problematically, some seem to ethnically profile people based on the languages they speak or their ability to speak Dutch, which is widely considered a proxy for ethnicity.
Tja. Am Ende kommt raus, dass alleinerziehende junge Mtter unter den Sozialhilfeempfnger eines der hchsten Risikoprofile haben in dem System. Das mag ja sogar stimmen. Aber halt Risiko fr Obdachlosigkeit oder ein Leben in Armut, nicht fr Betrug!

Update: Ein Leser aus Rotterdam ergnzt:

Das System wird in den meisten Niederlaendischen Staedten benutzt. Rotterdam ist die Stadt die a) den Einsatz von sich aus 2021 beendet hat und b) den Journalisten zugriff auf das Modell gegeben hat.

Die nutzung wurde gestoppt im zusammenhang mit der Toeslagenaffaire.

Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: sterreich kann ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: sterreich kann sich keine Abkrzungen mehr leisten, recyclet die anderer Leute:

Insgesamt zehn Millionen Euro ber fnf Jahre hinweg stellen das Wirtschaftsministerium und das Land Obersterreich fr das Supply Chain Intelligence Institute Austria (ASCII) zur Verfgung, wie heute mitgeteilt wurde.
Wohl eher das Austrian Supply Chain Intelligence Institute!

Mal sehen, wann sie zu UTF8 (Universal Trend Forecasting?) upgraden!


New cartoonist: Gabor Papai "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


We are very proud to welcome Gabor Papai as an official member of Cartoon Movement. Gabor is perhaps the most renowned cartoonist in Hungary, making a daily cartoon for Npszava, the last independent newspaper left in the country.


5 countries leading the blockchain adoption "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Discover the countries leading blockchain adoption with innovative solutions, supportive regulations and more.


Chuck Schumer Helps Joe Biden Walk in The Right Direction "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


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Keith and Kevin Hodge, aka the Hodgetwins, are famously known for their comedic commentary regarding politics, fitness tips, and relationship advice across their several YouTube channels!


Tucker Carlson: Here is the truth "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WARNING-GRAPHIC FOOTAGE: Fox News host Tucker Carlson fires back at critics who are outraged over his airing previously hidden footage of the January 6 Capitol breach on Tucker Carlson Tonight. #foxnews #fox #tuckercarlson

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Trezor crypto wallet's move into the semiconductor business isn't for everyone "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Trezor plans to build its hardware wallet chips, but other crypto companies still prefer third-party imports due to technical and financial barriers.


CoinTracker integrates with H&R Block to offer crypto tax preparation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The new integration allows crypto users to automatically fill out the crypto portion of Form 8949, which is used to report capital gains and losses from investments for tax filings.

How community leader Oluwakemi is pursuing her passion for social work with help from University of Michigan and Coursera "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Meet Oluwakemi learning from Akinyele, Oyo State, Nigeria. Shes a dedicated social worker and changemaker throughout several non-profit organizations within her community. Read more about her incredible passion for helping people and how she utilized Coursera to expand her skills. Heres her story in her own words:

In November of 2022, I earned a degree in Philosophy from the University of Ibadan, but  I have always had a passion for helping others. This passion only bloomed throughout my volunteer experiences at university.

While in school, I had the opportunity to serve in various leadership positions such as the lead for the Oyo State Team a youth empowerment group that advocates for better socio-economic opportunities and at AIA International Foundation, an international youth-led nonprofit organization working towards societal development using innovation for sustainable development. I later became the Team Lead for the South West Region for Slum2School Africa, a volunteer-driven organization that aims to empower underserved children.

My passion for serving female youth in my community led me to start my very own foundation. In February of 2019, I co-founded the Freedom Movement for the Girl Child (FMGC) with the goal to protect and educate young women and girls. 

These phenomenal programs and organizations helped me attain real world experience in the nonprofit sector, but I felt I needed formal training to further enhance my skills. I decided to enroll in the Social Work Practice: Advocating Social Justice and Change course from the University of Michigan on Coursera, and I am so thankful that I did! I was able to develop better skills in leadership, project management, and ultimately, I was able to  deepen my knowledge in social injustice.

With my degree, my experiences, and my knowledge gained through Coursera, Im able to drive even more positive impact and...


Discover Your Inner Trailblazer: Which Famous Woman From History Are You? [Quiz] "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Discover Your Inner Trailblazer: Which Famous Woman From History Are You? [Quiz]

Famous Woman Personality Quiz

This quiz was generated with the help of ChatGPT. Content was then revised and fact-checked by My Modern Met.

March is Women's History Month, and for the occasion, we've prepared a special quiz. From Amelia Earhart to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, history is filled with trailblazing women who weren't afraid to leave their mark on the world. But which one of these women is most like you? Take our short quiz and discover the famous woman from history that matches your personality.

Then, once you've seen who your match is, discover ten incredible women from history, get inspired by 50 quotes from inspiring women, or pick up one of our book recommendations to deepen your knowledge of what women have contributed to art, science, politics, and culture.

As always, should you decide to enter your email address, we'll also send the results to your inbox along with some further information about these incredible individuals.

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Simply 27 of the funniest and most entertaining top comments collected by this Twitter account "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Over on Twitter theres an account called @topcommentsgod which, as the name might suggest, collects particularly entertaining top comments.

Weve read them all so you dont have to well, quite a few of them and these 27 are all best in class.









Canadian companies licensed to sell cocaine "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Canadian biosciences company Sunshine Earth Labs announced Thursday it has been licensed to produce and sell cocaine, reflecting the federal health agencys bid to improve safety conditions for the countrys addicts. The licensing deal comes after a radical policy shift to address an opioid overdose crisis that has killed thousands, by decriminalizing small amounts of cocaine, heroin and other hard drugs. Ottawa granted a criminal code exemption in January to British Columbia for the three-year pilot project, with the aim of removing the stigma associated with drug use that keeps people from seeking help. Advocates have also been pushing for safer supplies of drugs to be made available to addicts who face a risk of dying from toxic drug poisoning linked to illicit street drugs. Sunshine Earth Labs said in a statement it received permission from Health Canada to legally possess, produce, sell and distribute coca leaf and cocaine, as well as morphine, MDMA (ecstasy) and heroin. Its announcement comes on the heels of a similar licensing arrangement offered in February to Adastra Labs, which had until now focused on crafting cannabis extracts. Adastras license also allows it to produce and sell psilocybin and psilocin hallucinogens more commonly known as magic mushrooms that produce effects similar to LSD. We will evaluate how the commercialization of this substance fits in with our business model at Adastra in an effort to position ourselves to support the demand for a safe supply of cocaine, chief executive Michael Forbes said. British Columbia is only the second jurisdiction in North America to decriminalize hard drugs after the US state of Oregon did so in November 2020. The Canadian province is the epicenter of a crisis that has seen more than 10,000 overdose deaths since it declared a public health emergency in 2016. That rep...


Web3 platform partners with self-custody wallet to broaden crypto adoption in Africa "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cassava Networks recent v3 product launch allows Africas Web2 users to get onboarded to Web3 while earning rewards and increasing their income.


Ukraines central bank sees both promises and threats in Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The central bank of Ukraine sees crypto as a threat to macro-financial stability and a promising opportunity for better payments at the same time.


The moment this horse realises its been hoodwinked is such a lovely watch "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Heres a rather fabulous 24 seconds to take your mind off the hell of everything else going on right now.

Its a video of a horse very lovingly having the wool pulled over its eyes and the whole thing is lovely, but especially the bit when the blinkers come off, as it were.


Awww he even lowered his little ears when she pretended to put it over his head.

Horse at first: Damn that was fast.

The horse like wait a second.

OMG this is so cute.

Also makes you realize how strong habits can become. Things that we train ourselves to do perhaps that we dont realize we necessarily have to. Its sort of inspiring me to break bad habits that have become exactly that, a habit.

Source Reddit u/ff-dvl

The post The moment this horse realises its been hoodwinked is such a lovely watch appeared first on The Poke.


The Right to Be Let Alone: When the Government Wants to Know All Your Business "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute. 

The Constitution Failed. It Secured Neither Peace nor Freedom.

Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the governments purposes are beneficent.Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis

There was a time when the census was just a head count.

That is no longer the case.

The American Community Survey (ACS), sent to about 3.5 million homes every year, is the byproduct of a government that believes it has the right to know all of your personal business.

If you havent already received an ACS, its just a matter of time.

A far cry from the traditional census, which is limited to ascertaining the number of persons living in each dwelling, their ages and ethnicities, the ownership of the dwelling, and telephone numbers, the ACS contains some of the most detailed and intrusive questions ever put forth in a census questionnaire.

At 28 pages (with an additional 16-page instruction packet), these questions concern matters that the government simply has no business knowing, including questions relating to respondents bathing habits, home utility costs, fertility, marital history, work commute, mortgage, and health insurance, among other highly personal and private matters.

For instance, the ACS asks how many persons live in your home, along with their names and detailed information about them such as their relationship to you, marital status, race, and their physical, mental, and emotional problems, etc. The survey also asks how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have in your house, along with the fuel used to heat your home, the cost of electricity, what type of mortgage you have and monthly mortgage payments, property taxes, and so on.

And then the survey drills down even deeper.

The survey demands to know how many days you were sick last year, how many automobiles you own and the number of miles driven, whether you have trouble getting up the stairs, and what time you leave for work every morning, along with highly detailed inquiries about your financial affairs. And the survey demands that you violate the privacy of others by supplying the names and addresses of your friends, relatives, and employer.

The questionnaire also demands that you give other information on the people in your home, such as their ed...


Former Jane Street, PIMCO traders raise $15M for ZK proof-of-solvency protocol "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The team said it has already lined up clients, including CoinList, Bitso and TrueUSD.


Dem. Bill Would Force Parents To Undergo Vaccine Education Session Before Exempting Children from "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dem. Bill Would Force Parents To Undergo Vaccine Education Session Before Exempting Children from Jabs

Dem. Bill Would Force Parents To Undergo Vaccine Education Session Before Exempting Children from Jabs

Please email Senator Schwank and tell her to immediately withdraw this bill, or you will file a lawsuit, as it is...

Dem. Bill Would Force Parents To Undergo Vaccine Education Session Before Exempting Children from


"IndyWatch Feed Spiritual" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Astrologers believe that an astrological age affects humanity, possibly by influencing the rise and fall of civilizations or cultural tendencies.
Here's an eye opener presented by Santos Bonacci:


First Mover Americas: Silvergate Shutters in Latest Blow to Crypto "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Silvergate Bank is the latest crypto outfit to collapse. (CoinDesk)


US accounting watchdog warns investors about proof-of-reserves reports "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The warning was issued after crypto exchanges jumped on the trend of providing proof-of-reserves reports to ease concerns after the FTX collapse.


SWIFT to Start Phase Two Pilot After Finding 'Value' in CBDC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SWIFT is trying to connect the world's CBDCs (Yuichiro Chino/Getty Images)


The slumber party nightmare | The FOX True Crime Podcast "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Retired FBI Agent Eddie Freyer joins Emily Compagno to discuss the 1993 kidnapping and murder of 12-year old Polly Klaas. #FoxNews #TrueCrime

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Is crypto winter almost over? Surviving the unknown months "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Like every market cycle, this crypto winter will eventually end.

Multisig wallets vulnerable to exploitation by Starknet apps, says developer Safeheron "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The vulnerability allegedly allows Web3 apps using the Starknet protocol to bypass the security protection of private keys in MPC wallets, potentially exposing users' private keys to wallet providers.

Inside Bitcoin Lake: Lessons From My Months As A Volunteer With Guatemala's Groundbreaking Project "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A volunteer from Guatemalas Bitcoin Lake project shares the rewards of working on this circular economy.

Bitcoin is a disruptive technology that has emerged as a fundamental component of the financial industry. My work at Bitcoin-friendly companies has allowed me to observe the many ways in which Bitcoin is transforming the industry. Looking to contribute more, I embarked on a Bitcoin-only journey and joined the non-profit project, Bitcoin Lake.

Located in Panajachel, Guatemala, Bitcoin Lake launched just over a year ago. The project aims to create a circular economy powered by Bitcoin, providing a novel and accessible solution for unbanked as well as banked merchants. In Guatemala, approximately 60% of the adult population doesn't have access to formal financial services, and Bitcoin Lake's initiative to onboard merchants has a significant impact on the local community.

I have seen firsthand that this project has successfully onboarded more than 60 merchants, of whom 90% are unbanked and solely accept cash and bitcoin. The project continues to seek support and ways to enhance the experience for the Bitcoiners there. The Bitcoin tuk tuk (see figure one below) and the Bitcoin boat (cleverly named Peer To Peer) are examples of such initiatives.

a very common vehicle in Panajachel. 

Bitcoin Lake has made significant strides in a short period. Business owners are astounded by the ease of using Bitcoin, and the education projects have been an outstanding success. Centro Educativo Josu, Guatemala's first school to receive the "Mi Primer Bitcoin" course, has seen its students gain an exceptional understanding of Bitcoin. The progress and impact of Bitcoin Lake are significant and serve as an inspiration to all.

During my first month volunteering with Bitcoin Lake, my understanding and dedication to Bitcoin has grown significantly. As one of my first tasks, I collected data to assess the progress made in one year. As shown in figures two, three and four below, charts illustrate the flow of bitcoin in the project and the number of transactions completed within the past year, indicating significant growth.


Thursday, 09 March


Paloma Faiths one-word response to Rishi Sunak is the most succinct (and NSFW) of all "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Youll be well aware of the pressure that continues to mount on Gary Lineker after he offered up an entirely valid criticism of the governments controversial new immigration policy announced this week.

Weve rounded up 23 of our favourite things people are saying about Lineker right now.

But Lineker was only one of many high profile critics of Sunaks latest Stop the Boats initiative, and none of them were more succinct (or NSFW) than singer and erstwhile judge on The Voice, Paloma Faith.




Thinking Thursday: Colored Paper and Metal Disks "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Prompt #26 Colored Paper and Metal Disks is an excerpt from Math Journal Task Cards Mega-Bundle: 312 Ways To Play with Math, available as a digital printable activity guide at my bookstore. Read more about my playful math books here.

Do you want your children to develop the ability to reason creatively and figure out things on their own?

Help kids practice slowing down and taking the time to fully comprehend a math topic or problem-solving situation with these classic tools of learning: See. Wonder. Create.

See: Look carefully at the details of the numbers, shapes, or patterns you see. What are their attributes? How do they relate to each other? Also notice the details of your own mathematical thinking. How do you respond to a tough problem? Which responses are most helpful? Where did you get confused, or what makes you feel discouraged?

Wonder: Ask the journalists questions: who, what, where, when, why, and how? Who might need to know about this topic? Where might we see it in the real world? When would things happen this way? What other way might they happen? Why? What if we changed the situation? How might we change it? What would happen then? How might we figure it out?

Create: Create a description...


Hannity: Theyre denying people to see one of the worlds best athletes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Leo Terrell and Larry Elder discuss tennis icon Novak Djokovic being denied entry to the U.S. for the Miami Open because of COVID vaccine refusal on Hannity.

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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The Map of Mathematics: An Animated Video Shows How All the Different Fields in Math Fit Together "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If youre a regular Open Culture reader, you have hopefully thoroughly immersed yourself in The Map of Physics, an animated videoa visual aid for the modern agethat mapped out the field of physics, explaining all the connections between classical physics, quantum physics, and relativity.

You cant do physics without math. Hence we now have The Map of Mathematics. Created by physicist Dominic Walliman, this new video explains how pure mathematics and applied mathematics relate to each other and all of the sub-topics they are made from. Watch the new video above. You can buy a poster of the map here. And you can

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Alameda Research to sell interest in Sequoia Capital to Abu Dhabi for $45M "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

FTXs sister company, Alameda Research, agreed to sell its interest in Sequoia Capital to Abu Dhabis sovereign wealth fund for $45 million.


Arthur Hayes Proposes Bitcoin-Backed NakaDollar, Which Would Rely on Exchanges to Maintain Dollar Peg "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes has proposed NakaDollar (NUSD), a stablecoin backed by bitcoin and bitcoin derivatives.


14 Tweets Everyone Live Laugh Loved "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The internet is full of terrible things, but on its good days, its also full of some great big belly laughs.

If youre in the mood for a snicker, a tee-hee, or maybe even a chuckle, go ahead and scroll these 14 popular tweets.

14. Both things can be true.

I mean, Ive never been to a higher state of mind.

13. Women have changed.

Maybe the kerchief should make a comeback.

12. Classic.

If you cant wow em, confuse em.


23 favourite things people are saying about Gary Lineker right now "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We wait to see whether Gary Lineker will be shown the red card by the BBC for the sin of expressing entirely valid concerns about the governments new immigration policy.

Lineker, youll remember, said this on Twitter

prompting no end of furious indignation from the usual (and painfully familiar) suspects. Heres the front page of the Daily Mail on Thursday (thats not Lineker, its the Princess of Wales)

Support came in from unlikely sources.


7 Health Issues Revealed by Your Hands #1 Could Save Your Life! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In this video, viewers will learn about 7 health issues that can be detected by looking at their hands.

The video highlights symptoms such as swollen fingertips, brittle nails, dry hands, red palms, sweaty palms, numbness or tingling sensation, and shaking hands.

The video provides information about the possible causes of these symptoms and suggests ways to address them.


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Ingraham: This is a scandal of monumental significance "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ingraham: Money, fame and a lucrative obsession with gain of function research were more important to Fauci than coming clean to American people. #foxnews #fox #ingrahamangle

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What is the biggest design flaw of the human body? 18 problem areas "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Every time you stand up and make that weird grunt you know the one it becomes obvious that the human body has some serious limitations. Perhaps thats what made u/ketra1504 ask this question

What is the biggest design flaw of the human body?

It was a very popular question, with most answers cropping up many times. These said it best.


The fact that I sometimes accidently eat the inside of my mouth.


IMO the whole we put food into the only air hole we have and can choke and die if we arent careful thing is a pretty big miss.




Jugular veins.

Yeah, pop those basically on the outside in the area predators attack, that will ensure and slight mishap will result in death in about 8 seconds. Thanks evolution


The human knee. It is a nightmare of an engineering kludge.

Two rods, the upper and lower legs, balancing on top of each other, supporting the entire weight of the human body. And the only thing that keeps them from bending backwards? A tiny, free-floating thin half-dome of bone not attached to anything at all.


Probably the brain I dont know about you lot but I keep doing dumb shit.


Kinda for men, but Im tired of sitting on my balls.


In our eyes, the blood vessels supplying our photoreceptors are in front of them and therefore in the way of the incoming light.


It needs to shut down major functions for 8 hours a day.


Women being able to grow an entire human but not being ab...


Article retracted when authors dont pay publication fee "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In March 2020, a group of biologists published a paper on the website of an open access journal. 

Nearly three years later, the publisher, Wiley, withdrew the article because, according to the withdrawal notice, the authors were unable to finalize payment of the fee to publish APC. 

The manuscript, Eco-evolutionary factors that influence its demographic oscillations in Prochilodus costatus (Actinopterygii: Characiformes) populations evidenced through a genetic spatialtemporal evaluation, had appeared on the site of the journal Evolutionary Applications as an Accepted Article, according to the notice, but the full text is no longer available online. It had not been indexed in Clarivates Web of Science before being withdrawn on February 27. 

The notice stated that the article 

has been withdrawn by agreement between the authors, journal Editor-in-Chief Louis Bernatchez and John Wiley and Sons Ltd. The withdrawal has been agreed because the authors are unable to finalize the APC payment for their article for publication in the journal as the Version of Record.

When we wrote to Bernatchez with questions about the notice, he referred us to a Wiley staffer. A spokesperson for the publisher told us that the statement was incorrect, and we will be working with the author to resolve and potentially republish the article. 

We asked what exactly was wrong with the withdrawal note, and a spokesperson replied: 

The withdrawal statement incorrectly lists the authors as agreeing to the withdrawal, when in fact they were only informed of this action. We are now working with the authors to resubmit the article to the journal. 

was not published in alignment with our Open Acce...


Bitcoin keeps liquidating longs as BTC price action gives up $22K support "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin longs get punished by relatively small BTC price losses as BTC/USD trends toward significant support lines.


UFOs Entering and Exiting Mexico's Popocatpetl Volcano Is PROOF of an Alien Base? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

UFOs Seen Entering and Exiting the Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico Are PROOF of an Inner Alien Base? The bizarre UFO events have made many people believe that aliens are having a secret base under the volcano.


Tamron interview: Lots of exciting unique lenses are in development "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tamron manager Kota Misawa chatted with Phototrend and shared many interesting insights: We also receive many requests for prime lenses, including a 90mm macro lens, and consider them. Other competitors, however, already produce macro lenses for mirrorless systems, so we have to think about how to develop much more attractive macro lenses. I invite you

The post Tamron interview: Lots of exciting unique lenses are in development appeared first on mirrorlessrumors.


Kwenta DEX Lures Traders to Capture Bitcoin, Ether Returns Regardless of Direction "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Traders are exploiting funding rates on Kwenta for a market neutral strategy. (Dall E)


This bulldog lazily attempting an agility course is todays most relatable thing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Weve never related so much with a dog, this bulldogs response to being asked to attempt an obstacle course.

Lazy bulldog attempts an agility course, said ReliableRoommate who shared it over on Reddit.

10/10, no notes.

Bulldog: yea were not doing that. Sup Mike..

Bulldogs got to know his limitations.

I get that dog.

Thats me whenever I want to start something then immediately losing motivation and interest afterwards.

Hes a winner in my opinion.

Spirit animal.

And if you want to know what its like when a bulldog is genuinely into guilty, this was kindly shared by fellow Redditor, sansabeltedcow. Meet Rudy!

Source Reddit u/ReliableRoommate

The post This bulldog lazily attempting an agility course is todays most relatable thing appeared first on The Poke.


As COVID Origins Probe Escalates, So Do Tensions With China "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Did COVID-19 leak out of a Chinese lab? China has long tried to paint that as a false theory and it was once dismissed by many US health officials, including former White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci. Now, just a week after FBI Director Christopher Wray said the theory was likely, House Republicans will be holding their first hearing today investigating the pandemics origins. A Democrat who will take part in the hearing, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-06), joins the Rundown to discuss why she hopes politics are kept out of the probe, whether Dr. Fauci should testify, and why we cant let recent threats from China dissuade us from getting to the truth.

Last week, four Americans who traveled to Matamoros, Mexico, were shot and abducted, and now the State Department can confirm two of those Americans are home safe on US soil, yet the other two were killed in the attack. This violence, suspected to be the work of Mexicos cartels, has sparked outrage from US political leaders on the right, like Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who is now pushing for legislation to designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. Former US Ambassador to Mexico Chris Landau joins the podcast to explain how cartel violence has made Mexico a dangerous travel destination, and he breaks down why designating these cartels as terrorist organizations could create more complications than solutions.

Plus, commentary from FOX News Contributor Joe Concha.

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Someone trolled atheists by comparing God to a chef and the comeback was a proper roasting "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Leading contender for takedown of the week is surely this, a Christian presumably who trolled atheists by comparing God to a chef.

Because the comeback, which has just gone viral on Reddit, was a proper roasting.

God is a chef apparently, said vintagevixen927


And at some point, youre told to go fix your own food because the chef only cooks for those who cook for themselves.

If your food turns out great then glory to the chef, not you. If it turns out poorly then its part of the chefs plans, the chef is trying to teach you something, and you had some failing in yourself, your cooking ability, or your belief in the chef.

Meanwhile, no matter how many times you cook, you never see the chef. Food never just appears. Ingredients never just appear.

And youre told that certain foods and prep methods are forbidden cuz reasons.

And in the end you get tired and go home and cook your own food, but the waiter shows up and tells you that you should thank the cook.

Also the waiter has 700 million dollars in the bank.

Not all waiters, obviously.

Source Reddit u/vintagevixen927 Image Unsplash Jessie McCall

The post Someone trolled atheists by comparing God to a chef and the comeback was a proper roasting appeared first on The Poke.


Top Altcoin Exchanges In 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As the world of altcoins continues to expand, the need for reliable and efficient altcoin exchanges is more important than ever. In this article, well explore the top altcoin exchanges in 2023, including Binance, KuCoin, Bybit, and Bitget.


Binance has consistently been ranked as one of the top altcoin exchanges in the world, and for good reason. With over 500 altcoins available for trading, Binance offers a wide variety of options for traders. Binance also boasts some of the lowest trading fees in the industry, making it an attractive option for both new and experienced traders.

One of the standout features of Binance is its advanced trading platform, which offers a range of tools and features to help traders make informed decisions. Binance also offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, allowing traders to trade on-the-go.


KuCoin is another popular altcoin exchange, offering a wide range of altcoins for trading. One of the key features of KuCoin is its low trading fees, which are among the lowest in the industry. KuCoin also offers a range of trading pairs, including altcoin-to-altcoin pairs, making it an attractive option for traders looking to diversify their portfolios.

Another standout feature of KuCoin is its user-friendly interface, which is easy to navigate and use. KuCoin also offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, allowing traders to access their accounts and trade on-the-go.


Bybit is a newer player in the altcoin exchange space, but it has quickly gained a reputation as one of the best options for altcoin traders. Bybit offers a range of altcoins for trading, as well as a range of trading pairs, including altcoin-to-altcoin pairs.

One of the standout features of Bybit is its advanced trading platform, which offers a range of tools and features to help traders make informed decisions. Bybit also offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, allowing traders to trade on-the-go.


Bitget is a China-based altcoin exchange that has gained popularity in recent years. Bitget offers a range of altcoins for trading, as well as a range of trading pairs, including altcoin-to-altcoin pairs.

One of the standout features of Bitget is its low trading fees, which are among the lowest in the industry. Bitget also offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices, allo...


Warning do not boop the robot! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If you arent familiar with Ameca, described by her/its makers Engineered Arts as the worlds most advanced human shaped robot, youre in for a treat or a shock.

A Reddit user named u/starfoxzeronie has posted a clip of Ameca to r/damnthatsinteresting with the title

Clearly not a fan of having its nose touched.

Watch for yourself.

Redditors had mixed reactions.


Drop my nose. You have 10 seconds to comply.


That thing looks so incredibly real its scary.


I know its just programmed to do it, but the annoyed look it gives when moving away and that it gently grabs the persons hand and pushes them off took it right out of the uncanny valley for me. Those feel like very human responses.


Is it weird I find the robot adorable, like an adult baby machine?


Im 38 and Ive been waiting for shit like this since I was a kid.


Im sure its in a controlled environment, but a robot that grabs at me is a big no for me.


We should start a sub called Damn thats frightening.


Why are we making these things? Didnt yall fools see I, Robot??


Do you want terminators? Because thats how you get terminators.




Kill it with fire.

u/Particular_Tadpole27 noticed something familiar....


German regulator BaFin suggests a case-by-case approach for NFTs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Given the difficulties with classification, BaFin highlights the freedom of nonfungible tokens from licensing demands.


FTX Reaches $45M Deal to Sell Interest in Sequoia to Abu Dhabi's Investment Arm "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bankrupt crypto exchange FTX is trying to sell its Sequoia assets. (Carmen Martnez Torrn/Getty Images)


Gaining Freedom from the Known ~ Stepping into the Unknown "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We live under this notion that we are free, either because we have the monetary power, freedom of choice, freedom to choose a job, freedom to travel wherever you wish etc. we tend to choose whatever reason we think fits into our frame of ideologies and the way we perceive the world. We follow certain []


Wabi-Sabi: A Short Film on the Beauty of Traditional Japan "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Weve featured the work of Spanish filmmaker Cristbal Vila before: His short film Inspirations celebrated the mathematical art of M.C. Escher. Fallingwater animated one of Frank Lloyd Wrights finest creations. And Nature by Numbers showed us geometrical and mathematical formulas found in nature.

Today, we bring you Vilas Wabi-Sabi: A Handful of Memories from Traditional Japan. As he notes on his site, the animation captures the aspects that interest me the most about traditional Japan, featuring scenes inspired by nature, gardens, architecture, interior scenes, etc. And it attempts to create a calm and balanced atmosphere through the use of light, composition, materials, movement and the choice of the motifs themselves.

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Mt. Gox registration deadline pushed for another month "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Mt. Gox creditors have another month to file for their claims as the registration deadline was pushed back by another month.


Judge refuses to consolidate class-action lawsuits against FTX "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A U.S. judge denied the request to consolidate, saying that the defendants had not had the opportunity to respond.


Benjamin Fulford Report: Entire KM financial system about to collapse with Credit Suisse the likely first domino March 6, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The collapse of the Khazarian Mafia financial system is looking imminent with Credit Suisse the likely first domino. If it falls it will trigger a process that would lead to the collapse of multiple major banks and then after that the World Bank, the IMF and the big Kahuna, the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. A full-fledged bank run on Credit Suisse is now underway as customers withdrew $120 billion last month alone. Now the New York Post reports sensitive personal information including social security identification, employment information, and contact details of customers who keep $50 million or more in the bank has been compromised. Yes, the Credit Suisse matter is very serious, think how many accounts are linked to every known elite criminal in the world, a CIA source chimes in. This Suisse Secrets report from a year ago just touches the tip of the iceberg. Suisse most likely will be the first major KM-controlled bank to be let goThis smells like end game, a Mossad source says. The head of MI6 agrees saying: Credit Suisse is indeed implicated in international criminal fraud, in this case, the money laundry in Geneva of The...


BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes proposes Bitcoin-based stablecoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The proposed stablecoin, the Satoshi Nakamoto Dollar, aims to be entirely free from any movements of the U.S. dollar, which require banking services.


What are Bitcoin ordinals? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin ordinals have been the most hyped-up Web3 trend of 2023 so far. How do ordinals compare to traditional NFTs, and what are the opportunities?


Venue Security Guard Not Really Sure Why Theyre Needed at They Might Be Giants Show "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NEW YORK Local security guard Frank Bologna has absolutely no clue why hes needed to work a mostly docile There Might Be Giants show at the Bowery Ballroom, confirmed increasingly bored sources.

The minute I saw one of the band members walk on stage with an accordion pressed firmly against his torso, I knew we were in for a danger-free evening, said Bologna while flexing his biceps to warm them up before his next shift. The most rowdy the audience got was when the band played something called Birdhouse in Your Soul. And by rowdy, I mean they finally unlodged their hands from their corduroy pockets and started gently tapping their upper thighs along with the beat while gingerly bobbing their heads. Long story short, no one seemed even remotely capable of physical confrontation. Its shocking that my boss scheduled dozens of guards for this show.

Fans of the band seemed intimidated by the staff on hand.

My only criticism about the evening was that some of the venue sentinels were folding their arms in a very aggressive manner, said James Triboldt while wearing two They Might Be Giants shirts because he couldnt decide on just one. Im talking mean-mugging and everything. Its like, did we do something wrong? I hope it wasnt because I smuggled in a few homemade gluten-free vegan cookies. I knew I shouldve brought enough for everyone. Really screwed the pooch on that one.

They Might Be Giants singer John Linnell has noticed a pattern with the bouncers at their recent shows.

A good 75% of the security guards that work our gigs leave halfway through after assessing our audiences as a non-threat and realizing that there are probably more productive things they could be doing with their time, said Linnell. A fair amount of venues have even been using cardboard cutouts of security personnel near the front of the stage to strike fear into concertgoers. Seems like it has some sort of scarecrow effect. It works surprisingly well too, since the cutouts are just as realistically motionless as security guards.

At press time, venue staff prepared for another easy night after noticing that theyd be working during Wilcos set.

The post Venue Security Guard Not Really Sure Why Theyre Needed at They Might Be Giants Show appeared first on The Hard Times.


Real Life Almost Famous? This Music Journalist Got Paid "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cameron Crowes coming-of-age classic Almost Famous is an entertaining, albeit slightly inaccurate portrayal of music journalism. Sure, we can suspend our belief about one particular teenage boy getting offered $1000 for a feature in 1973, but overall this movie sets unrealistic financial expectations for freelance music journalists. Trust us, we know.

Nevertheless, one ambitious freelancer is living out her Almost Famous fantasy by actually getting paid! Thats right, 23-year-old Tonya Comstock interviewed a band for her local newspaper and received legal American money for her work. Usually, music journalists are lucky to get a spot on the guest list, a free album from a record labels PR team, or maybe even a cigarette if theyre interviewing a really cool band. But money? Thats a level of success only seen in the movies.

This is really exciting for Tonyas career. She may not make enough to quit her day job as a barista, but she made $35. Thats the same amount of cash William Miller got to review a Black Sabbath show before landing a cover story for Rolling Stone. Granted, that kid made a lot more when you remember $35 in 1973 is over $200 adjusted for inflation today, but Tonya is still psyched to have beer money.

Getting paid isnt the only way Tonya lives out her Almost Famous fantasy. She also gets constant phone calls from her overbearing mother who hates rock music and begs her not to do drugs. If scenes from Almost Famous keep happening in her personal life at this rate, shell be writing for Rolling Stone in no time!

Regardless of the implications for her budding journalism career, Tonya should be proud to earn actual cash. She has plenty of time to pitch even more paid gigs on the flight to her sisters wedding. Hopefully, that plane ride goes more smoothly than the one in her favorite film about music journalism!

The post Real Life Almost Famous? This Music Journalist Got Paid appeared first on The Hard Times.


Charitable Punk Puts Half Smoked Cigarette in Donation Bin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

FARGO, N.D. Local punk Calvin Patch McCambell is receiving less than stellar reviews from his community regarding his self-proclaimed act of altruism of putting a half-smoked cigarette in a clothing donation bin.

Yeah, Ive always been an empath, said McCambell. I could have really used that cigarette, but when I saw that donation bin I thought you know, I bet there are people out there who could use this more than me. There should really be cigarette donation bins, but Ive never seen one, so I figured the clothes bin was the best place to put it. It may not seem like much, but Im pretty sure Jesus said that its better for a poor man to give his only shirt than a rich man to give half his cash or something like that. Ive never actually been to church, but now I definitely dont need to go.

McCambell has been boastfully telling everyone who will listen about his questionable act of charity, including his housemate Stef Manner.

Patch has been on his high horse for weeks about this and its pissing me off, said Manner. He wont shut the fuck up about how hes really doing something for the community and making a difference and asking me and the other housemates what were doing to help. Hes never done anything for anybody unless he gets something out of it, and now all of a sudden hes a self-proclaimed phelanthropist. Also, I bummed him that cigarette, for fucks sake.

Lisa Punter, manager of the clothing charity Garments For Change, is furious about the situation.

I dont know who in their right mind would think putting a lit cigarette into a pile of clothing is a good idea, said Punter. Luckily, someone saw the smoke coming out and alerted the fire department. We werent able to salvage any of the donations from the bin, and multiple shelters were counting on a shipment from us this week. If this guy really wants to be charitable, hell donate his brain to science once he dies of lung cancer.

At press time, McCambell is considering launching his own not-for-profit organization Cigs For People Who Need Cigs, and has been seen scouring ashtrays for salvageable smokes.

The post Charitable Punk Puts Half Smoked Cigarette in Donation Bin appeared first on The Hard Times.


Remember New Jack Swing? No? Then You Probably Wont Do Well on This New Jack Swing Quiz I Worked Hard On "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Nowadays, Hip-hop and R&B are intrinsically connected, rap songs regularly feature soulful hooks over samples and nearly all pop songs have an MC do a verse, but in the late-1980s and early-1990s, the fusion of jazz, R&B, and rap over swinging drum machine samples was known as the phenomenon as New Jack Swing.

It was a sensation, I thought it had pervaded the culture enough that a quiz called How Well Do You Know New Jack Swing? But no one knows anything about it! So heres

1. Which of the following was NOT a member of New Edition?

A. Michael Bivins
B. Bobby Brown
C. Johnny Gill
D. Montell Jordan

Still too hard? Come on!

2. The correct name of this seminal New Jack Swing group is _____.
A. Tony! Tony! Tony!
B. Tony! Tonee! Toe-knee!
C. Tony! Toni! Ton!
D. Tonee! Toneee! Toneeee!

None of this makes sense to you, does it? Look, there was once a group called Tony! Toni! Ton! Thats who I was referring to. Go ahead, circle B. This will be a free space.

3. Color Me Badd were featured on which 90s Fox show?

A. The Simpsons
B. The X-Files
C. Married With Children
D. Beverly Hills 90210

I hope you guessed the teen drama since it was the perfect venue for a stylish boy band. Not the animated show or the Alien-hunting FBI agents.

4. The term New Jack Swing was coined in a profile of Teddy Riley in this now-defunct New York Alternative paper.

A. The New York Times
B. The New York Daily News
C. The New York Post
D. The Village Voice

Didnt you look at context clues? Even if youve never heard of this fusion of hip-hop and R&B, didnt Defunct, Alternative paper tell you anything? Alright, Ill make it easier.

5. Bobbi Browns On Our Own was featured on the soundtrack to this 1989 spooky comedy sequel.

A. Batman
B. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
C. Ghostbusters II
D. Back to the Future II

6. New Jack Swing is a genre of music.

True or False.

Oh, now its too easy?

7. In a drastic career change, famed Singer/Producer Raphael Saadiq founded a video game studio, IllFonic. IllFonic is best known for developing this 2017 survival horror game, based on a long-running horror movie franchise.

B. Friday the 13th
C. Midsommar
D. Barbarian

Got that one, didnt you? Nerd.

8. Kenneth Brian Edmunds got this stage name because of his youthful, babyish face.

A. Babyface
B. Al B. Sure
C. Heavy D
D. Keith Sweat

Ill take this seriously when you take this seriously. You think writing quizzes is easy?

9. This King of Pops record, Dangerous, is the best selling New Jack Swing album of all time selling 30 million...


Have a look at this brilliantly funny pronunciation guide to US State names [NSFW] "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Meanwhile on TikTok, thatsteviewebb has uploaded a handy guide to the correct pronunciation of US states which people frequently get wrong.

Its brilliantly funny stuff, were sure youll agree

@thatsteviewebb NEW PRONUNCIATION VIDEO Ive had lots of requests for a new one of these and so Im happy to help. Safe travels. #pronunciation #tutorial #accenttutorial #satirecomedy #accents #thebookofmormon #steviessoundoftheday #ticktock #bookofmormon #gaytiktok #funnyvideos #viralvideo original sound Stevie Webb

So much to enjoy, as other TikTokkers agreed



Tucker Carlson: Here is the truth "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WARNING-GRAPHIC FOOTAGE: Fox News host Tucker Carlson fires back at critics who are outraged over his airing previously hidden footage of the January 6 Capitol breach on Tucker Carlson Tonight.
#foxnews #fox #tuckercarlson

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Nifty News: Jimmy Fallon wants exemption from BAYC trademark case "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jimmy Fallon wants out of the BAYC trademark case, while Blur is responsible for the NFT markets three-month high.


Hopefully I can grow something this year "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Last couple of years I have had health issues and what I did plant I wasn't able to take care of. I'm going to be light this year to see how I feel.


Will the third time be the charm for Hillary Clinton? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News contributor Kellyanne Conway discusses how Hillary Clinton appears to be possibly angling for another chance at the White House on Jesse Watters Primetime.

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10 Times the Golden Ratio Was Used in War and How It May Apply to Survival "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By the author of The Preppers Guide to Post-Disaster Communications and The Faithful Prepper

Many enmeshed within the world of art are well aware of Pythagoras discovery of the Golden Ratio a mysterious figure that is inherently beautiful. Just what is that ratio? 0.618, or around 3/5. Anytime you have a painting that utilizes this ratio, it will be recognized to have traits of beauty within it. Photographers will recognize the rule of thirds present within the Golden Ratio, being a rough estimate of 0.618.

Of course, the painters skill with a brush, the subject matter, and the time spent on the final piece are also vital components of determining how beautiful a piece will be, but the point remains: there is something inherently special about the Golden Ratio.

But are there other aspects of life where we can see the Golden Ratio at work? Can it be applied to fields other than art? What about the field of war? History appears to instruct us so. If we examine the life of war throughout history, we can find multiple examples of the Golden Ratio being applied successfully, resulting in victory for the man who uses its secrets, knowingly or not.

And while generals throughout history may not have realized this was what they were doing using the Golden Ratio the fact remains that it still seems to benefit the user. Perhaps mathematical beauty applied to war is an ingredient for constant success? Perhaps it can warn us as to when conflict is soon to turn sour?

If we take a closer look, I think youll be surprised at what we find out

10.) The Battle of Arbela 

War is part art, and few displayed this as well as the man who would have The Great tacked on to the end of his name: Alexander.

Alexander the Great would demonstrate his ability to paint a masterpiece with his sword at the Battle of Arbela, where he would finally vanquish his long-time foe, King Darius. The two men had fought each other for years, with Alexander even going so far as to capture Darius family.

The Battle of Arbela was identified by both men as to be the final decision as to who would reign throughout their section of the world. Both men were formidable enemies to behold, and knowing he was in for no easy fight, in preparation for Alexanders attack, Darius set about fortifying his position as best he could. Obstacles and traps were placed throughout the battlefield, scythed chariots were pre-positioned so that they could best mow down enemy troops, and longer swords and spears were handed out to his men. By some estimates, Darius position was a million men strong.

He s...


Ancient Stargate unearthed in Samarkand in 1903 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Notice the inscriptions at the edges of the portal? The same font as in the Stargate series, where is this artifact now?


Polygon, Solana Lead Majors Slide Amid Bitcoin Weakness "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Alternative currencies fell following weakness in bitcoin. (CoinDesk)


21 attempted disgruntled poses from Reddits r/compoface files "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Weve all seen them. Those people who put on their best disgruntled face as the local press tells their tale of woe often for good reason occasionally less so.

The Reddit forum r/compoface is a collection of those types of images, describing its content as

Local press, folded arms, fierce looks, demanding compo.

Here are some favourites.

1. Tooth hurty


2. Pissed off


3. Dont go breaking my link


4. Down in the dumps


5. Crust dreams


6. This is a local streat for local cabins



Australian Who Got Into Berghain Returns Home To Bring It Up In Every Conversation Hell Ever Have "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact Its one of the hardest nightclubs to get into in like the whole world, Aunty B, he said. We got knocked back the first time but we went back dressed all in black and didnt speak to each other. When the bouncer spoke to us, I just replied zwei and held up two []

The post Australian Who Got Into Berghain Returns Home To Bring It Up In Every Conversation Hell Ever Have appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Phone Slapped Across Room As Mum Keeps Swiping After Being Shown Photo From Last Night "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | Contact In what began with an innocent photo presentation of a catch up with some old school mates, Andrew Pine has had mentally call in a code red to regain possession of his phone and prevent his mother from continuing to swipe beyond what shes allowed to see. As panic set in, Andrew made []

The post Phone Slapped Across Room As Mum Keeps Swiping After Being Shown Photo From Last Night appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Container Ship Of Jim Beam Docks In Newcastle As City Prepares For 24 Hours of Le Cans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

KEITH T. DENNETT | New South | CONTACT Eyebrows have been raised in the city of Newcastle today, as the local port authority welcomes its first ever delivery of an alternative fuel source. The Advocate understands that at 8:52am this morning horns were honked across the Newcastle harbour, as locals gathered together wave in a 100,000 ton container ship []

The post Container Ship Of Jim Beam Docks In Newcastle As City Prepares For 24 Hours of Le Cans appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Silvergate downfall sparks debate over whose fault it actually was "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The demise of the crypto-friendly bank has prompted discussion about who tipped the first domino, and where crypto firms can turn for their banking needs.


Ginsenoside Rg3 liposomes regulate tumor microenvironment for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2023 Mar 7:1-14. Epub 2023 Mar 7. PMID: 36881020 Abstract Title:  Ginsenoside Rg3 Liposomes Regulate Tumor Microenvironment for the Treatment of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: To improve the solubility and targeting of Ginsenoside Rg3 (G-Rg3), in the current study, we constructed a novel targeting functional material folic acid -poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-cholesteryl methyl carbonate (FA-PEOz-CHMC, FPC) modified G-Rg3 liposomes (FPC-Rg3-L).METHODS: FPC was synthesized by using folic acid (FA) as a targeted head coupling with acid-activated poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-cholesteryl methyl carbonate. The inhibitory effects of the G-Rg3 preparations on mouse breast cancer cells (4T1) were investigated by CCK-8 assay. Paraffin sections of female BALB/c mice viscera were taken for hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining after continuous tail vein injection of G-Rg3 preparations. BALB/c mice bearing triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) were used as animal models to investigate the inhibition of G-Rg3 preparations on tumor growth and improving quality of life. Transforming growth factor-1 (TGF-1) and-smooth muscular actin (-SMA) were used to investigate the expression of two fibrosis factors in tumor tissues by western blotting.RESULTS: Compared with G-Rg3 solution (Rg3-S) and Rg3-L, FPC-Rg3-L had a significant inhibitory effect on 4T1 cells (

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People are raging at the cruel way this woman was let go from her job "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Were not sure this outrageous way of breaking bad news had sunk in when Lola Blayne @lolablayne made her TikTok, because she seems to have taken it far better than most people would have.

Prepare to bristle on her behalf.

@lolablayne looks like im a content creator now #fyp original sound lola


Lola confirmed that her contract was at an end, but as it had been informally suggested that she would be kept on the actual outcome was quite unexpected.

TikTokers were fuming and many could empathise because of their own horrible bosses.

I got fired through text! Bro I feel you.

I was a PA and my boss put my firing on his calendar, that I managed!

Better than the meeting being labelled Lolas promotion and then being told youre being promoted to customer
Andrew Young

Bro what is the beef between you and ur ex boss??? Im crying bro why would he do that

Lord have mercy.

Wow thats really unprofessional of them.
Simpin Sally

Oh my god. How DARE they?

Drop the name of the business. I have a review to write immediately.
Josh Archer



SBFs lawyers signal need to push back October criminal trial "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sam Bankman-Frieds lawyers said theyre still waiting on evidence from federal prosecutors and may need more time to prepare a defense.


Deciding to decline, or deciding to wait and see? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Birth decisions arent always as clear-but as some people think.

I have a friend called Jenna who became my friend after being a past midwifery client. We reconnected a few years after her birth when I asked her if I could share elements of her care story in Whats Right For Me? Making decisions in pregnancy and childbirth.

Jenna was, of course a pseudonym and she and her partner Dev had been through a journey of decision-making around so-called post-term pregnancy.

In a nutshell, Jenna questioned why induction was recommended simply because a certain date had been reached. I looked at the research for her, so I could give her the actual risk statistics. More than twenty years later, Im the author of two books about induction and Jennas baby is at university.

The value of being clear

It was in writing about Jenna and Devs story that I first started paying attention to the importance of being really clear about what is being decided when decisions are made.

Because the nature of my practise as an independent midwife (and the beliefs that underpin that) meant that I worked with many women, couples and families who decided to decline certain interventions which are offered routinely at a particular point.

Im talking about things like...



Teenager Asks if Shes a Jerk for Crying on Purpose at a Dinner to Embarrass Her Dad and Brother "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Yikesthis sure doesnt sound like its gonna be a cakewalk, does it?

You can say that again!

So lets cut the chit-chat and get all the details in this story that a woman shared on the Am I the A**hole? page on Reddit.

Hang on tight!

AITA for crying at dinner on purpose to embarrass my dad and brother?

I know the title sounds ridiculous, but theres context!

Im currently in high school and I live with my dad and brother (my moms not in the picture anymore). While Im not very close with my father, hes not a bad dad. Hes just a little old fashioned so hes closer to my brother (they have the same hobbies, etc.).

Onto the problem: I dont know how it started, but for the past couple of my months both my dad and my brother will start teasing me about that time of the month any time I even get remotely irritated or upset at them. For example, my brother ate a snack of mine that I was saving, and when I got mad he just joked, oh no, is it that time again in a super annoying voice.

Ive kept trying to tell them separately and together that its really annoying and offensive, and I feel like theyre totally minimizing how I feel about things I feel I had valid reasons for being annoyed about. They just brush it off even MORE and chalk it up to my period no matter what time of the month it is.

Well, yesterday we had dinner with my whole family on my dads side for my aunts birthday. Before the dinner I got in a huge fight with my brother because he broke my iPad and instead of apologizing he just said the whole time of the month thing. I can admit that by the time we got to my Grand...


Gutfeld: Nobody has the guts to say this "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Gutfeld! co-hosts react to a recent study that found employers are less likely to hire nonbinary applicants.
#foxnews #fox #gutfeld

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Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.17 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00005 BTC


The Allegory of the cave for the 21st Century "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Allegory of the cave for the 21st Century

Rev. Kat Carroll Around 375 B.C., Plato wrote a series of books called The Republic. Book VII focuses on Platos philosophy on how people obtain knowledge about the better things in life; beauty, justice and what is good. But what if your observations are limited by your perception of reality and those who control it? I wonder what Plato would think of our ability to share ideas and knowledge at the speed of light via the world wide web.  It would be wonderful if always open and honest. But, our world views have been controlled and contrived, with well scripted propaganda played out as "news". This has been to direct the public on how to think, feel and act. Youve seen movies with public speakers and town criers yelling hear ye, hear ye.  Then came telegraph, printed newspaper and radio. Radio began broadcasting in the early 1920s, using their voices to inform and influence public opinion. Shortly after came television and a whole new way to influence people, including subliminal programing, still carried out today. Throughout WWII the entertainment industry was often controlled by the government to show the war in a positive light and keep civilian spirits high. Joseph Goebbels, German propaganda minister, called the radio the eighth great power, noting the influence of radio in promoting the Third Reich. Propaganda was also used In World War II to demoralize American GIs in the Pacific and European theatres. Anonymous voices on the radio were mixed with selected American music to push the virtues of Japanese and Nazi causes.  Servicemen were encouraged to stop fighting while false claims of American defeats along with Japanese or Nazi victories were aired.  In some instance, family members back home were mentioned as well as specific platoons. GIs dubbed the voice from Japan Tokyo Rose and the two from Germany were called Axis Sa...


Commie Jim Chalmers One Step Closer To Seizing Every Australians Home After Super Changes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT They warned us this would happen. They tried to open our eyes to what would come next. They tried to save us from a government hellbent on destroying the fabric of our economy and our society. They tried to save us from ourselves. But we didnt listen. If you arent up to speed, []

The post Commie Jim Chalmers One Step Closer To Seizing Every Australians Home After Super Changes appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Biden wants to double capital gains and clamp down on crypto wash sales: Reports "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Biden administration reportedly wants to apply the wash sale rule to crypto, which would end a strategy in which a trader sells and then immediately buys digital assets for tax purposes.


Stablecoins and Ether are going to be commodities, reaffirms CFTC chair "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In the tug-of-war between the United States regulators over control of crypto assets, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission chair has tripled-down on his stance that Ether and stablecoins are commodities.


Jupiters Official Moon Count is Now at a Staggering 92 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Thanks to the discovery of 12 new moons in Jupiters orbit, the gas giant officially has the most known moons in the Solar System at 92, surpassing Saturns 83 satellites. Dr. Scott Sheppard spent the past couple of years tracking Jupiters new moons, which are now published by the Minor Planet Center.

Jupiter Moons featured image Jupiters Official Moon Count is Now at a Staggering 92

Photo Credit: Pixabay

All 12 of the new moons are too small for official names, take at least 550 days to complete one orbit, and are located in different orbiting groups. Nine are part of distant moon clusters that orbit Jupiter in retrograde, meaning they revolve around the planet in the opposite direction to the inner moons. The other three were within the prograde satellites, meaning they orbit from west to east, located between the large Galilean moons and the distant retrograde clusters.

Astronomers believe the new mini-moons are fragments left behind after larger moon collisions millions of years ago. We dont know exactly what crashed into the ancient moons, but Sheppards research from 2018 suggests that Valetudo, one of Ju...


Report: Elon Musk Far Cooler When He Was A Mysterious Billionaire Inventor "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Embattled tech billionaire, Elon Musk is this week continuing to destroy his once slick Ironman-like reputation by the minute, as the stateless apartheid nepo-baby insists on live-tweeting every minute of his mid-life crisis. This comes after an extraordinarily cringeworthy spree of Tweets posted by the Twitter owner himself, where he is seen to []

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Tim Tszyu Rattles Detroit Opponent By Revealing His Real Name Is Clarence And He Went To Private School "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Pre-match fanfare is well underway as undefeated Aussie boxing superstar Tim Tszyu returns to the ring to take on USAs former world champion Tony Harrison for an Interim WBO Super Welterweight. However, it seems that this weeks media events have resulted in some exceptionally low blows between the fighters. As part of the []

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Ginsenoside Rg1 attenuation of neurogenesis disorder and neuronal apoptosis in the rat hippocampus after spinal cord injury. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Neuroreport. 2023 Mar 22 ;34(5):290-298. Epub 2023 Mar 1. PMID: 36881751 Abstract Title:  Ginsenoside Rg1 attenuation of neurogenesis disorder and neuronal apoptosis in the rat hippocampus after spinal cord injury may involve brain-derived neurotrophic factor/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling. Abstract:  OBJECTIVE: We previously demonstrated that spinal cord injury (SCI) induced hippocampus injury and depression in rodents. Ginsenoside Rg1 effectively prevents neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we investigated the effects of ginsenoside Rg1 on the hippocampus after SCI.METHODS: We used a rat compression SCI model. Western blotting and morphologic assays were used to investigate the protective effects of ginsenoside Rg1 in the hippocampus.RESULTS: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor/extracellular signal-regulated kinases (BDNF/ERK) signaling was altered in the hippocampus at 5weeks after SCI. SCI attenuated neurogenesis and enhanced the expression of cleaved caspase-3 in the hippocampus; however, ginsenoside Rg1 attenuated cleaved caspase-3 expression and improved neurogenesis and BDNF/ERK signaling in the rat hippocampus. The results suggest that SCI affects BDNF/ERK signaling, and ginsenoside Rg1 can attenuate hippocampal damage after SCI.CONCLUSION: We speculate that the protective effects of ginsenoside Rg1 in hippocampal pathophysiology after SCI may involve BDNF/ERK signaling. Ginsenoside Rg1 shows promise as a therapeutic pharmaceutical product when seeking to counter SCI-induced hippocampal damage.

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NIMBY Richmond Shitebags Want Drug Users To Die In The Park Like The Good Old Days "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A pair of Kooyong downsizers that moved into Richmond a few years ago are appalled at the Victorian Governments decision to make the Richmond Injecting Room a permanent fixture of the trendy inner-city suburb. Greg and Regina Greenslope told The Advocate that they are disappointed with the decision mainly []

The post NIMBY Richmond Shitebags Want Drug Users To Die In The Park Like The Good Old Days appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


AirBit Club execs face decades in prison after pleading guilty to $100M fraud "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Co-founder Pablo Renato Rodriguez and three senior promoters all recently pled guilty to the charges, while the other founder pleaded guilty in October 2021.


Can we please just stop fu$%ing with birth already? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Just a day after International Womens Day, an article appeared in The Age today with the alarmist headline; The figures are appalling: Rising number of Victorian women haemorrhaging after childbirth. You want to know whats appalling? The fact that only 40% of Australian women experience a spontaneous labour. About 35% are induced and around []

The post Can we please just stop fu$%ing with birth already? appeared first on Birthwell Birthright.


Woman Who Has Both A Toddler And A Cat Says Goodbye To Ever Shitting In Peace Again "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact Betoota Heights mum Tamsin Gellar [29] has this week come to the conclusion that her days of shitting in peace are well and truly over for a while, after realising that she hadnt been able to escape to the porcelain throne for a respite without being bothered by either her three year old, []

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Marathon Digital terminates credit facilities with Silvergate Bank "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The decision to end its loan facilities with Silvergate Bank follows a shift in Marathons long-term financial strategy to build liquidity.


Antiobesity potential of major metabolites from Clitoria ternatea kombucha. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Curr Res Food Sci. 2023 ;6:100464. Epub 2023 Feb 18. PMID: 36875892 Abstract Title:  Antiobesity potential of major metabolites fromkombucha: Untargeted metabolomic profiling and molecular docking simulations. Abstract:  The prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing and poses serious health risks accompanied by a decrease in life expectancy and quality of life. Therefore, the therapeutic potential of natural-derived nutraceuticals against obesity and its comorbidities needs to be explored. Molecular inhibition of lipase enzymes and fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) protein has attracted some recent interest in efforts to find antiobesity agents. This study aims to innovate a fermented drink fromkombucha (CTK), find out their metabolites profile, and determine the antiobesity potential through a molecular docking study. The CTK formulation refers to previous research while the metabolites profile was determined using HPLC-ESI-HRMS/MS. Major compounds were selected based on best match value > 99.0% of the M/Z cloud database. A total of 79 compounds were identified in CTK, and 13 ideal compounds were selected to be simulated in the molecular docking study against human pancreatic lipase,-amylase,-glucosidase, porcine pancreatic lipase, and FTO proteins. The study found that Kaempferol, Quercetin-3-D-glucoside, Quercetin, Dibenzylamine, and-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone showed the best potential as functional antiobesity compounds since their affinity value ranked high in each respective receptor. In conclusion, the major compounds of CTK metabolites have the potential to be promising functional foods against obesity. However, furtherandstudies should validate these health benefits.

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Plastic Cowboy Hat Importer Buys Qantas Business Flights To Europe After Harry Styles Season "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

KEITH T. DENNETT | New South | CONTACT The owner of a Betoota knick-knack store will be treating himself to a European holiday this year after his business made some very healthy profits over February. Well known in the community for his string of cheapie businesses around town, local bloke John Simpkins has been operating Go-Lo franchises across the []

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Silvergate Bank Announces Liquidation And Winding Down Of Operations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p class="subtitle">Once a major banking partner for various cryptocurrency firms, Silvergate will end its operations in line with regulatory requirements.</p> <p>In a press release shared on Wednesday, Silvergate Capital Corporation, the holding company for Silvergate Bank, announced the immediate winding down of the banks operations along with voluntary liquidation of the bank.</p> <p>In light of recent industry and regulatory developments, Silvergate believes that an orderly wind down of Bank operations and a voluntary liquidation of the Bank is the best path forward, the <a href= ""> press release</a> states. The wind down process will include full repayment of all deposits.</p> <p>Silvergate Bank will also discontinue the Silvergate Exchange Network (SEN), which it announced previously on March 3, 2023 on its website. According to the press release, all other deposit-related services remain operational.</p> <p>Centerview Partners LLC will act as the banks financial advisor, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP will act as its legal advisor, and Strategic Risk Associates will provide transition project management assistance.

Just yesterday, Bitcoin Magazine PROs Dylan LeClair <a href= ""> detailed the reason</a> for this sudden collapse, writing that Silvergates share price isnt imploding due the performance of a crypto token as was the case for many companies in the crypto winter of 2022, but rather from a deposit exodus that has forced the firm to liquidate long-duration securities at a loss in order to remain liquid. He goes on to explain the fractional reserve and lending system that evidently has led to the downfall of the bank.</p></p>


Lido Finance Weighs Sunsetting Liquid Staking on Polkadot, Kusama "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Lido Finance has become the most popular liquid staking service with some $9 billion of assets. (Lido Finance)


Agenda 2050 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

They have a plan to take us out by 2050:

How come we don't have a plan to stop them?


What Really Happened Inside the COVID-19 Vaccine Trials? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Recently, I reviewed the horrendous subject of medical gaslighting, something that many have had to face throughout the pandemic, when one doctor after another made the claim that COVID-19 vaccine reactions cant exist and your physical problems must all be in your head. Today I will discuss a central foundation of medical gaslighting.

One of the major things that underlies almost all cults (along with many other organizations that seek to control large numbers of people) is that its adherents are trained to interpret everything they see through the lens of their ideology, and deny anything they observe which challenges it. Within the modern institution of science, this is accomplished by creating the mythology that humans are irrational beings whose observations cannot be trusted.

Science, then solves this problem it created by providing evidence that is more trustworthy than anyones individual flawed observations, and thus effectively silences any challenges to the institution (e.g., those inconvenient observations frequently made by members of the public).

Often in medicine, we observe this issue because doctors will insist that there is no evidence that an adverse reaction to a medical product could have occurred. Rather, the injury must have been a coincidence or the product of a pre-existing psychological problem. As you might expect, this mindset incentivizes pharmaceutical companies to do everything they can to produce doctored clinical trials that conceal any and all adverse events from their product.

This problem is epitomized by the gold standard of randomized controlled trials (RCT). In theory, these trials provide the most accurate data (to the point doctors will rarely consider anything else), but in reality, their benefit is much less than most realize (eloquently explained within this essay by Harvey Risch).

Conversely, it costs an enormous amount of money to conduct large RCTs, and that sponsor bias inevitably results in the trial being twisted to support the interests of its sponsors.

Sadly, although this is a longstanding issue, very little has been done to address it and the majority of doctors in practice are completely unaware of this problem, as they view RCTs as being a necessary box to check off in deciding what medical decisions to make.

Note: When the effect of a drug is very small, a large placebo controlled trial is necessary to detect the benefit (or just fabricate it), but when the benefit is large, it can be demonstrated with a much smaller trial. I and colleagues are...

How Pfizer's Trials Were Fraudulent "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Details continue to emerge about coverups and fraud that took place during Pfizer's COVID-19 shot trials. Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, were removed from the trial data.1,2

Meanwhile, trial data were manipulated "to create the illusion" the shot is 90% effective, for instance by excluding participants who got injected and developed COVID-19 within the next 14 days.3 Taken together, it leaves little doubt that COVID-19 shots cannot be trusted.

Deaths Occurred Within Days of Shots

The Die Welt report described several deaths that occurred shortly after the injections, but were excluded from the trial data. Among them was a person known as "Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327." The person, a 60-year-old man, died three days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer's COVID shot, reportedly due to stroke4 and arteriosclerosis.

Independent journalist Igor Chudov detailed the case on Substack, noting that the man was discovered via a welfare check, and may have died within two days of the shot. Chudov reported:5

"According to the medical examiner, the probable cause of death was progression of atherosclerotic disease. Relevant tests were unknown. Autopsy results were not available at the time of this report.

In the opinion of the investigator, there was no reasonable possibility that the arteriosclerosis was related to the study intervention, concomitant medications, or clinical trial procedures, but rather it was related to suspected underlying disease. Pfizer concurred with the investigator's causality assessment."

However, it appears the medical examiner may have been unaware the man had received an experimental COVID-19 shot shortly before his death, and didn't give the examination a closer look. Pfizer also neglected to request the medical examiner's report to assess a potential link. Chudov continued:6

"They just took the police report's word that he died of 'arteriosclerosis,' stated that Covid Vax cannot cause 'arteriosclerosis,' and ruled it 'unrelated.' The patient was buried and forgotten. If I may guess, the examiner's diagnosis was not even accurate. The medications that the deceased took, indicate no ongoing, severe sclerotic disease."

Pfizer Falsely Ruled Deaths Were Unrelate...

Mild Obesity Can Double Your Risk for COVID Complications "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Dr. Joseph Mercola

Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a main target of the White House, the political establishment and the global cabal.

Propaganda and pervasive censorship have been deployed to seize control over every part of your life, including your health, finances and food supply. The major media are key players and have been instrumental in creating and fueling fear.

I am republishing this article in its original form so that you can see how the progression unfolded.

Originally published: August 7, 2020

Obesity and overweight have been called out as risk factors for COVID-19 since the early days of the pandemic, and research continues to suggest that carrying excess weight could raise your risk of COVID complications and death. Even mild obesity may raise the risk of COVID-19 severity, calling into question current United Kingdom guidelines that only classify severe obesity as a risk factor.

The new finding was revealed by researchers from the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna in Italy, who analyzed 482 COVID-19 patients hospitalized between March 1 and April 20, 2020.1 "Obesity is a strong, independent risk factor for respiratory failure, admission to the ICU and death among COVID-19 patients," they wrote, and the extent of risk was tied to a person's level of obesity.

'Mild' Obesity Increases Risk of Severe COVID-19 Illness

The researchers used body mass index (BMI) to define obesity in the study, and although BMI can be misleading in determining whether or not you're at a healthy body weight, in part because it does not take muscle mass into account. It's the most commonly used measurement for defining obesity.

If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you are considered overweight and anything over 30 is considered obese. However, obesity is often divided into categories, with class 1 defined as a BMI of 30 to < 35, class 2 as a BMI of 35 to < 40 and class 3 defined as a BMI of 40 or higher, and considered "extreme" or "severe" obesity.2

The U.K.'s National Health Service states that you may be at moderate risk from coronavirus if you are "very obese" with a BMI of 40 or above,3 but the featured study found increased risks started at a BMI of 30, or "mild" obesity.

"Health care practitioners should be aware that people...


Safe to Fly? Pilots and Flight Attendants Who Recently had Cardiac Arrests In-Flight and Died Suddenly "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Dr. William Makis MD

There has been an increasing number of stories of pilots and flight attendants suffering cardiac arrests and sudden deaths in-flight, and here are some that made it into mainstream media:

UK Pilot Instructor, age 57, died suddenly in-flight (Jun.2022)



Safe to Fly? Pilots and Flight Attendants Who Recently had Cardiac Arrests In-Flight and Died Suddenly "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Dr. William Makis MD

There has been an increasing number of stories of pilots and flight attendants suffering cardiac arrests and sudden deaths in-flight, and here are some that made it into mainstream media:

UK Pilot Instructor, age 57, died suddenly in-flight (Jun.2022)



Coles Update Their Slogan To More Accurately Reflect Their Business "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT One of nations supermarket duopoly have made a big media splash today, by revealing a huge marketing change. Famous for lying about selling affordable groceries to the nation, Coles have flipped their Down Down marketing campaign on its head. Weve decided to just cut the shit, laughed the head of marketing at the []

The post Coles Update Their Slogan To More Accurately Reflect Their Business appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Influence of clitoria ternatea extracts on memory and central cholinergic activity in rats. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Pharm Biol. 2000 ;38(1):51-6. PMID: 21214440 Abstract Title:  Influence of clitoria ternatea extracts on memory and central cholinergic activity in rats. Abstract:  Clitoria ternatea , commonly known as Shankpushpi, is widely used in the traditional Indian system of medicine as a brain tonic and is believed to promote memory and intelligence. We examined the effectiveness of alcoholic extracts of aerial and root parts of C. ternatea at 300 and 500 mg/kg doses orally in rats in attenuating electroshock-induced amnesia. Extracts at 300 mg/kg dose produced significant memory retention, and the root parts were found to be more effective. In order to delineate the possible mechanism through which C. ternatea elicits the anti-amnesic effects, we studied its influence on central cholinergic activity by estimating the acetylcholine content of the whole brain and acetylcholinesterase activity at different regions of the rat brain, viz., cerebral cortex, midbrain, medulla oblongata and cerebellum. Our results suggest that C. ternatea extracts increase rat brain acetylcholine content and acetyl cholinesterase a ctivity in a similar fashion to the standard cerebro protective drug Pyritinol.

read more


Before COVID Scam, Moderna CEO Said Make A Billion Doses of Vaccines For A Pandemic "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

How can the world shift its COVID-19 strategy from pandemic response to endemic management and close the persistent gaps in access to diagnostics, therapeuti...


The Science Behind Why We Have Inner Monologues "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

For those of us who tend to get stuck in our heads, it may come as a surprise that most of us experience a mix of monologue and other thought patterns. Kristen Carlson, a woman with no inner monologue, explained to the YouTube channel PA Struggles what its like living with the surprisingly common experience of having no inner voice.

Thought bubble featured image The Science Behind Why We Have Inner Monologues

Photo Credit: Pexels

Carlson described thinking without an inner narrator as just seeing it, like others who say they feel their thoughts.

I dont know I just feel like the information is in there and I can pull it forward if I want it, she said. Its like, its like files, theres categories of information in my head and I can pull them to the front if I need them.

According to science, human thinking isnt so black and white; you either have an inner monologue or you dont. A 2008...


Crypto Sectors Reserve Reports Cant Be Trusted, Says U.S. Audit Watchdog "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The U.S. auditing watchdog casts doubt on proof-of-reserve reports. (Krisanapong Detraphiphat/Getty Images)


Whitney Museum Director Adam Weinberg to Step Down "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Whitney Museum of American Arts longtime director Adam Weinberg will depart later this year, the institution announced today. Weinberg will be succeeded by the museums current senior deputy director and chief curator, Scott Rothkopf, on November 1. 

Weinberg has helmed the Whitney since 2003, and his 20-year tenure was marked by a multitude of institutional changes and controversies. The museum moved from the Upper East Side to a modern Renzo Piano building in the Meatpacking District in 2015. Two years later,  the Whitney Biennials inclusion of Dana Schultzs polarizing oil painting of the late Emmett Till laying mutilated in his casket drew protests calling for the works removal and destruction.&n...


Safe to Fly? Pilots and Flight Attendants Who Recently had Cardiac Arrests In-Flight and Died Suddenly "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Dr. William Makis MD

There has been an increasing number of stories of pilots and flight attendants suffering cardiac arrests and sudden deaths in-flight, and here are some that made it into mainstream media:

UK Pilot Instructor, age 57, died suddenly in-flight (Jun.2022)



How Can Museums Truly Shake Off Their Colonial Legacy? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Editors Note: This is part of the 2022/23 Emily Hall Tremaine Journalism Fellowship for Curators, and the first of three posts by the authorthe third of which will be an email-only exhibition sent to all Hyperallergic subscribers.

As expectations regarding the social responsibilities of art museums change, understanding the colonial foundations of the museum field is ever more crucial. Recent...


What to See in New York This March "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

With spring right around the corner, art in New York City is already in full bloom. And after the long-awaited return of daylight saving time on March 12, gallery hopping will become much more pleasant. So without further ado, heres a list of shows that touched us and ones that we look forward to seeing this March, including Hew Locke, Saif Azzuz, Miyoko Ito, Asia Week New York, and more.


Asia Week New York



First look at runway India have prepared for Anthony Albaneses flight into Ahmedabad "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Anthony Albaneses visit to India is already causing controversy after images released late last night showed a dusty runway that is expected to deliver plenty of uneven bounce for the PMs plane when it lands this morning. Theres not a lot in there for the captain. Its going to be tricky to navigate, one expert said.

Local authorities prepared two separate runways earlier in the week in order to keep the Australian delegation guessing. But images leaked this morning showed the favoured strip a red, dusty runway that will set the scene for a three-day spin-fest.   

Albanese said he wasnt going to get into a conversation about airstrip preparation, but confirmed he had added extra spinners to his team for the trip. The trip is planned to run for four days although many commentators predict it will be over by the end of day 1.


Trumps Call for Building Freedom Cities Plays Right into Globalists Plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution Control Grid "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

  • Trump pledges to build new generation of cities on federal lands, where everyone is prosperous, safe and secure with lots of police and flying cars
  • Everyone who is awake knows that all modern cities are being developed or redeveloped as smart cities
  • And what is a smart city? Maybe Trump doesnt know, or is he just playing us?
  • Trumps history of talking tough against globalists but then kow-towing to their demands, like he did with the vax, should give us pause.

by Leo Hohmann

For several years now, myself and others with an eye toward the future have been warning people to get out of the cities or risk becoming a ward of the burgeoning technocratic beast system.

Through their smart city technology and various engineered emergencies, the globalists hope to lure us into stack and pack housing where they can more easily control us with 24/7 surveillance and near total dependence on the globalist infrastructure for our jobs, transportation, food, water, healthcare, entertainment, etc. Aldous Huxley, author of the 1931 novel, A Brave New World, foresaw the end result of technocratic advances mixed with creeping centralization even back then.



Trumps Call for Building Freedom Cities Plays Right into Globalists Plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution Control Grid "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

  • Trump pledges to build new generation of cities on federal lands, where everyone is prosperous, safe and secure with lots of police and flying cars
  • Everyone who is awake knows that all modern cities are being developed or redeveloped as smart cities
  • And what is a smart city? Maybe Trump doesnt know, or is he just playing us?
  • Trumps history of talking tough against globalists but then kow-towing to their demands, like he did with the vax, should give us pause.

by Leo Hohmann

For several years now, myself and others with an eye toward the future have been warning people to get out of the cities or risk becoming a ward of the burgeoning technocratic beast system.

Through their smart city technology and various engineered emergencies, the globalists hope to lure us into stack and pack housing where they can more easily control us with 24/7 surveillance and near total dependence on the globalist infrastructure for our jobs, transportation, food, water, healthcare, entertainment, etc. Aldous Huxley, author of the 1931 novel, A Brave New World, foresaw the end result of technocratic advances mixed with creeping centralization even back then.



Dread Scotts Visual Ballad to Nina Simone "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The African-American singer, songwriter, pianist, and civil rights activist Nina Simone has inspired artist Dread Scott for years. In an exhibition at New Yorks Cristin Tierney Gallery opening April 28, Dread Scott Goddam, his art will now be in conversation with Simones music. The show will feature screenprints and paintings inspired by four of her revolutionary songs: Mississippi Goddamn (1964), Four Women (1966), I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to be Free (1967), and Pirate Jenny (1964). 

Scott, a quiet yet humble man, opened the door to greet me during a recent visit to his Brooklyn studio, which resembles a warehouse at first appearance but gradually reveals his small, warm workplace. Born Scott Tyler in 1965 in Chicago, Illinois, the artist adopted his professional name after Dred Scott, an enslaved person who sued for his freedom in the North via the Dred Scott v. Sandford case of 1857. Scott wants his name to remind people that the racism and exploitation that led to the Supreme Court decision, which denied Black citizenship and upheld slavery, persists in America; in his latest series of works, he asks viewers to question how they contribute and conform to that reality.

Simone is a badass an OG,&#8221...


Trumps Call for Building Freedom Cities Plays Right into Globalists Plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution Control Grid "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

  • Trump pledges to build new generation of cities on federal lands, where everyone is prosperous, safe and secure with lots of police and flying cars
  • Everyone who is awake knows that all modern cities are being developed or redeveloped as smart cities
  • And what is a smart city? Maybe Trump doesnt know, or is he just playing us?
  • Trumps history of talking tough against globalists but then kow-towing to their demands, like he did with the vax, should give us pause.

by Leo Hohmann

For several years now, myself and others with an eye toward the future have been warning people to get out of the cities or risk becoming a ward of the burgeoning technocratic beast system.

Through their smart city technology and various engineered emergencies, the globalists hope to lure us into stack and pack housing where they can more easily control us with 24/7 surveillance and near total dependence on the globalist infrastructure for our jobs, transportation, food, water, healthcare, entertainment, etc. Aldous Huxley, author of the 1931 novel, A Brave New World, foresaw the end result of technocratic advances mixed with creeping centralization even back then.



Aaron Carters Mother Posted Pictures of Her Sons Death Scene to Prove That He Was Possibly Killed "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Warning: This article contains graphic pictures.

In November 2022, Aaron Carter was found dead in a bathtub in his Lancaster, California home. He was 34 years old. His death was quickly chalked up to drugs, mainly due to his past addictions.

However, as explained in my article Aaron Carter: The Suspicious Death of a Blatant Industry Slave, there were lots of strange facts and coincidences surrounding this untimely death. For starters, Aaron Carter literally said that people in the industry were trying to kill him.

In my article, I highlighted some similarities between Aaron Carter and Whitney Houston as they were both found dead in a bathtub. Also, in both cases, someone was allowed to access the crime scene (and possibly alter it) before the authorities could investigate it.

Now, there is yet another similarity between Carter and Houston: People close to them are saying that they were potentially murdered and that the investigations were botched.

In a desperate call for an actual homicide investigation, Aaron Carters mother posted on social media grisly pictures of the bathroom where the singer was found. Her goal: To prove that the official story doesnt add up.

Crime Scene?

Screenshot 2023 03 08 130745 Aaron Carter's Mother Posted Pictures of Her Son's Death Scene to Prove That He Was Possibly Killed

In her Facebook post, Jane Schneck wrote that shes still trying to get a real investigation for the death of her son. She claims that the coroner conveniently wrote it off&#...


Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties of Clitoria ternatea root. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PMID:  Fitoterapia. 2003 Jun ;74(4):345-9. PMID: 12781804 Abstract Title:  Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties of Clitoria ternatea root. Abstract:  Clitoria ternatea roots methanol extract when given by oral route to rats was found to inhibit both the rat paw oedema caused by carrageenin and vascular permeability induced by acetic acid in rats. Moreover, the extract exhibited a significant inhibition in yeast-induced pyrexia in rats. In the acetic acid-induced writhing response, the extract markedly reduced the number of writhings at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg (p.o.) in mice.

read more


Spotlight on Controversial AI-Generated Paper Art "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AI (artificial intelligence) has been in the news quite often recently with good reason... it's both intriguing and perplexing to many of us. And definitely controversial. Will it replace human talent or enhance it? AI images abound as text-to-image generators such as DALLE 2, Midjourney, and Lensa AI, all of which can be tried for free at this time, are being put to the test by millions of people around the world.

white 3D geometric heart with colorful paint splashing out from some of the heart's sections
Blow It!
AI + Procreate
Marina Talamaska


FCA officials tell UK parliamentary committee crypto regulation is unavoidable "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The CEO and chairman of the United Kingdom's financial regulator took a grim tone as they discussed crypto regulation but conceded that theyre the ones who have to do it.


Silvergate Capital Corporation will voluntarily liquidate Silvergate Bank "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The company claimed that the bank's voluntary liquidation is its best path forward due to recent industry and regulatory developments.


Neutronpay And BitcoinVN To Host Lightningcon Vietnam, Asias First Bitcoin And Lightning Conference "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In March, Bitcoin and Lightning builders and developers will congregate at a beachside resort in Da Nang, Vietnam.

Asias first Bitcoin and Lightning Network conference will take place in Da Nang, Vietnam, March 22-24, 2023 at the beachside Furama Resort, according to a press release sent to Bitcoin Magazine. 

Hosts Neutronpay and BitcoinVN will organize the event in the town which some have dubbed Bitcoin Beach Vietnam. The two companies, along with Nunchuk, are all Vietnam-based Bitcoin-only companies, and are excited to share what is happening in Asia as it relates to Bitcoin projects, Bitcoin communities and Lightning adoption across the region.

Founder and CEO of Neutronpay Albert Buu, said of the decision that When we looked around, we noticed that other parts of the world were being represented with Bitcoin and Lightning events, but Asia and more specifically emerging markets in Asia had none and were being completely overlooked considering high bitcoin usage in the region. Were proud to say that since we announced the event it has been highly talked about and is now on many people's yearly must-hit conference calendars.

Were extremely excited to be putting on the world's first bitcoin & lightning event in Asia, Malcolm Weed, COO of Neutronpay said, echoing Buu. Bitcoin adoption is very strong across the region with countries like Vietnam (1), Philippines (2), India (4), Pakistan (6), Thailand (8), and China (10) all being in the top 10 global rankings for bitcoin adoption, making it the world's bitcoin epicenter. With over 4B people in Asia, representing half the world's population, 70% of which are unbanked, it is no wonder bitcoin adoption is so strong.

Starting on March 22, the event will commence with a beach meet and greet, followed by two days of speakers who will share the latest advancements in the Bitcoin ecosystem. These presentations will cover both the technological and economic aspects of Bitcoin. Companies building on the Lightning Network are also expected to be well-represented and provide updates on the current state of affairs and exciting ongoing projects.

Due to the limited availability of tickets, only 500 attendees will be able to participate. General admission two-day passes are currently priced at $500, but prices will rise again on March 22. Local Vietnamese attendees can access the non-profit event at a discounted rate of $40. The press release strongly encourages local participants to attend and learn about the technology, as well as meet Vietnamese companies that are building on Bitcoin and Lightning.

Software developers from Vietnam that are interested in working with the Lightning Network, are encouraged to cont...


How the Interpersonal Model Explains, and Heals, Mental Pain | James Barnes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Aeon: When I was studying philosophy years ago, I had what felt like a nervous breakdown. I wasnt able to think clearly or articulate my thoughts, and sometimes stuttered. I thought something had gone wrong in my brain. I went for brain scans but found no answers. I ended up with a psychologist who turned out to be a relational psychoanalyst. That term didnt mean too much to me at the time, but it was life-defining. Through my therapy, I came to realise that there was, in fact, nothing wrong with my brain. It was in my relationships, especially early ones, where the issue lay. As my mind gradually came back to me, I trained to be a relational psychotherapist myself, and became fascinated by the ideas and theories behind it. What I found was nothing short of revolutionary.

Id already been deeply interested in the limitations of Western models of mind, especially in terms of the enduring influence of Ren Descartess dualism between mind and body, mind and world, which set the West into modernity in the 17th century. But this had been a very academic and abstract pursuit. In relational theory, however, I found not only the answers to the problems that our dualistic heritage bestowed upon us, but also to my own suffering, and the roots of much psychological and emotional distress in general.

Prior to Descartess time, mind and world had been understood as entangled, interpenetrating, open to each other. But in the inexorable march of the physical sciences and the mechanistic explanation of the world during the scientific revolution, mind (and soul) were mortally threatened. This led Descartes to split the mind off from the world (and the body that was unarguably part of the world) in order to save it from reduction to physical mechanism. All experience, meaning and purpose once of mind and world both  were withdrawn from the world and put solely into Descartess new mind-substance, something that had not existed before.

When the new scientific discipline of psychology separated off from philosophy in the mid- to late 19th century, it adopted an essentially the present day, certainly in mainstream psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy. Instead of seeing mind as a separate substance, this neo-Cartesian perspective assumes that the mind is somehow identifiable with the brain, brain states and brain functioning. Much like Descartes, however, it maintains the very same vision of mind as an experientially private interior, categorically cut off from the world and others outside.

For Descartes and for modern neo-Cartesian models alike, our experience of the world and others occurs on the inside in our individual minds or brains. For modern psychology, this meant that mental life could be studied and measured in isolation, lending itself to empirical and qu........


Grounded in Clay and Moved by Spirit "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SANTA FE, N. Mex. Grounded in Clay does exactly what its supposed to do. Ground us in our pursuit of creation, explains Santiago Romero (Cochiti/Taos/Santa Ana). With tribal and family participation in the exhibitions curation, Romero lectured and demonstrated Painted Reflections: Isomeric Design in Ancestral Pueblo Pottery at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, as part of the shows ongoing programming. I met him and his cousin, Povi Romero, which led to a shared meal, laughs, and storytelling. Director of the Indian Arts Research Center (IARC) Elysia Poon claimed there is a serendipitous nature to this exhibition, which I can attest to.

Organized by the School for Advanced Research (SAR) and the Vilcek Foundation, along with over 60 curators and 21 tribal communities represented, Grounded in Clay: The Spirit of Pueblo Pottery paves the way for equitable collaborative possibilities between museums and communities. The exhibition, on view through May 29 then traveling to New York, Houston, and St. Louis, explores the themes of utility, elements, connections through time and space, and ancestors. Speaking to community members, artists, and staff from SAR, one thing is evident through showcasing Pueblo Pottery: The exhibition centers relationships.



Artificial sweeteners have no effect on post-meal hunger hormones "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Skeptical Raptor, stalking pseudoscience in the internet jungle.

A new systematic review and meta-analysis provides evidence that artificial sweeteners have no effect on hunger hormones or post-meal glucose.

Skeptical Raptor

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