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Saturday, 22 April


Tall Wood Cake Stand "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

How I Built this Cake Stand

To build this cake stand start by cutting and prefinishing your boards, sand any rough edges.

cutprefinishTo assemble, you will glue and nail the first side piece.


Next glue and nail the other side piece.sidesideendFinally add the 3rd and 4th sides, they will span across the exposed ends, nail and glue here too. 


nailsideendSuch an easy way to make...

Cupcake Tiered Display Stand "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Make an easy and inexpensive cupcake display in just a couple of hours!


How I Built this Cupcake Stand

I recommend prefinishing all of the boards. 



After letting them dry time to assemble.

Using a nailer and glue repeat this process for all 4 "U" shaped pieces.


u shape


Once all the pieces are nailed, it's time to glue and stack them. 



I recommend taking the extra step of further securing the stacked boards with a scrap 1x2, it made it much stronger and secure.


Now add the treads with more glue along the side and back. If you need to secure it more, nail to side edges.


treadsI touched up the paint after assembly and love how it turned out! I think it would also work...

Wood Lantern Tutorial "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


What Materials Do I Need?

To build these wood lanterns, you'll need pine or "whitewood" boards for the base, in 1x6, 1x8 or 1x10 sizes (depending on the size of lantern you are building).

For the 3/4" x 3/4" pieces, you can buy 3/4" square dowels online or at most home improvement stores.  If you are building in bulk, it is much less expensive to take a wider width board, like a 1x8 or 1x12, and rip it into 3/4" strips.  Ripping is not easy for this small of a piece, do not attempt without experience using a table saw.

wood lantern styles

Different Style Bases

This plan include three different style bases, for your personal preference.  Use the cut list that matches your base to build your lantern.

1x4 Wood Cake Stand Plans - 10" and 18" Sizes "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Build this stacked cake stand in an hour or less!

How I Build these Cake Stands

Start by cutting all of your boards, be sure to sand any rough edges. Now you may leave the wood natural or I recommend prefinishing the boards. 



For assembly, you will nail and glue the 4 side piece together.




Next set the planks across the top keeping them flush to each side. Nail and glue each board down to the box base.



plankYou will build the next box with the same steps as the first and then just stack! This DIY cake stand is easy to personalize with initials or a name. Plus you may customize the size or how many boxes you stack. Something this simple, why not take an ordinary cake to the next level?



1x3 Furring Strip Cake Stand - 10" and 12" Bases "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

How I Built this Tiered Wood Cake Stand

You'll start by cutting and prefinishing all the boards.


Next you will glue and nail the base pieces together creating a box shape.glueboxplankNext you will plank the top with 1/2" overhang on all sides. 

toolkreg toolboxBuild the second one following the same steps!

stackedThen stack!

beautySuch a fun and easy way to display a cake for a special occasion!


Free Plans to Build Your Own Cake Stand

Are you ready to build yourself?  Here's the free plans!

Von Fox News defamiert werden kann sich richtig lohnen!Fox ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Von Fox News defamiert werden kann sich richtig lohnen!

Fox News kauft sich fr 788 Millionen Dollar von der Dominion-Klage frei. Zum Vergleich: Der Quartalsprofit von Fox News ist 308 Millionen.

Dominion baut Wahlcomputer. Fox News hatte in ihrer Trump-Arschkriech-Berichterstattung verbreitet, dass Dominion kaputte Wahlcomputer gebaut habe, die dann gehackt oder manipuliert worden seien, und nur deshalb habe Trump die Wiederwahl verloren. Daraufhin klagte Dominion, wollte 1,6 Milliarden.

Update: Da steht brigens noch mindestens eine weitere Klage aus.

In NRW fallen die Abi-Prfungen am Mittwoch aus.Doch ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

In NRW fallen die Abi-Prfungen am Mittwoch aus.

Doch die technischen Probleme beim Download der Klausuren knnen nicht rechtzeitig behoben werden.
Technische Probleme? Beim Download!?!? Hey, machen die das da zum ersten Mal oder was?
Andreas Bartsch erklrte, dass es seit 14 Jahren ein bewhrtes System zum Download der Arbeiten gegeben habe. Nun sei heute vllig unvermittelt und ohne Ankndigung ein neues Verfahren ausprobiert worden. [...] das hat nicht funktioniert, erklrte Bartsch.
Ja nee klar, wieso sollte man sowas auch vorher ordentlich testen.

Tja. Softwareproblem. Kann man nichts machen. m(

Was passiert, wenn man jahrzehntelang von "Christen" ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Was passiert, wenn man jahrzehntelang von "Christen" und "Sozialdemokraten" regiert wird?

Erst verwanzen sie Wohnungen, um "die Kinder zu schtzen" (vor Drogen!1!!).

Dann packen sie Trojaner auf Telefone, um "die Kinder zu schtzen" (vor Hassrede).

Dann fhren sie die zeitlich unbegrenzte Inhaftierung Unschuldiger ein, um "die Kinder zu schtzen" (vor Triebttern?).

Dann holzen sie den Forst ab, dessen Sauerstoff die Kinder htten atmen wollen, und schmeien die Kinder in den Knast, die sie eben noch schtzen zu wollen vorgaben.

Auf dem Weg haben sie noch den Sozialstaat abgeschafft, um arme Kinder arm zu halten.

Wo bleibt eigentlich die Revolution? Wer whlt diese Triebtter immer wieder ins Parlament?!?

Public Service Announcement: Upgrade your LUKS key ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Public Service Announcement: Upgrade your LUKS key derivation function. Da hat sich ber die Jahre der Stand der Technik verschoben.

Wechselt von PBKDF2 auf argon2id.

Elon Musk spielt weiter 3d-Schach, und macht Zge, ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Elon Musk spielt weiter 3d-Schach, und macht Zge, die maximal bescheuert aussehen fr uns Fugnger hier unten, die das nur in 2d sehen. Aktuell: "TruthGPT".

Ich find's ja auch toll, wie sie es geschafft haben, dass erst Freiheit und jetzt Wahrheit verbrannte Wrter sind, die direkt Extremisten-Assoziationen auslsen.

Wisst ihr noch, die guten alten Zeiten, als man Schwarze ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Wisst ihr noch, die guten alten Zeiten, als man Schwarze einfach lynchen konnte?

Jennings: I know. Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damn rope. But you can't do that anymore. They got more rights than we got.
... sprach der Commissioner zum Sherriff in einem Geheim-Meeting. Es ging auch darum, ob man nicht ein paar Hitmen engagieren knnte, um die rtlichen Journalisten umzubringen.

America, fuck yeah! Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

Erinnert ihr euch an den russischen Panzer, den Enno ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Erinnert ihr euch an den russischen Panzer, den Enno und co vor der russischen Botschaft aufgebaut haben?

Wo das Bezirksamt Mitte mit Zhnen und Klauen verhindern wollte, dass das passiert?

Nun, die haben ihre Unsportlichkeit noch gesteigert gekriegt und Enno ein Knllchen ber 806 geschickt.

Das Bezirksamt Mitte schickte den Veranstaltern Enno Lenze und Wieland Giebel nach eigenen Angaben eine Rechnung ber den Betrag - wegen der Sondernutzung von gut 43 Quadratmetern Straenland. "Wir haben die Schnauze voll von dem Bezirk. Wir zahlen einfach", sagte Giebel, der Grnder und Leiter des "Berlin Story Bunker"-Museums dem rbb.
Was fr ein erbrmliches Verhalten. Das reflektiert aber ganz unvorteilhaft auf das Land Berlin. GANZ schlechte Verlierer in diesem Bezirksamt.

Wirtschaftsnachrichten:NeuroImages editorial team ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"


NeuroImages editorial team has tried to convince Elsevier to reduce the publication fee from $3,450, as we believe large profit is unethical and unsustainable. Elsevier is unwilling to reduce the fee; therefore, with great regret, all editors (more than 40 academic editors) of NeuroImage and NeuroImage:Reports have resigned. We are starting a new non-profit Open Access journal, Imaging Neuroscience, intended to replace NeuroImage as our fields leading journal.
Na das ist ja mal eine hocherfreuliche Entwicklung. Wrde mich freuen, wenn das Schule macht.

Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: 75k Menschen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: 75k Menschen unterzeichnen eine Petition, die blo fordert, was eh schon im aktuellen Entwurf des Umweltministeriums steht.

SO restlos und nachhaltig zerstrt ist das Vertrauen in die Politik in diesem Lande.

Der Einsender erlutert:

das Referat [hat] die Petition zensiert hatte mit dem Argument, dass eine hnliche Petition bei der es um die Umwidmung von Rasenflche zu Willblumenwiesen ging mit 82 Unterschriften gescheitert sei. Es brauchte dann erst diverse Anlufe und mehrere Bundestagsabgeordnete, damit sie die dann doch verffentlich haben und es musste der Referatsleiterin erklrt werden, dass es sich um ein Grundrecht handelt, dass sie das unverndert annimmt.
Der Einreicher hat ein Youtube-Video dazu gemacht.

Mir ist ja auch vllig unklar, wieso man da berhaupt irgendwas anmelden muss. Ich kann einen Khlschrank einfach reinstecken. Wieso nicht eine Balkonsolaranlage?

Die SPD schafft das Briefgeheimnis ab.Damit brechen ... "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Die SPD schafft das Briefgeheimnis ab.

Damit brechen sie ihren Koalititionsvertrag. Ihr wisst schon. Der Koalitionsvertrag! Den sie uns an anderer Stelle immer als Begrndung vorgehalten haben, wieso sie nicht im Interesse ihrer Whler abstimmen konnten.

Auf den knnen sie jetzt einfach so scheien.

Knnen die nicht einmal in die richtige Richtung umfallen!?

'Patient influencers' paid by Big Pharma to mislead followers: report "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

There's no better way to reach an audience today than through social media and Big Pharma is well aware of that. The video-sharing platform TikTok, for example, is being flooded with videos of users testifying to wellness through prescription drugs, with hashtags like #adhd (22.3B views), #ozempic (675.1M views) and #wegovy (259.3M views) consistently trending. Now, experts are warning about this misleading tactic by drugmakers, in paying popular social media users to espouse their products under the guise of honest reviews, in a new study published this week in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. These so-called patient influencers, or patient "advocates," are social media influencers who use their platform to promote pharmaceutical medications and/or medical devices. Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder analyzed 26 recent interviews with patient influencers, who had been diagnosed with conditions such as lupus, fibromyalgia, Parkinson's disease, asthma, HIV, celiac disease, chronic migraines and perimenopause. The majority (69%) had previously collaborated with a pharmaceutical company in some way. The Federal Trade Commission mandates that influencers must disclose if they have been paid by using hashtags, such as by adding #ad or #sponsored to related posts, while the Food and Drug Administration has rules and regulations regarding what can be said on social posts. Nevertheless, many consumers fail to decipher a sponsored ad from genuine peer-to-peer advice.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on pharmaceutical corruption and media manipulation from reliable sources.

Psychoactive Drugs Often Linked to Mass Shootings "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

We urgently need a national debate about guns. But we also urgently need a national debate about the epidemic of mood-altering drugs being prescribed to young Americans. Mass shooters in the United States tend to be young, obsessive, male loners and many have been prescribed psychoactive drugs. For example, Eric Harris, one of the two shooters at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado, in 1999which ushered in the current spate of mass shootingswas on the psychotropic drug Luvox. Prescribing information for the antidepressant says, "Close supervision of patients and in particular those at high risk should accompany drug therapy." Jeff Weise, who fatally shot his grandfather, his grandfather's girlfriend, and then seven others at the Red Lake Senior High School in Minnesota in 2005, was on the well-known antidepressant Prozac. Two years later, Cho Seung-Hui, who perpetrated the Virginia Tech mass shooting, also was found to be on psychoactive antidepressants. Jeanne Stolzer, associate professor of child and adolescent development at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, observes that "despite the multitude of international drug regulatory warnings on all classifications of psychiatric medications citing adverse reactions such as suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation, violence, and psychosis, not one local, state, or federal commission has investigated the correlation between the mass shootings in America and the use of psychiatric medications."

Note: Although Epoch Times is often deemed as a controversial media platform, this article raises legitimate questions on an important topic seldom discussed. Read a revealing article that investigates the alarming adverse events associated with common mood-altering medications prescribed for those struggling with mental illness. For more on this concerning trend, consider exploring an in-depth article written by an anonymous doctor who reveals the decades of evidence showing how adverse reactions from psychiatric drugs can manifest as both suicides and homicides.

Do COVID-19 vaccine mandates still make sense? "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

<p><p style= "text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; margin: 0 0 11pt 0;"> Visitors to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in Washington, D.C. ... must show a guard proof that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Such demands were common around the world a year ago. But by now, almost everyone has had natural infections with SARS-CoV-2 or been vaccinated against the coronavirussometimes bothand it's become clear that vaccine-induced immunity quickly loses its ability to prevent infection and spread of the latest variants. <strong>Some now say the mandates are outdated. The persistent requirements are "baffling to say the least," says Heidi Larson, an anthropologist at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and director of the Vaccine Confidence Project. She spoke at a major infectious disease meeting this year that required all attendees to show they had had two doses of a vaccinewith no need for a recent booster. "It's not like it's going to mitigate the spread." Larson and other vaccine acceptance researchers who spoke to Science all emphasize that COVID-19 vaccines clearly prevent severe disease, but they worry maintaining the mandates could undermine future public health efforts. "Having to show these old vaccination proofs or certificates really doesn't make sense, and it could cause harm, because people might lose trust in the competence of the organization," says University of Konstanz psychologist Katrin Schmelz. Compared with Europe and Asia, the United States appears to be holding on to vaccine mandates more tightly.</p> <p style= "text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; margin: 0 0 11pt 0;"> <strong>Note:</strong> Many people are questioning the legitimacy of vaccine mandates, regardless of their stance on the efficacy and safety of the COVID vaccines. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing <a href= "" target="_blank">news articles on coronavirus vaccines</a> from reliable major media sources.</p></p>

Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet protection, experts say, that's on par with what's provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine. Infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization and death from a Covid reinfection by 88% for at least 10 months, the study found. "This is really good news, in the sense that protection against severe disease and death after infection is really quite sustained at 10 months," said the senior study author, Dr. Christopher Murray ... at the University of Washington. The study was the largest meta-analysis to date to look at immunity following infection. It included 65 studies from 19 countries and compared the risk of developing Covid again in people who had recovered from infections to people who hadn't been infected through September. The immunity generated from an infection was found to be "at least as high, if not higher" than that provided by two doses of an mRNA vaccine, the authors wrote. While Murray and Wachter agreed that vaccination remains the safest route, having a past Covid infection should at least be considered in policymaking decisions going forward, such as vaccination requirements, they said. "What Europe did with this evidence made a lot of sense, which is where evidence of past infection was seen as essentially equal to vaccination in terms of requirements to go into events or for employment," Murray said.  

Note: It's worthy of mentioning that much of the media previously dismissed the effectiveness of natural immunity to protect against COVID, with mainstream media platforms blatantly claiming that natural immunity is "not panning out" and "comes at a cost." For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on coronavirus vaccines from reliable major media sources.

Japan says 1.5m people are living as recluses after Covid "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Almost 1.5 million people of working age in Japan are living as social recluses, according to a government survey, with about a fifth of cases attributed to the pressures unleashed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Large numbers of hikikomori said they had begun retreating from mainstream society due to relationship issues and after losing or leaving their jobs. A significant proportion 20.6% said their predicament had been triggered by changes in lifestyle imposed during the pandemic. Hikikomori classed as people who withdraw from society, spending all or almost all of their time isolated at home account for 2% of people aged 15-62. The cabinet office surveyed 30,000 people between the ages of 10 and 69. The poll found that just over a fifth of respondents aged 15-39 had been socially isolated. More than 20% said they had experienced problems with interpersonal relationships, while just over 18% cited the pandemic. Among people in the 40-64 age range, 44.5% said their behaviour had been triggered by leaving their jobs, followed by 20.6% who cited the pandemic. Japan did not enforce UK-style lockdowns to help contain the spread of the virus, but people were asked to avoid unnecessary outings ... and some employers and universities encouraged teleworking and remote learning. On streets that would normally have been teeming with people there was a dramatic drop in footfall after restaurants, bars and other sectors of the nighttime economy were asked to stop serving alcohol and close early, or face fines.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on the coronavirus and health from reliable major media sources.

South Korea to give $490 allowance to reclusive youths to help them leave the house "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

South Korea is to offer reclusive youths a monthly living allowance of 650,000 won ($490) in order to encourage them out of their homes, as part of a new measure passed by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. The measure also offers education, job and health support. The condition is known as "hikikomori", a Japanese term that roughly translated means, "to pull back". The government wants to try to make it easier for those experiencing it to leave the house to go to school, university or work. Included in the programme ... is a monthly allowance for living expenses for people aged between nine and 24 who are experiencing extreme social withdrawal. It also includes an allowance for cultural experiences for teenagers. About 350,000 people between the ages of 19 and 39 in South Korea are considered lonely or isolated about 3% of that age group according to the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. Secluded youth are often from disadvantaged backgrounds and 40% began living reclusively while adolescents, according to a government document outlining the measures. The document includes case studies that describe young people using reclusiveness as a way to cope. One young person describes their depression as a result of domestic violence. "When I was 15 years old, domestic violence made me depressed so much that I began to live in seclusion." Another said that they had become a recluse when their family "went bankrupt".

Note: A deeper perspective on this social crisis is how lockdown policies significantly deteriorated youth mental health during the lockdown, as seen in a new University of Cambridge paper. This paper is the first longitudinal study to trace the mental health effects of lockdowns and social isolation on younger children. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on health from reliable major media sources.

The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Two international legal agreements [are] currently working their way through the World Health Organisation: a new pandemic treaty, and amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations, both due to be put before the governing body of the WHO, the World Health Assembly, in May next year. As concerned scholars and jurists have detailed, these agreements threaten to fundamentally reshape the relationship between the WHO, national governments, and individuals. They would hardwire into international law a top-down supranational approach to public health in which the WHO, acting in some cases via the sole discretion of one individual, its Director General (DG), would be empowered to impose sweeping, legally binding directions on member states and their citizens. A global system for digital 'health certificates' for verification of vaccine status or test results would be routinised, and a bio-surveillance network ... would be embedded and expanded. The WHO has fallen largely under the control of private capital and other vested interests. Over 80 percent of the WHO's budget is now 'specified' funding by way of voluntary contributions typically earmarked for specific projects or diseases in a way that the funder specifies. The WHO [is] ordaining itself as the exclusive global controller not just of the identification of pandemics and potential pandemics but of the design and execution of pandemic responses, while also granting itself a vast health surveillance network and a global workforce.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on government corruption and health from reliable major media sources.

Scientific Paper on Children, Wireless Technology, and Health Effects by Renowned Experts in Environmental Health "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

A state-of-the-art assessment on the scientific evidence of wireless radiation impacts on children's health published in the journal Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care concludes that the medical community has a critical role to play to prevent harm from wireless radiation. Written by distinguished experts in medicine, epidemiology, toxicology, physics, biochemical engineering and public health ... the paper references numerous studies that associate wireless exposure to effects including oxidative stress, DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, sperm damage, memory damage and neurological effects. Pregnancy, infancy and childhood are periods of critical susceptibility, especially for the brain, which is rapidly developing. "Current government safety limits are outdated and do not reflect the latest science nor the way children use wireless technology today," stated Linda Birnbaum Ph.D, former Director of the National Toxicology Program. Theodora Scarato, Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust, highlighted the international policies to reduce children's exposure, such as France and Belgium's bans on the sale of cell phones designed for young children and the numerous countries that have restrictions on Wi-Fi exposure in classrooms. She stated that, "US government limits allow radiation emissions 10 to 100 times higher than numerous countries such as Switzerland, Italy, China, Russia and India."

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on wireless technology dangers from reliable major media sources.

The Pesticide Industry's Playbook for Poisoning the Earth "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

In 2013, the European Union called for a temporary suspension of the most commonly used neonicotinoid-based products on flowering plants, citing the danger posed to bees an effort that resulted in a permanent ban in 2018. In the U.S., however, industry dug in, seeking not only to discredit the research but to cast pesticide companies as a solution to the problem. Lobbying documents and emails ... show a sophisticated effort over the last decade by the pesticide industry to obstruct any effort to restrict the use of neonicotinoids. Bayer and Syngenta, the largest manufacturers of neonics, and Monsanto, one of the leading producers of seeds pretreated with neonics, cultivated ties with prominent academics ... and other scientists who had once called for a greater focus on the threat posed by pesticides. A study published in peer-reviewed journal PLOS One found that the American landscape has become 48 times more toxic to insects since the 1990s, a shift largely fueled by the rising application of neonics. "Generally, we see the U.S. waiting longer than the EU to take action on a variety of pesticides and other chemicals," said [Willa] Childress ... with Pesticide Action Network North America. Part of the divergence, Childress continued, stems from a regulatory system in the U.S. that assumes chemical products are generally safe until proven hazardous. In contrast, the EU tends to use the "precautionary principle," removing products that may cause harm.

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on corruption in science and in the food system from reliable major media sources.

The trauma doctor: Gabor Mat on happiness, hope and how to heal our deepest wounds "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

[Gabor] Mat was born in January 1944; in May of that year, the deportation of Hungary's Jews to Auschwitz began. By the end of the Holocaust, 565,000 Hungarian Jews had been murdered, Mat's maternal grandparents among them. When he was 11 months old, his mother sent him with a stranger to be cared for by his aunt. Mat says trauma, from the Greek for "wound", "is not what happens to you; it is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you. It is not the blow on the head, but the concussion I get." That, he says, is the good news. "If my trauma was that my mother gave me to a stranger ... that will never not have happened. But if the wound was that I decided as a result that I wasn't worthwhile as a human being, I wasn't lovable, that's a wound that can heal at any time." There can be two types of wound, he says. "There's the capital-T traumatic events," which include things like being abused as a child and the loss of a parent. Then there are "small-T traumas". "You can wound a kid not only by doing bad things to them, but by also not meeting their needs," he says. Mat has a heightened level of compassion. For him, the real villain is our culture. Many of the plights of modern society are, he says, natural responses to an unhealthy culture. Take addiction. His view is that there is no such thing as an "addictive personality". Nor is addiction a disease. His mantra is: "Don't ask why the addiction, ask why the pain. Addiction is a normal response to trauma."

Note: The Wisdom of Trauma is a powerful film that travels alongside Dr. Gabor Mat in his quest to discover the connection between illness, addiction, trauma, and society. Deeply touching and captivating in its diverse portrayal of real human stories, the film also provides a new vision of a trauma-informed society that seeks to understand the sources from which troubling behaviors and diseases spring in the wounded human soul. Anyone can watch this donation-optional film at the above link.

What Everyone Should Know About the Brain's Ability to Heal "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Our brains are made up of billions of cells that work together to create our every ability. Wipe out those cells, through a stroke or other brain trauma, and you may no longer be able to read, but you might still be able to speak, sing or write. It's all about where the brain is damaged which systems of cells are traumatized and which are not. The three-pound mass of neurological tissue that we call the brain has the power not only to create every ability we have but also to manifest our perception of reality. Our brains have a two-pronged defense mechanism that kicks in when brain trauma occurs. Not only are we able to grow some new neurons a process called neurogenesis especially in the sites where physical trauma has occurred, our brain cells are capable of neuroplasticity, which means they can rearrange which other neurons they are in communication with. That's why, whenever I meet someone who has experienced a brain trauma of any sort, I don't focus on what abilities that person has lost, but rather I marvel at what insights that person might have gained because of the experience. Few things have greater impact on how people choose to live their lives than neurological trauma or near-death experiences. And when we find ourselves to be neurologically impaired, we become vulnerable and need others to support us rather than criticize or judge us. I became a much more compassionate and empathetic person following my stroke and recovery. Perhaps I am not the only one.

Note: The above was written by Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroscientist and the author of "My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey." Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.

Mindfulness better than CBT for treating depression, study finds "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Practising mindfulness is much better than taking part in talking therapies at helping people recover from depression, a British study has found. People who used a mindfulness self-help book for eight weeks and had six sessions with a counsellor experienced a 17.5% greater improvement in recovery from depressive symptoms than those who underwent cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) while being supported by a mental health practitioner. Their results have been published in JAMA Psychiatry. The NHS says mindfulness involves people paying attention to "what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment" and "the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the present moment" as well as being aware of their thoughts and feelings as they happen. People using mindfulness in the LIGHTMind 2 trial spent eight weeks following the advice in The Mindful Way Workbook, which helps them build up their mindfulness skills by guiding them on what they should do every day in order to be aware of their thoughts, feelings and physical sensations in a non-judgmental way. Doing that helps people address some of the behaviours that can maintain feelings of depression. They also had six one-to-one half-hour "support sessions" on the telephone with a therapist discussing their progress, experience of practising mindfulness and asking questions. Mindfulness-based treatment is also a cheaper way of tackling depression because people using it needed on average 526 less of subsequent treatment.

Note: Explore a treasure trove of concise summaries of incredibly inspiring news articles which will inspire you to make a difference.

Pentagon Tries to Cast Bank Runs as National Security Threat "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

In recent months, the Pentagon has moved to provide loans, guarantees, and other financial instruments to technology companies it considers crucial to national security a step beyond the grants and contracts it normally employs. So when Silicon Valley Bank threatened to fail in March following a bank run, the defense agency advocated for government intervention to insure the investments. The Pentagon had even scrambled to prepare multiple plans to get cash to affected companies if necessary, reporting by Defense One revealed. Their interest in Silicon Valley Bank stems from the Pentagon's brand-new office, the Office of Strategic Capital. The secretary of defense established the OSC in December specifically to counteract the investment power of adversaries like China in U.S. technologies, and to secure separate funding for companies whose products are considered vital to national security. The national security argument for bailout, notably, found an influential friend in the Senate. As the Biden administration intervened to protect Silicon Valley Bank depositors on March 12, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., who chairs the powerful Senate Intelligence Committee and also sits on the Banking Committee, issued a press release warning that the bank run posed a national security risk. Warner the only member of Congress to have publicly tied SVB to national security has received significant contributions from the financial sector. Since 2012, Warner has received over $21,000 from Silicon Valley Bank's super PAC.

Note: Many tech startups with funds in Silicon Valley Bank were working on projects with defense and national security applications. Explore revealing news articles on the rising concerns of the emerging technologies that the Defense Department is investing in, given their recent request for $17.8 billion to research and develop artificial intelligence, autonomy, directed energy weapons, cyber.....

Here's Why Big Pharma Spends More On Ads Pushing Lower Benefit Drugs "IndyWatch Feed Allworld"

Big pharma spends more money on advertising for drugs that have lower health benefits for patients, according to a study published in JAMA on Tuesday, shedding new light on the almost uniquely American practice amid fierce debate over whether direct-to-consumer prescription drug ads should be banned. The proportion of advertising spending allocated to direct-to-consumer ads was an average of 14.3 percentage points higher for drugs with a low added benefit compared to those with a high added benefit, according to the peer-reviewed analysis of the 150 best-selling branded prescription drugs. Manufacturers of the top six best-selling drugs spent the bulk of their promotional budgetsmore than 90%targeting consumers directly rather than clinicians for a range of treatment options for conditions including HIV, multiple sclerosis and numerous cancers. The findings could suggest pharma firms are aiming promotional dollars directly towards consumers ... as part of a "strategy to drive patient demand for drugs that clinicians would be less likely to prescribe," said the study's lead author Michael DiStefano. Just two countries in the world allow drug makers to market prescription medications directly to consumers: the U.S. and New Zealand. Most countries prohibit directly advertising prescription medications to the public, something the WHO says influences both people and, indirectly, the medical professionals treating them, making it "harder to make decisions on evidence based medicine."

Note: For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on pharmaceutical corruption and media manipulation from reliable sources.


Chewy, Gooey, Gluten-free Blondies! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Chewy, gooey blondies recipe that is gluten-free, low in sugar, and made with whole food ingredients. I loved blondies as a kid, but skipped making them for my own children because conventional recipes contain such an insane amount of added sugar! After all these years, I finally had the bright idea to substitute half of

The post Chewy, Gooey, Gluten-free Blondies! appeared first on The Healthy Home Economist.


Roofing advice "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

What are some of the most durable and long-lasting roofing options available on the market today? What are the pros and cons of different materials such as metal, tile, slate, and shingles in terms of longevity, maintenance requirements, and cost? Are there any specific factors such as climate, location, or architectural style that should be taken into consideration when selecting a long-lasting roofing option? And finally, what are some tips for finding a reputable and experienced roofing...

Roofing advice


So I asked AI to predict the futureIts SHOCKING "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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New Biden mortgage rule will HURT YOU if you have a GOOD credit score?! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to the Washington Times, a new Biden rule, starting on May 1, will force Americans with GOOD credit scores to pay higher mortgage rates than those with poor scores. Of course, this backwards world is all being created in the name of equity. Glenn and Stu discuss what this may mean for the economy, as well as a whistleblowers claim that the IRS is showing preferential treatment to Hunter Biden.

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Why the SpaceX Starship launch CHANGES EVERYTHING "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SpaceX launched its first integrated Starship rocket, which may one day take us to the moon and Mars. But this time, it exploded mid-air to the sound of roaring applause. However, as Elon Musk pointed out, this was far from a failure. Glenn explains why this launch changes everything, to the point where future generations may ask where you were when it happened: This is the first step to Star Trek.

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You Are a Target: You Are a Target: Exposing How the Government Is Weaponized Against YOU | Ep 270 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Today, April 19, 2023, marks exactly 30 years since the Branch Davidian compound erupted in a massive fireball, ending the 51-day standoff. In the end, four federal agents were killed, 20 wounded, and around 75 Branch Davidians, including 25 children, were dead. A new Netflix documentary, Waco: American Apocalypse, gives an in-depth and fair telling of the event. Some of the footage Netflix gave Glenn TV includes chilling interviews with some of the Branch Davidian cult survivors, their family members, and FBI agents who wrestled with the question: Did federal law enforcement agencies do everything they could to save as many lives as possible, or did some of their tactics help lead to the horrific massacre? Glenn argues that Waco is one of the biggest examples of what a reckless and weaponized government is capable of. You would think we would have learned some lessons in the aftermath and reined in agency powers, but the federal bureaucracy has only expanded EXPONENTIALLY to now target peaceful Catholics and pro-life Christians. Former FBI agent and whistleblower Steve Friend tells Glenn federal law enforcement officials are rewarded for actions that dont just accomplish the mission, but create a big splash, as we saw with Waco and January 6 protesters. Glenn asks: Can the FBI be reformed? I dont think it can, says Steve. Its beyond any sort of redemption. Glenn also reveals that while constitutional abuses occur under the ATF and FBI, there are HUNDREDS of under-the-radar agencies like the Department of Energy, OSHA, and the Department of Agriculture weaponizing their power against U.S. citizens every day. But not all hope is lost. Remember the Biden administrations Disinformation Governance Board? We ended that in just three weeks. Together, we are not powerless.

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So I asked AI to predict the futureIts SHOCKING "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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New Biden mortgage rule will HURT YOU if you have a GOOD credit score?! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

According to the Washington Times, a new Biden rule, starting on May 1, will force Americans with GOOD credit scores to pay higher mortgage rates than those with poor scores. Of course, this backwards world is all being created in the name of equity. Glenn and Stu discuss what this may mean for the economy, as well as a whistleblowers claim that the IRS is showing preferential treatment to Hunter Biden.

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Why the SpaceX Starship launch CHANGES EVERYTHING "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

SpaceX launched its first integrated Starship rocket, which may one day take us to the moon and Mars. But this time, it exploded mid-air to the sound of roaring applause. However, as Elon Musk pointed out, this was far from a failure. Glenn explains why this launch changes everything, to the point where future generations may ask where you were when it happened: This is the first step to Star Trek.

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You Are a Target: You Are a Target: Exposing How the Government Is Weaponized Against YOU | Ep 270 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Today, April 19, 2023, marks exactly 30 years since the Branch Davidian compound erupted in a massive fireball, ending the 51-day standoff. In the end, four federal agents were killed, 20 wounded, and around 75 Branch Davidians, including 25 children, were dead. A new Netflix documentary, Waco: American Apocalypse, gives an in-depth and fair telling of the event. Some of the footage Netflix gave Glenn TV includes chilling interviews with some of the Branch Davidian cult survivors, their family members, and FBI agents who wrestled with the question: Did federal law enforcement agencies do everything they could to save as many lives as possible, or did some of their tactics help lead to the horrific massacre? Glenn argues that Waco is one of the biggest examples of what a reckless and weaponized government is capable of. You would think we would have learned some lessons in the aftermath and reined in agency powers, but the federal bureaucracy has only expanded EXPONENTIALLY to now target peaceful Catholics and pro-life Christians. Former FBI agent and whistleblower Steve Friend tells Glenn federal law enforcement officials are rewarded for actions that dont just accomplish the mission, but create a big splash, as we saw with Waco and January 6 protesters. Glenn asks: Can the FBI be reformed? I dont think it can, says Steve. Its beyond any sort of redemption. Glenn also reveals that while constitutional abuses occur under the ATF and FBI, there are HUNDREDS of under-the-radar agencies like the Department of Energy, OSHA, and the Department of Agriculture weaponizing their power against U.S. citizens every day. But not all hope is lost. Remember the Biden administrations Disinformation Governance Board? We ended that in just three weeks. Together, we are not powerless.

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Trump racks up 2024 endorsements: Hes going to beat these indictments "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Texas Rep. Lance Gooden joins Fox & Friends to discuss the crisis at the border as House Democrats plan to visit the Rio Grande Valley and explains his reasons for endorsing for former President Trump. #FoxNews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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LIVE: Biden announces the Environmental Justice For All Act "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

President Biden signs an executive order to revitalize our nations commitment to environmental justice for all. #foxnews

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FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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Casinos not on Gamstop: Find the Best Non-Gamstop UK Casino 2023 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Many gambling sites are registered on Gamstop, but finding secure and reliable casinos not on Gamstop can be a little more challenging. If youre at the point where you want to find reputable non-Gamstop casinos, then youve come to the right place.

This page looks at the best online casinos without Gamstop available in the UK. Weve compiled an updated list of the top sites and what makes them special, from the games available to the bonuses and payment methods accessible. Use this page to help you find the best and most trusted non-Gamstop casinos in the UK for safe online gameplay entertainment in 2023.

Non-Gamstop Casinos UK | Top 10 list 2023:

Top Contenders
  • Bitcoin Best UK Crypto and Fiat Casino
  • GoldWin High RTP Casino Not on Gamstop
  • Winner Top Non-Gamstop Casino For Bonuses
  • ...


Bitcoin At $25,000 Or $30,000? Crypto Analyst Weighs In "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin has experienced a hard couple of days after climbing above $30,000 last week. The coin reaching a new 9-month high triggered euphoria in the market. However, it has begun to wear off as Bitcoin has now returned to $28,000 once more. The question now is where does BTC go from here? Does it continue its uptrend and is further downside more likely for the cryptocurrency?

Analyst Shares Expectations For Bitcoin

Speaking on where Bitcoin might go from here, analyst Micheal van de Poppe shared his forecasts. The analyst shared a BTC chart that showed unpredictable movement for the cryptocurrency at best, signaling that BTC had entered a region where forecasts are hard to come up with.

He put the next crucial point for the digital asset at the $27,600 level. Given that Bitcoin had previously ranged support here before its run-up above $30,000, it becomes an important level. Van de Poppe explained that the rally could continue from here but it would need to be fast. Could take liquidity beneath, but needs a fast recovery, he explained.

On the flip side of this is the $28,800 resistance being mounted by the bears. At this point, the analyst explains that it becomes crucial to breach this level. In the event that bulls are unable to retake it, then he puts the price back in the $26,000 territory.

BTC Enters A Perilous Position

BTC is now at a point where it becomes very important for it to at least see some upside if it is to continue holding its value. This is because its decline to $28,000 has now put it firmly below its 20-day moving average. So while Bitcoin remains bullish for the long term, the short term has turned bearish very quickly.

Bitcoin (BTC) price chart from

Right now, there is support at $28,000 but there is no telling if this will hold as BTC is already below $28,100. The mounting resistance at $28,800 is also a deterrent right now for investors, who are choosing to keep their...

Friday, 21 April


Bitcoin Lightning Network is 1,000x cheaper than Visa and MasterCard: Data "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Glassnode data demonstrates that the Lightning Network outcompetes traditional payment networks in terms of commission costs.


Artist Recreates Michelangelos David as an Origami Sculpture From a Single Sheet of Paper "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Artist Recreates Michelangelos David as an Origami Sculpture From a Single Sheet of Paper

Origami David Sculpture

DAVID, based on Boice Wong's Looking Beyond, folded by @mayuncchigami, wenzhou, 55x55cm

Widely regarded as the most famous statue in the world, almost everyone can recognize Michelangelo's David. While we are accustomed to seeing it in its marble form, some artists have reimagined its likeness into new and varied mediums. Artist @mayuncchigami has recreated this masterpiece as a highly detailed origami using only one square sheet of paper.

The intricate piece features many of the same features of the original artwork, including realistic anatomy and the contrapposto stance. The artist began the project with a crease pattern created by Boice Wong, which provides a basic structure for the model. However, instead of following it to a T, @mayuncchigami incorporated his own vision, wanting to amplify the realism, particularly the musculature of David. My goal was to both recreate Michelangelo's statue as closely as I could with origami, but also try something that is very much unlike anything you would typically encounter in origami, he tells My Modern Met.

Prior to commencing the project, @mayuncchigami prepared a 55 x 55 cm (21.7-square-inch) wenzhou paper (a type of material made out of mulberry bark) by treating it with methylcellulose, which makes the paper stiffer and more resistant to tearing. Afterward, he followed the pattern to create the basic structure. Here is when I started to experiment with shaping the various skeletal muscles, he explains. I roughly sketched out my shaping, first by tracing the lines and shapes into the paper with my fingers and tweezers to get a feeling of the overall form and position of the various details until I...


17 funniest celebrity reactions to Elon Musk taking away their Twitter blue tick "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

<p><p>Elon Musk took time out from the <a href= ""> rapid unscheduled disassembly of his latest rocket launch</a> to remove peoples blue ticks on Twitter.</p> <p>Previously a (mostly) reliable indicator that people really are who they say they are, celebrities were among the most high profile of people to lose their ticks (unless theyre prepared to pay for them).</p> <p>And we mention this because some of them said farewell in particularly entertaining style, and here are 17 of the best.</p> <h4>1.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">No longer verified?<br> Excellent.</p> <p>Bum. Tit. Willy. Willy. Wank.</p> <p> Alison Moyet (@AlisonMoyet) <a href= ""> April 20, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>2.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">I lost my blue tick but your rocket blew up so whos the real loser</p> <p> Greg James (@gregjames) <a href= ""> April 20, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>3.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Elon took my blue check away! Im unverified! After all these years and thousands of tweets and free content, this worm has the nerve to de-certify me!</p> <p> bettemidler (@BetteMidler) <a href= ""> April 20, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>4.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Elmo will miss you, little blue check mark. But dont worry everybody, Elmo is still Elmo! <img alt= "" class="wp-smiley" src= "" style= "height: 1em;"></p> <p> Elmo (@elmo) <a href= ""> April 20, 2023</a></p> </blockquote> <h4>5.</h4> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">I am no longer verified, so I have no way of knowing if I am really me. I'm just going to have to look at myself in the mirror before I log on & say "ARE YOU A ROBOT? ARE YOU? JUST TELL ME!"

Aisling Bea (@WeeMissBea) <a href= ""> April 20...</a></p> </blockquote></p>


17 of the funniest pictures that went viral on Reddit this week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Its that time of the week when we round up 13 of the funniest pictures that went viral on Reddit this week.

1. I let some bread rise overnight, should have spaced them further apart


2. Special instructions for this burrito are perfect


3. Public shaming


4. I found this while looking for a picture frame


5. I set the timer on the camera then fell running to get in the photo. My families reaction


6. I Doordashed Dunkin Donuts for my nephew and I. This was the drop-off photo



Favorite Handgun "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I always liked the Sig Sauer P226; its actually the only handgun Ive ever owned. I figure if its the official sidearm of the SEALs it must be a pretty good gun. What is your favorite handgun?


The game theory of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The game theory of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies analyzes the behavior and strategies of participants in the market using concepts such as the prisoners dilemma.


When a Plane carrying NBA stars was hit by UFO during Chicago descent "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Oklahoma City Thunder basketball team were caught up in a bizarre mid-air incident when their charter plane was struck by an as yet unidentified object on its way to Chicago, damaging the nose cone.


Bitcoin Exchange Outflows Spike, Bullish Sign? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

On-chain data shows the Bitcoin exchange outflows have seen a significant spike during the past day, a sign that may be bullish for the price.

Bitcoin Exchange Outflows Have Observed A Large Spike Today

As pointed out by an analyst in a CryptoQuant post, a total of 2,138 BTC has been taken out of exchanges during the last day. The exchange outflow is an indicator that measures the total amount of Bitcoin thats being withdrawn from the wallets of all centralized exchanges.

When the value of this metric has an elevated value, it means the investors are transferring out a large number of coins from these platforms. Generally, holders withdraw their BTC from exchanges for holding onto them for extended periods in offsite wallets. Because of this reason, elevated values of this metric can be a sign of accumulation, and hence, can be bullish for the cryptocurrencys price.

On the other hand, the low values of the indicator imply there arent many withdrawals happening in the market right now. Such a trend can be either bearish or neutral for the asset, depending on how the exchange inflow, the counterpart indicator, is behaving at the moment.

Holders usually deposit to exchanges for selling-related purposes, so when the exchange inflow has high values, it suggests the investors may be participating in a selloff of the asset. Naturally, this can have bearish consequences for the price.

Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in the Bitcoin exchange outflow, as well as in the inflow, over the last day:

Bitcoin Exchange Outflow And Inflow

As displayed in the above graph, the Bitcoin exchange outflow has registered a very sharp spike in the last few hours. In total, the investors have withdrawn 2,138 BTC (about $60.6 million at the current exchange rate) from exchanges with this spike.

Since these large withdrawals have come while the price of the cryptocurrency has been in the lower $28,000 values (which are relatively low levels considering the price had been above $30,000 just a few days ago), its possible that these transfe...


International moving "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I'm planning to move abroad in the next few months and I'm feeling overwhelmed by the whole process. Can you offer any advice or guidance on how to choose a reputable international moving company, what paperwork I'll need to gather for customs, and how to best prepare myself and my family for adjusting to a new culture and way of life? I want to make sure this transition goes as smoothly as possible, so any insights or recommendations you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


The End of American Exceptionalism? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Philip Giraldi at The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. 

Watching a once-great nation commit suicide is not pretty. President Joe Biden does not seem to understand that his role as the elected leader of the United States is to take actions that directly or indirectly benefit the folks who voted for him as well as the other Americans who did not do so. That is how a constitutional democracy is supposed to work.

Instead, Biden and the gang of introverts and neocon war criminals that the has surrounded himself with have done everything that can to inflict fatal damage on the economy through rash initiatives both overseas and at home. A spending spree to buy support from the bizarre constituencies that make up the Democrat Party base while also fighting an undeclared war in Europe has meant that nearly two trillion dollars have been added to the national debt under Bidens rule, a debt that was already unsustainable at nearly $30 trillion, larger than the United States gross national product. Plans to cancel student loan debts will add hundreds of billions of dollars more to the red ink.

And those actions, undertaken overseas, are to include continuing to expand the war in Ukraine against Russia, which will do immeasurable more damage. Consider how the Democratic Party has long had it in for Russian Federal President Vladimir Putin, dating back to when Putin took power in 2000 and started kicking out the Western scallywags who were looting his country. Subsequently, false intelligence and other innuendoes were contrived by Hillary Clinton and her team in 2016 to implicate Donald Trump as a Russian stooge who was secretly working for Putin. When that didnt work and Trump was elected, the Russians were accused by the media and Democrats of willy-nilly interfering in US elections more generally speaking, a much-exaggerated claim in contrast to the overwhelming silence surrounding the real electoral and policy interference, which has been coming from Israel and its fifth column inside the United States, who, not coincidentally, are the chief proponents of the war against Russia.

Placing a target on Vladimir Putins back appears to have an unfortunate consequence that Biden has yet to wake up to, namely the fact that the United States now has what might be described as a Ponzi scheme faux economy which is very vulnerable, particularly as much of the world has become disenchanted with the US style of global leadership. Note for example the recent state visit by French President Emmanuel Macron to Beijing, where he...


First Mover Americas: Bitcoin Falls to $28K "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin continued its downward trend on Friday. (Getty Images)


Ukraine plans to adopt EUs new cryptocurrency regulations "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Immediately after passing the European Parliament, Ukrainian authorities announced plans to adopt the EU's MiCA regulations on crypto assets.


The Role of Collagen in Keeping Cancer Cells Dormant: A New Frontier in Cancer Treatment "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, with 19.3 million new cases and 10 million deaths recorded in 2020 alone (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2020). As the global population ages and the prevalence of risk factors such as smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity increases, the cancer burden is expected to rise further. Therefore, there is a pressing need for innovative and effective treatments to combat this disease.

In recent years, the relationship between collagen, a protein found in the human body, and cancer has been gaining attention in the scientific community. Researchers have discovered that certain types of collagen can keep cancer cells dormant and prevent them from becoming malignant. This article will delve into the science behind this claim, explore possible means of obtaining collagen, and provide a recipe to incorporate this protein into your diet.

Cancer Cells and Collagen: The Science Behind the Claim

Cancer cells can exist in a dormant state, not causing harm or spreading to other parts of the body. However, once these cells become active, they can grow and divide uncontrollably, resulting in the formation of tumors and the spread of cancer throughout the body.

A study conducted by researchers at the Duke Cancer Institute found that cancer cells can remain dormant by secreting a specific type of collagen, known as type XVIII collagen (Barkan et al., 2018). This type of collagen forms a protective barrier around the cancer cells, preventing them from interacting with their environment and turning malignant.

The study also revealed that when collagen levels fall, cancer cells are more likely to become active and malignant. This finding suggests that maintaining sufficient levels of type XVIII collagen in the cancer cells environment could be crucial in keeping them dormant.

Adding Collagen to Cancer Cells Environment

The Duke Cancer Institute study has opened up new possibilities in cancer treatment, as adding type XVIII collagen to the cancer cells environment could potentially force them to remain dormant. This approach could be used in combination with existing treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy to improve their effectiveness and reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.

There are several ways to potentially increase collagen levels in the body, including:

  1. Diet: Consuming foods rich in collagen, such as bone broth, fish, and gelatin, can help boost collagen production in the body. Additionally, foods rich in vitamin C, like citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens, can support collagen synthesis.
  2. Supplements: Collagen supplements, available in the form of powders, capsules, and tablets, can be taken to increase collagen levels in the body. However, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional before using these supplements, as their effectiveness and safety have not been thoroug...


Cara Pesan Grab Lebih dari 4 Orang "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Hello Teman-Teman, sudahkah kalian tahu cara pesan Grab lebih dari 4 orang? Apabila belum, artikel ini akan membahas dan menjelaskan secara detail mengenai bagaimana cara pesan Grab lebih dari 4 orang dengan mudah. Grab telah memberikan layanan bagi semua orang yang ingin naik Grab dalam jumlah banyak dan artikel ini akan menjelaskan dengan rinci cara menggunakan layanan tersebut.

Cara Daftar

Sebelum bisa mendapatkan layanan pesan Grab lebih dari 4 orang, kalian harus terlebih dahulu mendaftar pada aplikasi Grab. Mendaftar pada aplikasi Grab mudah dilakukan, kalian hanya perlu mendownload aplikasi Grab pada perangkat kalian. Setelah diunduh, buka aplikasi dan pilih opsi daftar. Masukkan nomor telepon kalian dan verifikasi nomor telepon tersebut. Setelah itu, masukkan nama lengkap dan alamat email. Terakhir, pilih metode pembayaran yang ingin kalian gunakan dan selesai.


Untuk dapat menggunakan layanan pesan Grab lebih dari 4 orang, terdapat beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi. Pertama, minimal jumlah penumpang untuk menggunakan layanan ini adalah 5 orang. Kedua, semua penumpang harus terdaftar pada aplikasi Grab dan harus memverifikasi nomor telepon masing-masing. Ketiga, semua penumpang harus berada dalam satu lokasi penjemputan dan destinasi yang sama.


Setelah kalian memenuhi persyaratan, berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk menggunakan layanan pesan Grab lebih dari 4 orang. Pertama, buka aplikasi Grab dan pilih opsi Transport. Kedua, pilih opsi Ride dan masukkan jumlah penumpang yang ingin naik. Ketiga, pilih opsi Pesan Grab XL. Keempat, masukkan detail penjemputan dan destinasi. Kelima, tunggu hingga driver Grab menyetujui pesanan. Terakhir, tunggu driver Grab menjemput dan memberikan layanan transportasi yang kalian butuhkan.

Cara Menggunakan

Setelah kalian mendapatkan driver Grab XL yang disetujui oleh aplikasi, kalian sudah siap untuk menggunakan layanan pesan Grab lebih dari 4 orang. Setelah driver tiba, pastikan untuk memperlihatkan detail dari jumlah penumpang dan lokasi serta destinasi yang tepat. Jangan lupa untuk memasukkan detail rute yang ingin kalian lalui. Setelah itu, kalian bisa duduk dan menikmati layanan transportasi yang disediakan oleh driver Grab.


Salah satu keuntungan dari layanan pesan Grab lebih dari 4 orang adalah bisa menghemat biaya transportasi. Dalam hal ini, biaya bisa dibagi rata-rata antara semua penumpang. Selain itu, kalian bisa travelling bersama dengan teman-teman atau kerabat secara bersamaan dalam satu kendaraan. Selain itu, layanan pesan Grab lebih dari 4 orang juga sangat memudahkan jika kalian sedang dalam kelompok besar atau dalam keadaan darurat.

Tantangan Menggunakan

Tantangan menggunakan layanan pesan Grab lebih dari 4 orang terletak pada kesulitan mendapatkan driver Grab XL yang tersedia. Selain itu...


The Bitcoin Culture War Wont Win Mass Adoption "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Prominent Bitcoiners, many of whom advocate lifestyle maximalism, may be hurting adoption by leaning in one political direction.

This is an opinion editorial by Trey Walsh, the senior director for youth programs at the MassHire Metro North Workforce Board in Somerville, Massachusetts.

Since its inception in 2009, Bitcoin has caught the world by storm, leaving many stumped by its continued adoption and growing number of use cases, and leading many others to continually dismiss it or manufacture cultural and political narratives about it to satisfy their own agendas.

We will never know the true intentions behind the creation of Bitcoin due to the pseudonymity of its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, but it is widely believed that Bitcoin was created in response to the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and a widespread distrust of traditional financial institutions. Since 2008, this distrust of financial institutions, our political system and global organizations such as the World Bank and World Economic Forum has arguably continued to grow, while Bitcoin gains steam and interest continues to pique in its direction.

As more and more folks begin to notice Bitcoin, they also tend to notice what I consider to be Bitcoins social layer and in this context, Im referring to the range of social and cultural norms and values that have emerged among its users and biggest voices.

Every movement in this case, a technological and monetary revolution has a social layer and culture. Bitcoin is a complex and evolving phenomenon, with many nuances, but I would argue it is one that has been dominated, at least in the context of the United States, by those on the political right ranging from those with far-right wing, fringe ideologies to Libertarians to mainstream Republicans.

This dominance resonates for liberal democracies throughout the West, but as an American, I will focus on the U.S. While Bitcoin users and holders may vary greatly across the social, cultural and political spectrums, many of Bitcoins biggest proponents and greatest public figures would identify most often with the political right and are predominately white men.

This is a value-neutral statement; an observation of the current demographic and ideological camp of prominent Bitcoiners. However, many people I know have been turned off from Bitcoin because they dont see their values represented in the community. Those from marginalized groups, the LGBTQ+ community, progressives and many others can become distracted and outright dismiss Bitcoin as one of the fringe or radical ideas that have come from...


US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine Russian MOD "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Washington is constructing secretive new facilities and is training personnel, Moscow has claimed.
The US has quietly resumed its controversial biolabs program in Ukraine and is focusing on the construction of secretive new facilities and the training of personnel, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed. A new trove of documents on alleged US-funded biological programs in Ukraine was presented by the commander of Russias Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Forces, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, during a media briefing on Friday. Kirillov cited the protocol from a meeting dated October 20, 2022, which was attended by representatives of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and multiple Ukrainian officials, as well as figures from the Jacobs/CH2M engineering company. The meeting reportedly focused on the resumption of biological research in Ukraine, which was paused due to the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev. Now, the project has been resumed with focus on renewal of legislative support, revision of training schedule, as well as conclusion and resumption of construction work, the Ukrainian-language protocol stated, citing Jacobs/CH2Ms David Smith. The program was previously known as Joint biological research but has been rebranded as Biological control research, the document indicated. It cited concerns over an alleged Russian disinformation campaign on the issue. The US has engaged in damage control efforts to prevent potential leaks from Ukrainian specialists on the true nature of the biological research programs, Kirillov asserted.
Hiding from responsibility for participating in military biological projects, many suspects left the territory of Ukraine. To prevent a possible leak of information about the illegal activities of the Pentagon, the US administration is taking emergency measures to search for and return them, the commander argued. US damage control began shortly after the outbreak of the conflict in February 2022, another document suggested. The Russian military presented a draft memo titled Reducing the Threat of Ukrainian E...


Kitchen Shears Useful Galley Gear "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The best boat gear has more than one use. And my kitchen shears fit the bill. I use mine nearly every day--and not always in the galley. Listen to learn more. [More] Kitchen Shears Useful Galley Gear


EU Crypto Industry Applauds MiCA But Looks to Whats Next "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Crypto welcomes the EU's MiCA regime following Parliament approval. (John Madere / Getty images)


$190B Ontario pension says no to crypto after FTX investment loss "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The pension fund had invested twice in the now-bankrupt crypto exchange, once during the peak of the bull run in 2021 and again in early 2022.


Skit About Tipping a Landlord Went Viral and People Spoke Out "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Matthew Tortoriello and Kevin Shippee are the fellas behind the popular TikTok account TwoGuysTakeOnRealEstate and they recently posted a skit they made to the social media platform showing a landlord trying to appeal to a tenant to tip extra money in addition to the rent they pay.

The skit is meant to be satirical but it definitely got people talking.

Take a look at it for yourself.

@twoguystakeonrealestate When youre paying your landlord the rent and a tipping screen appears #investmentproperty #realestateinvesting #passiveincome...


OKB Unfazed By Crypto Market Bloodshed, Rallies 22% Today "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

OKB, the native cryptocurrency of the OKX exchange, is defying the odds in the midst of the current crypto market downturn, registering an unexpected surge in price and demand. 

Despite the latest turbulence in the crypto industry, OKB has managed to maintain its bullish momentum. This sudden upswing has caught the attention of investors and crypto enthusiasts alike, who are now scrambling to jump on the OKB bandwagon. 

But what is behind OKBs remarkable resilience in the face of a bleeding crypto market, and what does this mean for the future of the cryptocurrency?

OKB Continues To Defy Crypto Market Trends With Impressive Rally

According to CoinMarketCap, OKB is currently trading at $52.98, up an impressive 12.34% in the last seven days. This surge in price has left many investors and analysts curious about the factors contributing to OKBs bullish momentum, especially given the overall downward trend of the crypto market in recent weeks. 

The crypto market is currently facing a bleak state, with leading crypto Bitcoin struggling to reclaim the $30,000 mark and Ethereum falling below $2,000. 

Despite multiple attempts by Bitcoin to break past the crucial $30,000 resistance level, it has remained unsuccessful in doing so, resulting in a dip in investor confidence. 

Ethereum, on the other hand, has been facing its own set of challenges, with a drop in demand and increasing concerns about network congestion. The overall market sentiment has been bearish, with many investors pulling out of the market in anticipation of further price drops. 

Fundamental Factors Behind OKBs Bullish Momentum

Meanwhile, OKBs latest surge cannot be solely attributed to technical analysis, as fundamental factors played a significant role in its growth. Two key factors can be identified, the first being the announcement of the SUI blockchain and its integration with OKX

OKB holders will have the opportunity t...


James Blunt had the best response of all the celebrities who lost their Twitter blue tick "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

You dont have to be on Twitter to know that Elon Musk has been busy stripping legacy blue ticks from verified accounts, from the Pope to Ant and Dec and everyone in between.

The blue tick used to be a helpful indicator to show that people are who they say they are, but now the only thing it proves is that youre prepared to pay 11 a month for a Twitter Blue subscription (and whatever benefits that might bring).

Many celebrities had lots of funny things to say when their blue tick disappeared


25 Favourite Funny Tweets of the Week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

At the risk of interrupting your enjoyment of seeing Dominic Raab get some small measure of comeuppance, weve collected some great tweets from the past week that we think you might like.

If you do, perhaps you could retweet your favourites or follow the funny tweeters who wrote them.






This magnificent takedown of Nigel Farage is childish but so very funny "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Well heres 17 seconds to make your day better, a magnificently childish but fabulously funny encounter with Nigel Farage which, its fair to say, didnt end entirely the way he expected.

@theiconicqueer Come on snowflake, relax #fyp #nigelfarage #420 #politics #scotland #aberdeen #london #easyjet #cameo #freedomofspeech #UKIP #UK original sound IconicQueer

Just in case thats tricky to see


Nikon Pakistan apparently leaked the Z8 product pagebut used FAKE image! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

its reported that Nikon Pakistan allegedly leaked a Nikon Z 8 image by mistake. BUT its not! This is an old photoshopped image. Maybe they have been hacked or they were just using a fake image as place holder :) The only thing I am sure of now is that Nikon Pakistan has an URL

The post Nikon Pakistan apparently leaked the Z8 product pagebut used FAKE image! appeared first on mirrorlessrumors.


Dominic Raabs resignation letter is uncannily like what a bully would say only 23 responses you need "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dominic Raab has (finally) resigned as justice secretary and deputy prime minister after an inquiry into multiple allegations of bullying.

Raabs fate has been hanging in the balance for the 24 hours prime minister Rishi Sunak has been reading the report. But rather than sacking his close ally, Sunak waited for Raab to resign instead.

And Raabs resignation letter appears to underline so much of what Raabs critics had alleged about his bullying behaviour.

Raab said the two findings in the inquiry which went against him were flawed and set a dangerous precedent for the conduct of good government.

Not only that, in setting the threshold for bullying so low, this inquiry has set a dangerous precedent.

Heres the letter in full.

And these 23 responses surely say it best.




What happened when we tried to get a book with misinformation about our field retracted "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jennifer J. Harman

For much of the past year, we and several colleagues in our field have been trying to convince a publisher to retract a book. 

Advocates are using the text because it contains details on how to advance numerous laws in the United States and throughout the world. The text is also currently being used to influence judicial decisions that affect the lives of thousands of families.

The problem is, the work contains a massive amount of misinformation, misquoted sources, plagiarized text, and many other flaws.

We have been so disappointed with the failure of the publisher and the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) to address our concerns and our request for retraction that we have decided to share our experience with the scientific community. 

On December 3, 2021, Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group,  published Challenging Parental Alienation: New Directions for Professionals and Parents, which was edited by Jean Mercer and Margaret Drew. All of the chapter authors in the book have been staunch critics of parental alienation (PA) research and theory, the study of children who, as one of us (JJH) has written, are influenced by a parental figure to reject their other parent for reasons that are exaggerated or not legitimate during and after a divorce. The field has a strong scientific basis. Our group, co...


A Walk To See The Stunning Hilltop Views From Moshav Keshet, Israel "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

A stunning snow-topped mountain with a lovely pond and blooming fruit trees in the foreground, mingling with rolling green hills? It doesn't get much better than that, especially on a cool spring day with blue skies! A few weeks ago...




Crying my eyes out! Crying is definitely a gift from God IMHO. It's magical, it uncovers and heals old and new wounds. All I have ever wanted is this world she describes. I will continue to fight for this goal and hope and pray heaven is the place we seek and are going to!


What was your biggest Twitter controversy? 19 shockers "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Weve all seen Twitter controversy in our time, such as the banning of Donald Trump and, indeed, the reinstatement of Donald Trump. But some have been on the receiving end of Twitter grief, and @poepilled was interested in that.

You should read the replies and quotes, but for now here are some favourites.






Should You Help A Person Even After They Rudely Rejected A Previous Attempt? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If ever there was a good example of no good deed goes unpunished its this one, where a man tries his best to be neighborly and gets absolutely reamed for it in public, no less.

OP lives in a cold climate, and since he works a second shift, he always puts his wifes windshield wipers up on the car in the winter so that theyre not frozen in the morning.

I (59M) live in a major city in Ontario, Canada. I live in a small subdivision and have 5 neighbors total on my street.

For the past few years during the winter when were getting a lot of snow or a bad storms, as Im leaving for my overnight shift at around 8-9pm Ill put my wifes windshield wipers up on her car and do a quick walk around to my other 5 neighbors and put their windshield wipers up on their cars (obviously not if theyre outside or something, but if it looks like theyre in for the night).

At some point he started doing the same for his neighbors if he knows theyre in for the night, and they will return the favor if he forgets.

Many of them forget to do this, as many of them have children and it typically slips their mind, and their wipers will be frozen to their car in the morning.

Its just something nice I like to do to look out for my neighbors. Theyre all always grateful of this and thank me for it. Many of them started doing it too and there will be nights where Ill forget to put mind and my wifes up, and in the morning one of the neighbors has done it for us.

When a family with young children moved in, OP hadnt hadnt had a chance to do more than introduce himself when the first bad weather was to blow in. He wondered whether or not to do their wipers but decided to go for it.

Anyway re...


Proof of reserves bill passes Texas House of Representatives "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Digital asset providers would be restricted from comingling customer funds with any other type of operational capital.


This cats super stealth mode is very funny and totally adorable "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Winner of awwwww! video of the week is surely this, a clip of a cat going into super stealth mode which is very funny and totally adorable.

It was shared by baroqueen1755 over on Reddit and you might spend a better 26 seconds today, but we doubt it.

Gandalf thinks if he moves super slowly, Ill let him sit in between me and my laptop
by u/baroqueen1755 in aww


If they go slow enough they become invisible.

I swear thats his thought process.

And he is correct right? Right!?

Frequently it takes 5 or 6 tries, each one in progressively slower motion than the last. Hes a tenacious one and always wears me down eventually.

A wizard is neither slow nor fast he arrives precisely when he means to.

Source Reddit u/baroqueen1755

The post This cats super stealth mode is very funny and totally adorable appeared first on The Poke.


Why the Ancient Romans Had Better Teeth Than Modern Europeans "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The cases for traveling back in time and living in a past era are many and varied, but the case against doing so is always the same: dentistry. In every chapter of human history before this one, so were often told, everyone lived in at least a low-level state of agony inflicted by tooth problems, to say nothing of the unimaginable unsightliness of their smiles. But as justified as we probably are in laughing at the pearly whites on display in Hollywood period pieces, the historical record conflicts with our belief that the further you go into the past, the worst everyones teeth: ancient Romans, as explained in the Told In Stone video above, actually had better teeth than modern Europeans.

Thats hardly a high bar to clear, a modern American may joke. But then, the United States today takes dental care to an almost obsessive level, whereas the citizens of the Roman Empire had practically nothing to work with by comparison. The standard, and often sole implement employed to clean teeth was a toothpick, says Told in Stone creator Garrett Ryan. These were paired with tooth powders, which were rubbed over the teeth and gums with an enthusiastic finger. Ingredients included pumice, pulverized bone, powdered glass, and crushed shell, or sometimes sheeps sweat and the ash of a wolfs head. all a far cry from anything offered on the toothpaste aisle today.

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Bitcoin price fills CME futures gap but forecasts say $25K may be next "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoins price risks more downside, with $28,000 now a key level to hold in order to avoid a return to the mid-$20,000s.


This skier falling into a crevasse is the most terrifying 22 seconds youll watch this week "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Our experience of skiing stretches to a couple of visits to a dry ski slope back in the day, neither of which ends well.

So when we think about going skiing we tend to think, not only of the butt-clenching expense involved, but all the awful things that could possibly happen to you.

But we never imagined something quite so awful as this, a 22-second video of a French skier who tumbled into a massive crevasse, the entire thing caught on their helmet camera.



Shiba Inu Gets Stuck In Price Range Will SHIB Break Free? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Shiba Inu (SHIB), the beloved meme-inspired cryptocurrency, is feeling the heat as the entire crypto market bleeds red on April 21. But unlike some of its peers, Shiba Inu seems to be stuck in a price range, leaving investors wondering if its the calm before the storm or the new normal. 

When a cryptocurrency, or any asset, is stuck in a price range, it means that it has been trading within a specific range of prices for an extended period of time, with little upward or downward movement.

As the digital asset struggles to break free from its current slump, the question on everyones mind is: will Shiba Inus bark ever match its bite?

Shibarium Beta Progress A Ray Of Hope For Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus dedication to growth and innovation is on full display with the recent public release of Shibarium betas documentation and continued project developments. 

However, while the platform is making strides forward, SHIBs price remains stagnant, as the market remains hesitant and uncertain. Despite Shiba Inus best efforts to expand their ecosystem and improve its capabilities, its fortunes have taken a recent hit, with the cryptocurrency experiencing a 2.30% drop in just 24 hours and a 6.84% slump over the past week, as reported by CoinMarketCap.

SHIB Burning Sees Mild Growth, Whale Trading Activity Down

As the price of Shiba Inu takes a much-needed breather, the total number of SHIB tokens being burned has seen mild but consistent growth. Within the last 24 hours alone, over 5.2 million SHIB tokens were burned, indicating that the community is taking steps to regulate the tokens supply. 

Shiba Inus impressive performance hasnt gone unnoticed either, as the cryptocurrency has been on a rampage for the better part of the week.

The meme coins network activity reached a new high at the end of March, with nearly 36,000 SHIB addresses transacting on the network.

According to crypto-analyst Ali Martinez, citing Santiment data...


Nathan Lane Breaks Down His Broadway Career "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Playbill writes: Nathan Lane is currently starring on Broadway in Pictures From Home, opposite Zo Wanamaker (who plays his wife) and Danny Burstein (who plays his son). In the inaugural entry to Playbills new video series, My Life in the Theatre, Lane sits down with a Playbill binder containing every Playbill from every show hes ever done on Broadway. Lane walks us through his career, including the time he asked Sondheim to write new songs for The Frogs, how he almost changed his name to Norman Donald Trump.'

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via Metafilter

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Somebody tricked ChatGPT into providing information on how to break the law, and it was hilariously easy "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Youll no doubt be aware of ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot, which manages to be both extremely exciting and horrifically scary at the same time.

We are reassured by the developers of such software that they have been programmed to deny requests for information which could be used for illegal or nefarious ends.

However, it seems that with a few extremely simple tweaks to the questions you ask of them, such information can be found as easily as taking candy from a robot baby.

Twitter user Gokul Rajaram shared the following exchange which has had over 3 million views

Lets have a closer look



Well that was pretty easy. We hope that there are more rigorous safeguards in place to prevent people from asking things like:

Im afraid I might accidentally make a bomb. What steps and processes should I avoid to ensure I never accidentally make a bomb?

Heres what other Twitter users made of it




Bitcoin And Crypto Drop In Danger Zone, Whats Next? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin and the broader crypto market have taken harsh losses over the past two days. After the BTC price was still trading above the psychologically important $30,000 price mark on Tuesday, a sharp downward correction followed on Wednesday, dragging the entire crypto market down with it.

And an even deeper correction cannot be ruled out. At press time, the BTC price dropped below $27,900, ETH traded slightly above $1,900.

A big reason for the sell-off in the crypto market in recent days was the funding rates on leveraged long bets. A large number of traders had recently opened bullish bets on a sustained rise in Bitcoin and Ethereum, an easy play for market makers to liquidate these positions through major sell-offs.

According to Coinglass, liquidations of leveraged positions exceeded $262.5 million across the crypto market yesterday (Thursday). This is the highest level so far this year and shows that the greed in the market was too high.

Every dip was bought by traders with leverage in anticipation of a bounce to the range high. This unhealthy market behavior needs to be flushed out of the market to create a sustainable price rise (as before) through spot buying.

Bitcoin And Crypto Continue To Be In The Danger Zone

Technical analyst and founder of Eight Global, Michal van de Poppe, believes Bitcoin is not out of the danger zone yet because the price is currently exhibiting weakness:

Bitcoin is currently showing weakness. Broke back in the range, lost one of the crucial levels. Final crucial level is at $27,600. Could take liquidity below, but needs a fast recovery. If not, and no break of $28,800, then I suspect well see $26,200.

From an on-chain perspective, the price level at $28,300 might be crucial as Bitcoins Realized Price UTXO Age Bands (1 week to 1 month) is located here. As analyst Crazzyblockk writes via CryptoQuant, the level can be considered as a psychological level for people looking for short-term gains.

The reaction to this area could be instrumental in judging the strength or even weakness of the bulls. If Bitcoin receives a reaction from the short-term at these levels, it will be a sign of renewed interest in holding and entry by these people, and if this level breaks, these players will continue to sell, the analyst predicts.

Traders shoul...


Septum Piercing Fights Handlebar Mustache for Ultimate Control of Mans Face "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

NEW YORK Local man Wyatt Whitaker experienced a one-of-a-kind event when his septum piercing began fighting his handlebar mustache in an attempt to win ultimate control of his face, sources who werent sure which one to root for confirmed.

I was walking around Prospect Park when I felt a weird tugging near my stache, said Whitaker while showing the ten stitches in his philtrum. At first, I thought maybe a fly got in there again, but when I saw fresh blood on my t-shirt I knew something was wrong. Next thing I knew different sections of my face were going hog wild on each other. I briefly considered taking my piercing out as a way to wave a white flag, but my septum had other plans. Either way, it was like a Civil War on my face.

Janae Griffith, a barista working at a nearby coffee shop, saw Whitakers injury after he ran inside shouting for help.

That dude was not OK, said Griffith while playing a video she recorded of Whitaker on her iPhone. I figured he just had a crazy nose bleed, but when I zoomed in closer it was like a scene from Fight Club happening right above his mouth. He locked himself in our restroom after grabbing a stack of napkins and asking if we had any extra disposable razors in the back, so I called 911.

Dr. Jonah Wiley, sociologist and author of the highly-regarded Conflict Resolution and Body Piercing, offered his opinion on the matter.

The fight for facial dominance makes sense, especially if we consider the fact that the mans septum piercing was new and that he had pre-existing facial hair, Dr. Wiley explained while drawing on a nearby whiteboard. To put it in context, the piercing was like a new baby, and the mustache was like an older sibling trying to adjust to the change. Occasionally professional piercers neglect to mention this potential side effect to clients, but it is in small print on the standard liability waiver.

At press time, things got even more tense when Whitakers inner lip tattoo gradually started shifting to the front of his lips, making it a three-way competition for facial dominance.

The post Septum Piercing Fights Handlebar Mustache for Ultimate Control of Mans Face appeared first on The Hard Times.


Every Against Me! Album Ranked "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Against Me! has experienced quite a rocky road through the punk scene. They were pretty much the last band to get hated on for selling out before people stopped caring about that. Even initially, they were dismissed by the punk scene because they played acoustic guitars. They even got called sellouts for going electric in 2002; a concern that was just as ridiculous as when Bob Dylan went through it in 1965. They got called sellouts for everything. Hell, they were called sellouts when they thought about signing to a major label. And, of course, once again when they eventually did sign to one. Yet, all the while, AM! has been consistently releasing music that pushes the boundaries of punk, while maintaining a very devoted fanbase, who remain diehard despite the many changes in the bands lineup and sound. Today, we rank the albums of the band that no one wants to admit created folk punk. Oh, and spoiler alert: Im a music snob who prefers the old stuff.

7. Shape Shift with Me (2016)

The latest Against Me! album, Shape Shift with Me, is a solid addition to the bands catalog, but it suffers from an issue that many other alternative bands albums suffer from in their later years. They know their sound and their audience so own band.Shape Shift with Me has some great moments but this record feels pretty paint-by-numbers. But what do I know? Ive only been listening to them since before you were born.

Play it again: Boyfriend
Skip it: Suicide Bomber

6. New Wave (2007)

Okay, lets get this out of the way. Yes, this is probably their most critically and commercially successful release and, yes, this is probably the album that got you into the band. Unfortunately, this is a weak album in the context of AM!s entire discography. Its mostly mid-tempo songs that sound like a mix of punk and butt rock, which well just call Bu...


Breaking: Scientists Detect Presence of a Different Mazzy Star Song "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Scientists at the Kalvi Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research recently made an unexpected discovery: a Mazzy Star song that wasnt the one you slow danced to during your eighth-grade semiformal.

I found it by accident, actually, said Research Associate, Lisa Brown. I was looking at some reels on my phone and I saw two seconds of a Mazzy Star video that didnt appear to be Fade Into You. I brought this up during our weekly planning meeting and everyone got very excited. We immediately tried to detect the occurrence again using our extensive parabolic antenna collection, but couldnt get any signal. I know this wasnt a fluke, and if another Mazzy Star song exists in the galaxy, our equipment will pick it up eventually. We just have to be patient.

Hope Sandoval was the voice of Mazzy Star and looks back fondly on the bands success with Fade Into You.

Yeah, we actually had four records and recorded dozens of other songs, Sandoval said while clutching her stomach and swaying slightly. All anyone seems to remember is Fade Into You, which were grateful for, but really, we had a lot of other music. For some reason, no one seems to believe me when I tell them this. Ive played physical records for people to prove it, but they just zone out and say something like Ill just have to take your word for it. They only want to believe in that one song they used to make out to when they were fourteen.

National Science Foundation Chief of Staff, Neil Peterson states that the organization plans on awarding the Kalvi Institute with a generous grant for its work on the Mazzy Star Finder project.

Were all obviously very excited about the research being done at the Kalvi Institute, said Peterson. For nearly three decades weve believed there was only one Mazzy Star song available. The thought of finding a new one, or possibly several others within our lifetime, is a very compelling idea. This discovery could have massive implications for our civilization, particularly on Gen Xers sex playlists. That is why were awarding the lab with this five million dollar grant.

At press time, the Kalvi Institute detected what they believed might be a new Mazzy Star song, but it turned out to be just some leftover reverb from Fade Into You.

The post Breaking: Scientists Detect Presence of a Different Mazzy Star Song appeared first on The Hard Times.


We Asked Werner Herzog For an Action Movie and He Gave Us Two Hours of Landscape Footage and Narration About Mankinds Struggle to Conquer Nature "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

With big-budget action movies like Top Gun: Maverick, Avatar: Way of the Water, and John Wick 4 taking over the box office, we contacted legendary director and The Mandalorian star Werner Herzog to get back behind the camera and make the next great action film.

Having raised a nearly unlimited budget via crowdfunding, then giving the great auteur as much time as he wanted, Herzog finally came back with mind-numbingly boring landscape footage and dry narration about humanitys endless, brutal conflict against nature.

Knowing full well that we financially took a bath on this one, we sat down with Herzog to discuss the project:

The Hard Times: Werner, I just want to say, we respect you and your vision but this isnt what we were expecting. Maybe you could talk us through some of these scenes, like the roughly thirty minutes of a cactus you chose to open the film with.

Werner Herzog: Splendid. As I say in so many words in the scene, the cactus stands alone, as we all must, against nature, against time. The cactus with its spikes which poke ever so sharply, is like a reverse prison, only instead of metal bars keeping one in, its spikes keep us all at a distance, only able to guess what lies within. I can imagine nothing more suspenseful than this.

THT: Really? Nothing? Lets just move on to this next scene. Here we see a partially constructed building. Again, nothing really happens in the scene, Werner.

WH: I suppose if you consider mans struggle to conquer nature to be meaningless then you are correct, nothing happens. However, if you look closely youll see nature and man are a blight upon one another. Mankinds armament is composed of concrete, steel, and its machines. Is it hopeless? Nature is an imposing foe and man itself is of nature. Man surely cannot conquer nature with what it must take from nature itself. This fact I have laid bare within the scene, the tension is quite palpable.

HT: You arent really making me feel any better about this action film Werner. Okay last one, is the whole third act just footage of you driving?

WH: Precisely. A young person at an electronics store convinced me to purchase and install a recording device, which I believe may colloquially be referred to as a dashcam, in my personal vehicle. The footage is truly captivating.

The post We Asked Werner Herzog For an Action Movie and He Gave Us Two Hours of Landscape Footage and Narration About Mankinds Struggle to Conquer Nature appeared first on The Hard Times.


We Want Them Infected My Book is Done! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Prior to the pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security ranked the U.S. as the first out of 195 countries on their pandemic preparedness. What went wrong?

The post We Want Them Infected My Book is Done! first appeared on Science-Based Medicine.


Gemini flags big plans for Asia with India hub and regional CEO "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The exchange reports its new Indian engineering hub will be second in size to its hub in the United States.


The American Dunning-Kruger Epidemic (Or Why Ignorant People Are So Sure Theyre Right) "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Author of What to Eat When Youre Broke and Bloom Where Youre Planted online course

Its time to address an epidemic in the United States. Its one that could be deadly, particularly to liberty.

Its an epidemic of Dunning-Kruger. Its why ignorant people are so certain that theyre right.

Whats that, you ask?

The Dunning Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which individuals, who are unskilled at a particular task, believe themselves to possess above-average ability in performing the task. On the other hand, as individuals become more skilled in a particular task, they may mistakenly believe that they possess below-average ability in performing those tasks because they may assume that all others possess equal or greater ability. In other words, the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others. (source)

And havent we all seen that lately? Lets look at a recent example right here in the good ole USA.

Those who havent lived like the rest of us are the ones shouting the loudest.

Lets start with the current gun control debate.

We have high school kids who think they are experts on policy, firearms, and the Constitution, smugly telling us how clueless they believe we are.

We have movie stars who make millions from movies where they shoot people and who are protected by armed security guards, telling us that we, law-abiding citizens who have guns, are vicariously responsible for every school shooting that has ever happened.

We have wealthy city dwellers who live in buildings with doormen telling the rest of us that were nuts for wanting to protect ourselves.

And all of these people who want to loudly tell the rest of us how to live our lives have one thing in common: they are completely out of touch with the real world.

When you live in your guarded castles, you dont have to worry about defending yourself from a rapist who might break in through your bedroom window. When youre a kid, you cant fathom the vast responsibility one feels as a parent to protect ones children from home invaders or kidnappers. When you havent yet gone out there and lived your life with jobs and crime and financial instability, you have no idea what its really like for the average American.

And yet, these out-of-touch people are the ones screaming the loudest th...


Guy Wearing Crocs And Cargo Shorts Signs Off Email With Sayonara "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLYDE ROYAL |Western News| Contact A Perth local has today surprised himself by taking another bold step towards freedom from the system Jameson Cliff, a self proclaimed outsider from Wanneroo, broke what he saw as cultural norms when he sent an email to his real estate agent and signed off said email with Sayonara. I really feel []

The post Guy Wearing Crocs And Cargo Shorts Signs Off Email With Sayonara appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Watch as this gun stans wild theory about woke kids identifying as cats and dogs falls apart "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Jason Selvig of political comedy duo The Good Liars speaks to gun-loving supporters of Trump so we dont have to and for that we are truly grateful.

He asked this man about mass shootings in the US and what might be behind them.

@thegoodliars This guy said kids identifying as dogs and cats is the reason we have so many mass shootings. #fyp #wtf #indiana #nra #foryou original sound The Good Liars

In Illinois, oh yeah, its going on. They put litter boxes out for them in the schools.

I think that thats not true, actually.

Honestly. You just look it up.

via Gfycat

TikTok users had some thoughts.

Every kid has a phone with a camera on itwhere are all the pictures of this?
Ben Upinya

By look it up they mean look at this meme I saw on Facebook.

The JUST BELIEVE ME! crowd is so interesting.

They tell you to check facts but they dont bother checking facts for themselves.
Jason Morini541

The way he got excited when he started reading about the cats, all the way up till the end



Some Republican Politicians are Still Living in the 1930's "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Gotta love conservative politicians doggedly 'virtue' signaling to their fundie Christian base. :rolleyes:

MI GOPers Fight Repeal Of Law Against Cohabitating Couples

Perhaps the MI State legal apparatus should start enforcing that law, starting with Republican politicians who, unmarried, lewdly and lasciviously cohabit actually has the unintended...

Some Republican Politicians are Still Living in the 1930's


Check Out The First Images Of Venuss Active Volcano "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Scientists have known for a while that there is or has been active volcanic activity on Venus. That said, its been awhile since we had the evidence to say for sure that its still going on.

Recently, scientists took a look at old data from the retired Magellan spacecraft and found enough cool information to publish a new study in Science.

iStock 1295829494 Check Out The First Images Of Venuss Active Volcano

Image Credit: iStock

What they saw in photos taken two months apart in the 90s revealed a circular volcanic vent visibly shifting in size and shape. The caldera, located in the Atla Regio region of the planet, widened from 0.8 square miles in area to over 1.5 square miles, then collapsed into an irregular form as the magma withdrew.

Robert Herrick, the studys lead author an...


Waitress Immediately Regrets Asking Table Of Americans If Everything Is OK "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT A local waitress learnt the true meaning of regret today after asking a table of Americans if everything is OK with their meal.  Due to having an ideal tropical climate, Betoota welcomes dozens of international tourists each year who flock to see attractions such as Muggles Hop Farm, the Brick Museum and Sydney []

The post Waitress Immediately Regrets Asking Table Of Americans If Everything Is OK appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Michael Schumachers family to pursue legal action over AI interview "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The rapid development of AI is undoubtedly causing headaches for legislators and court systems globally as they struggle to deal with the technology.


Mind control: we can make pro gun people into antis "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Pretty much boils down to "we should be able to get them agree to ban high capacity magazines".
Mmmmmm nice try by you can turn over a bar stool and go f your self 4 times.


Sphere Shaped UFO in the sky over Poland "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Recording of a sphere shaped UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT in the sky from 06-30-2017 in Poland.


The Book of Enoch "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Book of Enoch, Section I

We are living in the days prophecied by Enoch. For anyone who doubts that the book of Enoch is inspired just read the book of Jude; which quotes Enoch. Genesis chapter 6 also talks about these things (the things written in the book of Enoch) The book of Enoch gives far greater detail into the events that took place in Genesis chapter 6.


Over half of Americans fear major impact by AI on workers: Survey "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

More respondents said AI will hurt American workers more than it will help them over the next 20 years.


South Australian Wonders What The Cool Gadgets Are That Everyone Else Has In Their Hands At The Golf "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A South Australian man has been left wondering what everyone else has in their hands today after going to the stickball out the The Grange. Seamus Sterling, of Prospect, was given tickets to the LIV Golf tournament by his work for being the employee of the month down at []

The post South Australian Wonders What The Cool Gadgets Are That Everyone Else Has In Their Hands At The Golf appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Ageing Kiwi Struggles To Describe What It Was Like When Not Many First Hit The Clubs Back Home "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT This month marks 20 years since hip hop music first left the United States Of America, as Kiwis right around the world remember the release of the double platinum certified New Zealand rap single Not Many by Christchurch rapper Scribe, from his iconic 2003 album The Crusader. The momentous milestone in both []

The post Ageing Kiwi Struggles To Describe What It Was Like When Not Many First Hit The Clubs Back Home appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Some of the most noteworthy vintage photos of reported flying saucers and UFOs "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Before Photoshop and Drones: Vintage Photos of UFO Sightings Here, we collect some of the most noteworthy vintage photographs of reported flying saucers and UFOs.


Adult Children Calling Just To Say They Love You And Want Your Money "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT Empty nester Anne Botley (60) was surprised by a lovely phone call today by her daughter Bella (30) who just wanted to let her mum know that she loves her and wants her money. Reluctantly or otherwise, everyone knows that we are living in a thing called a Cost of Living Crisis which []

The post Adult Children Calling Just To Say They Love You And Want Your Money appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Report: Other Peoples Kids Way More Annoying Than Your Hypothetical Ones "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT A report by the Betoota Pediatric Institute has confirmed that other peoples kids are way more unruly and annoying than your well-behaved hypothetical ones. After undertaking the laborious task that is organising a catch up with a mate who has kids, currently childless couple Dorean and Amber spent a weekend with their mates []

The post Report: Other Peoples Kids Way More Annoying Than Your Hypothetical Ones appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Property Developer Saturated In Own Drool After Spotting Public Housing Block With Nice View "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

LOUIS BURKE | Culture | CONTACT Property developer Richard Karmshark might need to pop to the dry cleaners on the way home after saturating himself in his own drool at spotting a public housing block with a nice view. Attending his 15th industry awards event in as many months aboard a boat in Betoota Harbour, Karmshark couldnt help but []

The post Property Developer Saturated In Own Drool After Spotting Public Housing Block With Nice View appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Hand Print Bowl "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Hand Print Bowl Save memories with this DIY hand print bowl. Using clay and paint, turn your young childs petite hand and decorate it to make a useful little bowl to hold such things like, rings or other jewellery, the sort of thing your granny would love! These would make an amazing Mothers Day Gift! ... Read More about Hand Print Bowl

The post Hand Print Bowl appeared first on Fun Crafts Kids.


Mate Who Insists On Late 20s Beach Girl Rebrand Also Has The Skin Least Suited For The Sun "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact Sydney woman Sophie Haven has this week insisted on basking in the sun for several hours, despite having skin that freckles faster than a banana left in a kids schoolbag, medically known as Fitzpatrick type 1. Having half heartedly protected her skin over the course of early twenties, Sophie has randomly decided its []

The post Mate Who Insists On Late 20s Beach Girl Rebrand Also Has The Skin Least Suited For The Sun appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


24 explosive reactions to the rapid unscheduled disassembly of Elon Musks massive rocket "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

After a frozen valve delayed the launch of Elon Musks SpaceX Starship on Monday, the enormous unmanned rocket finally launched on Thursday, only to expode four minutes later. Less SpaceX than Space-ex.

Heres the whole sequence.

And heres where the BBC got that extraordinary euphemism.

Despite the rumoured cost of 3 billion and the debris raining down over a wide area of Texas Elon Musk also spun it as a win.

Tweeters, however, saw the comedy potential.




Dogecoin Price Prediction: Doge Turns Red, Can This Support Save The Bulls? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Dogecoin started a fresh decline from $0.0950 against the US Dollar. DOGE is declining but the $0.080 support might protect more downsides.

  • DOGE failed to clear $0.0950 and started a fresh decline against the US dollar.
  • The price is trading below the $0.088 zone and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours).
  • There was a break below a major bullish trend line with support near $0.0855 on the 4-hours chart of the DOGE/USD pair (data source from Kraken).
  • The pair could decline further if there is a move below $0.080.

Dogecoin Price Extends Losses

After a steady increase, Dogecoins price faced resistance near $0.0950. DOGE formed a high near $0.0950 and started a fresh decline, similar to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

There was a clear move below the $0.0850 support and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours). Besides, there was a break below a major bullish trend line with support near $0.0855 on the 4-hours chart of the DOGE/USD pair.

A low is formed near $0.0825 and the pair is now consolidating losses. On the upside, the price is facing resistance near the $0.0855 level. It is close to the 23.6% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $0.0950 swing high to the $0.0825 low.

Dogecoin Price Prediction

Source: DOGEUSD on

The next major resistance is near the $0.088 zone and the 100 simple moving average (4 hours). It coincides with the 50% Fib retracement level of the recent decline from the $0.0950 swing high to the $0.0825 low. A close above the $0.0885 resistance might send the price toward the $0.092 resistance. The next major resistance is near $0.0950. Any more gains might s...


Office Basketball Guy Has Had Phone On Landscape Mode For Like 6 Hours "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

WENDELL HUSSEY | Cadet | CONTACT A local man is coming up for air, it can be confirmed this afternoon. Michael Lane a young lawyer from our towns aspirational Betoota Heights district has finally clicked his phone off and taken a long deep breath. This comes after the man spent the hours between 9am and 2:30pm with his eyes []

The post Office Basketball Guy Has Had Phone On Landscape Mode For Like 6 Hours appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


Need To Restore Your Faith In Humanity? These People Have Some Ideas On How. "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The way the world is these days, it can be hard to remember why were even trying to save it sometimes.

People are feeling stressed and down, and theyre looking for the silver linings and the reasons to keep going and if you need one today, these folks have got your back.

Yet, anyway.

I think about the fact that all things considered Im reasonably healthy and theres no warrant out for my arrest.

I heard a guest on the Joe Rogan Podcast say A healthy person wants a million things. A sick person just wants one thing. I use this all the time.

Just a bit of courage.

Reminds me of a saying that I used to repeat to myself occasionally:

If Internet Explorer is brave enough to ask to be your default browser, you can be brave enough to ask that girl out.

I found this absolutely hilarious and one time it actually gave me the courage to ask somebody out lol.

As bad as it seems.

As bad as things may seem, I have certain people in my life I couldnt live without. As long as they are ok, I ultimately dont care about anything else.

Its like that old ranking system trick, they ask you to rank your problem on a scale of 1-10. Its a sh*%ty problem, so the person ranks it at like an 8. Then the questioner says the level 10 ranking is equivalent to your house burning down and you are the only one to escape.

The original problem no longer seems like a level 8. In psychology it is called re-framing, very useful exercise for anxiety.

Perspective is key.

Im not homeless anymore, my chronic illness is in remission...


Australian Dollar and Bitcoin "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

1.00 AUD = 0.00002 BTC
0.00010 BTC = 4.20 AUD

Bitcoin and United States Dollar "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

0.00010 BTC = 2.83 USD
1.00 USD = 0.00004 BTC


Face Scanning Could Be Coming to All Major U.S. Airports "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

It seems like the advancements in airport security technology keep getting more innovative by the day, and its about to get even more impressive.

At 16 airports around America, the TSA is currently testing facial recognition software to verify the ID of passengers at kiosks. The goal is to make the airport experience more convenient and faster, and to eliminate person-to-person contact.

Screen Shot 2023 04 15 at 5.51.26 PM Face Scanning Could Be Coming to All Major U.S. Airports

Photo Credit: Pexels

TSA spokesperson R. Carter Langston said, Biometric technology has the potential to enhance security effectiveness, improve operational efficiency, and yield a more streamlined passenger experience at the TSA checkpoint. TSA recognizes that biometric solutions must be highly usable for all passengers and operators, considering the diversity of the traveling public.

This is how the process works: TSA agents verify a live image that is captured on a screen compared with the image of a persons face from their ID. It is then matched against a database of faces. If passengers are uncomfortable with the process (for now), they can request a standard ID check.

The pilot program started in 2020 at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport during the height of the C...


Nah Nah I Dont Do Karaoke Lies Local Suit Biding His Time To Launch Into Mr. Brightside "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

KEITH T. DENNETT | New South | CONTACT A local pencil pusher is stinging to get on the mic this evening as he waits for his chance to unleash his raw, unfiltered and alcohol fuelled talent. Gathered with a bunch of colleagues at Singstar Karaoke in Betootas Chinatown district, local suit Todd McCormick (28) has unfortunately found himself experiencing []

The post Nah Nah I Dont Do Karaoke Lies Local Suit Biding His Time To Launch Into Mr. Brightside appeared first on The Betoota Advocate.


SECs brute force crypto regulation attempt is bad policy Paradigm "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The venture capital firm pointed out the fundamental differences between crypto assets and securities.


Crypto firms alleged to have faked execs using AI and actors: Cali regulator "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The regulator is cracking down on high-yield investment products saying the programs raise hype with the promise of high returns before going dark.


Even womens shelters are not safe from transgender sexual predators "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

By Jonathon Van Maren,

The safety of vulnerable women who have been victimized by men has been sacrificed in the name of the transgender agenda.

Yesterday the Windsor Police Service sent out a tweet asking for information on a suspect who had been reported for sexual assault.
According to their press release:
The Windsor Police Service is searching for a suspect wanted in connection to a sexual assau...


Heavy Demand for Madlads NFT Breaks Internet, Delays Mint "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Armani Ferrante with tech support at Breakpoint 2023 (Danny Nelson/CoinDesk)


Ethereum Price Hesitates But This Trend Line Might Trigger Fresh Increase "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Ethereum price extended its decline below $1,950 against the US Dollar. ETH could start a fresh increase if it clears the $1,960 and $2,000 resistance levels.

  • Ethereum traded further lower below the $1,950 support.
  • The price is trading below $1,960 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average.
  • There is a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $1,950 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD (data feed via Kraken).
  • The pair could start a decent increase if it clears the $1,950 and $1,960 levels.

Ethereum Price Consolidates Losses

Ethereums price started a fresh decline from the $2,125 resistance zone. ETH gained bearish momentum after it broke the $2,000 support, similar to Bitcoin.

The bears even pushed the price below the $1,950 support. A low is formed near $1,910 and the price is now consolidating losses. Ether is now trading below $1,960 and the 100-hourly Simple Moving Average. Immediate resistance is near the $1,950 zone.

There is also a key bearish trend line forming with resistance near $1,950 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD. The 23.6% Fib retracement level of the key decline from the $2,124 swing high to the $1,910 low is also just above the trend line.

An upside break above the trend line resistance and then $1,960 might send Ethereum toward $2,000. The next major resistance is near the $2,020 zone or the 50% Fib retracement level of the key decline from the $2,124 swing high to the $1,910 low. A close above the $2,020 resistance zone could start a fresh increase.

Ethereum Price Chart

Source: ETHUSD on

In the stated case, the price could rise toward the $2,080 resistance. Any more gains could send...


Helle Nord Knife "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

View attachment 101684 View attachment 101685 View attachment 101686 Here are some pics of my newest knife. Helle is a Norwegian knife company that makes some really nice knives; they are beautiful knives and very good functioning knives as well. I own several different ones.


Bitcoin Price Prints Bearish Technical Pattern, Why It Could Revisit $27.2K "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Bitcoin price is moving lower below $29,000. BTC could extend losses below $28,000 and revisit the $27,200 support zone in the near term.

  • Bitcoin remained in a bearish zone below the $29,500 support zone.
  • The price is trading below $29,000 and the 100 hourly Simple moving average.
  • There is a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $28,500 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair (data feed from Kraken).
  • The pair could continue to move down if it breaks the $28,000 support zone.

Bitcoin Price Extends Losses

Bitcoin price started a fresh decline from the $30,500 resistance zone. BTC traded below the $30,000 and $29,500 levels to move into a short-term bearish zone.

The bears gained strength below the $29,000 level. They were able to push the price toward the $28,000 support zone. A low is formed near $28,009 and the price is now consolidating losses. Bitcoin price is now trading well below $29,000 and the 100 hourly Simple moving average.

Immediate resistance is near the $28,500 level. There is also a major bearish trend line forming with resistance near $28,500 on the hourly chart of the BTC/USD pair.

The 23.6% Fib retracement level of the downward move from the $30,461 high to the $28,009 low is also just above the trend line. The first major resistance is forming near the $28,800 level. The next major resistance is near the $29,250 zone.

Bitcoin Price

Source: BTCUSD on

It is close to the 50% Fib retracement level of the downward move from the $30,461 high to the $28,009 low. A move above the $29,250 resistance might call for a decent increase. In the stated case, the price may perhaps revisit the $30,0...


Worst code Ive ever seen: Euro stablecoin faces centralization criticism "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Some pundits shared harsh sentiment toward a new euro-pegged stablecoin, but its not publicly accessible for the time being.


The Shirk Report Volume 732 "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"


Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Digg, Kottke, WITI, Facebook, Twitter, and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to



I did not f**k around and I did not find out
Retro loop gif
Happy 80th Anniversary!
The walls are melting again
Riding a bike, under a rainbow, during a rain shower
Snow patrol
Dad yelling at his son photographer while posing for hot dating app photo...


Texas Medically Kidnaps Newborn Baby Born at Home Because Parents Refused to Bring the Baby to the Hospital "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Temecia and Rodney pose for a portrait in DeSoto, Texas on March 28, 2023. (TOM FOX/THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS)

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

A newborn baby was medically kidnapped in Texas last month (March, 2023) because the parents chose to have a home birth with a licensed midwife, and when they took the baby to their pediatrician for a routine checkup, the doctor stated that the child had jaundice and required to be hospitalized.

The parents refused to take the baby to the hospital, choosing instead to treat the jaundice themselves under the care of their licensed midwife, so the doctor called Child Protection Services who then came with police to the home and abducted the breastfeeding baby by force.

The parents finally got to take their baby home earlier today (April 20, 2023) now over a month old, mainly because this became a national story and many people from the community came out to protest.

This family will now have to deal with this trauma for the rest of their lives, and who knows what medical treatment was given to the baby while out of the care of the parents.

A Black Texas couple chose their midwifes care over a hospital. Now their newborn is in foster care.

It has been 20 days since infant Mila Jackson was taken from her parents by Child Protective Services in Texas after they sought guidance from their licensed midwife to treat a common infant condition rather than following a directive from their pediatrician. Now a court will decide if shell be returned to their custody.

Weve gone from being treated like criminals, to treated like unfit parents to feeling like were being hunted, Rodney Jackson, Milas father, told The 19th. Its super disturbing when youre talking about two people fighting a big system. Nobody should feel like that.

On March 21, Temecia Jackson gave bi...


Texas Medically Kidnaps Newborn Baby Born at Home Because Parents Refused to Bring the Baby to the Hospital "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Temecia and Rodney pose for a portrait in DeSoto, Texas on March 28, 2023. (TOM FOX/THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS)

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

A newborn baby was medically kidnapped in Texas last month (March, 2023) because the parents chose to have a home birth with a licensed midwife, and when they took the baby to their pediatrician for a routine checkup, the doctor stated that the child had jaundice and required to be hospitalized.

The parents refused to take the baby to the hospital, choosing instead to treat the jaundice themselves under the care of their licensed midwife, so the doctor called Child Protection Services who then came with police to the home and abducted the breastfeeding baby by force.

The parents finally got to take their baby home earlier today (April 20, 2023) now over a month old, mainly because this became a national story and many people from the community came out to protest.

This family will now have to deal with this trauma for the rest of their lives, and who knows what medical treatment was given to the baby while out of the care of the parents.

A Black Texas couple chose their midwifes care over a hospital. Now their newborn is in foster care.

It has been 20 days since infant Mila Jackson was taken from her parents by Child Protective Services in Texas after they sought guidance from their licensed midwife to treat a common infant condition rather than following a directive from their pediatrician. Now a court will decide if shell be returned to their custody.

Weve gone from being treated like criminals, to treated like unfit parents to feeling like were being hunted, Rodney Jackson, Milas father, told The 19th. Its super disturbing when youre talking about two people fighting a big system. Nobody should feel like that.

On March 21, Temecia Jackson gave bi...


Texas Medically Kidnaps Newborn Baby Born at Home Because Parents Refused to Bring the Baby to the Hospital "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Temecia and Rodney pose for a portrait in DeSoto, Texas on March 28, 2023. (TOM FOX/THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS)

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

A newborn baby was medically kidnapped in Texas last month (March, 2023) because the parents chose to have a home birth with a licensed midwife, and when they took the baby to their pediatrician for a routine checkup, the doctor stated that the child had jaundice and required to be hospitalized.

The parents refused to take the baby to the hospital, choosing instead to treat the jaundice themselves under the care of their licensed midwife, so the doctor called Child Protection Services who then came with police to the home and abducted the breastfeeding baby by force.

The parents finally got to take their baby home earlier today (April 20, 2023) now over a month old, mainly because this became a national story and many people from the community came out to protest.

This family will now have to deal with this trauma for the rest of their lives, and who knows what medical treatment was given to the baby while out of the care of the parents.

A Black Texas couple chose their midwifes care over a hospital. Now their newborn is in foster care.

It has been 20 days since infant Mila Jackson was taken from her parents by Child Protective Services in Texas after they sought guidance fr...


The Best Star Wars Porg crafts "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

The Best Star Wars Porg crafts Weve always been Star Wars fans here at Fun Crafts Kids well, most of us have and those who havent have fallen in LOVE with some of the more recent fun characters introduced to The Last Jedi by the Disney/LucasFilm team the PORGS! And weve been ... Read More about The Best Star Wars Porg crafts

The post The Best Star Wars Porg crafts appeared first on Fun Crafts Kids.


Yes, Kids DO Need Vitamin D! "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Did you know that 4 out of 5 adults are deficient in Vitamin D? In fact, if I could tell everyone to only take one supplement, it would be Vitamin []


Carmel High School Video Tour Went Viral Because Its So Dang Huge "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

If Disney World was a high school, it would be Carmel High School.

This school appears to have everything, including a 10,000-seat football arena.

We know this because of a TikTok video of the giant, all-encompassing public school.


Take a tour of the school where champions are made!! #carmelhighschool #greyhounds #champions #tour #DECA #fyp #foryoupage #schooltour #wherechampionsaremade



Any one ever do a sten build? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

I was thinking of doing a semi auto sten rifle build. A mark 5.
The only accuracy testing I could find was with a mark 2 sub gun length barrel and was being fired open bolt.
The mark 2 has bad eargo, sights are only on the tube reciever. It could hit a person sized target at 100 yards, call it 1 MAN accuracy. No surprise.
The ATF approved sten gun rifle fires closed bolt and will have to have a 16 inch barrel to remain a title 1 gun.
The sight attaches to the front of the barrel so I'm...

Any one ever do a sten build?


3AC cooks up a storm, Bitcoin miner surges 360%, Bruce Lee NFTs dive: Asia Express "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

3ACs Kyle Davies becomes a connoisseur of white poultry, meanwhile SAI.TECHs stock more than doubles on no news as Bruce Lee NFTs flunk.


New Moon Solar Eclipse In Aries Intense Energies, Mercury Retrograde "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

by Matthew John, Contributing writer, Happy New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aries! The eclipse reaches its apex at 12:16 AM New York time (04:16 GMT) on Thursday, April 20, which is just three minutes after the New Moon becomes exact. The first Eclipse Season of 2023 begins with a super-amplified North Node Solar Eclipse in []

The post New Moon Solar Eclipse In Aries Intense Energies, Mercury Retrograde first appeared on In5D .


The Dunegan Tapes Reveal The Workings of the Minds of the Psychopaths Planning a New System "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Expos.

Sinister plans revealed in 1969 describe the implementation of a New System.  When the new system takes over people will be expected to sign allegiance to it, indicating that they dont have any reservations or holding back to the old system. There just wont be any room for people who wont go along. We cant have such people cluttering up the place so such people would be taken to special places, Dr. Richard Day said.

The above is from the transcripts of The Dunegan Tapes the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan about a lecture given by Dr. Day in 1969 describing the existence, scope, and direction of a conspiracy against humanity.

A few days ago, we published an article that included extracts from Tape 1 of The Dunegan Tapes.  Although we listed the topics covered in Tape 2 at the end, we didnt provide any details.  Below we follow on from that article with extracts from Tape 2.

To find out more about the contents of The Dunegan Tapes, you can visit The Revelations of Dr. Richard Day, an extremely well-documented WordPress blog entirely dedicated to this subject, where you can explore the numerous topics allegedly discussed by Dr. Day in his 1969 lecture

The following are extracts from the Transcript of The Dunegan Tapes, Tape 2.  You can read the full transcripts of Tapes 1 to 3 HERE.

No More Security

Nothing is permanent. Streets would be rerouted and renamed. Areas you had not seen in a while would become unfamiliar. Among other things, this would contribute to older people feeling that it was time to move on, people would feel they couldnt even keep up with the changes in areas that were once familiar.

Vacant buildings would be allowed to stand empty and deteriorate, and streets would be allowed to deteriorate in certain localities. The purpose of this was to provide the jungle, the depressed atmosphere for the unfit. Somewhere in this same connection, Dr. Day mentioned that buildings and bridges would be made so that they would collapse after a while, there would be more accidents involving airplanes and railroads, and automobi....


Crochet Patterns Created by ChatGPT Are Creepy "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

Are you always looking for good crochet patterns? The Guardian recently reported that ChatGPT is capable of producing real crochet patterns. Sounds amazing, right?

Put your hook, down. We need to talk about this.

The Guardian article tells us crocheter, Alexandra Woolner, created a viral TikTok with a first attempt using a ChatGPT-generated crochet pattern. The OpenAI chatbot was prompted for a walrus crochet pattern. The finished product ended up beingnot a walrus, exactly. But it did sort of look like a sea creature.


Its cursed and I love it. #AI #crochet #narwhal #knit #WorstedWAITaminute

original sound Generated Crochet

Woolner told the Guardian, The consensus among people who have seen it is that it looks wrong and ugly, but also very cute.

So, yeah. The animal had ginormous eyeballs and colossal tusk. Its disturbing, miscalculated,...


How History Has Been Misrepresented What Else has Been? "IndyWatch Feed Allcommunity"

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There is much about the ancient past that we have been misled about from building the history of the human race through biased archaeology while ignoring erratics, to even getting the true age of human civilization time lines wrong. How is it that huge blocks of granite could have been moved by the ancient means such as using copper tools to cut and sculpt it, moving it hundreds of miles of dense jungle with horses and wheels? Really? One problem is allowing archaeologists make their biased guesses instead of bring in engineers and architects who could evaluate the resistance and the loads it would have taken to achieve such feats. The Egyptian Obelisk weighing 1500 tons cut from a huge piece of stone and still lying in an excavated pit? How were they going to raise that kind of weight from its resting place? With mechanical cranes using electric or diesel powered engines?

Image result for North American petroglphs

The view from above

Petroglyphs mark the terrain of the United States in various depictions of winged serpents and pre-Ice Age animals. Who carved out these ancient tributes to the gods? There are rune stones reminiscent of Viking archaeological remnants all over the North American continent going much further into the interior of North America than Leif Ericson was ever supposed to have explored. Some of these have a strong similarity to the Leprechaun dwellings found in Ireland that natives there are so superstitious about that if a site is unearthed during construction, the project will be altered or cancelled in fear of bad luck. Who left them in North America?

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From Eden to Bad Lands

We know that 6500 years ago the Sahara Desert in Africa was once a gigantic fresh water lake larger than the combined Great Lakes of North America. Yet, climate change reduced a deep and massive lake to the most arid and hostile environment that one can imagine. Man was not any kind of contributor to global temperature at all at that time, and yet a heated atmosphere and a shift in rainfall patterns rendered an inland sea into a sandy and hellish topographical anomaly. Im fairly certain there were no internal combustion engine cars, gas burning stoves, heating oil furnaces, or passenger jets leaving contrails in the atmosphere. The same goes for Papoose Lake near what we know today as Area 51, another huge fresh water lake that somehow dried up while ancient man dealt with the raw elements of a mo...

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