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IndyWatch The Wire All Topics Summary was generated at The Wire IndyWatch.

Saturday, 06 May


Moonlight Variations "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

Friday 5th May, 6.30pm 8.00pm, Wesley of Warragul

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Sunday, 16 April


Farmers Market Wayville "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Adelaide families now have the opportunity buy fresh food directly from producers from all over SA at the Adelaide Showground Farmers Market. The 20,000 strong crowd that turned up for the farmers market which formed the centrepiece of the 'Go Organic Festival' in September in 2005 encouraged the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society (RAHS) to back the foundation of a permanent farmers market by a not-for-profit community organisation. The market opened on October 1st 2006 with a massive crowd of 10,000 shoppers and runs each Sunday (apart from the weeks of the Royal Show) from 9am-1pm.

In the tradition of farmers markets, it is a food market at which both food producers and consumers can get a fair price for food produced in SA and support regional and sustainable land use. The market guarantees that you buy direct from the producer and is known for its strict adherence to the ethics of farmers markets which now number in their thousands worldwide as families seek to avoid overstored food from major retailers who pass on meagre prices to farmers. In Australia, the farmers market movement is represented by the Australian Farmers Market Association and SA's peak body, the SA Farmers Market Association, will soon be launched.

The Adelaide Showground location is superb, with a major bike trail, the Glenelg tram line, a major rail line, numerous bus routes all converging to make it one of the most accessible sites in Adelaide. Parking is also easy and cheap.

120 producers offer their extraordinarily diverse products (everything from oysters to almonds and bread to boysenberries!). It is accessed from the car parks at the Leader Street (southern) end of the Showgrounds.  

Becoming a member brings with it 10% discount on all purchases as well as a right to vote in the management of the market. Details and memberships are available at

The Food Forest is a foundation stallholder at the market and presents a wide range of foods, always including its signature specialty - organically certified pistachio nuts. We are there on alternate weeks (we run short courses on the other weekends).

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Friday, 14 April


gypten wollte Russland angeblich 40.000 Raketen fr ... "IndyWatch Feed Allaunews"

gypten wollte Russland angeblich 40.000 Raketen fr den Ukrainekrieg liefern, steht laut Washington Post in den geleakten US-Geheimdienstdokumenten.

Ich bin ja normalerweise kein Freund von Geheimdienst-Geraune und Regierungsaussagen, auer sie sehen fr den Dienst oder die Regierung klar berraschend oder nachteilig aus. Wenn also die Ukraine jetzt sagt, sie htten ihre Angriffsstrategie nicht ndern mssen wegen dieser Leaks, dann ist das fr mich vllig uninteressant, denn was sollen die denn bitte sonst sagen, selbst wenn sie die Strategie ndern mussten.

Aber gypten ist ein alter Verbndeter der USA in der Gegend, oder wie es das US-Auenministerium formuliert:

Egypt is a valued U.S. partner in counterterrorism, anti-trafficking, and regional security operations, which advance both U.S. and Egyptian security. The decades-long defense partnership is a pillar for regional stability. Since 1978, the United States has contributed more than $50 billion in military assistance, which has contributed to Egypts capabilities to protect and defend its land and maritime borders and to confront an evolving terrorist threat, including in the Sinai Peninsula.
Raketen sind in dem Kontext Munition fr Raketenwerfer. Google-Stichwort ist MLRS. 40.000 Stck ist zwar eine bemerkenswert groe Menge, aber nicht ganz so unrealistisch wie sich das auf den ersten Blick anhrt.

Der russische Mehrfachraketenwerfer heit BM-21 Grad und gypten wrde dann wohl passende SAKR-45-Raketen liefern. Das 45 steht fr die Reichweite, 45 km. Das entspricht auch der Reichweite der billigsten Raketen fr das vergleichbare amerikanische Himars-System, das die Ukraine benutzt. Es gibt auch Raketen mit viel mehr Reichweite, 100km und mehr, aber die sind dann auch viel teurer und werden daher eher fr besondere Spezialeinstze aufgehoben.

Kann natrlich sein, dass das alles gelogen ist, um den gyptern ein Signal zu schicken. Mir ist nur gerade nicht klar, was das dann genau fr ein Signal sein sollte. Die galten bisher als solide US-Aliierte. gypten ist nicht in der Nato aber ist seit Ronald Reagan offiziell Major non-NATO ally der USA.

Hey, psst, wisst ihr noch, das Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz? ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Hey, psst, wisst ihr noch, das Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz? Dass uns ein fr alle mal den ganzen Hass im Internet vom Halse schaffen sollte?

Hat es natrlich nicht.

Tja. Was tun, wenn man eine Ideologie durchsetzen will, die wenig Kontakt zur Realitt hat? Na double down natrlich! Wir brauchen einfach noch viel mehr Durchsetzungsgesetze frs Internet. Hier ist ein toller Vorschlag!

Wer wiederholt andere im Internet schwerwiegend persnlich angreift, muss mit schrferen Konsequenzen rechnen. Gerichte sollen Social-Media-Konten sperren lassen knnen - so plant es das Bundesjustizministerium.
Tja. Wer dachte, wenn dieser unsgliche Maas da weg ist, dann kehrt vielleicht wieder Sachkompetenz im Justizministerium ein, der sieht sich getuscht.
Im Mittelpunkt steht die Idee, dass Menschen, die in den sozialen Netzwerken angegriffen werden, "unter gewissen Voraussetzungen" per Gericht eine Accountsperre verlangen knnen.
Ja komm, ey, das ist wie im realen Leben. Das Netz darf kein rechtsfreier Raum sein!1!!

Aber Fefe, ist das nicht anfllig fr Missbrauch? Aber nicht doch, mein Herr!

Dieses Vorhaben richtet sich gegen "notorische Rechtsverletzer im digitalen Raum"
Genau wie bei den ganzen Polizeigesetzen verspricht man uns vorher, dass das blo in absoluten Ausnahmefllen und gegen schwerste Schwerkriminelle eingesetzt werden darf. Und dann, zwei Wochen spter, verfolgen sie damit Urheberrechtsverletzungen und Steuerhinterzieher.
Eine solche Sperre muss "verhltnismig" sein und es muss um "schwerwiegende Persnlichkeitsverletzungen" gehen.
Viel Raum fr Virtue Signalung und Willkr? Aber nicht doch! Unsere Richter werden uns retten. Wie sie uns auch jetzt schon vor Urheberrechtsabmahnabzockern retten, msst ihr wissen. Und vor Polizeigewalt.
Auerdem soll eine Accountsperre nur erfolgen, wenn andere Mglichkeiten nicht ausreichen - etwa die Lschung eines Posts - und "Wiederholungsgefahr" besteht.
Da ruft man dann einfach in Delphi an und fragt das Orakel. Das wei dann, ob Wiederholungsgefahr besteht.
Ein Accountinhaber soll von der jeweiligen Plattform auf ein Sperrersuchen hingewiesen werden und Gelegenheit zur Stellungnahme haben.
Lassen wir dieses Feigenblatt doch gleich weg. Wenn es soweit kommt, hat schon ein Richter die Beweise der "digitalen Gewalt" gesichert und befunden, dass es sich um eine "schwerwiegende Persnlichkeitsverletzung" handelt, und dass die Sperre "verhltnismig" ist. Offensichtlich ist es dann zu spt um irgendwas durch eine Stellungenahme abzuwenden. Ein Glck, dass bei uns die Whler alle so blde und empathiefrei sind, dass sie sich nicht vorstellen knnen, wie dieses Gesetz eines Tages ge...

Gute Nachrichten! Bitcoin-Mining produziert gar kein ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Gute Nachrichten! Bitcoin-Mining produziert gar kein CO2!1!!

Ich hab das erst fr eine Satire gehalten, aber das ist der Firmenaccount von Riot Platforms. Die gibt es wirklich. Die sind brsennotiert.

"Wofr brauchen wir Kraftwerke?! Bei uns kommt der Strom aus der Steckdose!1!!"

Habt ihr das auch gelesen? Macron hat in China bse ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Habt ihr das auch gelesen? Macron hat in China bse Dinge gesagt?

Mhh. Was denn so? Gucken wir doch mal.

Macron hatte in Gesprchen mit der Zeitung Les Echos und dem Magazin Politico eine eigene europische Strategie in der Taiwan-Frage gefordert.
Ketzerei! Verbrennt die Hexe!!!

Besonders geil finde ich aber solche Leute hier:

Auch der Partei- und Fraktionsvorsitzende der europischen Konservativen, Manfred Weber (CSU), bte Kritik: "Wer fr Freiheit und Demokratie eintritt, ist kein Mitlufer."
Oh, ach? Die CSU? Die mit dem Polizeigesetz, bei dem Unschuldige unbegrenzt weggesperrt werden knnen? Die erzhlen uns jetzt was von Freiheit und Demokratie?

Wenn ihr brigens mal gucken wollt, was der Macron tatschlich gesagt hat: Hier ist die Primrquelle. Deepl kann das gut bersetzen.

Macron hat vorgeschlagen, dass sich die Europische Auenpolitik nach dem Willen der Whler in der EU richtet, nicht nach dem Diktat der USA oder von sonstwem. Mit anderen Worten: Er tritt fr Freiheit und Demokratie ein.

Gut, wenn man so tief im Dickdarm der USA wohnt wie der Rttgen, dann sieht man natrlich in alle Richtungen nur Scheie. Aber schn warm ist es da!

Wichtig ist an der Stelle auch, was Macron nicht gesagt hat. Er hat nicht gesagt, dass er im Taiwan-Konflikt auf Seiten Chinas steht. Oder Taiwans. Er findet blo, dass die EU da aus eigener Demokratie-Willensbildung drauf kommen sollte, nicht weil das diktiert wird.

Oh und: Wenn die EU keine eigene Auenpolitik hat, wieso sollte dann ein Macron berhaupt nach China reisen? Er hat hier im Wesentlichen begrndet, wieso die EU berhaupt Diplomatie mit China betreibt.

Neulich so: Kleine Deutschstunde fr Journalisten ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Neulich so: Kleine Deutschstunde fr Journalisten im Blog.

Heute so: dpa ber Impfschden-Prozesse:

Der mutmalich erste Prozess sollte zunchst am 28. April vor dem Landgericht Frankfurt starten.
Nope. 0 Punkte. Meinten Sie: Der voraussichtlich erste Prozess?

Update: Es wre Aufgabe der Presse gewesen, das zu recherchieren. Mutmaen kann ich selber. Wenn du schon Annahmen ber die Zukunft triffst, dann nimm das richtige Wort dafr.

Im brigen mutmat man ber Dinge in der Vergangenheit oder im Konjunktiv ("wenn es nicht geregnet htte, wre die Verhandlung besser gelaufen").

A Front Company and a Fake Identity: How the U.S. Came to Use Spyware It Was Trying to Kill "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

The secret contract was finalized on Nov. 8, 2021, a deal between a company that has acted as a front for the United States government and the American affiliate of a notorious Israeli hacking firm. Under the arrangement, the Israeli firm, NSO Group, gave the U.S. government access to one of its most powerful weapons a geolocation tool that can covertly track mobile phones around the world without the phone user's knowledge or consent. Only five days earlier, the Biden administration had announced it was taking action against NSO, whose hacking tools for years had been abused by governments around the world to spy on political dissidents, human rights activists and journalists. The White House placed NSO on a Commerce Department blacklist, declaring the company a national security threat. The secret contract ... violates the Biden administration's public policy, and still appears to be active. The contract, reviewed by The Times, stated that the "United States government" would be the ultimate user of the tool, although it is unclear which government agency authorized the deal and might be using the spyware. Elements of America's expansive national security apparatus in recent years have bought the weapons, deployed them against drug traffickers, and have quietly pushed to consolidate control of them into the hands of the United States and its closest allies. The F.B.I. purchased access in 2019 to NSO's most powerful hacking tool, known as Pegasus, which invades mobile phones and mines their contents.

Note: Read how journalists and activists have been targeted with NSO Group spyware. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and the disappearance of privacy from reliable major media sources.

Censorship by Proxy: How Big Tech Censors Global News Platforms "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Big Tech giants and their oligarchic owners now engage in a new type of censorship, which we have called "censorship by proxy." Censorship by proxy describes restrictions on freedom of information undertaken by private corporations that exceed limits on governmental censorship and serve both corporate and government or third-party interests. Censorship by proxy is not subject to venerable First Amendment proscriptions on government interference with freedom of speech or freedom of the press. Censorship by proxy alerts us to the power of economic entities that are not normally recognized as "gatekeepers." For example, in 2022, the digital financial service PayPal (whose founders include Peter Thiel and Elon Musk) froze the accounts of Consortium News and MintPress News for "unspecified offenses" and "risks" associated with their accounts, a ruling that prevented both independent news outlets from using funds maintained by PayPal. Consortium News and MintPress News have each filed critical news stories and commentary on the foreign policy objectives of the United States and NATO. PayPal issued notices to each news outlet, stating that, in addition to suspending their accounts, it might also seize their assets for "damages."  Joe Lauria, editor in chief of Consortium News, said he believed this was a case of "ideological policing." Mnar Adley, head of MintPress News, warned, "The sanctions-regime war is coming home to hit the bank accounts of watchdog journalists."

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corporate corruption and media manipulation from reliable sources.

Pentagon Tries to Cast Bank Runs as National Security Threat "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

In recent months, the Pentagon has moved to provide loans, guarantees, and other financial instruments to technology companies it considers crucial to national security a step beyond the grants and contracts it normally employs. So when Silicon Valley Bank threatened to fail in March following a bank run, the defense agency advocated for government intervention to insure the investments. The Pentagon had even scrambled to prepare multiple plans to get cash to affected companies if necessary, reporting by Defense One revealed. Their interest in Silicon Valley Bank stems from the Pentagon's brand-new office, the Office of Strategic Capital. The secretary of defense established the OSC in December specifically to counteract the investment power of adversaries like China in U.S. technologies, and to secure separate funding for companies whose products are considered vital to national security. The national security argument for bailout, notably, found an influential friend in the Senate. As the Biden administration intervened to protect Silicon Valley Bank depositors on March 12, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., who chairs the powerful Senate Intelligence Committee and also sits on the Banking Committee, issued a press release warning that the bank run posed a national security risk. Warner the only member of Congress to have publicly tied SVB to national security has received significant contributions from the financial sector. Since 2012, Warner has received over $21,000 from Silicon Valley Bank's super PAC.

Note: Many tech startups with funds in Silicon Valley Bank were working on projects with defense and national security applications. Explore revealing news articles on the rising concerns of the emerging technologies that the Defense Department is investing in, given their recent request for $17.8 billion to research and develop artificial intelligence, autonomy, directed energy weapons, cybe......

US Army awards Lockheed up to $4.5 bln missiles contract "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) said on Monday the U.S. Army has awarded a multi-year production contract for Joint-Air-to-Ground Missiles (JAGM) and HELLFIRE missiles, in a deal that could go up to $4.5 billion including follow-on awards. The contract, which will have a total value of $439 million in its first year, is among the first multi-year awards for precision munitions, as the Pentagon looks to build stocks in the hopes of deterring China. In March, President Joe Biden requested $842 billion for the Pentagon and $44 billion for defense-related programs at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Energy and other agencies. The 2024 budget proposal is $28 billion more than last year's $858 billion. Lockheed added the contract also offers three additional follow-on awards which will start in late 2023, allowing for a total contract value of up to $4.5 billion over the next four years. The JAGM program anticipates a "significant increase" in international demand for the weapon system, Lockheed said.

Note: Many benefit financially from warfare when it comes to provoking proxy wars and furthering U.S. agendas of full-spectrum dominance, as thoroughly explored in the book War is a Racket by the highly decorated general Smedley D. Butler. According to a revealing report, at least 47 members of Congress and their spouses hold between $2 million and $6.7 million worth of stock in Lockheed Martin and other companies that are among the top 100 defense contractors.


Hello from Israel. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hey everybody. My name is Danny. My interest in martial arts and knife defense has brought me to the forum. As a result of many knife terror attacks which happen where I live, I tried many knife defense techniques and wanted to share what worked the best for me with people who are interested in the subject.

I would be happy to expand my knowledge about other topics of survival of which I know very little.
MM... that's all. If you have any question I would be happy to answer =)

Some people...

Hello from Israel.


'Nothing is a coincidence with the government,' claims US lawmaker on Operation Choke Point 2.0 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Speaking at the NFT.NYC 2023, United States congressman Byron Donalds hurled criticism at recent crypto regulatory initiatives.


Mrs Krap Update Surgery was today. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Today was one seriously long day! Started out at 2AM to get there for all of the waiting and surgery prep stuff and I pulled in the driveway at 7PM. I stayed at the Hospital until Dee was out of Surgery and in the recovery room she was going to be in the recovery room for 3-4 hours before they moved her into the ICU and is going to be out of it for at least the next 48 hours, so not much point in me being there and even for spouses access to the ICU is very restricted. Longer day for Dee...

Mrs Krap Update Surgery was today.


Riley Gaines tells Hannity: I was ambushed and physically assaulted "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Former All-American swimmer Riley Gaines responds to attack following speech on protecting womens sports on Hannity.
#foxnews #hannity

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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LIVE: Biden delivers remarks to the Irish House of Parliament "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

President Biden addresses the Irish Parliament in Dublin. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Ruling Class Propaganda Outlets Quit Twitter "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Two propaganda outlets of the ruling class have quit Twitter after being accurately labeled as state-funded media. National Public Radio (NPR) left Twitter after being declared government-funded media,  even though it says it right there in the companys title.

National and Public mean government-funded propaganda. But now another public company that doesnt like being called out for what it is that has decided to follow suit.  Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) has followed National Public Radio in bailing from the Twitter platform after the social media network labeled both organizations as government-funded media.


PBS stopped tweeting from our account when we learned of the change and we have no plans to resume at this time, PBS spokesman Jason Phelps said in an email. We are continuing to monitor the ever-changing situation closely.

The spat began after Twitter tagged NPR as state-affiliated media, a description it also uses for propaganda accounts from Russia, China and the UK. Twitter later changed the wording to government-funded media, but the organization has called the description inaccurate and misleading because its a nonprofit group with editorial independence. -ZeroHedge

Dystopia Disguised as Democracy: All the Ways in Which Freedom Is an Illusion

Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear


Makers + Video Games = Crazy Awesome Hacky Interfaces "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Makers + Video Games = Crazy Awesome Hacky Interfaces

The Game Developer Conference, or GDC, is always a big event in the gaming industry. You can find the latest and greatest tech and talent, and do some incredible networking. What interests us from the event are the makers who are always trying to come up with new and interesting ways to play games. They []

The post Makers + Video Games = Crazy Awesome Hacky Interfaces appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


Modern Terrarium Simulates Different Climates to Allow Any Plant to Thrive Indoors "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Modern Terrarium Simulates Different Climates to Allow Any Plant to Thrive Indoors

The Biorb air 60 terrarium

In every plant parent's life, there comes a time when they feel a little adventurous. Once they've mastered common houseplants and succulents, they want something a little more colorful, or maybe something exotic for a challenge. But not everyone can replicate the tropical and humid conditions some flora demand at home. Luckily, there are modern hi-tech terrariums that can work wonders and be aesthetically pleasing at the same time.

The AIR 60 Terrarium by biOrb is a stylish spherical terrarium with a capacity of 16 gallons. It can turn your favorite plants into a decorative piece that matches any room, all while providing the ideal conditions any plant needs to survive. Instead of regular glass, this terrarium is made of acrylic, which is 10 times stronger, 50% lighter, and has a 93% transparency rating.

Unlike an old-fashioned terrarium, which is basically just a fish bowl, AIR 60 can replicate the conditions found in tropical climates. It comes equipped with auto lighting, humidity, and airflow systems to simulate the temperatures and humidity the plant would find in its native environment outdoors. There are six LED lights at the top within the dome that work on a 24-hour cycle, imitating day and night, to encourage natural growth.

In addition to the AIR 60, biOrb has an 8-gallon terrarium aptly called AIR 30. It may be half the size, but its just as effective. It can also simulate three climate settings to fit your plants needs: tropical for plants that require high humidity, semi-arid for cacti and succulents, and medium for temperate plants. To prevent them from growing and bending towards just one light source, the top cover houses an array of LED lights that you can program for 8-hour, 10-hour, 12-hour, or 14-hour light cycles.

Whether you consider yourself a green thumb or a plant newbie, these terrariums can help make sure your plants thrive within the micro habitat. They can sense when the humidity drops and gently adjust the air within the sphere using advanced misting and fan settings.

One of the biggest known issues with regular terrariums is that they beco...


Aftershoot EDITS Uses AI Editing Software to Supercharge Your Post-shoot Workflow "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You may recognize Aftershoot as one of the leading AI culling apps on the market. Now, Aftershoot is revving up its mission to streamline the entire post-shoot workflow for photographers with its AI editing software, Aftershoot EDITS.

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High Hopes for EUs MiCA Law With Final Vote Imminent "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The EU is set to vote on its landmark crypto law, MiCA. (Pixabay)


Bad Start "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I made coffee but somehow reused yesterdays pod, looked like water. I exchanged pods, poured the water but forgot to put a cup underneath. I forgot my oatmeal before class too, had to turn around and get it. Bad start to the day. If only there were a reset button.


DxO Update Brings 1,192 New Optics Modules And More "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The French photo software company DxO has released an update to its Optics Modules that it says will give photographers the best possible performance from their camera and lens combinations, correcting lens imperfections and softness with "unparalleled precision".

[Read More]


Bitcoin-friendly PPI data boosts bulls as Ether price fights for $2K "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin fails to react to a positive PPI print, while Ether gets busy defending the $2,000 mark which it reclaimed for the first time in eight months.


5 high-paying IT jobs that do not require a degree "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Here are five high-paying IT jobs that dont require a degree: software developer, cybersecurity analyst, database administrator, network administrator and web developer.


Not Good! 3rd State Moves TO BAN 2nd Amendment!! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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HUNTER THE HANDLER?: Biden ripped for SNL-like moment with son in Ireland "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

OutKick host Bobby Burack joined Fox & Friends First to discuss why he is disappointed by the incident and growing calls for California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D., to resign. #FoxNews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Biden breaks silence on massive intel leak: Not concerned "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Save Our Allies co-founder Tim Kennedy joined Fox & Friends to discuss the significance of the leak as critical questions regarding the source remain unanswered. #FoxNews

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Michael Cohen cant be trusted to do anything at this point and time | Wake Up America "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Thursdays Wake Up America, former Acting U.S. Attorney General Matthew Whitaker reacts to the former president suing Michael Cohen for $500M for alleging breaching his contract.

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REPORT: Fmr. President Trump back in NYC for deposition "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On Thursdays Wake Up America, former President Trump is back in Manhattan for a deposition before New York Attorney General Letitia James. NEWSMAXS Christina Thompson reports.

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In Theatrical Murals and Dioramas by Aryz, Dramatic Scenarios Unfold in Vivid Color "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A large-scale, diorama-like painting of lions and circus performers inside of a church.

La Causa (2020), Saint-Merri Church, Paris, France. All images Aryz

In vibrant blocks of color, Catalan artist Aryz creates multistory murals and diorama-like artworks that radiate within their surroundings. Known for his saturated chromatic installations (previously) that fill the sides of apartment blocks or stand as panels in grand interiors, the artist emphasizes an outsized sketchy style as if the pigment were applied with giant crayons or pastels.

Aryz often reveals a grid-like structure redolent of paintings underdrawings, but rather than cover the structure, he creates distinct compartments containing a variety of textural and compositional elements. While much of his work emphasizes a flat two-dimensional plane, murals like El Entreacto expand the grid and incorporate three-dimensional depth with shadows and cartoonish details that glitch or cut off.

Often featuring figures in early 20th-century garments, Aryzs dramatic scenes involve lions and circus performers, airplanes, or injured figures, evoking associations with early cinema and the First and Second World Wars. The murals locations provide incredible backdrops for the artists theatrical interior scenes, nodding to the rich history of crumbling old chapels or cavernous sites like Saint-Merri Church in Paris that have been damaged and reconstructed over many centuries.

Find more on his website, and see videos of his process on Instagram. (via Booooooom)




Announcing several new degrees and certificates, generative AI platform features, and Coursera Hiring Solutions to better serve the community worldwide "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO of Coursera 

Our annual Coursera Conference brings together leaders from across global higher education, industry, and governments to discuss critical trends, ecosystem collaborations, and technological advancements shaping the future of learning and work. This years conference, in its 11th edition, is particularly significant. The growing demand for remote jobs continues to transform the global labor market, and the astonishing rise of generative AI creates new possibilities for personalized and interactive learning. As businesses adopt generative AI to improve customer offerings and productivity, it will also create an unprecedented demand for reskilling  with up to 49% of workers having half or more of their tasks exposed to large language models.  

Today, were excited to announce several new content offerings, ChatGPT-powered platform innovations, and expanded immersive learning experiences to better serve our learners and educators worldwide. Additionally, were launching Coursera Hiring Solutions to help connect learners with entry-level digital jobs around the world. 

Launching 8 new degrees, 3 Professional Certificates, and a growing catalog of generative AI content:

  • Were excited to expand our portfolio of job-relevant online degrees with eight new programs in high-demand areas such as computer science, data science, and business administration. Offered by leading universities like Illinois Tech, UC Boulder, Ball State University, and SPJIMR, these additions bring our catalog to over  50 bachelors and masters degrees available on the platform. Many of these programs will offer accessible pathways including performance-based admissions with no prerequisites to serve students with or without the relevant background. With pricing under $20,000, all new degrees offer exceptional affordability and accessibility, especially well-suited for working adults. 
  • To help learners prepare for in-demand jobs, were launching two Entry-Level Professional Certificates from IBM in front-end development and IT project management, designed specifically for learners without a degree or industry experience, and Spark AR Developer Advanced Professional Certificate from Meta for intermediate or advanced learners. 
  • Were also expanding immersive learning on the platform with several...


DeFi Exchange Uniswap Launches Uniswap Mobile Wallet "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

AI Artwork Security Wallet Locked Safety (DALL-E/CoinDesk)


Announcing Coursera Hiring Solutions to connect learners with entry-level digital jobs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Shravan Goli, Chief Operating Officer

Broadband connectivity, online learning, and remote work are unlocking new ways for individuals to participate in the global economy, regardless of their location or prior experience. The new labor market can uncover more equitable career opportunities for job seekers with the right skills and credentials. Increasingly, employers are considering skills-based hiring to address talent shortages and boost their workplace diversity. However, verifying a candidates skill remains challenging, especially for entry-level roles, when a career starter or switcher may lack a college degree or relevant prior work experience.

Today, were excited to announce the launch of Coursera Hiring Solutions (Beta), our skills-based recruitment service that matches industry-trained, job-ready talent with companies filling entry-level digital roles. 

With Coursera Hiring Solutions: 

  • Job seekers can develop the skills and earn credentials they need to be considered for entry-level, digital jobs  and showcase them to employers. They can use their Skills Profile to showcase their job readiness with credentials, assessments, projects, and more. This can include entry-level Professional Certificates from leading companies like Google, Meta, and IBM, skill proficiency assessments, and projects that allow job seekers to demonstrate their skills to employers with work samples. 
  • Employers can expand and diversify their candidate pool by gaining access to industry-trained, job-ready talent. Recruiters can use the Talent Dashboard to view pre-qualified entry-level talent, all in one place, with filters to identify candidates that meet their unique sourcing requirements. They can also verify candidate skill proficiency at scale with role-based skills assessments and use projects to evaluate a candidates ability to apply their skills in realistic on-the-job scenarios.
  • Universities and governments can strengthen employment outcomes by helping job seekers demons...

Thursday, 13 April


Expanding immersive learning: Coursera launches new VR course experiences from leading universities and AR content from Meta "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Shravan Goli, Chief Operating Officer, Coursera 

Augmented, mixed, and virtual realities are poised to reshape education and work. The global markets for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) specifically are projected to reach $88 billion by 2026. 

Today, were excited to announce new VR-enabled course experiences from Duke University, Peking University, and the University of Washington, which harness the power of VR to make learning even more engaging. Additionally, to help learners develop job-relevant AR skills, weve launched a new AR Professional Certificate and Specialization from Meta. The new experiences and content are available to learners on Coursera today. 

Experience new VR features in popular courses from leading universities 

Three popular courses in human physiology, Chinese language, and public speaking now have VR experiences to help learners engage with concepts more deeply. The VR additions complement the courses existing lecture videos, readings, and assessments, are designed for learners of all educational backgrounds, and increase in difficulty as a learner progresses through the course material. They can be experienced via desktop or most VR headsets and are available in both paid and audited versions of each course. Coursera worked closely with Duke, Peking, and the University of Washington to create these new experiences, along with support from Meta. 

Introductory Human Physiology from Duke University: Learners will be transported through different physiological systems to develop a holistic understanding of the human body. From being immersed within the walls of a blood vessel to measuring a patients blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer device, the courses VR components will provide up-close views and gamified tasks to deepen key concepts and vocabulary, specifically around the topic of blood pressure. 

Chinese for Beginners from Peking University: This course teaches beginner-level Mandarin Chinese for basic daily conversations, such as ordering food or discussing hobbies. Through VR, learners will virtua...


A glowing UFO appeared during a live TV broadcast in Russia "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A glowing UFO appeared during a live TV broadcast in Russia. It baffled correspondents and studio folks.


Announcing 8 degrees, 3 Professional Certificates, and a growing catalog of generative AI content to help learners build skills of the future "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Marni Baker Stein, Chief Content Officer, Coursera

Digital transformation, automation, and globalization continue to profoundly reshape the labor market and the world at large. With the rise of generative AI, this change is happening at an even more accelerated pace up to 49% of workers could have half or more of their tasks exposed to large language models. To help learners adapt to this new future, Coursera is announcing new degrees, Professional Certificates, and other content offerings from leading universities and industry educators. 

Were also excited to welcome 16 new partners to the Coursera community. Universities such as Anhuac University Network (Red de Universidad Anhuac), Ball State University, Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech), London Business School, and S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR), and industry experts including Akamai Technologies, American Psychology Association, Cisco, Epic Games, Fractal Analytics Inc, Keller Williams, MedCerts, Moderna, Novartis, Unilever, and Zoho will help us deliver world-class programs to learners everywhere. 

Introducing 8 new career-focused degree programs, each affordably priced under $20,000

Degrees remain the most valuable credential for social and economic mobility, but learners need programs that are flexible, affordable, and accessible. We are excited to expand our portfolio of world-class online degrees with eight new programs from leading universities, bringing Courseras catalog to more than 50 bachelors and masters degrees. With pricing under $20,000, all new degrees offer exceptional affordability and accessibility, especially well-suited for working adults. 

Illinois Tech is a nationally ranked private university that is committed to expanding access to job-relevant education and known for graduates that receive a 90% employment rate within six months of graduation.  Together, we are announcing four industry-aligned degrees, which all feature performance-based admissions with no prerequisites or applications required. These programs are expected to begin their first cohorts in August 2023:

Unleashing the next chapter of personalized and interactive online learning with generative AI, machine learning, and virtual reality "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

New products, tools, and features will help enhance educator and learner experiences on Coursera

By Shravan Goli, Chief Operating Officer, Coursera 

Today, were excited to announce several new platform features to support and empower the needs of learners, partners, and organizations around the world. From personalized coaching and expanded course translations to seamless course building and ever-faster grading tools, these innovations mark a new chapter for teaching and learning on Coursera and our vision for generative AI in online learning. 

Want to dive deeper into Courseras vision for generative AI in learning?
Check out the The Future of Learning and Work: Creating More Equal Opportunity in a More Digital World session at Coursera Conference 2023 to hear from Jeff Maggioncalda, Coursera CEO, and Coursera product leaders about generative AI tools and features in development, including demos of early product prototypes. 

Building a highly personalized learner experience

Every learner on Coursera has unique needs and goals when it comes to their learning journey. We are particularly excited to share new tools and features designed to create even more personalization along each of these journeys.

  • COURSERA COACH POWERED BY GENERATIVE AI Learners will have access to a virtual coach, powered by generative AI, that can answer questions and share personalized feedback. The coach will also be able to provide quick video lecture summaries and resources, such as a recommended clip, to help learners better understand a specific concept. Pilot launching in the coming months.

  • ML-POWERED TRANSLATIONS To make the platform more accessible, we are deploying machine learning at scale so learners take coursework in their own language. Over the coming months, thousands of course readings, lecture video subtitles, quizzes, assessments, peer review instructions, and discussion prompts across 2,000+ courses will be translated from English into Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Thai, and Indonesian. 
  • FLEXIBLE VIEWING IN GUIDED PROJECTS Coursera offers over 3,500...


A Better World Through Financial Freedom: Why Preston Pysh Is Bullish On Bitcoin 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

For Preston Pysh, the Bitcoin 2023 event in Miami is a chance to showcase a solution for the crumbling global financial system.

As part of an investment-focused podcast that recently surpassed 100 million downloads, Preston Pysh describes the basics of Bitcoin and explores its investment case, distilling some of the most prescient aspects of the technology for listeners who might not realize how important it is. He has a knack for hosting the most knowledgeable guests to break down the most pressing topics.

For instance, Pysh has released recent episodes describing Texas evolving Bitcoin mining policy with Pierre Rochard, one exploring the state of the legacy financial system with Alf Peccatiello and one explaining decentralized social media platform Nostr with developer William Casarin.

Pysh consistently hosts timely, in-depth conversations with insightful guests, producing one of the best outlets for exploring how Bitcoin is changing our world. Now, hell be bringing that insight to the stage at Bitcoin 2023, where his combination of traditional investment expertise and holistic understanding of Bitcoins implications will grapple with a global financial environment that seems to be spinning out of control.

I suspect one of the hot topics that will be discussed is the central banks inability to get inflation under control and what that means for Bitcoin, Pysh said in an interview with Bitcoin Magazine. It seems like OPEC+ and BRICS nations are trying to exercise their control of energy production and distribution in the face of western central bank policies that attempt to control interest rates and sanctions. I expect this situation to get really intense in the second and third quarters of 2023 and the knock-on effect is going to demonstrate the lack of control that policymakers have over the price of fiat currency.

While such a precarious economic situation is wreaking havoc in the form of wealth debasement and uncertainty across the world, Pysh remains optimistic about bitcoin the asset as a solution and bullish about its path for 2023.

Bitcoins long-term HODLers display a level of conviction Ive rarely witnessed in any other asset c...


Artist Constructs Portraits of Famous Faces by Stacking Thousands of Books "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Artist Constructs Portraits of Famous Faces by Stacking Thousands of Books

Book Art by Jordi Prat Pons

There are many different methods to organizing your library. While some people prefer to sort books by title or author's name, others find enjoyment in arranging covers by their color. Well, artist Jordi Prat Pons takes this approach to another level by constructing massive portraits of famous faces, including one of Vincent van Gogh with the well-placed spines of 2,400 books.

Pons has been creating collage art for over 30 years, finding particular inspiration in working with paper and books. Many of his materials are donated by his followers, while others he sources through donations and thrift stores. After receiving about 8,000 books, he began working on the Van Gogh portrait during the COVID-19 pandemic. Taking advantage of the lockdown, I started an installation paying homage to one of the greatest individuals in the world of art, Vincent van Gogh, he tells My Modern Met. Vincent was writing all his life letters to his brother Theo and years later a book was published titled Letters to Theo. I would like to thank Vincent for everything he has given to the world of art and what he has given to the world in general. I wanted to send him some letters to thank him for everything.

Pons neatly stacked dark-colored books, ranging from black to burgundy to blue, to render the darkened background. Most of these texts are placed in horizontal piles, but occasionally, he has to account for the mismatched sizing by placing books vertically. These moody colors frame the portrait of Van Gogh himself, which Pons creates with a palette of pale yellows, reds, and whites. As a result of his careful placement, the image looks remarkably similar to the Dutch Post-Impressionist from afar. Pons has even made a picture of Martin Luther King Jr. and a c...


Santa Fes Center for Contemporary Arts Shutters Permanently "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Center for Contemporary Arts Santa Fe (CCA) on April 6 announced that it would be closing to the public for good. The institution in a press release pointed to the Covid-19 crisis, shifts in film


Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Shoes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Fortunately he was able to invest those socks and return a dividend later.

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Robot Whispering + Circuit Wizardry Coming Up at Maker Faire Miami 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Robot Whispering + Circuit Wizardry Coming Up at Maker Faire Miami 2023

Drones, robots, magic, and art collide at Maker Faire Miami this weekend which returns with a full spectrum of makers and movers and shakers...

The post Robot Whispering + Circuit Wizardry Coming Up at Maker Faire Miami 2023 appeared first on Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers.


Why join a blockchain gaming guild? Fun, profit and create better games "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Blockchain game developers are turning to gaming guilds for market research and to enable players to help create better games.

From water to cryptocurrency: The paradox of utility and market value "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By taking these factors into account, we can have a better understanding of how market value is determined, so we can make better-informed decisions when we are analyzing crypto-investing opportunities.


Mastercard launches NFT-gated musician accelerator program "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This month, Mastercard is launching an artist accelerator program for musicians, with a catch: Access is only possible via an NFT member pass.



Police Officer Thwarts Man in KN95 Mask Allegedly Trying to Steal Vehicle "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

An Atlanta police officer thwarted a masked mans alleged attempt to steal a car on March 16 in Atlanta, after the suspect allegedly entered a closed business unlawfully. The man, who had an extensive criminal history according to the Atlanta Police Department, allegedly had two company credit cards and car keys in his possession when he was arrested.


Man Goes Off On Lego Cashiers Wearing LGBTQ Flags "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Man Goes Off On Lego Cashiers Wearing LGBTQ Flags Join Our Uncensored Email/List: Enter Our New Chevy High Country Diesel Giveaway:
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Hannity: A new world order is taking shape "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fox News host Sean Hannity warns of President Bidens weakness on the world stage in Wednesdays opening monologue.
#foxnews #hannity

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First of many? How Italys ChatGPT ban could trigger a wave of AI regulation "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A data breach and a lack of transparency led Italy to ban ChatGPT, the popular AI-powered chatbot, sparking a debate on the future of AI regulation and innovation.


Adobe Brings Big Updates to Premiere Pro, After Effects, and "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Adobe NAB 2023

At the 2023 NAB Show, Adobe has announced significant product updates to its video-oriented software including Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. The software company announced major enhancements to its service, including functionality designed for still photographers.

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Providing liquidity: Will you dare to be a pioneer? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Making the most of liquidity pools requires rigorous research and careful planning. With a well-executed strategy, its possible to generate generous returns.


Leica M11 Monochrom: Black and White 60MP Photos up to ISO 200,000 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Leica M11 Monochrom

Leica has announced the M11 Monochrom, a digital rangefinder that features a multi-resolution full-frame BSI sensor that only captures black and white images.

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DJIs New Inspire 3 Can See at Night and Shoots Full Frame 8K at 75fps "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DJI Inspire 3

DJI has announced the Inspire 3, a high-end, all-in-one cinema drone that features a 161-degree ultra-wide night-vision first-person-view (FPV) camera and a main camera equipped with a full-frame sensor that can shoot 8K at 75 frames per second in Apple ProRes RAW.

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Ether price cracks $2K amid staking withdrawals enabled post-Shapella upgrade "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ether (ETH) has crossed the $2,000 mark after the much-awaited Shanghai and Capella upgrade that was implemented into the Ethereum Mainnet.


Ether staking withdrawals: Crypto exchanges set calendar for unstaking "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A majority of the validators are withdrawing their staking rewards rather than the whole 32 staked ETH.


Discover Your Monumental Match: Which Famous Landmark Are You Most Like? [Quiz] "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Discover Your Monumental Match: Which Famous Landmark Are You Most Like? [Quiz]

Famous Monument Personality Quiz

This quiz was generated with the help of ChatGPT. Content was then revised and fact-checked by My Modern Met.

It's Thursday, and that means we've got a new quiz for you. This week, we thought that it would be fun to travel around the world and soak in some of the most famous monuments in history. Whether it's the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower, these landmarks are so well-known that they seem to have their own personality. And so that's why we decided to come up with a fun personality quiz that will match you with the monument that most suits you.

Are you dark and mysterious like Stonehenge? Or are you known for your strength and tenacity like a gladiator in the Colosseum? Let's find out when you take the time to answer a few short questions. Whether the results get you to book your next trip or let you see yourself in a new way, it's all in good fun.


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EOS Network lands $60M investment and partnership from DWF Labs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DWF Labs invests over $60 million in a partnership with the EOS Network Foundation, providing a $45 million EOS token purchase agreement and a $15 million pledge for EOS-based projects to expedite growth and adoption.


A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Fomenting Mass Hysteria "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This country has been having a nationwide nervous breakdown since 9/11. A nation of people suddenly broke, the market economy goes to shit, and theyre threatened on every side by an unknown, sinister enemy. But I dont think fear is a very effective way of dealing with thingsof responding to reality. Fear is just another word for ignorance. Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo journalist

We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.

This is mind-control in its most sinister form. With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry. Take this latest shooting in Nashville, Tenn. The 28-year-old shooter (a clearly troubled transgender individual in possession of several military-style weapons) opened fire in a Christian elementary school, killing three children and three adults. Already, fingers are being pointed and battle lines are being drawn. Those who want safety at all costs are clamoring for more gun control measures (if not at an outright ban on assault weapons for non-military, non-police personnel), widespread mental health screening of the general population, more threat assessments and behaviora...


Dont Give Up Now! Trust The Divine Plan! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Consciousness and Oneness break power of Deep State When people wake up and realise that the purpose of life is different from the government policies applied, such as tax increases, among others, it can be established that this measure has never had any positive effect!   The fight for the liberation of planet earth and humanity, will soon come to an end. Dont give up now but continue with augmented energy. We already have the sight of the harbour, it is now just a matter of sailing safely in, to enter a world of prosperity, abundance and unlimited love. Remember; Freedom, abundance and prosperity is the reward.   The truly awake are now wondering if they are eligible for ascension to the new 5D world? It is expected that at least a third of the worlds population will be able to pass the final 5D exam. Basically, all currently incarnated people have the chance to take part in the 5D exam. Top marks to pass are not required, even the mediocre have a good chance of passing. However, the prerequisite is honesty, sincerity; being open to others and unconditional love for people, animals and nature.   Be happy with your common sense and life, forget the corrupt government as it will soon be removed. Some say money makes you happy, but money only buys material things.   Happiness and real wealth comes from within by e.g. making real things and providing services, which are opposed to debt. This needs no further explanation.   Behind the scenes, the house of cards of the oppressors is crumbling. As a result, more and more of us see the strings the puppets are tying their conductors. These are the supposedly elected politicians; the people now observe how the puppeteers direct and set them, they are no longer hidden in the shadows as before.   ...


First Mover Americas: Crypto Trading Comes to Twitter "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The latest price moves in bitcoin (BTC) and crypto markets in context for April 11, 2023. First Mover is CoinDesks daily newsletter that contextualizes the latest actions in the crypto markets.


"IndyWatch Feed Survival" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

China has carried out mass simulated missile strikes on Taiwan, in military exercises that included sealing off the island. Taiwan considers itself a sover...


ERC-20 tool recovers $150M Coinbase exec explains how "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Will Robinson, vice president of engineering at Coinbase, explains the crypto exchanges plan to increase its on-chain presence with new tools and the Base network.


Jack Nicholsons Estranged Daughter Said He Has No Interest in a Relationship With Her "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jack Nicholson is a Hollywood legend and his reputation as a ladies man has been common knowledge for decades.

The movie star, who is now 85-years-old, also has six children.


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Prevent Another Pandemic "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Prevent 2
Sharing is caring.

Have a heart. Do your part.

Kalaka with a friend (a classic.)

Only YOU can prevent pandemics.

Friends dont let friends drive masked.

Print, share, win friends and influence people. Courtesy of Millions Against Medical Mandates


UnderestimatedUnderestimated: An Autism Miracle
BY JB Handley and Jamison Handley

In Underestimated: An Autism Miracle, Generation Rescues cofounder J.B. Handley and his teenage son Jamison tell the remarkable story of Jamisons journey to find a method of communication that allowed him to show the world that he was a brilliant, wise, generous, and complex individual who had been misunderstood and underestimated by everyone in his life.

Environmental Causes of AutismThe Environmental And Genetic Causes of Autism

By James Lyons-Weiler, PhD

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Take It Easy, Man: The Philosophies Behind Bitcoin And The Big Lebowski "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dudeism, a philosophy inspired by The Big Lebowski, shares some core tenants that should intrigue Bitcoiners.

This is an opinion editorial by Hongumart, a frontline healthcare worker.

Inspired by The Dude, the main character of the 1998 movie The Big Lebowski by the Coen Brothers, Dudeism is a way of life, philosophy and religion. The main goal of Dudeism is to apply "">Taoism, an ancient Chinese teaching attributed to Laozi (rising to prominence in the 6th century), combined with ideas from the Greek thinker Epicurus (who lived form 341 to 270 BC), in a manner that reflects the personality of Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski from the film.

Dudeism emphasized the practices of relaxing, keeping calm and taking it easy when faced with life's challenges, guided by a belief that this is the best way to live in harmony with ourselves and others.

Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates on a peer-to-peer network without relying on any intermediary or authority. It was created by an unknown person or group that used the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. The main idea behind Bitcoin is to enable online payments that are direct, secure and independent of any financial institution. Bitcoin is the most popular and widely-used cryptocurrency in the world. It has inspired many other cryptocurrencies that offer different features or use cases. Bitcoin's value and adoption have fluctuated over time, depending on various factors such as regulation, innovation, competition and market sentiment.

Bitcoin and Dudeism are two seemingly unrelated phenomena, but they share some surprising similarities:

  • Both are decentralized and operate peer to peer: Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that operates without a central authority or intermediary, relying on a network of nodes to validate transactions and maintain consensus. Dudeism is a religion that rejects dogma and hierarchy, encouraging its followers to find their own paths and to live in harmony with themselves and others.
  • Both are inspired by cult movies: Bitcoin was created by an anonymous person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, which, by my estimation, could be a reference to the character Toshiro Mifune in the film Yojimbo. As noted above, Dudeism is based on the philosophy of the protagonist of The Big Lebowski, who embodies the principles of Taoism and Zen Buddhism.
  • Both are adaptable and resilient: Bitcoin is designed...


Can Ethereum crack $2K? ETH price inches closer despite new unlocked supply "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum staking withdrawals are gathering momentum but have not been able to cause a major sell-off as many anticipated post-Shapella upgrades.


Snik While the World Decays New Street Work "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

UK duo SNIK bring their ethereal portraiture and signature halftone style to South East London with their first new work on the street in over 2 years While The World Decays.

Continuing to explore themes of beauty in decay and ephemerality in the natural world, SNIK work with loose expressive colour that is layered with intricate hand-cut stencils and spray paint.



Misinformation Factory "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The globalists created this fake news website called the so that they could publish misinformation stories, and then report on the fake news stories on fact checking websites like snopes.

Here is one of their stories published on "July 26 2022":
INTERPOL: Bill Gates under investigation for 'plandemic' as #MonkeyPox trends

Immediately, on the SAME DAY, "July 26...

Misinformation Factory


Web3 economy to gain more traction in Africa through DeFi-based financial inclusion "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

DeFi-based financial inclusion serves to increase liquidity and earning opportunities for African micro-entrepreneurs through Fonbnks partnership with Tanda.


Hacker mints 1 quadrillion yUSDT after exploiting old contract "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The hacker has already transferred 1,000 Ether ($2 million) to the crypto mixer Tornado Cash.


EUs MiCA Vote Likely Delayed by One Day Without Further Changes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The European Parliament in Strasbourg, France (Udo Pohlmann/Pixabay)


Dogecoin Surges 5.8% as Traders Anticipate Elon Musk's Next Move "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dogecoin futures set open interest record (Minh Pham/Unsplash)


23 hilariously rubbish life hacks that might just work (well, some of them might) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There are life hacks and there are life hacks, and then there are the sort of life hacks that end up getting shared in the corner of Reddit called shitty life hacks.

As the name suggests, these are particularly rubbish tips to leading a better life and a very funny read (sometimes intentionally, sometimes less so) they are too.

And you never know, some of them just some of them might just work. Here are 23 from the very top drawer.












Whats an insult youll never forget? 19 absolute zingers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

While we dont suggest anyone goes around being mean to people, we have to admit that we enjoy a good insult especially when the recipient could do with being taken down a peg or twelve.

This tweet opened the door to a flood of great insults.

We highly recommend you read the replies and quotes for yourself, but in the meantime, heres a little round-up of some favourites.







Investigating the 1996 Alien Interview Video "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jon Stewart has spent more than 20 years researching the authenticity of a VHS Tape showing an alleged interrogation of a Gray Alien who was captured sometime around 1991. He watched the video soon after its release in 1996 and became intrigued by its realistic depiction of the Gray Alien. Stewart consulted video and animation []


Join Summer Intensives at Pratt Institutes School of Continuing and Professional Studies "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A photo of a person working at a canvas

Photo by Katie Kwok, BArch 23

Conceive and achieve unique works of art, design, or architecture this summer at Pratt Institutes School of Continuing and Professional Studies by registering for one or more of our Summer Intensives, while either earning college credits or Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Whether youre seeking educational and/or career advancement, you can develop or enhance your creative skills and apply time-tested methods to create original final projects for your portfolio.

All offerings are designed for all levels of experience. Choose between participating online* in real-time from the comfort of your home with access to Pratts rich digital resources, or join us in person to gain direct access to our cutting-edge facilities while enjoying the arts and cultural opportunities in New York City. You will be part of a vibrant community and network with other peers and professionals in the creative fields at the renowned Pratt Institute this summer.

You can receive a 35% tuition discount for up to five Summer Credit Intensive courses when you register by our early deadlines: May 1, 2023, for Summer Session 1 credit intensive courses, and June 1, 2023, for Summer Session 2 credit intensive courses.

The regular Summer Credit Intensive registration deadlines are May 19, 2023, for Summer Session 1 and June 19, 2023, for Summer Session 2. There is no tuition discount for noncredit Summer Intensives.

Early registration is encouraged to secure your seat in your course(s) of choice. After the deadlines, students may be admitted if space remains in th...


18 of the funniest and most outrageous exchanges from Crazy Interactions on Twitter "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Theres a rather fabulous Twitter account called Craziest Interactions @crazyinteract which is full of out of the ordinary exchanges which are often very funny and sometimes just plain, well, crazy.

Weve read them all well, quite a few of them so you dont have to, and here are 18 of the absolute craziest. Have a read while we go for a lie down.












Montana right to mine crypto bill passes the House "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The legislation had already passed in the Senate in February and will now make it to the table of Governor Greg Gianforte.


Meet Camazotz, the Ancient Mayan Batman "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Did you know that thousands of years ago, the ancient Maya worshiped a god that had the body of a person and the head of a bat? The creature had pointy ears and was referred to by the ancient Maya as Camazotz.


Ethereum Shapella upgrade: Community celebrates as update goes live on mainnet "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Members of the Ethereum community responded to the latest upgrades to the Ethereum mainnet.


Quick Comebacks To When Your Kids Say Im Bored "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If theres one thing you hate to hear as a parent, its those little voices saying Im bored!

Whether its over a shorter school break, the long summer days, or just a weekend with a bunch of downtime, we all need a grab bag full of tricks to get us through.

Here are a few ideas to have tucked away the next time your own kids need a hand.

The Offbits

 Quick Comebacks To When Your Kids Say Im Bored

Image Credit: Offbits

These are open-source constructions toys that allow kids to build using their imagination. It should engage their minds and hands at the same time!

Level Up by Greenlight



What made you realise youre old? 19 hilariously relatable telltale signs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You dont have to be a person of a certain age to appreciate this post but, lets face it, it probably helps. A lot.

It all started after Pred1949 asked this over on Reddit.

What made you realize youre old?

And the answers came flooding in!

Weve read them all well, quite a few of them, before we nodded off in our favourite armchair with the newspaper over our face and these 19 were the funniest and most painfully relatable.


Doing nothing became my favorite thing to do on the weekend.


Hahaha this is a common conversation with my husband and I. Do we have to do anything this weekend? I dont think so. Oh thank god.

We always end up doing some responsible shit anyway.


The first time the barber asked if I wanted my eyebrows trimmed.


Spent my 30th birthday itching to go home and take my new cordless vacuum cleaner for a spin.


Reminds me of when I was at a store and thought to myself No, I shouldnt buy that video game, Ive already treated myself to a leaf blower today.


Whenever I have to enter my birthdate in a drop-down menu.


You see me scrolling.

Im hating.

Somebody trolling, tryna tell me that Im past age thirty.


When I gave dating sites a try and found that the people my age were old looking.


At 44 I dont feel old but when Im going to do something now a days I think about it if I could get hurt.


When my Mom moved into my mirror.

The post What made you realise youre old? 19 hilariously relatable telltale signs appeared first on The Poke.


These AI artworks of how World Cup football would look if filmed by iconic film directors are totally on the ball "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p>Illustrator and animator <a href= ""><em>Mason London</em></a> gave his AI art assistant a rather wonderful assignment. He gave the AI art generator, <a href= "">Midjourney</a>, a selection of prompts to create images of football matches as they would appear if directed by iconic film directors.</p> <p>The results are scarily impressive and youll be tempted to kneel before our new AI overlords.</p> <p>Heres how it went</p> <h4>1.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Ten iconic directors shoot the World Cup. More experiments with Midjourney & AI.

1. Wes Anderson

Mason London (@masonlondon) <a href= ""> March 27, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>2.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">2. Ridley Scott <a href= ""></a></p> <p> Mason London (@masonlondon) <a href= ""> March 27, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>3.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="it">3. Sofia Coppola <a href= ""></a></p> <p> Mason London (@masonlondon) <a href= ""> March 27, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>4.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="in">4. Akira Kurosawa <a href= ""></a></p> <p> Mason London (@masonlondon) <a href= ""> March 27, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>5.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="ht">5. Michael Bay <a href= ""></a></p> <p> Mason London (@masonlondon) <a href= ""> March 27, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>6.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">6. Spike Lee <a href= ""></a></p> <p> Mason London (@maso...</p> </blockquote></p>


Universal Music Group tells streaming services to block AI-generated music "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Amid the current influx of AI-generated content, Universal Music Group told music streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music to block AI-generated music.


Solana Dog Token Darling Bonk Inu Releases BonkSwap DEX "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bonk Inu developers say they want to showcase Solana's capabilities. And that's worked so far. (Bonk Inu)


What Bitcoin bear market? BTC price closely copying old halving cycles "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin continues to fulfill its halving cycle roadmap in classic style compared to 2013 and 2017, the latest BTC price metrics show.


How to Spot a Communist by Using Literary Criticism: A 1955 Manual from the U.S. Military "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In 1955, the United States was entering the final stages of McCarthyism or the Second Red Scare. During this low point in American history, the US government looked high and low for Communist spies. Entertainers, educators, government employees and union members were often viewed with suspicion, and many careers and lives were destroyed by the flimsiest of allegations. Congress, the FBI, and the US military, they all fueled encouraging Americans to look for Communists in unsuspecting places.

In the short Armed Forces Information Film above, you can see the dynamic at work. Some Communists were out in the open; however, others worked more silently. So how to find those hidden communists?


Italy ChatGPT ban: Data watchdog demands transparency to lift restriction "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Italian regulator sets strict guidelines for OpenAIs ChatGPT, mandating increased transparency and age verification measures to protect user privacy before lifting restrictions.


This Countdown numbers round cock-up was funny but Colin Murrays reaction was even better "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

There was a bit of a weird coincidence in this Countdown numbers round, and we have no idea why it happened but watch for yourselves.

@laurensullivan19 Are you two alright? #countdown #fail #funnyuktvmoments #britishtv #funny original sound Lauren Sullivan

Was there a glare on the screen? Did Rachel stutter? Did one copy from the other? Whatever happened, Colin Murrays comment put the cherry on the cake.

Colin Murrays are you two alright immediately makes him the best host for years.

Were so close yet so far

I have watched this five times and it just gets funnier

If you want to know how my brain works when it comes to maths, this is a good representation.

In maths when we cheat a...


Twitter to launch crypto and stock trading in partnership with eToro: Reports "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The popular social media app is looking to introduce crypto and stock trading options from within the app as Musk aims to penetrate financial markets.


The History of Ancient Japan: The Story of How Japan Began, Told by Those Who Witnessed It (297-1274) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Here in the twenty-first century, many of us around the world think of Japan as essentially unchanging. We do so not without cause, given how much of what goes on there, including the operation of certain businesses, has been going on for centuries and centuries. But the political, cultural, religious, economic, and ethnic composition of the civilization weve long known as Japan has, in fact, transformed a great deal over the course of its existence. Some of the most dramatic changes occurred between the third and thirteenth centuries, the span of time covered by the video above.

How Japan Began comes from Voices of the Past, a Youtube channel previously featured here on Open Culture for its videos on a first-hand account of the destruction of Pompeii, an ancient Chinese historians description of the Roman Empire, and how the first Japanese visitor to the United States and Europe saw life there.

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DeFi Protocol Yearn Finance Impacted in Nearly $11M Exploit That Occurred Via Aave Version 1 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Aave and Yearn Finance were likely impacted in an exploit. (Clint Patterson/Unsplash)


The neighbours dont believe the washing machines making these noises and its a NSFW treat "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Fair play to the neighbours, we wouldnt think its a washing machine either.

Its a video of an NSFW washing machine thats just gone viral on Reddit and its quite the listen (dont say we didnt warn you).

NSFW Washing Machine
by u/HelMort in Unexpected

Expectations exceeded.

The comments were slightly NSFW too, but very funny with it.


Mate, I dont care what you do it on just keep it down.

Its the washing machine!

Neighbors: Well thats a horrible thing to call her.

That needs a new belt.

And gag ball.

Everything reminds me of her.

Sigh, unzips

Load: Huge.

Source Reddit u/HelMort

TikTok @pihi76 Image Unsplash Heather Wilde

The post The neighbours dont believe the washing machines making these noises and its a NSFW treat appeared first on The Poke.


17 perfectly timed moments from r/nevertellmetheodds "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Reddits Nearly Impossible Odds forum otherwise known as r/nevertellmetheodds describes its content like this

Nearly impossible feats of achievement, those with great degree of difficulty or incredible odds.

Weve collected some posts that very much fit the bill.

1. Montreal Ice Storm 2023


2. Two candidates with the same name got equal amount of votes in the Finnish parliament election.


3. Oh no!


4. The first and second times there was a surviving set of sextuplets, they were born on the same day 6 years apart.


5. What a day to be drafted into World War I.


6. How this pilots plane was hit



How to get unmatched by a British guy 101 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Latest in an occasional series, Tinder exchange (strictly speaking, monologue) of the week is surely this,

How to get unmatched by a British guy 101, said thelilbel over on Reddit.


And here are our favourite things people said about it.

British fella here, Id be charmed by your grasp of my native language and would respectfully invite you to park your fanny on my boat race.

Did he actually unmatch you?

If so, he is a national embarrassment.

Not yet but I wouldnt be surprised if he does lmao.

Nah thats not unmatching material, that would get a smirk/chuckle and response alikewell from me anyway.

Im British and I found it funny. Thats pretty accurate for, say, a young guy from London and the South East of England. Keep it up

Finally all my time watching love island UK has paid off lmao.

You should add more xx to your messages for a closer tone.

Came here to say this. He probably wont understand unless you sign the message with an x.

And since it got us in the mood for this sort of thing, you can find 20 of the funniest (and most brutal) Tinder exchanges over here.

Source Reddit u/thelilbel

The post How to get unmatched by a British guy 101 appeared first on The Poke.


An American dunked on Australias lack of gun rights and was owned into next year "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Mass shootings in the United States are on the rise, with at least 146 so far this year and as no-one anywhere needs reminding its still only April.

Theres a frankly terrifying (and very informative) website which collects incidents of US shootings called the Gun Violence Archive .

We mention it because of this particular exchange which went viral on Reddit, after David Hogg, one of the founders of March For Our Lives, drew this comparison between Australia and the US.

Someone called Jay Dix, who describes himself as a Retired Detective. Pure Blood, Texan 100%. Armorer of 12 weapon platforms. Weapons/Police tactics instructor Nothing special wasnt happy and its fair to say it didnt end well for him.

Bravo Jane Caro, author, social commentator, documentary maker and owner of Jay Dix.

Just like to clarify that Australia has NEVER had a school shooting, not even in 2012 or before the firearms amnesty in 1996 after the Port Arthur Massacre. Literally never.

What do you expect from a guy named Dix?

Nothing special.

Source Reddit u/CuriousA1

The post An American dunked on Australias lack of gun rights and was owned into next year appeared first on The Poke.


Robert Smith Negotiates With Ticketmaster to Cancel Morrissey Tour Dates "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CRAWLEY, West Sussex The Cure frontman and monopoly-challenging hero Robert Smith negotiated with Ticketmaster to cancel Morrisseys planned U.S. tour, sources relieved to get their money back confirmed.

Its sickening how Morrissey keeps announcing shows with sky-high ticket prices just to storm offstage as soon as his paycheck clears. Worse, sometimes he actually shows up and subjects people to his ignorant drivel, said Smith while looking out the window wistfully on a rainy day. Working with Ticketmaster to cancel his tour prevents fans from getting ripped off, allowing them to see better bands for lower prices. I wish I could do more I wanted to throw in a coupon for Johnny Marr tickets before Ticketmaster threatened to make up the difference with more of their ridiculous fees but Im still glad to give Morrissey a taste of his own medicine.

Morrissey was blindsided by news of Smiths actions upon learning of the cancellation via email.

Canceling shows is one of my favorite activities, so you can imagine my horror upon learning that whinge bag from The Cure colluded with Ticketmaster to pull the plug on my tour before I could, the singer said while angrily putting his shirt back on. The smug bastards even told me of their betrayal with a scathing message about how This is all thanks to Robert Smith. Even my bloody manager is on his side because it saves him from calling the venues himself. I havent been this upset since my local haberdashery started selling leather goods.

Ticketmaster representative Craig Martin was more than happy to fulfill Smiths request.

Its not every day Ticketmaster gets to make a customer happy, let alone earn praise from Robert Smith, Martin admitted while calculating new methods of nickel-and-diming concertgoers. But now we dont owe him any more favors and our PR team gets glowing press for the first time in decades. Its not like we were going to profit off Morrisseys tour dates anyway. Even when he actually shows up, unhappy customers call us to demand their money back. We never get complaints about The Cures performances and we make more than enough from merch cuts to compensate for their low-cost tickets.

At press time, Smith began yet another round of negotiations with his lipstick provider to get a cheaper price if he buys in bulk.

The post Robert Smith Negotiates With Ticketmaster to Cancel Morrissey Tour Dates appeared first on The Hard Times.


DeFi tool to notify users about suspicious on-chain activity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

In determining the success of Web3, security measures like PureFis SafeTransact alongside Web3 security companies are an approach to secure transactions from cybercriminals.


Every The Get Up Kids Albums Ranked "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Before you get into these rankings its important you understand that the worst album from The Get Up Kids is still better than 90% of the other emo bands of the era. The Get Up Kids are on the Mount Rushmore of emo bands, and Im not talking about the Myspace/Hot Topic emo that turned the entire genre into a punchline to be ridiculed by guys named Luke who drive a Jeep and pose for Christmas photos holding various assault rifles. Anyway, lets get into it.

6. On a Wire (2002)

In 2002 The Get Up Kids were riding high. Emo music was about to take over every high school drama department, they had just toured with Weezer (who were still somewhat respectable at the time), and they were flirting with the mainstream. Then they released On a Wire. Its like your favorite team had just won the championship, and then the next season they came back, filled the water jug with liquid shit, and started devouring the diarrhea in front of everyone. Ive lost the thread here, but this album isnt their best.

Play it again: Campfire Kansas
Skip it: All other songs on the album

5. Guilt Show (2004)

This is by no means a bad album, in fact if its the first The Get Up Kids album you ever heard you probably have a fondness for it, but unfortunately youre wrong and you need to understand that. Guilt Show just lacks the special sauce that makes TGUK so replayable. The tempo is a bit too slow, there seems to be a country twang to the whole thing, and for that reason, its low on this official list.

Play it again: How Long is Too Long
Skip it: Sick In Her Skin


4. There Are Rules (2011)



Benjamin Fulford Report: Jews to rebuild temple after defeat of Satanists April 10, 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Humanity is about to wake from a long and terrible nightmare. An ancient Satanic cult that has terrorized us for millennia is facing final defeat. The Jewish people are planning to celebrate their release from Babylonian slavery by building a new temple. This time it is expected to last forever. A new Golden Age is about to dawn for humanity. That is the big picture behind recent news events. Now that the Satanists have been defeated in Ukraine, a final battle is about to take place to mop up the last major Satanist strongholds in Europe, the US and Asia, multiple sources agree. The biggest event in the war to liberate the planet last week was the French and British Rothschilds throwing the Rockefellers and their fake President Biden under the bus. This was the story behind the visit to China by French slave President Emmanuelle Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. In diplomacy, appearances show who is really in charge. This is why Macron flew on his own Airbus A330 with a group of media, business and cultural figures while von der Leyen was forced to take a 14-hour commercial flight to the capital, complete with a four-hour layover in the Middle East. While in China President Xi Jinping treated von der Leyen in a way that made it a bit humiliating, said one French official, ...


Scientists Baffled by Band Whose Later Stuff Better Than Early Stuff "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

PRINCETON, N.J. Top scientists from around the nation are reportedly perplexed beyond belief upon discovering that the band Touchstone Phones later material miraculously exceeds the quality of their early stuff, disconcerted sources reluctantly confirmed.

It defies all scientific precedent. I feel like Im dreaming. Were so used to a bands early stuff being whats most solid, but to find a group where its the other way around? I had to call a summit immediately, said Princeton research scientist Dr. Desmond Pilsner. We had them play their latest release, to wild applause, and then switch to a few cuts off their debut, which had a lot of the foremost scientific brains in the world rushing to the bathroom to vomit. It was fascinating.

Touchstone Phone members report a palpable disappointment in their earlier work being so dismissed by the countrys greatest minds.

Come on, its not that insane that wed grow as a band. Those eggheads are taking things too far. Plus, our first few albums kick ass, I dont care what they say, asserted primary songwriter Dion Jarmis, from his sterilized laboratory holding cell. And on top of everything, there are tons of examples of bands whose later stuff is better than their early stuff, and once I think of the name of one, Im going to shove it right up their stethoscopes. Man, its gonna be sweet.

Local physician Dr. Francine Frickes identifies with the bands frustration.

I can relate with their struggle, for sure. Im in the same boat, nobody seems to want archaic medical treatment anymore, said Dr. Frickes. They just want the latest stuff, like top of the line x-ray equipment, and pills that actually, yknow, cure things. Goodness, what I wouldnt give to break out the leeches and perform a good ol fashioned blood-letting, or give someone anesthesia via wooden mallet. But, until a retro medicinal craze sweeps the nation, I guess Ill keep playing the latest hits.

Upon release from the lab, Touchstone Phone promptly quit the music business and decided to become chefs who are really good at preparing dinner and horrible at making breakfast.

The post Scientists Baffled by Band Whose Later Stuff Better Than Early Stuff appeared first on The Hard Times.


We Sat Down With That Crazy Guitar Guy From Mad Max: Fury Road and Asked Him Whether He Prefers a Maple or Rosewood Fretboard "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

2015 had a lot to offer. There was that one new Ought album and life hadnt totally gone down the shitter yet. But the cream of the crop had to be Mad Max: Fury Road. Eight years later and there are still so many unanswered questions about the stunt performances. Luckily, we were able to sit down with the guitar guy and asked him to reveal all his secrets for his gnarly tone.

The Hard Times: First and foremost, its truly an honor to sit down with you. I mean, when someone thinks of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), they think of the crazy guitar guy. So, whats it like being the crazy guitar guy?
Crazy Guitar Guy: Well, my names Coma the Doof Warrior so Id appreciate it if youd jot that down for the record. People love me when Im laying down a sick riff but whenever they ask for the crazy guitar guy, everyone thinks they mean Eric Clapton.

I could see why thats a problem but youve gotta be a mainstream artist at least in the wasteland. Do you make enough to make a living?
I suppose so, but that rat fuck Immortan Joe is always asking for a cut. First, he wanted access to all the water in the aquifer and I said sure. Now, hes forcing me to give up 70% of my profit for business expenses even though I know hes spending it on that white powder shit.

Well, how about we talk a little about your setup? Guitar nerds across the universe have bickered back and forth on this forever, so I gotta know. Maple or rosewood?
Thats easy, its maple. Have you ever been on top of the Doof Wagon zooming across a desert and tried using rosewood? Yeah, good luck with that buddy. Have fun playing Yo La Tengo with your guitar for two hours before it fucking withers away.

Really? Dont you think maple is a bit tougher on the hands?
Listen, pal. Theres not a single bottle of lotion left in the wasteland. My hands are a lost cause.

It sounds like the wasteland is unforgiving. I imagine your tuning setup has to be sturdy.
I have to use spark plugs as tuning machines because itll be a cold day in Valhalla before I use one of those non-locking Squier pegs. But still, the strings dont hold a tune for long, especially since I have to reach my quota on the whole whammy bar flamethrower thing.

You know, I heard a story that you actually lost both your eyes due to your guitar strings snapping.
No, you asshole, I am actually blind from birth. Thats it, one more dogshit question and Im leaving.

Well, have you ever considered playing an acoustic set for the war party?
No one has ever heard a soft folk song and wanted to run over somebody, so fuck you. Im leaving now, I gotta go blow the sand out of my amps before the next battle.

The post...


SEC argues recent court case weakens Ripple Labs fair notice defense "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The SEC filed a letter supporting its motion for summary judgment against Ripple Labs, citing a separate court case it had recently won.


This prediction from a 1953 newspaper is ringing lots of bells 70 years later "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We were going to say we hoped this particular telephone company executive also did the lottery, but there werent many of them around in 1953.

But his gift of foresight was quite something, as evidenced by his thoughts on the future of the humble telephone in a newspaper clipping thats just gone viral on Reddit.

And the headline writer really nailed it.

Ring any bells?

The history of mobile phones goes back to 1908 when a US Patent was issued in Kentucky for a wireless telephone

Aka: a radio. People forget that the cellular, wifi modules, etc. are just tiny radios.

This one was pretty spot on too:

Dr. Walter Gibbs : [laughs] Youve got to expect some static. After all, computers are just machines; they cant think.

Alan Bradley : Some programs will be thinking soon.

Dr. Walter Gibbs : Wont that be grand? Computers and the programs will start thinking and the people will stop.

TRON (1982).

Nikola Tesla, 1926:

When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance.

Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone.

A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.

Sounds like they over promised and under delivered with the flying cars though.

Source Reddit u/Pasargad

The post...


Nifty News: BTC miners cash $5M on Ordinals, Reddit NFTs get botting backlash and more "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin transaction fees from Ordinals inscriptions have exploded by 240% over the last month.


Confused About MRNA Vaccines in Meat? Thats Exactly How They Want It. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Rumors have been circulating about mRNA vaccines in livestock.  Fact-checkers have been scoffing, but whats really going on?  Could we be eating animals that have been treated with mRNA?  How do we know whats in the meat at our grocery store?  

PORK: Yes, its probably been treated with mRNA.

Unfortunately, if youve been eating pork from the grocery stores, even organic pork, its probably been treated with mRNA because pork producers have been using mRNA products since 2018.  Mercks SEQUIVITY platform is used with different sequences of various porcine diseases, including swine flu, to get immune responses in pigs.

Interestingly enough, sow mortality rates have increased slightly, from 11.1% in 2017 to 12.6% in 2021.  However, raising animals in large quantities is very complex; increased mortality could be linked to countless factors, and many producers admit they dont have enough qualified employees to pay optimal attention to animals.   The only certainty here is, new pharmaceutical products have not been a magic bullet for the pork industrys problems.

I guess we, as a society, dont have enough money for more agricultural and veterinary workers so that hog farmers can optimally monitor the pigs that will become our food.  And yet, its still full steam ahead with ever-more-complicated bioengineering solutions.  A few months ago, GenVax Technologies, a startup that wants to bring self-amplifying mRNA (saRNA) technologies to animal health, received $6.5 million to begin producing vaccines 100% specific to African Swine Fever variants that may be circulating in pork herds.  There always seems to be enough money for mRNA.

Sound familiar?

If this sounds similar to a product widely used on humans the past few years, thats because it is.  As in human mRNA treatments, Merck claims that the RNA cant replicate itself and only lasts a short time...


Its good to know Trumps wall is as bigly effective as ever (this is still mightily impressive though) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

As Donald Trump readies himself for another possible crack at the White House, perhaps one of his slogans should be about building a second wall, or building a first wall and doing it properly this time. Or maybe just take down the wall and think of something else.

Because whatever it was he built as president is just as effective as people always said it would be. Although it has to be said, these guys efforts at getting over are mightily impressive.

There was an attempt to build a wall, said ilovekerma who shared it over on Reddit.

To build a wall.
by u/ilovekerma in therewasanattempt

Level completed.

Show me a 10ft wall, and Ill show you an 11ft ladder

Hah Canada! You cant keep us Americans out!

I mean the wall is built, just not very effective.

Such a yuge beautiful wall, very scalable, everybody says so. They come to me with tears in their eyes, would you believe it?

Everyone was mad that they built the wall but I knew they would get over it.

Source Reddit u/ilovekerma

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Look Norths viral Clean Air Zones vox pop is back and its still spectacular "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The UK has a number of Clean Air Zones (CAZ), in which vehicles with more problematic emissions are discouraged from entering by a range of charges.

Back in 2022, a Bradford man spoke to the BBC about the upcoming CAZ in his area and went wildly viral for what he had to say on the matter.

The clip has just popped up again on TikTok and its well worth a revisit.

@twitterstoptweets Bbc Look North peaked when they aired this #fyp #foryou #funny #viral #bbc #news #bradford #yorkshire #cleanair #wind #simpsons #movie #homer #marge #tv #uk #trending Close to Me Dj Yunda

When they crea...


Convenience Store That Popped Up Overnight Not Even Pretending To Sell More Than Just Vapes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The popular Station street in Betoota Heights Flight Path District has once again been gifted yet another convenience store that seemingly appeared out of nowhere and is indistinguishable from the other six identical retailers on the same block. However, it is not immediately clear what kind of conveniences are being sold at []

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Worlds Lispy Tennis Commentators Really Wishing Tsitsipas Still Had A Shoulder Injury "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact A tennis commentator at the Monte Carlos Masters has today exclusively revealed to The Advocate that he wishes Stefanos Tsitsipas was still nursing the shoulder injury he incurred trying to roll a boulder up a hill, because his name is pretty much impossible to say with a lisp. The commentator, who wishes to []

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14 Accused of Terrorism in Trial Over French Teacher's Beheading "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

More than two years after an Islamic extremist murdered and beheaded a French secondary school teacher in October 2020, French prosecutors sought to convict 14 suspects related to the crime. This incident shocked France and the world.

Authorities recommended charging two of the murder suspects friends with being complicit in a terrorist murder, the most severe accusation against the defendants.

Frances national terror crime prosecutors office has also recommended charging six adults and six children for alleged offenses connected to the killing of French secondary school teacher Samuel Paty in the Paris suburb of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine.

A history and geography teacher, 47-year-old Samuel Paty, was stabbed and decapitated on October 16, 2020, near his school by an 18-year-old Chechen refugee named Abdoullakh Anzorov.

The murder suspect was shot on the scene by French authorities during a confrontation. The crime occurred after Anzorov, unrelated to either Paty or the school he worked with, saw a video about the teacher showing a civics class cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that were published by the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

During his ethics class, Paty used the magazine as lesson material when discussing free speech laws in France, which dont criminalize blasphemy.

The killing came as the country was still recovering from the wounds inflicted by a similar Islamist attack when two French Islamist terrorists attacked Charlie Hebdos office in Paris, killing some of the staff, including editors of the controversial newspaper.


New Study Reveals Bias Against Atheists in Court "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p><a href= ""> <img alt="" class="image-style-none" height="1080" src= "" width="1920"></a></p> <p>A new, shocking study published in the British Journal of Psychology discovered that jurors holding religious beliefs are more likely to be biased against defendants who prefer to take an affirmation instead of swear an oath to a God, revealing a longstanding moral suspicion against non-religious people in many parts of the world.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Here's a new paper that's out today, based on research I did with Ryan McKay (who led) and <a href= "">@wgervais</a>.<br> <br> We found that defendants who dont 'swear by almighty god' in court are more likely to be found guilty by jurors who do. <a href= ""></a></p> <p> Colin Davis (@ProfColinDavis) <a href= ""> April 4, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <p>The research was written in collaboration with three academics: Professor Ryan T. McKay of Royal Holloway, University of London, Dr. Will Gervais of Brunel University London, and Professor Colin J. Davis of the University of Bristol.</p> <p>The study collected data from 443 participants through Prolific, an online platform, and the survey for the research was produced through Qualtrics. All of the participants were British citizens and residents. It was published in the journal last March.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">We build on prior research showing that atheists are trusted less, & look at a particular applied setting - the courtroom - in which defendants & witnesses are put in a position of effectively declaring their religious belief.

Our results suggest court practices need to change.

Colin Davis (@ProfColinDavis) <a href= ""> April 4, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <p>The researchers studied a legal procedure prevalent in countries using the common law system, like the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, and Ireland, where witnesses must take an oath or an affirmation when presenting evidence in court.</p> <p>An oath and affirmation are legally binding and pledges that a defendant or witnesss statements are true to their knowledge. However, an oath is a religious commitment to speak the pledge, where deities or any other supernatur...


Dalai Lama Faces Backlash Over Video Asking Child to Suck His Tongue "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Dalai Lama sparked backlash after a video of him kissing a boy and asking him to suck my tongue at an event in Northern India went viral.

The religious leader issued an apology through a statement published by his office last Monday. In the statement, the Dalai Lama said he wishes to apologize to the boy and his family, as well as his many friends across the world, for the hurt his words may have caused, adding that he regrets what he did.

His Holiness often teases people he meets in an innocent and playful way, even in public and before cameras, the statement added.

The Dalai Lamas apology came after netizens criticized his actions when a video showing the exchange between the child and the Buddhist leader went viral.

The incident occurred during an event organized last February by the M3M Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Indian real estate company M3M Group, based in the hillside city of Dharamshala, where the Dalai Lama lives in permanent exile.

The viral video showed the young Indian boy approaching the 87-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner before asking if he could hug him.

The Dalai Lama invited the boy to the stage, pointed to his cheek, and said, First here, prompting him to hug and kiss him.



Georgia Becomes First US State to Officially Condemn "Hinduphobia" "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Georgia made history as the first state in the US to take a legislative measure condemning Hinduphobia when the states General Assembly filed a resolution denouncing it.

The resolution comes as places in the United States, such as Seattle, Washington, made history by passing laws banning caste-based discrimination. California also plans to take similar action when state senator Aisha Wahab proposed a measure explicitly banning caste discrimination.

Republican state representatives Lauren McDonald and Todd Jones passed the resolution in the House of Representatives. They represent Forsyth County in the Atlanta suburbs, home to some of Georgia's biggest Hindu and Indian-American communities.

The resolution started by stating that Hinduism is one of the worlds biggest and oldest religions, with about 1.2 billion adherents, practiced in around 100 countries and composed of diverse traditions and beliefs with values of mutual respect, acceptance, and peace.

It also recognized the many contributions made by the Hindu and Indian-American community to the United States in various fields like medicine, science, engineering, business, IT, hospitality, finance, academia, energy, manufacturing, and retail, among many others. 

The resolution also noted the cultural contributions made by th...


A 48,000-Year-Old Zombie Virus Is Back. What Are The Implications? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Listen, yall, I love a good zombie story as much as the next person. That said, Id really prefer not to live through a zombie apocalypse in my lifetime.

I just dont have it in me.

Scientists apparently have no such qualms, because instead of killing a virus that melted out of the permafrost with fire, theyve decided to bring it back to life.

iStock 1125445681 A 48,000 Year Old Zombie Virus Is Back. What Are The Implications?

Image Credit: iStock

The French medical and genomics researcher behind the gamble, Jean-Michel Claverie, hopes that his experiments could actually work to stop one of climate changes most worrisome outcomes.

Hes spent his career studying giant viruses, which can be seen with regular microscopes. He and others believe that as the permafrost melts, these viruse...


Hyper Nephew Currently Going Through The Looks And Acts Like He Chews On Sheet Metal Phase "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact Letting out a high pitched shriek before running off with his hands behind his back like a Super Saiyan, Betoota Heights boy, Ben Hammond [5] has officially reached that phase. The looks and acts like he chews on sheet metal phase, which is also known as the is he energetic or does he []

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Crypto VC funding hits 2-year low, US firms still favorite: Galaxy Research "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Despite macroeconomic headwinds, a Galaxy Research report says activity could rebound in the second quarter of 2023 following recent crypto price increases.


Young Parents Rush To The Bedroom For Their Weekly 8:00am Bluey Root "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Times have certainly changed for one young couple in Betoota Grove. As former partiers, Jenny and Bryce Rookwood are now operating on an entirely different schedule to when they first met Back in the all-or-nothing days of Tame Impala and spicy margaritas. Once upon a time, 8:00am at Saturday was a chance []

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Peter Malinauskus Presents Collingwood Players With Ceremonial Ankle Jewellery For Gather Round "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas has today welcomed a large group of interstate tourists to his home city. With the inaugural Gather Round just hours away from kick off at the Adelaide Oval, the man in charge of Southern Australia is doing his best to make sure all the visitors are being looked []

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Judith Eisler "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Judith Eisler has been painting film stills for more than two-and-a-half decades. While such a procedure places her in the discourse of appropriation, when an artist engages with a single subject over


LimeWires new game simulates music pirating nostalgia and pays in crypto "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LimeWire's retro music downloading game revives the look of its platform from the early 2000s and offers players the chance to win crypto.


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.55 AUD

Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 3.04 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00003 BTC


This and That "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Sometimes I have trouble trying to find a relevant thread to post something. I don't want to start a separate thread for every little tidbit or single story. So I thought, with the elections coming up, I'd start this one for anything election related.


Florida GOP State Lawmaker Pitches Bill That Would Eliminate Democrat Party "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A Florida GOP state lawmaker on Tuesday pitched a bill that would eliminate the Democrat party.

The Ultimate Cancel Act, filed by state Senator Blaise Ingoglia, would cancel any filing by any political party that supported slavery during the Civil War.

The Democrat party adopted pro-slavery stances in their party platforms and this bill says that if you have done that in the past, then the Secretary of State shall de-certify and get rid of the party, Ingoglia said.

Nikki Fried, the...

Florida GOP State Lawmaker Pitches Bill That Would Eliminate Democrat Party


Did You Know Many Ghost Kitchens Are Operating Out Of Your Favorite Well-Known Franchises? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Food delivery has been around for a few years now, and a good amount of people are making a decent side (or main) income bringing food from restaurants to people at home.

Did you know, though, that sometimes multiple restaurants are operating out of one kitchen and the name out front is likely one that you know?

People in the know refer to these as ghost kitchens, and define them as restaurants that have no physical presence of their own and are available for delivery only.

Screen Shot 2023 03 27 at 10.31.25 AM Did You Know Many Ghost Kitchens Are Operating Out Of Your Favorite Well Known Franchises?

Image Credit:...


ChatGPT-like personal AI can now be run locally, Musk warns singularity is near "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The AI model GPT4All isnt as powerful as OpenAIs ChatGPT-4 but requires just 4GB of space and doesnt need the internet, providing immunity to AI censorship.


Energetic Sovereignty "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

We have moved, again. March 8 was confirmation that we had once again moved up in frequency and what that means. Changes to our personal electromagnetic fields as well the electromagnetic environment of this space is different.

Parasitic and virus ridden beings, behaviour and relationships are no longer supported due to changes on Monday 10th April.


Supplements for Heart, Brain and Life Longevity "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Do you take any supplements?

Already taking:
- Centrum Silver(1/day)
- Aspirin 81MG(1/day)
- Zinc 50mg(1/day)
- Super B(1/day)
- Ginkgo Biloba 120mg(1/day)
- Ubiquinol CoQ10 100mg(1/day)
- Vit C 500mg(1/day)
- Vit D3 50mg(2/day)
- Vit K-2 100mcg(2 per day)
- Omega-3s 1065mg(2/day)
- Berberine 500mg(2 per day)
- Qunol Tumeric 1000mg(2/day) "Curcumin"
- Bacopa Monnieri 350mg(2/day)
- Odorless Garlic 3600mg(3/day)
- Resveratrol 800mg, Quercetin 250mg, MCT 850mg (3/day)

I also plan to buy...

Supplements for Heart, Brain and Life Longevity


Zambias crypto regulation tests to be wrapped by June: Report "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to Zambia Tech Minister Felix Mutati, the country needs digital identities and other necessary digital infrastructures before it introduces crypto.


Small Town Drummer In More Demand Than Primary School Teachers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT Two hours south east of Betoota, in the former steel capital of regional south west Queensland, one Mt Quilby resident is having no trouble finding work in this economy. Although the town has their fair share of musicians who are one day all going to leave this brackish backwater in the dust, lonely []

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Realistic knife defense against 100% resistance demonstrations. Combat sports based. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hey. During the last 2 years, when I was a student in Jerusalem, there were waves of knife terror attacks, and students were afraid of going out. As a result I researched the subject thoroughly, tried most of the existing techniques against resistance, combined it with my knowledge (Former national Judo youth Champ, few times. Martial arts as a hobby afterwards- MMA fan and training with my wrestling/bjj/ boxing/Judo friends on a casual basis).

The video...

Realistic knife defense against 100% resistance demonstrations. Combat sports based.


Real estate agents excited as Sussan Ley announces 16 day, 16 electorate listening tour "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Estate agents across the country have adjusted up their quarterly sales targets after Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley confirmed she would be visiting a number of electorates in the coming days.

Ley, a New South Wales MP who bought a $795,000 Gold Coast apartment on an impulse while on a tax-payer-funded work trip in 2017, says she wants to broaden her property investment portfolio hear what voters across the country have to say.

A lot of people accuse us of being Sydney-centric, or influenced too much by Queensland. So I want to show voters that Im interested in hearing about two-bedroom investment properties in Victoria and South Australia too, Ley said.

Pointing to recent polls which showed the Liberal Party is out of touch with ordinary Australians, Ley said she wanted to talk to people face-to-face.

Ive always felt that in politics that you need to get out of your bubble and hear whats happening on the ground. Where are best new apartment developments right now in Melbourne? What return can I expect on a townhouse in Perth? These are the questions that Ill be asking local voters and real estate agents over the coming days.

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