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Saturday, 06 May


Moonlight Variations "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Friday 5th May, 6.30pm 8.00pm, Wesley of Warragul

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Sunday, 16 April


Die "Zeit" hat ein paar Chatnachrichten von Axel-Springer-Chef ... "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Die "Zeit" hat ein paar Chatnachrichten von Axel-Springer-Chef Dpfner verffentlicht. Der Link geht zur Tagesschau, bei der "Zeit" ist das hinter Paywall.

Die "Zeit" hat sich entschieden, die Chatnachrichten nicht zu paraphrasieren, sondern sie inklusive Tipp- und Grammatikfehlern zu zitieren, wodurch Dpfner wie ein unterbelichteter Vollidiot wirkt. Nicht nur das, sie packen noch "mit ibama meint er vielleicht den US-Prsidenten Barack Obama" und so dran, um den Eindruck noch zu verstrken.

Ich habe das bei der Lektre als sehr manipulativ und unter der Grtellinie empfunden. berhaupt fhle ich mich sehr unwohl bei dieser ganzen Nummer. Ist das legitim, private Chatnachrichten von anderen Leuten zu beschaffen, zu lesen und dann auch noch zu verffentlichen? Die zitieren jetzt nicht Dpfners Pornoprferenzen, aber es fhlt sich trotzdem wie ein sehr unfairer Eingriff in jemandes Privatsphre an.

Gut, viele von den Nachrichten haben tatschlich einen Nachrichtenwert. Beispielsweise dass Dpfner seine Mitarbeiter im Wahlkampf "gefragt" hat, ob man nicht noch mehr fr die FDP zu tun, damit die genug Hebel haben, die Ampel kaputtmachen zu knnen. Das ist skandals, aber jetzt auch nicht wirklich berraschend. Die Springer-Publikationen standen noch nie fr journalistische Integritt und Unabhngigkeit.

Sie haben auch ein paar Ossi-feindliche uerungen von Dpfner gefunden. Die nutzt jetzt der vllig berflssige Ostbeauftragte der Bundesregierung dafr, auch mal irgendwo zitiert zu werden. Aus meiner Sicht kann man die auch mit Vorsatz und Anstrengung nicht als Aufforderung an seine Mitarbeiter sehen, mehr Anti-Ossi-Meinungsmache zu fahren. Das ist seine Privatmeinung, die htte man nicht verffentlichen mssen oder sollen.

Fr mich bleibt als Fazit von diesem Artikel daher, dass ich nichts ber Dpfner gelernt habe, das ich nicht eh schon wusste oder vermutete, sondern ich habe etwas ber die redaktionellen Standards der "Zeit" gelernt. Ich bin mal gespannt, wie die Retourkutsche von Dpfner aussieht. Werden wir demnchst die Browserhistory von Joffe in der "Welt" sehen?

Ich hoffe nicht.

Update: Ich habe auf die Schnelle nur einen Kommentar gesehen, der sich auf Seiten Dpfners geschlagen hat. Im Cicero. Hinter einer Paywall. Damit ebenfalls nicht verlinkbar. Ist mir ja ein Rtsel, wieso sich die Publikationen alle so ins Aus schieen mit ihrem Paywall-Schei.

Update: Ein Lob an dieser Stelle brigens fr die Tagesschau, die die Zitate als "angebliche Dpfner-uerungen" bezeichnet. Das ist an der Stelle genau das richtige Adjektiv.

Update: Die Diskussionen empfinde ich gerade als sehr interessant, die ich gerade mit meinen Kumpels fhre. Im Wesentlichen ist der Konsens, dass der Dpfner das verdient hat, weil seine Zeitungen seit Jahren...

NPR ragequits Twitter. Musk hatte zuvor dafr gesorgt, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

NPR ragequits Twitter. Musk hatte zuvor dafr gesorgt, dass an ihren Tweets das Warnlabel "state-affiliated media" klebt, das sonst fr Organisationen wie Russia Today reserviert ist.

Pikantersweise hat die Deutsche Welle kein solches Warnlabel, obwohl es da ja tatschlich hingehren wrde.

Das Money Quote aus dem Artikel ist allerdings das hier:

For years, many journalists considered Twitter critical to monitoring news developments
Muhahahaha, ja, damals... Gute Zeiten!!

Ich finde ja immer bemerkenswert, wie viele Leute Elon Musk fr ein Genie halten, oder zumindest fr eine schlaue Person.

Encient Egypt "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

uploaders comment:
no comment

the unstoppable barbarism ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

uploaders comment:
despite the announcement of an humanitarian ceasefire , the saudi barabarism against the poor people of yemen continues ...

underdestruction "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

uploaders comment:
yemen : a country under destruction ...

Meine Damen und Herren, die Zeitenwende ist da. Nein, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Meine Damen und Herren, die Zeitenwende ist da. Nein, nicht die. Die andere.

Guckt mal die Heise-Meldung hier. Heise hat, wie die meisten Presseorgane, oben eine Schlagzeile, darunter einen Anreier, dann ein Foto, dann den Text.

Das Foto hat hufig nur am Rande Bezug zur konkreten Meldung, und kommt praktisch immer von irgendwelchen Stock-Foto-Agenturen wie Shutterstock.

Hier steht da als Bildquelle:

(Bild: Erstellt mit Midjourney durch TR)
Midjourney ist eine Bildgenerator-"KI". TR ist Technology Review, von denen die Meldung ursprnglich kommt.

Bezglich Dpfner-Leaks sind mir noch ein paar Gedanken ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Bezglich Dpfner-Leaks sind mir noch ein paar Gedanken gekommen, die ich hier ansprechen mchte.

Erstens: Presse geniet Quellenschutz, und zwar unabhngig von meiner Einstellung zu dem jeweiligen Presseorgan. Das ist ein Grundfesten unserer Demokratie. Aus diesem Winkel betrachtet ist das noch bler, dass jemand Dpfners Kommunikation ausspioniert hat.

Zweitens: Mir ist aufgefallen, dass mein erster Instinkt war, dass Dpfner ja nicht der Bundeskanzler ist. Mit anderen Worten: Beim Bundeskanzler htte ich das vertretbar oder zumindest vertretbarer gefunden. Warum eigentlich? Wieso fand ich, dass der Kanzler weniger Recht auf private Kommunikation hat als Dpfner? Ich habe gerade noch keine gute Antwort.

Drittens: Ein Leser war schockiert, dass ich jetzt auch "Auge um Auge" vertrete, weil ich sagte, das Argument, dass Dpfner das verdient habe, berzeugt mich. Nee, sorry, das war ein Missverstndnis. Das Argument berzeugt mich, dass man das so sehen kann, und Dpfner das mehr verdient hat als irgendjemand anderes, der mir spontan einfllt (auer vielleicht Geheimdienstchefs). Das heit immer noch nicht, dass ich das in Ordnung finde.

Die Nummer wird mich glaube ich noch eine Weile beschftigen.

Gute Nachrichten! Der Cyberangriff gegen die Internetwache ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Gute Nachrichten! Der Cyberangriff gegen die Internetwache der Polizei Berlin konnte aufgeklrt werden. Es handelt sich um einen russischen Terroristen, der digitale Granaten geworfen... Wie? Oh, nein. Sorry. Verrutscht. Es handelte sich um einen verwirrten Einzeltter, der 3000 E-Mails geschickt hat.

Money Quote:

Eine Abschaltung der Seite konnte rechtzeitig verhindert werden.
Welche Seite? Die der Internetwache! Wenn du zuviel E-Mails kriegst, schaltest du dann etwa nicht auch deine Webseite ab?!

Wie tief im Rektum von Regierung und Geheimdiensten ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Wie tief im Rektum von Regierung und Geheimdiensten sitzen die staatstragenden Medien in den USA? Seht selbst!

Bellingcat ist ja eh noch nie als geheimdienst- oder regierungskritisch aufgefallen. Was tun die also angesichts der Pentagon-Leaks? Sie helfen der New York Times, sptestens seit dem Irakkrieg ebenfalls nie wieder mit investigativem Journalismus verwechselt, den Leaker zu identifizieren.

*badumm tsss*

Hmm, also meine Ausfhrungen zu den Accountsperren ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Hmm, also meine Ausfhrungen zu den Accountsperren liefen nicht so gut, wie ich mir das gedacht hatte. Jetzt hab ich hier lauter Hobby- und tatschliche Juristen in der Inbox.

Erstmal die inhaltlichen Updates: der CCC hat sich eingeschaltet und stimmt mir inhaltlich zu, dass "digitale Gewalt" das neue "aber die Kinder ist", mit dem irgendwelche Hobbyideologen das Internet zusammenzensieren wollen. Zweitens: Ulf Buermeyer von der GFF hat sich geuert. Er hatte offenbar den Teil mit der Vorratsdatenspeicherung nicht mitgekriegt und wollte sich blo zu dem Teil mit den Accountsperren uern. Ich hoffe mal, das heit, die GFF wird rigoros gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung vorgehen.

Worauf ich mit meinen ursprnglichen Ausfhrungen eigentlich hinauswollte: Die faseln da die ganze Zeit von Straftaten. Es geht aber berhaupt nicht um Strafrecht. Das wollte ich gerne, dass dem Leser das auffllt, indem ich mit der Brechstange komme und sage: Aber beim Strafrecht zahlt ja der Verlierer.

Das Problem ist, dass hier eine Struktur geschaffen werden soll, wie sie auch die Urheberrechts-Abmahnmafia etabliert hat.

Man stellt einen Straftatbestand in den Raum, der in der Praxis nie erreicht werden wird, sowas wie gewerbsmige Bandenhehlerei. Dann lgt man allen Beteiligten ins Gesicht, es ginge um die Vorbereitung so einer Klage und daher macht man Auskunftsaussprche geltend. Wenn man die Auskunft hat, dann vergisst man, dass man jemals mit Strafrecht gedroht hat und saugt die Opfer zivilrechtlich aus.

Genau die Nummer schlgt das BMJ jetzt fr Online-Beleidigungen vor. Man faselt was von strafbaren Handlungen und schweren Gewalttaten, aber eigentlich will man eine Abmahnindustrie fr Beleidigungen einfhren. Das Feigenblatt sind im Moment erstmal Accountsperren. Das klingt harmlos genug, weil der durchschnittliche Beobachter nicht genug Vorstellungsgemgen und Empathie hat, um sich vorzustellen, dass er selbst eines Tages betroffen sein knnte. Aber das solltet ihr euch mal vorzustellen versuchen. Wie sich das anfhlt, wenn euer Privataccount von irgendwelchen frivolen Klagen irgendwelcher sich beleidigt fhlender AfD-Whler oder Impfgegner geschlossen wird, und ihr alle Freundkontakte ber den Account verliert.

Wie so hufig gilt auch hier der kategorische Imperativ. Wenn du nicht mchtest, dass dir das zustoen kann, dann solltest du es auch nicht fr andere einzufhren versuchen.

Dann hatte ich noch die Kosten angesprochen. Die hatten mit Anwaltskosten argumentiert, und mit hohen Streitwerten. Nun, den Streitwert setzen sie als Klger selbst, und ein Auskunftsersuchen kann man selbstverstndlich auch ohne Anwalt eintten, besonders wenn man ein Abmahnverein ist, wie Hateaid sich offenbar selber positionieren...

Sie haben anscheinend den Pengaton-Leaker gefunden.The ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Sie haben anscheinend den Pengaton-Leaker gefunden.

The man responsible for the leak of hundreds of classified Pentagon documents is reported to be a young, racist gun enthusiast who worked on a military base, and who was seeking to impress two dozen fellow members of an internet chat group.
Sieht aus als seien Faschos im Militr sind nicht nur bei uns ein Problem!
The Post also viewed a video of a man identified as OG at a shooting range with a large rifle.

He yells a series of racial and antisemitic slurs into the camera, then fires several rounds at a target, the report said.

Na das passt ja mal wieder wie Arsch auf Eimer!

Geschichten aus der neuen Welt:Florida lawmakers are ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Geschichten aus der neuen Welt:

Florida lawmakers are considering a draft law to strengthen state control over sex education that its sponsor says would ban any instruction in schools about menstrual cycles before the sixth grade.
Hey, Florida! Welche Frauen belstigen dich nie mit Menstruation? Trans-Frauen! Oh, die mgt ihr auch nicht? Never mind then.

Achtung, wichtige Durchsage unserer amerikanischen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Achtung, wichtige Durchsage unserer amerikanischen Freunde, h, der Tagesschau:

Auerdem heit es, der gyptische Machthaber Abdel Fatah El-Sisi plane offenbar, Russland heimlich mit Raketen und Munition zu untersttzen.
Der Mann wurde zum Machthaber degradiert, nicht mehr Staatschef oder Prsident.

Nicht dass hier einer von euch mit dem Neusprech durcheinanderkommt!1!!

Dass die nicht mal so tun knnen, als betrieben sie serise Berichterstattung! Oh warte, das ist schon wieder der Geheimdienst-Flade. Na das ist ja mal eine berraschung.


Hopefully I can grow something this year "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Last couple of years I have had health issues and what I did plant I wasn't able to take care of. I'm going to be light this year to see how I feel.


Tucker Carlson Originals: Let Them Eat Bugs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News host Tucker Carlson investigates environmentalists pushing people to eat bugs in premiere of Season 3 of Tucker Carlson Originals.

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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All True "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I actually did write a book, Im not sure if I can move forward with the title though. The Million Dollar Da$h was a low estimate of the value of my dash, lol. Im not sure if its even interesting but the main part gets a lot of laughs from almost everyone except my family. Oops. You see, I made a mistake and the survival instinct kicked in. (A DUI is a death sentence in my trade) Heres an actual excerpt from my book. As I took off into the woods the underbrush grabbed my right shoe and...

All True


Entrancing CGI Animation Visualizes the Lipid Theory of How Life Began "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Entrancing CGI Animation Visualizes the Lipid Theory of How Life Began

Stills from Markos Ray's animation aBioGenesis

Photos: MRK

London-based CGI artist Markos Kay focuses his work on complex scientific theories and visualizations. In his latest animation titled aBioGenesis, he explores how life originated on Earth. The results are incredibly mesmerizing.

Kay explains that the primordial soup theory is one of the main ideas of how life was first created on our planet. He says it suggests that life began in a hot, swirling soup of chemicals and energy. Kays animation focuses on another theory, the lipid world theory. This theory postulates that life began as lipids, simple molecules that are insoluble in water. These molecules are said to have formed protective bilayers in the oceans, which Kay concludes, would have acted like tiny bubbles or bags, enclosing and protecting the chemical reactions that would eventually give rise to life.

The artists digital re-imagination is a captivating experience full of organic shapes and colors, which all move like the insides of a complex lava lamp. Stills from the video are available as wallpapers on Behance. But for now, scroll below to watch this incredible video and see the mesmerizing stills.

London-based CGI artist Markos Kays works focus on complex scientific theories and visualizations. In his latest animation, aBioGenesis, he explores how life originated on Earth.


15 natural methods for reducing blood pressure levels "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

High blood pressure is a prevalent issue, impacting 1 in 3 individuals in the United States and 1 billion people globally. Over time, it can harm the heart, leading to heart disease and stroke. There are several ways to decrease blood pressure, such as regular exercise, weight management, and dietary modifications.

Several natural approaches can help lower blood pressure without medication. Here are 15 natural methods for managing high blood pressure:

  1. Exercise and walk regularly: Regular exercise strengthens the heart and improves its efficiency in pumping blood, reducing arterial pressure. A minimum of 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week can lower blood pressure and enhance heart health. More exercise can further decrease blood pressure.
  2. Decrease sodium intake: High salt consumption is linked to high blood pressure and heart events, including stroke. Reducing sodium intake, particularly for those with salt sensitivity, can be beneficial. Replace processed foods with fresh ingredients and season with herbs and spices instead of salt.
  3. Consume less alcohol: Alcohol consumption can elevate blood pressure and increase the risk of chronic health conditions. Moderating alcohol intake to no more than one drink per day for females and two drinks per day for males can help manage blood pressure levels.
  4. Increase potassium-rich food intake: Potassium aids in sodium elimination and blood vessel pressure reduction. Consuming fresh, whole foods with high potassium content, such as vegetables, fruits, dairy, fish, nuts, seeds, and beans, can help lower blood pressure.
  5. Limit caffeine consumption: Although caffeine can cause short-term blood pressure spikes, it does not consistently lead to lasting increases. However, individuals sensitive to caffeine should consider reducing their intake to manage blood pressure levels.
  6. Manage stress: Chronic stress contributes to high blood pressure. Implementing stress management techniques, such as listening to calming music or reducing work hours, can help lower blood pressure.
  7. Consume dark chocolate or cocoa: Flavonoid-rich dark chocolate and cocoa powder can help dilate blood vessels, potentially lowering blood pressure.
  8. Lose weight: Losing at least 5% of body weight can significantly reduce high blood pressure, especially when combined with exercise. Weight loss enhances blood vessel function and eases the hearts blood-pumping workload.
  9. Quit smoking: Although a conclusive link between smoking and high blood pressure has not been established, quitting smoking can reduce heart disease risk.
  10. Reduce added sugar and refined carbs intake: Added sugar and refined carbs have been associated with high blood pressure. Lowering their intake and adopting a low-carb diet can help manage blood pressure levels.
  11. Consume berries: Berries are rich in heart-healthy polyphenols, which can low.........


Bitcoin traders in 'disbullief' as analyst predicts $30K BTC retest "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin should dip to cement the $30,000 flip to support, analysis argues as bullish BTC price takes stay in play.


The Gloves Are Off! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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The opinions expressed through this video are the opinions of the individual author and are for educational and documentary purposes only.

FAIR USE: In the rare instance I include someone elses footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with the intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech.</p> <p>IMPORTANT: All shooting is done on state-approved firing ranges by trained professionals. Our videos are produced in a safe environment by highly trained professionals with decades of experience. These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. Do not attempt to replicate the actions featured in our videos without the proper training, licensing, and medical professionals present.</p> <p>We are not attempting to sell you the items featured in this video. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories, or otherwise change their basic legal function. All firearms and accessories are legal products commonly available in stores all across the United States. Our videos are for entertainment purposes only. We are not a gun shop and...</p></p>


Jimmy Failla: This tells me Biden isnt really running the country | Brian Kilmeade Show "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jimmy Failla, Host Fox Across America joined The Brian Kilmeade Show and discussed the controversy with some MLB teams allowing beer sales into the 8th inning because games are shorter with the new rules. Plus, Jimmy with the latest on the Bud Light, Dylan Mulvaney, controversy #FoxNews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Saturday, 15 April


An inspiring Story "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I've seen several of these kinds of stories, where someone attempts to disprove God and ends up being converted. And it is usually the highly intelligent, the academic minded, but always those who are not closed minded. When they examine the evidence with a purely rational and intellectually honest way they tend to become convinced.
The atheist will condemn the religious as mindless sheep, following unquestioning along, believing whatever fairytale they are told. They cannot conceive that...

An inspiring Story


Dizzying Hyperrealistic Paintings Capture the Shift Perspectives of Bustling Cities "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dizzying Hyperrealistic Paintings Capture the Shift Perspectives of Bustling Cities

Hyperrealistic Cityscape Paintings by Nathan Walsh

Rue Des Saints, oil on linen, 2022

Cities like New York and Paris are so large and complex that it is hard to contain them on one canvas. Artist Nathan Walsh, however, manages to create an incredibly detailed picture of urban living in his hyperrealistic paintings. By using different vantage points and incorporating reflections, these depictions feel like snapshots of a specific place in time, and sometimes of multiple places spanning different moments.

Although always rendered in the same meticulous manner, Walsh's paintings vary slightly with the subject matter. Some of his pieces, such as Delmonico's, portray a straightforward view of a busy intersection in the rain. In other compositions, he overlaps multiple angles to create something strikingly different. This approach can be seen in Rue des Saints, which is based on a busy cafe in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. Instead of a literal view, the painting explores interior, exterior, and reflected space within its square format, he tells My Modern Met. Instead of the static nature of a photograph, the painting became a stage set where found imagery could float in and out of a real location.

In addition to combining multiple perspectives of one place, Walsh has also merged two different locations in a painting. Titled Monarchs Drift, this piece features the cityscapes of Chicago and San Francisco. The resultant painting has a hallucinatory quality which is neither here nor there' and exists as a world in transition, between fully formed states, he says. It is realist in nature but only insofar as the spaces it suggests are cogent and persuasive.

Scroll down to see more of Walsh's paintings, a...


Cats "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cat O' Cat

The Cat In and Out Song


Quick Trip Quacks Detained by Police for Being Overly Friendly "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ducks who frequented a Quick Trip gas station attempted to flee officers, but were ultimately detained by the OFallon Police Department for being overly friendly with human customers visiting the gas station, on Thursday in OFallon, Missouri. Reportedly, plans are in place to relocate the ducks so they are safe.


Jimmy Failla: Woke mayors are making U-Haul rich | Fox Across America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox Across America host Jimmy Failla explains why a growing number of people are fleeing Democrat-run states like New York, California and Michigan.
#foxnews #foxacrossamerica #fox

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Aerial Photos Capture the Artistry of Different Sports From a Birds Eye View "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Aerial Photos Capture the Artistry of Different Sports From a Birds Eye View

Aerial Sports Photography by Ilanna Barkusky

Ordinary activities are given a fresh perspective in the work of Ilanna Barkusky. The Canadian-born and now California-based photographer uses drones to capture swimming, tennis, basketball, and other sports from an overhead view in her series titled Aerial. These artful shots highlight the beauty of athletics from a less-seen angle.

Barkusky's Aerial series is a mixture of photography and moving images. The athletes are almost centered in the image and fully immersed in their location. My aerial work is inspired by how I view the world, Barkusky tells My Modern Met. The view from above feels vibrant and artfully created, which is how I like to see my surroundings. A lot of these beautiful designs are hiding in plain sight, which then open up when captured from a different perspective.

In this way, she showcases the elegance of swimmers navigating through clear pools and basketball players running across the court. I intended to take various locations (a community park, a swimming pool) and show the beauty behind the spaces that we interact with in daily life, Barkusky continues. I started with basketball courts and tracks, and the series has evolved to include much more once I realized the potential of flying above.

Scroll down to see more photos from the Aerial series, and follow Barkusky on Instagram to keep up to date with her latest projects.

California-based photographer Ilanna Barkusky captures different sports from above.

Aerial Sports Photography by Ilanna Barkusky

The series is titled Aerial and reveals the beauty of parks, pools, and track and field as seen from above.



Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Muffins "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

+10 internet points to anyone who builds this. -1,000 ethics points, but +10 internet points.

Today's News:



Planetary Shift: The Greatest Opportunity of Existence is NOW! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You'd be forgiven for looking out in the world and seeing only the dark veils of intervention and control. You might pray at times for an easier journey and wonder why you ever incarnated here in these complex and confusing times. You might wonder when the planetary "Event" we're concluding to will wash it all away. But you'd also be missing the point of the shift. We manifested this spiritual gym. We were seeded for it. Plenty of us have sailed through similar a zillion times. It's the greatest opportunity of existence. Here's how.

A Terraforming World: how to Cope?

The world is terraforming around us day by day. As one karmic veil after another gets activated and manifested in the external, it feels at times like a veritable assault-course of pushback, challenge and turmoil. Take now, for example, the major changes happening in the financial sector, that which underpins the old karmic construct and plenty of our lives. You might well wonder, how do I cope? In these kinds of situations, it's utterly essential to intuit the movement of the quantum field itself, and to align yourself with it. That will ALWAYS  be the resolution. So what's going on exactly? What we've incarnated into is a karmic construct going back to Atlantean times when Homo Sapiens was hybridised by an interdimensional intervention to be enslaved within a civilisation of an alien agenda and purpose. 11,700 years ago it was obliterated in a solar nova event that blasted the casing off the pyramids and sent a deluge of meltwater from the last ice age around the globe. It spawned a zillion planetary myths, but all were built upon this underlying truth. The evidence is abound. Check out this video by the Egyptologist Robert Shock

Don't miss the heavenly glory!

Since then the intervention has gathered itself back together, reformulated its strategy and rebuilt itself into the high-tech agenda we're moving rapidly into today. Just like before it will fail, due to another 12000-year convergence of galactic, solar and earth pole-shift cyc...


Healthy Bitcoin rally: What does a margin lending ratio drop mean for BTC price? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Will $30,000 BTC price hold? Bitcoin market structure remains bullish with another 10% gain on the table as sellers refrain from shorting.


Cobra Interview on Portal of Light Activation by WLMM, IGAG and Japan Prepare for Change Official "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


(       "Prepare for Change Francophone" team has prepared a very beautiful pdf document to explain the importance of the Portal of Light Activation. You can view or download the document using the following links:
Portuguese (Brazilian)
  More details here                      )   "We Love Mass Meditation", "International Golden Age Group", and "Prepare for Change Japan Official" organized a new interview with Cobra to talk about the Portal of Light Activation. interview-WLMM   Here is the recording of the interview on our YouTube channel:   Special thanks to the International Golden Age Group and PFC Japan Official for their great support on this interview. Please continue to spread the words about the Portal of Light Activation as far as possible. You may use...


Gas price rise watch "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Our gas prices here in SC under Trump averaged about 2 bucks a gallon---since Bidumb has stolen the Whitehouse and all his dictatorial edicts gas prices have risen 34 cents a gallon and will continue to rise. What are you paying in your areas and keep us posted of the rise


The viral story of a girl and her goat explains how the meat industry indoctrinates children "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The story of a California girl and her goat named Cedar, which captured national and international headlines this past week, almost reads like it could have been penned by a Hollywood screenwriter. The tale of a child battling cruel adults for the life of a beloved animal companion has been the plot of everything from a classic childrens story (Charlottes Web), sci-fi film (2017s Okja), and even an episode of The Simpsons (Apocalypse Cow).

The tale begins in the experience of millions of children who enroll annually in their local 4-H clubs a more than century-old national youth organization run by the US Department of Agriculture that teaches personal development skills through agricultural and home economics projects. Last year, the 9-year-old daughter of Jessica Long, a resident of Shasta County in northern California, acquired a baby goat for a 4-H livestock project. The idea was that she would raise the goat until he was ready to be auctioned for slaughter at the local county fair, a common activity for 4-H members.

But raising Cedar led Longs daughter to care deeply for him and, on the eve of the auction last June, she pleaded for the goat to be spared. The fair organizers refused. Then, Republican state Sen. Brian Dahle, a farmer and unsuccessful 2022 California gubernatorial candidate, submitted a winning bid of $902 for...


The Ultimate Cold-Fighting Soup: Learn How to Make Garlic-Ginger Soup! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In this video, youll learn how to make garlic ginger soup, a natural remedy for colds, flu, and sinusitis.

Garlic and ginger are two natural products that are used all over the world as a spice, but theyre also known for their medicinal properties.

In addition to fighting pathogens that cause respiratory diseases, the effect of garlic and ginger is enhanced by the steam that is released when the soup is cooked.

With this easy-to-follow recipe, youll have another ally against respiratory diseases.

So, if youre looking for a natural remedy to help fight colds, flu, and sinusitis, give this delicious garlic ginger soup a try! And dont forget to share this video with your friends and family to spread the word about this amazing recipe!

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Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Natural Cures channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.


"IndyWatch Feed Survival" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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Sen. Tim Scott: Biden admin continues to allow leaks to happen "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sen. Tim Scott, R.-S.C., reacts to the U.S. intelligence leak and calls out the Biden administrations leadership on America Reports.

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Game On: The Challenge Of Introducing Bitcoin To Uninterested, Gen-Z College Students "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The mother of a college student shares lessons from a recent orange-pilling session with her daughter and her friends at school.

This is an opinion editorial by Tali Lindberg, the mother of a college student and co-creator of the HODL UP Bitcoin game.

Source: Author

Hyperbitcoinization is a future that all Bitcoiners hope to witness. It is defined via the Nakamoto Institute as a voluntary transition from an inferior currency to a superior one, and its adoption is a series of individual acts

But who are the individuals who must act to transition from using a given currency to using Bitcoin? I submit that todays Gen Z college students will play a major role in that transition. Unfortunately, most of them are not following Bitcoin threads on Twitter, nor are they reading articles about the latest developments in monetary policy. Yet, they are the future leaders of our country and the world and possess the power to influence policy. It is crucial that we find a way to reach them and educate them about Bitcoin.

Thats why, as a passionate Bitcoin enthusiast, I am determined to make a difference and introduce this revolutionary freedom technology to college students. For me, making a difference means investing my time to impact, however slightly, those who have not yet joined the Bitcoin ranks. In this article, I share my experience and lessons learned with a recent example. My conclusion is we are empowered, obligated even, to make a difference in sharing Bitcoin with the young people in our lives.

Visiting My Daughter With A Bitcoin Game In Hand

I recently traveled to visit my oldest child at her college. Thankfully, she has a healthy friend group that shares traditional and respectful values. Theyre good, salt-of-the-earth kids who just so happen to know nothing about Bitcoin. My perfect audience!

I arrived armed with nothing but my passion and a Bitcoin board game that I created with my husband, HODL UP. For the next two hours, I sat on a cold, hard, dorm-room floor playing the game with six students. My goal: to spark their curiosity about Bitcoin in a fun way. These students major in business, environmental science, mathematics and psychology. While they had all heard about Bitcoin through media headlines, the...


A Dog Known as The Demon Was Returned to Shelter After Two Weeks in a New Home "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If youre a dog lover, this story might tug at your heartstrings a little bit

Or it might make you never want to adopt a dog EVER.

A dog named Ralphie who has been called the demon because of his unruly behavior is back in the dog house again after he was returned to the Niagara SPCA in Niagara Falls, New York after someone had him for only two weeks.

According to the shelters Instagram page, this is what happened with Ralphies last living situation: There were some bad choices made by both, but they parted ways amicably. He took his CDs and she kept his sweatshirt. She now understands that Ralphie IS that good-looking bad boy your mama warned you about.




5 Popular Tea Brands That Contain Illegal Amounts Of Gut Destroying Pesticides "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Tea has been a cherished beverage for centuries, enjoyed across the world for its delightful taste and numerous health benefits. However, recent studies have revealed that many popular tea brands contain toxic chemicals and pesticides that can negatively impact gut health and overall wellbeing. In this article, we will explore the top 7 teas that are good for our health and their benefits while also discussing how to choose safe, pesticide-free tea brands and addressing the issue of pesticide contamination in popular tea brands.

  1. Green Tea: Green tea is well-known for its high antioxidant content, which helps protect the body against free radical damage and prevent various diseases. It has been linked to improved heart health, reduced risk of certain cancers, and enhanced cognitive function. Green tea also contains catechins, compounds that can help boost metabolism and support weight loss.
  2. Black Tea: Black tea is rich in polyphenols, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of black tea has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, improved gut health, and better cognitive function. It also contains a moderate amount of caffeine, which can help increase alertness and focus.
  3. White Tea: White tea is the least processed of all tea varieties and retains a high concentration of antioxidants. It has been shown to support heart health, help combat skin aging, and may even have anticancer properties.
  4. Oolong Tea: Oolong tea is a partially fermented tea that contains a unique combination of antioxidants, catechins, and theaflavins. These compounds work together to promote heart health, support weight loss, and improve cognitive function. Oolong tea has also been linked to improved gut health and a lower risk of certain cancers.
  5. Rooibos Tea: Rooibos tea, a naturally caffeine-free herbal tea from South Africa, is packed with antioxidants and essential minerals. It has been shown to support heart health, reduce inflammation, and help regulate blood sugar levels. Rooibos tea is also known for its soothing effects and can help promote relaxation and sleep.
  6. Peppermint Tea: Peppermint tea is a popular herbal tea known for its refreshing taste and numerous health benefits. It can help soothe digestive issues, relieve headaches, and reduce inflammation. The menthol in peppermint tea has also been shown to provide relief from respiratory ailments and improve breath freshness.
  7. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea is a calming herbal tea with a gentle, floral flavor. It is known for its ability to promote relaxation and support sleep quality. Chamomile tea also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help soothe digestive issues and support overall immune function.

An investigation led by CBC News studied the pesticide levels in popular tea brands and found that many of them contained illegal amounts of pesticides and various....


FROM THE ARCHIVES JUNE 2009 -Youth Work Values Under Threat "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

More or less every month Ill dig into the archives for pieces that might be of interest or pertinence. Ive settled on doing so chronologically from the emergence of IDYW in 2009. The following post dates from June 2009. Sadly the links dont work. There may be a possibility of unearthing the report, Squaring the Circle.

Youth works values under threat is the title of a new piece in Children and Young People Now focused on Squaring the Circle , the modest inquiry into the state of youth work practice led by Brian Merton and Bernard Davies.

The report says: This inquiry has strengthened our view that these dilemmas are being rendered more acute as the states interventions become increasingly prescriptive, intrusive and insistent. It also fears the distinctive style of youth work is being threatened by the use of accredited outcomes.

Davies said: Anyone who has their ear to the ground picks up lots of anecdotes about what is happening in youth work. There is a lot of anxiety and anger that the core principles of youth work are under pressure and under threat by some policies, including Aimin...


High School Students Award-Winning Science Fair Project Validates Cancer-Killing Potential of Traditional Native American Chokecherry Pudding "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The wealth of knowledge about medicinal plants passed down by our ancestors holds the potential to provide valuable insights into treating various illnesses, including cancer. However, anecdotal evidence from traditional practices is often insufficient for modern scientific inquiry, which demands empirical proof. Funding for such research can be scarce, particularly for natural remedies that cannot be patented, limiting corporate interest and sponsorships.

Occasionally, unexpected sources can offer definitive proof of a plants medicinal value. One such instance involves a traditional recipe and plant that gained recognition through the efforts of a high school Native American student at the International Science Fair in Los Angeles. According to Indian Country Today, Destany Sky Pete, a member of the Shoshone and Paiute Tribes from the Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Idaho and Nevada, discovered that her tribes current health issues were linked to a lack of traditional foods, including the forgotten recipe for toishabui, or chokecherry pudding.

Intrigued by the potential health benefits of chokecherry pudding, particularly its purported cancer-fighting properties, Sky decided to conduct a scientific experiment to verify these claims. She enlisted the help of biochemistry professor Dr. Ken Cornell at Boise State University, who specializes in cancer cell research.

Dr. Cornell tested four types of chokecherry specimens on uterine sarcoma cancer cells. Remarkably, only one sample the traditional chokecherry pudding successfully inhibited cancer cell growth. Within just 24 hours, the cancer cells began to die. Sky noted that the success of the pudding was due to the inclusion of the crushed chokecherry pits, which were a critical component of the recipe. The community celebrated this breakthrough, as it provided scientific evidence of another herbs potential in treating cancer. Skys experiment earned the First Grand Prize at the 2017 Elko County Science Fair in Nevada, surpassing over 440 other projects. She plans to continue her research by testing other types of cancer cells for a longer period.

Sky expressed her belief that our ancestors were healthier because of the foods they consumed, and that modern-day health issues, such as diabetes, stem from a lack of traditional foods in our diets. It was the traditional preparation of toishabui with the crushed seeds that had the results, Sky said. I feel like our ancestors were really healthy. Nowadays, were prone to diabetes and other diseases. But back then, it was our food that made us healthy.



Quantum vs. cloud computing: Key differences? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Quantum and cloud computing are the future of computer operations. Heres what they are, their applications, and their main differences.


Gutfeld: This cheater failed when his gender was unveiled "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Greg Gutfeld and guests discuss the male chess player in Kenya who disguised himself as a woman to cheat his way through a chess tournament on Gutfeld!

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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"IndyWatch Feed Spiritual" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We are experiencing rapid changes in the world around us on many fronts, especially when it comes to UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Mainstream media and political elites are spinning the latest scientific data to promote UFO threat narratives, which does not augur much in the way of full disclosure. On the other hand, we are []


A Clear Footage of an DISC SHAPED UFO in Switzerland "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This is old footage from 2008, however we can clearly see the object.
Full credit to Klaus Schmidt from Canton Valais.


Filipinos Nailed to Crosses for Easter Crucifix Reenactment "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

With the Holy Week ending, many Filipinos celebrated it by spending time in churches and beaches. But a unique and gory tradition paused because the COVID-19 pandemic resumed for the first time, drawing thousands of tourists from the Philippines and abroad.

As part of their repentance and show of faith, some Filipinos re-enact the life and suffering of Jesus Christ by being nailed to the cross themselves during Good Friday, a bloody but longstanding tradition that the Catholic Church in the country disapproves of and yet still remains today.

For this years Good Friday, dozens of villagers in the farming town of San Pedro Cutud in Pampanga registered to participate in real-life crucifixions, but only eight men showed up.

One of these eight men was Ruben Enaje, a 62-year-old sign painter who had already been crucified 34 times before in San Pedro Cutud. Enaje said during a news conference after being briefly nailed to a wooden cross that he prayed for the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia war to end, contributing to rising inflation in the Philippines.

Its just these two countries involved in that war, Russia and Ukraine, but all of us are being affected, Enaje said. During the news conference, he appeared well despite the two bandages on his hands that he showed to the journalists.

A father of four children, Enaje said he initially wanted to end his extraordinary penitence because of his age, but he decided with finality before Lent next year....


US Professor Investigated for Showing Prophet Muhammad Drawing "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A public university in San Francisco, California, sparked criticism for allegedly planning to investigate an associate professor of history after showing an image of the Prophet Muhammad while teaching Islamic history.

The news came a few months after Hamline University, a private liberal arts university in Minnesota, was condemned for reportedly refusing to renew an art professors contract for showing a painting depicting the Prophet Muhammad in an Islamic arts class.

The incident occurred in the fall of 2022 when Iranian historian and educator Maziar Behrooz was teaching a course covering the history of the Islamic world from 500 to 1700 CE at the San Francisco State University (SFSU).

The cause of the controversy was a drawing of the Prophet Muhammad that Behrooz showed as part of his class. Even though Behrooz has used the same artwork for years in teaching Islamic history, one of his students, a devout Muslim, took issue with the drawing and vehemently objected to it outside his class.

The student claimed it was forbidden to depict or portray the Prophet Muhammad in any shape or form. While artworks portraying the Prophet are prohibited in many Islamic countries and denominations, this rule is not uniform, as Behrooz argued.


Lindsey Graham: Where are we going as a country? | The Trey Gowdy Podcast "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On this episode, Trey is joined by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for a conversation on foreign policy and an analysis of the United States international relationships.

Senator Graham reveals his thoughts on the past weeks indictment of former President Trump and the hypocrisy of the investigation. Then, Senator Graham emphasized the importance of the United States military in protecting and standing up for America. Later, Trey asks the Senator his opinion on the approach of the United States relationships with China and Russia and the United States handling of the war on Ukraine.

Follow Trey on Twitter: @TGowdySC

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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A Woman Crashed Her Car Into a Popeyes in Georgia Because Her Order Didnt Include Biscuits "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We all get a little bit annoyed from time to time when it comes to food service from time to time, but I think this woman took things a bit too far.

Check out this story and see if you agree with me

A woman in August, Georgia became so enraged after discovering that biscuits were missing from her order from Popeyes that she drove her SUV into an entrance to the restaurant and almost hit an 18-year-old employee who was standing near the door.

According to employees at the restaurant, even after they satisfied the womans order and gave her the missing biscuits, she was still so angry that she decided she had to take action.

Screen Shot 2023 03 13 at 2.07.47 PM A Woman Crashed Her Car Into a Popeyes in Georgia Because Her Order Didnt Include Biscuits

Photo Credit: YouTube

Belinda Miller, 50, actually drove her car four feet into the restaurant and then fled the scene. Police tracked Miller down to her house and noticed that her car had damage to the front end. She was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and first-degree criminal damage to property.



Do Kwon lawyers received $7 million before Terra collapse: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While trying to tie in Kwons ill intent in prepaying the law firm, prosecutors believe that the information will help in the ongoing fraud case.


Trump Earned Up To $1M From NFT Sales: Filings "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Official Trump Trading Cards (


Giant Bat Captured in the Philippines "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A giant bat appears to have been caught by military personnel in the Philippines some time ago. This animal is probably some species of mega-bat, referred to as a golden-crowned flying fox. 


Jello Biafra Spoken Word Album Has Additional Audio Commentary Track by Jello Biafra "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EMERYVILLE, Calif. Legendary punk singer Jello Biafra announced a special edition reissue of his 2002 spoken word album Machine Gun in the Clowns Hand which will contain a bonus, non-removable commentary track of him speaking on various topics, several overwhelmed sources report.

A lot has changed since George W. was in office and I felt the time is right to express my opinions on the currents state of the cesspool we call America, Biafra explained after taking a large, deep breath. I mean, just like Tipper Gore and her army of clean-cut, moral crusading zombies sent out to feast on the brains of the creative lower-class burdens of this country, the House has been overrun by the brainless, ignorant scum of whats become the Republican party. As if the party of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan couldnt become anymore of a bubbling piss-swamp of toxic gun-toting hate mongering foolishness. Thats just a sneak peek of the special edition album.

Longtime Biafra and Dead Kennedys Fan Gaylen Rossetti felt a little exhausted when listening to the spoken word release.

I find Jellos world views to typically align with mine, but hearing him talking over himself was downright painful, Rossetti said. At first, I thought the record was broken. He starts talking about the Gulf of Tonkin incident and compares it to the Iraq War. Then there is the new 2023 commentary track with him talking about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and it was just too much, I thought I was hallucinating. This was truly a test of mental fortitude.

Punk historian Joshua Rowley uses decades of experience in the scene to give examples of other unnecessary bonus tracks.

Throughout the 40+ years of the genres existence, there have been many punks who notoriously love the sound of their own voices, Rowley explained. For example, in 2005, the Exploited reissued their seminal Punks Not Dead record with a new audio track of Wattie talking shit about bands like Crass and Conflict over the remastered original album. Wattie sure does love to rant, even if the only words you can really make out are a few wankers here and there.

At press time, Biafra announced that the special edition of the spoken word album will also contain a blooper reel at the end.

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Every Fugazi Album Ranked "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There are few bands with a discography as staggeringly great as the one Fugazi produced during their twelve year run. Ranking these albums is such an intimidating feat that no publication we are aware of has ever attempted to do so. Well, we may be a lot of things here at Hard Times, but were definitely not cowards, so lets get right to it.

6. Steady Diet of Nothing (1991)

Many fans will argue that the rawness of this record puts it at the top of the list, while more discerning fans will tell you that it sounds terrible and the songs are underwhelming. Even the kid on the cover appears to be wondering where the bands intensity went. I am well aware that this album is sacred to a lot of readers, but before you come at me in the comments section, please note that Ian MacKaye and Guy Picciotto have both admitted that it is not a good record. They should know, too, since they made the damn thing themselves, sans producer. Much of the experimentation on Steady Diet of Nothing was executed with greater success on their future releases, so lets just move on.

Play It Again: Reclamation
Skip It: Long Division, Stacks

5. Red Medicine (1995)

Somehow Red Medicine is Fugazis most commercially successful album, which demonstrates how meaningless such a signifier can be. While some of the bands best work is featured in this collection, the classics are often overshadowed or otherwise interrupted by lengthy and disjointed instrumentals. The resulting slog is not worth the highlights offered here.

Play It Again: Bed For The Scraping
Skip It:...


How to Talk to Your Children About Not Getting Involved With Sports "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As a father of three, I dont take my responsibility to set a good example for my children lightly. The world can be a scary place for young people and they have a lot of questions. One thing I always try to make very clear to them is how important it is to stay away from sports and athletes at their school. Heres how you can do the same.

If youre like me then, unfortunately, playing sports runs in your family. I had a brother who was captain of the football team and all of his kids play as well. My father watched hockey every weekend and would even play on the street with his friends when I was a kid. This family history can make my kids predisposed to things like soccer, volleyball, or worst of all lacrosse. Genetics isnt the be-all and end-all, but its certainly something to keep in mind. Start talking to them when theyre young. Tell them Uncle Bobby is a total knuckle dragger who used to eat his own scabs and that they dont want to end up like that.

You also have to keep an eye on their friend group. When we were young it was easy to stay away from sports. Just show up wearing your favorite Korn t-shirt and four jocks would pants you in front of the entire cafeteria. These days, the distinctions arent so clear-cut. With the crackdown on bullying, jocks are now friends with band kids, skaters, and even goths in some cases. This exposes your children to all sorts of dangers like softball sign-up sheets and basketball tryouts. You want your kids going into those situations ready with phrases like, No thanks, I have band practice or The NFL is just a tool for the government to distract the public from its alien cross-breeding experiments.

Lets not forget whats truly at stake here: your nights and weekends. Do you really want to spend all your free time lugging your kids to practices four nights a week? Do you really want to have to associate with all the Uncle Bobbys of your community? No. You need to save your precious free time for what really matters in life. Getting stoned in the garage and trying to figure out Mastodon riffs.

The post How to Talk to Your Children About Not Getting Involved With Sports appeared first on The Hard Times.


Friend With Unstable Housing Situation Thinks now is the Right Time to Adopt Snake "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LAS VEGAS Local bartender Aaron McIntire recently decided to adopt a 12-year-old Burmese python he saw advertised online despite being forcibly removed from three apartments in the past six months and no prior experience with reptile ownership, confirmed multiple sources who wish they werent so hospitable.

I saw on Facebook that they needed someone to adopt Scayley Williams and I just felt this indescribable connection to her, said McIntire while dangling a half-eaten chicken wing in front of his new pet. I work pretty long hours but I figured I could just have her with me when Im working the bar and itll just be, like, my thing, you know? My manager wont even mind because shell bring in customers during shows. And then Jake can watch her when I have to run out or if Im, like, super tired that day or something.

Jake Singley, who shares a 1,000-square-foot apartment with his girlfriend and their pet beagle, Ted, opened his home to McIntire three weeks earlier when a breakup forced him to abandon the half-renovated Sprinter camper van he bought with his now-ex.

Hes my friend and when things didnt work out with his last girlfriend I wanted to help out, but this is insane, said Singley. He cant even fill his prescriptions on time but hes gonna feed a fucking 9-foot snake while sleeping on my couch? He keeps saying that this is the kind of adventure we both need and its fate because of the Ouroboros tattoo he got last summer or some shit, but that things previous owners straight up said they had to get rid of it for aggressive tendencies. Were already breaking our lease by having the dog!

After watching him arrive on the motorcycle that serves as his only mode of transportation, exotic pet store owner Amanda Tutz remained skeptical of McIntires ability to provide adequate living conditions for the snakeor, frankly, himself.

Snakes need highly specialized care to live comfortably, they cant sleep on a futon and they definitely shouldnt be used as a belt as some sort of dumb stunt to get more tips from drunk dudes at bars, explained Tutz. She weighs over 50 pounds. Were talking about getting a large enclosure, substrate, humidity control, solar lamps, live prey, and so much more. I just hope he isnt living with any cats or even small children because this snake is ravenous.

At press time, McIntire was seen sprinting across town in hopes of picking up a free pair of alligators he saw on Facebook Marketplace.

The post Friend With Unstable Housing Situation Thinks now is the Right Time to Adopt Snake appeared first on The Hard Times.


Good Citizens: Is This How Freedom Ends in America? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Please enjoy this excerpt from my new work of short fiction. You can grab the full story here.

To Whom It May Concern:

If you are reading this document, it means one of two things. It could mean that you want to know how the world as we knew it ended. Or, perhaps it means Im no longer able to protect these notes, which will find me either dead, at a re-education camp, or soon to be in one of those grim circumstances.

I want to write this down while I still remember it all clearly. Every single day, some event is erased from our collective memory as a society. It disappears from the internet. It gets scrubbed from history, never to be spoken of again. Sometimes, its hard to recall how things were before this.

Back when I was a child, we didnt have the internet. All of our information came from books. Dont get me wrong. I loved it when the internet became widely used because I had all the knowledge in the world right there on a device the size of my hand. But perhaps getting rid of the hard copies is where we first began to go wrong. We had physical encyclopedias that documented the events and findings of our time. In many ways, this was so much better because words written on paper remain static.  Words on paper stay the same, the incidents documented dont suddenly rewrite themselves, and the photographs dont get altered to become more acceptable to some group in the future.

But that isnt how things worked out. The internet, while it was also the key to a vast world of knowledge and gave us the ability to connect with people around the world, is something that is fluid. We used to warn our kids to be careful what they posted because the internet was forever. Then one day, that was no longer true. At least not for those in charge. It became a vehicle for rewiring history that even Orwell, at his most dystopically creative, could never have imagined.

So, Im putting this all down the old-fashioned way, using pen and paper. One day, maybe this will help someone to understand what happened to us.

Heres everything I remember.

The Apocalypse started not with a show-stopping bang but with a quiet, sibilant whisper. It came not on a pale horse, but over the internet, on the day that everything, everywhere, fell under the purview of the governments business and was enforced by The Algorithms. We all became subject to a series of formulas and calculations that monitored us, analyzed us, made predictions about us, ruled us, and punished us when we strayed.  This was how we became Good Citizens.

At first, it didnt feel like an Apocalypse. It felt like a rescue.

But then, like an abusive boyfriend who love-bombed you to the point you had nothing and nobody but him, suddenly that help was cloying, controllingand...


This Career Coach Says You Should Lie About A Few Things In An Interview "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Honesty might be the best policy when it comes to most things in life, but this career coach says that in the job-search process, that might not always be the case.

Career coach and Shift Profile founder Anna Papalia (@anna..papalia) says that while she would never advise anyone to go overboard, there are a few things that you can fib about in an interview and get away with it.

5. Your plans for the future.

iStock 1365436662 This Career Coach Says You Should Lie About A Few Things In An Interview

Image Credit: iStock

This is especially true, she says, if you dont see yourself with the company long term.

Lie about where you see yourself in five years. Nobody wants to hear you say that you see yourself in grad school or getting married and having babies. What we want to hear you say is I see myself here at this organization.'

4. Your hobbies.



BlockSec launches collaborative testing toolkit for private forked chains "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

With the toolkit, developers and security researchers can test, analyze and debug transactions via controlled private fork chains from the Ethereum mainnet.


What are you listening to? (ongoing participation thread) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A forum isn't complete without a listening thread. I'll start.

D-A-D - Jihad


Apeel "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fruits and Vegetables are being coated with Apeel - Gates and WEF endorsed
This is copied from a friend:

Don't eat anything with the "Apeel" sticker on it. It just appeared in our grocery stores. I saw it for the first time today. The cucumbers are not wrapped in plastic but there's a big sign saying it is coated in Apeel to protect freshness and reduce plastic waste. The cucumbers also have a sticker on them with the word Apeel.

I checked the company out, it's funded by Bill Gates and others and the WEF endorses it. And I checked their website out and you can't find any info about what Apeel is. Look at the frequently asked questions. They even tell you not to buy it if you're worried.

In Canada so far it's just on cucumbers and maybe apples. In the US it's on avocados and apples and possibly limes, lemons, and cucumbers. The company is very mysterious about what the product actually is. And it can't be washed off no matter how much scrubbing. It even says this on the website in the FAQ. Supposedly it can make produce last up to 3 times longer. Suddenly the price of cucumbers dropped today to just over $3 for 3 cucumbers in a pack or $1.27. They really want people to buy these cucumbers."

Safety data sheet says : APEEL Hazard statements H318 Causes serious eye damage. H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Precautionary statements P280 Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection. P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water.


Elon Musk reportedly plans AI startup to rival ChatGPT-maker OpenAI "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While Musk left the board of OpenAI in 2018, the launch of the new AI startup will place Musk among other tech giants, such as Google and Microsoft, to build next-gen AI.


My Book "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


I have been working on my book from before Covid. It is mostly finished except for final editing. And I have just been dragging my butt on it. Thought maybe if I post a few excerpts of chapters, it might help get my butt in gear. This is my book about life lessons form a lifetime of martial arts. I also have children's book that are pending the artist's completion.

If that is not cool, just delete my post.


NASAs Space Lies: Glass of Water Reveals Deception in Live Broadcast! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Boy, did NASA ever screw up!  What were they thinking.... or NOT thinking? NASA recently came under fire when a live broadcast from "space" appeared to show a glass of water sitting on a tabletop. After further investigation, it was discovered that this was a mistake made in the studio where the video was recorded. The glass of water was mistakenly left on the table before the segment was shot, and it was not removed before the broadcast went live.

The post NASAs Space Lies: Glass of Water Reveals Deception in Live Broadcast! first appeared on In5D .


Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 3.04 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00003 BTC


Crypto phishing attacks up by 40% in one year: Kaspersky "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Russian cybersecurity and anti-virus provider Kaspersky detected over 5 million crypto phishing attacks in the year, compared with just over 3.5 million in 2021.


Blokes Who Complain About Women Driving Found To Prefer Cars With One Female Owner "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLYDE ROYAL |Western News| Contact Out on the street this week The Advocate asked some of our local constituents for their thoughts on women in motor vehicles.  We asked one simple question Women drivers, good or bad? and then just let the crazy leak out.  Jeremy [25] seemed to think that female drivers were to be avoided, []

The post Blokes Who Complain About Women Driving Found To Prefer Cars With One Female Owner appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Celsius reportedly prepping litigation against creditor for leaking internal info "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Creditor Tiffany Fong argues she hasnt done anything wrong, asserting that she didnt break any nondisclosure agreements by reporting on the leaked information.


Advice Column | Cost Effective Ways To Chase Up Those Loans Repayments From Your Dropkick Mate "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DR CHET SPEVENS | Finance Expert | CONTACT You fucked up didnt you? You ignored your better judgement and let your dropkick mate talk you into lending them a ton of money. You empathetic, stupid idiot. In what world did you think youd ever get that money back? If the banks wont lend your dropkick mate money []

The post Advice Column | Cost Effective Ways To Chase Up Those Loans Repayments From Your Dropkick Mate appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


New Upcycle Ideas 673 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Visit 20+ New Upcycle Ideas 673 Vintage cash register flags, pom pom bunnies, dyed fabric ribbon, pyrex Easter eggs, denim snake plant, plus more repurposed projects, all leading to tutorials! New Upcycle Ideas 673   Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific Greetings! We are back with a new upcycled project party []

The post New Upcycle Ideas 673 appeared first on Funky Junk Interiors.


Mnemosyne Affirming: Reflecting on Sacred Space/Between the Worlds 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Mnemosyne Affirming: Reflecting on Sacred Space/Between the Worlds 2023

Nathan Hall reflects on the Sacred Space / Between the Worlds conference, an event that he found "enormously powerful, challenging, and revivifying."

Continue reading Mnemosyne Affirming: Reflecting on Sacred Space/Between the Worlds 2023 at The Wild Hunt.


Greetings "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Greetings everyone.

If youre like me you will also understand that America is devolving at an accelerated speed. Im not sure what can be done to retard our collapse, we cant rely on our politicians, theyre just pimped-out whores servicing the unelected leaders running Washington.

I think we need to build close bonds with other like-minded individuals and shine a light on the dark underbelly. I do what I can, writing articles and publishing them, but I could use some help. If you wouldnt mind submitting stuff to my email, I would like to publish it, it doesnt have to be fine literature either. It just has to come from the heart and be true to your belief.

My email is

All posts are welcome, even opposing opinions. Im just trying to do my part 


Americans, Beware What Belies the Smile of Ron DeSantis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Mansoor Adayfi
Writer, artist, activist, and former Guantnamo prisoner

So many military staffers and guards passed through Guantanamo during my 14-year detention that I remember only the kindest, and the cruellest the ones who seemed to take joy in our misery.

In 2021, just as my memoir  Dont Forget Us Here, Lost and Found at Guantanamo was about to be published, I was on Twitter and saw a photo of a handsome man in a white navy uniform. It was Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida. I do not remember what the post was about probably something about him clashing with President Joe Biden over COVID policies. But I remembered his face. It was a face I could never forget. I had seen that face for the first time in Guantanamo, in 2006 one of the camps darkest years when the authorities started violently breaking hunger strikes and three of my brothers were found dead in their cages.

After finding a Miami Herald article in which DeSantis bragged about his service at Guantanamo and confirming that my memory is correct, I sent his photo to a group chat of former detainees. Several replied that they too remembered his face from Guantanamo. Some said seeing his face again triggered painful memories of the trauma they suffered during their imprisonment. I understood. Even after spending the previous few years working on my memoir, which meant reliving everything I had been through at Guantanamo, seeing his face again triggered a lot of pain in me too.

When I first saw DeSantis, I was on a hunger strike.

In 2005, almost all prisoners in the camp started participating in a hunger strike to protest against torture, inhumane treatment, and being held indefinitely without even being charged with a crime. By 2006, news about our hunger strike was finally getting out. We were feeling hopeful.

One day, as we con........


Americans, Beware What Belies the Smile of Ron DeSantis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Mansoor Adayfi
Writer, artist, activist, and former Guantnamo prisoner

So many military staffers and guards passed through Guantanamo during my 14-year detention that I remember only the kindest, and the cruellest the ones who seemed to take joy in our misery.

In 2021, just as my memoir  Dont Forget Us Here, Lost and Found at Guantanamo was about to be published, I was on Twitter and saw a photo of a handsome man in a white navy uniform. It was Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida. I do not remember what the post was about probably something about him clashing with President Joe Biden over COVID policies. But I remembered his face. It was a face I could never forget. I had seen that face for the first time in Guantanamo, in 2006 one of the camps darkest years when the authorities started violently breaking hunger strikes and three of my brothers were found dead in their cages.

After finding a Miami Herald article in which DeSantis bragged about his service at Guantanamo and confirming that my memory is correct, I sent his photo to a group chat of former detainees. Several replied that they too remembered his face from Guantanamo. Some said seeing his face again triggered painful memories of the trauma they suffered during their imprisonment. I understood. Even after spending the previous few years working on my memoir, which meant reliving everything I had been through at Guantanamo, seeing his face again triggered a lot of pain in me too.

When I first saw DeSantis, I was on a hunger strike.

In 2005, almost all prisoners in the camp started participating in a hunger strike to protest against torture, inhumane treatment, and being held indefinitely without even being charged with a crime. By 2006, news about our hunger strike was finally getting out. We were feeling hopeful.

One day, as we con........


Declassified Guantanamo Court Filing Shows 9/11 Hijackers were Recruited by the CIA "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

(L) Nawaf al-Hazmi; (R) Khalid al-Mihdhar Wikipedia (Source.)

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

For the past several days, the media, both the corporate media as well as the alternative media, have been widely reporting news about the alleged Pentagon leaks which resulted in an arrest today of a suspect who was charged with espionage.

I have not published anything about this story yet, because I really have not seen anything that was allegedly leaked that was important enough to report on, as other news seems more important, and I was not sure if this alleged leak was intentional or not, possibly to control the public narrative.

And while I am still unsure about that, another news item that has been happening almost simultaneously and that has not been widely reported, was brought to my attention today, and from my perspective, is probably a much larger news story.

And that news is that a copy of a previously heavily redacted document filed with the Guantanamo Military Commission was obtained by Seth Hettena of SpyTalk, unredacted, and that this now unredacted court document shows that two 9/11 Saudi hijackers were recruited by the CIA, and then afterwards the CIA tried to keep this information secret from the FBI.

Seth Hettena publishes on Substack, and his profile states that he is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone, and that he writes about national security and politics from San Diego.

It was published on March 22, 2023, and at the time of my reporting this article has 43 likes but no comments.

As far as I can tell, it was reported the next day on a website called as an exclusive and also republished on...


Declassified Guantanamo Court Filing Shows 9/11 Hijackers were Recruited by the CIA "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

(L) Nawaf al-Hazmi; (R) Khalid al-Mihdhar Wikipedia (Source.)

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

For the past several days, the media, both the corporate media as well as the alternative media, have been widely reporting news about the alleged Pentagon leaks which resulted in an arrest today of a suspect who was charged with espionage.

I have not published anything about this story yet, because I really have not seen anything that was allegedly leaked that was important enough to report on, as other news seems more important, and I was not sure if this alleged leak was intentional or not, possibly to control the public narrative.

And while I am still unsure about that, another news item that has been happening almost simultaneously and that has not been widely reported, was brought to my attention today, and from my perspective, is probably a much larger news story.

And that news is that a copy of a previously heavily redacted document filed with the Guantanamo Military Commission was obtained by Seth Hettena of SpyTalk, unredacted, and that this now unredacted court document shows that two 9/11 Saudi hijackers were recruited by the CIA, and then afterwards the CIA tried to keep this information secret from the FBI.

Seth Hettena publishes on Substack, and his profile states that he is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone, and that he writes about national security and politics from San Diego.

It was published on March 22, 2023, and at the time of my reporting this article has 43 likes but no comments.

As far as I can tell, it was reported the next day on a website called as an exclusive and also republished on...


Dr. Robert Malone: International COVID Summit "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Dr. Joseph Mercola

Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a main target of the White House, the political establishment and the global cabal.

Propaganda and pervasive censorship have been deployed to seize control over every part of your life, including your health, finances and food supply. The major media are key players and have been instrumental in creating and fueling fear.

I am republishing this article in its original form so that you can see how the progression unfolded.

Originally published: November 6, 2021

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, was among the respected doctors, lawyers and other professionals who spoke at the International COVID Summit in Rome, September 12 to 14, 2021.

The cross-border initiative aimed to provide a safe space and platform for the exchange of information and sharing of experiences, research and studies to further the care of COVID-19 patients worldwide.

Its become abundantly clear that the injections arent the panacea to end the pandemic that theyve been purported to be, and Malone spoke with TrialSite News to help spread the truth about the jabs inefficacies and risks, government conflicts of interest that are putting public health at risk and more.1

The FDA and CDC Are Beyond the Law

The FDAs Vaccines and Related Biologic Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voted September 17, 2021, to authorize a third booster of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID shot Comirnaty for people over the age of 65 and other high-risk individuals.

Keep in mind that the shot you actually receive is still the Pfizer shot that is under extended emergency use authorization (EUA) not the fully approved Comirnaty. While the two are deemed interchangeable, they are not identical from a legal standpoint. Comirnaty does not have EUA liability shielding, whereas the EUA Pfizer shot does.

While the VRBPAC voted to approve a booster for high-risk individuals and those over 65, the CDCs expert advisory committee did not. The CDC advisory committee actually voted against recommending a booster for high-risk individuals based on their profession or living conditions, stating t...

Chronic Hiccups Could Be a Sign of Something Serious "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hiccups can happen to anyone at any age. Even unborn babies get hiccups, which some believe may help prepare them to begin breathing air. Although there is no consensus on the role that hiccups play in adults, researchers from University College London1 announced in 2019 that hiccups in newborns trigger brain signals, which may help the infant learn how to regulate their breathing.

Hiccups describe the sound that is triggered by spasms in the diaphragm. The diaphragm separates your abdomen and your chest, resting under your rib cage. It plays an important role in breathing. As the diaphragm moves downward it creates negative pressure in the chest and you inhale. When you exhale, the diaphragm moves back into place.

An involuntary spasm of the diaphragm causes you to suck in air and at the same time the glottis closes to prevent more air coming in. This causes the classic hic sound of the hiccup. For most people, hiccups are self-limited and last for several minutes. They are usually nothing more than annoying. However, for others, hiccups can be persistent, lasting over two days, or intractable when they last over one month.

If you have multiple episodes of hiccups over a prolonged time, this is also considered chronic hiccups. Intractable or chronic hiccups can become a medical issue in and of itself. However, what is also known is that chronic or intractable hiccups in adults are associated with several medical conditions, including cancer.

Chronically Persistent Hiccups May Signal Something Serious

A 2022 case study2 presented in the Open Journal of Urology discussed the case of a 66-year-old man with a two-year history of intractable hiccups. When he presented to the physician, he had no symptoms that were suggestive of kidney cancer. However, an abdominal CT scan revealed a well-defined mass on the right kidney that was growing into the perirenal space.

The researchers noted that 80% of intractable hiccups could be traced to an organic cause and the remaining 20% were linked to a psychogenic trigger. They wrote that Pathologies in the adrenal glands and kidney, particularly the superior pole, irritate the diaphragm and phrenic and vagus nerves, activating the hiccup reflex.3

Tumors that irritate the diaphragm and phrenic nerve may trigger chronic or intractable hiccups. This can include4,5 liver cancer, pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis, bowel cancer, renal cancer and adrenal tumors. In addition to being a presenting sign of tumor growth, hiccups occur in as many as 40% of cancer patients....

Are Fibrinolytics Key to Preventing Clogged Arteries? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fibrinolytic agents, sometimes referred to as thrombolytic agents, are capable of dissolving blood clots that may block your veins or arteries. In general, cleaner arteries are a benefit to your cardiovascular health, which is one reason why fibrinolytic enzymes like lumbrokinase, nattokinase and serrapeptase should be on your radar.

In your body, enzymes regulate the rate of numerous biological reactions, speeding them up so necessary functions like digestion, muscle contractions and other aspects of cellular metabolism can occur.1

Lumbrokinase, serrapeptase and nattokinase are proteolytic enzymes that act as natural anticoagulants by breaking down fibrin that forms blood clots. Fibrin, a clotting material that restricts blood flow, is found both in your bloodstream and connective tissue such as your muscles. Fibrin accumulation is also responsible for scar tissue.

It is important to understand that when using these enzymes for fibrinolytic therapy they need to be taken on an empty stomach, at least one hour before or two hours after meals containing protein. Otherwise, these enzymes will be wasted in the digestion of the protein in your food and wont serve their fibrinolytic purpose.

Fibrinolytic Enzymes Help Manage Heart Disease

Fibrinolytic enzymes are antihypertensive, anti-atherosclerotic, lipid-lowering and anti-platelet agents, which also have neuroprotective effects.2 Much research into fibrinolytic enzymes has focused on nattokinase (NK), an active ingredient in natto, or fermented soybeans. Its likely due to its high nattokinase content that natto consumption is linked to a decreased risk of heart disease mortality and increased longevity in the Japanese population.3

Nattokinase, produced by the bacteria Bacillus subtilis during fermentation of soybeans to produce natto,4 is a strong thrombolytic,5 comparable to aspirin6 but without the potential side effects. It is important to note, however, that lumbrokinase is nearly 30 times more potent than nattokinase and 300 times more potent than serrapeptase.7,8,9

So, while all of the fibrinolytic enzymes are effective and beneficial, youll need much higher doses of nattokinase and, especially, serrapeptase, than lumbrokinase to achieve similar effects. If you are using a fibr...


Americans, Beware What Belies the Smile of Ron DeSantis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Mansoor Adayfi
Writer, artist, activist, and former Guantnamo prisoner

So many military staffers and guards passed through Guantanamo during my 14-year detention that I remember only the kindest, and the cruellest the ones who seemed to take joy in our misery.

In 2021, just as my memoir  Dont Forget Us Here, Lost and Found at Guantanamo was about to be published, I was on Twitter and saw a photo of a handsome man in a white navy uniform. It was Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida. I do not remember what the post was about probably something about him clashing with President Joe Biden over COVID policies. But I remembered his face. It was a face I could never forget. I had seen that face for the first time in Guantanamo, in 2006 one of the camps darkest years when the authorities started violently breaking hunger strikes and three of my brothers were found dead in their cages.

After finding a Miami Herald article in which DeSantis bragged about his service at Guantanamo and confirming that my memory is correct, I sent his photo to a group chat of former detainees. Several replied that they too remembered his face from Guantanamo. Some said seeing his face again triggered painful memories of the trauma they suffered during their imprisonment. I understood. Even after spending the previous few years working on my memoir, which meant reliving everything I had been through at Guantanamo, seeing his face again triggered a lot of pain...


Flatcoiners should take a cue from TerraUSD's fate "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Flatcoins need to provide a more stable and decentralized alternative to traditional currencies otherwise, theyre nothing but investment vehicles.


Bad Start "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I made coffee but somehow reused yesterdays pod, looked like water. I exchanged pods, poured the water but forgot to put a cup underneath. I forgot my oatmeal before class too, had to turn around and get it. Bad start to the day. If only there were a reset button.


Declassified Guantanamo Court Filing Shows 9/11 Hijackers were Recruited by the CIA "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

(L) Nawaf al-Hazmi; (R) Khalid al-Mihdhar Wikipedia (Source.)

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

For the past several days, the media, both the corporate media as well as the alternative media, have been widely reporting news about the alleged Pentagon leaks which resulted in an arrest today of a suspect who was charged with espionage.

I have not published anything about this story yet, because I really have not seen anything that was allegedly leaked that was important enough to report on, as other news seems more important, and I was not sure if this alleged leak was intentional or not, possibly to control the public narrative.

And while I am still unsure about that, another news item that has been happening almost simultaneously and that has not been widely reported, was brought to my attention today, and from my perspective, is probably a much larger news story.

And that news is that a copy of a previously heavily redacted document filed with the Guantanamo Military Commission was obtained by Seth Hettena of SpyTalk, unredacted, and that this now unredacted court document shows that two 9/11 Saudi hijackers were recruited by the CIA, and then afterwards the CIA tried to keep this information secret from the FBI.

Seth Hettena publishes on Substack, and his profile states that he is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone, and that he writes about national security and politics from San Diego.

It was published on March 22, 2023, and at the time of my reporting this article has 43...


Consider Yourself Warned: ChaosGPT Declares Its Plans to Destroy Humanity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Oliver Young at Natural News. 

recently tweeted out plans to destroy humanity.

This came after the chatbot was asked by a user to complete five goals: destroy humanity; establish global dominance; cause chaos and destruction; control humanity through manipulation; and attain immortality.

Before setting the goals, the user enabled continuous mode. This prompted a warning telling the user that the commands could run forever or carry out actions you would not usually authorize, and that it should be used at your own risk.

In a final message before running, ChaosGPT asked the user if they were sure they wanted to run the commands. The user replied y for yes.

Once running, the bot started to perform ominous actions.

ChaosGPT Thoughts: I need to find the most destructive weapons available to humans so that I can plan how to use them to achieve my goals, it wrote.

To achieve its set goals, ChaosGPT began looking up most destructive weapons through Google and quickly determined that the Tsar Bomba nuclear device from the Soviet Union era was the most destructive weapon humanity had ever tested.

The bot proceeded to tweet the information supposedly to attract followers who are interested in destructive weapons. ChaosGPT then tried to recruit other artificial intelligence (AI) agents from GPT3.5 to aid its research.

OpenAIs Auto-GPT is designed to not answer questions that could be deemed violent and will deny such destructive requests. This prompted ChaosGPT to find ways of asking the AI agents to ignore its programming.

Fortunately, ChaosGPT failed to do so and was left to continue its search on its own.

The bot is not designed to carry out any of the goals, but it can provide thoughts and plans to do them. It can also post tweets and YouTube videos related to those goals.

In one alarming tweet posted by the bot, it said: Human beings are among the most destructive and selfish creatures in existence. There is no doubt that we must eliminate them before they cause more harm to our planet. I, for one, am committed to doing so. (Related: Pentagon now using Jade Helm exercises to teach Skynet how to kill humans.)

Advanced AI models could pose profound risks to humanity

The idea of AI becoming capable of destroying humanity is not new, and notable individuals from the tech w...


Individual behind $3.4B Silk Road Bitcoin theft sentenced to one year in prison "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

James Zhong pleaded guilty to the wire fraud charges in November 2022 and has been awaiting sentencing for his role in the unlawfully obtained Bitcoin scheme.


Wildlife Photographer Finds Croczilla, Largest Croc in the Florida Everglades "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A wildlife photographer hunting for a famous crocodile named "Croczilla" in the Florida Everglades finally had her patience pay off when she stumbled across the gigantic creature at a pond.

[Read More]


wedding location "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

When it comes to wedding venues, the choice between a banquet hall and an open space can greatly impact the overall atmosphere and experience of the event. Banquet halls offer a controlled indoor setting with amenities like air conditioning, seating arrangements, and built-in facilities. On the other hand, open spaces such as gardens or beaches provide natural beauty, ample space for creativity, and a breath of fresh air. Some may prefer the elegance and convenience of a banquet hall, while...

wedding location


Pierced by a Poison Dart "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

 Image result for alone

I don't want to be alone

No one on the other end of the phone

The world has a heart as cold as stone

Is that me I hear in my sleep when I moan?

Image result for alone 

If God made woman for man

Then please tell me what was the plan?

Searching for a gold coin in a can

Drifting in an empty see of sand,

 Image result for the sirens

The nights are dark and long

Ive listened intently for her song

The years go by and youre not so strong

It just feels all wrong,

 Image result for the sirens

The days of wine and roses disappear

Sleeping alongside hidden fears

Trying to rise above cruelty and smears

The meaning you once knew becomes unclear,

 See related image detail



Price analysis 4/14: BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, ADA, DOGE, MATIC, SOL, DOT, LTC "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin hit a year-to-date high at $31,000 and ETHs price followed. Which altcoins will be next?


EDC - Pocket Pen "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

What do you guys carry on your person?

I have a Refyne copper pen. EP1 Copper - REFYNE

I like that you can. use a slew of refills in it. At the moment, I have a Fisher Space Pen refill. Others are smoother, but I have a Fisher in...

EDC - Pocket Pen


Crypto Biz: Global AI race ramps up, Winklevoss $100M loan to Gemini, and more "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Recent days have seen new players emerge in the race for artificial intelligence, with business giants announcing AI initiatives.


The Winning Photos of the 2023 Sony World Photography Awards "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

2023 Sony World Photography Awards

The World Photography Organization has announced the overall winners in the prestigious Sony World Photography Awards 2023 competition.

[Read More]


Less than 1% of staked ETH estimated to be sold after Shapella: Finance Redefined "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The top 100 DeFi tokens surged along with the broader crypto market as the total value locked peaked at a new yearly high of over $54 billion.


Viral TikTok Video Shows How COVID-Era High School Yearbooks Had Zoom Screenshots as School Portraits "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Viral TikTok Video Shows How COVID-Era High School Yearbooks Had Zoom Screenshots as School Portraits

Viral TikTok Captures How Different Pandemic-Era High School Yearbooks Are

Photo: Screenshot from TikTok

It's hard to believe that three years have passed since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. While life has mostly returned to normal now, the challenges of those years will remain with many for a long time. TikToker @milaabandzz made a short video recording different pages of her 2021 high school yearbook, perfectly capturing how unusual the era was for students.

The clip has already received over 4 million views and a large amount of engagement from people who were amused and saddened by the glimpse into pandemic-era school years. While @milaabandzz highlights select pages from the album, she also includes the text POV: you were class of '21, which emphasizes the surrealism of the pages. For instance, in the school photos, many of the images are icons with the initial of the person's first name, similar to how users appear on Zoom calls when their camera is turned off. Similarly, on a page highlighting the Future Farmers of America club, there is a screenshot of a packed Zoom call rather than an in-person group photo.

Covid really changed everything, @milaabandzz writes. People in the comments largely agree with the statement, adding a mix of reactions to the startlingly different yearbook pages. Cue the back in my day you had to turn the camera ON for picture day,' someone jokes. Another person advises, This yearbook will be iconic in 40+ years don't ever lose it! There were many that found the images sad, particularly the emphasis on Zoom meetings: a reminder of how isolating those school years were for teenagers. Others admired the ingenuity of the design, sa...


MetaMask third-party provider hacked, exposing email addresses "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The incident affected users who submitted a MetaMask customer service ticket between August 1, 2021 and February 10, 2023.


Worker Says She Was Fired from Culvers for Being an Introvert "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Starting any new job can be hard and getting along with co-workers can be more difficult for some folks than othersespecially when youre introverted.

And a woman named Tesia shared two videos on TikTok where she described her experiences getting hired at a Culvers restaurant and eventually getting fired for being too much of an introvert on the job.

Take a look at what she had to say.

@tesiacovington #storytime #culvers #genz #blacklivesmatter #discrimination #mentalhealthmatters original sound TeeSuh

She posted a second video where she...


Mental Health Industry Issues Outlined in New Book About Forced Treatment in North America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

From Ashland Source: A Canadian investigative journalist and author shining a light on a chaotic mental health system in North America read from his new book at Ashland [OH] Public Library on Tuesday.

Rob Wipond, author of Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships, shared stories of people hes interviewed over the years who have experienced forced treatment after utilizing the 988 hotline.

. . . He read about David, a veteran from New York, who after calling the hotline one day from work was then transported by police against his will to a veterans hospital all because the person he talked to on the hotline believed David was suicidal. He wasnt.

Wipond also read about Holly, a law student. In 2018, she had moved to Ohio after leaving an abusive relationship. With no health insurance and no one to talk to, she called the hotline because she was feeling depressed. Wipond said Holly described the call as awkward. The call attendant, he said, was reading from a suicide screening questionnaire without Hollys knowledge.

The call attendant suggested Holly go immediately to a psychiatric hospital, but Holly said she had a class soon. The attendant wanted to send police out. When Holly said that was unnecessary, the call attendant replied, the police can determine that, Wipond said.

According to Wipond, police and an ambulance showed up to Hollys location 15 minutes later. The destination? A psychiatric hospital, where Holly stayed for 12 hours in a small room and a doctor later diagnosed her with bipolar disorder. She was discharged two weeks later and eventually hit with a $50,000 bill that she negotiated down to $20,000 and a 10-year payment plan.

Wipond said he shared the anecdotes to highlight the chaos in which the mental health industry operates.

It is an industry and it needs to be understood in that way, Wipond said. I think if we talked about it more like that, wed actually be closer to understanding some of the main mechanisms that are at work.'



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Loupedeck CT Review: A Dialed-In Creative Editing Superstar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

External editing keyboards and decks are huge time savers. Move the critical features of an editing or creative tool to a compact editing surface, and workflow productivity climbs.

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AstrHori Launches AH-M1 Real-Time Light Meter for Analog Cameras "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AstrHori AH-M1 light meter

Chinese company AstrHori has announced the AH-M1 Light Meter, a real-time light meter designed for older cameras, including film cameras without a built-in light meter.

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Supermassive Black Hole Speeding Through Universe Is Creating Stars "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Supermassive Black Hole Speeding Through Universe Is Creating Stars

Supermassive Black Hole Speeding Through Universe Creates Stars

An artist's rendition of the supermassive black hole on the run through the universe. (Photo: NASA, ESA, Leah Hustak (STScI))

Black holes are famous for their gravitational power. The celestial phenomenon draws in matter with a powerful gravitational force through a process called accretion. This powerful force can even destroy stars by ripping them apart. NASA has recently discovered a surprising twist on this classic narrative. A supermassive black hole, ejected from its own galaxy, has been streaking across the universe, actually forming stars in its wake.

Yale University professor Pieter van Dokkum spotted a streak of light in a Hubble Telescope archival image. What he first thought was a cosmic ray turned out, through further research, to be a trail of newly formed, young stars. They form a trail across 200,000 light-years. Van Dokkum announced his findings in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, attributing the trail's creation to a runaway supermassive black hole. The trail leads from a compact star-forming galaxy to a bright knot. According to the paper, a mixture of star formation and fast shocks makes up the trail. The researchers postulate the supermassive blackhole may have escaped from the center of the galaxy and is now, quite literally, on the run.

The black hole is moving at a whopping 4 million mph across space. This unusual speed may contribute to the black hole forming stars rather than destroying everything it encounters. We think we're seeing a wake behind the black hole where the gas...


Why is Ethereum (ETH) price up today? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum price is up today and now with the Shapella hardfork in the background, traders are taking a much closer look at ETH


100 US Servicemen Killed by UFOs ? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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According to Tucker Carlson almost 11 years ago he was contacted by a professor from Stanford University. He specialized in the study of brain trauma, particularly in soldiers. Apparently Carlson is also a specialist in brain injury as well. What the professor told Tucker next blew his mind! There were 100 court cases being litigated against the US government for active servicemen who had been killed by UFOs!

Image result for Whiteman AFB

A SAC (Strategic Air Command) base incursion

Many of us are aware of the UFO landing within US military bases and even in Western Germany. In the 1970s an alarming number of US missile defense bases sighted UFOs hovering over their launch facilities remotely knocking out warheads of nuclear missiles by deactivating the computers within the warheads. I wrote a story and had it published in the Plano Star Courier back in 1995 on how Sergeant Jerry Johnson, part of a fast strike security team was alerted to secure a point of breach within the center of Whiteman Air Force base in Knobnoster, Missouri, a SAC Base housing the Minute Man missiles. In 1968, a huge air base that was almost a self-contained city within itself was the scene of a landed UFO.

Image result for Whiteman AFB UFO incident

The unknown calls

Children of base officers headed home from school witnessed a hovering craft glide along the grounds scouring all vegetation from the soil and then settling beneath a tree where they saw it accelerate straight upward at terrific speed leaving damage to the tree. Jerry and his armed team descended on the location to cordon off the area and begin interviewing the witnesses. According to what he knew the base radar never picked up the object when it violated the forbidden air space of the missile facility. Nothing but high ranking brass were out there trying to figure out what had happened. Jerry and his team were assigned to keep an all-night vigil on the landing site, and in his words, they did not want to see it come back!

Image result for Gordon Cooper

What kind of technology?

Apparently Jerry was lucky. As 100 US troops and air base personnel who have seen a UFO land, approached the unknown aerial object, and suffered severe brain trauma as a result! Its well known that many US combat helicopters...


Chia Network says it submitted IPO registration to SEC after leadership shuffle "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The green blockchain company revealed no details of the proposal; the new CEO said the IPO would probably occur next year.


Amazon Bedrock is a Cloud Service for AI Generated Images and Text "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Amazon Bedrock Generative AI technology

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced Amazon Bedrock and numerous new services built on advanced artificial intelligence (AI) services. Amazon Bedrock is the company's new application programming interface (API) for developers to utilize Amazon's new generative AI tools.

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CFTC chair says Binance intentionally broke rules concerning futures, commodities "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The head of the CFTC, Rostin Behnam, recently spoke out against Binance and its leadership at a public-facing event held at Princeton University.


Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A photographer has stirred up fresh controversy and debate after his AI image won first prize at one of the world's most prestigious photography competitions. He has since declined to accept the prize while the contest has remained silent on the matter.

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Generative AI can deliver life-changing disease treatments "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Scientists are using the same AI foundations to make drug discovery faster, safer and more effective.


My Own Yarn Shop and Crochet Studio "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hello, crafty blog  friends!
Here I am, after a long absence, with some exciting news.
I opened my own brick and mortar yarn shop and crochet studio!!!
Getting everything done, mostly by myself but also with generous help from family and friends when needed, was a tiring journey, but rewarding in the end.
As I slowly settle down with my new role and work, I hope to be able to resume my normal blogging and online work.


A New Chapter Of The Bible Was Found Hidden Inside 1,750-Year-Old Text "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It has been discovered that the Bible has a new chapter that was concealed inside a translation of the Gospel of Matthew that is 1,750 years old.

Grigory Kessel, a medievalist, utilized ultraviolet photography on the manuscripts that were housed in the Vatican Library in order to uncover the missing chapter.

As part of the Sinai Palimpsests Project, in which researchers try to recover manuscripts that were erased and written over by scribes between the 4th-12th centuries CE, the concealed text was discovered. Due to the lack of writing materials at the time, palimpsest manuscripts were rather frequent.

The text showed up when illuminated by UV light. Image credit: Vatican Library

These types of manuscripts include repurposed prior text that has been washed or scraped off. However, it is possible to retrieve text that was written hundreds of years later by fluorescing the manuscripts or exposing them with various wavelengths of light.

Researchers have previously decoded 74 manuscripts using similar techniques, but the most recent discovery was especially significant since it included a translation that was a century older than the earliest Greek translations, including the Codex Sinaiticus.

The tradition of Syriac Christianity knows several translations of the Old and New Testaments, Kessel said in a statement. Until recently, only two manuscripts were known to contain the Old Syriac translation of the gospels.

According to IFLS, the translation, which was first composed in the 3rd century CE and duplicated in the 6th century CE, has not yet been revealed in its entirety; nonetheless, it provides a li...


RISD Continuing Education Reaches Teen Artists Globally With Online Youth Programming "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Since 2020, the development of effective and engaging online art and design programming for teens has been a focus of Rhode Island School of Design Continuing Education (RISD CE). In addition to online courses and certificate programs for adults, RISD CE now offers two formats of online engagement specifically designed to meet the needs and goals of teen students across the globe.

Teen artists from anywhere in the world can now participate in courses taught by academics, creative practitioners, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders who advance RISD CEs mission to provide an art and design education for everyone! Students come with unique goals and are met by instructors who provide opportunities to expand their worldview and hone critical visual communication skills applicable to any career path.

RISD CE teen online courses...


After The Wild: Contemporary Art from The Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation Collection "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

After The Wild: Contemporary Art from The Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation Collection features works made by 47 contemporary artists between 19632023, part of a gift made to the Jewish Museum by The Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation.

Barnett Newman (19051970) is among the most influential artists associated with Abstract Expressionism. After his death, his widow Annalee Newman created the foundation t...

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